
Characteristic of ivan from miracle yudo. Characteristics of Ivan - a peasant son from the fairy tale "Miracle Yudo". Review of the fairy tale "Ivan - the peasant son and the Miracle Yudo"

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The fairy tale Ivan the peasant son and the miracle yudo is an interesting work, and in order to quickly get to know him and briefly write down thoughts about Ivan, the peasant son in your reader's diary, we suggest that you read the fairy tale Ivan, the peasant son, in a summary on our website.

So, the family was not lazy, it was necessary to plow arable land and sow grain. Just there was a rumor that a certain miracle Yudo was attacking the villages, burning everything on the way, and killing people. The brothers got together on a journey to kill the villainous miracle Yudo. They set out on horseback, taking maces with them. On the way, the old man met them and said that they needed swords that could be obtained in the cave. Drawing their swords, we moved on. On the way, we met a completely burnt village, where one house survived. In it they met an old woman who let them spend the night.

In the morning, the brothers set off. We went to the river, and there was an abandoned hut. They decided to take turns on duty at the bridge so that the miracle Yudo would not make his way by. The older brother went first, but fell asleep under a bush. Ivan could not sleep and he decided to walk. By the river on the bridge, he saw a miracle Yudo riding. I went out to him and let's measure strength. He fought until he cut off all the heads, chopped off the body. He threw the body into the river, and hid his heads under the bridge.

Further, Ivan is a peasant son and the miracle of Yudo continues by asking his older brother if he saw the miracle Yudo, but he did not see or hear anything. The second time on duty was the middle brother, who also fell asleep, and Ivan at that time fought with the nine-headed miracle Yud. He threw the body into the river, and hid his heads under the bridge. In the morning, when the middle brother said that he had not seen anyone, Ivan showed his heads and said that a big battle was planned, and brotherly help would be needed.

On the third day, Ivan met with a twelve-headed miracle-yud, he almost died, but at the last minute he managed to wake up the brothers who released the horse, he distracted the miracle-yudo, Ivan and killed the monster.

The brothers washed, fed Ivan and told him to rest, but he decided to go to the miraculous property, where he saw how the wives and mother of the miraculous woman were plotting something wrong against Ivan and his brothers. I heard that along the path of the snake - the wives of the miracle Yudov, they would turn into a well, an apple tree and a carpet in order to destroy the brothers, but knowing this, Ivan managed to save the brothers and he himself managed to escape. He simply chopped a well, an apple tree, a carpet that they met. The last one Ivan killed was a huge pig, the mother of three miracles-Yuds.
After that, the brothers returned home, the fields were planted and cultivated and no more snakes or miracles were found in those parts.

Ivan the peasant son main characters

In the fairy tale Ivan the peasant's son, the main character is the youngest child, whose name was Ivan. He is strong, brave, courageous. I was not afraid to go out alone to fight a miracle Yud. He is quick-witted and foresees the development of events, therefore he visited the possession of the miracle-yuda, which later saved the life of him and his brothers.

Miracle Yudo and his wives with their mother are negative characters. Miracle Yudo attacked the villages, destroyed everything and left nothing behind, so it was urgent to kill the monster, which disturbed the peace of the villagers.

describe the image of Ivan the peasant son from the fairy tale Ivan the peasant son and the miracle of Yudo and got the best answer

Answer from Nina baslanova [guru]

nina baslanova
Higher intelligence
If you have any business with me, write to the mail. Comments are not intended for off-topic communication.

Answer from Anchar[guru]
What for?

Answer from Daniil Kiforchuk[newbie]
When trouble struck, Ivan did not stay at home with his old parents, but joined his older brothers to fight the miracle Yud in order to free his native land.
He defeated the multi-headed miracle Yudo three times thanks to his courage, courage and strength. While his brothers fell asleep on patrol at night, Ivan did not sleep and went out to battle with the monster. The guy was cunning and foresaw that the deed would not end with good after the victory, so he overheard what intrigues the wives and the mother of Miracle Yuda were preparing. On the way home, he saved the brothers from treachery, who turned into an apple tree, a well and a soft carpet with pillows of angry and vengeful women.
Ivan is a real positive hero of the Russian fairy tale, brave, resourceful and loving his land, which he freed from the filthy miracle-yuda.

Answer from Katie[newbie]
1. Ivan - was the youngest of three brothers.
2. Almost from the very first lines of the tale, we see that Ivan is a very determined and stubborn person. Initially, Ivan's older brothers were going to fight Miracle - Yudo. They decided to leave Ivan at home with his parents, since they considered him still young for this. But Ivan did not agree with the decision of the brothers and went with them.
3. Ivan is very responsible and alert. This is shown in the episode where the brothers come to fight with Miracle Yu. just fell asleep. Ivan did not rely on them, but went to see it himself.
4. Ivan is brave and courageous, accustomed to relying on himself. When Ivan saw that the brothers were sleeping during the patrol, he did not bother them, since most likely he realized that the brothers could not be relied upon and he himself accepted the battle.
5. Ivan is not afraid of danger. With each new battle at Miracle-Yu. new heads appear, but Ivan does not stop this.
6. Ivan is not stupid, but endowed with wisdom. If you recall his conversation with Miracle Yu, many of his phrases are similar to the proverbs "I did not recognize a good fellow - there is nothing to shame him!", "Do not boast, get down to business first", "Wait, miracle Yudo, boast: how would you do not be ashamed! "
Ivan is a positive character. The tale is presented as a fighter for the people, for the Earth - mother. Ivan is brave, fearless, determined. And if we consider that heroes are those who do good and good deeds for the benefit of others and do not demand anything in return, then Ivan can be considered a hero.

The readers really like it, first of all, because of the main character and the magic doll, who helped her in everything. They are especially attracted by Vasilisa's journey to Baba Yaga and the description of her possessions.

Vasilisa is seen as a Russian beauty with a long blond braid, blue eyes, ruddy, welcoming. She is wearing a green sundress decorated with intricate embroidery, a cherished doll in her pocket, and some kind of needlework in her hands. But the girl is good not only in her face: she is hardworking, patient, respects elders. In addition, she is a needlewoman: she has woven such a thin canvas that it can be threaded into a needle, and no one except her can sew shirts from this canvas ... So, not only for her beauty was she called that.
The stepmother and her daughters disliked Vasilisa. She is more beautiful than them and grooms are constantly wooing her, and no one pays attention to her stepmother's daughters. Vasilisa easily copes with any work, and it only benefits her. She humbly accepts everything that is entrusted to her, does not reread in anything. This is what infuriates envious women.
According to the text: "... the stepmother and sisters envied her beauty, tortured her with all kinds of work, so that she lost weight from work, and turned black from the wind and sun - there was no life at all!"

Analysis of the tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo"

Artist Mitya Ryzhikov
It is customary to start the analysis of a fairy tale with a traditional conversation on the reader's perception: what did you like and remember, what is the fairy tale about?

Let us recall the main characters of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo": Ivan, brothers, the Miracle Yudo.

Why do you think, if there are three brothers, only one is mentioned in the title, only he has a name?

Only one of the brothers fought with Miracle Yud, which is why he is named in the title.

And his name is not by chance. In ancient times, the name had to be earned by some act, and the children did not have names until a certain time, only after reaching the age of 11-12 years, tests were arranged for them, in which everyone could prove themselves. That's when they got their names. We probably find a reflection of this ancient custom in the tale. The older brothers did not show themselves in anything special, and therefore remain nameless ...

The hero of the fairy tale, in addition to his name, also has a nickname - a peasant's son. And this nickname sounds almost like a middle name. After all, they used to imagine themselves like that: Ivan, Petrov's son, or Andrey, Sergeev's son, etc. From here, by the way, the surnames later appeared. Ivan is called a peasant's son, which means that it is important that he is a peasant.

Tradition is an oral story about the past. The events they are told about are reliable or are presented as reliable. The legends obviously arose from the accounts of witnesses or participants in the events. Their stories, passed down many times by word of mouth, gradually turned into legends, freed themselves from personal assessments, preferences, and became more objective. But it is natural that in the process of their existence, legends often deviated from reliability and included a certain amount of fiction, which had neither a fantastic character, as in a fairy tale, nor a religious one, as in a legend. This genre in the Slavic languages \u200b\u200bhas the following names: in Russian and Bulgarian - tradition, in Serbian - predana, in Polish -podania.

In the legends, two main thematic groups can be distinguished: historical and toponymic legends. The first tells about the events and persons that left a mark in the memory of the people, and the second - about the founding of cities, the origin of the names of settlements, places, rivers.

Fairy tale "Moth"

The moth decided to marry. Naturally, he wanted to take a pretty flower for himself.

He looked around: the flowers sat on their stalks quietly, as befits a young lady who has not yet been wedded. But it was terribly difficult to choose, so many of them grew here.

The moth got tired of thinking, and he fluttered to the field daisy. The French call her Margarita and assure that she knows how to bewitch, and she really knows how to bewitch. Lovers take it and cut off petal by petal, saying: "Loves? Doesn't love?" - or something like that. Everyone asks in their native language. So the moth also turned to the chamomile, but did not pick off the petals, but kissed them, believing that it is always better to take it with a weasel.

Here, listen!

Outside the city, by the road, there was a dacha. Have you seen her? In front of her is still a small garden, surrounded by a painted wooden lattice.

Not far from the dacha, by the very ditch, a chamomile grew in the soft green grass. The sun's rays warmed and caressed her along with the luxurious flowers that bloomed in the flower beds in front of the dacha, and our chamomile grew by leaps and bounds. One fine morning she blossomed completely - yellow, round like the sun, her heart was surrounded by the radiance of dazzling white small rays-petals. Chamomile did not care at all that she was such a poor, unpretentious flower that no one sees or notices in the thick grass; no, she was happy with everything, eagerly reached for the sun, admired it and listened to a lark singing somewhere high, high in the sky.

Chamomile was so cheerful and happy, as if today was Sunday, but in reality it was only Monday; while all the children quietly sat on the school benches and learned from their mentors, our chamomile also quietly sat on its stem and learned from the clear sun and from the whole surrounding nature, learned to know the goodness of God.

Probably, there is no person in Russia who has not heard a Russian folk tale at least once in his life. Favorite folk stories are passed down from generation to generation, teaching people from childhood to oral folk art. It was fairy tales that influenced the creation of many cartoons, films and performances. The main characters not only personify the general picture of the world, but also teach, and also clearly show the listener the positive and negative sides of their character. So, in the famous Russian legend of the Miraclewhere Ivan's description of the peasant son shows that even the youngest and most underestimated child can easily turn into a real hero.

The image of Ivan in Russian legends

Many lovers of folk art may notice that the name Ivan is the most common in Russian epics and legends. In fantastic folk stories, the image of Ivan personifies fearlessness and courage, because he undoubtedly kills all enemies. Often this name is associated with an ordinary village guy who, despite his simplicity, achieves great success.

Sometimes the image of Ivan has a certain indicator of laziness and dementia. However, in all fairy tales, Ivan acts as a positive hero who changes for the better and reveals himself in a completely different way. If we consider the description of Ivan - a peasant son, then we can see that from the very beginning the hero seemed rather weak, since they did not want to take him with them, but he was brave andstubborn. He was not stopped by fear of the monster, and a sense of duty to his homeland made the young peasant go into battle.

To compose an accurate description of Ivan the peasant son and the Miracle Yud, you need to turn to the folk tale itself. The story is fantastic, but very real human courage. The folk tale begins with a description of the life of ordinary peasants who toiled in the fields tirelessly until trouble came to the kingdom.

The monster, which the world had never seen, began to attack and destroy cities and villages. And so in one of the families, two brothers decided to go and defend their state, they did not want to take their younger brother Ivan, but the guy did not retreat and asked for a campaign. Having reached the place of the battle, the brothers made a halt and agreed to take turns on duty. On the very first night, the first brother was going to be on duty, but fell asleep, and Ivan had to fight the monster on his own.

On the second night, the second brother remained on duty and also dozed off, and Ivan again fought with Miracle -

yudom by oneself. The more the young man chopped off the heads, the more of them became every day. On the third night it was Ivan's turn. But the monster had so many heads that the guy could not handle it alone. He called his older brothers for help, but they were in no hurry - they slept until Ivan dropped his hat.

Defeated by three brothers Miracleyudo and decided to return home already. But the younger brother felt that something was wrong and decided to return to the place of the battle and, having crossed the river, saw the kingdom of the monster. Approaching the place of residence of Miracle-yuda, Ivan heard that the mother and wives of an unprecedented creature lived there, who were preparing an insidious plan to destroy the brothers. Having carefully listened to all the insidious ideas, Ivan returned to the brothers, and they went home. The younger brother helped to bypass all the traps of the monsters and return home safely. It should be noted that if it were not for Ivan - a peasant son (we will consider the description of the hero in detail in this article), then the brothers would have fallen from the clutches of the monster at the beginning of the tale.

Hero's family

Considering the general picture of Ivan's life, it should be noted that he grew up in an ordinary peasant family with his father and mother and two older brothers. Surprisingly, the names of the older brothers are not indicated in the legend itself, which distinguishes Ivan from the general folk story. The clarification of the guy's social status is well traced: Ivan is a peasant son. The description of the protagonist from the very beginning shows that the young man was not rich materially, but very rich inwardly.

It was fearlessness and a desire to help his family that pushed Ivan to go on a hike with his brothers. Parents did not stop their sons, realizing that if nothing was done, everyone could die.


Oddly enough it sounds, but upon arriving at the scene of the battle, the older brothers acted very hindsight. Having distributed the nights of shifts, on the very first night the first brother falls asleep, showing himself from an irresponsible side, but not Ivan, who did not close his eyes all night. Even when he saw that the elder brother was sleeping, the young man did not wake him up, but began to fight the monster alone. This shows the junior's deep respect for the elder.

Tracking down the description of Ivan the Peasant's Son and Miracleyuda, you can to see the courage, courage and desire to defeat the enemy of the first, as well as the cunning and strength of the second. But even having defeated him, Ivan did not reproach his brother for imprudence, showing dedication in any situation.

On the second night, the middle brother did exactly the same as the older one. Instead of standing guard, he simply fell asleep, forgetting what happened on the first night. Ivan had to fight on the second night himself, even though the monster had even more heads than before, he was not afraid and again entered the battle.


On the third night, it was time for Ivan to keep an eye on the monster. And then at midnight the Miracle seemedyudo , even stronger and angrier. The battle between them lasted for a long time. It was a difficult battle, and Ivan felt that he could not cope alone. He cut off the heads of the monster, and they became even more. Ivan began to call his brothers for help, butnone answered, they were fast asleep. The young man took off his mittens and began to throw them into the house where the elders were resting. But they didn't respond. Then Ivan threw down his hat, and only then did he break the deep sleep of the brothers, and they came to his aid and together overcame the monster.

It should be noted thatnone of the older brothers showed gratitude to Ivan and did not go on duty with him. And he, in turn, asked the brothers for help, only realizing that if he did not cope, then everyone would die. This gives a good example of what Ivan was - a peasant son. The description of his actions characterizes the hero as a kind and easy-going guy who did not think about himself at the time of the battle, but was worried about the fate of people in his city. He did not accuse his brothers of betrayal and irresponsibility, but shared with them the joy of victory.


The victory over the evil monster seemedfinal. But Ivan understood that somewhere beyond the river there was the kingdom of the villain. When the brothers were getting ready for home, the young man asked for time to go to the battlefield and find a handkerchief. This shows what Ivan was like - a peasant son. The description of the hero says that he was far from a stupid person and, despite his young age, could think and analyze the situation. Going to the kingdom of the monster, Ivan was right.

The monster had two wives and a mother who planned revenge on their hated brothers. Hearing all the planned mischief, Ivan returned to the brothers and did not say a word. They went home, and on the way, the younger brother took them away from all adversity in every possible way, not allowing the insidious avengers to destroy them. This shows that Ivan is quite modest and did not show that he had foreseen everything in advance. They calmly walked home and became heroes.

Even a brief description of Ivan, the peasant's son, shows the whole picture of a kind and not conceited guy. He acted exclusively in the interests of the life of his family and his people, not expecting praise and approval.

Description of Ivan - a peasant son

Considering the general picture of the tale, you can see how Ivan is growing in the eyes of the listeners. At the beginning of the tale, he appears as the mostjr. By this, the author wanted to emphasize the youth of the protagonist, who “asked for it” with his brothers, which means that the hero's age did not fit the standard of a Russian man capable of fighting. Later in the tale, the sensitivity of a young guy is noted, who saw that his older brother fell asleep. - the peasant's son makes it clear that the guy, despite his age, was able to make independent decisions. He did not wake up any of the brothers, but rushed into battle himself.

The protagonist demonstrates that it is not necessary to be big and strong to be brave and
brave. The hero clearly shows respect for the elders, who have been respected and revered at all times. Ivan did not accept the brothers' act as a betrayal, but respected the irresponsibility of his elders.

After the last fight, Ivan shows ingenuity and sharpness of mind. He decides to check whether the battle is really over, and goes to the kingdom of the monster. Thanks to this, he once again saves the brothers and does not require praise and recognition, which shows the modesty of the protagonist and his desire to help free of charge. from a fairy tale serves not only as an exciting legend, but also as an indicator of a real man. The hero is endowed with an incredible number of positive aspects that are inherent in humans at all times.

Ivan's appearance

Thanks to the famous fairy tale, you can provide a detailed description of Ivan - a peasant son, but not his appearance. After all, the legend allows the listener to imagine the main character himself and build a hypothesis about his appearance. Since Ivan is the youngest son, we can assume that this is a guy of short stature or a young man in the very dawn of strength.

The brothers leave from their father's house, which means there is no specialized clothing for the war. Therefore, most likely, Ivan was dressed in an ordinary peasant shirt, pants and bast shoes. On the head, judging by the legend, Ivan has a hat. The artists portray the main character in their own way, in exactly the same way as the listener of delightful folk art. Therefore, the description of the appearance of Ivan, a peasant son, does not have an unambiguous image.


Folk tales have always been an example of behavior, forming in each person a general picture of the world and actions. That is why fairy tales are so important for every person, be it a small child or already an adult listener. The description of Ivan as a peasant son gives people an excellent example of what character traits a person should have in order to be able to easily transform from a simple peasant into a real hero, despite their age and social status.