
Ideas for an old new year. How to celebrate New Year with children


How to organize a New Year holiday at home?

Arranging a magical holiday for your child is not difficult. You will need a little imagination, a little time and, of course, a big desire!

Unfortunately, in most families the childhood impressions of the New Year's holiday are the same: you sit, all day watching TV, while mom conjures in the kitchen. And late at night, when your eyes are completely stuck together, you are seated at the New Year's table, and finally you are allowed to look under the tree ... Boring!

We suggest you change the usual scenario a bit and make this day truly festive. You will see that this New Year will be remembered by you and your child for a long time!

It is best to arrange a children's holiday separately from an adult, in the daytime. Firstly, you can think over everything so that the child enjoys it, and secondly, having played enough and received gifts, he will probably get a little tired - you will have time to do the pre-holiday chores: cleaning and the New Year's table. After the children's New Year, invite the child to rest for an hour or two, after which he will be able to join adult company   and celebrate the holiday “in an adult way”, with a chiming clock. Or go to bed: he has already received presents from Santa Claus! You should think over the New Year’s holiday for children in advance. The scenario of its holding will largely depend on the age of the son or daughter. And for the child to have fun, invite some of his friends. Our recommendations will help you.

Triumph for the smallest

If your baby is completely tiny, then the holiday should be playful. Children 2-3 years old quickly get tired of one type of activity, so alternate different entertainments - dances, songs, games. Many kids are afraid of Santa Claus, even in the performance of their own dad, so adults should not dress in fancy dresses - so as not to provoke tears in the kids. Think over games in which there are no tasks with rules, and all children will be considered as winners. For example, you can arrange a fun game with "snowballs" - crumpled paper napkins. Or create a New Year's drawing with the children: let everyone dip a finger in the paint for drawing and attach it to a blue sheet of paper. On a piece of paper you get a real "snowfall". In the same way, you can "decorate" a pre-painted Christmas tree. Children of this age are very fond of playing the “train”: children, led by an adult, line up one after another, and travel around the apartment with cheerful music. At each stop - a game or performance of the crumbs. For a poem or sung song, give your baby a small present: a chocolate bar, a bright seashell or a little book. The last destination is near the New Year tree, under which gifts lie. Play with the children the game “The Christmas Tree, Light Up!” In a new way: the children will blow the Christmas tree - the lights go out, clap their hands - the lights light up. You can turn on and off the lights not immediately, so that children clap louder and blow harder. Giveaways can also be beaten. For example, give small cards to children with images of various objects that are easily recognizable by children. The same pictures should also be glued on gift bags - let the kids figure out for themselves which package they are for!

New Year's fun for preschoolers

The older the child, the easier it is to prepare entertainment for him and his guests. The organization of such an event must be thought out in advance, in about a week. Start by writing a script. Any scenario should contain the main idea, a core on which game actions will be strung. For example, you can go to the "Land of Tales" - to riddle children with riddles about various characters. Or invite the children to find a bag of gifts stolen from Santa Claus. Or maybe you will celebrate New Year in the Sea Kingdom? In space, in the Wild West? In general, here the flight of your imagination is not limited to anything! Kids easily "get used to the role", and even an ordinary apartment for them easily turns into the North Pole, the wild jungle or a pirate ship. And games and tasks can be any, just slightly change the conditions so that they fit into the script and correspond to the New Year's - winter theme. And most importantly - that it was fun for everyone: both the kids and their parents. And for this it is quite appropriate to do some tasks more complicated so that mothers and fathers also join the game and help their crumbs to cope with these tasks.

All children love to run, jump, but after a happy running around you need to relax - this is where poems and riddles come in handy. Who guesses the riddle, that prize! Not necessarily something expensive. Even an apple, tangerine or candy wrapped in foil can light a spark of joy in children's eyes. Speaking of gifts. Children love to have many, many gifts! It is better to make some small gifts than to present one expensive toy, which, moreover, my mother will forbid to disassemble for parts. And do not give all the gifts at once - extend the pleasure to your baby. One, the most important, let him lie under the tree. Another one is under the pillow so that when your child wakes up on January 1, he squeals with delight, another one in the boot: there will be a surprise before the walk!

Almost like an adult

Gradually growing up, your child can tell you a secret that "Santa Claus does not exist." But this does not mean that the ten-year or even thirteen-year-old offspring does not expect miracles and magic on the pre-holiday evening! After all, even we adults make a wish for a chiming clock ... Allow yourself to become a child again this day: fool around with your son or daughter for a walk or, dressed up in carnival costumes, go with your whole family to congratulate relatives and friends. Prepare fun contests or a quiz in which children can participate on an equal basis with adults.

For example, the whole family will be happy to play the game "Who will say last?". The prize is received by the one who last gives the correct answer to the questions: what is worn on the head? what do they carry on their hands? Who in the world is the strongest? Good old games like “Spoiled Phone” or “Ring, Ring, Go Out on the Porch” will amuse both adults and children. Play a game like this: each of the participants thinks out what kind of gift he would give to his neighbor. And then everyone takes turns showing their “gift” with facial expressions and gestures. Once the neighbor has guessed, he can make his gift to the next player. Words are forbidden! In the most extreme case, a hint is allowed, but one that contains only a description (and not a name). After this, you can start distributing gifts! Of course, a gift for the child himself should be a surprise for him, but you can quite discuss it with him and choose presents for other family members - your child will be proud to be consulted as an adult.

Consider entertainment for this day so that the child does not have time to sit in front of the TV. You can go for a walk around the holiday city or look at the ice rink, and even better - take tickets to the cinema or theater.

Outdoor Celebration

If the end of December gives really snowy weather, go with your child to the yard - sculpt a snowman and take dances around a live Christmas tree. You can invite your nephews or housemates with you - in a big company is more fun! This version of a children's party has a lot of advantages. Firstly, your creative possibilities will not be restrained by the narrow framework of the apartment, and secondly, such a holiday will surely be remembered by the kids for a long time!

Snow is a wonderful material for creativity. You can sculpt traditional snowmen, or you can - the castle of Santa Claus himself or the Snow Queen. Or create a real zoo - to mold a hare, a bear, an elephant. And if you grab paints from the house and color your creations, the sculptures will become as if alive! For better preservation, snow figures are doused with water. You can decorate your creations with colored ice, having prepared it at home in advance. It is done quite simply: add watercolors to the water, pour into an ice container and put in the freezer. In a few hours, colorful ice floes will be ready!

If the weather will please you with a sunny day, go with the kids to the park or forest. Choose a pretty Christmas tree in advance, dress it with homemade toys brought by you - and drive funny round dances! In addition to fun, children will receive a good lesson in caring for nature.

Children's holiday duration

We decorate the house together

Your child with great pleasure will help you prepare the apartment for the holiday! Here are some ideas you can use.

We decorate the Christmas tree

Traditional Christmas toys are beautiful, but hanging them on the Christmas tree from year to year is a little boring. Remember with your child everyone’s favorite cartoon “Winter in Prostokvashino”. How did his characters adorn the forest beauty? That's right, with antiques found in the attic. So why not hang on the Christmas tree all the funny little things that accumulate in any house where there is a child? Trinkets, rings, bright beads and mother’s bored jewelry, small toys from Kinder surprises - all this will look funny on a New Year tree.

Snow patterns on the window

To paint window panes with New Year's drawings - what could be more interesting! Of course, provided that you then, after the holidays, do not be too lazy to wash the glass ... For work, it is better to take gouache paints - they will not curl on a glass surface. The plot, of course, is New Year's: fir branches with bright toys, frosty patterns, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. You can also draw the emblem of the year - as a tribute to the coming year.

New Year crafts

Dip the ordinary twigs in a strong salt solution, let them dry - and you and the baby will succeed beautiful bouquet   branches covered with hoarfrost. Openwork snowflakes made of foil or plain white paper look great on window panes. Another idea is a New Year's collage made from cut out pictures from old magazines and torn books.


With the smallest, you can make an original garland of ... ordinary pasta! To do this, paint the pasta with multi-colored paints. When they dry, string them on a strong thread - the garland is ready! In general, anything joins in a garland: paper toys of any shape, stars cut out of foil, acorns and cones found on a walk. These finds look especially good when painted with silver or gold spray paint.

How to spend new Year at home? December ... The month that we have all been waiting for so long and which, by and large, are a little afraid. After all, this is an endless, often ineffective search for gifts, selection of outfits, compilation of a New Year’s menu and much more. Such troubles are unsettling, and the thought “how and where to celebrate the holiday?” From early morning until late at night is spinning in the head of even the busiest people. If you want to feel unusual this year, again plunging into childhood memories, give your child a real fairy tale, but do not want to leave your home and invite theater artists to it, you need to organize this holiday so that it is remembered for the whole year. Here are some simple tips to help create a good mood in the house: 1. Start all preparations in advance: buy, or rather, make cards and gifts with your child, invitations for guests, think over a festive outfit, and learn poems with your child. And please, do not try to surprise someone with your creative, culinary abilities or expensive gifts. Remember that holidays are for relaxation, not work. Even children dream about it! 2. Connect everyone to the pre-holiday chores: let someone do the cleaning, someone goes to the store for groceries, and it’s better to think over the holiday menu together: compiled “on request”, it will delight all your relatives and guests. Be sure to talk with the parents of your young guests first, try to find out what foods or drinks should be avoided. In this case, you can fully satisfy the tastes of children, without exposing them to danger once again covered with an allergic rash. Well, your child will be happy to help you bake cookies or make sandwiches. Do not forget: they must remind kids of fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes or heroes of their favorite cartoons. The holiday should be not only tasty and healthy, but also beautiful !!! And one more thing: when children gather at the table, it is very important to set the table in advance so as not to be distracted later. 3. Consider a festive decoration at home. The simplest and most effective option is to turn your home into the estate of Santa Claus. To do this, it is enough to turn an ordinary chair into a throne with a sheet or bedspread and decorate it with sequins, tinsel, garlands. Near him, so solemnly sound any congratulations and verses! Your dining room can become a refectory for a winter guest, just cover the table with a beautiful tablecloth with New Year's decor and put candles, New Year's compositions from fir or pine branches and dishes reminding children of Santa Claus’s friends. Even chairs for children can be turned into funny animals. This will help solve the problem of seating the kids - you just need to know their carnival costumes in advance. Let your Christmas tree sparkle with bright lights, and on the walls there will be figures of fairy-tale heroes, bright garlands will be hung everywhere - so you can cheer up the most inveterate skeptics. Although among kids this is very rare! By the way: here it would be nice to use the help of children: let them themselves (or with the help of adults) make Christmas decorations, invitations for guests, decoration for gifts and surprises. Their invention and imagination can amaze! 4. Present a fairy tale to children: arrange a special holiday for them - show a performance ending with finding gifts under the Christmas tree, organize a masquerade, go out with them and play snowball, build a snow fortress, make a snowman. And, of course, do not forget about Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden! These characters are an indispensable attribute of a children's holiday. However, consider the age of your little ones! For the smallest - children up to 2-3 years old, it would be better if dad and mom turn into these heroes for a while. Moreover, I recommend showing the costumes of the grandfather and his granddaughter to the kids in advance and tell them what kind of heroes they are, why they come to them. You can even touch clothes, try on them on kids. Yes, and it is better to change clothes with the children - so they will not be scared, but will be happy to play games with the characters and wait for their gifts. Older children invite yourself to play fairy-tale characters - the helpers of Santa Claus. The guys will happily turn into fairies, elves, gnomes. Just do not forget to prepare costumes for them in advance! Do not be alarmed - this is not difficult: just a little imagination and fiction. The main thing here is not authenticity, but the ability to at least be a bit like your favorite hero! Just pick up a few attributes. It can be magic wands, wide-brimmed hats, staves, multi-colored capes. What to do next - your directorial talent and the children themselves will tell you - they are much to fiction! However, on New Year's Eve itself, do not forget to observe the regime: let the children celebrate the New Year with you, and after an hour send them to bed, promising to tell a wonderful fairy tale the next morning. A holiday is a holiday, but you should always think about health! 5. Remember: New Year is a holiday, and on a holiday it is customary to have fun. Therefore, think about what games you can play, how fun and unusual to congratulate everyone and give them gifts. Tear off the attention of children from the TV by announcing a holiday program. Well, if the house has musical instruments or karaoke. Then you can portray famous artists, compete in the knowledge of New Year's songs, compose them yourself. One of the guests may become a fortuneteller and predict the fate of everyone for the next year. Another option: “get the New Year’s wishes out of the hat”: the names of the guests rush into one hat, the wishes of them next year into the other. Then names and wishes are randomly pulled out of the hat. For example: to mother - to study only at "five", and to the daughter - "to grow up on service". Create a good mood for yourself and raise it to others! So, our recipe for a successful New Year is this: take a little imagination, a bit of common sense, more have a good mood, add fairy tales there, mix everything, put it on a big New Year's dish and offer it all to family or friends. If you approach the preparation of such a “dish” creatively, carefully consider the recipe for its preparation - the result will not disappoint!

How to have a fun New Year at home with children? Such a question is often asked by those parents who spend this holiday in the family circle. We will show you some ideas on how to make this evening interesting and memorable.

How to decorate a children's New Year's table

In order for a new evening at home with a child to be fun and interesting, you need to pay attention to every detail in advance. Very important is the New Year's table for the smallest. It must be beautifully decorated: a bright tablecloth, colored dishes for serving, and decorations. Especially for children, you can cook interesting and funny dishes in the form of Christmas trees, houses, animals and birds. Be sure to involve children in the processes of decorating the table and preparing and decorating dishes. To decorate the table, beautifully and unusually chopped fruits and vegetables, paper figures, Christmas tinsel, fir branches and cones, spangles, Christmas napkins are useful to you. Do not use burning candles to decorate the children's New Year's table: they can be very dangerous for children. If you want to decorate the table in an unusual way, you can use Christmas garlands with colorful lights. It is most convenient to use battery-powered garlands for decorating the table. Remember that all toys and accessories for decorating a children's holiday table must be made of unbreakable materials.

New Year's games with children

After the festive table, it's time to play fun new year games. Here are some simple games that will amuse your children and their comrades:

"Who is warmer."   During this game, all participants try to melt the ice cubes previously prepared in the freezer in their hands as quickly as possible. Whoever will melt it faster than anyone else - he won. Remember that this game is not worth playing with young children. In order to warm the participants ’frozen hands after the game, use warm water or mittens. If the child is too small to melt an ice cube on his own, then help him cope with this task.

"Who Blinds Snowball Faster." During this game, all participants are given several newspaper sheets. At the host’s command, all participants crumple the newspaper sheets in such a way as to create a round “snowball”. The leader marks time. After time, the resulting "snowballs" are compared. The one with the “snowball” will be the largest and most accurate.

"Dress up the Christmas tree."   This game is played by two teams, each of which includes one adult and several children. During the game, an adult depicts a Christmas tree, a group of children tries to dress up the Christmas tree with toys and tinsel as soon as possible. To secure the toys on the Christmas tree, use safety pins or paper clips, as well as clothespins. The team wins the game, the "tree" of which will be more beautifully decorated.

"New Year's fortune-telling."   Each participant draws a ticket from a pre-prepared box on which a prediction is written about how the next year will pass and what pleasant events in life await him next year.

"Chicken paw."   The participants of the game should write the phrase “Happy New Year” on a large piece of paper with a felt-tip pen attached to the foot or head.

"What hangs on the Christmas tree."   This game can be played by children of different ages. You can make up teams of 2-3 people or play this game one at a time. Teams (or participants) take turns carefully examining the tree, remembering what is hanging on the branches. Then the participants take turns leaving the room, at which time the facilitator swaps the hanging toys, adds new ones or hides the ones that were hanging before. The returning team (or one participant) tells what has changed during the absence. The older the participants, the more difficult the changes made by the facilitator can be. The team (or participant) wins that will notice the greatest number of changes.

Gifts and surprises for children and adults

The holiday will be unforgettable if gifts are waiting for each member of the family. As a game, you can hide small gifts and souvenirs in different secret places of the apartment and suggest finding them by following the instructions on the “treasure map” or notes written in prominent places with descriptions of the next search step.

New Year's fireworks

Favorite entertainment for all children is the launch of fireworks. Do not forget the rules that must be observed when starting fireworks: in no case do not hand them over to children, follow the instructions on the package, make sure that the distance from the apartment buildings is not less than that indicated on the packaging of the pyrotechnic product as safe. All spectators should be at a sufficient distance from the leeward side of the fireworks.

New Year's table for the little ones

The festive table is eagerly awaited by both adults and children. Usually it is customary to prepare tasty, unusual dishes for the New Year holidays, but parents should not forget that many holiday dishes are harmful to children.

"Adult" food from the New Year's table may end for children with indigestion. High-calorie meat dishes children's stomach digests with great difficulty. Fried foods can also negatively affect children's health. Salads seasoned with mayonnaise should definitely not be given to children: the children's gastrointestinal tract is not ready to digest such dishes.

It should be very careful to acquaint the child with products that are not used in the daily diet: seafood, exotic fruits. Therefore, the children's menu for the New Year must be taken care of in advance.

Children's menu for the New Year should not differ from the daily diet of the baby, but should be beautifully designed. This also applies to dishes, cutlery, and decorations. For example, the edges of the plates can be sprinkled with “snow” - greased with sugar syrup and sprinkled with powdered sugar in half with sugar. You can use bright New Year's napkins, glasses and plates to decorate the table. On the table, especially for children, you can put a small artificial Christmas tree or a tree of fruits, vegetables, tangerines, sweets. You can also shelter your own decorations on the New Year's table - snowmen, snowflakes, cones, figures of New Year heroes.

Text:    Yarmolik Ekaterina 11645

Two weeks after the night of New Year's festivities, we again gather at the festive table in order to congratulate each other again on the holiday. But this time with the Old New Year. This is a great opportunity to realize ideas that have not come true on New Year's Eve or to get together again as a family, or maybe meet with those whom we wanted, but could not see on New Year's Eve. Therefore, the Old New Year is filled with special meaning. figured out what kind of holiday it is and how it can be noted!

Why are we celebrating the Old New Year?

If someone suddenly forgot, we remind you: We celebrate the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14. And this is not a worldwide celebration, it is difficult for foreigners to understand its essence. Tradition was born in 1918. The fact is that a new chronology began in Russia and the celebrations moved two weeks in advance. But the tradition of celebrating according to the old calendar remained with the people, and, oddly enough, exists to this day. On this holiday, the inhabitants of our country, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia again wish each other good luck in the new year and raise glasses for the past year.

How to spend: 10 ideas

Unfortunately, this is not a red day on the calendar. You will most likely spend the whole day on January 13th in business and concerns. But this is no reason not to have fun in the evening. Arrange a holiday for yourself and spend it as it was not possible to celebrate the New Year. A sort of second take for December 31.

1. A warm circle of friends. Invite guests who were not (and would like to see nearby) on New Year's Eve. For example, a friend living in another city.

2. Arrange a grand family feast.
  After all, the New Year is a family holiday. But everyone, as a rule, has his own plans this night. And for the Old New Year, few plan personal affairs. Take advantage of this and invite all relatives - this is not about parents (this goes without saying). Send invitations to aunts, uncles, sisters with their soul mates. Moreover, you have not seen each other for a long time (the last time at a wedding with relatives, probably).

3. Visit your hometown.
  Even if you live in it. Discover the night city, because you can celebrate the Old New Year under the starry sky! Wander around familiar streets, dance crazy dances to the New Year’s rhythms in the square with a crowd of people. After that, blind a snowman with a carrot nose in the courtyard of the house. And if you live in another city, then be sure to go home. We think your family will be very pleased to see you.

4. Arrange a romantic evening.
  On New Year's Eve, we were not able to stay with your beloved alone? You have a chance to fix it. Arrange. Only there are no herrings under a fur coat and olivier. Order sushi or cook your signature dish and light candles. And closer to 12.00 take a bath together, congratulate each other and drink a glass of champagne.

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5. In the best restaurant traditions ...
Many places of the city, cafes and restaurants, offer a special program and menu on this holiday. Even if you don’t find a suitable place, go to your favorite restaurant or book a table where you have been wanting to visit for a long time, but it somehow didn’t work out.

6. In the winter: on the rink
  By this time . Choose the place closest to the house. It’s great if you go to the rink with a big company, but together, and even alone, it will be fun. And after at home or in a cozy cafe, warm yourself and your friends with warm mulled wine.

7. Ski complex
  Have you wanted to ski or snowboard for a long time? Or fly off a hill on a tubing? it will help you realize this venture. If time and opportunity allow, go out of town: to Silichi, Lagoysk or to the Yakutsk mountains in Dzerzhinsk. Well, if in the city you can visit the Sunny Valley Active Leisure Park, located in Kurasovschina.

8. Exotic countries or “Happy New Year!” To the sound of the surf
  This is an option for those who have a couple of days off in stock, and the wallet is not completely empty after the holidays. Old New Year in Turkey, Egypt or the Emirates will certainly be remembered.

9. Theme party or carnival!
  The main thing is to warn guests about the dress code. This evening without masks and costumes, entry is strictly prohibited. It could be a Venetian ball or a Disney theme. And by the way, the party may not be necessarily noisy, because you can arrange a family carnival or invite friends along with the children.

10. Fortune telling: on coffee grounds and not only ...
  Perhaps the most mysterious idea. Guessing is necessary only with the onset of darkness. One of the most popular fortune telling is wax. They drop it into water and determine the future by the shapes formed from the drops. Sometimes, to know him, you need to show imagination.

They say that in order to find out the name of the future groom, you need to go out that evening and ask the name of the first person you meet.

And there is a funny fortune-telling on cooked dumplings with your own hands. In certain dumplings, they do not put a delicious filling, but predictive. Peas, coins or beans are used as messengers.

Beans, for example, promise wealth, sugar - a sweet life, a button - a new thing, a coin, respectively, money, a bay leaf - fame.

Celebrate the Old New Year in a fun and grand way.