
Hormonal drugs harm and benefit diprospan. After the injection of diprospan, the pain intensified. Treatment with Diprospan for alopecia areata

Diprospan is an injectable glucocorticosteroid that combines the fast-acting and depot form of betamethasone. The drug is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues, allergic and dermatological and other diseases and pathological conditions that require systemic therapy with glucocorticosteroids. Diprospan is endowed with high glucocorticoid (anti-inflammatory) and relatively weak mineralocorticoid activity. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, suppresses excessively “played out” immunity, and also has a strong and multidirectional effect on various types of metabolism.

As already mentioned, the drug contains two forms of betamethasone. Betamethasone sodium phosphate has good solubility and, after intramuscular injection, is rapidly hydrolyzed and almost instantly absorbed from the injection site, which means a rapid onset of action. This substance is also excreted quickly - within one day. The second component of the drug - betamethasone dipropionate - is a deposited form, the complete elimination of which requires at least 10 days, which ensures the duration of the therapeutic effect.

There are a great many ways to administer diprospan: intramuscular, intra- and periarticular, intrabursal (directly into the joint bag), intradermal, intrafocal ... In other words, the drug can be injected into almost any lesion, whether inflammation or an allergic reaction. The only restriction on the introduction of diprospan is the absence of an intravenous and subcutaneous method of its delivery to the body. The dosage regimen, the frequency and method of administration are set by the doctor in each case, depending on the anamnesis, the severity of the pathological process and the patient's individual response. The initial dose of diprospan according to general recommendations is 1-2 ml. Re-introduction is made as necessary, with an eye to the patient's condition.

For intramuscular injection, a large muscle is selected. The drug must be injected as deeply as possible, while avoiding the ingress of the substance into other tissues (otherwise, their atrophy may begin). When using diprospan as a means of emergency therapy, the initial dose should be 2 ml. For various skin diseases, it is usually sufficient to administer 1 ml of the drug. In diseases of the respiratory tract (bronchial asthma, allergic bronchitis and rhinitis), the effect of diprospan begins to be felt within the first few hours. For a visible improvement in the condition, a dose of 1-2 ml is sufficient. In acute and chronic inflammation of the joint capsule, the initial dose does not go beyond the same 1-2 ml of suspension. According to the indications, several repeated injections can be made. If after a given period of time the expected result is not achieved, then diprospan should be canceled and switched to another drug.

Diprospan can also be used topically, while, as a rule, the simultaneous administration of an anesthetic is not required. In acute bursitis, the introduction of 1-2 ml of the drug directly into the cavity formed by the synovial membrane relieves pain and restores joint mobility for several hours. After stopping the acute stage, the dose of diprospan can be reduced. In acute inflammation of the tendons, one injection is enough to improve the condition; in the chronic phase of the disease, depending on the patient's condition, the administration of diprospan can be repeated several times. After the required clinical response is achieved, a maintenance (minimum effective) dose is selected experimentally. The abolition of diprospan after long courses of treatment is carried out gradually. The patient must then be under medical supervision for at least a year after the withdrawal of a long-term glucocorticosteroid.


GKS. It has high glucocorticoid and insignificant mineralocorticoid activity. The drug has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and immunosuppressive effects, and also has a pronounced and diverse effect on various types of metabolism.


Suction and distribution

Betamethasone sodium phosphate is highly soluble and, after intramuscular administration, is rapidly hydrolyzed and almost immediately absorbed from the injection site, which ensures a rapid onset of therapeutic action. Almost completely eliminated within one day after administration.

Betamethasone dipropionate is slowly absorbed from the depot, metabolized gradually, which leads to a long-term effect of the drug, and is excreted for more than 10 days.

The binding of betamatezone to plasma proteins is 62.5%.

Metabolism and excretion

Metabolized in the liver with the formation of mostly inactive metabolites. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys.

Release form

Suspension for injection transparent, colorless or yellowish, slightly viscous, containing easily suspended particles of white or almost white color, free from impurities; when shaken, a stable suspension of white or yellowish color is formed.

Excipients: sodium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate, sodium chloride, disodium edetate, polysorbate 80 (polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate), benzyl alcohol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, propyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium carmellose, macrogol (polyethylene glycol), hydrochloric acid, water for injection - up to 1 ml.

1 ml - glass ampoules (1) - blister packs contour plastic (1) - packs of cardboard.
1 ml - glass ampoules (5) - blister packs contour plastic (1) - packs of cardboard.


Diprospan ® is used for IM, intraarticular, periarticular, intrabursal, intradermal, interstitial and intralesional administration.

The small size of betamethasone dipropionate crystals allows the use of small diameter needles (up to 26 gauge) for intradermal injection and injection directly into the lesion.

The drug is not intended for intravenous and s / c administration.

Injections of the drug Diprospan ® should be carried out with strict observance of the rules of asepsis.

With systemic use, the initial dose of Diprospan ® in most cases is 1-2 ml. The introduction is repeated as necessary, depending on the condition of the patient.

V / m introduction

Diprospan ® should be injected deep into the / m, while choosing large muscles and avoiding penetration into other tissues (to prevent tissue atrophy).

In severe conditions requiring emergency treatment, the initial dose is 2 ml.

For various dermatological diseases, as a rule, it is enough to introduce 1 ml of Diprospan suspension.

In diseases of the respiratory system, the onset of action of the drug occurs within a few hours after the intramuscular injection of the suspension. With bronchial asthma, hay fever, allergic bronchitis and allergic rhinitis, a significant improvement in the condition is achieved after the introduction of 1-2 ml of Diprospan.

In acute and chronic bursitis, the initial dose for i / m administration is 1-2 ml of suspension. If necessary, carry out several repeated injections.

If a satisfactory clinical response does not occur after a certain period of time, Diprospan ® should be discontinued and another therapy prescribed.

Local administration

With local administration, the simultaneous use of a local anesthetic drug is necessary only in rare cases. If it is required, then 1% or 2% solutions of procaine hydrochloride or lidocaine are used, which do not contain methylparaben, propylparaben, phenol and other similar substances. In this case, mixing is carried out in a syringe, first drawing the required dose of the Diprospan ® suspension into the syringe from the vial. Then, the required amount of local anesthetic is drawn from the ampoule into the same syringe and shaken for a short time.

In acute bursitis (subdeltoid, subscapular, elbow and prepatellar), the introduction of 1-2 ml of the suspension into the synovial bag relieves pain and restores joint mobility within a few hours. After relief of exacerbation in chronic bursitis, smaller doses of the drug are used.

In acute tendosynovitis, tendonitis and peritendinitis, one injection of Diprospan ® improves the patient's condition; in chronic cases, the injection is repeated depending on the patient's response. Avoid injecting the drug directly into the tendon.

Intra-articular administration of the drug Diprospan ® at a dose of 0.5-2 ml relieves pain, limitation of joint mobility in rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis within 2-4 hours after administration. The duration of the therapeutic effect varies considerably and can be 4 or more weeks.

In some dermatological diseases, intradermal administration of Diprospan ® directly into the lesion is effective, the dose is 0.2 ml/cm 2 . The lesion is evenly punctured using a tuberculin syringe and a needle about 0.9 mm in diameter. The total amount of the drug administered at all sites should not exceed 1 ml for 1 week. For injection into the lesion, it is recommended to use a tuberculin syringe with a 26-gauge needle.

Recommended single doses of the drug (with an interval between injections of 1 week) for bursitis: with callus 0.25-0.5 ml (usually 2 injections are effective), with a spur - 0.5 ml, with limited mobility of the big toe - 0.5 ml, with a synovial cyst - 0.25-0.5 ml, with tendosynovitis - 0.5 ml, with acute gouty arthritis - 0.5-1 ml. For most injections, a tuberculin syringe with a 25-gauge needle is suitable.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the maintenance dose is selected by gradually reducing the dose of Diprospan ®, which is carried out at intervals. The reduction is continued until the minimum effective dose is reached.

If a stressful situation (not associated with a disease) occurs or threatens to occur, an increase in the dose of Diprospan ® may be required.


Symptoms: acute overdose of betamethasone does not lead to life-threatening situations. The introduction of high doses of corticosteroids over several days does not lead to undesirable consequences, except when using very high doses or when used in diabetes mellitus, glaucoma, exacerbation of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, or while using digitalis preparations, indirect anticoagulants or potassium excreting diuretics.

Treatment: Careful medical monitoring of the patient's condition is required. Optimal fluid intake should be maintained and electrolytes in plasma and urine should be monitored, especially the ratio of sodium and potassium ions. If necessary, appropriate therapy should be carried out.


With the simultaneous appointment of the drug Diprospan ® with phenobarbital, rifampin, phenytoin or ephedrine, it is possible to accelerate the metabolism of betamethasone while reducing its therapeutic activity.

With the combined use of the drug Diprospan ® and indirect anticoagulants, changes in blood coagulability are possible, requiring dose adjustment.

With the combined use of the drug Diprospan ® and potassium-excreting diuretics, the likelihood of developing hypokalemia increases.

Diprospan ® may increase the excretion of potassium caused by amphotericin B.

With the simultaneous use of corticosteroids and estrogens, dose adjustment of the drugs may be required (due to the risk of their overdose).

The simultaneous use of corticosteroids and cardiac glycosides increases the risk of arrhythmia or digitalis intoxication (due to hypokalemia).

With the combined use of GCS with NSAIDs, with ethanol or ethanol-containing drugs, an increase in the incidence or intensity of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract is possible.

With the combined use of corticosteroids, they can reduce the concentration of salicylates in the blood plasma.

The simultaneous administration of corticosteroids and somatotropin can lead to a slowdown in the absorption of the latter (avoid the administration of betamethasone in doses exceeding 0.3-0.45 mg / m 2 body surface / day).

Corticosteroids can interfere with the nitrogen blue tetrazole test for bacterial infection and cause a false negative result.

Side effects

On the part of metabolism: hypernatremia, increased potassium excretion, increased calcium excretion, hypokalemic alkalosis, fluid retention in tissues, negative nitrogen balance (due to protein catabolism), lipomatosis (including mediastinal and epidural lipomatosis, which can cause neurological complications), weight gain.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: chronic heart failure (in predisposed patients), increased blood pressure.

From the musculoskeletal system: muscle weakness, steroid myopathy, loss of muscle mass, increased myasthenic symptoms in severe pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis, osteoporosis, compression fracture of the spine, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head or humerus, pathological fractures of tubular bones, tendon ruptures, joint instability ( with repeated intra-articular injections).

From the digestive system: erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with possible subsequent perforation and bleeding, pancreatitis, flatulence, hiccups.

Dermatological reactions: impaired wound healing, atrophy and thinning of the skin, petechiae, ecchymosis, excessive sweating, dermatitis, steroid acne, striae, a tendency to develop pyoderma and candidiasis, decreased response to skin tests.

From the side of the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: convulsions, increased intracranial pressure with edema of the optic nerve head (more often at the end of therapy), dizziness, headache, euphoria, mood changes, depression (with severe psychotic reactions), personality disorders, increased irritability, insomnia.

On the part of the endocrine system: menstrual disorders, secondary adrenal insufficiency (especially during periods of stress due to illness, trauma, surgery), Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, decreased carbohydrate tolerance, steroid diabetes mellitus or manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, increased need for insulin or oral hypoglycemic drugs, impaired intrauterine development, growth retardation and sexual development in children.

On the part of the organ of vision: posterior subcapsular cataract, increased intraocular pressure, glaucoma, exophthalmos; in rare cases - blindness (with the introduction of the drug in the face and head).

Allergic reactions: anaphylactic reactions, shock, angioedema, arterial hypotension.

Local reactions: rarely - hyper- or hypopigmentation, subcutaneous and skin atrophy, aseptic abscesses.

Others: a rush of blood to the face after an injection (or intra-articular injection), neurogenic arthropathy.

The frequency of development and severity of side effects, as with the use of other corticosteroids, depend on the size of the dose used and the duration of the drug. These phenomena are usually reversible and can be eliminated or reduced by lowering the dose.


Treatment of conditions and diseases in which corticosteroid therapy allows to achieve an adequate clinical effect (it should be borne in mind that in some diseases corticosteroid therapy is additional and does not replace standard therapy):

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system and soft tissues, incl. rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, ankylosing spondylitis, epicondylitis, sciatica, coccygodynia, sciatica, lumbago, torticollis, ganglion cyst, exostosis, fasciitis, foot diseases;
  • allergic diseases, incl. bronchial asthma, hay fever (pollinosis), allergic bronchitis, seasonal or year-round rhinitis, drug allergy, serum sickness, reactions to insect bites;
  • dermatological diseases, incl. atopic dermatitis, nummular eczema, neurodermatitis, contact dermatitis, severe photodermatitis, urticaria, lichen planus, insulin lipodystrophy, alopecia areata, discoid lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, keloid scars, pemphigus vulgaris, dermatitis herpes, cystic acne;
  • systemic connective tissue diseases, including systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, periarteritis nodosa;
  • hemoblastosis (palliative therapy for leukemia and lymphomas in adults, acute leukemia in children);
  • primary or secondary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex (with the mandatory simultaneous use of mineralocorticoids);
  • other diseases and pathological conditions requiring therapy with systemic corticosteroids (adrenogenital syndrome, ulcerative colitis, regional ileitis, malabsorption syndrome, lesions of the eye mucosa if it is necessary to administer the drug into the conjunctival sac, pathological changes in the blood if it is necessary to use corticosteroids, nephritis, nephrotic syndrome).


  • systemic mycoses;
  • in / in or s / c introduction;
  • for intra-articular administration: unstable joint, infectious arthritis;
  • introduction into infected surfaces and into the intervertebral space;
  • children's age up to 3 years (the presence of benzyl alcohol in the composition);
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • hypersensitivity to other corticosteroids.


Post-vaccination period (period lasting 8 weeks before and 2 weeks after vaccination), lymphadenitis after BCG vaccination. Immunodeficiency states (including AIDS or HIV infection).

Gastrointestinal diseases: peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, esophagitis, gastritis, acute or latent peptic ulcer, recently created intestinal anastomosis, ulcerative colitis with the threat of perforation or abscess formation, diverticulitis, abscess or other purulent infections.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system, incl. recent myocardial infarction (in patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction, the focus of necrosis may spread, slowing down the formation of scar tissue and, as a result, rupture of the heart muscle), decompensated chronic heart failure, arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia).

Endocrine diseases - diabetes mellitus (including impaired carbohydrate tolerance), thyrotoxicosis, hypothyroidism, Itsenko-Cushing's disease.

Severe chronic renal and / or liver failure, nephrourolithiasis, cirrhosis of the liver.

Thrombocytopenic purpura (in / m introduction).

Hypoalbuminemia and conditions predisposing to its occurrence.

Systemic osteoporosis, myasthenia gravis, acute psychosis, grade III-IV obesity, poliomyelitis (with the exception of the form of bulbar encephalitis), open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma, eye diseases caused by Herpes simplex (due to the risk of corneal perforation), pregnancy, lactation.

For intra-articular administration: the general serious condition of the patient, the inefficiency (or short duration) of the action of 2 previous injections (taking into account the individual properties of the GCS used).

Application features

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to the lack of controlled studies of the safety of Diprospan ® during pregnancy, if it is necessary to prescribe the drug to pregnant women or women of childbearing age, a preliminary assessment of the expected benefit of therapy for the mother and the potential risk to the fetus is required.

Newborns whose mothers received therapeutic doses of corticosteroids during pregnancy should be under medical supervision (for early detection of signs of adrenal insufficiency).

If it is necessary to prescribe the drug Diprospan ® during lactation, the issue of stopping breastfeeding should be decided, taking into account the importance of therapy for the mother (due to possible side effects in children).

Application for violations of liver function

Use with caution in severe chronic liver failure, liver cirrhosis.

Application for violations of kidney function

Use with caution in severe chronic renal failure.

Use in children

special instructions

The dosage regimen and method of administration are set individually, depending on the indications, the severity of the disease and the patient's response.

The drug should be used in the minimum effective dose, the period of use should be as short as possible.

The initial dose is selected until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. If after a sufficient period of time the therapeutic effect is not observed, the drug is discontinued by gradually reducing the dose of the drug. Diprospan ® and select another appropriate method of treatment.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the maintenance dose is selected by gradually reducing the dose of betamethasone, which is administered at appropriate intervals. The reduction is continued until the minimum effective dose is reached.

If a stressful situation (not associated with a disease) occurs or is threatened, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Diprospan.

Cancellation of the drug after prolonged therapy is carried out by gradually reducing the dose.

The patient's condition is monitored for at least a year after the end of long-term therapy or high doses.

The introduction of the drug into soft tissues, into the lesion and into the joint, with a pronounced local effect, can simultaneously lead to a systemic effect.

Given the likelihood of developing anaphylactoid reactions with parenteral administration of GCS, the necessary precautions should be taken before administering the drug, especially if there are indications of a history of allergic reactions to drugs.

Diprospan ® contains two active substances - betamethasone compounds, one of which, betamethasone sodium phosphate, is a rapidly soluble fraction and therefore quickly penetrates into the systemic circulation. The possible systemic effect of the drug should be taken into account.

Against the background of the use of the drug Diprospan ®, mental disorders are possible, especially in patients with emotional instability or a tendency to psychosis.

When prescribing Diprospan to patients with diabetes mellitus, correction of hypoglycemic therapy may be required.

Patients receiving Diprospan in doses that suppress immunity should be warned about the need to avoid contact with patients with chickenpox and measles (especially important when prescribing the drug to children).

When using the drug Diprospan ®, it should be borne in mind that GCS can mask the signs of an infectious disease, as well as reduce the body's resistance to infections.

The appointment of Diprospan in active tuberculosis is possible only in cases of fulminant or disseminated tuberculosis in combination with adequate anti-tuberculosis therapy. When prescribing Diprospan to patients with latent tuberculosis or with a positive reaction to tuberculin, the issue of prophylactic anti-tuberculosis therapy should be decided. In the prophylactic use of rifampin, an increase in the hepatic clearance of betamethasone should be taken into account (dose adjustment may be required).

In the presence of fluid in the joint cavity, a septic process should be excluded.

A noticeable increase in soreness, swelling, an increase in the temperature of the surrounding tissues and a further restriction of joint mobility indicate infectious arthritis. When confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Repeated injections into a joint for osteoarthritis may increase the risk of joint destruction. The introduction of GCS into the tendon tissue gradually leads to tendon rupture.

After successful therapy with intra-articular injections of the drug Diprospan ®, the patient should avoid overloading the joint.

Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerve and may contribute to the development of a secondary eye infection (fungal or viral).

It is necessary to periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, especially in patients receiving Diprospan ® for more than 6 months.

With an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention and sodium chloride in the tissues and an increase in the excretion of potassium from the body (less likely than with other corticosteroids), patients are recommended a diet with salt restriction and additionally prescribe potassium-containing drugs. All corticosteroids increase the excretion of calcium.

With the simultaneous use of Diprospan and cardiac glycosides or drugs that affect the electrolyte composition of the plasma, control of the water and electrolyte balance is required.

With caution, acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed in combination with Diprospan ® for hypoprothrombinemia.

The development of secondary adrenal insufficiency due to too rapid withdrawal of GCS is possible within a few months after the end of therapy. If a stressful situation occurs or threatens during this period, therapy with Diprospan should be resumed and a mineralocorticoid drug should be prescribed at the same time (due to a possible violation of the secretion of mineralocorticoids). The gradual cancellation of GCS can reduce the risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Against the background of the use of GCS, a change in the mobility and number of spermatozoa is possible.

With long-term therapy with corticosteroids, it is advisable to consider the possibility of switching from parenteral to oral corticosteroids, taking into account the assessment of the benefit / risk ratio.

Patients receiving corticosteroids should not be vaccinated against smallpox, as well as other immunizations, especially during treatment with corticosteroids in high doses, due to the possibility of developing neurological complications and a low immune response (lack of antibody formation). Immunization is possible during replacement therapy (for example, with primary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex).

Pediatric use

Children who are treated with Diprospan ® (especially long-term) should be under close medical supervision for possible growth retardation and the development of secondary adrenal insufficiency.

The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the active ingredient of Diprospan is the substance betamethasone. It is thanks to this component that the use of a medical product is often used for such diseases:

  1. Pathological processes that occur in soft tissues and muscles, as well as the skeletal system of the human body. Therapeutic treatment is suitable for diseases such as bursitis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sciatica, torticollis or fasciitis. It is also actively used for the treatment of foot diseases.
  2. Diseases associated with the manifestation of allergic reactions. These include: hay fever and bronchial asthma, serum syndrome and various allergies to certain drugs and insect bites.
  3. A group of dermatological diseases that are accompanied by redness of the skin, itching, inflammatory rashes. These diseases include: eczema and urticaria, various forms of dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus and other dermatological inflammations.
  4. Systemic inflammatory processes in connective tissues such as periarteritis, dermatomyositis and systemic lupus erythematosus.
  5. Diseases of the lymphatic and hematopoietic tissue, which are accompanied by the development of neoplasms (hemoblastosis).
  6. Functional insufficiency of the adrenal cortex.
  7. Nephrotic syndromes and other pathologies.

The drug used has anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive (the process of immunosuppression occurs), anti-allergic, anti-shock and desensitizing (reduces the body's sensitivity threshold) properties.

Diprospan is actively used to treat many different diseases due to the fact that it contributes to the inhibition of the synthesis of pathogens that cause inflammation in the body.

This drug blocks inflammation at the stage of its inception, at the cellular level.

Pharmacological manufacturing companies produce Diprospan in the form of a solution for injection. Injections can be administered intramuscularly or under the skin in the joint area, in some cases, injections can be placed directly inside the joint.

How to apply the drug?

The effectiveness of the scheme of the drug's effect on the body primarily depends on the correct use of it. That is why it is important to strictly follow the recommended doses that are indicated in the instructions for use of the drug or prescribed by the attending physician.

First of all, this remedy should not be injected directly into the patient's vein.

The drug can be used in two ways:

  1. Intramuscularly.
  2. Inject around and into joints.

The injections themselves are not accompanied by a strong pain syndrome, but in some cases it may also be necessary to administer an anesthetic.

What are the negative effects and contraindications

The drug Disprospan can be used once or in a therapeutic course of treatment. Subject to the recommended dosages and timing of administration, as a rule, side effects of Diprospan do not occur.

According to the instructions, it is prohibited to use this tool in the presence of the following features and diseases:

  • systemic mycoses;
  • increased sensitivity to one of the components of Disprospan;
  • arthritis, which manifested itself as a result of infection of the body;
  • cirrhosis of the liver and renal failure;
  • ulcerative and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • osteoporosis, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, thrombophlebitis are obstacles to the use of the drug.

In addition, it should be remembered that prolonged use of this medication can lead to various negative effects.

The side effects of Diprospan on the human body include the following reactions:

  • an increase in body weight as a result of fluid retention in the tissues, a disease such as hypernatremia occurs, which is characterized by an accelerated removal of potassium and calcium from the body;
  • chronic heart failure may develop;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • leads to metabolic disorders in muscle tissues, as a result of which steroid myopathy may develop;
  • causes weakness of all muscles and osteoporosis, which manifests itself in the form of ruptures of muscle tissue, bone fractures;
  • severe headaches and dizziness;
  • there is an increase in intracranial pressure;
  • negative impact on the human nervous system, which manifests itself in the form of increased irritability, insomnia, sudden mood swings and depression;
  • increased sweating, impaired wound healing function.

We analyze the instructions for using Diprospan

Diprospan is a drug of the glucocorticoid group. It is used to treat diseases of the joints, various inflammatory processes, and allergies. It has an immunosuppressive effect.

Composition and main active ingredients

The main active ingredient of Diprospan is betamethasone. It is contained in the preparation in the form of sodium phosphate and in the form of dipropionate. The first form of the substance is quickly absorbed from the injection site and also quickly excreted, providing a quick effect. The second, on the contrary, is slowly absorbed and removed from the body for a long time, which ensures a longer duration of action of the drug.

Indications for use

  • Shock conditions (burn, traumatic, toxic, surgical, cardiogenic, anaphylactic shock).
  • Allergic reactions, including acute, requiring emergency care.
  • Asthmatic status.
  • Severe forms of lung disease.
  • Diseases of the connective tissues of the musculoskeletal system (rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, fasciitis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, lumbago, torticollis).
  • Acute adrenal insufficiency.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Skin diseases (dermatitis, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, urticaria, pemphigus, lichen planus).
  • Edema of the brain.
  • Tumor diseases of lymphatic and hematopoietic tissues.
  • Other inflammatory, chronic, systemic diseases.


There are a number of contraindications to the use of Diprospan:

  • Strong sensitivity to the main or auxiliary substances that make up the drug.
  • HIV infection.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Mycoses, systemic fungal infections.
  • Chickenpox.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Infectious inflammation of connective tissues.
  • Thrombophlebitis.
  • Herpes.
  • Ulcer disease.

Release form

Diprospan is available for injection in the form of a suspension or solution in ampoules or disposable glass syringes. The routes of administration of Diprospan are varied, only intravenous and subcutaneous injections are unacceptable.

For oral administration, it is available in the form of tablets, and for external use - in the form of an ointment.

Ointment or cream is applied to the affected areas of the skin, gently rubbing. At the beginning of the course of treatment, the frequency of application can reach six times a day, after the appearance of the effect it is reduced to one or two times.

Intra-articular injection

Diprospan can be used topically by injecting the drug intraarticularly. When injected directly into the lesion, it begins to act very quickly, effectively relieves pain, restores joint mobility.

Overdose and side effects

The dosage and duration of the course of the drug are selected by the doctor individually, taking into account the severity, the form of the course of the disease, and many additional factors. It is necessary to select the minimum effective dose and the shortest possible course of treatment, to avoid overdose. Cancellation is gradual. Self-treatment is unacceptable, consultation with a specialist is required.

In case of an overdose, the following side effects are possible:

  • Weight gain, swelling, fluid retention in tissues.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Increased excretion of calcium and potassium from the body, bone fragility, heart failure.
  • Increase in blood pressure.
  • Seizures.
  • Dermatitis, atrophy of the skin, acne, hyperemia of the skin, delayed regeneration.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Ulcerative and inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Changes in blood sugar levels, diabetes mellitus.
  • Violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Reduced immunity, reduced body resistance to bacterial, viral and fungal infections.
  • Disorders of the nervous system, sleep disturbances, irritability, anxiety.
  • Delayed physical development in children.
  • With intra-articular administration, damage to soft tissues, nerves, hemorrhages, bone necrosis, microcrystalline arthritis, sepsis are possible.

Nuances of application

  • Caution must be exercised when using Diprospan if the patient suffers from impaired renal and hepatic function.
  • Alcohol must be avoided. Glucocorticoids reduce the toxic effect of ethyl alcohol on the body. Diprospan and alcohol in combination can provoke the development of peptic ulcer of the digestive organs.
  • When using the drug during pregnancy, it is necessary to evaluate the possible risk to the child. The newborn must be examined, as there is a possibility of developing renal failure in him. Pregnant women should not abruptly interrupt the course of treatment. During treatment with diprospan, breastfeeding is undesirable and it is better to interrupt it.
  • Can be used by children over the age of three. For children, care must be taken, as adrenal insufficiency, delayed sexual and physical development may develop. Since the active ingredients of the drug suppress the immune system, it is necessary to limit the contact of the child with other children during the treatment period in order to avoid infection with viral and infectious diseases. Also, children are not vaccinated during this period.

Analogues and compatibility with other drugs

Diprospan's analogues are

Depos, Betaspan Depot, Flosteron.

With the simultaneous use of Phenobarbital, Ephedrine and Rifampin reduce the effectiveness of Diprospan.

Preparations containing estrogen enhance the effect of Diprospan and its side effects.

Combination with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may increase the risk of developing peptic ulcer.

Prices, storage conditions and reviews

Based on the reviews, Diprospan is a very strong and effective remedy, it acts quickly and for a long time. It is important to follow the dosage recommended by the doctor, not to abruptly interrupt the course of treatment and take precautions.

The price is affordable for most. The approximate price is 200 rubles per ampoule (1 ml).

Storage conditions: at a temperature not exceeding 25°C in a place protected from light. Freezing is prohibited. Shelf life 3 years. Keep out of the reach of children.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • Blockade by Diprospan. Time of action of the drug. Intra-articular and para-articular blockades with Diprospan are carried out to quickly relieve pain and restore joint mobility for a long time. The effect comes very quickly, almost immediately after the introduction. The duration of action is individual, depending on the severity of the disease, dose and other factors, but generally it is quite large.
  • Blockade of the knee, shoulder joint, spine Diprospan. Blockade of the knee joint is used in the treatment of arthrosis, after performing a puncture or surgery. Blockade of the shoulder joint is performed with inflammation of various ligaments. When blocking the spine, you can not inject the anesthetic or the drug itself too deeply so as not to damage the nerve endings.
  • Blockade of the heel spur. Heel spur blockade is a relatively new treatment. It is characterized by high complexity of implementation, the possibility of complications with incorrectly selected dosages and discomfort during the administration of the drug. However, this is the most effective way to deal with pain when all other means fail.
  • Is it possible to exacerbate gonarthrosis after joking with Diprospan? It is important to observe all precautions, otherwise exacerbation of diseases is possible, especially with a sharp cessation of treatment. In addition, Diprospan is a remedy for relieving inflammation of soft tissues, and for the treatment of the cause itself, that is, diseases of the joints, it is necessary to use it in combination with other therapeutic drugs and procedures.
  • How often can Diprospan be injected? The blockade of the same joint can be carried out no more than once every 2-3 months, the blockade of different joints is carried out at intervals of 2-3 weeks.
  • How to dilute the drug? Diprospan is diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution or dextrose solution before administration.
  • Diprospan and the menstrual cycle. Diprospan is a hormonal drug, so it can lead to menstrual irregularities.
  • What is better Diprospan or Dexamethasone? The choice in favor of Diprospan or Dexamethasone should be made by the attending physician. Each of the drugs has its own characteristics, and it is necessary to determine which one is better suited individually during the examination and diagnosis.
  • How to remove Diprospan from the body? The active ingredients of Diprospan are excreted from the body over time - they do not accumulate in the tissues. For effective elimination after prolonged therapy, it is necessary to stop taking it gradually. You can also speed up the excretion by increasing the amount of liquid consumed, since the main route of Diprospan's excretion is the kidneys.


Diprospan is a good drug for the treatment of many diseases, it has an excellent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive effect. With proper use and taking into account contraindications, the benefits of treatment far outweigh its negative effects on the body. The drug is very strong, requires caution in use, especially for children and pregnant women.

The active substance is betamethasone (Betamethasone).

Pharmacological group

Release form and composition

  • water for injections;
  • anhydrous dibasic sodium phosphate;
  • trilon B;
  • sodium chloride;
  • benzyl alcohol;
  • polysorbate 80;
  • polyethylene glycol 4000;
  • nipazole;
  • carboxymethyl cellulose sodium salt;
  • nipagin.

The solution for injection contains betamethasone: in the form of disodium phosphate - 2 mg, in the form of dipropionate - 5 mg.

Description of the drug Diprospan

pharmachologic effect

Diprospan: indications for use

  • Rheumatic diseases: rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, eosinophilic fasciitis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, epicondylitis, lumbago, exostosis, tendinitis, bursitis against the background of hard callus, stiffness of the big toe, torticollis, heel spur.
  • Allergic diseases: bronchial asthma and status asthmaticus, allergic rhinitis, serum sickness, atopic dermatitis, drug allergy, urticaria, allergic reactions to insect and snake bites.
  • Systemic diseases: scleroderma, periarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis.
  • Skin diseases: contact dermatitis, insulin lipodystrophy, arthropathic psoriasis, lichen planus, keloid scars, alopecia areata, common pemphigus, diffuse forms of neurodermatitis and eczema.
  • Blood diseases: leukemias and lymphomas, transfusion reactions.
  • Adrenal diseases: primary and secondary adrenal insufficiency and adrenogenital syndrome.
  • Diseases of the digestive tract: ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, Crohn's disease.
  • Kidney disease: glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome.

Diprospan: contraindications

There are also certain contraindications for the introduction of Diprospan into the joint or periarticularly:

  • infectious arthritis;
  • periarticular cellulitis with ulceration;
  • infective endocarditis;
  • aseptic necrosis in the adjacent epiphyses;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • treatment with anticoagulants;
  • foci of psoriasis at the injection site;
  • joint instability;
  • diabetes;
  • hemarthrosis.

Diprospan: instructions for use

In arthritis, the best effect is achieved with the introduction of Diprospan into the joint or periarticularly. In case of eye diseases, the drug can be administered through the skin in the lower eyelid area.

The introduction of Diprospan intravenously and subcutaneously is contraindicated!

Systemic therapy

Systemically used for the following diseases:

Improvement occurs within a few hours after Diprospan injection intramuscularly.

Local administration (Blockade with Diprospan)

In this case, the action of the hormone Diprospan is aimed at reducing pain.

Intradermal administration of Diprospan is possible with skin diseases. The lesion is evenly chipped around the perimeter, the total average dose of the drug is 0.2 ml/cm 2 .

How often to prick Diprospan?

Diprospan treatment for rheumatoid arthritis

The use of Diprospan in psoriasis

Treatment with Diprospan for alopecia areata

Applications of Diprospan for eczema

The use of Diprospan in ophthalmology

Why is Diprospan harmful, and what side effects are observed with its use?

  • Cushing's syndrome: weight gain, the appearance of striae and areas of atrophy on the skin, acne, osteoporosis, diabetes mellitus, decreased libido and menstrual irregularities, myopathy.
  • Growth retardation due to inhibition of the function of the pituitary gland, and violations of the formation and growth of cartilage, bone tissue and muscles.
  • Increased susceptibility of the body to bacterial, fungal and viral infections.
  • Ulcerogenic effect. Under the influence of glucocorticoids, the risk of developing ulcers in the stomach and duodenum increases.
  • Disorders of the nervous system and psyche. There may be a sleep disorder, irritability, euphoria, anxiety, depression with suicide attempts, seizures.
  • Under the influence of glucocorticoid hormones, an increase in blood pressure and the development of myocardial dystrophy are possible.
  • Of the ophthalmic diseases, cataracts, glaucoma, corneal perforation with herpetic eye damage can develop.
  • Allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock.
  • At the injection site, lesions with pigmentation disorders, aseptic abscesses, atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous fat may occur.

Diprospan: complications of intraarticular administration

  • sepsis;
  • damage to nerves, tendons, cartilage;
  • hemorrhages in the joint cavity;
  • aseptic necrosis of the bone;
  • microcrystalline arthritis.

Overdose symptoms

Interaction with other drugs

Diprospan reduces the incidence of allergic reactions from antibiotics with their simultaneous use.

Diprospan side effects

Diprospan is a glucocorticoid hormone that has anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-shock and immunosuppressive effects. Diprospan is used for immune diseases, severe allergic reactions.

Let's take a closer look at the side effects of Diprospan.

Side effects of Diprospan

The frequency of development and severity of side effects depend on the duration of use, the size of the dose used and the possibility of observing the circadian rhythm of the appointment.

From the endocrine system

Decreased glucose tolerance, "steroidal" diabetes mellitus or manifestation of latent diabetes mellitus, suppression of adrenal function, Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome (moon face, pituitary-type obesity, hirsutism, increased blood pressure, dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, myasthenia gravis, striae), delayed sexual development in children.

From the digestive system

Nausea, vomiting, pancreatitis, "steroid" gastric and duodenal ulcer, erosive esophagitis, bleeding and perforation of the gastrointestinal tract, increased or decreased appetite, flatulence, hiccups. In rare cases, an increase in the activity of "liver" transaminases and alkaline phosphatase.

From the side of the cardiovascular system

Arrhythmias, bradycardia (up to cardiac arrest); development (in predisposed patients) or increased severity of CHF, ECG changes characteristic of hypokalemia, increased blood pressure, hypercoagulation, thrombosis. In patients with acute and subacute myocardial infarction - the spread of necrosis, slowing down the formation of scar tissue, which can lead to rupture of the heart muscle.

From the side of the nervous system

Delirium, disorientation, euphoria, hallucinations, manic-depressive psychosis, depression, paranoia, increased intracranial pressure, nervousness or restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, vertigo, cerebellar pseudotumor, headache, convulsions.

From the sense organs

sudden loss of vision (with parenteral administration in the head, neck, turbinates, scalp, crystals of the drug may be deposited in the vessels of the eye), posterior subcapsular cataract, increased intraocular pressure with possible damage to the optic nerve, a tendency to develop secondary bacterial, fungal or viral infections eye, trophic changes in the cornea, exophthalmos.

From the side of metabolism

Increased excretion of Ca2+, hypocalcemia, weight gain, negative nitrogen balance (increased protein breakdown), increased sweating. Caused by ISS activity - fluid retention and Na + (peripheral edema), hypernatremia, hypokalemic syndrome (hypokalemia, arrhythmia, myalgia or muscle spasm, unusual weakness and fatigue).

From the side of the musculoskeletal system

Slow growth and ossification processes in children (premature closure of the epiphyseal growth zones), osteoporosis (very rarely, pathological bone fractures, aseptic necrosis of the head of the humerus and femur), rupture of muscle tendons, "steroid" myopathy, decreased muscle mass (atrophy).

From the skin and mucous membranes

Delayed healing of wounds, petechiae, ecchymosis, thinning of the skin, hyper- or hypopigmentation, steroid acne, striae, a tendency to develop pyoderma and candidiasis.

Generalized (skin rash, skin itching, anaphylactic shock), local allergic reactions.

The development or exacerbation of infections (the appearance of this side effect is facilitated by jointly used immunosuppressants and vaccination), leukocyturia, "withdrawal" syndrome. Local with parenteral administration: burning, numbness, pain, paresthesia and infection at the injection site, rarely - necrosis of surrounding tissues, scarring at the injection site; atrophy of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with intramuscular injection (especially dangerous is the introduction into the deltoid muscle).

With a / in the introduction: arrhythmias, "tides" of blood to the face, convulsions.

With intracranial administration - nosebleeds.

With intra-articular administration - increased pain in the joint.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances, euphoria, agitation, depression.

With prolonged use in high doses: osteoporosis, fluid retention in the body, increased blood pressure and other signs of hypercortisolism, including Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Treatment: against the background of the gradual withdrawal of the drug, maintenance of vital functions, correction of electrolyte balance, antacids, phenothiazines, Li + preparations; with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome - aminoglutethimide.

special instructions

The introduction of the drug into soft tissues, into the lesion and into the joint, with a pronounced local effect, can simultaneously lead to a systemic effect.

Given the likelihood of developing anaphylactoid reactions with parenteral administration of GCS, the necessary precautions should be taken before administering the drug, especially if there are indications of a history of allergic reactions to drugs.

Diprospan contains two active substances - betamethasone compounds, one of which, betamethasone sodium phosphate, is a rapidly soluble fraction and therefore quickly penetrates into the systemic circulation. The possible systemic effect of the drug should be taken into account.

Against the background of the use of the drug Diprospan, mental disorders are possible, especially in patients with emotional instability or a tendency to psychosis.

When prescribing Diprospan to patients with diabetes mellitus, correction of hypoglycemic therapy may be required.

Patients receiving Diprospan in doses that suppress immunity should be warned about the need to avoid contact with patients with chickenpox and measles (especially important when prescribing the drug to children).

When using the drug Diprospan, it should be borne in mind that GCS can mask the signs of an infectious disease, as well as reduce the body's resistance to infections.

The appointment of Diprospan in active tuberculosis is possible only in cases of fulminant or disseminated tuberculosis in combination with adequate anti-tuberculosis therapy. When prescribing Diprospan to patients with latent tuberculosis or with a positive reaction to tuberculin, the issue of prophylactic anti-tuberculosis therapy should be decided. In the prophylactic use of rifampin, an increase in the hepatic clearance of betamethasone should be taken into account (dose adjustment may be required).

In the presence of fluid in the joint cavity, a septic process should be excluded.

A noticeable increase in soreness, swelling, an increase in the temperature of the surrounding tissues and a further restriction of joint mobility indicate infectious arthritis. When confirming the diagnosis, it is necessary to prescribe antibiotic therapy.

Repeated injections into a joint for osteoarthritis may increase the risk of joint destruction. The introduction of GCS into the tendon tissue gradually leads to tendon rupture.

After successful therapy with intra-articular injections of Diprospan, the patient should avoid overloading the joint.

Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerve and may contribute to the development of a secondary eye infection (fungal or viral).

It is necessary to periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, especially in patients receiving Diprospan for more than 6 months.

With an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention and sodium chloride in the tissues and an increase in the excretion of potassium from the body (less likely than with other corticosteroids), patients are recommended a diet with salt restriction and additionally prescribe potassium-containing drugs. All corticosteroids increase the excretion of calcium.

With the simultaneous use of Diprospan and cardiac glycosides or drugs that affect the electrolyte composition of the plasma, control of the water and electrolyte balance is required.

With caution, acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed in combination with Diprospan for hypoprothrombinemia.

The development of secondary adrenal insufficiency due to too rapid withdrawal of GCS is possible within a few months after the end of therapy. If a stressful situation occurs or threatens during this period, therapy with Diprospan should be resumed and a mineralocorticoid drug should be prescribed at the same time (due to a possible violation of the secretion of mineralocorticoids). The gradual cancellation of GCS can reduce the risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Against the background of the use of GCS, a change in the mobility and number of spermatozoa is possible.

With long-term therapy with corticosteroids, it is advisable to consider the possibility of switching from parenteral to oral corticosteroids, taking into account the assessment of the benefit / risk ratio.

Patients receiving corticosteroids should not be vaccinated against smallpox, as well as other immunizations, especially during treatment with corticosteroids in high doses, due to the possibility of developing neurological complications and a low immune response (lack of antibody formation). Immunization is possible during replacement therapy (for example, with primary insufficiency of the adrenal cortex).

The drug "Diprospan": reviews, composition and properties of the drug

It's no secret that in some cases, an inflammatory disease can be cured only with the help of hormonal agents. And today the drug "Diprospan" is considered quite popular and effective. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and doctors quite often prescribe this drug to patients. So what are the properties of this medicine? Are there contraindications? Are side effects possible? These questions are of interest to many.

The drug "Diprospan": composition and form of release

This medicine is available in the form of a solution for injection, which is placed in transparent glass ampoules. The box contains five ampoules, each containing 1 ml of solution. The role of the main active components here is played by corticosteroids. In particular, one milliliter of the solution contains 6.43 mg of betamethasone dipropinate and 2.63 mg of betamethasone sodium phosphate. Purified water, nipazole, sodium salt, carboxymethylcellulose and some other components are used as auxiliary substances in the production.

The main pharmacological properties of the drug

This medicine is a complex of two glucocorticoid substances. It quickly blocks the inflammatory process, has a desensitizing effect. The active substances also stop the allergic reaction in the body. The drug has a mineralocorticoid effect, although it is rather weakly expressed, and therefore does not have any great therapeutic value. The uniqueness of the drug is ensured by the content of two active ingredients at once. Betamethasone sodium phosphate is quickly absorbed by the body almost immediately after administration and provides a quick effect. This substance is completely eliminated from the body within 24 hours. The second active ingredient, betamethasone dipropionate, acts more slowly, creating a kind of depot in the tissues, from where it is released gradually - thus, the drug also has a long-term effect (the period of excretion of the substance from the body is 10 days).

Indications for use

In fact, there are many diseases when it is advisable to take the drug "Diprospan". Reviews of specialists and patients indicate that the medicine really quickly eliminates the symptoms of inflammation and some other diseases. When is he appointed?

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that the drug is widely used to treat certain dermatological diseases. In particular, it is prescribed to patients suffering from contact and atopic dermatitis, nummular eczema, severe photodermatitis, urticaria, dermatitis herpes, lichen planus, cystic acne and pemphigus vulgaris. In addition, Diprospan is effective for psoriasis, as it helps relieve symptoms of exacerbations.
  • Since the drug has pronounced anti-allergic properties, it is used to treat diseases such as allergic bronchitis, bronchial asthma and hay fever. The drug is also effective for eliminating allergies to certain drugs and insect bites.
  • Indications for taking the medicine are also diseases of the soft tissues and the musculoskeletal system. For example, it is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, torticollis, osteoarthritis, fasciitis, lumbago, sciatica, epicondylitis, etc.
  • The drug "Diprospan" is used for various systemic connective tissue diseases, including lupus erythematosus, periarteritis nodosa, scleroderma, dermatomyositis.
  • There are some other diseases that require the use of glucocorticoids. For example, the drug is used in modern medicine to treat adrenal insufficiency, hemoblastoses, as well as ulcerative colitis, nephritis and nephrotic syndromes. Indications for admission are also considered regional ileitis, malabsorption syndrome and adrenogenital syndrome.

Instructions for use

This solution is administered, as a rule, intramuscularly, although in some cases subcutaneous injections are also prescribed to patients. In the treatment of diseases of the joints, the solution can be injected directly into the joint bag. It is strictly forbidden to use the drug without permission, since only the attending physician can determine the dose and mode of administration - these indicators depend on many factors, including the age and condition of the patient, the stage of development of the disease, and the parallel intake of other drugs. As a rule, patients are injected with 1-2 ml of the solution every 2-4 weeks (in especially severe cases, the dose may be increased). In some cases, the administration of the drug may be accompanied by unpleasant sensations - sometimes Diprospan is administered along with an anesthetic in order to relieve pain.

Contraindications for admission

Naturally, the drug has a number of contraindications. If we are talking about short-term medication, then it should not be taken in only one case - in the presence of hypersensitivity to any of the components. The medicine "Diprospan" for diseases of the joints, as a rule, is injected directly into the joint cavity. In such cases, contraindications include joint instability, periarticular infection, bleeding disorders, and previous arthroplasty. The solution should not be used for subcutaneous injection in patients suffering from a variety of infectious skin diseases, acne and dermatitis. In addition, contraindications include renal failure, diverticulitis, peptic ulcer, osteoporosis, tuberculosis, thrombophlebitis, ulcer, nephritis, liver disease. The medicine is not used during the vaccination period, as well as with chicken pox. The drug is not used to treat pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Side effects and consequences of an overdose

Short-term use of the drug rarely leads to any side effects other than an allergic reaction. However, with prolonged use, more serious consequences of taking Diprospan are possible. Reviews of doctors and the results of pharmacological studies indicate that some patients experience disorders of the digestive system, including flatulence, pancreatitis, ulcers, polyphagia. Sometimes there is increased excitability, neurosis, depression, sleep disturbances, swelling, headaches, convulsions, increased intracranial pressure, arterial hypotension. Hormonal drugs can cause metabolic disorders such as osteoporosis, complications of infectious diseases, growth retardation in children, menstrual irregularities, secondary kidney failure, and weight gain.

Interaction with other drugs

This drug interacts with some other drugs. In particular, it weakens the effect of taking diuretics, insulin, anticoagulants and vaccines. It is worth considering that while taking Diprospan and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the risk of ulcerative lesions and bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract increases. On the other hand, the drug enhances the effect of hormonal contraceptives.

Medicine "Diprospan": reviews and useful information

In fact, reviews about this medicine are mostly positive. Patients note that the main symptoms of the disease go away or at least weaken after the first dose. Side effects, of course, are possible, but are rare and only with long-term use. But it is worth remembering - the drug "Diprospan" is not combined with alcoholic beverages.

Diprospan is a locally acting glucocorticoid preparation. With its help, treatment of inflamed joints, blockade of nerve roots (with infringement) is carried out. Often, an injection is also prescribed to prevent pain during the destruction of the joint (before the operation to replace it). When is Diprospan prescribed, does it have side effects and how quickly does it start to work?

The benefits and harms of Diprospan

An injection of Diprospan is prescribed for a local blockade of inflammation, relieving painful symptoms, or if the spine has shifted (meaning the discs) and the nerve root has been infringed. Such treatment is not the main therapy and is used solely to deactivate the pain syndrome, relieve and prevent inflammation.

The injection can be administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe joint itself, but not intravenously.

It should be borne in mind that despite its positive properties, it has a large number of possible side effects. Among them:

  • hypernatremia;
  • increase in blood pressure to a critical level;
  • flatulence, prolonged hiccups (neurological disorder in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract);
  • increased sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • strengthening of aseptic abscesses;
  • exacerbation of adrenal insufficiency;
  • failure of the endocrine system (including the synthesis of sex hormones).

A single blockade of Diprospan, as a rule, is not accompanied by side effects. But its long-term use with a frequency of 2-4 weeks causes a high risk of their occurrence. Often, taking Diprospan is also accompanied by an increase in body weight due to the accumulation of organic fluids and subcutaneous fat. When prescribing an injection, the doctor must warn about all this. The blockade of Diprospan is also carried out only at his discretion.

It should not be considered dangerous in any way. All of these side effects are eliminated on their own after stopping the use of the drug. Full recovery takes up to 4-6 months, depending on the number of ampoules administered for the entire period of therapy. There is no habituation effect, however, in the future, the sensitivity of the part of the skin where the inflamed joint is located may decrease. This is also a temporary phenomenon.

Diprospan injection in the knee joint

The introduction of Diprospan into the knee joint is prescribed for periodic inflammation of the connective tissue, which is accompanied by severe pain. The recommended dose is 1 milliliter (ampoule) with a frequency of 2-4 weeks (re-appointment is performed in compliance with the symptoms).

The introduction is performed either into the joint itself or into the periarticular part, depending on the location of the inflammation and the painful point. Pain after an injection of Diprospan is significantly reduced after 20-30 minutes (depending on the variation of betamethasone used).

Diprospan is valid for several weeks.

Its main action is the blockade of the receptor function, with the help of which substances are released that stimulate the appearance of inflammation. At the same time, the sensitivity of nerve endings decreases. Blockade with Diprospan can be performed in conjunction with lidocaine, but with a break between injections of at least a few days. Treatment of the knee joint with this method can take from 2 to 12 weeks. Further use of Diprospan is not recommended - analogues are prescribed instead.

Diprospan injection in the shoulder joint

The blockade of the shoulder joint by Diprospan can be performed in several stages. The standard injection dose is 1-1.5 milliliters (depending on another blockade).

The use of the drug is prescribed even before the onset of signs of arthritis, that is, when it is possible to prevent inflammation.

Diprospan, when it enters the area of ​​the shoulder joint, not only blocks the sensitivity of the nerve roots, but also prevents the synthesis of sodium. This is important for those patients in whom inflammation occurs against the background of salt accumulation and connective tissue mineralization. A second injection into the shoulder joint is performed no earlier than 2 weeks later (if necessary).

It is allowed to use Diprospan for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, combined with joint displacement. In this case, the treatment takes exactly as much time as is necessary for the regeneration of the connective tissue and the restoration of mobility.

It is allowed to use Diprospan for the treatment of inflammatory damage to soft tissues and ligamentous apparatus (in case of rupture of the articular bag). If after the first ampoule the patient notes an improvement in well-being, then in the future the dose can be reduced to 0.25 milliliters for a single blockade (at the discretion of the doctor). As a prophylactic, the use of Diprospan is prohibited.

The use of Diprospan for arthrosis

In case of arthrosis, the blockade with Diprospan implies the periarticular administration of the drug at the rate of 0.2-0.3 milliliters of the active substance per square centimeter of the skin area where the pain is localized. The introduction is carried out by microinjections. The ampoule after opening, regardless of the amount of the drug used, is disposed of. The dose for each joint is regulated only by the site of the lesion and the visual manifestation of inflammation.

The use of Diprospan is allowed for arthrosis no more than 1 time in 5 days. The injection is performed exclusively by a doctor, since subcutaneous injection is done only with arthrosis of the joints of the palms or feet.

Blockade with Diprospan is less effective than with lidocaine, but the advantage of the former is the prevention of further development of inflammation. This simplifies the treatment of the joint, reduces its response to infectious and viral damage. The dose of Diprospan is increased only if there are signs of a rupture of the joint bag or mineralization of the connecting movable part. In the future, treatment flows into the surgical stage, that is, an operation is performed.

It is allowed to use injections for osteoarthritis of the spine. At one time, no more than two ampoules can be administered locally (without distribution to several disks).

The maximum therapeutic effect occurs after 2-4 hours. It should be taken into account that the curvature of the connective tissue will not prevent this, but it will significantly relieve pain and improve mobility. But if mineralization has already occurred, then Diprospan will not eliminate it. In the treatment of arthrosis of the spine, it is recommended to use Diprospan no more than 6 times. Then a break of 3 months is made and, if necessary, a second course is prescribed.

What happens after an injection?

The introduction of Diprospan into the joint area is accompanied by anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory functions.

Already after a single application, the activity of the pituitary gland, the synthesis of hormones of the histamine group (they provoke allergies) are slightly suppressed. If the drug is injected into the spine, into the disc junction, then the regeneration of the connective tissue is stimulated. Combining such treatment with the traditional therapy of a vertebrologist, a significant improvement in the patient's well-being can be achieved.

Two components are used as the active substance of Diprospan - betamethasone sodium phosphate and betamethasone dipropionate.

The first in a small dose is used as a catalyst and stimulates the fastest possible action of the drug.

The introduction of the second component contributes to a long-term effect that lasts from 5 to 10 days (or even more). The latter also directly depends on the dose used and the location of the inflamed joint. For example, in the region of the spine, Diprospan blockade is effective for 7-9 days (with intra-articular use).

Is it possible that the blockade with Diprospan will not work?

This happens only when the nerve roots are wrapped in purulent masses, through which there is no anesthetic effect on the joint. Here, the pain, in principle, occurs against the background of mechanical compression of the nerve endings. Even with the maximum dose, there will be no improvement in well-being in this situation.


Diprospan is not prescribed for:

  • violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  • high risk of developing acute heart failure;
  • skin infection at the site of the planned injection;
  • diagnosed immunodeficiency;
  • diabetes, Itsenko-Cushing's disease;
  • osteoporosis;
  • viral diseases of the endocrine system (including prostatitis);
  • arterial hypertension.

The minimum age for the use of Diprospan is 12 years with a maximum dosage of 1 ampoule, including in the spine. Deviation from the indicated dose is allowed only in cases where the probable benefit of therapy outweighs the potential danger.

The introduction of betamethasone derivatives during pregnancy or lactation is not recommended. This substance is not able to cross the placenta, however, it affects the activity of the endocrine system. In certain cases, the introduction of the drug can provoke self-abortion of the fetus, so treatment is allowed only with a likely threat to the life of the mother. Diprospan is introduced at the same time into the joint (intra-articular).

Holiday conditions

Regardless of the variant of the use of the drug, it is released exclusively by prescription. The introduction is performed only by a doctor. The maximum possible delivery is no more than 10 ampoules per hand, regardless of the prescribed single dose. For more, you must provide a new prescription with a doctor's prescription.

To date, in the treatment of various rheumatological diseases (arthritis, arthritis, reactive synovitis, etc.), a procedure such as blockade of the joints is quite often used. Despite the popularity of the procedure, many people do not understand well what it is joint blockade. This is one of the ways to administer drugs (Novocain, Diprospan, Hydrocortisone) directly into the joint cavity or surrounding periarticular tissues in order to eliminate pain, relieve inflammation and improve mobility.

The blockade of the shoulder, hip and knee joints in case of arthritis, arthrosis and other diseases is carried out exclusively by a specialist doctor in conditions of maximum sterility.

Blockade by Diprospan

Currently, Diprospan is widely used as a drug during the blockade of the shoulder, knee or any other large joint. This drug containing betamethasone belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids.

At the present stage, Diprospan is considered one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. Such drugs are resorted to only when other anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective. In addition, Diprospan has a number of advantages, including:

  • It contains two forms of the active substance, which are able to realize the therapeutic effect both quickly and slowly. In other words, after the introduction, it begins to act within a few hours and can remain active for 2-4 months.
  • It is equally effective when injected into the joint cavity and surrounding periarticular tissues.
  • One injection is enough to cope with a small inflammatory process.
  • If necessary, repeated administration of the drug is possible.
  • The drug is quite cheap and has a long therapeutic effect, which makes it quite acceptable for most patients with chronic forms of arthritis and arthrosis.

Since Diprospan is injected into the joint cavity, it does not enter the bloodstream and practically does not cause adverse reactions.

Indications for holding

The effectiveness of the procedure depends on the pathological condition or disease under which this treatment method is used. Without the presence of an active inflammatory process inside the joint, in the synovial membrane or periarticular tissues, the administration of Diprospan loses all meaning. What diseases are indicated for this procedure:

  • Rheumatoid, non-infectious, psoriatic arthritis.
  • Arthritis that occurs after an injury or surgery.
  • Inflammatory process in the periarticular surrounding tissues (periarthritis of the shoulder, elbow joint, tendovaginitis, bursitis, etc.).
  • Arthrosis, but in the presence of characteristic symptoms of inflammation of the joint or synovial membrane.

It is possible to use the procedure with unexpressed signs of inflammation, but only in cases where it is not possible to use other methods of treatment (for example, use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract). Even if there are clear indications, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • The cause of the inflammatory process should not be an infection. Otherwise, carrying out, for example, blockade of the knee joint with Diprospan in case of arthrosis, arthritis of the knee joint, can only aggravate the current situation and significantly complicate the course of the disease.
  • Simultaneous injection of the drug into several affected large joints at once is undesirable.
  • First of all, the procedure is carried out for those joints that play the most vital role for the patient.

Only a specialist doctor knows when and how to properly blockade the shoulder, elbow, hip and knee joints.


As with most medical methods, there are absolute and relative contraindications. Under what pathological conditions or diseases is the intraarticular administration of Diprospan categorically not recommended due to the high likelihood of complications:

  • Presence of local or general infection.
  • Pathological bleeding provoked by various diseases or medications (for example, the use of anticoagulants).
  • Lack of stability in the joint, which may be associated with weakness of the tendon-ligamentous apparatus.
  • Severe forms of arthrosis, in which there are pronounced violations of the form and function of the joint.
  • Significant periarticular osteoporosis.
  • Necrotic changes in the articular part of the bone (presence of areas of necrosis).

With relative contraindications, the therapeutic effect is often absent. The restrictions for the intra-articular use of Diprospan include:

  • A general serious condition caused by a non-infectious process.
  • Serious chronic disorders of the kidneys or liver.

Ineffectiveness from at least two previous injections (shots) is considered a relative contraindication.

If the possible benefits of using Diprospan significantly outweigh the expected risks, then the attending physician may neglect some restrictions on the use of the drug.


Before performing the procedure, the doctor must determine the dosage of the administered medication. The optimal dose is selected individually for each patient. For example, for blockade of the knee joint with arthritis or arthrosis, it can be 5–7 ml. As a rule, the drug is diluted with either lidocaine or novocaine, depending on the sensitivity of the patient.

In some cases, local anesthesia may be used to numb the area of ​​the puncture (puncture). In addition, the injection area is lubricated with iodine solution. A puncture is performed in the intended periarticular area, where the medicine is then injected. The entire procedure should be done exclusively by a specialist doctor (as a rule, this is either a surgeon or an orthopedist).

It is worth noting that Diprospan begins to act almost immediately. Significantly reduced pain, and improved mobility. The swelling gradually decreases, and the redness of the surrounding soft tissues disappears. The duration of its action can persist for several days.

Shoulder block

How is shoulder blockade done today? Most often, the procedure is performed in connection with inflammation of the periarticular soft tissues. The patient takes a comfortable position. Usually it is lying down or sitting. The puncture site is treated with alcohol and iodine solution. Then the doctor determines the puncture site.

The puncture can be done from three different sides: front, back or side. If the entry point is chosen from the front, then the patient is placed on his back, the upper limb is bent at the elbow, brought to the body and turned outward so that the elbow is in the frontal plane. The needle is inserted from front to back between the lesser tubercle of the humerus and the coracoid process of the scapula.

To carry out the blockade of the shoulder joint from the side, the patient sits or lies down on the healthy side. At this moment, the hand is along the body. The needle should be inserted into the gap between the acromial process and the greater tubercle of the humerus. Before the introduction of the drug, the accumulated fluid (exudate, pus, blood) is removed from the joint cavity.

Hip block

What is the technique for performing a hip blockade? Currently, many modern clinics, in order to get inside the hip joint, do the procedure under the control of an image intensifier tube (electronic-optical converter). Clinical practice has proven that it is rather difficult to carry out intra-articular administration of the drug without an image intensifier tube.

For example, an experienced surgeon without additional diagnostic equipment successfully performs the procedure in only 50% of cases. While with the use of an ultrasound machine (ultrasound), his chances are increased by 80%.

Under the control of the image intensifier, the puncture of the hip joint is successful in 100% of cases.

Blockade of the knee joints

How is a knee block performed? Clinical experience shows that this procedure is performed most frequently compared to other similar treatment methods. The patient lies down on the couch. A regular roller is placed under the knee so that the leg is in a slightly bent and relaxed state. Often resort to local anesthesia. The place of the planned injection (shot) is cut off with novocaine.

The puncture area is pre-lubricated with alcohol and iodine solution. There are several points for injecting a drug into the knee joint. Typically, the needle is inserted into the region of the outer edge of the patella in its upper part. Before the introduction of the drug, excess fluid is removed from the joint cavity, which may be exudate, pus or blood. The volume of the drug administered for blockade of the knee joint can reach 10 ml.

After the blockade

Upon completion of the procedure, the patient is recommended to stay in the department for several hours to monitor the state of health and the effectiveness of the drug. You should create rest for the upper or lower limb for an average of 3-4 hours. Special orthopedic means for immobilization (immobilization) can be omitted. It is enough just to lie quietly without sudden movements.

After carrying out the blockade of the shoulder, hip or knee joint with Diprospan on the same day, you should refrain from attending physical therapy classes, massage and physiotherapy procedures. From the next day, the schedule of the therapeutic course is resumed according to the previous scheme.

Despite the possible improvement in the condition, you should not sharply increase physical activity or, conversely, try to take care of the affected joint too much.

It should be noted that quite often, many patients, due to the lack of the desired effect, turn to doctors with a request to increase the dosage or frequency of taking glucocorticoid drugs such as Diprospan. Not everything is so simple, there are specific restrictions on the use of this kind of drugs for intra-articular administration:

  • At the same time, glucocorticosteroids are not injected into two or more large joints.
  • Glucocorticosteroids are not injected into large joints more than three times in 12 months.
  • The break between procedures should be sufficiently long (preferably at least 12-14 weeks).


Recently, due to the growth of professionalism of medical workers and the level of equipment with modern technology, the number of complications after blockades of the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and other joints has sharply decreased. It is extremely rare, but the following types of complications after such procedures are possible:

  • Infection of the joint or periarticular soft tissues (infection).
  • Increased pain and inflammation due to incorrect administration of the drug.
  • Violation of the general condition (nausea, vomiting, jumps in blood pressure, etc.).
  • Incorrect dosage or frequency of use of the drug can lead to a sharp progression of degenerative-dystrophic changes in the affected joint.


According to clinical statistics, every third patient with various forms of rheumatoid arthritis is given blockade of the joints with Diprospan. And almost every one of these patients feels the positive effect of this procedure. In addition, it has been established that local blockades help to significantly reduce the duration of treatment for inflammatory diseases of the joints and periarticular soft tissues (periarthritis, bursitis, synovitis, tendovaginitis, tendinosis, etc.).

But do not forget that the expediency of prescribing a therapeutic blockade is determined only by the attending physician, and does not depend on your desire, but on the nature and severity of rheumatological pathology.

Gialurom CS (photo) - an innovative discovery in the field of pharmaceuticals. With the help of the drug, alternative treatment without surgery is carried out for people suffering from advanced stages of arthrosis.

When is it appointed and how much does it cost

The drug Hyalur is often used if a synovial fluid prosthesis is required. The substance has a viscoelastic substance, colorless to brown in the form of a sterile solution. It is intended for the treatment of the 2nd and 3rd stages of arthrosis by injection into the affected area.

The drug was developed by Romanian pharmaceutical specialists, based on the natural component of the intra-articular fluid - hyaluronic acid. The price of the drug Gialur CS is from 8000 rubles for a syringe 60 mg / 3 ml + 90 mg / 3 ml.

The composition of the drug and its action

The monopreparation is produced in glass disposable containers of the first hydrolytic class with a dosage of 3 ml 1 syringe, which is equipped with an elastomeric cap and finger rest. The kit includes a sterile injection needle for injection series (EO) 0.8x40 mm (21G) made of austenitic medical steel with a low level of carbon and instructions for using the drug. The syringe itself is marked and placed in a cellular polymer packaging with a transparent film coating.

The drug is designed exclusively for 1 injection, re-sterilization of the device or further use of liquid residues is strictly prohibited.

Composition of Hyaluroma:

  • hyaluronic acid - 15 mg/ml;
  • sodium salt - 9 mg/ml;
  • water for injections.

Based on hyaluronic acid, several preparations with a wider spectrum of action have been developed: Gialur Chondro and CS, as well as Gialur Tendon.

The difference lies in the content of the components. Hyaluroma derivatives have several auxiliary active substances that not only increase the volume of joint fluid, but are also able to restore destroyed cartilage tissues.

Additional substances:

  • chondroitin sulfate sodium - 90 mg;
  • sodium hyaluronate - 60 mg;
  • lye to support PH;
  • disodium phosphate dodecahydrate (15.15);
  • sodium phosphate in the form of monohydrate (1.35);
  • water for injection (up to 3.0 ml).

Indications for use:

  • degenerative-dystrophic, post-traumatic changes in synovial joints;
  • symptomatic treatment of osteoporosis of all levels of complexity;
  • discomfort and limited mobility of the knee, hip and other synovial joints;
  • to reduce pain after undergoing arthroscopy (not recommended for use earlier than 1 week).

Hialurom Hondro injection should only be done by a certified doctor who has permission to carry out such manipulations.

The procedure is carried out in a medical institution. When administering the drug, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the rules of the septic system. The injection is carried out under the control of an ultrasound device.

The course of therapy is prescribed by a doctor, but the instructions indicate that 3 sessions are needed to eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and the drug should be re-injected into the joint no earlier than after 7 days. It is allowed to resume manipulations after 6 months. The dosage of an intra-articular injection depends on the size of the problem area and is prescribed by a doctor. Before injection, it is imperative to check the expiration dates of the drug and the integrity of the package.

The prosthesis of synovial fluid with the help of such a drug is intended for injection directly into the bag of the joint. There, the substance hyaluron under the influence of the joint fluid is completely dissolved and partially modified. As a result of the bacterial fermentation process, the lack of hyaluronic acid in the joint is compensated. Sodium hyaluronate, acting as a natural lubricant, reduces pain, stimulates regeneration and restores mobility to the affected joint.

Chondroitin improves protein production, water retention in tissues and slows down collagen destruction in cartilage cells. The component protects the cartilage from damage, increases the production of the main components of the intra-articular fluid.

Side effects and contraindications

The drug does not help in all cases. There are situations when it causes side effects.

Undesirable reactions to exposure to the agent:

  • swelling at the injection site;
  • joint hyperemia;
  • a slight increase in temperature;
  • short-term pain.

The presence of such a reaction to the drug is an extremely rare phenomenon that disappears within 3 days. To relieve discomfort, it is recommended to apply cold or apply topical external anti-inflammatory drugs.

There are also situations when the medicine cannot be used. Contraindications for use:

  • 4th stage of osteoarthritis;
  • high level of effusion in the knee joint;
  • poor blood clotting (hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia);
  • individual intolerance or high sensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin at the injection site;
  • inflammation of the epithelium, dermatitis;
  • joint pathology (damage to the cartilaginous base, mechanical shocks);
  • suspected intraarticular or periarticular fracture.

Injections are not prescribed for pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age.

The drug is strictly forbidden to be injected into the joint bag along with other intra-articular injections, since their drug interaction can lead to detrimental consequences. It is forbidden to mix different agents in an injection syringe.

It is important to observe the storage conditions of the drug. It must be kept in its original packaging, in a dry, cool, shaded box at an air temperature of +25°C.

The drug should be kept out of the reach of children. Shelf life - no more than 36 months. The injection syringe must not be frozen.

The effectiveness of this drug is associated with glucocorticoid properties. Since "Diprospan" refers to glucocorticosteroids, its reaction is aimed at preventing inflammatory reactions, immunosuppressive conditions and inhibition of allergic reactions. As part of "Diprospan" - two substances similar in structure, which have a different speed of action.

Betamethasone sodium phosphate is rapidly absorbed and hydrolyzed. This provides an immediate pharmacological effect. The component itself is excreted from the body within 24 hours. Betamethasone dipropionate has a property for which many people fell in love with Diprospan. Upon entering the body, this substance creates a so-called warehouse, from which the substance is gradually released. As a result, the action of "Diprospan" has a prolonged (long-term) character.

For various diseases, this drug is administered in different places and at individual intervals:

Rheumatoid arthritis - in the joint, no more than once every 2 months.

Alopecia areata - into the muscle, once a week (3-5 injections).

Allergic reactions - in the muscle, once, systemically (during an exacerbation).

Bronchial asthma - in the muscle, systemically.

Endocrine ophthalmology - parabulbarno, once.

Indications for use of the drug: - rheumatic diseases;

Rheumatic diseases;

eosinophilic fasciitis;

Bursitis of various etiologies;

Atopic dermatitis;

Heel spur;

Serum blood disease;

Nodular periarteritis;

Ulcerative colitis;

Bronchial asthma;

ankylosing spondylitis;

drug allergy;

allergic rhinitis;

insulin lipodystrophy;

transfusion reactions;


systemic lupus;


Lichen planus;

Arthropathic psoriasis;

Andrenogenic syndrome;


Reactions to snake and insect bites, etc.

This is not a complete list of diseases for the treatment of which Diprospan is used. Constant laboratory research expands this list almost every year.

Contraindications to taking the drug:


mental illness;

Cushing's syndrome;

severe hypertension;

Thromboembolic dysgenitalism;


period of vaccination;

viral infections;

stomach ulcer;

Purpura thrombocytopenic;

fungus on the skin;

Purulent infection;


These contraindications can be classified as relative.

There are contraindications for which Diprospan should not be injected into the joint:

Arthritis of infectious etiology;


infective endocarditis;

joint instability;

aseptic necrosis.

Possible side effects of this drug:

  1. Cushing's syndrome. It is manifested by atrophy of the skin, the onset of symptoms of diabetes, a decrease in libido, myopathy, weight gain and menstrual irregularities.
  2. Ulcerogenic effect. The risk of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract increases.
  3. Mental disorder. Often manifested by euphoria, fear, epileptic seizures, depression, suicidal tendencies.
  4. Increasing pressure. Against this background, myocardial dystrophy may develop.
  5. Ophthalmic diseases. More often it is a cataract, corneal perforation and glaucoma.
  6. Susceptibility to infectious diseases.
  7. allergic manifestations.
  8. Violations in the functioning of bone and cartilage tissue.
  9. Anaphylactic shock.

Special instructions for the use of the drug:

It should be remembered that the teratogenic effect of the drug has not been studied, including there were no studies in which women participated. But abrupt cancellation in the event of pregnancy is not allowed. The dose should be reduced gradually. All glucocorticoids, including Diprospan, cross the placenta and can pass into breast milk. The drug should be injected deep into the muscle or directly into the joint. Other routes of administration (intravenous or subcutaneous) are not allowed, since the drug is not intended for this.

Reviews about Diprospan

Among the reviews there are mostly positive impressions. First of all, people praise the drug for its antihistamine features. Not everyone is equally helped by the usual antiallergic drugs. Also, the body of many allergy sufferers is already accustomed to even the latest generations of antihistamines, so Diprospan is a salvation for many.

Most often it is used in the period of allergic rhinitis. Every person has a different moment. Someone reacts to fluff, someone to ragweed, and some do not tolerate flowering of a wide variety of colors. In this case, the drug is prescribed once, and the injection is done deep into the muscle. The resulting dosage is enough for approximately two months, so the next injection will be required only after a year.

Many suffer from "lover's syndrome" for a long time. With this syndrome, the arm cannot move and the person is depressed by severe pain in the shoulder. People try to cope with this situation on their own with the help of ointments and folk remedies, but there are very few cases when this helps. Having addressed such a problem to neurology, the patient will immediately receive an injection of this drug. For many, the pain goes away within four hours. Some notice improvement only on the second day.

The man had psoriasis on his head for 15 years. Because of this, the skin constantly flaked, dried out and bled. He tried all kinds of means, but Diprospan helped him and, despite possible side reactions, he continues to use it for a long time. This suggests that the effect of the drug is so effective that people forget about possible side effects.

Basically, this drug is advised by people who have suffered from rheumatoid arthritis for a long time. Such twisting pains in the joints are very difficult to endure, so patients are ready to experience a wide variety of drugs. Once on Diprospan, many began to notice not only an improvement in their general condition, but also a significant decrease in pain symptoms. The only negative in this treatment is the introduction of the drug into one joint for a week. Many would like to immediately and everything!

  • < Рибомунил
  • Flucostat >


6 Julia 24.07.2010 18:23

Quoting Xenia:

Diprospan is a good thing (I am allergic to ragweed), but, firstly, it is really hormonal, and secondly, all organs are destroyed from it, especially the liver:-? |

1 Ksyu 01.08.2010 20:38

Quoting Julia:

Quoting Xenia:

Since Diprospan refers to hormonal drugs, have you, friends, experienced any hormonal disruptions (weight gain)?

Diprospan is a good thing (I am allergic to ragweed), but, firstly, it is really hormonal, and secondly, all organs are destroyed from it, especially the liver:-?

What nonsense?! What organs does it destroy? With the correct dosage, the maximum that threatens you is after 7-10 years of use - to recover by 4-5 kg. Everyone needs to know when to stop and for hay fever do not use more than 1-2 injections per season. Please do not write nonsense and thus do not scare people!!! |

5 Natalia 31.08.2010 19:12

Quoting Olga:

What do you think, if you take this injection before going to the sea, the effect will be? I have been allergic to the sun for 6 years, but I really want to have a good rest, and not hide from the sun and dress up from head to toe. I have already tried everything except injections. Please don't ignore my question :cry:

Olga, think about another option for a good rest: mountains, forest. Rest on the sea is also possible, but during the "soft" sun (October 10-20 in Sochi or September 25-October 10 in the Crimea). Each person is unique, ignoring the constitutional features of the body leads to violations of life, resulting in the names of diseases that are understandable for doctors and familiar to patients. If your wonderful body gives a clear signal, do not try to deceive it. You can deceive yourself by injecting GCS, but the harmfulness of the heat for you will not go anywhere, the effect of the hormone will be superimposed on it. There is a natural rule: if the working adrenal glands produce corticosteroids, and you enter them from the outside, then the body receives a signal that it should reduce the production of its own corticosteroids. With repeated introductions from the outside, it is possible to achieve the situation that the natural production of GCS by the adrenal glands will stop. Do you want to destroy an important organ only because of the formed false stereotype about a COMPLETE REST IN THE HEAT AT THE SEA? Health and prudence, Olga! |

3 Diman 05.11.2010 01:40

Quoting Vera:

Arthrosis and synovitis of the knee. I made two injections of diprospan, I thought I would run. no miracle happened. The knee gave way, and again a terrible pain. Doesn't bend and can't be stepped on. I'm in a panic.

If you get an injection in the knee, then you can’t run for at least another 2 months !!!


3 Alex 20.01.2011 01:29

Quoting Olga:

Diprospan, of course, helps. Have you read the instructions for it with all the side effects? And why no one writes about the causes of allergies. We are offered pills, sprays, injections. Maybe it's just for someone's benefit?

Scandals, intrigues, investigations, conspiracies...

But seriously, as they said above, the main thing is not to abuse it and do everything under the control and as prescribed by the doctor. And those side effects are an extreme degree of complication, do not be afraid, the usual side effects from diprospan are also not sugar, but tolerable. I have suffered from asthma since the age of 10, and from the age of 12 I was prescribed hormonal inhalers. Then, at the age of 17, I felt that enough was enough for me, the disease became seasonal (July - September). Recently he developed dermatitis on his face, he was prescribed an injection of diprospan. It helped, now I'm waiting for the side effects to go away. Still, there is nothing better than hormones against allergies so far - therefore there is nowhere to go.


2 Tatyana77 14.03.2011 17:58

Quoting Claudius:

I have been taking Diprospan for the sixth year now. It took six months, now for two or three, the bones hurt a lot. What's next for me?

I have the same feature, and now he has stopped helping me. Bones ache, this is most likely osteoporosis from long-term use of diprospan, accumulated in the body, hello osteoporosis. Now I'm sitting with a terrible synovitis of my right knee and I'm thinking how to inject it. Doctors insist on diprospan, but I'm already afraid... |

1 Svetlana 46 03/22/2011 11:08

I quote TATIANA:

How hormonal is diprospan and can the hormonal system fail due to injections?

Every time I prick diprospan, doctors in the outpatient clinic warn about that. that it's harmful, but without it I can't breathe in the summer. In the last year, my elbow joints began to hurt. Maybe a side effect, or maybe just the climate |