
Name Leo: character and destiny. The meaning of the name lion Name lion origin and meaning in Orthodoxy

March 3 and 5, as well as December 20, celebrate the name day of people whose name is Leo. The origin and significance of which is very curious. People have always paid great attention to choosing a name, each of them has his own little story. Consider the ancient and beautiful name Leo, the origin and meaning of which at first glance is not fraught with riddles.

The meaning and origin of the name

There are two simple versions of the origin. As for the meaning, it is not difficult to guess what the name Leo means. However, the analysis of the name must begin with the origin. The name has Latin roots, comes from the word Leo, which means lion. There is also another version that Leo is a name whose origin has ancient Greek roots. The Greek word "leon" means "king of beasts". As you can see, this beautiful historical name has a magical power that attracts success. A person with this name will achieve a lot in life, because his royal nature must live in luxury and honor.

Child's name

The owner of this name must have such traits as nobility, courage, otherwise the name may be mocking. If the task is to choose a name for - a good option, but only if the parents are sure that they can raise a child with a strong spirit and will. The fact is that a beautiful and noble name imposes a serious responsibility. You should think very carefully, choosing a Leo in his younger years should develop self-confidence, then his nature will be in harmony with the name, and in later life this combination will play in his favor. If the situation is the opposite, then the boy will become suspicious and unbearable. It is not easy to make an informed decision when choosing a name suitable for a child, but there are a lot of pluses in favor of this beautiful historical name and almost no minuses.

Leo: characterization of the name

A person with this name is tolerant of mistakes, diplomatic, exactly until he is pissed off. Close people know that it is better not to anger Leo. If you think about it, Leo - the name of the origin of which speaks for itself. Representatives of this name often forget about caution, are prone to risk, often go in for extreme sports. Leo is a name whose origin comes from therefore he must be the first and best in everything, especially when choosing a companion. Women feel the inner strength of Leo, therefore they almost always sympathize with him. The conqueror of women's hearts, the clever and handsome Leo, will not become arrogant, although arrogance is really inherent in him. Born to rule, Leo will not become either in the family or at work. His motto: if you marry, then the best, if you work, then a prestigious one in honor, respect and worship of his talents.

The meaning of the name for children

The name Leo (the origin and meaning of it) affects the character of the boy who wears it. A child, like a real natural lion, is outwardly calm, problems rarely arise with him, he is always respectful of his parents, does not stoop to manipulation and whims. It should be noted that Leo is vulnerable in his soul, often worries, especially if he notices disrespect for himself from others. A child with this name usually keeps a face in the classroom, he is respected at school and in the yard by the guys. Parents are always pleased with their son, he is never seen in stupid fights or pranks, as he is restrained and patient. Leo impresses with his abilities literally to all subjects, therefore it is difficult for him to choose a favorite: all of them are easy for him. Leo as a child is more attached to his mother, he never has even light quarrels with her, he tries to avoid them. But one should not assume that Leo is quiet, on the contrary, he is always actively involved in both school and family life. Thanks to his abilities, Leo often becomes a leader, the best in class and in the company of friends.

Leo in adulthood

Usually in work, Leos are diligent, purposeful and successful. In the life of people with this name, success, recognition and glory await. Life heights are reached quickly, career growth is stunning. Leos are very efficient, they achieve everything that they need.

In communication, Leos are kind, amiable and fair. The desire to protect the innocent and offended is manifested in the character. Lions are loving. They love beautiful and completely different women. They do not have a specific type, they love variety and value kindness, loyalty, attractiveness in ladies. The Lions themselves are non-scandalous people, but their wives almost always come across very impulsive.

Name Leo, origin and meaning according to L. Tsymbalova

L. Tsymbalova also tells about the origin of the name Leo - from the king of animals. In biblical history, the Lion is a symbol of the tribe of Judah, from which all Jews (Jews) originated.

L. Tsymbalova describes Leo as an intelligent and self-seeking person. There is truth in her words: the nature of the young Leo is contradictory, he can be both brave and, on the contrary, very timid. Little Lions, as L. Tsymbalova writes, are often afraid of the dark, but parents need to explain to the child that they should fight their fears, then the character will quickly harden. L. Tsymbalova also claims that it is better not to spoil little Lions, otherwise, when they grow up, they will turn into real tyrants. Their upbringing should be approached carefully and seriously. Fate grants the Lions dominance over all living beings. The bearer of this name will crush the enemy, lead people. It is Lviv that is called the creators of history.

Suitable Professions

If the name of the child is Leo, then studying is easy for him, despite his laziness, therefore in the future you should pay attention to the following professions: doctor (radiologist, ophthalmologist), aircraft designer, writer, journalist, tailor.

Also an important feature of Leos is that they have good organizational skills.


Marriage is very important for Leo, he has been looking for a worthy companion for a long time, who would suit him in all respects. Spiritual intimacy is very important for him, therefore, he does not make his choice based on external data alone, although, undoubtedly, the attractiveness of a lady plays a paramount role, as well as her manners, education, culture and ability to present herself. Leo should be proud of his chosen one.

Leo can safely count on a successful marriage with girls named Aurora, Anna, Agnia, Ada, Dina, Veta, Olga, Victoria, Ella. You should beware of relationships with Lydia and Agnes.


The name Leo is suitable for people born under the signs of Libra, Leo and Cancer. It is not recommended to call Dev, Aries and Scorpios by this name.


All Leos strive to be the best in their field, which makes them universal leaders who will achieve fame, moreover, in quite honest ways with the use of creativity. The name is very strong and popular, it attracts success, therefore there are a lot of “Lyovushki” among celebrities:

Football player Yashin, the best goalkeeper in Soviet, and possibly world football;

Count Tolstoy is an outstanding Russian writer and also a thinker;

Prygunov is a popular theater and film actor;

Shcherba - linguist;

Durov - Soviet and Russian famous actor;

Gumilyov - Soviet and Russian scientist;

May - Russian poet, translator;

Landau is a legendary Soviet scientist.

Also, I would like to add that a lot of saints bore this name.

As we can see, the Lions are the minions of fortune, the lucky ones who are always lucky. Their prerogative is a good job, a wonderful career, a lot of women who want to voluntarily give their hearts to the successful and self-confident handsome Leo. There are some pluses in the name, because the child will say thank you if he is called this. And what could be better for loving parents than to know that their son will be well settled in this world.

According to Mendelev

A very pleasant name. The indicators “good”, “beautiful” and “reliable” stand out sharply, but, perhaps, there is nothing left of the king of beasts in him: Leo is “small”, and Leva is “slow”.

Leo is always kind to people and benevolent, regardless of their rank, position and “necessity”, but others often do not respond to him in the same way: gentleness is taken for weakness and provokes a desire to look down on him, get around, “wipe off” Leo, especially if he is a contender for success. Leo himself is not very worried about this - he managed to get used to it - and only occasionally accumulated resentment, and not at any particular person, but at all at once, plunges him into despondency. It does not last long, and soon Leo becomes himself again.

He may be a good worker or specialist, but he is more than a mediocre organizer and does not reach administrative heights, although his intelligence is above average.

Appreciates a calm, measured, settled life and takes its sharp turns very painfully.

The excitability and sexuality of Leo is somewhat below average, and his novels sometimes end peacefully, without ending with anything. Women more often see him as a reliable friend than a sexual partner.

Intuition is well developed, but only within a narrow specific area, most often one's specialty. The reaction is slow: in unexpected situations, it can be confused.

He is in good health, rarely gets sick, is never treated, and often lives to a ripe old age.

The color of the name is grass green.

By Higiru

It originates from the Latin word "leo" - a lion. He grows up as a calm and somewhat phlegmatic boy. He does not whimper over trifles, and if he has a tantrum, it means that he was very offended. At school, he is a bully, but he can protect himself and his friends. She enjoys swimming, fishing and picking mushrooms.

Persistent in achieving the goal, very conscientious in deeds and promises, and thanks to these qualities, over time, he occupies a good position in society. He has few envious and ill-wishers. Yes, this is not surprising: he seems to radiate warmth and kindness, readiness to always come to the rescue. Lions are especially friendly to the elderly and the sick, so they often choose the profession of a doctor. They also have such valuable qualities as tolerance and flexibility, the ability to refuse what they want. But the restraint of Leo the boss is not unlimited, and after a series of soft, correct and polite remarks in form, he can suddenly burst into anger. His wife should feel the moment when her husband's long-suffering runs out... It's not for nothing that Lions value fidelity and kindness in wives most of all.

They are preoccupied with sexual problems and at the slightest setbacks give in to panic. The love of love, which is sometimes noted in their youth, is most often due to uncertainty in their potency .. Lions are not brawlers, but for some reason they come across rather impulsive persons as their wives. They drink from time to time, rarely become alcoholics. They love to play noisy games with children.

He can count on a happy marriage if his chosen one is called Aurora, Agnia, Anna, Ada, Veda, Victoria, Dina, Olga, Ella. A strong alliance with Agnes or Lydia is very problematic.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: From the Greek Leon, "Lion"

The energy of the name and character: This name speaks for itself, a person who calls himself a lion must either at least slightly correspond to the strength of this image, or his name will take on the character of mockery. First of all, even during childhood, Leva can become the object of a childish game of teasing, when the neighboring children will try to bring him to white heat with their ridicule, so that Leva chases them a little. However, many parents who give their child such a name prefer to isolate the boy from the harmful influence of the street, in their opinion, and often thereby do Leva a truly disservice. In the end, in adulthood, Leo will still have to deal with those who grew up on the same street, and his absolute ignorance of these people may affect here. For example, they suddenly seem rude and evil to him, which is why Leo himself can become thoroughly embittered.

Leva's fate is more favorable when he, as they say, recognizes life. Sooner or later, children's grievances are thoroughly forgotten. It is possible, however, that during his youth, Leo will still hear a lot of ridicule regarding his masculine qualities, which may be questioned by rivals. Here he has two ways - either to prove his courage with the help of force and scandals, or to learn to take it calmly. Here it is very important not to forget that hurt pride sometimes endows a person with very unpleasant character traits. Sometimes it doesn’t even interfere with self-affirmation and fight, so that pride receives the necessary satisfaction and gives a person confidence in his abilities.

If during the youthful period Leo manages to gain self-confidence, then his character will really correspond to his name, combining poise, good nature, ambition and energy. If not, then all this will be overshadowed by such traits as irritability and suspicion, which make his character unbearable. It may not be noticeable to others, but the family can suffer fundamentally from these negative qualities.

However, the energy of the name still inclines Leo to some secrecy, so even if he has problems with his character, then most likely this will not affect his career, especially since, pardon the pun, the lion's share of those around him is very favorably disposed to bearers of this name.

Communication secrets: Unfortunately, in a close circle, Leo often tends to point out people's shortcomings, forgetting that he could be mistaken in his perception. The same often applies to the Leo boss, who is difficult to convince of his good intentions, but can easily be called too picky. However, if you discuss conflicting issues with him in some detail and without emotion, then it is quite possible that his nit-picking will change sign to the opposite. If you have a balanced Leo in front of you, then these questions will not arise at all.

The trace of a name in history:

Lev Landau

A typical example of an ambitious, but at the same time cheerful and good-natured Leo, is the famous theoretical physicist Lev Landau (1908–1968), the author of the classic course in theoretical physics, whose name is associated with the following story:

“An old and a young Jew are traveling in a compartment. The old one thinks to himself: “This young man is not rich, otherwise he would have been traveling in the first class. He made the bed, which means he is going to the end, to Berdichev. Judging by the clothes, he is a student, therefore, he is traveling on a personal matter. What business can a young man have besides marriage? So, we have three brides in our city now: Sarah - but she is a rich bride, they won’t give her away for him. Rava - but she is a dowry, and he will not marry her. So Raya. It is known that Raya is marrying some Rabinovich ... "And the old Jew turns to his companion:

- Mr. Rabinovich ...

- How do you know me?

- Calculated.

- Well, now you know what theoretical physics is - this is how Lev Landau usually began his course of lectures.

Sexy portrait of a name (by Higiru)

Leo values ​​a strong love relationship. He is somewhat preoccupied with his sexual abilities, from time to time doubts begin to overcome him. However, as a rule, his fears are unfounded. At the slightest failure, Leo is capable of falling into despair, so he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis partner very much, with whom he has established harmonious relations.

Sexual intimacy with him is closely connected with spiritual intimacy, he can not go to bed with any woman, not everyone is able to excite him. He periodically changes partners, for him the sexuality of a woman is very important. Leo does not tolerate cold women, he does not want to make a lot of efforts to ignite the flame of passion in her. His erotic caresses are distinguished by sophistication, his love voluptuousness is very deep, although Leo does not pour out his feelings in hot words, as some other men do. He is a great master of love games, he studies his partner, knows which zones are especially pleasant for her, and does everything possible so that the woman herself desires it. In general, Leo takes sex very seriously, seeing in it not only a source of joy, but also a means of maintaining health. His highest goal is to achieve mutual orgasm.

Leo's intimate relationship with his wife is difficult, often she tries to subjugate him to herself, which he will never allow.

Meaning of the name

Leo is a man obligatory, persistent, sincere and conscientious. He is responsive, friendly and tolerant of the shortcomings of others, which disposes and captivates. However, one should not abuse his restraint and tolerance, which can develop into irascibility and rudeness. In general, the owner of this name is a rather contradictory nature: he is both smart and simple at the same time, cunning and trusting, obligatory and frivolous. Life wisdom, firmness of his character, openness and honesty - these are the qualities that fully characterize the character of Leo.

Characteristics of the name Leo

Winter Lion impatient and quick-tempered, while he tries to avoid conflicts. But if you show rudeness and rudeness towards him, then he will definitely answer the same. In addition, an honest and fair Leo tries to consider these qualities in those around him (he does not accept meanness and lies). Among the negative qualities of the winter Leo, pride and vanity can be noted: for example, for the sake of fame and recognition, he may well transgress the norms of morality and morality. In a woman, this man appreciates, first of all, fidelity and calmness.

spring lion ambitious, boastful, prudent, but at the same time frivolous and short-sighted. He does not deny himself anything, because he believes that one must live for the sake of obtaining pleasure. Spring Leo chooses a profession that will bring him not only material well-being, but also fame. His woman should also be the most beautiful, most intelligent and interesting - men should envy him, and women look at his chosen one with admiration. In general, this man can easily be called a ladies' man.

Summer Lion - nature is kind, sensitive and responsive. You can trust him with any secret, you can always turn to him for help. He will not betray or deceive. But often the kindness of the summer Leo turns against him, which eventually kills his faith in people, which can lead to the development of depression. In relations with women, this man is attentive, caring and faithful, and he expects the same from his chosen one. This is a wonderful family man, for whom the interests of loved ones are above all.

autumn lion - a man of principle and true to his ideals. He is energetic, active and purposeful. Thanks to his analytical sharp mind, he manages to achieve material well-being, professional growth, and family happiness. This man has many friends, but he prefers to devote all his free time to his family. A woman for the autumn Leo is the keeper of the family hearth, and therefore she must be gentle, affectionate, calm and kind.

Stone - talisman

The stone that brings luck to Leo is a diamond with extraordinary magical properties.

© pasiphae

This gem protects against diseases, gives courage and courage in battle, protects from the evil eye and magic, gives health and longevity, brings prosperity and success in all endeavors.

Diamond symbolizes courage, determination, innocence and courage. This stone is able to improve mood, drive away sadness and failure.

Important! Diamond brings good luck only to honest people, because at all times the beauty and value of this stone awakened in people such base qualities as greed and envy. The sinfulness and intemperance of the owner will lead to the fact that the stone will lose its strength.

Interesting fact! A diamond brings happiness to domineering and powerful people, while it will be indifferent to an ordinary person (the exception is when the stone was donated, only the effect of the diamond will manifest itself only after 7-10 years).



Four is a number that promises well-being to Leo (more on the influence of this number can be found in the article).


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Fire is considered the element of Leo (you can read about this element in the article "Elements, Planets and Numbers in Human Life").


The animal is a symbol

The totem animal of Leo is the lion, symbolizing speed, speed, stamina, strength, power, glory, majesty, vigilance, beauty and perfection.

© anyka

In Egypt and Greece, this animal was considered a conductor of the sun and personified light, invincibility and fertility.

In India, the lion is a symbol of peace, order, courage and faith.

In Buddhism, this king of beasts is the personification of courage and nobility.

In the Slavic tradition, the lion was a symbol of war, courage, but at the same time generosity and mercy.

In Christianity, the lion is identified with a man who curbed his irrepressible energy and transformed it into courage and strength. In addition, this animal symbolizes hermitage and loneliness.

But! A lion holding a person or a lamb in its power symbolizes evil. So, the victory over the dark forces (the prince of darkness) is depicted as a victory over a lion or a dragon.


Cedar and wild rose are Leo symbol plants.

Cedar symbolizes strength, nobility, honesty and incorruptibility, youth and longevity.

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In the Christian tradition, this coniferous tree personifies greatness, dignity, faith, beauty and Christ.

It was believed that a cedar amulet was able to awaken feelings and enhance love.

This plant symbolizes health, abundance, fertility and success.

© eleonimages

From time immemorial, rose hips have been used as an amulet that protects against evil spirits and neutralizes the effects of magic.

The Slavs believed that diseases lived under the wild rose, so it was forbidden to harm him (it was undesirable to sleep or sit under the rosehip bush, so as not to attract the disease). At the same time, rose hips were kept in the house, believing that this would scare away the plague.


Tin, which is the metal of Leo, represents flexibility, plasticity and diplomacy.

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Tin is also a symbol of sociability and tact.

auspicious day


origin of the name Leo

Name translation

From the Greek language, the name lion is translated as "king of beasts", "lion", and from Hebrew - as "heart".

Name history

The name Leo is a form of the Greek name Leont or the Latin name Leo (both versions of the names are translated as "lion").

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Leo: Leo, Leka, Leon, Levchik, Lyon, Levushka, Leva, Levunya, Levusya, Levonka, Levochka, Levka.

The secret of the name Leo

name patrons

  • Bishop Leo of Catania.
  • Holy Martyr Leo.
  • Pope Leo I of Rome.
  • Martyr Leo of Patara.
  • Rev. Leo.
  • Archimandrite Leo.
  • Hieroschemamonk Lev Optinsky.

Angel Day (name day)

January: 12 number.

February: 2 number.

March: 3rd, 5th, 13th and 14th.

May: 31 number.

July: 14 number.

August: 31 number.

September: 24 number.

October: 24 number.

November: 25 number.

December: 20 number.

The legend of the name Leo

The Lion of Catan was from the city of Catana, located on the island of Sicily. He was the son of noble and pious parents, who nurtured in his soul faith in Christ, which he carried through his whole life. This saint passed through all the sacred degrees before being elected bishop.

© Kichigin

Having taken the episcopal rank, Leo of Catan took care of the orphans, the poor and widows, the sick and the holy fools. He healed the sickness of the afflicted with his prayers, was patient and merciful to his flock.

There is a legend about the sorcerer Iliodor, who renounced Christ (although he was brought up by pious and righteous parents) and went over to the side of Satan. Iliodor possessed an amazing power of persuasion and suggestion: for example, he turned stones into gold, and deserts into rivers (at least it seemed to people who succumbed to the influence of this sorcerer). More than once Iliodor was captured and sentenced to death, but always miraculously, becoming invisible, he managed to avoid death: he disappeared from his place of detention.

Saint Leo more than once tried to convince the sorcerer to move away from evil deeds and turn to God again, but he failed to persuade Iliodor. Moreover, he intensified his sorcery, aimed at trampling faith in Christ. So, during the Divine service, Iliodor secretly influenced the believers present in the church: they began to stomp in the church, laughing furiously and growling like animals.

But Saint Leo of Catania understood the insidious plan of the sorcerer, and therefore knelt down and began to pray fervently. Then he grabbed Iliodor with the help of an omophorion (an amice worn by priests on their shoulders), brought him to the middle of the city and ordered the people to kindle a fire in which the apostate sorcerer was supposed to burn like in hell. Together with Iliodor, Leo of Catania went into the fire, so that the apostate could not disappear again. The saint held the sorcerer until he was completely burned out, while Leo himself remained safe and sound.

This miracle strengthened all those gathered in the faith of Christ. It must be said that Leo of Catania performed many other miracles: he restored sight, cast out demons and overthrew idols.

Famous people

Famous writers named Leo:

  • Lev Tolstoy;
  • Lev Gumilyov;
  • Lev Oshanin;
  • Lev Uspensky;
  • Lev Kassil.

Famous actors and artists named Leo:

  • Lev Durov;
  • Lev Leshchenko;
  • Lev Borisov;
  • Lev Prygunov.

Famous scientists and educators named Leo:

  • Leo the Mathematician - an educator from Byzantium, who lived in the 9th century;
  • Lev Landau - Soviet physicist;
  • Leon Trotsky - an outstanding figure in the communist movement;
  • Lev Artsimovich - Soviet physicist.

Famous film directors named Leo:

  • Lev Kuleshov;
  • Lev Kulidzhanov.

Famous musicians named Leo:

  • Lev Oborin - famous Soviet pianist;
  • Lev Shulgin - Soviet composer;
  • Lev Mikhailov is a Soviet saxophonist and clarinetist.

Lev Yashin - the famous Soviet football player, goalkeeper.

Lev Bakst - painter, graphic artist and theatrical decorator-innovator.

Lev Anninsky - Soviet literary critic.

Lev Golitsyn - the founder of the industrial production of sparkling wines on the territory of the Russian Empire.

The meaning of the name Leo

For a child

Little Leo is a calm and kind boy, looking at whom you can’t say that he can become an imperious leader (namely, such an imprint leaves his strong name on him). He easily makes contact with other children, and his right notions of true friendship and honor make him a very attractive friend. Leo is never the first to go into conflict, but it is worth offending him, as a quiet and balanced boy turns into a vindictive and implacable enemy.

© Kamchatka

At the same time, you should not relax, because, growing up, the character of the boy will become more and more contradictory. So, Leo, with his courage, will be afraid of the dark or heights, he will be energetic and tireless, but not when he needs to complete some task, he reacts sharply to justice and is ready to help a friend, but at the same time with strangers it can be selfish and even cruel.

Prohibitions and punishments are not the method by which you can get what you want from Levushka, but it’s also not worth anticipating all the boy’s desires if the parents don’t want to raise a domestic tyrant. In the upbringing of Leo, it is necessary to use the "carrot and stick" method.

Studying for Leo is given quite easily, although he is lazy, so it is better to instill in him such qualities as hard work, discipline and perseverance from early childhood.

Leo experiences his defeats calmly and without much tantrums: he knows how to analyze the situation and draw appropriate conclusions, which in adulthood makes it much easier for him to reach the cherished heights.

For teenager

The young Leo is ambitious, ambitious, active and determined. He always keeps his word, even if it threatens him with trouble. The balanced character, imperiousness and conscientiousness of this young man are always appreciated, so he has many friends who see the owner of the name Leo as an example to follow. Leo's sense of humor cannot but please, thanks to which he can defuse the most tense situation.

Sometimes in the character of Leo there is a certain phlegm, behind which lies the usual laziness, with which, if desired, this young man can cope without problems. If the goal is truly interesting to Leo, he will do everything possible to achieve it.

Already in his youth, Leo shows excellent organizational skills: he actively participates in the life of the school and the university, because he has not only leadership qualities, but also ingenuity, the ability to correctly prioritize and systematically build a model of behavior in a given situation.

In general, the young Leo does not like the sharp turns that fate sometimes gives us, he prefers a calm and measured life, without sharp ups and downs (although he will never miss a chance to show his heroism, thereby satisfying his ambition).

Important! If in his youth Leo can gain self-confidence, then his character will fully correspond to his name. If this does not work out, then it is highly likely that an irritable and suspicious man with an unbearable character will grow out of a calm and good-natured teenager.

For a man

Leo is a patient, restrained, attentive and diplomatic man who takes someone else's grief to heart. But if you hurt Leo's pride, then you can become a witness to the transformation of this man, who can turn into a real predator, not sparing anyone in his path.

© Dean Drobot

It should be noted that Leo is quite tolerant of the shortcomings of people, since he believes that everyone (even such an ideal person as he) tends to make mistakes. The main thing is to be able to work on the mistakes.

An adult Leo is reliable, decisive and consistent, and he shows these qualities both at work and in his personal life. Although there are periods in the life of Leo that are characterized by an extreme degree of frivolity, this is especially evident during periods of falling in love. Knowing this, Leo tries to control his feelings and emotions in order to maintain the image of a serious and powerful man.

The demanding owner of this name does not like fuss, especially ostentatious, he will not appreciate boasting, because Leo himself can be called a modest person. He will put boors, liars and hypocrites in their place with great pleasure, although he himself can sometimes embellish his significance.

Description of the name Leo


A fair and honest Leo appreciates decency and responsiveness in people, since he himself has such qualities. In life, he tries not to violate the established norms of morality and morality.

Leo is the owner of extremely good health, which he observes in almost perfect condition until old age.

© RossHelen

And all thanks to the fact that this man is trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, which implies the absence of bad habits.


Leo is a loving and temperamental man, but only until the moment when he truly loves. He is faithful and devoted to his beloved, besides, Leo really appreciates a sincere relationship in which there is no place for lies. He most often ends his hasty novels peacefully, and his former partners often remain on friendly terms with him.

It is quite natural that this man will turn his attention to a kind, calm and open woman, devoid of guile and hypocrisy. But cold women repel him.

Note that on the love front, Leo is afraid to fail, therefore, when problems arise in a relationship with a woman, he immediately tries to end the romance.


Leo enters into marriage rather late, and even then more for the reason that it is already time to start a family. At the same time, when choosing a partner, he is most often guided by reason and even cold calculation: for example, Leo will stop his choice on a strong, sexy, attractive, bright and talented woman, whose presence will not go unnoticed in society. At the same time, his chosen one should be caring and gentle.

Leo tends to make mistakes with the choice of a life partner, so there may be several marriages in his life.

Leo is an ideal husband for an imperfect wife: for a long time, he is loyal to the creative mess in the house, unwashed dishes in the sink and hastily cooked dinner. But you should not relax, because one day he can go to a woman who knows how to create an atmosphere of coziness and comfort in the house.

© Elnur

As a father, Leo is kind and gentle, and often too much, which can negatively affect the upbringing of his children. I must say that the inconsistency of the character of this man is also manifested in the upbringing of children: today Leo will allow children to do whatever they please, and tomorrow he will punish them for the smallest mistake.

It is interesting that Leo chooses an energetic and impulsive woman as his wife, who tries to tame Leo and make him an affectionate domestic cat. But thanks to his diplomacy, this man quickly makes it clear who is who (conflicts in the Leo family are also resolved quickly).

The main thing in family relationships for Leo is sincerity and fidelity.


In the sexual sphere, Leo is very vulnerable: he is very upset by disappointments in his intimate life, therefore he values ​​\u200b\u200bthose partners who completely suit him and whom he suits.

For Leo, diversity in intimate relationships is important, so he prefers experienced and relaxed partners who are not averse to dreaming up.

And one more thing: for Leo, the concepts of sex and spiritual intimacy are inseparable, so he is looking for not only a passionate and temperamental, but also a gentle woman who can surround him with care and love.

Mind (intelligence)

Leo is smart, but lazy, so he often does not bring his plan to the end. In addition, it can be difficult for him to focus his attention on the main thing, as he scatters it on minor things.

An honest and fair Leo enjoys unquestioned authority among those around him, although in a difficult situation he can be confused, but he will never show it.

© Zurijeta

He is easily given professions that require responsibility, dedication and even self-sacrifice. Therefore, Leo often chooses the field of a doctor, soldier or journalist. He does not hesitate to develop, which helps him grow in his chosen field, which is also facilitated by his qualities such as hard work and discipline. I must say that when choosing a profession for Leo, the possibility of career growth is important.

In work, as in life, this man always adheres to strict moral and ethical principles, which helps him to establish excellent relations with both subordinates and superiors.


Leo will make an excellent businessman who knows how to adapt to modern realities in time and reorganize if necessary. He knows how to lead, which is important in business. And, of course, the owner of this name cannot be deprived of his communication skills.


Leo is fond of fishing, loves to relax in nature in the company of friends and family.

Character type

Leo is a peace-loving and calm nature, if you do not touch it. But it is worth touching on his pride or doubting his abilities, as a cold-blooded and vengeful man will appear before you. In general, this is a kind, lively and sincere person, who is difficult to imagine in anger.

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This man is brave and bold, straightforward, purposeful and responsive. The only thing he lacks is support, because often even relatives identify Leo with the king of beasts, mistakenly believing that a strong-willed person does not need words of approval.


Leo rarely puts his well-developed intuition into practice, preferring to rely more on reason.

Leo horoscope

Leo - Aries

This is an active, energetic and adventurous man, whose life is unthinkable without risk. Leo-Aries, who has a cheerful disposition and a great sense of humor, does not accept monotony, so he tries to bring maximum positive emotions into his life. Leo-Aries is loving and passionate: stormy romances, romantic impulses and temperamental nights form the basis of his life. Only now most of the novels end quickly enough, despite the fact that this man wants a stable and long relationship.

This is a vain egoist, among the shortcomings of which one can note straightforwardness and harshness in relation to others. Demanding Leo-Taurus does not forgive anyone (even himself) for mistakes, although he often acts impulsively and thoughtlessly.

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It is not surprising that it is difficult to find a common language with this man, especially since Leo-Taurus is trying to subordinate people to his will. The woman of this man must have truly angelic patience if she wants to maintain a relationship.

Leo - Gemini

This merry fellow and joker, possessing an incredible charm, deservedly bears the honorary title of "the soul of the company." This is a wonderful friend who will always lend a helping hand, and in return will require only participation and attention to himself (Leo-Gemini generally loves praise and compliments). This is a very amorous man who finds it difficult to focus on one relationship, because today he likes blondes, and tomorrow - brunettes. If you want to keep Leo-Gemini, you will have to try to constantly maintain interest in yourself.

Leo - Cancer

Emotional, straightforward, but at the same time vulnerable, sensual and insecure Leo-Cancer can show not only kindness towards others, but also aggression (in the event that he is offended). Moreover, his aggression is nothing more than one of the ways to protect yourself from disappointment in people. In order for Leo-Cancer to trust a woman, she needs to show affection, tenderness and care towards him. A cold and pragmatic woman will not be able to win the heart of this man.

Leo - Leo

High self-esteem, ambitiousness and practicality - these are the main character traits of Leo, born under the zodiac sign of the same name. He is always firmly convinced that he is right, while he takes criticism hard, even if it is fair and justified. Leo is flattered by the attention of the fair sex, so he takes it for granted. But women expect reciprocal manifestations of feelings from him, so when they do not find them, they simply leave.

Leo - Virgo

The shy, modest and taciturn Leo-Virgo tries to overcome his weaknesses, and if he fails to do this, he simply puts on the mask of an uncompromising and tough man. He hardly trusts people, so he has practically no friends. Leo-Virgo does not like crowded events and tries to avoid noisy companies, preferring loneliness to them. In women, he appreciates calmness, intelligence, prudence and the ability to create an atmosphere of comfort and warmth. Impulsive and temperamental tigresses frighten this man.

This is a man with a complex character, to endure, and even more so to understand which is not given to everyone. Sometimes Leo-Libra seems overly emotional, and sometimes, on the contrary, too cold, aloof and indifferent.

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At the same time, this man will not miss the chance to be in the center of everyone's attention, because he loves to receive compliments and praise. The Leo-Libra woman should be his worthy addition, while she may not even claim the main role in their relationship.

Leo - Scorpio

Purposefulness and ambition are the essential qualities of Leo-Scorpio, who by nature is a born leader, not ready to take second or third places. But this man is prevented from succeeding by his temper, impulsiveness and aggressiveness. In addition, this man absolutely does not know how to perceive criticism, which interferes with his work. Next to Leo-Scorpio, only a calm woman, devoid of any ambitions and ready to devote all her time to her family, will get along.

Leo - Sagittarius

The straightforward and sharp Leo-Sagittarius always says only what he thinks, although he does not want to offend anyone with his statements, because he himself has a vulnerable and tender soul. Romanticism and sentimentality, vulnerability and softness are inherent in him, so it is very easy to circle this man around his finger. If this happens, then Leo-Sagittarius can withdraw into himself for a long time. In a woman, he appreciates such qualities as loyalty and non-conflict.

Leo - Capricorn

Diligence, responsibility and discipline of Leo-Capricorn is the key to his rapid career growth. He makes very high demands both on others and on himself, believing that there is no limit to perfection to which one must strive. Leo-Capricorn often idealizes people, which is fraught with disappointment (this is especially true for relationships with the fair sex). To deceive this man is easy, but to fall in love with yourself is not an easy task.

The sincerity, gullibility and openness of Leo-Aquarius turn against him, because this man absolutely does not know how to understand people. He treats everyone wonderfully, not noticing their small and big shortcomings at all.

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Leo-Aquarius is betrayed more than once, which does not prevent him from trusting people again and again and making new friends. A woman who can understand and accept Leo with all his shortcomings will be happy in marriage, because this man will surround her with care and love.

Leo - Pisces

Emotionality, impressionability and vulnerability of Leo-Pisces are combined with such qualities as self-doubt. Therefore, this man needs a strong friend and reliable adviser who can defend the interests of his comrade if something happens. A woman for Leo-Pisces is a muse that inspires him to "great accomplishments." For such a woman, he is ready to move mountains, if only she loved him and supported him in all endeavors.

Leo name compatibility with female names

Leo and Olga

This is an alliance that is unlikely to take place if Lev and Olga do not learn to give in to each other.

And for this you will have to realize the fact that two strong characters cannot peacefully coexist on the same territory. Someone will have to give the palm.

The meeting of the owners of the names Leo and Anna is already something extraordinary, not to mention the emergence of a relationship between them.

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But if this did happen, then the practical and active Leo will become an excellent husband for the dreamy and sometimes frivolous Anna.

Leo and Elena

The diplomatic and imposing Leo easily wins the heart of the independent and freedom-loving Elena. But such a rush can become an obstacle to building the truly strong and reliable relationship that this couple aspires to.

Leo and Julia

The emotionality and temperament of both partners affect the development of the relationship of this couple, which has much in common (for example, interests and life guidelines), but also breeds a lot (both Leo and Yulia are owners of militant and strong characters).

Leo and Anastasia

But! The love of freedom and the desire for independence of Leo and Katya can break the idyll in this tandem, which is fraught with parting.

Leo and Natalia

This is a strong union, which can also be described as "strange" and "incomprehensible." On the one hand, Leo and Natasha are parts of the same puzzle, and on the other hand, both partners are quite selfish and conceited (especially Leo). But this does not prevent them from building their ideal family.

Leo and Marina

These two can create a beautiful and vibrant tandem that will not be bored. But in the pursuit of emotions and unforgettable impressions, it is important not to forget about stability, without which no productive relationship can exist for a long time.
Marina - the meaning of the name, origin, characteristics, horoscope

Leo and Mary

The self-willed Svetlana is in no hurry to part with independence, while the energetic Leo also does not decide on a serious relationship for a long time.

Leo and Christina

Therefore, this union can predict a happy future, in which there will be very few clouds.

Leo and Ludmila

This couple is rarely able to maintain the feeling that arises between them at the first meeting. And everything is to blame for different views on life: for example, it is important for Lyudmila to start a family, while Leo values ​​freedom more, while family ties scare him.

Leo and Galina

It is also important that their intimate life is also multifaceted.

Leo and Alena

This is a fatal union for Leo, in which he falls into the net of prudent Alena, who knows how to competently build her line of behavior in such a way as to win the most impregnable man. Bottom line: a union in which everything rests solely on the enthusiasm of a woman.

Leo and Alexandra

Real passions rage in the union of Leo and Alexandra, therefore, many predict collapse of this relationship. Surprisingly, this couple can perfectly live their whole lives together, despite the emotional outbursts that happen between them from time to time.


Meaning: The name Leo could come from the Latin name Leo or the ancient Greek Leon, which in both cases are interpreted as Leo. According to another version, it can mean "brave as a lion." Many mistakenly believe that this name is associated with other Russian names and is not independent, but this is not so ...

The male name Leo has been in demand since the distant Soviet times. This name has a very strong energy, and no less important, it can promise a lot of good qualities for a boy. At the same time, the name Leo is compatible with most Orthodox and Catholic names ...

Popularity: Now the name Leo is listed at 35-37 positions in the ranking of the most popular male names and accounts for approximately 7-10 boys out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Leo, Leon, Leo

Modern English counterparts: Leva, Levushka

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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It is believed that the meaning of the name Leo, as well as its energy, promises a man such character traits as commitment, sincerity, perseverance and perseverance, conscientiousness and restraint, tolerance and wisdom. But this is just a theory. Although for the most part, Leos are just the same in maturity.

Leo is able to be affectionate and gentle, but at the same time quick-tempered, to fly into an interlocutor or offender like a hurricane. He is cunning and a bit aggressive, but trusting. True, you should not use his trust - revenge will be terrible and terrible. Leo knows how to be frivolous and unpredictable, but he tries to act in accordance with reason and not show his frivolity to anyone.

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, kindness, generosity, readiness to help a person in need at any convenient moment, disinterestedness, ability to adapt to the world around. And Leo has a very kind heart and a wide soul ...

Leo is bad for impatient, stubborn, obsessive and cunning people, hates traitors and cunning people, tries to avoid communication with those in whom he is not sure. And Leo also avoids the company of powerful people, although he himself is one.

Interesting about the name Leo: In the West, the name Leo is not in demand, but is listed in the foreign name book in a modified form. The name Leon, related, is still in demand in Europe.

The nature of the name Leo

The nature of the name Leo is such that it promises the bearer of this name form many good characteristics and qualities with which a person can become a truly unique person. Usually, the character of a man named this way implies the presence of exclusively leadership inclinations - such a man must have such qualities as responsibility, diligence, honesty and justice, diligence and integrity, perseverance and perseverance, eloquence and prudence. Leva's character is also always endowed with the ability to recognize falsehood, lies, lies, deceit, betrayal and self-interest - this is almost impossible to circle around your finger. And the character is usually predisposed to dominance - such a man always tries to dominate the people around him, but in such a way that people also like it. Leader, organizer, boss, father, ideal husband, a man with a capital letter - this is how you can characterize a man whose character is fueled by the meaning of this name.

But it should be noted that in many ways the character may differ from what is described above. Usually, the character depends on a bunch of additional factors, including parental education, and the energy of the zodiac sign, and even the meaning of the season (season), under the auspices of which the boy was born.

Early childhood

The early childhood of the boy, whose parents decided to choose the male name Leo, is full of good things. Leo, this is a boy to whom the energy of this name bestows such traits as calmness, prudence (which is not inherent in such an early age), prudence, moderation, talent, determination, perseverance, perseverance, good nature and kindness, attentiveness and responsibility.

The meaning of the name Leo can endow a boy with a whole range of really good qualities, and this is already a 100% fact, confirmed by far more than one study. Plus, it is the meaning that can turn him into an energetic, active, obedient and at the same time fair person. But sometimes negative, undesirable traits are also given - among them adherence to principles, aggressiveness, inability to listen to criticism addressed to oneself, inability and unwillingness to make contact, lack of accuracy as such and optionality.

Nevertheless, the parents of a boy named Leo will definitely always have something to be proud of - any business he undertakes always ends up being done one hundred percent, the parental assignment will never go unnoticed, and all actions will be limited exclusively to moral generally accepted principles.


A teenager boy, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Leo, is usually easy to distinguish from the crowd, in particular, thanks to his unique mindset and talent to be the first in everything, without exception, in any business, no matter what his life touches. This is by nature a leader, an organizer, a person whose opinion everyone around listens to, a person whose opinion always has a foundation.

Responsible, executive, obligatory, kind, benevolent, cheerful, attentive, caring, and even courteous - such a bright future awaits, and no less important, as practice shows, usually all Leos sooner or later become successful people.

The boy, who is patronized by the meaning and energy of this name, is loved by everyone around, respected, appreciated. Plus, Leo is popular already at such an early age among the opposite sex. Although it should be noted that for the time being, Leva may not be interested in girls - his goals are incomparable with relationships as such, he wants leadership, primacy, personal uniqueness, success and respect, and not love.

Relations with peers are usually very good for such a boy. The meaning of the name can endow him with eloquence, thanks to which Leo will be able to speak to everyone, without exception, even the most negatively inclined person, with charm and the ability to convince. And in general, the meaning of the name Leo can turn a child named in this way into a unique personality ...

grown man

An adult Leo is a man with a capital letter at all - he is humorous, and optimistic, and interesting, and talkative, and sociable, and responsible, and in general, it may seem ideal in all respects. With this, everything, no matter what he undertakes, turns out to be “excellent”. Leo, this is a person with an extremely wide circle of friends, he should have a lot of friends, and everyone will respect him and his opinion - plus, this is inherently a person who loves to dominate the people around her.

The meaning of the name form Leo endows, in general, with a bunch of good qualities, and with all this set, he can make an excellent boss and leader. He is responsible, diligent, sociable and friendly, calm, kind, generous, fair, but quick-tempered. By the way, it is the temper that can begin to repel potential relationship partners from the adult Leva, as well as his uncompromisingness, which does not allow him to forgive the “errors” of his passions. The only huge disadvantage of Leo is that he often does not keep his words and promises - but this is not due to his irresponsibility, it's just that Leo always takes on too many responsibilities, and then he can't cope with all of them.

But he will never refuse help and support to a loved one or friend, and in no case will he leave a person in trouble. Conscience is what rewards each Leo with the meaning of this name ...

The interaction of the Leo character with the seasons

Summer - this bearer of the name Leo is kind in nature, responsive and sensitive, you won’t get lost with this. You can trust him with life and fate, he will not betray, but it is not recommended to make him angry. His kindness often alarms people, but it is sincere. Caring and faithful, ready to stand behind loved ones as a wall before the enemy. The blessings of those he loves are sacred to him.

Winter - the meaning of Winter gives the character a certain complexity, this boy is too quick-tempered and impatient, but honest and fair, his soul feeds on the kindness of the world around him. He is proud and vain, appreciates devotion and a calm mind, but does not like slow and unreliable people - he tries to avoid such people. Rudeness and rudeness give rise to the same reciprocal qualities in him.

Spring - such a guy is ambitious and prudent, likes to show off and show off his own achievements, frivolous and unpredictable. It may seem that he is stupid, but no - this is just a mask under which a dork who wants to be a leader is hiding, ready for anything, just to be in the spotlight.

Autumn - and this season a principled and true to his principles man is born, from an early age trying to be in front of everyone. Active and energetic, has moral values ​​that no one should encroach on. A born protector, a knight, ready to defend the interests of the family throughout life.

The fate of the name Leo

The fate of the name is the most complex factor of all, and at the same time the most mysterious and the most theoretical. As for our particular case, everything is simple here - the fate of the name form Leo is such that it promises the owner of this name a difficult childhood and a too stormy teenage stage, this will be very difficult in the course of life. But the fate of Leo is not limited to worldly hardships ...

In adolescence, the fate of a boy named Leo can lead through a bunch of very different relationships, but none of them will be durable, and all for one simple reason - Leo is too loving and in every new partner he definitely lacks something. It is important for him to have someone to compare his next passion with, and moreover, it is important that the new one is better than the old one - such is his fate. However, such a fate should not be eternal for him - in maturity everything will change.

Fate involves the formation of Leo in maturity, already a more devoted and reliable man. Seriousness, fidelity, devotion, honesty, sincerity, romance - this is what an adult lion appreciates in their relationships in maturity. And fate also involves becoming his full-fledged spouse and real reliable father of the family - he will become a good father and reliable protection for the family.

Love and marriage

Leva in her youth most often leads a rather violent activity on the love front. He knows how to treat female representatives in such a way that even after the break he has friendly relations with them. But when Leo meets his true love, he dramatically changes his lifestyle and becomes loyal and devoted.

His ideal wife should be not only beautiful and with an attractive bright appearance, but also a kind, soft, calm and open woman. There should not be a shadow of hypocrisy and deceit in it, because Leo in a relationship most of all appreciates trust, honesty and sincerity. Such an ideal is not easy to find, so he most likely marries quite late, and it is not a fact that the first marriage will be successful.

Leva can be quite patient with the shortcomings of her wife, as a hostess. He will not make a scandal because of not washed dishes on time or because of scattered things and will not swear for a carelessly cooked dinner, but even his patience can burst, and he will find another woman for himself - a real mistress.

Leo as Father

Leva loves children very much and with the advent of his own babies he becomes truly happy. He is ready in his spare time to help his wife in caring for the babies and feeds, dresses, washes, walks and plays with them with pleasure. By the way, quite often he even becomes too soft and kind dad. Because of this, the character of his children can deteriorate greatly, and the children themselves can sit on their dad's head.

Leo can behave quite contradictory, which can be expressed in a frequent change in the rules of children's behavior. So, one day he can let them do whatever they want and stand on their ears, and the next they will be punished for the slightest mistake. Such inconsistency can negatively affect his relationship with children. But this does not mean that children will not love him - it is impossible.

He completely trusts his wife in matters of upbringing and education, and is sure that his children will be raised by his wife as it should be. They will certainly grow up independent, hardworking, well-mannered and educated people with good manners.

Leo horoscope


The boy, named Leo and born under the sign of Aries, thanks to its meaning, is active and energetic, an adventurer by nature, who loves to take risks and have fun at the same time. The soul of the company, a loving and passionate gentleman who prefers stormy romances to long-term relationships. Dreamer.


Taurus is an egoist, and therefore his compatibility with women is not too happy. There are many shortcomings in his character - by the origin of his soul he is straightforward, harsh, touchy and vengeful, but he values ​​\u200b\u200bjustice and loyalty. Will not deceive, will not betray. Powerful - getting along with such a difficult even a strong woman.


Gemini - and this bearer of the name Leo, is a joker and a merry fellow, an adventurer and an optimistic person, the soul of the company, an eloquent gentleman who can charm any even the most fastidious woman. Amorous, and therefore quickly his passion ends and passes to another passion, it is difficult to win him forever.


Cancer is an emotional man, straightforward, vulnerable, often insecure, kind, but easily his positivity can turn into a real threat to the world if you offend him or hurt his soul. It is difficult to achieve such a heart - only caress and tenderness, prominent care will help.

a lion

Leo - this sign of the zodiac will bring ambition and practicality, zeal for excellence and high self-esteem, narcissism and self-righteousness to a boy named Leo. It is not difficult to prove such an opinion, but it is impossible. He considers himself the best of all - he always expects admiration and reverence from women.


Virgo - shy and modest, closed in himself, closed to the outside world, does not trust anyone, even close ones, uncompromising and lonely. He does not like noisy companies and fun - he wants to belong only to himself and the flow of time. He is attracted to wise and calm women.


Libra - this zodiac promises a guy named Leo a complex and impulsive character, features that will be difficult for any woman to get used to. Emotional and cold, alienated from this world, indifferent to everything that happens around, although in his soul he worries about the slightest reason. Loves praise and compliments, especially flattery.


Scorpio is a purposeful and ambitious representative of the male half of humanity. He is quick-tempered and aggressive, it is difficult to accept criticism, he is not ready to put up with other people's opinions, he always proves his own - it is difficult to get along with such a person, even a patient woman cannot create compatibility with him.


The Sagittarius sign promises sharpness and straightforwardness, truthfulness and sincerity, and at the same time touchiness with vulnerability. Gentle and romantic, sentimental and soft, but does not flaunt these qualities. It is difficult to tear them out of the abyss of his secret soul. Loyalty and devotion - he appreciates them the most.


Capricorn - here, who received the name Leo, such traits as gullibility, sincerity, hard work, discipline and success in professional activities are promised. He is constantly trying to improve - a clear leader who loves to rule and command. It is easy to trust a person, but because of this, he suffers in the end.


Aquarius is trusting, open, kind and generous, but this brings him down - people use him as best they can. Because of what he prefers to be alone, away from lies and self-interest. The model of the ideal spouse, which family man to look for, is gentle and seeks only to achieve family well-being.


Pisces is an impressionable and vulnerable little man, not self-confident, but reliable. He advises, understands, prompts and supports - in return he receives the opposite, and therefore does not trust people. He needs one that can melt his heart and at the same time hide from everyday hardships.

Compatibility with female names

An ideal combination in terms of love, feelings, passion and longevity of relationships, a guy named Leo can be paired with Augusta, Eleanor, Flora, Catherine, Nonna and Regina.

With Rosa, Tatyana, Lolita, Sarah and Inga, he will be able to build an ideal marriage.

Well, with such as Stanislava, Tamila, Antonina, Agnia and Varvara, unfortunately, there is no compatibility at all.

In general, this gloomy, eternally serious and responsible man needs a sociable and good-natured life partner.

There are a lot of beautiful and sonorous names, but in this article we will talk about the features of such a beautiful and rare name as Leo.


The name Leo is quite common today. The origin and meaning of this name dates back to Ancient Greece, where the nickname Leon was widely used, which means “king of beasts”, or “lion”. Also in Latin there was a second form of the name - Leo. Another version of the origin refers the name to the Hebrew language, where it meant "heart."

Forms of name and name day

In Europe, the more common forms of the name are Leon and Leo, and in Muslim states, Leis. In a number of countries, there are options such as Levon, Lion, Leonty, Leonard and Lio. Any of the bearers of these names can be abbreviated as Levushka, Leva, Lenya, Lesya, Leonek, Lyulik or Levus. The patron saint of the name is Bishop Leo of Catania. He was widely known for his mercy and kindness. He healed the sick with the power of his prayers. The priest was counted among the saints after he went to the stake along with a pagan sorcerer in the 8th century. As a result, a miracle happened - the pagan burned down, and the bishop remained safe and sound. The Pope (Leo I) was also named Leo. The days of veneration of these saints are celebrated on March 3, 5 and 13.


The meaning of the name Leo for a boy is positive, although not always. It gives him a balanced and kind character. He does not strive for leadership at all, however, he will not allow himself to be offended. The child does not cry over trifles, falls into tantrums only in extreme cases. Sometimes it is selfish and cruel to others. Prohibitions and punishments from the parents do not affect him, but indulging the desires of the child can turn him into a little tyrant. Strong energy gives its owner the meaning of the name Leo. The child is characterized by the presence of many talents, aspirations and interests. At school, he learns with ease, but is often too lazy to pay due attention to his studies. She enjoys outdoor activities - she loves to swim, fish and pick mushrooms. Little Leo is sociable, likes to chat for a long time and portray other people. Often becomes a favorite not only of adults, but also of peers.


Balance and tolerance are inherent in a man named Leo. The meaning of the name, the character of its owner are due to his "lion" nature. A man with this nickname is full of energy and quite ambitious. He always does what he promises and is ready to help at any moment. He is an excellent friend and comrade, but if Leo sets himself any goal, he will achieve it by any means, regardless of friendly relations.

Often, the ridicule that Leo is subjected to in childhood by peers endows him with such negative traits as irritability and suspicion in adulthood. From the outside, this may not be noticeable, but loved ones can seriously suffer from such qualities.

Leo is tolerant of other people's shortcomings. He likes to take risks and show courage and courage. People are kind and considerate. The special meaning of the name Leo gives a sense of humor and a sharp mind to its owner. In a man with this name, qualities such as flexibility, conscientiousness in doing work and ambition are combined. All this allows him to occupy a good position in society.

Leo has few ill-wishers and envious people, which is not surprising - he simply radiates warmth. The owner of this name seems to have some kind of power over all living beings. He is able to cope with any adversity and lead people. It is from such personalities that the real creators of history are obtained.

Love relationships and family

In adolescence, the meaning of the name Leo endows its owner with increased love of love. The young man often changes partners. In girls, he most appreciates sincerity, kindness and sexuality. However, often the fair sex sees him as more of a friend than a lover. Having established a long-term relationship with a girl, a man seeks to harmonize them. Intimate relationships for him become something spiritual. He can't get into bed with any woman.

Often it is self-confidence in relations with the opposite sex that deprives its owner of the male name Leo. The meaning of the foregoing is manifested in the fact that a woman may try to subjugate Leo to herself, but he does not accept this. As a rule, men with this name do not like to make trouble, but they often come across rather impulsive personalities as their wives. If he is happy in marriage, he becomes a kind, sympathetic and sensitive husband. He likes to visit and receive people at home, often attends theaters and concerts with his family. Often a man becomes a good father - he simply adores children. He is very worried when they have problems or get sick. The main disadvantage of Leo, which can destroy his marriage, is posturing.

Business and career

The meaning of the name Leo suggests that its owner has excellent organizational skills. He persistently strives for his goal and conscientiously fulfills the tasks assigned to him. With colleagues, a man is honest and enjoys their authority. All this allows him to achieve significant success in the professional field. A man, as a rule, has good physical data and is able to cope with any work. However, he is very careful about the choice of his profession and prefers only the option that involves career advancement.

Phenomenal memory endows its owner with the name Leo. The origin and meaning of this nickname determine the presence of a huge amount of talent in a man. He can achieve a high position in the managerial sphere and in the field of business. Becomes a good doctor, journalist or writer. You can often meet Leo among fashion designers and hairdressers.

Mystery of the name

The name is controlled by the corresponding zodiac sign, which has a certain meaning. Among the planets, the name of Leo is patronized by the Sun. All this determines the main character traits of a man - kindness and strength. His auspicious colors are gold and green. A stone that can protect against negative impacts is a diamond. The totem animal of the name is the lion, and the plant is the wild rose.

A man named Leo has a well-developed intuition. A successful marriage for him will be with Aurora, Alla, Victoria, Natalya, Olesya, Olga and Ella. He has a more problematic relationship with Lydia and Agnes. The name Leo is well suited for people born under the sign of Cancer, Leo and Libra. This nickname is considered undesirable for Aries, Scorpions and Virgos.

Famous personalities

A favorable and happy meaning carries the meaning of the name Leo. For a boy, such a name suggests the presence of a large number of talents, which will help him become successful in life. Among people with this name there are many famous personalities who have become famous throughout the world. The most significant owners of this courageous name are: Prince Lev Golitsyn, famous Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, physicist Lev Landau, Soviet actor and director Lev Durov, representative of the Russian stage Lev Leshchenko, football player Lev Yashin, poet and historian Lev Gumilyov, representative of the Communist Party Lev Trotsky , painter Lev Bakst, Russian philosopher and psychologist Lev Lopatin.