
Monument to Andersen around the world. Denmark: in the places of Andersen's fairytale heroes. At present, two monuments to the great storyteller have been erected in Copenhagen. One bronze Hans Christian sits on a pedestal in the garden of the Royal Palace of Rosenborg

Foggy Copenhagen with colorful houses with weather vane, endless canals, city parks, museums and beautiful palaces is truly a fabulous city with a special atmosphere. But, perhaps, the main reason for the magic of the city is the world famous storyteller - Hans Christian Andersen.

This Danish writer created the most beloved character - The Little Mermaid, whose monument, by the way, is a symbol of Denmark, as well as Thumbelina, Snow Queen, Kai and Gerda, the Ugly Duckling and many others. His works are very kind and naive, but always covered with light sadness, which is so in keeping with the spirit of the beautiful and cool Copenhagen!

Andersen is one of the first associations with Denmark, and the locals decided to immortalize the fame of the great writer in Copenhagen. There are two Andersen monuments in the city, one is located in the Royal Garden of Rosenborg, and the other on the Town Hall Square - the most honorable place in the capital.

Interesting Facts

  • The design of both monuments featured children who would sit at his feet, or hold his hands while he told them his stories. But Andersen confidently rejected it because he writes not only for children, but also for adults.
  • In the Royal Park, Andersen is depicted with a book in hand, but looking straight ahead, in some kind of awe or a creative impulse. Initially, they wanted to portray Andersen in the process of reading, but he strongly opposed this, because he reading aloud can never be compared with a living story.
  • It is known that Andersen was an ardent opponent of the creation of the Tivoli amusement park, which is currently located just a couple of minutes walk from his monument on the Town Hall Square. It is ironic that the writer's gaze is directed precisely towards Tivoli.
  • Near Andersen, on the Town Hall Square, there is a lamp post, the base of which is nothing more than a skillfully disguised dog.

Information about the Andersen monument at the Town Hall Square

Address: H. C. Andersens Boulevard 20, 1553 Copenhagen

  • You can get to the square by almost any public transport, whose route runs through the center of Copenhagen.
  • You can quickly reach from any city in Denmark, and from remote areas of Copenhagen by train. You will need to get off at the station called Koebenhavn H and walk for 5 minutes towards Tivoli Park.
  • If you are staying in the center of Copenhagen, you can easily walk to the most famous square on foot, as it is located in the cultural center of the capital, along the way you can enjoy the old graceful architecture of the city.
  • As always, taxis and paid parking spaces for car owners are at your service.

Information on the Andersen monument in the Rosenborg castle garden

Address:? Ster Voldgade 4A, 1350 K? Benhavn, Denmark

  • Due to its convenient location in the city center, it will not be difficult to get to it.
  • In a couple of minutes walk there is a railway station called N? Rreport, as well as the metro station of the same name.
  • The castle and the vast territory adjacent to it are literally surrounded by bus stops, past which many buses run every minute. You can easily get to the castle by this type of public transport, you just need to make sure that the bus route runs through the city center.
  • If you are staying in the center of Copenhagen, we recommend walking to the castle. After all, the Danish capital is famous throughout the world for its stunning architecture and an abundance of attractions.
  • And, of course, no one canceled the convenience of a taxi and transportation by a rented car.

Today the childhood of any person is unthinkable without his fairy tales. His name has become a symbol of everything real, pure, high. It is no coincidence that the highest international prize for the best children's book bears his name - it is the Hans-Christian Andersen Gold Medal, which is awarded every two years to the most talented writers and artists. Monuments to G.Kh. Andersen and the heroes of his fairy tales.

Andersen was born in Denmark, in the town of Odense. Denmark has a large number of interesting and memorable places, and since the country is very small, it seems that it is one big tale of the country's main storyteller - Hans Christian Andersen.

In Odense, where the storyteller was born, there are monuments to Andersen and the heroes of his fairy tales on the streets, and a paper boat floats along the river in the park.

Monument to Andersen in Odense.

Barefoot Andersen

The Steadfast Tin Soldier.


The new outfit of the king.


Dog from "Ognivo".

Figures from the books of Andersen.

Andersen's three sides.

Paper boat.

No capital city in the world will tell as many stories as Copenhagen tells its guests. And everyone who has been there must say: "It's just a fairy tale!"

Monument to the Little Mermaid is one of the main attractions of Denmark.

Currently installed in Copenhagen two monuments to the great storyteller... One bronze Hans Christian sits on a pedestal in the garden of the Royal Rosenborg Palace.

They say that Andersen loved to come to this garden, sat on a bench, fed the ducks and swans floating in the pond - the former moat, with bread. The project of the monument was created by the sculptor August Sobyu during the writer's lifetime: Andersen was supposed to be depicted with a book in his hands, surrounded by children. However, elderly Andersen rejected the project. “I could never read aloud when someone was sitting next to me,” he said. But most of all he did not like the idea with children: he did not want to see only young readers as his fans. Andersen considered himself an "adult" writer, poet and playwright. This monument was erected only in 1880 - five years after Andersen's death. The storyteller looks over their heads, the book is in his left hand, and the right one with outstretched fingers is stretched out, as if for a blessing or calming

The second monument, also seated, was made by a sculptor Henry Lukov-Nielsen and was installed in 1961 near the building of the town hall on the Town Hall Square; here Andersen faces the Tivoli amusement park.

He does not have a high pedestal, like the first, so that any child can (and does) climb onto the storyteller's lap. For this reason, the legs of the statue are polished more strongly than the rest of the bronze body. Thanks to the children and the right idea of \u200b\u200bthe sculptor, this monument is perhaps the most photographed in Copenhagen. Everyone can approach him, touch the cane in one hand, stroke a book in the other, take a picture with his favorite writer.

In 1980, in the town of Sosnovy Bor in Russia, in honor of the 175th anniversary of the birth of Hans Christian Andersen, a children's town Andersengrad was opened.

The Little Mermaid in Andersengrad.
And also monuments to G.H. Andersen and his heroes.


The ugly duckling in Andersen's bag (Malaga).

Thumbelina (Sochi).

Today, on the anniversary of the famous children's storyteller, let us recall the heroes of his most famous fairy tales, who inspired sculptors around the world to create monuments. Many of them are, of course, in Denmark - in Copenhagen and Odense (Andersen's hometown).

In Copenhagen there is a famous monument to the Little Mermaid. In the image of a mermaid, the sculptor, by order of a rich brewer in love, portrayed the subject of his sighs - the ballerina of the Royal Theater Juliet Price. The monument to the little mermaid is small - the height of the sculpture is only 1.25 meters, weight is about 175 kg. But this small statue is the personification of not only all Andersen's work, the Little Mermaid has become a real symbol of Copenhagen. However, it attracts the attention of not only tourists and visitors to the city, but also malefactors. Twice the monument was barbarously damaged by hooligans. On the anniversaries of the monument in Copenhagen, grandiose holidays are organized, in which both guests of the city and the townspeople participate with pleasure.

Monument to the Steadfast Tin Soldier erected in Odense. This bronze figurine of a soldier seems to have just left the pages of a fairy tale, the tin soldier standing firmly at his post on one leg looks so believable (as we remember, there was not enough tin for the other leg). In Odense there are monuments to the Beautiful Swan, the Paper Boat, Thumbelina and a whole group of characters from the fairy tale "The New Dress of the King".

In New York, a monument to Andersen himself is erected, next to which the Ugly Duckling sits. In Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia, there is a monument to Andersen and the heroes of his fairy tale "Snail and Roses"; there are two whole monuments in Kiev - Thumbelina and the Princess and the Pea; in Delft (Netherlands) there is perhaps the most unusual monument to the heroine of Andersen's fairy tale - the glass "Heart of the Snow Queen".

There are also monuments to Andersen's heroes in Russia: in the city of Sochi in 2006, a monument to Thumbelina was erected on the central alley of the park. Sculptors V.Zvonov and A. Butaev made this monument in mixed technique. The cute Thumbelina with the wings given to her by the Elf immediately fell in love with the kids visiting this park, and, of course, adults who had a reason to interest their child in a fairy tale. Ole-Lukkoye "settled" in Mytishchi near Moscow; in Sosnovy Bor - The Little Mermaid and the Steadfast Tin Soldier.

“Life itself is the most beautiful fairy tale,” was the creative and everyday motto of the world famous Danish poet, prose writer and, of course, the storyteller Hans Christian Andersen. Many generations of children from different countries and peoples grew up on his immortal works: "The Ugly Duckling", "The Snow Queen", "Wild Swans", "Thumbelina", "Tin Soldier", "The King's New Dress", "Flint", "The Little Mermaid" , "Ole Lukkoye", "The Princess and the Pea" and others. Wonderful films have been made and many cartoons have been created based on these amazing stories. Books with colorful illustrations are still being published and reprinted, continuing to inspire and imperceptibly give the wisdom of kind, priceless ideals, because the main character in these tales is life itself.

Hans Christian Andersen was born into a simple Danish family on the island of Funen. To help his family, while still a very young boy, Hans got a job: first as an apprentice weaver, and then as an assistant tailor. From a very young age, Hans was distinguished by irrepressible fantasy, vivid imagination and dreaminess. He was very fond of cutting various characters out of paper and more than once staged impromptu performances in the house, causing bewilderment and misunderstanding of his peers. In his biography, Andersen mentioned more than once that in childhood he played with the prince himself, the future King of Denmark Frederick VII of Oldenburg, and that the friendship between them remained until the very last days of the king.

At the age of 14, Hans decides to try to conquer the theatrical stages of Copenhagen and leaves his father's house with the words: "I'm going there to become famous!" And what? Young Andersen achieved his goal: he was accepted into the troupe of the Royal Theater. But after a while he had to leave the acting craft, and then Andersen tried his hand at writing. Today we know Andersen as an unsurpassed storyteller, but the master began his journey with dramatic and lyrical genres: plays and poetry. His talent was noticed by the king himself, so the young man was educated at the expense of the state treasury.

Upon completion of his studies, Andersen plunges into writing. Many stories and novels come out from under his pen, but he became famous throughout the world thanks to fairy tales. The fame of him spread throughout Europe, and in England Andersen was greeted especially triumphantly.

Throughout his life, the writer carried an amazing ability to dream and make dreams come true: he never stopped dreaming. Andersen lived the life of his heroes and the worlds of his works. Maybe these stories have absorbed the sincere, childish love and enthusiasm of the creator and became so alive, real and significant that they firmly entered real life.

Thus, the monument to the main heroine of Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid", installed in Copenhagen, has become a symbol of the capital of Denmark. Since 1967, by the decision of the International Council for Children's Books, on April 2, the birthday of the great storyteller is celebrated as International Children's Book Day. And 2005 was declared the year of Andersen by UNESCO in honor of the 200th anniversary of his birth. And in the Russian town of Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad Region) in 1980, a children's play complex "Andersengrad" was opened, where in 2008 a monument to the Little Mermaid also appeared, and in 2010 - to the staunch Tin Soldier.

The United World Dialogue of Cultures Foundation, which has implemented over 500 projects, including the installation of sculptures, busts and monuments to outstanding people in 50 countries of the world, initiated the creation of a monument to the famous storyteller. The sculptor Alexei Leonov depicted the writer sitting in an armchair, with a pen and a book in his hands. The gaze of the bronze Andersen is directed to the horizon of Dreams with a capital letter. It seems, in just a moment, and he will rise from the bench and ascend into the skies of a new delightful story. This inspired monument is erected today between Pavilions 6 and 7: "Caravanserai" and "Around the World". In the future, the sculpture will be installed on the territory of one of the most “fabulous places” in ETNOMIR - the ethno-yard “Denmark and Finland”. In the same place, on the Danish part of the ethno-yard, Andersen's house-museum in Odense will be erected, designed as an exact copy of the writer's home on the island of Funen. We invite everyone to the fairy tale of the main ethnographic park-museum of Russia: the space of miracles, adventures and fulfillment of desires awaits you, your friends and your family members. Come!

Development of an extra-curricular lesson in literature in grade 5 on the topic "Amazing and interesting monuments to the heroes of H.C. Andersen's fairy tales"

Fakhrutdinova Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher of Russian language and literature, secondary school №3, Syzran.
Material Description: In this development, a large amount of material has been collected about the monuments to the heroes of Andersen's works. It turns out that there are not so many known among them. There are many more sculptures that you will probably see for the first time in your life. Children have no interest in monuments to famous people, but monuments to literary characters, I think, will interest them. And this interest will lead to the fact that children will begin to respect the merits of famous writers and poets. Also, students will be able to understand that each sculpture is interesting and unique in its own way, because it reflects the character of its creator.
The purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the most amazing and interesting monuments to the heroes of the fairy tales of H.C. Andersen.
Educational: to generalize the knowledge of students about the work of the famous storyteller, to acquaint them with the monuments to the heroes of his works.
Developing: to develop the cognitive activity of students, to expand their vocabulary.
Educational: instill interest in foreign literature, foster respect for the merits of famous people.
Occupation type: learning new material.
Forms of work with students: lecture, presentation demonstration, theatricalization.
Methods: explanatory and illustrative, partly search (quiz).
Required technical equipment: screen, computer, multimedia projector.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment. (5 minutes.)

Music sounds.
Hans Christian Andersen is sitting on a chair, leaning on the table, holding a rose in his hands. He reads a poem, looking at the flower, thoughtfully strokes its petals and smiles sadly.
You smiled at me with the smile of a bright paradise ...
My garden glistens with dewy pearls
And on you, sparkling with a pearl,
One tear is trembling on the petals.
Then the elf cried that the roses wither,
What a brief moment of blooming beauty ...
But you bloom - and dreams quietly ripen
In your soul ... What are you dreaming about?
You are all love - let people hate! -
As the heart of a genius, you are all one beauty, -
And where mortals see only mortal air -
There the genius sees heaven!

Andersen gets up from his chair and walks away slowly, taking the rose with him.
2. Topic and purpose of the lesson. (5 minutes.)
Teacher: Hans Christian Andersen dedicated the poem you heard to the rose. But it seems to me that he wrote it about himself. All his life he wanted to gain recognition for his talent. And he did it, but already at an advanced age. As a rose gives everyone its beauty and fragrance, so Andersen hoped to evoke different emotions in his readers with his works, tried to remind them of compassion, kindness and beauty of the human soul. He possessed extraordinary imagination and was a real genius. Proof of this is his works, the most famous of which are fairy tales. The heroes in them have extraordinary characters. And yet they are very similar to real people.
Many sculptors tried to depict the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales. Most of these monuments are abroad, but we also have them in Russia. Each of them is unique and interesting in its own way. After all, the creators of the monuments portrayed the characters of fairy tales as they saw them in their imagination. Today I invite you to go on a journey with me and get acquainted with the most amazing and interesting monuments to the heroes of Andersen's fairy tales.
Slide 1

3. Acquaintance with new material (slides 3-34). (20 minutes.)
The teacher looks at the slides with the students and everyone comments. If the children have questions, they answer them.

Teacher: On August 23, 1913, a monument to the Little Mermaid from Andersen's fairy tale, which was created by the sculptor Edward Eriksen, appeared in Copenhagen.

In the city of Odense, the birthplace of the great storyteller, there are many sculptures depicting his fairy-tale heroes. One of them is the Monument to the Beautiful Swan. It depicts the transformation of the Ugly Duckling into the Beautiful Swan.

And this is the second Monument in Odense to the Beautiful Swan, which the Ugly Duckling turned into.

The Paper Boat Monument is located in the Andersen Park in the city of Odense. It was on it that the staunch Tin Soldier traveled.

A monument to the Tin Soldier stands on one of the streets of the city.

Also in Odense there is a Monument to the Naked King.

And here is the Monument to the Dog from the famous fairy tale "Ognivo" in Odense.

Monument to the Plane Chest from Andersen's fairy tale of the same name in Odense.

Monument to the Chimney Sweep and Shepherdess in Odense.

Monument to the Wild Swans from the fairy tale of the same name in Odense.

At the entrance to the Andersen Museum in Odense, you can see Hans Churban riding a goat.

In Odense, in front of the Radisson Hotel, there are three columns depicting many of the heroes of the great storyteller.

Monument to the Match and the Darning Needle in Odense.

Odense also has a monument to Thumbelina.

Monuments to Thumbelina were erected in Russia as well.
In Donetsk, there is a Park of Forged Figures, where you can meet many fairy-tale characters. There is also Thumbelina.

In the city of Sochi in 2006, a sculpture of Thumbelina was installed on the central alley of the park. She depicts a girl with wings given to her by the elves.

Fountain "Thumbelina" in Voronezh is located in front of the state puppet theater "Jester". In its center is a fairytale heroine who floats on a green leaf towards adventure.

In 2006 in Kiev, Ukraine, near the building of the Kiev Academic Puppet Theater on Hrushevsky Street, the Thumbelina light and music fountain was opened. The bronze heroine of the fairy tale sits in the center of the fountain, whose diameter is 10 meters, on six colored glass petals, surrounded by multi-colored streams of water.

The sculptural composition "Thumbelina" in Belarus in the city of Gomel.

In Belarus, at the Bereza-Gorod station, there is such a funny monument to the "Dear Mole" from the fairy tale "Thumbelina".

There is a Thumbelina made of sand. She sleeps in a nutshell in St. Petersburg near the Peter and Paul Fortress. It appeared as part of the XII International Festival of Sand Figures in the summer of 2013.

And this is the Princess and the Pea, created from sand at the same festival.

The monument to Andersen and the heroes of the "Snail and Roses" fairy tale is located in Bratislava (Slovakia).

The most colorful sculpture based on Andersen's fairy tale is the Princess and the Pea in Kiev.

Monument to Ole-Lukkoye in the town of Mytishchi near Moscow.

In 1980, in honor of the 175th anniversary of the writer's birth, a whole children's town Andersengrad was opened in the town of Sosnovy Bor. On the opening day of Andersengrad, the only sculpture in the town was a high relief depicting Andersen, but in 2008 a statue of the Little Mermaid was installed, and in 2010 the Steadfast Tin Soldier appeared.

In the garden of the Sheremetev Palace in St. Petersburg, a wonderful pot from Andersen's fairy tale hangs from the trees.

The Ugly Duckling Monument by sculptor George Lobert was erected in Central Park in New York in 1955. The great storyteller is depicted here with his character.

A sculpture made of the most unusual material - the glass composition "Heart of the Snow Queen" in the city of Delft (Netherlands).

Monument to the Snow Queen in Alma-Ata in Kazakhstan.

There is a Snow Queen and made of sand. Her image was embodied in a statue that appeared in St. Petersburg in the summer of 2013. A beautiful queen with flowing hair rides in a team of two polar bears, controlling the ferocious beasts with an unwavering hand.

In the city of Vyborg there is such an interesting sculpture of the Snow Queen made of glass, wire and light bulbs. The statue is installed annually on New Year's holidays, after which it is removed.

4. Consolidation of the studied material. Quiz based on the tales of H.C. Andersen "Know the hero of the tale" (7 min.).
Teacher: Now let's play! We will also check how you memorized the new material.
1. A monument to this character was erected in New York, next to it there is a sculpture of Andersen leafing through a book. (Ugly duck)
2. The glass heart of this character is in the Netherlands. (The Snow Queen)
3. The monument to this character is located in Kiev and is the most colorful sculpture among the sculptures of Andersen's heroes. (Princess on the Pea)
4. A monument to this character can be found on one of the streets of the city of Odense. He has a gun in his hands, and instead of two legs, only one. (The Steadfast Tin Soldier)
5. The monument to this character is located in the center of the fountain in Voronezh. (Thumbelina)

5. Summing up (3 min.). (Slide 35)
Teacher: People still create monuments to the heroes of the works of Hans Christian Andersen. Made of stone, metal, sand, ice. Such interest in the writer's work can be explained by the fact that even now, many years later, his fairy tales have not lost their relevance. They are read with pleasure not only by children, but also by adults. The creation of monuments to the heroes of Andersen is the gratitude of people for his skill and talent, as well as the preservation of the memory of this amazing man and his works.