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Ivan the fool. Tales about Ivan the Fool: names. Russian fairy tales about Ivan the Fool. Biography and plot Folk tales about the Kolobok and Ivan the Fool

Tigieva Anna

This work is theoretical research question: why in Russian folk tales the main character is called a dirty word "Fool". The purpose of the research is to find out the origin and interpretation of this word, to find out why the hero is named "Ivan" and not some other name, and also why Ivan is a fool, and not his clever older brothers at the end of the tale receive an award. In addition, the goal was to find out if there are similar plots in the tales of other nations and what tales about the Fool can teach children.

The work was awarded a 3rd degree diploma (with a medal) at the X Regional Competition for Young Researchers "A Step into Science" (January, 2013).



X Regional Competition for Young Researchers

"Step into Science"


Tigieva Anna Andreevna

Place of work

MBOU SOSH № 15, 3 "B" class,



Kolomenskaya Victoria Grigorievna,

primary school teacher

Vladikavkaz, 2012-2013

1. Introduction ________________________ page 3

  1. Main part _____________________ page 4
  1. The meaning and origin of the word "fool" p. 4
  2. Name "Ivan" ________________________ page 4
  3. Ivan's amazing abilities ______ page 5
  4. The image of a fool in the tales of other peoples ___ page 6
  5. The image of Ivan on the TV screen ______________ page 6
  6. What the tale teaches ____________________ page 7
  1. Conclusions ___________________________________ page 7
  2. Used literature ____________________ page 8


Many fairy tales have the same beginning: "Once upon a time there was a father and a mother, and they had three sons, two smart, and the third was a fool."

I wondered why main character - a fool. They laugh at him, they scold him and hurt him. Nobody wants to be a fool. After all, the word "fool" is a curse word. And in fairy tales, swearing becomes the name of the hero. The hero himself says to himself: "I am Ivan the Fool." Why?

I devoted my research to this question.

Main part.

In the explanatory dictionary of V.I. Dahl, I found an explanation for the word FOOL:

1. A fool is a stupid person, incomprehensible, reckless, stupid.

2. In the old days, this was the name of a court or house jester.

But why was not the first son called a fool, and not the second? After all, everyone can be stupid ...

I learned amazing things. According to one version, the third son was called a "fool" because he did not get a share from the inheritance of his parents. This is where the expression “stay in the fool” came from, that is, to remain empty-handed.

There is also a version that the word "fool" is a talisman, protection that saves a person from damage and evil eye.

And even in the distant past in Russia there was a tradition not to call children "adult" names, so that they would not be kidnapped by evil spirits while they are small and helpless. The child received the "adult" name at the age of 10 - 12 years, and before that he had a fake, "childish" nickname. The first son was called Pervak, the second son - Vtorak, the next - Drugak. Then the name became simpler, and began to sound like "Fool". The name Fool is found even in church documents from the 14th - 15th centuries! (These documents used to replace the birth certificate)

200 years later, in the 17th century, the word "fool" began to mean the same as now - a stupid person. Because the youngest is the most inexperienced and ignorant.

But since fairy tales were composed much earlier, Ivan the fool was not at all a fool, but simply the youngest among three brothers.

Why is the name IVAN most often found in fairy tales, after all, there were other names? It turns out that after the baptism of Russia came new custom give children the names of saints. Receiving such a name, a person should not disgrace him.

Most often there are saints with the name John, that is, Ivan. "John" is translated as "servant of God." It is a great honor for a person to bear such a name.

And so it happened that Ivan is a fool, he is the youngest boy in the family, he is like a gift from God, a servant of God. Ivan the Fool is the only brother who speaks in fairy tales. He thinks and guesses riddles, knows how to play a wonderful pipe or harp, sings and composes poems, jokes and jokes. His jokes are kind and reasonable. He knows how to talk with animals, with the sun and wind, and even with Baba Yaga and Koschei, his mother herself helps him - the earth is damp. That is, Ivan the fool has extraordinary abilities: for example, he can climb into the right ear of a horse, climb into the left - and become a handsome man. Ivanushka knows where Koshchei's death is hidden! In another tale, Ivan - peasant son meets Miracle - Yudo and cuts off all three of his heads with one blow! Only Ivan can catch Zhar - a bird or the magic horse Sivka - Burka.

Ivanushka - positive hero, kind, resourceful. He lives according to his conscience, there is no anger and cruelty in his words and actions.

Often in fairy tales, the king or other heroes send him “there, not knowing where” in order to “bring that, not knowing what,” or to gain fame and fortune for them. Ivanushka faces very difficult situations, but still becomes the winner. As a result, Ivan is a fool to marry a princess, becomes Ivan Tsarevich. Although for himself he never demands a reward for his exploits.

From here, by the way, there were expressions: "lucky fools", "fools happiness", "God loves fools."

But not only in Russian fairy tales there are heroes - fools who behave in about the same way. For example, in Germany, the fairy tale "Hans the Fool", the Italian fairy tale "Pietro the Fool", the French fairy tale "The Marriage of Jean is an Idiot", the Japanese fairy tale "Sankoh", the Nenets "Three Sons".

Over the mountains, over the forests,

Over wide seas

Not in heaven - on earth

An old man lived in one village.

The old lady has three sons:

The elder was smart,

Middle son this way and that,

The youngest was a fool.

The image of Ivanushka as a fool remains the most famous, films and cartoons are made about him, only his appearance has changed a little. For example, the cartoons "Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers", "Ivashka in the Far Away Kingdom", the movie "How Ivanushka went for a miracle."

The actions of modern characters are the same: they set a goal, go towards it, overcoming obstacles - and all this is done with a kind heart and for the good of people.

From ancient times, through fairy tales, life experience was passed from the elders to the younger. The younger ones learned to be indulgent and patient with the mentally deprived person. The children understood that it was possible to defeat the dark forces without even possessing the physical strength of the heroes. The main thing is to have kind heart, follow the chosen road to your goal.

The older brothers of Ivan the Fool have prudence and intelligence, but they do not enjoy the love of the people. They did not become the main heroes of the tale, because they do not achieve anything, act dishonestly, or are distracted from their goal by other temptations: they love only themselves, are proud of themselves, and disdain other people.

Therefore, they say: "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows."


From all this, I drew several conclusions:

  1. Time can change the meaning and meaning of words, as happened with the word "fool", because our speech develops.
  2. The fairytale hero Ivan is not a fool at all, he is cheerful, resourceful, patient and brave.
  3. Tales about Ivan teach kindness, patience, fortitude. They teach to protect the weak and be fair, teach to respect elders, to protect animals and nature.
  4. For his kind heart and courage, Ivan receives a reward, everyone loves and respects him, but he does not become cruel and arrogant, does not take revenge on his brothers for insults.
  5. The main goal of the tale, in my opinion, is to show that even the weakest and most foolish person, like Ivan the fool, can change fate and achieve his goal in life.

Used literature, Internet sources.

1. Budantsev Yuri “About Ivan the Fool. Epiphany thoughts "http://www.voskres.ru/articles/ivan.htm

2. Dal V.I. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language". Publishing house "Forum", Moscow, 2007

3. Sinyavsky A.D. “Ivan the Fool. Essay on Russian Folk Faith ”.http://ec-dejavu.ru/i/Ivan_durak.html

Probably, there is not a single Russian-speaking person who could not immediately remember at least one of which - Ivan the fool. And everyone can also describe this hero: Ivan is the youngest son in the family, unlucky, lazy and good-natured. It's better not to ask him about anything, otherwise, and even then only after long persuasion, Ivanushka will do everything worse than ever! But why, then, exactly at the end of the tale, he will get all the best and half the kingdom in addition? Let's try to figure it out.

Tales of Ivan the Fool: list

Best of all, the fairy tales themselves, or rather, their retelling, will help us to understand the character of the hero. Let's take only three of them, so to speak, the most typical.

  1. "Salt". The tale of the merchant's son Ivan, who, once setting out on a ship with a board and planks, fell during a storm on an unknown land and, finding salt there, went to trade it. Having successfully sold everything, he managed to take away the king's daughter as well. But the older brothers did not yawn, they threw Ivan into the ocean, and they themselves divided his prey. Yes, only the kind hero was lucky here: the giant took him home, right at the festive table. And the father, having learned about the unworthy behavior of the older brothers, drove them out of sight, and married the younger one to the princess.
  2. "The Tale of Ivan the Fool". In this tale, Ivan the Fool tracks down three horses that trample the grass in the royal garden. A mouse helps him in this, which the good fellow generously fed. Three horses - silver, gold and diamond - become the property of Ivanushka. But! As he was a fool for everyone behind the stove, he remained: he did not admit his booty to anyone! Later, when it was necessary, by order of the king, to jump to the balcony of the princess, he began to do it in turn, on each horse. And again he returned to the stove: what can you do - you fool ?! Only when they found and brought him to Ivan the Fool and the princess began to live together. True, not in the wards themselves, but in the goose barn. And only three wars, which Ivan won astride his magic horses, proved to the whole kingdom that he was not a fool, but simply very modest and A real hero! For this, Ivan became Tsar.
  3. "The Fool and the Birch". In this tale, the fool is real, because he tried to sell the inherited bull to an old dry birch that he met in the forest. And I gave her a loan! And for two days I went to get the money, I waited for everything to be returned. And only on the third - he could not resist, he grabbed the trunk with an ax, and there - the treasure hidden by the robbers! Well, fools - happiness!

There are also fairy tales about Ivan the Fool, their names can be continued endlessly: "Horse, Tablecloth and Horn", "Ivan Bykovich", "Humpbacked Horse", "Sivka-Burka", "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo" and etc.

Why did people like Ivan's image so much?

Why Ivan the Fool is a hero of fairy tales? Why is the Russian people imbued with such love for him? Is it because the Slavs are generally inherent in sympathy for the poor and the poor, a kind of Christian pity? We can talk about this for a long time.

After all, the people, who for many centuries lived in poverty and hopelessness, probably felt like the same unloved youngest son - Ivan the Fool, deceived by fate. Although, in spite of this, not only a fairy tale, but also life itself taught - not that really fool who, sitting on the stove, measures ash with a hat, spits at the ceiling or sells a bull to a birch, and the one who, arrogant, does not hear the world around itself, is not connected with it. Pride is a sin and it will be punished!

Belief in a miracle creates miracles

Ivan in his actions is guided not by logic, but only by intuition. Where do you get intuition for a person who always knows what, where and how much? How can it develop within the close framework of decency and canons? For a fool, the law is not written, and if it is written, then it is not read, and so on ... This means that our Ivan will choose the most illogical, the most "wild" of all the options, but it will certainly lead to luck, as it turns out later. After all, nothing prevents him from listening to intuition, and most importantly, hearing it!

Remember the fairy tale where Ivan worked for the priest for three years, and when he was offered to choose a bag of coins or a bag of sand for his labor, our hero, proceeding from only understandable logic to him, chose sand? Fool, and more!

But on the way home, he met a fire in the forest, in which a beautiful girl was burning, and then the sand came in handy! Ivan poured fire on them, saved the girl, and she, being a witch, became his devoted wife and helper.

By the way, why do you think the witch chose Ivan for herself? Yes, probably all for the same reason: this person knows how to act not by the rules, but by listening to the heart. Who, if not a sorceress, can appreciate such a talent!

Character features of the fairytale hero

Pay attention to the important character traits of our protagonist. All Russian tales about Ivan the Fool describe him not just stupid, but naive. For him, every new day is an opportunity to live anew, that is, not to reproach himself endlessly for voluntary and involuntary previous mistakes (and he does not remember them!), But to start everything from a new leaf. Isn't that what the followers of all kinds of philosophical and religious movements are trying to achieve?

In other words, Ivan the Fool proves every time that very little depends on human knowledge and skills in life, that is, they are secondary and cannot play the main, decisive role in the fate of a person. Remember the dictum of the greatest Lao Tzu: "The smart are not learned, and the scientists are not smart."

And Ivan in fairy tales is always absolutely open to higher knowledge. He, even setting off on a journey, as a rule, "goes where his feet are" or "where his eyes look." Thus, he immediately discards common sense (with which his older brothers do not part until the end of the tale) and from this he only gains. It turns out that not everything in our life obeys this very common sense!

Reflection in the image of Ivan the Fool pagan traditions

Some researchers closely connected the image of Ivan with pagan traditions preserved in folklore. For example, A. A. Durov in his dissertation emphasized that Ivan the Fool adorns Russian folk tales not only because of his narrow-mindedness, but because the pagans, it turns out, called everyone who was undergoing the initiation ceremony that way.

And the essence here was precisely in the peculiarities of the neophyte's behavior: he had to forget his former life, abandon rationality in his actions. It was this "stupidity" that became a distinctive quality of a person who wanted to turn from a "bake boob" into a real man.

Remember: in the tale, at the beginning of it, Ivan is a laughing stock who, sitting behind the stove, excuse me for the quote, "winds snot on his fist." And in the end, he is a successful, successful young man. So the initiation is passed!

And if you look at it from the other side?

Maybe the image of the simpleton Ivan the Fool reveals only the people's dream of supernatural forces capable of helping anyone? And some researchers believe that Ivanushka is a poetic dream, reflecting the dream of a carefree, cheerful life, which will still lead to happiness and wealth.

In the essay “Ivan the Fool. The Roots of the Russian Folk Faith ”A. Sinyavsky even grieves about the people who have chosen such a protagonist. After all, the fools in fairy tales are dirty, tattered, unwashed, without a penny in their souls, and even lazy to the point of insanity. But to play the pipe or compose songs - they are great for that. This total laziness scares the author of the essay, because it allegedly proves that the Russian person, expecting the blessings of life from above, forgets about his personal responsibility.

Eug. Trubetskoy, in his discourse on the fabulous Fool, argues that the habit of shifting responsibility onto the “broad shoulders of Nikola the Ugodnik” is the scourge of the Slavic character, lulling his energy and taking away his will to win.

The attitude in the fairy tale of living beings to Ivan the fool

But it should be noted that it is not laziness or narrow-mindedness that attracted loyal admirers to Ivan for so many centuries, but his kindness, trustfulness and straightforwardness. This hero does not skimp on a kind word and deed: he will let go, having saved him from trouble, a living being, will pity the wanderer or an old woman, and they will all later repay him in the same coin.

Such a hero as Ivan the Fool, and gray wolf help, and a pike, and a dog, and a cat. Before him, all the obstacles part - after all, he is not afraid that this may not happen!

Do you remember the path to success indicated in the movie "The Wizards": "I see the goal - I see no obstacles"? This is exactly what happens to Ivanushka in every fairy tale. He sees no obstacles to chopping off the twelve heads of the Serpent Gorynych or turning into a beautiful prince by dipping into a vessel with rejuvenating water. He trusts in God and receives by his faith!

There are also options for the origin of Ivan's offensive nickname

Or maybe Ivan was not known as a fool because of the peculiarities of his mind-reason? The guy was just unlucky - he was born the third in the family, which means that all the inheritance left from his father will be taken away by the eldest sons, and the youngest will be left with nothing. Is it not because Ivan is a fool that he was left out from his youth?

There is another version of why Ivanushka bears such an insulting nickname. The point is that in Ancient Rus children were given two names. One, received at baptism, was kept secret (remember the proverb: "they call it a name, but they call it a duck?" the kid is already worthless! And children lived in Russian villages who wore up to 13 years strange names: Scary, Illness, Rottooth, Chernorot, etc.

Often the children were named according to the order of birth: Pervak \u200b\u200b(or First), Drugak (Second, Other), Tretyak, Chetvertak, and so on, according to the number of heirs. So, some researchers believe that Fool is a transformed, modified name Drugak. Well, perhaps, the Fools were such only in the order of birth ...

The image of Ivan the Fool in child psychology

Speaking about such an ambiguous image in Russian culture, it is important to note that fairy tales about Ivan the Fool are also an effective method of child psychotherapy. After all, a child naturally feels timid before the future: how will he fit into adulthood? After all, he knows and he can do so little! And the fairy tale soothes him: "Do not be afraid, and they were not like that at the top!" The tale says: "The main thing is to take the first step, trusting your inner voice, and then you will get even more than you expect!"

And the child, nudged by the success of such a hero as Ivan the Fool, goes, no longer fearing, into adulthood, supplied with important experience: there is no bottom from which it would be impossible to rise, there is no such trouble that could not be overcome.

By the way, every child and fabulous Ivan are always open to a miracle. Maybe that's why miracles constantly happen to them? And the fairy tale about the Fool is actually about how to forget excessive "cleverness" if you strive to win.

So who is this darling

Researchers believe that tales about Ivan the Fool carry a certain strategy that does not come from standard postulates that call for always acting wisely, but on the contrary, relies on the search for original, illogical and unexpected solutions. But they are successful!

In Ivan the Fool is hidden perfect person - true to his word, honest and devoid personal interest... Indeed, he also has a negative attitude towards wealth (received as an addition to his wife), despite the fact that at the end of the tale he always owns it.

This state of affairs is quite understandable by the fact that the desire for wealth is, from the point of view of the Russian people, always a sign of self-interest, greed, which means that it cannot be a quality of a positive person. And since Ivanushka is the embodiment of something ideal, then he simply must be unmercenary, who does not know the value of money and does not seek to make it.

Why does God love fools?

Although the statement in the subtitle seems illogical at first glance, there is still logic in it. Judge for yourself: after all, the Fool has no one else to hope for! Nobody else can help him! And he won't help himself either. There is only hope for God's providence.

In addition, Ivan the Fool, in whatever fairy tales he appears, is always filled with extraordinary trust only in this. He does not listen to human advice and does not learn anything from his own experience, but he is absolutely open to Providence - and it never fails such a hero!

And not only Fools, but also quite reasonable heroes fairy tales The Lord takes them out of a difficult situation for them, as soon as they find themselves at a crossroads - they do not know where to go. That is, behind each of them there is an invisible image of Ivan the Fool, his passive state, open to perception, which helps to make the only correct choice and win in the struggle for life.

The image of the Fool in literature and cinema

Ivan the fool, capable of "breaking" with himself all the framework and decency, so closely surrounded an ordinary person, put down deep roots in Russian literature and cinema. This image was used by F.M.Dostoevsky, A.N. Ostrovsky, N.S. Leskov, M. Gorky, and many others. famous writers and poets.

After all, you can put into his mouth what the "noble" hero will never utter, and his actions make the viewer be in constant tension and continuously follow the development of the plot.

Art proves to us: it is Fools who are truly free people. They are not bound by conventions, their actions defy logic, and everything they do is the right path to the Miracle.

And thank God that Fools are indestructible! Otherwise, miracles would simply go away from us, and the world, accordingly, would dry up through the efforts of the “wise men” and pragmatists.

If in order for the world to have a place for Magic, they are necessary, then each of us can and should from time to time put on the cap of the main character of the tale about Ivan the Fool. The names we give to this action are always the same - this is life!

\u003e Tales of Ivan the Fool and Ivan the Fool

This section presents a collection of fairy tales about Ivan the Fool in Russian. Enjoy reading!

  • I In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich man. And the rich man had three sons: Semyon the warrior, Taras the belly and Ivan the fool, and the daughter of Malanya the vekoukha (vekovukha, old maid - Ed.), Dumb. Semyon the warrior went to war, to serve the tsar, Taras the Bruchan went to the city to the merchant, to trade, and Ivan the fool ...

  • In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived an old man with an old woman. They had three sons, the third was named Ivan the Fool. The first two are married, and Ivan the Fool is single; two brothers did business, ran the house, plowed and sowed, while the third did nothing. Once father and daughters-in-law began to send Ivan to the field ...

    An old man and an old woman lived. They had three sons: two smart, and the third - a fool. The brothers and their parents began to get ready for work. Ivan the Fool also began to get ready - he took crackers, poured water into an eggplant. They ask him: - Where are you going? - With you to work. - You're not going anywhere. Take good care of the door ...

  • The tale of Ivan the Fool and his two brothers: Semyon the Warrior and Taras the Bruchan, and the dumb sister Malanya, and the old devil and the three devils. I In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a rich man. And the rich man had three sons: Semyon the warrior, Taras the belly and Ivan the fool, and the daughter Malanya the vekoukh ...

  • The old man had three sons. The sons have grown up to the fellow, in the hands of the strength is not measured, the hair is curly, the blush plays on the cheeks. Then one day the father says: - Soon it is time to marry you, it will become cramped for everyone in the old house. Must new house work. They got down to business. They dragged the logs - hooted, put the log house - songs ...

    Not in which kingdom, not in which state the old man lived with his old woman. Well, the old man could not work anything else, as he was very old - he went to the forest to chop wood. Once he went to his work, and just entered the forest, he looks - there are nine eggs lying on a bush. What did he do: took the eggs in a mitten, ...

  • In one thirtieth kingdom, in the thirteenteenth state, there lived a king. However, there and besides the tsar there were plenty of people. Basically all peasant people. And there were no workers there and no proletarians of any kind. Otherwise, this king would have come to an end long ago, they would have been overthrown. The king's name was different. According to some sources - Berendey, ...

  • CHAPTER N (About intelligence) And now my grandmother will come into the room and say: - Well, you fool, you mess around again? All century you should be a jester from yourself, you are a stoerosy idol. And I will somersault on a tightly stretched wire and answer: - Grandmother, grandmother, Vera Petrovna! Well, why are you swearing like that, tearing ...

  • In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king with his queen; They did not have children, but lived together for up to ten years, so the king sent to all the kings, to all the cities, to all the nations - on the devil: who could heal so that the queen would become pregnant? Princes and boyars, rich merchants gathered ...

    There was a man, he had three sons: two smart ones, the third a fool. That's good, the peasant conceived to sow peas, and no one knows who he is on the peas. The father sees that everything is beaten, knocked down, trampled, and began to say to his children: - My dear children! It is necessary to watch, who tramples peas? Now big brother ...

    Husband and wife lived. For a long time they did not have children, and then, already in their old age, three sons were born at once: one was born in the evening, the other at midnight, and the third in the early morning. And they called them all Ivans: the eldest - Ivan Vechernik, the middle - Ivan Midnighter, and the youngest - Ivan Utrenik. The brothers grew up looking at the forest. ...

  • A fairy tale is composed of adventures, flaunts with sayings, responds with past fables, does not chase everyday life; and whoever is going to listen to my fairy tale, let him not be angry with Russian sayings, he should not be afraid of the home-grown language; I have a storyteller in sandals; he did not stagger on the parquetry, the vaults are painted, ...

  • Once upon a time there was an old man who had three sons. The elders were busy with the housekeeping, they were dandy and dapper, and the youngest, Ivan the Fool, was so-so - he loved to go mushrooming in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. It's time for the old man to die, so he punishes his sons: - When I die, you go to ...

  • CHAPTER ONE LETTER FROM HOLLAND It started in an early warm yellow autumn at the very beginning of the school year. During a big break, the class teacher Lyudmila Mikhailovna entered the class in which Roma Rogov studied. She said: - Guys! We had a great joy. Our headmaster returned from ...

  • Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman; they had a son, Ivan the Fool. The time has come - the old man and the old woman died. Ivan the Fool also says: - That I live alone at home, it is better to go on God's path to seethe. So he went. A priest came to meet him. Pop says to Ivan the Fool: - Where did you go? Ivan the Fool answers: - Yes, here's a father ...

There was an old man with an old woman; they had three sons: two smart, the third - Ivanushka the fool. Clever sheep grazed in the field, but the fool did nothing, he sat on the stove and caught flies.

At one time, an old woman cooked rye dumplings and says to the fool:

- Now, take these dumplings to your brothers; let them eat.

She poured a full pot and gave it to him; he wandered over to his brothers. The day was sunny; as soon as Ivanushka left the outskirts, he saw his shadow from the side and thinks:

“What kind of person is this? He walks next to me, does not lag a step: right, you wanted a dumpling? " And he began to throw dumplings on his shadow, so he threw out every single one; looks, and the shadow goes on from the side.

- What an insatiable womb! - said the fool with a heart and threw a pot into her - shards scattered in different directions.

Here comes with empty hands to the brothers; they ask him:

- You fool, why?

- I brought you lunch.

- Where is lunch? Let's live it up.

- Yes, you see, brothers, you have become attached to me on the way, who knows what kind of person and ate everything!

- What kind of person?

- Here it is! And now it stands next to it!

Brothers well scold him, beat him, beat him; they beat off and forced the sheep to graze, while they themselves went to the village to dine.

The fool began to mouth; sees that the sheep scattered across the field, let's catch them and tear out their eyes. He caught everyone, gouged everyone's eyes, gathered the herd into one heap and sits there as if he had done the job. The brothers dined and returned to the field.

- What have you done, you fool? Why is the flock blind?

- Why are they eyes? How you left, brothers, the sheep scattered apart, and I came up with: I began to catch them, collect them in a heap, tear out my eyes - how worn out!

“Wait, you’re not so crazy yet! - say the brothers and let's treat him with fists; after all, the fool got nuts!

Not much time has passed, the old men sent Ivanushka the Fool to the city for the holiday to buy. Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped up all sorts of things. He is going home, and the horse is like that, you know, bad: lucky - unlucky!

“Why,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “after all, the horse has four legs and the table also has four, so the table will run by itself”.

He took the table and put it on the road. Rides and rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak.

“To know, to the sisters to eat and eat, hunt that they shouted so!” - thought the fool. He put the dishes on the ground and began to regale:

- Dear sisters! Eat to your health.

And he himself is moving forward and forward.

Ivanushka goes by the copse; on the way all the stumps are burnt.

“Eh, - thinks guys without hats; they will be chilled, dear ones! "

I took pots and pots on them. So Ivanushka drove to the river, let's give the horse some water, but it still doesn't drink.

“I don't want to know, without salt!” - and, well, salt the water. I poured out a bag of salt full, the horse still does not drink.

- What are you not drinking, wolf meat? Did I empty a bag of salt for nothing?

He grabbed her with a log, but right in the head - and killed on the spot. Ivanushka had only one purse with spoons left, and he carried it on himself. Goes - the spoons back and they bryak: bryak, bryak, bryak! But he thinks that the spoons say: “Ivanushka is a fool!” - he threw them and trample and say:

- Here's Ivanushka the fool! Here's Ivanushka the Fool! They also decided to tease, worthless! He returned home and said to the brothers:

- All redeemed, brothers!

- Thank you, you fool, but where are your purchases?

- And the table is running away, yes, you know, it's lagging behind, the sisters eat from the dishes, put pots and pots on the heads of the children in the forest, salted the horse's swill with salt; and the spoons are teased - so I left them on the road.

- Go, you fool, hurry up! Collect everything you scattered along the road!

Ivanushka went into the forest, removed the pots from the burnt stumps, raised the bottoms and put a dozen different pots on the batog, both large and small. Carries home. The brothers beat him off; went to the city ourselves for shopping, and left the fool to play housewives. The fool listens, but the beer in the tub wanders and wanders.

- Beer, don't wander! Don't tease the fool! - says Ivanushka.

No, beer doesn't listen; took it and let it out of the tub, sat down in the trough himself, drove around the hut and sang songs.

The brothers arrived, were very angry, took Ivanushka, sewed him into a sack and dragged him to the river. They put the sack on the bank, and went to inspect the ice-hole.

At that time, a gentleman was driving past in a troika of Brown; Ivanushka and shout:

- They put me in the voivodeship to judge and row, but I neither judge nor row!

- Wait, you fool, - said the master, - I can judge and dress; get out of the cooler!

Ivanushka climbed out of the cooler, sewed the master into it, and he himself got into his cart and went out of sight. The brothers came, lowered the sack under the ice and listened; but in the water it grumbles.

- You know, the burka catches! - said the brothers and wandered home.

To meet them, out of nowhere, Ivanushka rides in a troika, rides and boasts:

- Here are a hundred horses I caught! And still there was Sivko - so nice!

The brothers became envious; say to the fool:

- Sew us up now into a sack and let us down quickly into the hole! Sivko will not leave us ...

Ivanushka the fool lowered them into the ice hole and drove home the beer to finish drinking and remember the brothers.

Ivanushka had a well, a dace fish in the well, and my fairy tale is over.

Ivan the Fool - the meaning of the tales and strategies of Ivan the Fool!

- The meaning of the name "fool"
- An example of Ivan's actions (in fairy tales)
- Ivan always acts stupidly (and in relation to himself too)
- Alternative logic of Ivanushka the fool
- The essence of the strategy is not in logic, but in intuition!
- The moral of the tales about Ivanushka the fool (why does he always win)?
- The secret is innocence
- Application in everyday life tactics of Ivan the Fool

- The meaning of the name "fool"

There are different versions of the origin of this name:

1) Due to the fact that the third son does not receive an inheritance
When the time comes to divide the inheritance, it will go to the older brothers, and the younger will be left with a nose, in a fool. If we adhere to this version, it turns out that the nickname for Ivan is assigned not so much by his mind as by his property status.

2) Name-amulet
Insulting nicknames were in use among the people: Ivan the Fool, or Mishka Oblique, or some other Curve, and so on. Moreover, the parents themselves gave the child offensive nicknames, and not at all because they wanted to mock him. They had their own logic. According to her, the unprepossessing name helped protect the child from evil spirits, which are much to spoil everything beautiful and okay. And what can you spoil when the child is already a fool? And the evil spirits switched to someone else.

It turns out that the prefix "fool" could not refer to the mental abilities of Ivanushka the fool, but simply protected him from the evil eye and damage. And then this custom was forgotten, and in the fairy tale everything remained as it is.

- An example of Ivan's actions (in fairy tales)

With brains, Ivan really, how to say, is not very good. He is given some simple instructions, for example, to go to the fair and return with new clothes, and he takes and throws things on the road. Here is what one of the tales says about it:
“Ivanushka bought everything: he bought a table, and spoons, and cups, and salt; a whole cart heaped up all sorts of things. He was going home, but the horse was like that, you know, bad luck, lucky - not lucky!

“Why,” Ivanushka thinks to himself, “the horse has four legs, and the table also has four; so the table itself will run. " He took the table and put it on the road.

Rides, rides, whether close or far, and the crows hover over him and all croak. “To know, to the sisters to eat and eat, hunt that they shouted so!” Thought the fool; put the dishes on the ground and began to regale them: "Sisters-dear, eat to your health!"

- Ivan always acts stupidly (and in relation to himself too)

He not only reacts to other people's orders like that. He treats his interests in the same way. In one of the tales, Ivan the Fool worked for the priest for three years, and when he offered him a fee to choose from, a bag of coins or a bag of sand, the fool took the sand. Well, who is he after that, one wonders?

- Alternative logic of Ivanushka the fool

On the other hand, the strange logic of Ivan the Fool's actions is striking. The impression that the hero is not just stupid, but even completely out of his mind. And, nevertheless, at the end of the tale, this madman always wins: either he seeks to be left alone, or suddenly acquires a huge fortune, or marries a royal daughter or a sorceress.

It happened just in the fairy tale where Ivan the Fool took for his three-year work not a bag of money, but a bag of sand. When he walked home with this ridiculous salary, he saw a fire in the forest, in which a beautiful girl was burning. Ivan covered the fire with sand, and the girl, who turned out to be a witch, married him and began to help in business.

How can it be that she chose not a hero, not a prince, but a complete fool? Because he's not such a fool. He simply acts in complete disregard of all existing rules.

- The essence of the strategy is not in logic, but in intuition!

The fool is guided not by logic, but by intuition, which is not and will not be for a mere mortal, surrounded by hundreds of frames, for that smart one who knows exactly what it costs, and therefore miracles never happen to him.

Ivan is all open to miracles, and miracles happen to him all the time. Another Russian proverb - “God loves fools” (or “fools are lucky”) - is just about that. Fools give themselves up to chances and are not afraid of consequences, because they just do not think about them.

- The moral of the tales about Ivanushka the fool (why does he always win)?

The tale says: do not be afraid, just take a step forward, trust your inner voice, even if it says nonsense, and everything will turn out better than you expect. Then it turns out that the fairy tale about the fool is a story about how you need to forget your excessive rationality if you want to win.

Then the explanation for the popularity of fabulous fools is that in fact they are disguised sages. Some researchers compared Ivanushka the Fool with Socrates, who exclaimed: "I only know that I know nothing," or with Lao Tzu, who said: "Smart are not learned, scientists are not smart."

The Fool is a philosophical figure who calls for abandoning any ideas about the world in order to freely get the experience of merging with it, to gain knowledge about it, but not from books, but in the process of playing.

- The secret is innocence

And finally, the last secret of the popularity of fools is that they are rarely deliberately evil or cruel.

- Application of Ivan the Fool's tactics in everyday life

This is a very important question! By personal example, I was convinced of the great practical value of actions in the style of "Ivan the Fool".

Algorithm of actions:
1) Arrange for yourself days when you only do what you want to do (what your intuition tells you). Not mind, not logic, not personal gain, but INTUITION. On this day, you live with feelings!
2) Do meaningless (illogical actions). For example, write with your left hand (if you are right-handed). Go for a walk (to the store) along the "stupid" route. Those. on a longer and longer route.
3) Go "back to front" (at least a few steps).

What will all this give?
The mind and psyche calms down. New sensations and thoughts appear. Foolish actions suppress logic and sharpen our intuition (our subconscious).
I began to feel much better! Therefore, I always try to use the "Ivan the Fool's strategy" on walks. And, from time to time I arrange for myself days that I completely spend like Ivan the Fool!

Which I advise you too!