
Bottled water: choose the best. Why is bottled water the biggest swindle of our century? What is bottled drinking water

Number of sources used in this article: . You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

When buying bottled water, it is sometimes difficult to decide which one to take. In particular, this applies to people who do not understand the marketing terminology on the labels or the bottles themselves. Many bottled water companies advertise their products as a more natural, healthier, or better quality alternative to tap water. However, with a little research, you no longer have to think about which bottled water to choose from a huge variety of options. It is enough to have only basic knowledge to choose the brand or type of water that suits you best.


Part 1

Buying bottled water

    Buy water from natural sources. Companies distribute a wide range of water, but you can choose water that has been extracted from a natural source: from a spring or an artesian well. Try the following options:

    Avoid bottled water from public sources. Some companies sell bottled tap water or from a public water supply. If you want natural or artesian water, don't buy bottled tap water.

    Read the labels on the packaging. At the bottom of the bottle or on its reverse side there should be a sign indicating the type of plastic from which the bottle was made. Most water bottles are made from polyethylene terephthalate (PET). This type of plastic is used to make various types of plastic containers and has been officially recognized as safe.

    Calculate an approximate budget for bottled water. Some brands are quite expensive, especially if they are specially packaged or advertised as artesian water.

    • When planning the purchase of bottled water, you need to consider how many bottles of water you consume or plan to consume daily. This way you can determine how many bottles you need to buy to last you a week.
    • You may be able to save money by buying bottles in bulk. Many stores offer discounts for bulk buyers.
    • Consider home delivery of bottled water. Some companies deliver huge bottles of water for coolers to your home, so you can refill the bottles yourself.
  1. Properly store bottled water. To maintain product quality and shelf life, bottled water, like most foods and beverages, must be stored properly.

    Pay attention to water bottles - how they were stocked and stored. You may want to rinse the bottle cap, especially if it is not covered with a protective film. Improper handling may have left bacteria or other harmful substances on the lid.

    Part 2

    Finding Other Water Sources
    1. Buy a water purification system for your home. Purchasing a water treatment system is more cost effective in the long run and saves you the hassle of disposing of a huge amount of plastic bottles. There are two types of purification systems: for the whole house (they filter all the water that enters the house and are expensive) and at the point of use (they filter water at the point of use, for example, for a shower head or sink faucet). Most people prefer to use local cleaning systems as they are cheaper. These systems include:

      Buy refillable bottles that are BPA-free. If you choose to use or drink tap water, or have access to a purified water cooler, consider getting a refillable bottle to do your part to protect the environment.

      • Using a reusable bottle will allow you to reduce the amount of plastic bottles and garbage thrown away.
    2. Drink tap water. Although tap or municipal water is not as good as some bottled water, it is still a healthy and inexpensive alternative to bottled water. Quite often, tap water is quite suitable for drinking. When in doubt, buy a filter jug ​​and put it in the refrigerator to improve the quality of the filtration.

    Article Information

    This article was co-authored by Claudia Carberry, RD, MS. Claudia Carberry is a nutritionist at the Medical University of Arkansas. She received her master's degree in dietetics from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2010.

Today I will tell you about how clean water is made. This is not about the water that runs from the tap, but about clean healthy water that is used for coolers and sold in stores.

1. Robot palletizer

It's no secret that you shouldn't drink tap water. You need to at least boil it in a kettle or use a filter. Boiling can kill pathogenic microbes, but all sorts of unnecessary impurities in water, heavy metals cannot be excluded from water. How is water purified on an industrial scale?

A few years ago, a Chistaya Voda plant was built in the Sovietsky district of Novosibirsk. The new plant is a modern office and logistics production complex built in accordance with Russian and international norms and standards. Since 2008, scheduled inspections by international experts of the NSF (National Sanitary Fund) of the workshop for the production of water, products, warehousing, delivery, and equipment service have been carried out annually, and the highest rating of experts has always been given.
2. Chistaya Voda is the largest enterprise in Russia and Europe in its industry for the production of bottled water

The complex is equipped with its own source of heat supply (gas boiler house), a backup source of electricity, and all water, including for household needs, is extracted from its own wells. Thus, the complex can work offline.
3. This is what the production looks like from the outside. The clean zone is isolated from the working production zone by a special glass wall. In a clean production area, an excess pressure of clean air is created, which eliminates the possibility of polluted air or dust from outside.

All employees undergo a medical examination before starting work and are at work in a special uniform, disposable caps and shoe covers, without cosmetics, jewelry and perfumes.

All walls, ceilings and floors are made of easy to clean and non-absorbent materials. All equipment and process pipelines are located in such a way that it is most convenient to carry out daily maintenance and sanitization.
4. Filter content

The first well on the territory of the plant was drilled in 2006. From its own artesian wells with a depth of 120 meters, the crystal waters of an underground lake, protected by a monolithic rock mass, rise to the top. All the way, up to the bottles, they will pass through pipes made of high-quality stainless food steel. Such steel is distinguished by the highest chemical resistance and excludes the very possibility of reaction with water.

As in nature, passing through the thickness of the earth, layers of sand and gravel, at the plant it is cleaned in a sand and gravel filter, getting rid of insoluble substances and particles. The BIRM filter, like natural iron bacteria, removes iron and manganese from water, substances that tend to settle on the intestinal walls, interfere with the absorption of useful things and cause infectious diseases. The carbon filter, consisting of coconut peel, removes possible organic and inorganic compounds, foreign odors and tastes from the water.
5. Filters

In the process of a natural whirlpool, water, falling to the ground, becomes absolutely soft. In production, water passes through a special softener filter, which reduces hardness.

As in nature, the sun's rays disinfect water, destroying pathogens, so at the Pure Water plant this function is performed by special UV lamps - devices for disinfecting water with ultraviolet rays with a wavelength of 200-295 nanometers. Water is treated with ultraviolet light after the softener. At the same time, the taste and mineral composition of the water do not change. Just as these parameters do not change during natural disinfection by the sun.
6. Water at the plant passes through a reverse osmosis section: up to 98.5% of the remaining impurities are removed from the pre-treated water, only water molecules pass through the pores of the semi-permeable membrane. (No distillation!)
Under natural conditions, water is enriched by penetrating through the rocks and limestones that were once the bottom of the ancient ocean. At the company's plant, this process is replaced by mineralization - pure water is enriched with natural minerals in a concentration approved by the World Health Organization.

Before bottling, an active form of oxygen, ozone, is passed through the water, which destroys bacteria and viruses, oxidizes residual organic compounds and saturates the water with oxygen, giving it a taste of thunderous freshness. Ozonation is also an analogue of a natural process: in nature, ozone is formed during a thunderstorm.

Only after all the purification processes described above, the water is bottled.
7. The 19 liter bottles are made of high quality, environmentally friendly polycarbonate that does not affect the taste, color, odor or composition of the water.

8. First, empty bottles go through incoming control, where they are checked for the presence of foreign odor and the integrity of the label. Bottles are inspected and sniffed :)

9. Then, along the conveyor, the bottles go to the container tightness tester, where special sensors screen out bottles even with the slightest plastic defect.

12. Each bottle goes through several stages of washing before it comes into contact with the product - Pure Water. The uniqueness of the technology of the Italian Bardi installation is that during the passage of the bottles through the systems, they are not fixed by machine parts in one place, which ensures absolute purity.

13. Another secret patented by R.Bardi is self-cleaning nozzles for washing bottles, eliminating clogging, which means the likelihood of “non-washing” bottles.

First - a pre-wash: a jet of water under high pressure washes away the main dirt. Then - the main wash: the bottles are washed at a temperature of 75 degrees with a special detergent from the Henkel Ecolab company, and this is the world leader in the field of products for processing food equipment and containers. After each stage, it is mandatory to rinse the bottles with clean water. Next - disinfection with a hydrogen peroxide-based agent. And finally, the final treatment with a highly ozonized product - which gives an additional guarantee.

Each bottle is filled with Pure Water through an individual filling system that automatically measures the volume of water and makes the filling process even more accurate and safe, since the bottle does not interact with any of the objects. At the same time, 10 nineteen-liter bottles are filled. The bottles are closed with disposable stoppers, a cap made of shrink film is sealed on top, on which the date, time of filling and batch number are stamped.
15. The conveyor with the bottles moves to the palletizer robot, which puts them in new, reliable and safe plastic pallets or puts them on euro pallets, which are then automatically wrapped with stretch film.

16. These stackers are the fastest robots in Russia. The Italian technology of Acmi is comparable to Ferrari in the automotive world.

17. Bottles with finished products are inspected for cracks and defects

18. Product test

The plant has its own laboratory with the most modern devices for water analysis. Laboratory employees conduct about 30 water analyzes every hour at each technological stage, from the well to the finished product.
19. After the water has been purified, bottled, packed in pallets, sent to the warehouse

20. A modern Class A warehouse with an area of ​​10,800 m2 meets the highest requirements for the storage of goods: floors with anti-dust coating, controlled temperature and humidity.

21. The company has a daily call center

23. And this is the sanitization of coolers, which is carried out during the entire service life of the equipment.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the benefits of bottled drinking water
  • What are the requirements for bottled drinking water
  • What categories of drinking bottled water are distinguished
  • What classifications of bottled drinking water exist

It has long been known that a significant proportion of the diet should be drinking water. Therefore, a person who cares about his health should consume a sufficient amount of it. The question arises: where to get really high-quality water? How to choose it in the store, bypassing the fake?

Bottled drinking water, its manufacturing technology and the nuances of choice - in this article.

The quality of the water depends on the purity. The cleaner, the better. As a rule, this indicator is characterized by the biochemical need for About₂. Here we are talking about the amount of this substance contained in the liquid. As a rule, in drinking - 1.5 million oxygen particles. In wastewater, this indicator is 100–450 million. It turns out that the more oxygen in the water, the more decomposable organic waste in it.

Drinking water is also evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • organoleptic(color, taste, smell, turbidity and transparency);
  • rigidity;
  • degree of acidity.

Hard water is made by the potassium and sodium salts contained in it. The acidity level can be low above 7, high below 7, and neutral at 7. Bottled drinking water can have acidity from 7,38 before 7,42.

The quality of bottled water is clearly regulated by the sanitary and epidemiological standards of the Russian Federation and the rules SanPiN The information in these documents allows you to establish what content of certain elements for water is considered to be the limit.

The composition of mineral and bottled water is directly evaluated according to other documents. What should be drinking bottled water? GOST R 54316-2011 sets these options.

To determine the quality of bottled drinking water, experts use different methods:

  1. Due diligence method. Establish whether the water meets the SanPiN norm. Bottled drinking water must be checked in all industries specializing in its production.
  2. The abbreviated analysis method. Water from plastic and glass bottles is examined at the request of consumers.

Any enterprise producing bottled water must operate in strict accordance with established rules and regulations. Only in this case, the liquid will meet all the required indicators.

How bottled drinking water is made

In any workshop where bottled water is bottled, there is a whole line on which it is prepared, purified, and disinfected.

The production of bottled drinking water involves several steps:

  1. Water enters the container chlorination. There it is disinfected, several metals (iron, manganese, etc.) are oxidized - they turn into a form that does not dissolve in water. Then the liquid passes through the sand filter, where solid mechanical particles and inclusions settle.
  2. The second stage is carbon filter cleaning, where chlorine residues and other chemicals are removed from the water by adsorption. This processing stage is one of the most important, and therefore, taking into account how the brand positions itself, the manufacturer chooses coal of the appropriate brand for the filter: domestic birch or imported, for example, coconut (the degree of purification is significantly different).
  3. The remains of coal are eliminated by fine filters. Further, the water is sent to the storage bin, where it is stored until the bottling.
  4. Immediately before bottling, the water goes through the final stage of purification - it irradiated with ultraviolet to destroy microorganisms that may be there during filtration and storage.

By a similar principle, liquid is prepared for most bottlers, which are engaged in bottling both drinking water and other drinks. Exceptions to such a technological chain are either underground businessmen who pour water directly from water taps, or large brands. Large companies use additional silver filters, osmotic barriers, etc. as part of their own production.

Today, the processes for the release of bottled drinking liquids are automated. In the event of any failure, the entire production process is halted. Large factories have their own laboratories, where the quality of produced bottled water is checked hourly. Samples from each batch are sent for analysis to the laboratory of the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology. Every month, the water undergoes a bacteriological examination, and every six months - a detailed examination.

6 Great Benefits of Bottled Drinking Water

  1. The volume of the bottles can be different - as 0.33 l and 19 l. Any person has the opportunity to take water with them on the road in a compact package or stock up on large volumes for home use or the upcoming big celebration.
  2. Bottled drinking water can be safely consumed, since it does not need to be filtered, boiled, or purified.
  3. Bottled drinking water is stored for 1 year. All this time it remains of high quality, does not lose its useful and taste properties.
  4. Bottled drinking water has a pleasant fresh taste. Unfortunately, the environment in big cities today leaves much to be desired. And in order to protect yourself a little from dirty air, it is useful to drink clean artesian water. It's a treasure trove of useful items.
  5. Another plus is that bottled drinking water is delivered directly to the consumer's door. Its supply is carried out by manufacturers regularly, and therefore it is always in stock.
  6. Modern manufacturers offer high-quality drinking water, absolutely safe, complying with all GOST and SanPin standards. Often, bottled drinking water brings great benefits - if it contains micro and macro elements that allow our body to work better.

What requirements bottled packaged drinking water must meet is stated in the rules “Drinking Water. Hygienic requirements for the quality of water packaged in containers. Quality control. SanPiN". We present this information.

Bottled water must comply with hygiene standards both during the production process and during transportation, storage and throughout the entire shelf life.

High-quality bottled drinking water meets the following safety requirements:

Only if bottled drinking water meets the established parameters, and all macro- and microelements are normal, is it considered physiologically complete.

Preservatives for such a liquid can be reagents such as iodine, silver and carbon dioxide.

Used for the preparation of baby food (for artificial feeding of children), bottled water must meet the standard values ​​for the main parameters of the liquid of the highest category and additional requirements:

  • silver and carbon dioxide should not be used as a preservative;
  • permissible limits for the content of fluoride ion: 0.6–1.0 mg/l;
  • permissible limits for the content of iodide ion: 0.04–0.06 mg / l.

For bottling of bottled drinking water, consumer containers approved by the Ministry of Health for contact with food products are used. The marking indicates information, the presence of which is prescribed by technical and regulatory legal acts.

When labeling water for baby food, it should be written how to use it after opening the package.

It is necessary to store and transport packaged goods in accordance with the requirements specified in the manufacturer's regulatory documents for finished products. Such documents are approved in the prescribed manner.

In addition, SanPiN has a special Appendix 9.1 to Section 9 of Chapter II "Uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for products that require sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control)" - "Criteria for the quality and safety of water, packaged in a container, where all the requirements are detailed.

Categories of drinking bottled water

In accordance with SanPiN.1.4.1074-01 and SanPiN, water is divided into several quality classes. The first document says what requirements drinking tap water must meet, the second - bottled.

So, all drinking water subdivided into the following categories:

  • 1st category - the best water intended for children;
  • 2nd category - top quality water;
  • 3rd category - the most common water, grade I;
  • 4th category - tap water is filtered and disinfected with chlorine.

In the diet of people who want to stay healthy, purified water must certainly be present. But even bottled, pre-cleaned, filtered and containing valuable substances, is divided into two groups:

  1. First category. Good filtered bottled drinking water. A person can use it regularly, without harm to himself. It meets all regulations regarding the maximum allowable concentration of elements and minerals.
  2. Drinking top quality. The purest artesian or spring water, where there are absolutely no chemical and biological contaminants. It not only does not harm the body, but also benefits, because it contains a huge amount of trace elements.

Such a division into categories is carried out on the basis of the new norms of SanPiN. But in order to get category I water, sometimes it is enough to clean the usual one from the tap.

Water goes through several stages of preparation for use:

  • iron is removed from it with the help of sorbing filters;
  • then soften;
  • eliminate the smallest particles of chlorine;
  • disinfected with UV rays or silver;
  • mineralize, add calcium, fluorine and magnesium.

Despite multi-stage purification, such water still cannot stand on the same level as the highest category liquid, since in this way manufacturers cannot completely eliminate iron, chlorine and other elements from it. Small particles still remain.

Drinking water of the highest category extracted from clean underground sources, where pollution does not enter. But such a liquid must meet a number of requirements:

  1. Compliance with the norms of physiological usefulness. It's not just cleanliness that matters. Such water should benefit our body. It may initially, that is, still in the source, contain various useful substances.
  2. Safe chemical composition. Liquid of the highest category is identified not only by the inscriptions on the labels. Drinking bottled water extracted from alpine sources differs in cost, its price is 60–80 rubles per 1 liter higher than usual.

International bottled water classification

Types of bottled drinking water are divided according to the American system, successfully used throughout the world:

  1. Artesianwater(Artesian Well Water, Artesian Water). It is extracted from boreholes. It flows at great depths, exclusively between layers of rocks. The pressure pushes the liquid out, which makes the extraction process a little easier.
  2. Direct drinking water (Drinking Water). As already mentioned, if there are no chemical additives, calories and sugar in the liquid, it is drinkable. If flavorings, essences and extracts of fruits or spices are added to bottled water, they should not exceed 1% by weight of the finished product. In the drinking liquid there are no sodium ions, or they are, but in a meager amount.
  3. Mineral Water, where there are no mineralizers added artificially. All minerals are present in it before extraction. Water must be bottled and contain at least 0.25 ml of mineral elements per 1 liter, in accordance with the Russian classification (GOST 13272-88).
  4. Purified bottled water (Purified Water). To obtain it, distillation, reverse osmosis or deionization is used. Such a liquid is deionized (softened) or distilled.
  5. Sparkling or sparkling water (Sparkling Water). This is the one in which, after technical cleaning and filtration, the same amount of carbon dioxide remains as after extraction. Also considered bottled.

When sugar is added to carbonated bottled water, calories change the amount of carbon dioxide, it turns into a soft drink. Soda, tonic, bottled seltzer are not considered carbonated or sparkling.

  1. Spring water (Spring Water) from underground sources coming to the surface. Of course, after mining, all the original properties must be preserved, as if it is still flowing through an underground source. In Russia, such water is also called "spring".
  2. Well water or water from a well (Well Water) fully corresponds to the name. To get it, narrow holes are drilled and wells are built. Bottled liquid of this type in its composition must be absolutely identical to the water in the well.

Classification of bottled drinking water according to consumer properties

On the shelves of stores today, you can most often find bottled drinking purified water. It is used everywhere and everywhere, every day. It differs from purified tap water, because during cleaning and filtration it is freed from absolutely all chemical compounds. Already at the subsequent stages, the liquid mineralizes a little, and the end consumer receives it almost in its original form.

Drinking purified water is also used in cooking: it is absolutely safe, without microbes and harmful substances.

There is also table water suitable for daily use with mineralizations up to 1 gram per liter. Often used for prevention, since it contains various minerals and useful salts.

There can be only one contraindication. If a person is allergic to any mineral element in the composition, then, of course, he should not take such water. So, for example, a hypertensive person does not need to drink water in which there is a lot of sodium. It is undesirable for people with increased blood clotting to consume table water saturated with calcium. It contains chlorides that affect the functioning of the digestive system.

If there are some doubts about your health, then before drinking table water, it is better to consult a doctor.

Medical-dining room is another category of water. Such a liquid is not used in cooking and it is impossible to drink it constantly, without the appropriate recommendations of a specialist. Excessive consumption of medicinal table water can disrupt the salt balance in the body, and therefore it is advisable to consult a doctor before use. You can show the specialist the composition of the water you are going to drink. The composition is usually written on the labels.

If you use all types of medicinal table water in a row, without really understanding it, you can seriously harm the body, and, of course, there will be no benefit from such a “recovery”.

Healing waters. Minerals and salts are contained in them in even greater quantities than in medical dining rooms. Before including them in the diet, it is also worth consulting with a specialist. If you drink medicinal water every day, relying only on your preferences, your health may be shaken due to the increased content of minerals.

Classification of bottled water by ionic composition and useful properties

There are usually 7 main ions in drinking water. Depending on which of them is present in the composition, there are three classes of water: bicarbonate, sulfate and chloride. Each class is divided into three groups - calcium, magnesium, sodium- with their individual useful properties.

Very beneficial effect on the stomach hydrocarbonate waters. They significantly reduce the level of acidity of gastric juice. They are usually used to treat and prevent urolithiasis.

Chloride water stimulate the metabolism in the body, increase the secretion of the stomach. Also, thanks to them, the pancreas and small intestine work much better.

sulfate water contribute to the restoration of the functions of the gallbladder and liver. They are used in the treatment of people suffering from diabetes and diseases of the biliary tract.

Due to the high calcium content, sulfate waters strengthen bones, have a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems, and have a positive effect on blood clotting.

Approximately the same effect magnesium, and therefore it is prescribed for the same diseases. It also has a beneficial effect on the blood supply to the heart muscle, improving it.

Thanks to the use mineral water with sodium ions improves blood pressure, water exchange in the body (since they affect the process of swelling of tissue colloids, due to which water is retained in the body), the work of digestive enzymes is activated.

Due potassium water the acid-base balance in the blood is regulated, the heart and kidneys work better. Potassium helps to neutralize excess sodium in the body, normalizes blood pressure.

As you know, in most mineral waters useful qualities of different classes and categories are combined. In other words, if you drink water with a mixed composition, you provide a comprehensive preventive effect on the body. Waters with such compositions include, for example, hydrocarbonate-chloride and chloride-sulfate.

Despite the fact that mineral water contains many useful substances, it is certainly not a cure for all diseases. And, of course, such a liquid cannot become a full-fledged alternative to all vitamins and microelements necessary for a person. So, by drinking mineral water, you only additionally nourish the body.

High-quality mineral water has a beneficial effect on it, improves the functioning of organs. But it is not able to fully replace traditional human energy sources, such as fruits and vegetables, foods that contain proteins and carbohydrates. If necessary, special dietary supplements and vitamins can be taken as a supplement.

For this and other reasons, it is worth alternating the use of mineral water with plain water, in which there are not so many salts and minerals.

Today, a procedure is successfully practiced, in which the individual mineral composition of the body is determined. This, it must be said, is a rather costly undertaking. During it, the specialist burns a strand of hair of the subject and reveals which salts and minerals are lacking in his body, and which ones are above the norm.

If you are going to improve your health with the help of mineral water, consult a specialist and comprehensively examine the body. The results of the study will show what elements are missing and whether it is possible to replenish them with mineral water. A professional will not only advise the optimal liquid for consumption. He will tell you how to eat, make a list of products that are best combined with mineral water.

And one more important nuance. Mineral water has always been popular with Russians. However, earlier its release and compliance with quality requirements were controlled by the state. Now the situation has changed. The production of bottled drinking water is most often carried out by private traders, among which, alas, there are many unscrupulous firms. As a result, every fourth bottle contains either fake or useless water, which has nothing to do with real mineral water. Therefore, it is better to buy bottled water from well-known brands with a good reputation.

Often, illiterate treatment and harmful preventive measures are more dangerous for the body than the diseases themselves. Therefore, it is important to be able to choose water so as not to encounter a fake or low-quality product.

How to choose bottled drinking water in the store

1. Read the label. All important information is indicated on it: chemical composition, water category, source, registration characteristics. When buying, be sure to look at a number of important parameters:

  • Expiry date of bottled drinking water. If the bottle is made of glass, the liquid in it can be stored for up to two years, if made of plastic - 18 months. Pay attention to the release date.
  • Chemical-physical analysis. The labels almost always indicate what substances and in what quantity are contained in the water.
  • Mineral or drinking? The label of natural underground water indicates the number of the well from which it was extracted. If we are talking about tap water, its origin is also indicated on the label - directly or veiled. For example: “water from the central water supply system of city X”.
  • Container. The safest is glass packaging. But it is quite heavy, and therefore it is inconvenient to take it with you. Other materials are also allowed. The only exception is PVC (polyvinyl chloride) - such packaging should be avoided due to the high toxicity of the material.

2. Study the look of the bottle. Since unscrupulous companies, as a rule, do not work on the market for long, their products look unpresentable. If all the elements - the cap, the label, the bottle itself have an attractive appearance, then the manufacturer is most likely worthy.

3. Purchasing water from large retail outlet, you almost do not run the risk of running into a fake. In large networks, only products from trusted manufacturers are sold.

If the water quality leaves much to be desired…

The problem of dirty water in the house can be partially solved by installing a high-quality filter, but in such systems it is periodically necessary to replace components, because it directly depends on how well the drinking liquid will be cleaned.

At the same time, the question remains: how to ensure that our workplace or a child at school has the best quality water? The best solution is to buy it with delivery.

The Iceberg company offers favorable conditions for servicing its customers:

  • free delivery of water to your home or office: buyers pay only the cost of the goods;
  • wells from which our water is drawn have registration documents in the State Water Cadastre of the Russian Federation;
  • for the extraction and bottling of water, advanced technologies are used, which helps to preserve and increase its quality and natural purity;
  • we also sell modern water coolers and other equipment manufactured by well-known European brands, taking into account existing quality standards. The sizes of pumps and racks for bottles vary, allowing you to install devices even in small rooms;
  • delivery of drinking water to your home or office is carried out at the lowest price, thanks to constant promotions from our company;
  • along with water, you can purchase disposable tableware, tea, coffee and other auxiliary products.

Clean water is valuable, but it should not be worth its weight in gold. Our mission is to provide every home and workplace with high-quality drinking water, so we have prepared the most favorable conditions for our customers.

American researchers estimate that US residents annually spend more than $15 million on bottled water. In terms of consumption of life-giving water in bottles, the United States is the undisputed leader, which means that drinking water is a very profitable industry. In our country, the volume of purchased water consumption is not so large, but many people prefer it. It is not uncommon to hear the opinion that bottled water is much safer than tap water, which is full of chemicals and even with a filter is not guaranteed to be safe for health. Is it really so safe in bottles and are manufacturers hiding something from us?

6 Bottled Water Secrets You Should Know

1. Bottled water is not subject to deep sanitary checks.
This information is shocking to many, but it is true. Tap water undergoes strict daily sanitary control to prevent possible contamination and infection of the population. At the same time, bottled water is subject to a standard sanitary check no more than once a week. Add to this the fact that water bottles are treated with disinfectants, which in turn can contribute to the formation of harmful by-products called trihalomethanes. Such substances have a carcinogenic effect and, if accumulated in the body, can provoke the development of cancer and birth defects in the fetus if a pregnant woman consumes such water!

2. Bottled water is taken from the treatment plant
If you think that bottled water comes from the purest sources located far from the city, then you are wrong! The tempting picture on the label depicting a mountain spring is nothing more than a publicity stunt that has nothing to do with reality. In fact, the source of bottled water is the same treatment plant from which regular tap water is taken.

3. Bottled water is a way to get rich on uninformed customers
Bottled drinking water is so expensive that it is appropriate to call it "liquid gold". Indeed, if we compare the cost of a liter of purchased water and the cost of a liter of tap water, the difference is 100 times or more! Moreover, the quality of tap water, if not superior, then certainly not inferior to the quality of bottled water. In addition, it is generally accepted that purchased drinking water is much tastier than the one that comes to our house. Actually this is a myth. Most independent researchers have come to the unequivocal conclusion that tap water is much tastier than bottled water.

4. Plastic drinking water bottles are a health hazard!
The plastic used to make drinking water bottles is full of various chemicals. So, almost all plastic bottles contain bisphenol A, a toxic chemical that can cause irreparable harm to health. In addition, bottle plastic contains phthalates, which can cause hormonal imbalance. Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight or heat contributes to the ingress of these harmful components into the water, and hence into the human body.

5. Bottled water is dangerous for the environment
Here we will talk directly about the dangers of plastic on the environment. It turns out that more than 3 million tons of plastic are processed per year for the production of plastic bottles. And it takes over 47 million gallons of oil a year to make this plastic. And, despite the fact that a huge number of plastic bottles are recycled, more than 75% of the plastic ends up in the soil, lakes and rivers, seas and oceans, thereby polluting the environment. But the period of decomposition of plastic is more than 100 years!

6. Bottled water contains fluoride
Fluorides, that is, fluorine ions, are invariably present in bottled water. But it has long been known that fluorides are dangerous and very toxic substances that lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and the development of dental fluorosis.


Everyone should understand that drinking bottled water is not only economically unprofitable, but also dangerous to health! It is much safer and more economical to purchase a tap water filter than buying bottled water.
Be healthy!

There is nothing better than a sip of pure ice water on a hot summer day. Some people get this water for free, others buy it every day. Is bottled water worth the money you spend on it, or is it nothing more than a scam?

Is the quality of bottled and tap water different?

According to studies conducted in America, the quality of tap and bottled water is almost identical, and it has the same effect on human health. In some cases, tap water sources may even be safer, as they tend to be more purified.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, people who use private wells are not able to conduct the same rigorous tests that are used for open sources in cities. In addition, some sources continue to be used even when they are considered dangerous.

However, there are many reasons to stop buying bottled water. Read on to find out facts about drinking water that you haven't heard yet.

Who first came up with the idea of ​​selling bottled water

The first recorded case of the sale of bottled water occurred in Boston in 1760, when a company called Jackson's SPA began bottling water and selling it as mineral water. It was offered for therapeutic purposes. Soon companies in Saratoga Springs and Albany also began packaging and selling water.

Popularity of bottled water

The amount of bottled water that people around the world drink is 10% of their total consumption. The best bottled water is sold in America. Modern Americans drink bottled water more than milk or beer.

Last year in America, the amount of bottled water sold exceeded the amount of soda for the first time. Thus, bottled water has effectively reorganized the beverage market. This was stated by Michael C. Bellas - Chairman of the Board of Directors and CEO of Beverage Marketing.