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Causes of a decrease in leukocytes in the blood and methods for increasing them. Iron deficiency: what is dangerous and how to treat? What is low blood

How do you know if you are iron deficient? And how to fill its deficit?

Our expert is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Svetlana Lugovskaya.

There is not so little iron in our body (it is contained in the cells of the liver, spleen, bone marrow), but regular losses of this microelement, if they are not replenished, sooner or later lead to anemia or, as they said earlier, to anemia.

On a note

Iron supplements are best absorbed when taken in the afternoon.

Iron is best taken between meals. But if taking the drug causes stomach upset, take it with meals.

Where is the pantry?

The most useful - heme ferrous iron - is found in animal products. Iron from meat is absorbed on average five times better than from vegetables. With a low acidity of the stomach, iron from plant products does not linger in the body at all. Therefore, the best prevention of anemia is the daily use of meat products. Liver, red meat, oysters, fish, veal liver are rich in this important mineral.

Significant iron deficiency cannot be corrected by diet. But self-medication with medicines containing this microelement is unacceptable: only a doctor can calculate the necessary and safe dosage.

Enemies and friends

Iron antagonists:

  • coffee and tea drunk immediately before or after iron intake;
  • calcium and magnesium. If you are prescribed any of these micronutrients in addition to iron, take them in the morning and iron at night.

Iron helpers:

  • orange juice rich in vitamin C, or a small amount
  • amount of dry white wine;
  • B vitamins, folic acid.

"Carriers" of iron in preparations:

  • serine, lysine, glycine, mucoprotease.

Slow down the absorption of iron:

  • milk, dairy products, bread, eggs. After taking iron supplements, refrain from them for 2 hours.


Do you have an iron deficiency?

  1. Do you get tired quickly, get nervous over trifles and sleep poorly?
  2. Are your hair falling out, your nails peeling, your skin pale yellowish, your tongue burning, and your food tastes strange?
  3. Has your menstrual cycle gone downhill or has your discharge become more abundant?
  4. Have you excluded meat products from your diet?
  5. Do you often take medication for no good reason?

If you answered “yes” to most of the questions, you are probably a victim of iron deficiency.

Elena Amanova

The circulatory system affects all organs of the human body, and the study of blood elements reflects the state of health. As long as the number of blood cells is within the normal range and they fully perform their functions, there are no pathologies and abnormalities in the work of the body. If the red blood cells or platelets are low, the doctor prescribes an additional examination to determine the cause of the deviation. A low level of platelets in the blood is a dangerous condition that requires immediate treatment.

Cell Functions

The blood is made up of various small cells, each of which plays a different role. Platelets are small lamellar cells (blood plates), which, due to their shape, can easily cover the sites of damage to blood vessels. These flat disc-shaped particles are only 0.002–0.004 mm in diameter and are visible under a microscope.

These cells perform a number of very important functions.

  • Closing wounds and stopping bleeding. An injury or cut that signals tissue damage causes an influx of platelets to the wound. Thanks to special chemical compounds, blood plates stick together and attach to the walls of damaged vessels.
  • Participation in metabolism and blood restoration. Lamellar cells carry serotonin, certain enzyme compounds, and other substances.
  • Immune support. With sufficient production of blood cells, resistance to infections and viruses is at a normal level. If the number of platelets falls, immunity may also decrease.
  • Lamellar blood cells remove destroyed viruses and antigens from the body.

High or low levels of both platelets and other indicators may indicate the presence of serious diseases. What does it mean? First of all, you should not rush to conclusions or self-medicate. A hematologist deals with blood disorders. A qualified specialist can explain why deviations from the norm are found, and how to normalize the indicator.

The indicator is normal

Any deviation in the blood test can be dangerous. An increase in the number of platelets can lead to the formation of blood clots, while a decrease in platelets in the blood can cause a violation of blood clotting. The indicator depends on age and may change during the day.

  • In infants in the first year of life, the indicator is 100–420 * 10 9 / l
  • For adults, the norm is in the range of 180–350 * 10 9 / l
  • The content of platelets at the level of 150-380 * 10 9 / l may indicate the presence of pregnancy or menstruation in the patient.

Symptoms of a decrease in the level of lamellar blood cells are manifested physically. As a rule, the main manifestations of thrombocytopenia are associated with heavy and prolonged bleeding. Even minor tissue damage in an adult can give rise to an urgent visit to the doctor. Patients complain of frequent new bleeding, blood loss from cuts and injuries, heavy menstruation, the appearance of hematomas with little pressure. Left untreated, symptoms worsen, uncontrolled bleeding, stroke, and subsequent disability can occur.

Low platelet count

Reasons for a decrease in platelets may be associated with infectious diseases, congenital abnormalities, or the development of serious diseases. Among congenital abnormalities, Gaucher's disease is distinguished. Also, a lack of platelets can be caused by Werlhof's disease, the cause of which remains unclear to date.

  • The herpes virus can cause low platelets. Symptoms of the disease are pronounced and appear as small ulcers on the face or genitals. The diagnosis can be confirmed with a blood test.
  • Infectious diseases that cause an enlarged spleen cause the level of blood plates to decrease.
  • The common cold, laryngitis, or SARS causes low platelets in the blood, but this is temporary. After the recovery and death of harmful bacteria, the level of lamellar cells returns to normal.
  • Systemic autoimmune diseases (lupus, etc.) are dangerous because the body can take its own cells for foreign ones and begin to fight them. As a result, there is a decrease in the level of platelets.
  • The platelet count will decrease with blood cancer or the penetration of metastases of cancerous tumors into the bone marrow.
  • Inflammatory processes in the liver (hepatitis) cause an increase in its volume and a reduced content of platelets in the blood.
  • Low platelets in the blood may be due to mononucleosis. Infection with this disease occurs as a result of the exchange of saliva and other bodily fluids with a sick person.
  • Low platelets in the blood are a concomitant factor in HIV. Damage to the immune system affects the blood cells, and causes a decrease in the number of essential elements in the body.
  • Platelet volume is reduced in bone marrow lesions that interfere with the production of blood cells.
  • Abuse of drugs can lead to blood thinning. The systematic use of Aspirin, Heparin and other drugs can cause a low platelet count in the blood.
  • With heavy metal poisoning, a low number of blood plates is observed.
  • Platelets below normal causes systematic and excessive alcohol consumption.
  • A platelet count below normal is sometimes caused by malnutrition. The use of foods that can thin the blood (onion, garlic, ginger, cherries, lemon, etc.) lead to minor deviations in the analysis.

How to normalize an indicator

The result of the analysis, in which platelets in the blood are lowered, is not the only study. To find out why there are not enough blood plates, and to prescribe the correct treatment, the doctor prescribes a complete examination. Diagnostic tools include biochemical analysis, ultrasound, biopsy and other methods.

To prevent the sad consequences of low platelets, which even include disability, and in some cases threaten the life of the patient, you should exclude the influence of external factors and immediately consult a doctor.

First of all, you should stop taking blood thinners (Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc.).

Drink less or eliminate alcohol completely. It is also necessary to eliminate the deficiency of iron and vitamin B12 in the daily diet and consume more liver, red meat, buckwheat porridge, nuts, pumpkin, etc. The doctor may recommend reconsidering the daily routine. If too little time is allocated for proper rest, hematopoietic function disorders are possible. It is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner and undergo the necessary medical examination.

Traditional medicine

Time-tested grandmother's recipes allow you to correct the lack of platelets in the body. However, before wondering what to do to normalize the indicator at home, you should consult with your doctor. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol-containing tinctures.

Nettle infusion gives a good effect. 10 gr. dry crushed leaves of pharmacy nettle pour 250 ml. boiling water and boil for 3-5 minutes. The broth is poured into a small thermos and allowed to brew for half an hour. The finished infusion is cooled to an acceptable temperature and consumed half a glass before meals.

Not only healthy, but also tasty, the infusion is prepared from a dry mixture of herbs. Grind 1 part of chamomile flowers, 2 parts of nettle leaves, 3 parts of wild rose in any available way (blender, coffee grinder, etc.) into powder. Place the ingredients in a 1 liter thermos and top up with boiling water. After 1 hour, the broth is filtered, freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural flower honey. Take herbal tea three times a day, half an hour before meals.

As part of the annual physical examination, the patient gives a blood sample for research, which helps to identify a decrease in platelets and other abnormalities. This analysis is necessary both for healthy people and for patients with chronic diseases. A slightly reduced or significantly lower platelet count is a reason to immediately contact a hematologist. Timely detection of a disease or disorder gives the doctor the opportunity to prescribe the most effective treatment and avoid complications.

In contact with

Leukocytes are a group of white blood cells that perform a protective function. These include five types of cells: neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils, called granulocytes, as well as two types of agranulocytes - lymphocytes and monocytes. Their level is determined during a general blood test, while both the absolute value and the percentage of different types are calculated.


The norm of the total number of leukocytes in peripheral blood differs depending on age and is (in the number of cells per 1 liter):

  • for an adult - from 4 to 9X10⁹;
  • for newborns - from 9 to 30X10⁹;
  • for children from one to three years old - from 6 to 17X10⁹;
  • for children from 6 to 10 years old - from 6 to 11X10⁹.

The number of leukocytes can fluctuate during the day. For some physiological processes, a slight excess is characteristic, for example, with great emotional and physical stress, overeating, during pregnancy.

But if there are few leukocytes in the blood, then this is most often a signal of a pathological process taking place in the body.

What is leukopenia

A condition in which the level of white cells in the blood is below 4X10⁹ is called leukocytopenia, or leukopenia. It can be relative and absolute, proceed both with a uniform decrease in all types of white cells, and with a predominant fall in any one type of leukocyte (neutropenia, lymphopenia, eosinopenia and monocytopenia).

Causes of leukopenia

White blood cells can be below normal mainly for two reasons:

  1. In violation of their formation in the bone marrow. The reasons for the inhibition of the process of hematopoiesis are bone marrow tumors, a lack of B vitamins, amino acids, iron, the action of certain drugs (usually cytostatics and antibiotics) and radiation.
  2. With the rapid death of mature cells in the bloodstream. This occurs with severe purulent and septic processes, extensive burns, radiation sickness, autoimmune diseases.

Most often, leukopenia accompanies various pathologies and is temporary. Less often, it is a manifestation of a separate disease, in which white cells are constantly reduced in the blood or fall periodically. Leukopenia can be congenital or secondary.

Congenital forms develop due to genetic disorders, as a result of which the production of white blood cells, most often neutrophils, decreases. Hereditary types include such genetic diseases:

  • Gensler's syndrome;
  • Kostman's neutropenia;
  • Chediak-Higashi syndrome.

Secondary, or acquired, develops under the influence of various harmful factors. In this case, the following reasons for the decrease in leukocytes can be called:

  • viral infections: influenza, hepatitis, rubella, herpes and others;
  • severe bacterial infections, in which the bone marrow does not have time to produce new cells (tuberculosis, brucellosis, sepsis, and others);
  • autoimmune diseases: scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatic fever and others;
  • malignant diseases of the bone marrow and metastasis to the brain (in this case, the tissue that is responsible for the production of new blood cells is replaced by a tumor);
  • myelofibrosis and aplastic anemia;
  • diseases of the liver and spleen, in which leukocytes are stored in these organs, so their level in the blood is less than normal;
  • B 12 -deficiency anemia;
  • exposure to toxic substances;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • consequences of a course of chemotherapy;
  • long-term use of drugs that inhibit the function of hematopoiesis;
  • starvation.

Blood cells are produced in the bone marrow

The most common acquired leukopenia is neutropenia. The main causes of low neutrophils are as follows:

  • severe infectious diseases of acute and chronic course with severe generalization:
  • effects of radiation therapy or exposure to radiation;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • long-term use of certain drugs: cytostatics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsants, antibiotics and others;
  • enlargement of the spleen.

Low levels of basophils are very rare:

  • with acute infections;
  • with hyperthyroidism;
  • after taking glucocorticosteroids.

Eosinopenia (the content of eosinophils is below normal or there are no blood) is observed with active inflammation, aplastic anemia, vitamin B 12 deficiency. An unfavorable sign is the simultaneous decrease in eosinophils and neutrophils.

  • aplastic anemia;
  • radiation sickness (chronic or acute);
  • tuberculosis;
  • lymphosarcomas;
  • myeloma.

The absence or decrease in the number of monocytes in the blood is called monocytopenia. It can be observed with severe purulent tissue lesions and prolonged infectious diseases, for example, with blood poisoning and hypertoxic forms of certain infections.

It is considered a bad sign if immature cells - metamyelocytes and myelocytes - are found in the blood with a general decrease in the level of leukocytes. This may indicate tumor processes, metastasis, severe purulent lesions that have taken a life-threatening course.

Causes of decline in a child

In children, the normal level of leukocytes is higher than in adults. If the tests showed that there is a lack of leukocytes in the child's blood, then in most cases there is a pathology. In this case, the total number may be normal, but any particular type of white cells is reduced. Most often in children, leukocytes are underestimated in such diseases:

  • acute leukemia;
  • radiation sickness;
  • anemia;
  • acute allergies;
  • rubella, chicken pox, measles, hepatitis and other infections;
  • thyrotoxicosis and diabetes mellitus;
  • diffuse connective tissue diseases;
  • bone marrow disease.

In pregnant women

Usually in pregnant women, the level of white cells is slightly elevated, and this is considered normal. A decrease in leukocytes is observed in expectant mothers infrequently. Why this happened, and how to treat, only a doctor can determine. The causes may be pathologies:

  • viral infections: influenza, hepatitis, measles, rubella, herpes and others;
  • gastritis, colitis;
  • kidney failure.

Such diseases are highly undesirable when carrying a fetus. They require medical treatment and can cause irreparable harm to the unborn child.

Therefore, pregnant women should constantly take tests to see changes in the composition of the blood as early as possible, and then it will be much easier to prevent negative consequences for the fetus and expectant mother.


The number of white cells is an important indicator in a blood test. First of all, their absolute level is assessed. This takes into account shifts in the leukocyte formula, that is, the percentage of different types of leukocytes. However, diagnosis cannot be based only on laboratory data without taking into account clinical manifestations and other studies.

Our expert is Professor of the Department of Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Svetlana Lugovskaya.

We are not all made of iron.

Once upon a time, anemia was called anemia, and also - "a disease of tired blood." After all, it is the causeless and constant decline in strength that is its main symptom.

With a lack of iron, which is manifested by low hemoglobin, the blood can no longer carry enough oxygen, which causes the body to experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Other symptoms of the disease are frequent headache, "flies" before the eyes, dizziness. This happens because the blood vessels expand more than necessary to compensate for the lack of oxygen. With advanced anemia, hair falls out, nails break, skin and mucous membranes turn pale, chest pains and heart palpitations appear.

No overload!

Diet and vitamins can not cure an advanced anemia, this measure is good only for prevention or a mild degree of the disease. And with a moderate or severe form of the disease, you will have to take medication. But first you need to carefully examine and identify the cause of anemia. Do not self-prescribe iron supplements. This metal is toxic, which is why nature has provided for its limited absorption from food. Excess iron can damage cells, destroy the structure of DNA. Iron overload leads to congestive heart failure, liver and kidney damage.

It is dangerous to take iron supplements with an excess of this trace element in the body (for diseases such as hemochromatosis, hemosiderosis), for allergies to drugs, as well as for alcohol dependence, liver diseases (hepatitis), exacerbation of infections, inflammation of the pancreas, stomach ulcers, diseases intestines.

Therefore, it is better to entrust the treatment strategy to the doctor. By the way, anemia is not always associated with iron deficiency - sometimes it is caused by a lack of folic acid and vitamin B 12, which are involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

Did you get it all?

Taking iron supplements should be long-term, since the first results will be visible no earlier than after 3 weeks, and blood tests are normal only after 6-8 weeks. Usually, drugs are prescribed in the form of tablets, but if there is malabsorption or intolerance to iron, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor may recommend injections.

Iron supplements are more effectively absorbed if taken in the afternoon between meals. But, if the intake leads to indigestion, the medicine should be taken with food. And if the medicine makes you feel nauseous, it is better to take a pill at night. Iron in capsules is absorbed more slowly, which means it is more efficient. The most preferred preparations containing, in addition to iron, vitamins C, group B, folic acid, which are also involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin.

To improve the absorption of iron, it is necessary to avoid the use of dairy products along with preparations.

By the way

The most common causes of anemia are:

  • low iron content in the diet;
  • loss of blood (wounds, operations);
  • chronic blood loss (heavy menstruation, gastric bleeding, hemorrhoids, esophageal ulcer, hernia, diverticulosis);
  • violation of iron absorption (surgery on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, antacid gastritis);
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • worms;
  • too intense physical activity;
  • excessive use of aspirin.

Platelets are small non-nuclear plates that, together with leukocytes and erythrocytes, make up a group of blood cells that are in suspension in the plasma. They perform several functions, but the main one is participation in the clotting process. This is a protective reaction of the body, which is activated when the vessel is damaged. Due to the interaction of platelets with the components of the vascular walls, a blood clot is formed, which closes the site of damage. A change in the level of these cells immediately affects the coagulation process: if for some reason there are few of them, the blood stops poorly, and there is a tendency to bleed.


The level of platelets in a healthy person is in the range from 180 to 400X10⁹/liter. If their number is below 140X10⁹ / liter, they speak of a condition such as thrombocytopenia. It can be both an independent disease and a symptom of another disease.

How to recognize

With low platelets, since the blood does not clot well, it is often noted:

  • nosebleeds;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • bleeding gums;
  • the formation of many small red dots on the body;
  • rapid bruising.

Causes of low platelets

If a small amount of platelets was found in the blood test, this may indicate the following:

  • platelets are produced in the body in small quantities;
  • accumulate in the spleen in the depot;
  • are destroyed by the body already mature;
  • lost in chronic bleeding.

Thrombocytopenia can be due to various reasons. It is often associated with the rapid destruction of these cells. The main reasons for the decline in this case are:

  • autoimmune thrombocytopenia, which develops as a result of a malfunction of the immune system (leukocytes destroy healthy cells of the body, mistaking them for foreign or pathological);
  • blood transfusion;
  • severe injuries;
  • vasculitis, diffuse connective tissue diseases (eg, lupus erythematosus).

Platelets can fall due to the fact that their formation is reduced in the body. This is typical for such diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • tumors and metastasis in the bone marrow;
  • drug addiction and alcoholism.

Thrombocytopenia develops with an enlarged spleen. This happens:

  • with leukemia;
  • infectious processes;
  • cirrhosis of the liver.

Thrombocytopenia in children is distinguished by some features. Reasons for a low level are usually the following:

  1. In newborns, it may be associated with a conflict between maternal antibodies and antigens of the child.
  2. At the age of 4 to 6 months, it can develop against the background of hemolytic-uremic syndrome. The disease is characterized by two more symptoms - hemolytic anemia and renal failure.
  3. In children, thrombocytopenia associated with congenital pathology is most often observed, and thrombocytopenic purpura is idiopathic.

In adults, thrombocytopenia of autoimmune origin and secondary, which are a sign of another disease, are more often observed.

During pregnancy

In women during gestation, especially in the third trimester, low platelets are often recorded. The reasons for the decrease may be as follows:

  • a change in the hormonal balance, leading to a decrease in the life span of platelets;
  • an increase in the amount of circulating blood during pregnancy, while the concentration of all formed elements, including platelets, decreases;
  • infectious processes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • lack of folic acid and vitamin B 12;
  • obstetric bleeding caused by various reasons, including the manipulation of health workers.

Most often, during pregnancy, platelets are not much less than normal, and this does not manifest itself in any way. But if they have fallen significantly, there are clinical signs and a threat of bleeding, you need to see a doctor and start treatment. This condition during childbirth can be dangerous for the expectant mother.

How to treat

Treatment depends on the pathology that caused the liquid blood. It is aimed primarily at its elimination.

If the platelet level is only slightly low, no special treatment may be required. In this case, nutrition is adjusted, folk remedies are used, the condition of the mucous membranes and the level of platelets in the blood are constantly monitored.

If thrombocytopenia is primary, glucocorticosteroids (drugs with prednisolone), immunomodulators are prescribed. In some cases, they may prescribe a transfusion of platelet mass, plasmapheresis. Usually, treatment is carried out in a hospital, where the patient is shown bed rest until the platelet level reaches 140X10⁹ / liter. Treatment is quite long and difficult. The course of therapy can last up to three months. In severe cases, surgery is performed to remove the spleen (splenectomy).

It is important to know that with low platelets, you can not take aspirin, barbiturates, drink coffee. It is necessary to exclude allergens, spicy and hot dishes from the diet.

Along with medication, proper nutrition is shown. There is no special diet, the main thing is that the body receives proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals in the required amount. The diet should be more foods high in vitamin K, group B, folic acid, iron. Thanks to them, blood clotting will improve. Useful products include:

  • peas;
  • buckwheat, oatmeal and barley porridge;
  • germinated grains of wheat;
  • beef liver;
  • corn;
  • nuts;
  • fresh juices (carrot, beetroot, cabbage, strawberry, raspberry and others).

Treatment with folk remedies

To increase blood density, along with drug therapy, folk methods are used. To increase the level of platelets, brew and drink herbal teas:

  • currant leaves,
  • rose hips,
  • thyme,
  • coltsfoot.

It is recommended to include sesame oil in food, eat more onions and garlic. Sesame oil improves the process of blood clotting, it must be consumed every day for 10 g. To improve immunity, aloe juice and echinacea purpurea help well.

A proven remedy for liquid blood is a decoction of nettle. To prepare it, pour 10 grams of nettle with water (in the amount of 250 ml) and boil for about 10 minutes. Drink the remedy three times a day.

Another effective medicine is verbena infusion, which should be taken for a month in a glass a day. For cooking, take five grams of verbena and pour boiling water (250 ml), after which they insist for about 30 minutes.


A decrease in platelet levels can be no less dangerous than an increase in which the risk of thrombosis is high. A small number of these cells responsible for blood clotting is a reason for examination. It is imperative to find out why their level has dropped and what needs to be done. Thrombocytopenia is accompanied by bleeding and may be a sign of serious diseases that require mandatory treatment.