
Symbol of the all-seeing eye in Orthodoxy. The meaning of the all-seeing eye tattoo. Power in knowledge

Thus showing that the words of Christ, spoken to his murderers: "Now is your time and the power of darkness" (Luke 22:53) are relevant today.

I started this article with these words:

"Perhaps I will surprise someone now, but I have to say right away that all antagonism what we all see in the human community, especially in recent times, and which we conditionally call the confrontation between "good" and "evil", occurs solely because, what on a planetary scale exist and conflict two thinking systems !


Not alone!

Few people think about it, but it's true! And this is hidden key to understanding and understanding many mysteries of nature!

One thinking system(atheists, do not twist your lips, do not rush to write me down as a sectarian and stop reading this article!) is the omnipresent and all-encompassing mind of the Creator of all things, a drop of which is present in every person from the moment of his birth. Using the word intelligence people voluntarily or involuntarily, knowingly or unknowingly, designate it, divine mind. We will talk about this mysterious ubiquitous and all-encompassing thinking system a little later, and I think that everyone will be interested to know about my view of the structure of the Universe.

In the meantime, I invite the reader to just look at one historical artifact, one might even say - a rarity - very interesting medal, issued in Russia more than 200 years ago, in which the idea of ​​this ubiquitous and all-encompassing thinking system, which for some time it is customary to designate with one short word - the God.

Here is a photo medals"In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812". Embossed on it symbolic image of the "all-seeing eye" of our invisible Creator, which is the God and he Spirit, invisible, omnipresent, all-pervading and therefore all-seeing, cherishing everything.

I note that this medal was established not by some philosopher like me talking about two thinking systems, but Russian Emperor Alexander I in memory of the war of 1812 - on February 5, 1813, a decree was issued to award the participants in the liberation of the Russian land from Napoleon's invasion of the award medal "In memory of the Patriotic War of 1812".

So, this was the beginning of my previous post, which can be read in full. .

The reaction to this article from readers was very different. It was not without derogatory criticism:

Yu Li: already disrespectful Anton, what are you selling us? What is this masonic satanic eye, this " all-seeing eye" and there is an eye invisible Creator of OUR, which is the God???" Not ours, but YOURS! I don’t know about others, but certainly not mine! You have been preparing people for a long time to write this article! I read all your articles from and to ... We started for health, ended for peace .Ugh!

For my part, the reaction to such words was appropriate:

Anton Blagin: obviously you didn't come here to learn something from me, and then to control me! "I read all your articles inside and out..." And so I disappointed you. Alas, I'm sorry!

Concerning "Masonic satanic eye", as you wrote, is it Masonic? Maybe the swastika, after it was used by Hitler, became Nazi, and did not remain Aryan, as it always was?

Note that on the dollar bill masonic eye appeared above the truncated pyramid only in 1936. And on the medal for the Patriotic War with Napoleon"God's eye" inside the triangle appeared 124 years earlier.

If I were offered to draw the one who sees and knows everything secret and obvious, I would probably draw exactly the same eye ("all-seeing eye"). And to be honest, I don’t care if the Masons use the same image in their work or not. Disappointed in me? Well, go in peace!

My rebuttal was followed by the following response from the same reader:

Yu Li: Anton Pavlovich, I learned a lot of new and interesting things from your articles, but your inconsistency has been very striking lately. I won’t be surprised, I won’t be surprised (!) If you write that Rusty (Chubais) is also working for the good of the country. The writer's pen will wash anyone and anything better than any detergent, you know. My intuition tells me that the True Supreme Being, who is alpha and omega, beginning and end, cannot be one-eyed. I don’t know how to describe it, like in that joke, I feel like a liter, but I can’t express it! Regarding all these video cameras, surveillance cameras, etc., I still have an association with the same eye. In general, this topic is endless. "And many false prophets will arise and deceive many."(Matthew 24.11), "Then if anyone says to you, Behold, here is Christ, or there,don't believe. For false Christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."(Matthew 24:23-24). Health from the soul and clear Consciousness.

Anton Blagin: Yu Li, yesterday you succeeded in bringing me out of my state of serenity. I was very indignant (probably, like the crystal lattice of a ruby ​​laser from the flash of a pump lamp) and this gave me the opportunity to make an important discovery (naturally for myself) related to with the cause of in society (including Masons) symbol of the all-seeing eye. As soon as I can devote time to this topic, I will definitely write a new article about it. As for "disturbers" like you who write sharply negative reviews, this is not the first time I am convinced that sometimes God himself sends them to me. So health and longevity to you!

Yu Li: yes, I wrote sharply and very negatively yesterday, sorry, of course, but you also wrote a harmless article about nature about the weather, and about satanic symbol(I affirm and will affirm!), which excites the minds of millions of people, and put it in a noble manner(so to speak). What should be the reaction? I could not pass by indifferently. I'm glad I inspired you, it's a pity that in this way. I look forward to new articles. I still know the truth! "Never draw conclusions about a person until you know the reasons for his actions." Archimandrite John (Krestyankin). Good luck!

While we were chatting with Yu Li in the comment thread, some lady wrote to him:

Na_Mila: right you wrote the symbol is satanic and there is nothing to discuss here.. I, after reading this article, lost the gift of speech - from someone, but I did not expect such a focus from Blagin! He cannot be mistaken about this symbol (eyes in a triangle), I do not believe ... In general, this is strange.

Anton Blagin: why many people have such an opinion about this symbol, which was very popular in the Russian Empire several centuries ago, I understood after I read two publications on the Internet: Masonic eye. The secret government is no longer a myth.", .

The first of these publications begins with the words: "Masonic symbols are all over the world. The "all-seeing eye" is present in our lives in one way or another, and I'm going to prove it..."

The author of the second article went further and discovered connection Images "eyes" on a medal in 1812 with the reptilian theory . How he discovered this connection is shown in this picture from his article.

Well what can I say about all this?

First, it has been confirmed once again that "the sleep of reason produces monsters!"

Second: Masons as a secret society always was, is, and probably always will be. You can read about their goals and their organization .

Third: knowledge about nature That is, like nature itself (!), They cannot belong to someone personally or to any separate organization, even if it is a mafia. Knowledge of nature is common heritage! And because the guardians of this knowledge about nature (concealers) at some point in time turned out to be Freemasons, representatives of a secret organization, which always included only those in power, and homosexuals, does not mean anything!

If someone has a violent fantasy, watch an old Soviet cartoon "Stolen Sun"just in the subject, and even with a hint of a conspiracy theory about "reptilians" !

In this fairy tale The sun was stolen green crocodile!

Now let's talk about something serious and in an adult way, like educated people!

Symbols do exist. "satanic"! They are specially invented and filled with a negative meaning by representatives of the same secret organizations that today create more and more new ones for computers. viruses, trojans, and other man-made means of sabotage the human race.

I will not cite here any of the famous satanic symbols so as not to fill your article with negative energy. But I will say that in addition to evil, which always strives to destroy everything and everything, there is also creative good in the Universe! And there are symbols that reflect our positive reality or describe some real technical device or display the contents of some process.

For clarity, I will give a symbolic image of a radio tube, which is still used in the radio-electronic industry, as well as the lamp itself, so that it is clear what I am talking about. On the left is a graphic image of a triode lamp, on the right is its photograph, showing its real appearance.

As we see symbolic image has almost nothing in common with the real appearance of the radio tube, but exactly symbolic image reveals to us her inner being!

Which one information(inner essence) tells us (reveals) symbolic image of God, known as "eye in triangle" or "all-seeing eye"?

I have no doubt that people who understand the schematic representations of radio tubes and can distinguish "triode" from "pentode", perhaps in Russia, and in the world as a whole, are only 3-5%!

What can we say about people who really know what information is fraught with a symbol "eye in triangle"?!

I hope that after the publication of my article, there will be many such people!

I note that the craze of the Russian "elite" this symbolism everything started two and a half or three centuries ago, and it happened just like it happens with fashion - if jeans suddenly appeared, then suddenly everyone wanted to buy them at once! If some fashion designer sewed a beautiful hat, then thousands of people suddenly wanted to get the same hat!

With the symbol "eye in a triangle" happened a little differently than with fashion, but almost like that. The Russian elite was carried away by this symbol solely because at some point it was initiated into secret knowledge about the hidden forces of nature. Let me clarify: there was an initiation of the Russian elite: the emperor and his family, as well as the highest ranks of the Russian Orthodox Church, into some kind of top-secret secret knowledge, which in ancient times was supposed to be owned only by the specially elected, who considered themselves not just an elite, but chosen by God!

In ancient Egypt, which flourished several millennia BC, such specially chosen people were, as you know, the pharaoh and the priests. They owned this top-secret secret knowledge about the hidden forces of nature by virtue of his position.

I note that they also once had peculiar fashion- fashion for the construction of stone pyramids!

Now I want to draw your attention to the fact that in the symbolism, which was widely replicated in the Russian Empire a couple of centuries ago, "eye triangle"- this is not just some kind of triangle, it is symbolic pyramid image!

The Masonic drawing that appeared on the dollar bill in 1936 leaves no doubt that this "triangle with an eye" is an image of a pyramid.

The last photograph, taken inside the Kazan Church in St. Petersburg, captures the symbolic pyramid image with emanating from its center "Holy Spirit". In the place where pyramid usually depicted "all-seeing eye", the inscription "THE GOD".

And there was a fashion in Russia for this symbolism exactly after elite Europe and England has become be interested legacy of ancient Egypt - the same pyramids, constructed from many stone slabs and blocks.

Interest in the pyramids and the heritage of Ancient Egypt was at that time so great among the European elite that Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France, even decided to conquer this country by force. For this, a well-armed army was equipped, and in 1798-1801 the famous Napoleonic campaign, which ended for the French very unsuccessfully. All that Napoleon achieved at that time was positive for France - his expedition collected and exported to Europe a huge number of historical monuments, and in 1798 the Institute of Egypt (Institut d "Égypte) was created, which marked the beginning of a large-scale plunder of the heritage of Ancient Egypt.

Napoleon later wrote about Egypt in his memoirs: "Egypt is one of the most beautiful and fertile countries in the world. It is the cradle of sciences and arts. There were the largest and most ancient monuments created by human hands".

The largest and most ancient monuments of Egypt are, of course, pyramids, huge stone structures.

I note that about their appointments all official media still distribute exclusively misinformation or a half-truth, which is also a lie, because no one from the highest echelon of the "world elite" wants secret knowledge, which has always been only property VIPs, made available to someone else.

In this regard, I want to remind the reader about the famous letter of the famous commander Alexander the Great to his teacher Aristotle. This letter captures the moment very well:

"Alexander to Arstotle wishes well! You did wrong by publishing teachings intended only for oral teaching. How will we differ from other people if the very teachings on which we were brought up become common property? I would like to SUPERIOR OTHERS not so much power, how much KNOWLEDGE about higher subjects..(Plutarch. Selected Biographies. Vol. 2, p. 367).

Macedonsky wrote this letter to Aristotle when he learned that his teacher had written a manuscript expounding secret knowledge. Macedonsky was ambitious and young, and he did not want anyone else besides him to gain the secret knowledge of the greatest rulers from the priest through the book he had written. That is the only reason why he reprimanded Aristotle in writing: “You have done wrong in promulgating the teaching intended only for oral teaching» .

Now is the time to recall the well-known historical fact that the teacher Aristotle, in turn, studied with the ancient Egyptian priests. And the ancient Egyptian priests, according to Diogenes Laertes, who lived around the 2nd - 3rd century AD, kept knowledge that goes back 49 thousand years to Alexander the Great.

And so, following the logic of this story, we ran into ancient egyptian pyramids, into a symbol of supreme power in the form "eyes in a triangle" and the notion of existence secret knowledge, the possession of which gives the specially chosen a gigantic advantage over others and the right to power.

Although we have already managed to reveal one secret, and it is beyond doubt that symbol of power as "eyes in a triangle" directly related to pyramids and, accordingly, with some kind of secret knowledge that the ancient Egyptian pyramids store in themselves.

In connection with our discovery, we can consider "pimples" on the medal inside the "triangle with an eye" is nothing more than a symbolic image stones from which are built pyramids in Egypt. An attempt to present these "pimples" like a crocodile "reptilian skin" nothing more than an attempt misinformation humanity "interested persons"!

It is also symbolic that this "eye in triangle" adorns a medal issued in the Russian Empire in honor of the expulsion by the Russian people from the Russian land of the commander Napoleon and his huge army who tried 14 years earlier conquer Egypt.

Given the fact that the war with Napoleon and his army was nationwide, initiated by God himself, who does not leave Russia without his guardianship, the Russian Emperor Alexander I ordered that on the commemorative medal there were words of thanksgiving to the Almighty: "NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME!"

This is where the same symbolism comes from in subsequent state medals issued in the Russian Empire. Pay close attention for symbols this medal (coming from within eye pyramids The light that is "Holy Spirit", falls on the royal crown and on the crowns of the double-headed eagle - a symbol of Russian power) and on the inscription on it: "For the pacification of Hungary and Transylvania. 1849. Understand, Gentiles, and submit. God is with us" . ("Understand, peoples, and submit. God is with us").

Well now I want to show you how disguised the truth about the pyramids and how hiding from the people associated with them secret knowledge, including today.

If you open Wikipedia or some other encyclopedia, you can read the following there:

"Word "pyramid"- Greek means polyhedron. According to some researchers, a large pile of wheat became the prototype of the pyramid. According to other scientists, this word comes from the name of the funeral cake of a pyramidal shape. A total of 118 pyramids were discovered in Egypt..

At the same time, it is known that in the Greek language there is a word "πυρ" ("feast"), with which the two-root word begins "pyramid". Translated into Russian, the word "πυρ" ("feast") means "Fire".

Don't you think that the two-root word "polyhedron", which is slipped to us by academic dictionaries and encyclopedias as a translation of the Greek two-root word "pyramid" somehow doesn't fit anymore?

And if "feast" this "Fire" , then "the second root "mid" in the word "pyramid" what can mean?

In most languages ​​of the world "mid", "middle", "medium" means middle, the middle part of something, equally spaced from the border, edges, or from the beginning and end of something.

Thus, we have every reason to translate the word "pyramid" how "fire in the middle".

And to understand how "the fire in the middle is related to the 'eye in triangle' symbol, read my earlier article that I wrote back in 2013:


This is an ancient geometry textbook found in Thebes, the largest city of Ancient Egypt.

Nearly 4,000 years ago, it was copied by a scribe named Ahmes onto a 32 cm high and 199.5 cm wide papyrus scroll from an even older source.

This papyrus was discovered in 1858 and is often referred to as the Rhinda papyrus after its first owner.

In 1887 this papyrus was deciphered, translated and published by G. Robinson and K. Schute (London, The British Museum Press, 1987).

Most of this old manuscript is now in the British Museum in London, and the second part is in New York.

This is one of the two-meter-long pages of the Ahmes papyrus. Historians attribute the time of writing this "manual of arithmetic and geometry" to the period of the XII dynasty of the Middle Kingdom (1985 - 1795 BC).

As you can see, at a time when many peoples of the planet had only a spoken language, and writing was still in its infancy, exact sciences already existed in Ancient Egypt!

Ancient Egypt gained special fame thanks to the city of Alexandria, which had a large scientific library. It is known that it was founded at the beginning of the 3rd century BC during the reign of the king of Egypt, Ptolemy II Philadelphus. This library was the largest in the ancient world and was more of an academy than an ordinary collection of books! Scientists lived and worked in it, engaged in both research and teaching.

Even if these figures are greatly exaggerated by the chroniclers, this does not detract from the very fact that Ancient Egypt was the center of world scientific thought.

Another important detail is curious - in ancient Egypt there were three types of writing - hieroglyphic, folk language (demotic) and cursive!

Unfortunately, almost all ancient manuscripts were destroyed by vandals. Only rare evidence of the once former power of the ancient human genius has survived to this day.

So, that was the bright side of ancient Egyptian history. Now let's look at her dark side.

Look at this scroll, very similar to an ancient Egyptian geometry textbook.

This is the holy book of the Jewish people - "Torah", about which the Jews say: "Torah is the law and, at the same time, this is a guide to life, received by Moses on Mount Sinai from the hands of God himself."

Here is an explanation from a modern preacher of Judaism who popularly explains to Jews what the Torah is.

"What is Torah? The written Torah (Torah shebihtav) is the five books of Moshe [Moses]. In any synagogue, Torah scrolls are kept - exact copies of the first scroll received by Moshe on Mount Sinai. In a sense, the Written Torah is the constitution of the Jewish people, but proclaimed not by people, but by God.

Oral Torah (Torah shebealpe), "which Moshe received at Sinai and handed over to Yegh'oshua (read Yehoshua), Yegh'hoshua to the elders, the elders to the prophets, and the prophets to the men of the Great Assembly..." (Avot. 1:1 ), - explains Written. It contains “general rules according to which wise men can find the right solutions to constantly arising questions, based on what is said in the scripture briefly and in a hint” (Rabbe Joseph Albo). For example, the Torah forbids working on the Sabbath. But what is work in relation to the Sabbath? With the exception of a few references to activities such as collecting firewood, lighting a fire, cooking, the Written Torah does not go into detail.

The answer is in the Oral Torah. In the book of Dvarim (12:21) it is said: "... Slaughter (animals) from your herds and small livestock ... as I commanded you ..." But in the entire Pentateuch one cannot find instructions on how this should be done. The written Torah commands: "...And bind them (tefillin) as a sign on your hand, and they will be signs over your eyes..." (Shemot. 13:16). But how and from what to make tefillin, Scripture does not explain.

The written Torah prescribes the death penalty for certain crimes. What legal regulations and procedures must be followed before a death sentence is passed, what are the restrictions?

All these questions are answered by the Oral Torah. Eventually the Oral Torah was written down. First, the Mishnah was written down, then the Gmara, the purpose of which is an in-depth commentary on the Mishnah. The Mishnah and the Gmara together make up the Talmud.

Torah Written and Oral are a guide to life. Although the Torah is addressed primarily to the Jewish people, it contains instructions for all mankind. It covers every aspect of human existence..

The rules governing the ritual side of religion are only part of the whole complex of commandments. Torah laws cover the entire spectrum of individual and social behavior. It makes its judgment on such aspects of a person's life, which in other religions are usually considered to be related to the sphere of ethics and morality, or fall under the articles of civil and criminal codes.. Even in those parts of the Torah that are not directly related to law and law, spiritual ideals are constantly proclaimed and the subtleties of ethical and moral norms are explained.

The Torah (in the broad sense) includes, in addition, the books of the Prophets (Neviim) and writings (Ketuvim). They contain the teachings of the Prophets and record the history of the peoples of Israel over a period of seven centuries. They tell about the Divine revelation, which the Prophets were honored with, about their continuous struggle for the true faith against numerous false prophets * (which, for example, according to the Levites were Isaiah and Jesus Christ - comment A.B.), who tried to convince the Jewish people to deviate from the path indicated by the Almighty.

The inspired Psalms included in these books reflect the deepest religious experiences of man.

The five books of the Torah and the nineteen books of Neviim and Ketuvim are collectively called the Tanakh (an abbreviation of the words Torah, Neviim, Ketuvim).

However, the study of the Torah is not limited to the study of only the Holy Scriptures and the Talmud, but also includes acquaintance with the entire heritage of sages and rabbis accumulated over the centuries. Of course, the Torah itself provides that authoritative Jewish scholars will extract more and more grains of wisdom from it, develop and increase our heritage: “And do according to the word that they tell you ... And do everything exactly as they tell you. ..according to the law that they teach you, and according to the judgment that they pronounce, walk ... ”(Deut. 17:10,11). The Torah is the embodiment of the Jewish faith. It contains the conditions of union with the Almighty. She makes a Jew - a Jew». (Chaim Donin, "Being a Jew").

What the Torah teaches the Jews, we can learn from the Bible.

In this "textbook of Christians" its compilers considered it necessary to include a large fragment of the Jewish Torah, of which Rabbi Chaim Donin says that "The written Torah (Torah shebihtav) is the five books of Moses" .

For example, here are some of the laws by which the Jews must be guided to this day.

For what crimes does the Torah threaten Jews with death?

I will give just one example, but the most interesting and important evidence: “He who denies the law of Moses, with two or three witnesses, without mercy [is punished] by death” (Bible. To the Jews, 10: 28).

Don't you think, friends, what's under the guise world religion, which is called Judaism, we have some mafia sect?!

Go, kill, exterminate! - say "God-given laws." And if you do not want to embark on a criminal path, they will kill you without mercy!

The Jewish religion is wonderful, isn't it?!

known to be terrible jewish mafia appeared on our planet about three and a half thousand years ago, and this historical event turned out to be associated with the exit of a certain tribe (clan) from Ancient Egypt.

The Exodus of the Jews from Ancient Egypt was recorded in religious history with one remarkable phrase: “And he brought out [the Israelites] with silver and gold, and there was no sick person in their tribes. Egypt rejoiced at their departure; for fear came upon him from them.". (Bible. Psalm 104: 37-38).

Obviously, the ancient Egyptians had reason to be afraid of the Israelites. Some of their laws are worth something!

Let's take another look at the bright side of ancient Egyptian history.

Mathematics, geometry and perfect writing - this is not all that ancient scientists owned, for whom Ancient Egypt was the center of world science.

In those distant times, the question that worries most people today did not represent any secret for scientists - about the origin of life on earth.

The scientists of ancient Egypt were literally convinced that the life-giving and creative force of the universe is invisible luminous spirit of nature.

Their conviction was based on the knowledge that the invisible life-giving force of the Universe has the property to concentrate (intensify) in stone structures of a certain geometric shape. Including the pyramids. The proof of this is the very word "pyramid", which means "fire in the middle".

Pyro - translated from other Greek. πῦρ - fire, root mid - in most languages ​​​​of the world means middle, middle.

By the way, some modern scientists are also convinced of this, who dared to experimentally test the idea of ​​distant ancestors that the pyramids concentrate inside themselves some energy, "fire in the middle".

Relatively recently, Russian engineer Alexander Golod received permission from the competent authorities of the Russian Federation to build a small 44-meter pyramid in the suburbs. He erected it without a single nail on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway.

Even this model showed some unusual phenomena. For example, water during the experiment in the pyramid of Famine did not freeze, even if the air temperature dropped to -20 degrees Celsius! However, it was enough to sharply hit the container with water aged in the cold, so that it turned into ice in a matter of seconds!

So, did the ancients possess some kind of sacred knowledge about the essence of Nature, which today is inaccessible to modern science?!

And it means that the word "pyramid" means "fire inside" for a reason?! The proof, after all, is right there!

In addition, the described experience can always be double-checked!

Is it possible that the Holy Spirit is concentrated inside the pyramids, about which there are so many conversations in Christianity?! And which is represented by the symbol "eye in a triangle"?

Now let's look again at the dark side of ancient Egyptian history.

What is useful endured for yourself from ancient Egyptian science priests of Judaism, besides silver and gold?

When, after the Exodus from Ancient Egypt, they created a religion for the Jews, they included in it the sacred knowledge that they learned from the scientists who built the pyramids. Only they perverted him in a monstrous way!

The Jews gave the Jews an idea of ​​God! But what!

They portrayed him as a very evil force, with which, however, you can always negotiate if you appease her, they explained to the Jews. Here is the description of the God of the Jews, which is in the Torah: “God is a zealot who punishes children for the guilt of the fathers to the third and fourth generation”(Deut. 5:9).

Fire, namely fire, became in the religion of the Jews manifestation God's power, his spirit like breath fabulous fire-breathing dragon.

Insofar as Jewish-created religion was based on the principle "You - to us, we - to you" , then its most important component was ritual sacrifice to God. And the victims were supposed to certainly burn.

This pleases God! - said the priests of Judaism to the Jews.

The food of the fire is an offering to the Lord.

The smell of burnt meat is a fragrance for God!

I can illustrate what has been said with excerpts from that part of the Torah that turned out to be included in the Bible. Quoting Leviticus chapter 9:

1 On the eighth day Moses called Aaron and his sons and the elders of Israel

2 And he said unto Aaron, Take unto thee out of the oxen a bullock for a sin offering, and a ram for a burnt offering, both without blemish, and present them before the Lord.

3 And say to the children of Israel, Take the goat for a sin offering, and the calf and the lamb, a year old, without blemish, for a burnt offering,

4 and an ox and a ram for a peace offering, to make a sacrifice before the Lord, and a grain offering mixed with oil, for today the Lord will appear to you.

5 And they brought what Moses commanded before the tabernacle of the meeting, and the whole congregation came and stood before the Lord.

6 And Moses said, This is what the Lord commanded you to do, and the glory of the Lord will appear to you.

7 And Moses said to Aaron, Come near to the altar and offer your sin offering and your burnt offering, and make atonement for yourself and the people, and make an offering from the people, and make atonement for them, as the Lord commanded.

8 And Aaron came to the altar and slaughtered the calf that was for him for a sin offering:

9 The sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he dipped his finger in the blood and laid it on the horns of the altar, and poured out the [remaining] blood at the foot of the altar,

10 And he burnt the fat, and the kidneys, and the omentum of the liver, from the sin offering, on the altar, as the Lord commanded Moses;

11 But the flesh and the skin he burned with fire outside the camp.

12 And he slaughtered the burnt offering, and the sons of Aaron offered him the blood; he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

13 And they offered him a burnt offering in pieces and the head, and he burned it on the altar,

14 And he washed the inward parts and the feet, and burned them with burnt offerings on the altar.

15 And he brought an offering from the people, and took from the people a goat for sin, and slaughtered it, and offered it as a sin offering, just like the first one.

16 And he offered a burnt offering, and offered it according to the ordinance.

17 And he brought the grain offering, and filled his hands with it, and burned it on the altar in addition to the morning burnt offering.

18 And he slaughtered the ox and the ram, which are from the people, for a peace offering; and the sons of Aaron offered him blood, and he sprinkled it on the altar on all sides;

19 [offered] and fat from an ox, and from a ram a fat tail, and [fat] covering [the insides], the kidneys and the omentum on the liver,

20 And they put the fat on his chest, and he burned the fat on the altar;

21 And Aaron brought his chest and right shoulder, shaking before the face of the Lord, as Moses commanded.

22 And Aaron lifted up his hands, [turning] to the people, and blessed them, and came down, offering the sin offering, the burnt offering, and the peace offering.

23 And Moses and Aaron went into the tent of meeting, and went out and blessed the people. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the people:

24 And fire went out from the Lord, and burned the burnt offering and the fat on the altar; and saw all the people, and cried out for joy, and fell on his face.

Fire became for Jews including the important means of punishment tribesmen who violated this or that religious law. It turned out that this as if the Lord himself punishes them with his fire.

Here are two examples. "If anyone takes a wife and her mother, this is iniquity; on fire must burn him and them so that there is no iniquity between you"(Bible. Lev. 20:14). “If the daughter of a priest defiles herself with fornication, then she dishonors her father; fire must burn it" (Bible. Lev. 21: 9).

I think that now many will be very surprised when they find out what this is ritual sacrifice or like this Jews punished for their sins since ancient times it was called HOLOCAUST(from English holocaust, from other Greek ὁλοκαύστος - “ burnt offering»).

Yet in details This topic is covered by me in a separate work. "THE MOST EFFECTIVE FIGHT OF GOOD WITH EVIL IS THE FIGHT FOR THE MATERIALISTIC WORLD VIEW!".

You can read it , but you can download it as a file

The image of a pyramid with an eye is found in two versions. The classic Egyptian version is simply a pyramid with an eye on one side.

But the second version became more famous, in which its top hangs over the truncated pyramid, on which the eye is located. In this scheme, you can see a deep symbolic meaning: the top is separated from the base, it is on it that the all-seeing eye is present. A small upper part dominates the whole - it is this idea that dominates this image.

The symbolism of the pyramid with the eye is understandable, but where did this symbol come from and why does it still exist today?

Most often, this symbol is associated with the Masons, the sign of the all-seeing eye enclosed in a triangle is known to them as the “Radiant Delta”. It is believed that the Freemasons borrowed this symbol from Christianity, where the triangle means the Trinity, and the eye is the all-seeing eye of providence. But this symbol was found even before the Christians, it was known in Egypt as the "Eye of Horus" (Horus, Ra).

Nevertheless, despite the change of cultures, the symbolism of the sign as an all-seeing divine eye remains unchanged. It would be easiest to consider the presence of an eye in a triangle on the same US one-dollar bill as a symbol of the Freemasons, but in reality everything turns out to be more complicated.

There is an obvious difference between the "Radiant Delta" - the eye in the triangle - and the all-seeing eye above the truncated pyramid. That is why the second sign is often associated with one of the most mysterious and mysterious organizations - the Order of the Illuminati. Its members refer to the eye in the triangle as the "Gnostic Eye of Lucifer", or the "Omniscient Eye". The symbol itself is directly associated with the World Government - a group of people with great power who secretly rule the world and determine the path of its development. Confirmation of this option can be found in the image of the pyramid on the US one dollar bill.

At its base, you can see the inscription MDCCLXXVI, which in Roman writing means 1776. It was in this year that the Order of the Illuminati was founded (this is also the year of recognition of US independence). An interesting symbolism has the number of levels of the pyramid. There are exactly 13 layers to the cut top, which symbolizes 13 times 13 years. This is 169 years, that is how long the Illuminati were preparing to seize power - from 1776 to 1945.
This is followed by a gap between the truncated pyramid and its raised top, it is called the "Second Era". This is 26 years, or two times 13. The beginning of the era is 1945, the end is 1975.

Finally, the raised top of the pyramid with an eye depicted on it is called the “Third Era” and lasts 39 years, or three times 13. Its end is 2010. After this date, the power of the Illuminati becomes comprehensive, no one in the world is no longer able to challenge the New World Order they are establishing. It is this phrase - Novus ordo seclorum - printed under the pyramid on the same US one-dollar bill.

"All-seeing eye" of the 21st century

But friends, you say that the symbol of the "all-seeing eye" is present not only on one dollar bill!
That's right, this sign can be found in different places. For example in a church:

Kazan Cathedral

Interestingly, in front of the Kazan Cathedral, at one time there was also an obelisk

St. Stephen's Catholic Cathedral in Vienna

Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg

Georgievsky Hall of the Kremlin

The All-Seeing Eye of Aachen Cathedral

1:18. Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon them that fear him, and
those who trust in His mercy,

4:13. And there is no creature hidden from Him, but all
naked and open before his eyes: let us give an account to him.

In Christianity, the "All-Seeing Eye" is a non-canonical, albeit enduring, image of Christian iconography. This symbol is also called the "Watchful eye of the Lord." It is an image of an eye in a triangle, from which rays emanate. The eye in the triangle was used as an emblem by the magical society of Aleister Crowley, the Order of the Eastern Temple, Masonic lodges, Vietnamese Buddhists, Theosophists, Rosicrucians, etc. It is featured on the Great Seal of the United States and on the one dollar bill. His images are quite frequent on pectoral crosses, both Orthodox and other denominations, placed in the upper part of the cross (as if crowning it).

It is also found in temple architecture and decoration (in ceiling paintings, altar decorations along with the dove of the Holy Spirit, on ripids, etc.). Of these images, perhaps the most famous is the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. It appeared in Russia in the 18th century, along with other Masonic symbols and paraphernalia, and was especially popular during the reign of Alexander II. Together with the motto "NOT TO US, NOT TO US, BUT TO YOUR NAME" was placed on many objects, for example, medals for participants in the war of 1812 ... It is also found in non-canonical images of the so-called. "New Testament Trinity" as a separate element, since the triangle framing the eye is interpreted in Christianity as a symbol of the Trinity. The most ancient version of this symbol is with the Egyptian "Eye of Ra" (right), which denotes God. It is he who is originally meant to be placed in a triangle ... ".

On monuments.
Alexander Column. The sign is located at the top of the bas-relief of the front side of the pedestal (facing the Winter Palace) surrounded by an oak wreath.

At educational institutions.
Mining Institute in St. Petersburg

On medals.
Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

Medal for the coronation of Catherine II, 1762

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas I

Medal of Catherine II 1776

For the victory over Napoleon

For the capture of Paris

Medal of Nicholas I 1849

For the defense of Sevstopol

The eye above the pyramid directly echoes the pyramids with spherical tops or simply pyramids. They, in turn, were built in Europe at the end of the 18th and in the 19th centuries! There will be a separate post on this topic, on the pyramids of tombs, on the pyramids of churches, etc.

Also, the Egyptian-Masonic theme is guessed in the obelisks. About them, too, will be written separately.

The occult sign "eye in a triangle" (or "All-seeing eye", or "shining delta") is considered a symbol of God. He traces his origin from ancient times. Perhaps the tradition of depicting a deity in this way originates in ancient Egypt. In this state, the religious sign "the falcon's eye of Horus" was often used.

There was a similar symbol - "the third eye of Shiva".

The triangle has also been considered a magical sign since ancient times. In the early Christian era, it was used by the Gnostics. The eye was the first to be inscribed in a triangle. Since then, it has become a symbol of God the Father. In Western Christian iconography, an eye in a triangle is quite common. Starting from the 17th century, it also appears on our Orthodox icons. It was especially popular to depict him in the 18th-19th centuries. During this period, it is often used in the design of both religious buildings and objects, as well as secular ones.

However, to most eyes in the first place, not as a pagan or Christian sign, but as the main symbol of the Masonic lodge. This organization arose in the 16th century from the guilty and the Order of the Templars. It includes exclusively wealthy and influential representatives of society. This lodge is secret, the goals of its creation are vague, and therefore there are many rumors and legends around it.

It is believed, for example, that this organization has been pursuing a targeted policy for the establishment of its own world domination for several centuries in a row. Allegedly, a special program was developed in this society, the points of which were both world wars and other similar global events on the planet. According to another version, the Freemasons, who have chosen the eye in a triangle as their symbol, want, by uniting, simply to change the world for the better.

Since only influential or wealthy people can enter the Masonic lodge, its members consider themselves to be a kind of collection of the best representatives of the planet. And such individuals are simply obliged to try to influence the development of the world and make other people think in a new way. Of course, it is impossible to re-educate humanity in a few years. Not a single generation must change before the new values ​​introduced by the Masons become the norm. In order to speed up this process, members of this secret organization developed special symbols that affect the psyche, the subconscious in a special way, and one of them is the eye in the triangle.

How true all this is, of course, no one knows. The true goals of this organization remain a mystery behind seven seals. However, some modern magicians consider the symbols developed by this society, including the "eye in a triangle" sign, to be somewhat energetically dangerous. They see them as the source of a special program that zombifies people. According to modern psychics, these symbols are able to force each person at a certain point in time to take any action necessary for the bed.

In addition to the sign "All-Seeing Eye", meaning the pyramidal structure of the organization, other symbols were also used by the Masons. The hammer symbolized the power of the lodge. Compass and square - a possible reorganization of the world. Trowel - purification of a person. An unhewn stone in Masonic symbolism is an individual who has not undergone purification and Masonic processing. Cube - a person who has passed it, or "a perfect microcosm." A huge number of other signs were also used.

However, symbols are still symbols. In fact, these are nothing more than pictures, although, perhaps, they are saturated with the energy of a huge number of people who have believed in them for centuries. In any case, the goals of the Masonic lodge, which exists in our time, let them remain on the conscience of the Masons. We hope that our reader now has an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the eye in the triangle means.

On many papyri of Ancient Egypt, you can find an interesting symbol - a triangle with an eye, it is called the "All-Seeing Eye". Today, scientists suggest that Egypt is indeed considered the birthplace of the symbol, and it belongs to numerous Masonic signs.

The drawing of the symbol is an image of a human eye, described by a triangle. The symbol is considered very famous, and today it can be seen on many Egyptian buildings, architectural monuments, jewelry, clothes, dollars, souvenirs, and even on Orthodox icons. This is what makes him mysterious, as he was able to independently appear in many cultures.

Origin of the symbol Eye in a triangle

The image of the All-Seeing Eye, also known as the Eye in a Triangle or the Radiant Delta, is associated with the image of the Great Architect of the Universe, the Creator, who in such an unpretentious way can constantly observe what freemasons bring to life with their work.

Scientists associate the origin of the Masonic sign with the religion of the ancient Egyptians and the ciphers of a secret organization. It is believed that it is this magical symbol that will help people to know the secret of the Universe, thanks to which humanity will be endowed with mental and spiritual knowledge of the world. It personifies the sign of imminent prosperity, gaining strength, knowledge and development.

Scientists are inclined to the version that the magic sketch is a symbol of the Masons, there is no scientific evidence for this, it is not clear what role the Illuminati play in the origin of the sign. It turns out that the mystery of the all-seeing eye has not been solved to this day, and humanity can only speculate, trying to find at least some evidence of the effectiveness of its assumptions.

Types and meaning of the All-seeing eye

Despite the version of Egyptian origin, this image is found in different religions and cultures. Each nation drew a secret symbol in its own way, gave it its own meaning, but in general, they are all somewhat similar.

In Egyptian culture

Studying the outlines of the ancient symbols of Egypt, we can conclude that the Egyptian symbol itself differs significantly from all the others in its image. Represents a glitch stylized eye. Symbolizes the incredible power, the power of knowledge.

It personifies the mystical third eye, which is able to see something hidden from humanity, to know against this background something secret, thus towering over all of humanity. Differing from them primarily in supernatural intuition, the ability to know everything that exists in this world.

The sign is connected with an indispensable bright future, absolute power and might. This symbol allows its owner to develop incredible supernatural healing abilities and the ability to see the future.

In Christianity

When meeting a Masonic sign among Christians, you immediately pay attention to a more realistic image of the picture. Moreover, the eye is literally inscribed in a regular triangle. It is the Orthodox scriptures that call the triangle with an eye inside the Radiant Delta.

The main meaning lies in the triangle itself. This geometric figure of the correct form symbolizes three equally possible facets, as if the three hypostases of the Lord himself: the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit. This defines powerful energy. The eye itself reminds us that everything is subject to the Lord God. Watching humanity, he sees not only the deeds, deeds, but also the thoughts of people. The eye is depicted in the singular not by chance, this suggests that everything that the Almighty sees cannot be dual. It's all accurate, unified, correct.

The symbol characterizes the imminent insight, indicates that humanity will gradually acquire spiritual wisdom, knowledge, which contributes to a greater disclosure of their intellectual abilities and potential. It personifies the blessed light, joy, the power of knowledge, the creation and existence of a higher mind.

In China and Japan

The ancient Chinese and Japanese drew the sign in a special way. The picture necessarily contained the image of celestial sanctuaries - the Moon, the Sun. It was through them that the future and the past of mankind were compared.

North America

The American natives believed that the Eye of the Great Spirit was able to tell a lot about the past, present, and future.

Hinduism and Buddhism

According to the religions of the Indian subcontinent, the interpretation of the sign says that the eye is the eye of Shiva or Buddha himself. It characterizes spiritual development through the knowledge of wisdom. Only a wise person is able to ward off a kind of evil and impure forces from himself.

Ancient Greece

Applying the drawing of the eye, the ancient Greeks compared it with the Sun. The sign was completely associated with the powerful Gods Zeus and Apollo. They believed that the eye could protect, warm, bringing light and grace.

Despite this, some Indo-European tribes, for example, the Celts, associated the eye exclusively with something negative, evil, insidious. It was this symbol that could carry human envy, plans for something bad, black bad energy.

Summing up, you can see that different religions and cultures interpret the meaning of the symbol in different ways, draw a sign with obvious differences. However, it is easy to see that some interpretations are similar - the All-Seeing Eye speaks of the power of knowledge. Such a guardian will endow with the ability to learn the secrets of being, the ability to see the “invisible”, but existing in our Universe. Only with him, under his patronage, will it be possible to rise above humanity, gain power over the minds, learn to control one's consciousness.

How to use the amulet

According to ancient scriptures, the All-Seeing Eye can be used as a powerful amulet, a talisman. That is why it was created by ancient people, perhaps even by the Masonic organization. Today, images of a sacred symbol full of mysticism and magic can be seen on many products; it is still used as an amulet, protection from everything bad. It is believed that the product attracts goodness, allows you to increase your intellectual level, discover your abilities for the supernatural.

The green triangle is used to design banknotes; its image adorns pendants, rings, and coins. Drawing options can be completely different, the main drawing often contains a pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye, a triangle, and the outline of the eye itself. The material for such talismans can be completely different, from metal, wood, fabric, to plain paper.

When choosing a variant of the applied pattern, you need to be clearly aware of what the amulet will be associated with. It is advisable to choose a pattern corresponding to the religious characteristics of a particular culture. Such amulets can be used to protect homes, livestock, property and people. Therefore, such things are worn on the body, many even stuff an eye in a triangle even on the body, like a tattoo. They place amulets in their homes, workplace, car.

Esotericists who study in detail the action of the magic symbol assure that the correct wearing, storage of the amulet will allow a person to achieve a lot both in the workplace and in life in general. It will allow you to save and increase your fortune, attract the right people into your life. The main thing, perhaps, is that with such a patron comes wisdom, knowledge, understanding and development of certain abilities, a talent that no one else has.

sacred geometry. Energy codes of harmony Prokopenko Iolanta

All-seeing eye in religions and cultures

“Here, look, in the Gospel of Matthew,” she urged. “If your eye is clear, then your whole body will be bright.” The same with the ajna chakra - the “third eye”, which the Hindus mark with a dot on the forehead, and ...

Dan Brown. "The Lost Symbol"

Some, when mentioning the All-Seeing Eye, recall Masonic organizations, some - about Big Brother, some - about Egyptian symbolism. And the first, and the second, and the third will be right in their own way. The All-Seeing Eye is an ancient and powerful symbol that has an almost incommensurable sacred weight. This symbol is present in almost all peoples and religions. The meaning of this symbol comes down to one thing - the knowledge of truth. Whether it is the personification of the solar Egyptian gods or the Great Architect of the Universe, this is the embodiment of the Higher Reason and the Highest Truth.

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the eye the main solar instrument capable of intuitive vision. The stars are ten thousand celestial eyes of the night, personifying vigilant vigilance. In architecture, the idea of ​​the All-Seeing Eye was often embodied in the form of an opening that opens access to the heavenly worlds, in the dome of a temple or any other building. Also, in some cultures, it can mean an androgynous creature - as a combination of a female symbol inside a male one.

In the West, the right eye means the Sun, day and future, the left eye the Moon, night and past.

In the East, the situation is reversed. The symbolism of the eye can take on a pheasant feather.

Among the American Indians, the eye of the heart sees everything. It is the eye of the Great Spirit and omniscience.

For Buddhists, the eye symbolizes light and wisdom. The third eye of the Buddha, a flaming pearl, is spiritual consciousness and transcendental wisdom.

In the Celtic epic, the evil eye, symbolizing evil intentions and envy, is opposed to a good heart, nobility and compassion.

In Chinese and Japanese symbolism, the left eye is the Sun, the right eye is the Moon.

In Christianity, the eye symbolizes the all-seeing God, omniscience, strength, light. The light of the body is the eye (Matt. 6:22). The seven eyes of the Apocalypse are the seven spirits of God. The eye in the triangle represents the Head of God; and in a triangle surrounded by a radiant circle, her infinite holiness.

Heavenly eye of god Horus

Among the Egyptians, the eye has a rather complex symbolism. The Eye of Horus is associated with the North Star, a symbol of illumination. The eye and eyebrow of this eye mean strength and power. The two eyes are North and South. The right eye is the Sun, the god Ra and Osiris, the left eye is the fickle Moon and the goddess Isis. The left eye of Horus was damaged in a fight with Seth, and therefore the Moon changes its phases.

In ancient Greece, the eye symbolizes Apollo, the observer of the heavens, the Sun, which is also the eye of Zeus (Jupiter).

For Hindus, the third eye of Shiva (the pearl in the middle of the forehead) represents spiritual consciousness, transcendental wisdom. The eye of Varuna is the sun.

In Iranian mythology, the Good Shepherd Yima possesses the solar eye and the secret of immortality.

In Islam, the eye of the heart is the spiritual center, the seat of absolute intelligence and enlightenment.

Among the Japanese, the right eye of Iza-nagi gave birth to the god of the moon.

Among the peoples of Oceania, the sun is a large eyeball. Plato believed that the soul has an eye, and the Truth is visible to it alone.

In Sumero-Semitic mythology, the eye personifies the Lord of the Sacred Eye of Ea or Enki, where it symbolizes wisdom, omniscience, wakefulness.

The Phoenicians Kronos had two open and two closed eyes, which means constant wakefulness.

Alchemical woodcut showing the All-Seeing Eye of God floating in the sky

The mystical all-seeing "third eye", which is sometimes called the "eye of the heart", symbolizes spiritual vision, which in Hinduism is correlated with the power of fire and the god Shiva, in Buddhism - with inner vision, in Islam - with clairvoyance.

Of particular importance in world history is the sacred meaning of the All-Seeing Eye among the Masons. The All-Seeing Eye, or Radiant Delta, is one of the most famous symbols of the Illuminati. It is a triangle with an eye enclosed in it - a sign of enlightenment, a sign of the presence of a Supreme Being. According to the Masonic ideology, this symbol is a mathematical point that has no dimensions and precise coordinates, but is everywhere and fills the entire boundless space. This is an allegory of the attention that the Higher Reason shows in relation to each member of the lodge, and the attention that the Mason shows in relation to the world around him.

Christian version of the Eye of Providence enclosed in a triangle symbolizing the Trinity

The All-Seeing Eye is a complex symbolic and allegorical construction that personifies the Great Architect, the All-Seeing Higher Mind. The pyramid or triangle means the accumulator of all knowledge that exists in the world, and the eye is the mediator between the source of knowledge and its recipient. The eye does not look at the All-Seeing Masonic Eye, but radiates, radiates Higher knowledge! This symbol is present in the design of every Masonic lodge, and not only. In 1782, the All-Seeing Eye was adopted as part of the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States of America.

The Eye of Ra - one of the incarnations of the All-Seeing Eye - personified fire and light, capable of burning any enemy, power and authority. Most often depicted as a cobra, sometimes with a solar disk and wings, accompanied by the goddesses Nekhbet, Maat, Hathor, Sokhmet, Tefnut, Mekhit - goddesses who are among the solar gods.

Medal for the coronation of Nicholas I

Medal of Elizabeth Petrovna

War against Napoleon 1812

Sevastopol, Museum of the Black Sea Fleet

Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States

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