
The meaning of the name lion, character and fate. The origin and character of the name Leo Leo the meaning of the name character and fate

According to Mendelev

A very pleasant name. The indicators “good”, “beautiful” and “reliable” stand out sharply, but, perhaps, there is nothing left of the king of beasts in him: Leo is “small”, and Leva is “slow”.

Leo is always kind to people and benevolent, regardless of their rank, position and “necessity”, but others often do not respond to him in the same way: gentleness is taken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, get around, “wipe off” Leo, especially if he is a contender for success. Leo himself is not very worried about this - he managed to get used to it - and only occasionally accumulated resentment, and not at any particular person, but at all at once, plunges him into despondency. It does not last long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

He may be a good worker or specialist, but he is more than a mediocre organizer and does not reach administrative heights, although his intelligence is above average.

Appreciates a calm, measured, settled life and takes its sharp turns very painfully.

The excitability and sexuality of Leo is somewhat below average, and his novels sometimes end peacefully, without ending with anything. Women more often see him as a reliable friend than a sexual partner.

Intuition is well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most often one's specialty. The reaction is slow: in unexpected situations, it can be confused.

He is in good health, rarely gets sick, is never treated, and often lives to a ripe old age.

The color of the name is grass green.

By Higiru

It originates from the Latin word "leo" - a lion. He grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whimper over trifles, and if he has a tantrum, it means that he was very offended. At school, he is a bully, but he can protect himself and his friends. She enjoys swimming, fishing and picking mushrooms.

Persistent in achieving the goal, very conscientious in deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time, he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, readiness to always come to the rescue. Lions are especially friendly to the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to refuse what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite remarks in form, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband's long-suffering runs out... It's not for nothing that Lions value fidelity and kindness in wives most of all.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and at the slightest setbacks give in to panic. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in their youth, is most often due to uncertainty in their potency .. Lions are not brawlers, but for some reason they come across rather impulsive persons as their wives. They drink from time to time, rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

He can count on a happy marriage if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veda, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. A strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia is very problematic.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: From the Greek Leon, "Lion"

The energy of the name and character: This name speaks for itself, a person who calls himself a lion must either at least slightly correspond to the strength of this image, or his name will take on the character of mockery. First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when the neighboring children will try to bring him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva chases them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful influence of the street, in their opinion, and often thereby do Leva a truly disservice. In the end, in adulthood, Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect here. For example, they suddenly seem rude and evil to him, which is why Leo himself can become thoroughly embittered.

Leva's fate is more favorable when he, as they say, recognizes life. Sooner or later, children's grievances are thoroughly forgotten. It is possible, however, that during his youth, Leo will still hear a lot of ridicule regarding his masculine qualities, which may be questioned by rivals. Here he has two ways - either to prove his courage with the help of force and scandals, or to learn to take it calmly. Here it is very important not to forget that hurt pride sometimes endows a person with very unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it doesn’t even interfere with self-affirmation and fight, so that pride receives the necessary satisfaction and gives a person confidence in his abilities.

If during the youthful period Leo manages to gain self-confidence, then his character will really correspond to his name, combining poise, good nature, ambition and energy. If not, then all this will be overshadowed by such traits as irritability and suspicion, which make his character unbearable. It may not be noticeable to others, but the family can suffer fundamentally from these negative qualities.

However, the energy of the name still inclines Leo to some secrecy, so even if he has problems with his character, then most likely this will not affect his career, especially since, pardon the pun, the lion's share of those around him is very favorably disposed to bearers of this name.

Communication secrets: Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo often tends to point out people's shortcomings, forgetting that he could be mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to the Leo boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflicting issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nit-picking will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

The trace of a name in history:

Lev Landau

A typical example of an ambitious, but at the same time cheerful and good-natured Leo, is the famous theoretical physicist Lev Landau (1908–1968), the author of the classic course in theoretical physics, whose name is associated with the following story:

“An old and a young Jew are traveling in a compartment. The old one thinks to himself: “This young man is not rich, otherwise he would have been traveling in the first class. He made the bed, which means he is going to the end, to Berdichev. Judging by the clothes, he is a student, therefore, he is traveling on a personal matter. What business can a young man have besides marriage? So, we have three brides in our city now: Sarah - but she is a rich bride, they won’t give her away for him. Rava - but she is a dowry, and he will not marry her. So Raya. It is known that Raya is marrying some Rabinovich ... "And the old Jew turns to his companion:

- Mr. Rabinovich ...

- How do you know me?

- Calculated.

- Well, now you know what theoretical physics is - this is how Lev Landau usually began his course of lectures.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Leo values ​​a strong love relationship. He is somewhat preoccupied with his sexual abilities, from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis partner very much, with whom he has established harmonious relations.

His sexual intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy, he can not go to bed with any woman, not everyone is able to excite him. He periodically changes partners, for him the sexuality of a woman is very important. Leo does not tolerate cold women, he does not want to make a lot of efforts to ignite the flame of passion in her. His erotic caresses are distinguished by sophistication, his love voluptuousness is very deep, although Leo does not pour out his feelings in hot words, as some other men do. He is a great master of love games, he studies his partner, knows which zones are especially pleasant for her, and does everything possible so that the woman herself desires it. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing in it not only a source of joy, but also a means of maintaining health. His highest goal is to achieve mutual orgasm.

Leo's intimate relationship with his wife is difficult, often she tries to subjugate him to herself, which he will never allow.

According to Mendelev

A very pleasant name. The indicators “good”, “beautiful” and “reliable” stand out sharply, but, perhaps, there is nothing left of the king of beasts in him: Leo is “small”, and Leva is “slow”.

Leo is always kind to people and benevolent, regardless of their rank, position and “necessity”, but others often do not respond to him in the same way: gentleness is taken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, get around, “wipe off” Leo, especially if he is a contender for success. Leo himself is not very worried about this - he managed to get used to it - and only occasionally accumulated resentment, and not at any particular person, but at all at once, plunges him into despondency. It does not last long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

He may be a good worker or specialist, but he is more than a mediocre organizer and does not reach administrative heights, although his intelligence is above average.

Appreciates a calm, measured, settled life and takes its sharp turns very painfully.

The excitability and sexuality of Leo is somewhat below average, and his novels sometimes end peacefully, without ending with anything. Women more often see him as a reliable friend than a sexual partner.

Intuition is well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most often one's specialty. The reaction is slow: in unexpected situations, it can be confused.

He is in good health, rarely gets sick, is never treated, and often lives to a ripe old age.

The color of the name is grass green.

By Higiru

It originates from the Latin word "leo" - a lion. He grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whimper over trifles, and if he has a tantrum, it means that he was very offended. At school, he is a bully, but he can protect himself and his friends. She enjoys swimming, fishing and picking mushrooms.

Persistent in achieving the goal, very conscientious in deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time, he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, readiness to always come to the rescue. Lions are especially friendly to the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to refuse what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite remarks in form, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband's long-suffering runs out... It's not for nothing that Lions value fidelity and kindness in wives most of all.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and at the slightest setbacks give in to panic. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in their youth, is most often due to uncertainty in their potency .. Lions are not brawlers, but for some reason they come across rather impulsive persons as their wives. They drink from time to time, rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

He can count on a happy marriage if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veda, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. A strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia is very problematic.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: From the Greek Leon, "Lion"

The energy of the name and character: This name speaks for itself, a person who calls himself a lion must either at least slightly correspond to the strength of this image, or his name will take on the character of mockery. First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when the neighboring children will try to bring him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva chases them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful influence of the street, in their opinion, and often thereby do Leva a truly disservice. In the end, in adulthood, Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect here. For example, they suddenly seem rude and evil to him, which is why Leo himself can become thoroughly embittered.

Leva's fate is more favorable when he, as they say, recognizes life. Sooner or later, children's grievances are thoroughly forgotten. It is possible, however, that during his youth, Leo will still hear a lot of ridicule regarding his masculine qualities, which may be questioned by rivals. Here he has two ways - either to prove his courage with the help of force and scandals, or to learn to take it calmly. Here it is very important not to forget that hurt pride sometimes endows a person with very unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it doesn’t even interfere with self-affirmation and fight, so that pride receives the necessary satisfaction and gives a person confidence in his abilities.

If during the youthful period Leo manages to gain self-confidence, then his character will really correspond to his name, combining poise, good nature, ambition and energy. If not, then all this will be overshadowed by such traits as irritability and suspicion, which make his character unbearable. It may not be noticeable to others, but the family can suffer fundamentally from these negative qualities.

However, the energy of the name still inclines Leo to some secrecy, so even if he has problems with his character, then most likely this will not affect his career, especially since, pardon the pun, the lion's share of those around him is very favorably disposed to bearers of this name.

Communication secrets: Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo often tends to point out people's shortcomings, forgetting that he could be mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to the Leo boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflicting issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nit-picking will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

The trace of a name in history:

Lev Landau

A typical example of an ambitious, but at the same time cheerful and good-natured Leo, is the famous theoretical physicist Lev Landau (1908–1968), the author of the classic course in theoretical physics, whose name is associated with the following story:

“An old and a young Jew are traveling in a compartment. The old one thinks to himself: “This young man is not rich, otherwise he would have been traveling in the first class. He made the bed, which means he is going to the end, to Berdichev. Judging by the clothes, he is a student, therefore, he is traveling on a personal matter. What business can a young man have besides marriage? So, we have three brides in our city now: Sarah - but she is a rich bride, they won’t give her away for him. Rava - but she is a dowry, and he will not marry her. So Raya. It is known that Raya is marrying some Rabinovich ... "And the old Jew turns to his companion:

- Mr. Rabinovich ...

- How do you know me?

- Calculated.

- Well, now you know what theoretical physics is - this is how Lev Landau usually began his course of lectures.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Leo values ​​a strong love relationship. He is somewhat preoccupied with his sexual abilities, from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis partner very much, with whom he has established harmonious relations.

His sexual intimacy is closely connected with spiritual intimacy, he can not go to bed with any woman, not everyone is able to excite him. He periodically changes partners, for him the sexuality of a woman is very important. Leo does not tolerate cold women, he does not want to make a lot of efforts to ignite the flame of passion in her. His erotic caresses are distinguished by sophistication, his love voluptuousness is very deep, although Leo does not pour out his feelings in hot words, as some other men do. He is a great master of love games, he studies his partner, knows which zones are especially pleasant for her, and does everything possible so that the woman herself desires it. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing in it not only a source of joy, but also a means of maintaining health. His highest goal is to achieve mutual orgasm.

Leo's intimate relationship with his wife is difficult, often she tries to subjugate him to herself, which he will never allow.

Leo has been a very popular name for decades. Indeed, there is strength and authority in it. Affectionate appeals - Leva, Levushka. And although some consider him old and not entirely suitable for a Christian, such opinions can be rejected because they are erroneous, because Leo's name day occurs several times a year.

The meaning of the name Leo

It is very difficult to make a mistake with the meaning of the name. Lion is the king of the animals". Otherwise, you can designate it as "The Strongest".


This name comes from the Greek language, since no one knew such an animal in the Slavic lands. By naming the child Leo, parents hope that their son will grow up to be a strong and successful predator of human society.

In the era of the Middle Ages, this name denoted a symbol that speaks of a return to life thanks to one legend. It said that lion cubs are born stillborn, but the breath of the King of Beasts revives them to a new life.

When, according to the church calendar, Leo's name day

Unlike most Christian names, Leo can celebrate name days many times. It must be remembered that the day of the angel will correspond to the saint whose name is on the calendar closest to the birthday of the ward. So, Leo can be patronized by saints whose name days are such days:

Name characteristic

The man who bears this name is both unique and predictable. How all this is combined in it, no one can understand.


Most of the Leos are active people with an enviable physical shape, but there are exceptions. If Leo is diligent, not very temperamental, then problems with the joints and spine may occur. Some of them may be characterized by ailments that affect the cardiovascular system or nerves. Leo's weak points can be considered bones and ligaments, heart and stomach.

Interests and hobbies

Leo is a very passionate person. In sports, he likes to give time to activities that show precisely individual endurance, strength, and dexterity. These include:

  • wrestling;
  • swimming;
  • fishing;
  • mountaineering.

Despite the frenzy of excitement, Leo has a very developed sense of proportion. He always knows when to stop so as not to do something stupid.

Family and love

In his youth, Leo often suffers from self-doubt in the presence of ladies. With age, he is confident in his abilities, but youthful fear can sometimes manifest itself throughout life. This leads to the fact that Leo tries to prove that he is a great lover and a desirable man. In this regard, Leo often changes partners, which does not mean the inconstancy of character. He can change, but only until his eyes catch on the very woman who is ideally suited to this Leo. With her, Leo will be happy for the rest of his life.

A woman who will be the best for Leo must have the following qualities:

  • accuracy;
  • moderate passion;
  • eccentricity;
  • love for experiments;
  • lack of desire to compare men among themselves;
  • loyalty.

If Leo fell in love for real, then he will plunge into the feeling completely. He will gallantly look after the chosen one, giving her all of himself. Very jealous, he will never forgive a perfect betrayal.

Trying to find his one and only, Leo can create a family several times. The most suitable woman often does not cause an explosion of passions, which alarms a man. When creating a family, he simply exudes pedantry and stubbornness, which often plays against him. In addition, any encroachment on the primacy of Leo in the house causes a negative reaction.

Despite all this, Leo is a great family man. He approaches family responsibilities with all responsibility. Children are a special joy for him. Leo loves them with all his heart, respectively, he tries to spend as much time with his family as possible, introducing the kids to his own hobbies.

If Leo has found his woman, then his loyalty is guaranteed. He will always protect his pride and its members, becoming a true protector and leader.


The most striking character traits:

  • deals only with things that are interesting to him;
  • economic, on the verge of pedantry;
  • demanding both to himself and to the environment;
  • clear leader;
  • knows how to organize leisure;
  • perfectly smooths out disputes;
  • proud to the point of unpredictability;
  • dare;
  • has great fortitude;
  • conscientious;
  • persistent;
  • neat;
  • sociable;
  • not very diligent;
  • often lazy;
  • unpredictable;
  • generous;
  • talented;
  • caring;
  • stubborn;
  • passionate.

Although not all qualities can be called good, but all these contradictions coexist peacefully in one character, each time giving rise to a unique and extremely interesting personality.

March 3 and 5, as well as December 20, celebrate the name day of people whose name is Leo. The origin and significance of which is very curious. People have always paid great attention to choosing a name, each of them has his own little story. Consider the ancient and beautiful name Leo, the origin and meaning of which at first glance is not fraught with riddles.

The meaning and origin of the name

There are two simple versions of the origin. As for the meaning, it is not difficult to guess what the name Leo means. However, the analysis of the name must begin with the origin. The name has Latin roots, comes from the word Leo, which means lion. There is also another version that Leo is a name whose origin has ancient Greek roots. The Greek word "leon" means "king of beasts". As you can see, this beautiful historical name has a magical power that attracts success. A person with this name will achieve a lot in life, because his royal nature should live in luxury and honor.

Child's name

The owner of this name must have such traits as nobility, willpower, courage, otherwise the name may be mocking. If the task is to choose a name for the boy, Leo is a good option, but only if the parents are sure that they can raise a child with a strong spirit and will. The fact is that a beautiful and noble name imposes a serious responsibility. You should think very carefully when choosing a name for a boy. Leo in his youth must develop self-confidence, then his nature will be in harmony with the name, and in later life this combination will play in his favor. If the situation is the opposite, then the boy will become suspicious and unbearable. It is not easy to make an informed decision when choosing a name suitable for a child, but there are a lot of pluses in favor of this beautiful historical name and almost no minuses.

Leo: characterization of the name

A person with this name is tolerant of mistakes, diplomatic, exactly until he is pissed off. Close people know that it is better not to anger Leo. If you think about it, Leo - the name of the origin of which speaks for itself. Representatives of this name often forget about caution, are prone to risk, often go in for extreme sports. Leo is a name whose origin comes from the king of animals, so he must be the first and best in everything, especially when choosing a companion. Women feel the inner strength of Leo, therefore they almost always sympathize with him. The conqueror of women's hearts, the clever and handsome Leo, will not become arrogant, although arrogance is really inherent in him. Born to rule, Leo will not be content with little either in the family or at work. His motto: if you marry, then the best, if you work, then in a prestigious high-paying job, in honor, respect and worship of his talents.

The meaning of the name for children

The name Leo (the origin and meaning of it) affects the character of the boy who wears it. A child, like a real natural lion, is outwardly calm, problems rarely arise with him, he is always respectful of his parents, does not stoop to manipulation and whims. It should be noted that Leo is vulnerable in his soul, often worries, especially if he notices disrespect for himself from others. A child with this name usually keeps a face in the classroom, he is respected at school and in the yard by the guys. Parents are always pleased with their son, he is never seen in stupid fights or pranks, as he is restrained and patient. Leo impresses with his abilities literally to all subjects, therefore it is difficult for him to choose a favorite: all of them are easy for him. Leo as a child is more attached to his mother, he never has even light quarrels with her, he tries to avoid them. But one should not assume that Leo is quiet, on the contrary, he is always actively involved in both school and family life. Thanks to his abilities, Leo often becomes a leader, the best in class and in the company of friends.

Leo in adulthood

Usually in work, Leos are diligent, purposeful and successful. In the life of people with this name, success, recognition and glory await. Life heights are reached quickly, career growth is stunning. Leos are very efficient, they achieve everything that they need.

In communication, Leos are kind, amiable and fair. The desire to protect the innocent and offended is manifested in the character. Lions are loving. They love beautiful and completely different women. They do not have a specific type, they love variety and value kindness, loyalty, attractiveness in ladies. The Lions themselves are non-scandalous people, but their wives almost always come across very impulsive.

Name Leo, origin and meaning according to L. Tsymbalova

L. Tsymbalova also tells about the origin of the name Leo - from the king of animals. In biblical history, the Lion is a symbol of the tribe of Judah, from which all Jews (Jews) originated.

L. Tsymbalova describes Leo as an intelligent and self-seeking person. There is truth in her words: the nature of the young Leo is contradictory, he can be both brave and, on the contrary, very timid. Little Lions, as L. Tsymbalova writes, are often afraid of the dark, but parents need to explain to the child that they should fight their fears, then the character will quickly harden. Also, L. Tsymbalova claims that it is better not to spoil little Lions, otherwise, when they grow up, they will turn into real tyrants. Their upbringing should be approached carefully and seriously. Fate grants the Lions dominance over all living beings. The bearer of this name will crush the enemy, lead people. It is Lviv that is called the creators of history.

Suitable Professions

If the name of the child is Leo, then studying is easy for him, despite his laziness, therefore in the future you should pay attention to the following professions: doctor (radiologist, ophthalmologist), aircraft designer, writer, journalist, tailor.

Also an important feature of Leos is that they have good organizational skills.


Marriage is very important for Leo, he has been looking for a worthy companion for a long time, who would suit him in all respects. Spiritual intimacy is very important for him, therefore, he does not make his choice based on external data alone, although, undoubtedly, the attractiveness of a lady plays a paramount role, as well as her manners, education, culture and ability to present herself. Leo should be proud of his chosen one.

Leo can safely count on a successful marriage with girls named Aurora, Anna, Agnia, Ada, Dina, Veta, Olga, Victoria, Ella. You should beware of relationships with Lydia and Agnes.


The name Leo is suitable for people born under the signs of Libra, Leo and Cancer. It is not recommended to call Dev, Aries and Scorpios by this name.


All Leos strive to be the best in their field, which makes them universal leaders who will achieve fame, moreover, in quite honest ways with the use of creativity. The name is very strong and popular, it attracts success, therefore there are a lot of “Lyovushki” among celebrities:

Football player Yashin, the best goalkeeper in Soviet, and possibly world football;

Count Tolstoy is an outstanding Russian writer and also a thinker;

Prygunov is a popular theater and film actor;

Shcherba - linguist;

Durov - Soviet and Russian famous actor;

Gumilyov - Soviet and Russian scientist;

May - Russian poet, translator;

Landau is a legendary Soviet scientist.

Also, I would like to add that a lot of saints bore this name.

As we can see, the Lions are the minions of fortune, the lucky ones who are always lucky. Their prerogative is a good job, a wonderful career, a lot of women who want to voluntarily give their hearts to the successful and self-confident handsome Leo. There are some pluses in the name, because the child will say thank you if he is called this. And what could be better for loving parents than to know that their son will be well settled in this world.

Leo name meaning, character and destiny | What does the name Leo mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Leo, its origin, history, and learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Leo Zodiac - Leo
  • Planet - Sun
  • The color of the name Leo is gold.
  • Auspicious tree - cedar
  • The cherished plant of Leo is rosehip
  • The patron saint of the name Leo is a lion
  • Lion Talisman Stone - Diamond

What does the name Leo mean? lion, king of beasts (the name Leo is of Greek origin).

The short meaning of the name Leo: Leva, Lenya, Levushka, Levunya, Levusya.

Leo Angel Day: The name Leo celebrates name days twice a year:

  • March 5 (February 20) - St. Leo, Bishop of Catania, healed the sick with the power of prayer. To shame the pagan sorcerer, he once stood with him on a burning fire: the sorcerer burned down, and St. The lion remained unharmed (VIII century).
  • December 20 (7) - St. Martyr Leo was killed for the faith of Christ.

Signs of the name Leo: On Leo of Catan, on March 5, you can’t look at shooting stars, otherwise you will be peaceful: wonder, toil with visions.

Positive traits of the name Leo: Leo looks good, elegant and free in movement, likes himself, cares about style, refined manners. At will, he becomes the center of attention, knows how to be polite, hospitable. Leo seems to everyone to be balanced, although it consists of hidden contradictions.

Negative traits of the name Leo: Secrecy, capriciousness, selfishness, laziness. No one knows how the name Leo will act in this or that case and how to deal with him: without any reason, he either gives his friendship and love, or deprives them.

The nature of the name Leo: Leo is tolerant of people's shortcomings, flexible and diplomatic, but all this for the time being. Leo is better not to anger, his wife and subordinates should always remember this. The lion is brave to the point of recklessness: danger intoxicates him like wine! He is just as reckless in love, and this especially attracts women to him.

Leo is a mandatory person, persistent in achieving his goal, benevolent, always ready to help, especially the elderly and the sick. A man named Leo has flexibility and tolerance, knows how to refuse what he wants, but you should not abuse his restraint: after a few remarks and warnings, he is quite capable of flaring up. It is better for his wife and subordinates to learn to catch the edge of his long-suffering.

In youth, the name Leo is loving. Attaches great importance to sex and will never allow a woman to dictate in intimate relationships. In love, he is a little concerned about his sexual abilities, appreciates strong love relationships. In sex, a man named Leo sees not only a source of joy, but also a means to maintain health.

In his wife, he appreciates fidelity and kindness, but for some reason his chosen one most often turns out to be an impulsive person. Not into alcohol. A man named Leo loves to play outdoor games with children. Thanks to his personal qualities, over time he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious and ill-wishers.

Choosing a profession by name: Leo has a critical mind, a broad outlook, an excellent reaction to events, fantasy, intuition. He always knows what he wants, and most importantly - what he does not want. The name Leo is attracted only by prestigious educational institutions and professions. High intuition, an extraordinary gift of insight distinguish him from others, he even sometimes amuses himself by playing the prophet, and when the predictions are fulfilled, the glory of the mind and insight is further strengthened. Leo always plays a little with fate.

Leo's business and career: Leo is proud in everything related to personal success and well-being. In the family, the meaning of the name Leo does not like restrictions, duties depress him, despite the fact that he always obeys his duty. Selfish, but not stingy. Generous, shares everything.

Leo Love and Marriage: Leo can be unpredictable in love, but the family cannot suffer from these negative qualities. The union of the name with Angelica, Valeria, Diana, Isabella, Kaleria, Carolina, Laima, Lara, Rimma, Teresa, Elvira is favorable. Difficult relationships named Leo are likely with Valentina, Eva, Iya, Sati, Susanna.

Health and talents named Leo: Little Leo has very contradictory properties: he is brave, but afraid, for example, of water or darkness, he is tireless, but also lazy, kind, generous, but can be selfish and cruel. Parents should know that prohibitions and punishments, especially humiliating ones, will not achieve anything. Indulging the many desires of Leo, mom and dad will get a domestic tyrant and do him a disservice - in adulthood, not everyone is given command.

At school, Leva also shows contrasts. Studying is easy for him, but he is lazy, it is better to immediately instill in him diligence and perseverance.

A well-bred man named Leo is a conscientious person. Endowed with intelligence and a sense of humor. Leo is persistent in achieving the goal. Most often calm and even phlegmatic, benevolent towards people. However, it is better not to anger him, he can become angry, harshly and decisively put the offender in his place. However, he has almost no envious and well-wishers, since he, as it were, radiates kindness, readiness to always come to the rescue. A man named Leo especially loves children and the elderly, is ready to help the weak and defenseless, sympathetically, with all his heart, treats the sick.

More often, Leo chooses the profession of a doctor, radiologist, ophthalmologist. He can become an aircraft designer, a radio and television technician, a military man, a journalist, a writer. Leo is a tailor or a ladies' hairdresser, he is always a brilliant and fashionable master. Leo is honest, has organizational skills, authority, but in unexpected situations he can get confused.

From early youth, the name Leo has a great attraction to the opposite sex. An adult, he is preoccupied with sexual problems, and the slightest failure terrifies him. Leo does not change women, appreciates strong love relationships. Sexual intimacy with him is necessarily connected with spiritual intimacy. Leo is married more than once: his wives very often come across impulsive and unfaithful. The name Leo in his wife most of all appreciates just loyalty, kindness, patience, sexuality. In a happy marriage, Leo is kind, sensitive, sympathetic, welcomes guests with pleasure, likes to go to the theater, to concerts. He loves children, their illnesses and troubles are going through hard.

Leo name in other countries: The translation of the name Leo in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In Czech it is translated as Lev, in Spanish: Leo, in French: Lion, in English: Lion, in Belarusian: Lev, in Mongolian: Arslan, in Ukrainian: Lev.

The fate of the name Leo in history:

  1. Lev Vasilyevich Izmailov is known for his embassy to China. On November 18, 1720, he solemnly entered Beijing and ten days later received an audience with the bogdykhan Kan-Khi, who received him very graciously and asked him to tell the sovereign to keep his health and not trust the sea; that there are no reasons for war or displeasure between Russia and China; in addition, the bogdykhan exchanged gifts with the embassy. The treaty was not concluded due to the harboring of fugitive Mongols in Russia, the slowness in delimiting the borders and the reception of the ruler of Zhungaria, who fought with China. In 1736 he took part in the Crimean campaign and was promoted to lieutenant general for his bravery. Died 58 years old in 1738.
  2. Lev Samoilovich Bakst (1866-1924) - painter, graphic artist, theater decorator, was a member of the World of Art association, most famous at the turn of the century. One of the largest paintings by Lev Bakst is Ancient Horror (1908). Already the first production of Bakst - "Cleopatra" (1909) made a huge impression on the audience. Multi-colored brilliance captivated the viewer. In sketches for costumes, Bakst created his own finished style. He depicted figures in motion, very active, energetic. From this, the hair is swept to the sides, the light fabrics of clothes develop ... The decorative art of Lev Bakst was the highest point of the "Russian Seasons" in Paris. A picturesque gift, mastery of technique, freedom in the choice of manner and high taste have always distinguished the creations of Lev Bakst.
  3. Leo the Mathematician (Byzantine enlightener of the 9th century)
  4. Leo the Deacon ((before 950 - c. 1000) Byzantine writer)
  5. Leo Tolstoy (count, great Russian writer, classic of world literature)
  6. Lev Yashin (famous football player, goalkeeper)
  7. Lev Landau (an outstanding Soviet physicist, academician, Nobel Prize winner)
  8. Lev Leshchenko (popular singer, People's Artist of Russia)
  9. Lev Durov (actor of theater and cinema, People's Artist of the USSR)
  10. Lev Gumilyov (historian-ethnologist, poet, translator from Persian, founder of the passionate theory of ethnogenesis)
  11. Leon Trotsky (leader of the communist movement, ideologue of Trotskyism)
  12. Lev Kulidzhanov (film director)
  13. Lev Oshanin (Russian Soviet poet)
  14. Lev Borisov (Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, People's Artist of Russia)
  15. Lev Lopatin (Russian philosopher, psychologist)

What does the name Leo mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Calm Majestic Elegant

Lev Leshchenko, pop singer and operetta artist

Name origin: Greek

When you're lucky: Monday

When there are problems: Wednesday

Important years of life: 18, 23, 32

Zodiac sign: Leo

Lucky number: 1

What does the name Leo mean?

The meaning of the name Leo comes from the Greek word "leon", which means "lion, king of beasts." There is another version of its origin: from the Hebrew language, the name is translated as "heart".

Despite the fact that the phonosemantics of the name is very pleasant, modern parents are absolutely indifferent to it, therefore it is becoming less and less popular.

In Western Europe, the form Leon is very often used, sometimes Leo is found. The Armenian population has retained this name; boys are often called Levon or Leo there. The Muslim equivalent of Leo is Leis.

The secret of the name Leo lies in the fact that it gives its owner a huge life potential. The internal forces that Leo possesses can be enough for several people.

However, the owner of the name is a kind, generous, generous person. There are always a lot of people around him. A good friend, an executive employee and a pleasant conversationalist. But pride is inherent in him, in order to achieve his goal, he rarely takes into account the interests of others.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

In the Middle Ages, the Lion symbolized resurrection. Even in ancient times, there was a belief that at birth the cubs of the lion were dead. Only after their father breathed into their muzzles did they come to life.

The origin of the name Leo testifies to the strength and greatness of its owner. This value affects a person in a certain way. Therefore, Leo is an honest, open man with life experience and a brave character.

This name is revered in Orthodoxy. The most famous saint is Leo, Bishop of Catania, whose name day is celebrated on March 5th.

He was loved for his kindness and mercy towards the poor and strangers. The power of his prayer healed the sick. In the same era, the sorcerer Iliodr lived, who made a mess in the temple, where the bishop read prayers.

Seeing the people who succumbed to the suggestions of Iliodra, the bishop led them out of the temple to the square of the city. A fire was lit there, the saint, together with the sorcerer, entered the fire. Iliodor burned down, and Bishop Leo remained unharmed thanks to the will of God.

Forms of the name Simple: LevaFull: LeoOld: LeoAffectionate: Levochka

The positive characteristic of the name Leo is manifested in its elegance, pleasant appearance. This is a man who attaches great importance to his clothes and style. If he has a desire, he easily becomes the center of attention, polite and hospitable.

Of the negative characteristics of Leo, it should be noted his secrecy, laziness, selfishness.

No one knows what this person will do in a minute, his actions are unpredictable: he can be friendly and generous, but suddenly, for no reason, he becomes irritable and angry.

As the numerological description testifies, the number of the soul of Leo is four.

From childhood, these people show a penchant for the exact sciences. They try to apply scientific explanations to all life situations. "Fours" are distinguished by reliability and conscientiousness.

The owners of this number are respected among friends and colleagues. Rarely capable of spontaneous decisions and actions. Any surprises unsettle them. Deprived of bright emotionality, sometimes they seem cold.

A literal analysis of the word can supplement the information that the name Leo means.

L - indicates the presence of artistic talents, the ability to see and appreciate the beautiful. This letter is an instruction to use forces to the maximum. E - symbolizes the need for expression, exchange of experience. B is a sign of sociability, an indicator of a creative person who makes plans for the future.

The main character traits of Leo will be kindness and sincerity. He shows patience, flexibility and diplomacy in communication. However, it is better not to test his patience. Anger can be terrible.

Leo shows his benevolence to everyone equally, not paying attention to posts and titles. Unfortunately, others often mistake such gentleness for weakness and look down on him. Leo is calm about this, only occasionally attacks of melancholy are found on him.

The calmness of this man sometimes reaches its highest manifestation, turning into phlegm. He is deprived of a quick reaction, unforeseen situations confuse him.

Leo is a connoisseur of a quiet, measured life; he experiences drastic changes very hard. And this applies not only to his own life, but also to relatives and friends.

The critical mind of Leo, a well-developed intuition, a broad outlook provide him with invaluable assistance in his studies and in his chosen profession. His ambition will secure a good position in society.

Leo is a man of great ambitions. But they do not turn into blind stubbornness: if you need to give up something, he will sacrifice his desires. The story about how he promised, but did not, is just a lie. The owner of this name is a man of his word, he will make every effort to fulfill his obligations.

Character traits Reliability Patience Flexibility Benevolence Clever Secretiveness Laziness Selfishness Uncertainty Phlegmatic

In his youth, Leo is very loving, but at the slightest disappointment, his character gives in to panic. Uncertainty in communicating with the opposite sex is contrary to what the name Leo means. Relationships with women sometimes end up like this without any intimate continuation.

Good and bad couples Aurora Victoria Dina Irina Olga Lydia Agnessa Marina Oksana Olesya

Girls value Leo not only as a sexual partner, but also as a true friend. This man tends to have long-term love relationships.

If there is a spiritual and sexual understanding with a woman, it will be very difficult for him to part with her.

In marriage, he will not receive great happiness. Being calm by nature, he hardly survives his wife's impulsiveness. In addition, he will never bend to her will despite his best efforts.

When is the name day?

March 3, 5 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo:

Origin and meaning of the name Leo

There are a lot of beautiful and sonorous names, but in this article we will talk about the features of such a beautiful and rare name as Leo.


The name Leo is quite common today. The origin and meaning of this name dates back to Ancient Greece, where the nickname Leon was widely used, which means “king of beasts”, or “lion”. Also in Latin there was a second form of the name - Leo. Another version of the origin refers the name to the Hebrew language, where it meant "heart."

Forms of name and name day

In Europe, the more common forms of the name are Leon and Leo, and in Muslim states, Leis. In a number of countries, there are options such as Levon, Lion, Leonty, Leonard and Lio. Any of the bearers of these names can be abbreviated as Levushka, Leva, Lenya, Lesya, Leonek, Lyulik or Levus. The patron saint of the name is Bishop Leo of Catania. He was widely known for his mercy and kindness. He healed the sick with the power of his prayers. The priest was counted among the saints after he went to the stake along with a pagan sorcerer in the 8th century. As a result, a miracle happened - the pagan was burned, and the bishop remained safe and sound. The Pope (Leo I) was also named Leo. The days of veneration of these saints are celebrated on March 3, 5 and 13.


The meaning of the name Leo for a boy is positive, although not always. It gives him a balanced and kind character. He does not strive for leadership at all, however, he will not allow himself to be offended. The child does not cry over trifles, falls into tantrums only in extreme cases. Sometimes it is selfish and cruel to others. Prohibitions and punishments from the parents do not affect him, but indulging the desires of the child can turn him into a little tyrant. Strong energy gives its owner the meaning of the name Leo. The child is characterized by the presence of many talents, aspirations and interests. At school, he learns with ease, but is often too lazy to pay due attention to his studies. She enjoys outdoor activities - she loves to swim, fish and pick mushrooms. Little Leo is sociable, likes to chat for a long time and portray other people. Often becomes a favorite not only of adults, but also of peers.


Balance and tolerance are inherent in a man named Leo. The meaning of the name, the character of its owner are due to his "lion" nature. A man with this nickname is full of energy and quite ambitious. He always does what he promises and is ready to help at any moment. He is an excellent friend and comrade, but if Leo sets himself any goal, he will achieve it by any means, regardless of friendly relations.

Often, the ridicule that Leo is subjected to in childhood by peers endows him with such negative traits as irritability and suspicion in adulthood. From the outside, this may not be noticeable, but loved ones can seriously suffer from such qualities.

Leo is tolerant of other people's shortcomings. He likes to take risks and show courage and courage. People are kind and considerate. The special meaning of the name Leo gives a sense of humor and a sharp mind to its owner. In a man with this name, qualities such as flexibility, conscientiousness in doing work and ambition are combined. All this allows him to occupy a good position in society.

Leo has few ill-wishers and envious people, which is not surprising - he simply radiates warmth. The owner of this name seems to have some kind of power over all living beings. He is able to cope with any adversity and lead people. It is from such personalities that the real creators of history are obtained.

Love relationships and family

In adolescence, the meaning of the name Leo endows its owner with increased love of love. The young man often changes partners. In girls, he most appreciates sincerity, kindness and sexuality. However, often the fair sex sees him as more of a friend than a lover. Having established a long-term relationship with a girl, a man seeks to harmonize them. Intimate relationships for him become something spiritual. He can't get into bed with any woman.

Often it is self-confidence in relations with the opposite sex that deprives its owner of the male name Leo. The meaning of the foregoing is manifested in the fact that a woman may try to subjugate Leo to herself, but he does not accept this. As a rule, men with this name do not like to make trouble, but they often come across rather impulsive personalities as their wives. If he is happy in marriage, he becomes a kind, sympathetic and sensitive husband. He likes to visit and receive people at home, often attends theaters and concerts with his family. Often a man becomes a good father - he simply adores children. He is very worried when they have problems or get sick. The main disadvantage of Leo, which can destroy his marriage, is posturing.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Leo suggests that its owner has excellent organizational skills. He persistently strives for his goal and conscientiously fulfills the tasks assigned to him. With colleagues, a man is honest and enjoys their authority. All this allows him to achieve significant success in the professional field. A man, as a rule, has good physical data and is able to cope with any work. However, he is very careful about the choice of his profession and prefers only the option that involves career advancement.

Phenomenal memory endows its owner with the name Leo. The origin and meaning of this nickname determine the presence of a huge amount of talent in a man. He can achieve a high position in the managerial sphere and in the field of business. Becomes a good doctor, journalist or writer. You can often meet Leo among fashion designers and hairdressers.

Mystery of the name

The name is controlled by the corresponding zodiac sign, which has a certain meaning. Among the planets, the name of Leo is patronized by the Sun. All this determines the main character traits of a man - kindness and strength. His auspicious colors are gold and green. A stone that can protect against negative influences is a diamond. The totem animal of the name is the lion, and the plant is the wild rose.

A man named Leo has a well-developed intuition. A successful marriage for him will be with Aurora, Alla, Victoria, Natalya, Olesya, Olga and Ella. He has a more problematic relationship with Lydia and Agnes. The name Leo is well suited for people born under the sign of Cancer, Leo and Libra. This nickname is considered undesirable for Aries, Scorpions and Virgos.

Famous personalities

A favorable and happy meaning carries the meaning of the name Leo. For a boy, such a name suggests the presence of a large number of talents, which will help him become successful in life. Among people with this name there are many famous personalities who have become famous throughout the world. The most significant owners of this courageous name are: Prince Lev Golitsyn, famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, physicist Lev Landau, Soviet actor and director Lev Durov, representative of the Russian stage Lev Leshchenko, football player Lev Yashin, poet and historian Lev Gumilyov, representative of the Communist Party Lev Trotsky , painter Lev Bakst, Russian philosopher and psychologist Lev Lopatin.

Characteristics of the name Leo | The secret of the name Leo

Leo - "lion" (gr.).

Characteristics of the name Leo

Levushka grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whimper over trifles, and if he has a tantrum, then this means that he was very baked. At school, the secret named Leo is not a bully, but he will be able to protect himself and his friends. She enjoys swimming, fishing and mushroom picking.

Persistent in achieving the goal, very conscientious in deeds and promises, which allows him to eventually occupy a good position in society. At work, the characteristic of the name Leo evokes a warm relationship, he has few envious and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: with all his appearance, Leo radiates warmth and kindness, a willingness to help everyone who needs it. With special tenderness he treats the elderly and the sick, and therefore often chooses the specialty of a doctor. It also has patience and flexibility, the ability to give up what you want. He is not a brawler. But Leo's restraint, including as a boss, is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite remarks in form, he is able to afford an outburst of anger. Leo's wife should feel the moment when her husband's long patience runs out...

The nature of the name Leo

Preoccupied with sexual problems, at the slightest setbacks tend to panic. Lovingness, sometimes noted in his youth, is most often a manifestation of uncertainty in his potency.

In his wife, he values ​​fidelity, kindness and patience most of all. However, for some reason, a rather impulsive person often becomes a companion of his life. The characteristic of the name Leo drinks from time to time, rarely becomes an alcoholic. Mystery named Leo loves to play noisy games with children.

In early childhood is disposed to lung disease.

"Autumn" - true to his ideals, energetic, purposeful. He can become an aircraft designer, radio and television technician, and a military man. The name is suitable for patronymics: Borisovich, Leontyevich, Alekseevich, Mikhailovich, Nesterovich, Pavlovich.

"Summer" - kind, sensitive, responsive.

"Spring" - in addition to everything that has been said, he is also ambitious, boastful. Likes to live in grand style. Can become a ladies' hairdresser, surgeon, radiologist, ophthalmologist.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Leo

Middle names go well with the name: Vladislavovich, Vitoldovich, Afanasyevich, Evgenievich, Lazarevich.

What does the name Leo mean?

Leo's main traits are focus and foresight. He is distinguished by spiritual softness, gentleness and phlegmatic.

In Greek, "Leon" means "lion".

Origin of the name Leo:

The name Leo comes from the Greek "leon" or the Latin "leo" and goes back to the noblest of animals, the king of beasts.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Leo:

From early childhood, Leos are phlegmatic and regal calm. It is difficult to piss them off, they cry less often than other children and almost do not act up. Baby Leo especially needs parental love and affection and loves to communicate with his mother and father. It is difficult to offend him, but, being upset, he cries long and inconsolably. He is balanced, rarely a bully, but promptly responds to prompting and does not allow himself or his friends to be offended. He studies smoothly, without ups and downs.

Despite the sonorous name, due to the softness of his character, Leo is not the best leader, although he can be a good organizer. He prefers to be somewhere in the middle between the boss and the performer, he works equally well with people and with technology. As part of his specialty, he develops a well-developed business intuition and relies on it. He likes to work in one area and in it, as a rule, he is stubborn and ambitious.

Leo treats people kindly and with interest, trusting and rarely expects betrayal. It is hard for him to experience quarrels and scandals, it is difficult for him to believe that someone has acted dishonorably with him. Inoffensive, verbose and sincerely apologizes if he offended himself. Tries to smooth out conflicts. Leos always expect good things from people and often fall into lingering melancholy if expectations are not met.

By nature, Leo lacks self-confidence and the ability to "growl", however, he is quite capable of developing these qualities in himself, especially if he has reason to believe that "the game is worth the candle." Disappointed in life, Leo is heavy and laconic, loses interest in communication and becomes obese.

Leo experiences other people's troubles very sharply, is empathic and tends to sympathize with the weak. In helping, he is disinterested and sincere, sensitive and acutely experiencing someone else's misfortune, Leo is well suited for humanitarian professions. He is not arrogant and does not attach importance to hierarchy, he is looking for friendship primarily with bright and open people. Sometimes he is drawn to spectacular brawlers, which rarely ends well for Leo - sharp mental upheavals lead him to illness and depression.

In love relationships, he often chooses women who are spectacular, sharp and impulsive, complete opposites to him. Relations with them, as a rule, do not last long and instead of extreme sensations, Leo is fraught with serious mental upheavals. In bed, Leo is calm, deep down he is insecure and always needs encouragement and support. The ideal darling of Leo is a soft and sensual woman close to him in character. Leo is happily married to Olga, Claudia, Anna, Victoria and Ella, but relationship problems are likely to arise with Marina, Oksana and Lydia.

Families with a suitable partner for Leo are always strong and friendly, he values ​​\u200b\u200brelations very much. He himself does not change, and the betrayal of his wife causes him serious mental pain. With children, he is gentle and undemanding, loves to spend time with them and is always interested in their affairs.

Lions born in summer are confident and energetic, “spring” and “autumn” are friendly, persistent and smart, and “winter” are conceited and despotic.

Leo name in different languages:

  • Name Leo in English: Leo (Leo, Leo)
  • Chinese name Leo: 列夫 (Lefu)
  • Leo name in Japanese: レフ (Refu)
  • Leo name in Spanish: Leon (Leon)
  • Leo name in German: Leo (Leo)
  • Name Leo in Polish: Leon (Leon)
  • Name Leo in Ukrainian: Leo

Forms and variants of the name Leo: Lyovushka, Lyosya, Levusya, Lyoka Levunya, Lyova, Lyonya

Leo - the color of the name: green, gold

lion flower: rose hip

Lion stone: Emerald

The child is recommended to give a harmonious name. It should be chosen carefully. After all, the name has a psychological impact not only on its owner, but also on those who address it. The origin of the name Leo is unclear. This is the name of the animal, not a characteristic. Its owner is credited with the presence of a combination of all the noble features characteristic of the king of beasts.

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The name Leon or Leo, according to statistics in 2008, was one of the most popular in Germany, France and Switzerland. In Russia, the name Leo is not so popular, but this is its charm. The boy will stand out among his peers with the rarity and beauty of the name.


    Leo in Russian spelling is an analogue of the ancient Greek name Leont (Latin version of Leo). The meaning of the name Leo is the same in all languages, it means " lion" - the king of beasts. An animal unlike any other attracts with its qualities, admires its power and nobility. The strength, courage and majestic appearance of the king of beasts led to the fact that people around the world began to call their children "in his honor."

      Such names are associated with " lion": Leon, Leonid, Leonard, Leo, Leopold. There are more than five hundred names in Arabic that have a similar meaning. The most common are Assad and Leys.


      Owners of the name Leo are characterized by:

      • majesty;
      • strength;
      • determination;
      • energy;
      • bravery;
      • courage;
      • speed of reactions;
      • dignity;
      • valor;
      • pride.

      The character of a man is dominated by: kindness, generosity, patience with the shortcomings of others, diplomacy, flexibility. However, great patience once comes to an end, so it is better not to anger him. A man treats people equally, not paying attention to status. Has a calm personality. In difficult situations, he becomes decisive and dexterous. Always comes to the rescue.

      One of the disadvantages of name holders is their propensity to take risks. Courageous people are drawn to danger like a magnet.

      Leo - kind, inspires confidence, has a reputation as a lucky person. His image is bright, joyful, bold. The secret of the name is expressed by the phrase: "Levka has everything cleverly."


      The commonality of the life path of the owners of one name is called their destiny. It has been noticed that Leos, being by nature calm people, prefer impulsive women in marriage. In personal relationships, they lack self-confidence. If the wife tries to take over the family, their relationship is doomed. Such a husband will not agree to obey.

      Leos are great dads. With children they like to play outdoor games, swim, fish and even pick mushrooms.

      Often choose the profession of a doctor. Thanks to good organizational skills, they eventually achieve a high position in society.

      The most successful combination of name and patronymic: Lev Petrovich.

      heavenly patron

      When choosing a name for a child, one must remember that, according to Orthodox tradition, a heavenly intercessor is simultaneously determined, who will protect a person all his life. To find out what kind of patron the child will have, you should look at the days of memory of saints named Leo. Pay attention to the one whose glorification date is after the child's birthday. This will be the heavenly intercessor. Also, this date is the day of the name day. You can baptize a boy in honor of a certain saint, whose life and virtues are most impressive.

      Name day Lviv:

      • 12.01 - saint, archimandrite;
      • 2. 02 - the faithful king Leo the Great;
      • 3.03 - St. Leo, Pope of Rome and Martyr Leo of Patara;
      • 5.03 - hierarch, Bishop of Catan;
      • 13. 03 (if the year is a leap year) - reverend;
      • 31.05 - martyr;
      • 20.06 - Hieromartyr (Ershov);
      • 14.07 - reverend, hermit;
      • 31.08 and 24.09 - martyr;
      • 20.09 - venerable martyr (Egorov);
      • 24.10 - Reverend Lev of Optina;
      • 20.12 - righteous.

      The most famous is St. Leo (the Pope, who lived in the fifth century). He became famous for tirelessly defending Orthodoxy from heresy. The saint took part in the fourth Ecumenical Council. Many times, with the help of the art of persuasion, he managed to save Rome from ruin. For his merits he received the nickname "Great".