
The problem of courage is arguments from literature. The problem of the courage of soldiers in war according to Vasiliev's text (Unified State Exam in Russian). Heroism during the Great Patriotic War

  • Self-sacrifice is not always life-threatening.
  • Love for the Motherland prompts a person to commit heroic deeds
  • A person is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves
  • To save a child, sometimes it is not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable that a person has - his own life.
  • Only a moral person is capable of performing a heroic deed
  • The willingness to sacrifice does not depend on the level of income and social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in actions, but also in the ability to be true to your word even in the most difficult life situations
  • People are ready for self-sacrifice even in the name of saving a stranger.


L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic act. This is confirmed by an example from this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave. He is a real person who does not put his financial position first. Not sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic act. You can also refer to the image of Captain Tushin. At first, he does not make a good impression on us: Tushin appears before the command without boots. But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: a battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, having no cover, sparing no effort. And it doesn't matter what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.

I.A. Bunin "Lapti". In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home. To do this he was prompted by the request of a sick child to bring red sandals. The hero decided that "it is necessary to extract" because "the soul desires." He wanted to buy sandals and dye them with magenta. By nightfall, Nefed did not return, and in the morning the men brought his dead body. In his bosom they found a vial of fuchsin and new bast shoes. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he was putting himself in danger, he decided to act for the good of the child.

A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter". Love for Marya Mironova, the captain's daughter, more than once prompted Pyotr Grinev to endanger his life. He went to the Belogorsk fortress captured by Pugachev in order to snatch the girl from Shvabrin's hands. Pyotr Grinev understood what he was going for: at any moment Pugachev's people could catch him, he could be killed by enemies. But nothing stopped the hero, he was ready to save Marya Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. The readiness for self-sacrifice also manifested itself when Grinev was under investigation. He did not begin to talk about Marya Mironova, the love for which led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make the girl involved in the investigation, although this would allow him to justify himself. Peter Grinev showed by his actions that he was ready to endure anything for the happiness of a person dear to him.

F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". The fact that Sonya Marmeladova went on the “yellow ticket” is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided on this herself, deliberately, in order to feed her family: a drunken father, a stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty her job is, Sonya Marmeladova is worthy of respect. Throughout the entire work, she proved her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba". If Andriy, the youngest son of Taras Bulba, turned out to be a traitor, then Ostap, the eldest son, showed himself as a strong personality, a real warrior. He did not betray his father and homeland, he fought to the last. Ostap was executed in front of his father. But no matter how hard, painful and scary it was for him, during the execution he did not make a sound. Ostap is a real hero who gave his life for his homeland.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailovna, an ordinary teacher of the French language, turned out to be capable of self-sacrifice. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he was playing for money, Lydia Mikhailovna was in no hurry to tell the director about it. She found out that the boy was playing because he did not have enough money for food. Lydia Mikhailovna began to study French with a student, which he was not given, at home, and then offered to play with her for money. The teacher knew that this should not be done, but the desire to help the child was more important to her. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was fired. Her seemingly wrong act turned out to be noble. The teacher sacrificed her reputation to help the boy.

N. D. Teleshov "Home". Semka, so eager to return to his native land, met an unfamiliar grandfather on the way. They walked together. On the way, the boy fell ill. An unknown person took him to the city, although he knew that he was not allowed to appear there: his grandfather had already escaped from hard labor for the third time. Grandpa was caught in the city. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important to him. Grandfather sacrificed his quiet life for the sake of a future stranger.

A. Platonov “Sandy teacher”. From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkina helped make a real green oasis. She gave herself up to work. But the nomads passed - not a trace remained of the green spaces. Maria Nikiforovna left for the district with a report, where she was offered to transfer to work in Safutu in order to teach the culture of the sands to the nomads who were migrating to a settled way. She agreed, which showed her readiness for self-sacrifice. Maria Naryshkina decided to devote herself to a good cause, not thinking about her family or the future, but helping people in the difficult struggle with the sands.

M.A. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita". For the sake of the Master, Margarita was ready for anything. She decided to make a deal with the devil, she was the queen at the ball at Satan's. And all in order to see the Master. True love forced the heroine to sacrifice herself, to go through all the tests prepared for her by fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin". The main character of the work is a simple Russian guy who honestly and selflessly fulfills his soldier's duty. His crossing the river was a real heroic deed. Vasily Terkin was not frightened by the cold: he knew that it was necessary to convey the lieutenant's request. What the hero has done seems impossible, incredible. This is the feat of a simple Russian soldier.

Here is a bank of arguments for writing on the exam in the Russian language. It is dedicated to military topics. Each problem is associated with literary examples, which are necessary to write the work of the highest quality. The heading corresponds to the wording of the problem, under the heading there are arguments (3-5 pieces, depending on the complexity). Also you can download these table arguments(link at the end of the article). We hope that they will help you prepare for the exam.

  1. In Vasil Bykov's story "Sotnikov" Rybak betrayed his homeland, fearing torture. When two comrades in search of provisions for the partisan detachment ran into the invaders, they were forced to retreat and hide in the village. However, the enemies found them in the house of a local resident and decided to interrogate them with the use of violence. Sotnikov withstood the test with honor, but his friend joined the punishers. He decided to become a policeman, although he intended to run away to his own at the first opportunity. However, this act forever crossed out Rybak's future. Having knocked out the supports from under the feet of a comrade, he became a traitor and a vile murderer who is not worthy of forgiveness.
  2. In Alexander Pushkin's novel The Captain's Daughter, cowardice turned into a personal tragedy for the hero: he lost everything. Trying to win the favor of Marya Mironova, he decided to be cunning and cunning, and not behave courageously. And so, at the decisive moment, when the Belgorod fortress was captured by the rioters, and Masha's parents were brutally killed, Alexey did not stand up for them with a mountain, did not protect the girl, but changed into a simple dress and joined the invaders, saving his life. His cowardice finally repulsed the heroine, and, even being in his captivity, she proudly and adamantly opposed his caresses. In her opinion, it is better to die than to be at one with a coward and a traitor.
  3. In the work of Valentin Rasputin "Live and Remember" Andrei deserts and runs to his home, to his native village. Unlike him, his wife was a courageous and devoted woman, so she, at the risk of herself, covers up her escaped husband. He lives in a nearby forest, and she carries everything he needs in secret from the neighbors. But Nastya's absences became public knowledge. Her fellow villagers followed her in a boat in pursuit. To save Andrei, Nastena drowned herself without betraying the deserter. But the coward in her face lost everything: love, salvation, family. His fear of war killed the only person who loved him.
  4. In Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus," two heroes are contrasted: Zhilin and Kostygin. While one, being held captive by the mountaineers, bravely fights for his freedom, the other humbly waits for his relatives to pay the ransom. Fear obscures his eyes, and he does not understand that this money will support the rebels and their fight against his compatriots. In the first place for him is only his own fate, and he does not care about the interests of his homeland. It is obvious that cowardice manifests itself in war and exposes such traits of nature as selfishness, weakness and insignificance.

Overcoming fear in war

  1. In the story "Coward" by Vsevolod Garshin, the hero is afraid to disappear in the name of someone's political ambitions. He worries that he, with all his plans and dreams, will turn out to be only a surname and initials in a dry newspaper bulletin. He does not understand why he needs to fight and risk himself, what all these sacrifices are for. His friends, of course, say that he is driven by cowardice. They gave him food for thought, and he decided to sign up as a volunteer for the front. The hero realized that he was sacrificing himself for the sake of a great cause - the salvation of his people and homeland. He died, but he was happy, because he made a really significant step, and his life acquired meaning.
  2. In Mikhail Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man" Andrei Sokolov overcomes the fear of death and does not agree to drink to the victory of the Third Reich, as the commandant demands. For incitement to rebellion and disrespect for the guards, he is already facing punishment. The only way to avoid death is to accept Mueller's toast, to betray the homeland in words. Of course, the man wanted to live, he was afraid of torture, but honor and dignity were dear to him. Mentally and spiritually, he fought against the invaders, even when standing in front of the head of the camp. And he defeated him by force of will, refusing to carry out his orders. The enemy recognized the superiority of the Russian spirit and awarded the soldier who, even in captivity, overcomes fear and defends the interests of his country.
  3. In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Pierre Bezukhov is afraid to take part in hostilities: he is awkward, timid, weak, not fit for military service. However, seeing the scale and horror of the Patriotic War of 1812, he decided to go alone and kill Napoleon. He was not at all obliged to go to besieged Moscow and risk himself, with his money and influence he could sit out in a secluded corner of Russia. But he goes to help the people in some way. Pierre, of course, does not kill the emperor of the French, but he saves the girl from the fire, and this is already a lot. He conquered his fear and did not hide from the war.
  4. The problem of imaginary and real heroism

    1. In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Fyodor Dolokhov shows excessive cruelty in the course of hostilities. He enjoys violence, while always demanding rewards and praise for his supposed heroism, in which there is more vanity than courage. For example, he grabbed an already surrendered officer by the collar and insisted for a long time that it was he who took him prisoner. While soldiers like Timokhin were modestly and simply doing their duty, Fyodor boasted and boasted of his exaggerated achievements. He did this not for the sake of saving his homeland, but for the sake of self-affirmation. This is false, false heroism.
    2. In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky goes to war for the sake of his career, and not for the sake of the bright future of his country. He only cares about the glory, which went to, for example, Napoleon. In pursuit of her, he leaves his pregnant wife alone. Once in the battlefield, the prince rushes into a bloody battle, urging many people to sacrifice themselves with him. However, his throw did not change the outcome of the battle, but only provided new losses. Realizing this, Andrei realizes the insignificance of his motives. From that moment on, he no longer chases after recognition, he only cares about the fate of his native country, and only for her is he ready to return to the front and sacrifice himself.
    3. In Vasil Bykov's story "Sotnikov" Rybak was known as a strong and courageous fighter. He was strong in health and mighty in appearance. In fights he had no equal. But the real test showed that all his actions were just empty bragging. Fearing torture, Rybak accepts the enemy's offer and becomes a policeman. There was not a drop of real courage in his feigned courage, so he could not withstand the moral pressure of fear of pain and death. Unfortunately, imaginary virtues are recognized only in trouble, and his companions did not know whom they trusted.
    4. In Boris Vasiliev's story "Not In The Lists," the hero single-handedly defends the Brest Fortress, all the other defenders of which have fallen dead. Nikolai Pluzhnikov himself can hardly stand on his feet, but he still fulfills his duty until the end of his life. Someone, of course, will say that it is reckless on his part. There is safety in numbers. But I still think that in his position this is the only correct choice, because he will not get out and not join combat-ready units. So isn't it better to give one last fight than to waste a bullet on yourself? In my opinion, Pluzhnikov's act is a feat of a real man who looks the truth in the eye.
    5. In Victor Astafiev's novel "Cursed and Killed" dozens of fates of ordinary children are described, who were driven into difficult conditions by the war: hunger, mortal risk, illness and constant fatigue. They are not soldiers, but ordinary inhabitants of villages and villages, prisons and camps: illiterate, cowardly, tight-fisted and not even very honest. All of them are just cannon fodder in battle, many are useless. What drives them? A desire to curry favor and get a reprieve or a job in the city? Hopelessness? Perhaps their presence at the front is recklessness? You can answer in different ways, but I still think that their sacrifices and modest contribution to the victory are not in vain, but necessary. I am sure that their behavior is governed by a not always conscious, but true force - love for the fatherland. The author shows how and why it manifests itself in each of the heroes. Therefore, I consider their courage to be genuine.
    6. Mercy and indifference in the atmosphere of hostilities

      1. In Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Berg, the husband of Vera Rostova, shows blasphemous indifference to his compatriots. During the evacuation from besieged Moscow, he takes advantage of the grief and confusion of people, buying their rare and valuable things at a lower price. He does not care about the fate of his fatherland, he only looks into his own pocket. The troubles of the surrounding refugees, frightened and crushed by the war, do not touch him in any way. At the same time, the peasants are burning all the property they have, so that it does not go to the enemy. They burn houses, kill livestock, destroy entire villages. For the sake of victory, they risk everything, go to the forests and live as one family. In contrast, Tolstoy shows indifference and compassion, contrasting the dishonest elite and the poor, who turned out to be richer spiritually.
      2. The poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin" describes the unity of the people in the face of a mortal threat. In the chapter "Two Soldiers," old men greet Vasily and even feed him, spending precious food on a stranger. In exchange for hospitality, the hero repairs the old couple's watches and other utensils, and also entertains them with encouraging conversations. Although the old woman is reluctant to get food, Terkin does not reproach her, because she understands how hard it is for them to live in the village, where there is even no one to help chop wood - everything is at the front. However, even different people find a common language and sympathize with each other when clouds thickened over their homeland. This unity was the author's appeal.
      3. In Vasil Bykov's story Sotnikov, Demchikha hides partisans, despite the mortal risk. She hesitates, being a frightened and driven country woman rather than a cover heroine. Before us is a living person, not without weaknesses. She is not happy with uninvited guests, policemen are circling around the village, and if they find something, no one will survive. Yet compassion prevails in a woman: she shelters the resistance fighters. And her feat did not go unnoticed: during interrogation with torture and torture, Sotnikov does not betray his patroness, carefully trying to shield her, to shift the blame onto himself. Thus, mercy in war breeds mercy, and cruelty - only cruelty.
      4. In Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, some episodes are described that indicate the manifestation of indifference and responsiveness towards the prisoners. The Russian people saved officer Rambal and his orderly from death. The frozen French themselves came to the enemy camp, they were dying of frostbite and hunger. Our compatriots showed mercy: they fed them with porridge, poured them warming vodka, and even carried the officer in his arms to the tent. But the invaders were less compassionate: a familiar Frenchman did not intercede for Bezukhov, seeing him in a crowd of prisoners. The count himself barely survived, receiving the poorest ration in prison and walking in the cold on a leash. In such conditions, the weakened Platon Karataev died, to whom none of the enemies even thought to give porridge with vodka. The example of the Russian soldiers is instructive: it demonstrates the truth that in war one must remain human.
      5. An interesting example was described by Alexander Pushkin in the novel "The Captain's Daughter". Pugachev, the chieftain of the rebels, showed mercy and pardoned Peter, respecting his kindness and generosity. The young man once presented him with a sheepskin coat, not skimping on helping a stranger from the common people. Emelyan continued to do him good even after the "reckoning", because in the war he strove for justice. But Empress Catherine showed indifference to the fate of the officer loyal to her and surrendered only to the persuasion of Marya. In the war, she showed barbaric cruelty, arranging the execution of the rebels in the square. It is not surprising that the people went against her despotic rule. Only compassion can help a person stop the destructive power of hatred and enmity.

      Moral choice in war

      1. In Gogol's story "Taras Bulba" the youngest son of the protagonist is at a crossroads between love and homeland. He chooses the first, forever renouncing his family and homeland. The comrades did not accept his choice. The father was especially grieving, because the only chance to restore the honor of the family was the murder of the traitor. The fighting brotherhood took revenge for the death of their loved ones and for the oppression of the faith, Andrii trampled on holy revenge, and for defending this idea Taras also made his difficult but necessary choice. He kills his son, proving to his fellow soldiers that the most important thing for him, as chieftain, is the salvation of the homeland, and not petty interests. In this way, he forever strengthens the Cossack partnership, which will fight against the "lyakhi" even after his death.
      2. In Leo Tolstoy's story "Prisoner of the Caucasus," the heroine also made a desperate decision. Dina liked the Russian man, who was forcibly held by her relatives, friends, her people. Before her there was a choice between kinship and love, bonds of duty and the dictates of feelings. She hesitated, thought, decided, but could not help but help, as she understood that Zhilin was not worthy of such a fate. He is kind, strong and honest, but he has no money for the ransom, and that is not his fault. Despite the fact that the Tatars and Russians fought, that some captured others, the girl made a moral choice in favor of justice, not cruelty. This, probably, expresses the superiority of children over adults: even in the struggle, they show less anger.
      3. Remarque's novel All Quiet on the Western Front depicts the image of a military commissar who called high school students, still very boys, to the First World War. At the same time, we remember from history that Germany did not defend itself, but attacked, that is, the guys went to their deaths for the sake of other people's ambitions. However, their hearts were inflamed with the words of this dishonest man. So, the main characters went to the front. It was only there that they realized that their agitator was a coward sitting in the rear. He sends young men to destruction, while he sits at home. His choice is immoral. He denounces a weak-willed hypocrite in this seemingly courageous officer.
      4. In Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", the protagonist swims across an icy river in order to bring important reports to the attention of the command. He throws himself into the water under fire, risking freezing to death or drowning, grabbing an enemy bullet. But Vasily makes a choice in favor of debt - an idea that is larger than himself. He contributes to the victory, thinking not about himself, but about the outcome of the operation.

      Mutual aid and selfishness on the front lines

      1. In Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Natasha Rostova is ready to give up carts to the wounded, just to help them avoid French persecution and leave the besieged city. She is ready to lose valuable things, despite the fact that her family is on the verge of ruin. It's all about her upbringing: the Rostovs were always ready to help and help a person out of trouble. Relationships are dearer to them than money. But Berg, the husband of Vera Rostova, during the evacuation, bargained for cheap things from frightened people in order to make capital. Alas, in war, not everyone withstands the test of morality. The true face of a person, egotist or benefactor, will always show itself.
      2. In Leo Tolstoy's "Sevastopol Tales", the "circle of aristocrats" demonstrates the unpleasant character traits of the nobility who found themselves in the war because of vanity. For example, Galtsin is a coward, everyone knows about it, but no one talks, because he is a noble nobleman. He lazily offers his help on a sortie, but everyone hypocritically discourages him, knowing that he will not go anywhere, and there is little sense from him. This person is a cowardly egoist who thinks only of himself, not paying attention to the needs of the fatherland and the tragedy of his own people. At the same time, Tolstoy describes the tacit feat of doctors who work overtime and restrain their freaking nerves from the horror they see. They will not be rewarded or promoted, they do not care, because they have one goal - to save as many soldiers as possible.
      3. In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel The White Guard, Sergei Talberg abandons his wife and escapes from a country torn apart by a civil war. He selfishly and cynically leaves in Russia everything that was dear to him, everything to which he vowed to be faithful to the end. Elena was taken under the protection of the brothers, who, unlike a relative, until the last served the one to whom they were sworn. They protected and consoled the abandoned sister, because all conscientious people united under the burden of the threat. For example, the commander Nai Tours performs an outstanding feat, saving the cadets from inevitable death in a vain battle. He himself perishes, but he helps the innocent and deceived by the hetman young men to save their lives and leave the besieged city.

      The negative impact of war on society

      1. In Mikhail Sholokhov's novel "Quiet Don", the entire Cossack people becomes a victim of the war. The old way of life is crumbling due to fratricidal strife. The breadwinners are dying, the children are breaking out of obedience, the widows are going crazy with grief and the intolerable yoke of labor. The fate of absolutely all heroes is tragic: Aksinya and Peter die, Darya becomes infected with syphilis and commits suicide, Grigory is disappointed in life, Natalia dies alone and forgotten, Mikhail grows callous and impudent, Dunyasha runs away and lives unhappily. All generations are at odds, brother goes against brother, the land is orphaned, because in the heat of battle it was forgotten. As a result, the civil war led only to devastation and grief, and not to the bright future that all the warring parties promised.
      2. In the poem "Mtsyri" by Mikhail Lermontov, the hero became another victim of the war. He was picked up by a Russian soldier, forcibly taken away from his home and, probably, would have further disposed of his fate if the boy had not got sick. Then his almost lifeless body was thrown into the care of monks in a passing monastery. Mtsyri grew up, he was prepared for the fate of a novice, and then a priest, but he never resigned himself to the arbitrariness of the kidnappers. The young man wanted to return to his homeland, to reunite with his family, to quench his thirst for love and life. However, he was deprived of all this, because he was just a prisoner, and even after his escape he was again in his prison. This story is an echo of the war, as the struggle of countries cripples the fate of ordinary people.
      3. There is an insert in Nikolai Gogol's novel Dead Souls, which is a separate story. This is a story about Captain Kopeikin. It tells about the fate of a cripple who became a victim of the war. In the battle for his homeland, he became disabled. In the hope of receiving a pension or some kind of help, he arrived in the capital and began to visit officials. However, they hardened in their comfortable workplaces and only drove the poor man, not making his life filled with suffering any easier. Alas, the constant wars in the Russian Empire gave rise to many such cases, so no one really reacted to them. You can't even blame anyone unequivocally. Society became indifferent and cruel, as people defended themselves from constant anxiety and loss.
      4. In Varlam Shalamov's story "The Last Battle of Major Pugachev," the main characters, who honestly defended their homeland during the war, ended up in a labor camp in their homeland because they were once captured by the Germans. No one took pity on these worthy people, no one showed leniency, and they are not guilty of being captured. And it's not just about cruel and unjust politicians, it's about the people, who have hardened from constant grief, from inescapable hardships. Society itself indifferently listened to the suffering of innocent soldiers. And they, too, were forced to kill the guards, flee and shoot back, because the bloody massacre made them so: merciless, evil and desperate.

      Children and women at the front

      1. In the story "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by Boris Vasiliev, the main characters are women. Of course, they were more afraid than men to go to war, each of them had close and dear people. Rita even left a son to her parents. However, the girls selflessly fight and do not retreat, although they are opposed to sixteen soldiers. Each of them fights heroically, each overcomes its fear of death in the name of saving the motherland. Their feat is taken especially hard, because fragile women have no place on the battlefield. However, they shattered this stereotype and defeated the fear that held down more suitable fighters.
      2. In Boris Vasiliev's novel "Not on the Lists", the last defenders of the Brest Fortress are trying to save women and children from starvation. They lack water and supplies. With a pain in their hearts, the soldiers accompany them to German captivity, there is no other way out. However, the enemies did not spare even expectant mothers. Pluzhnikov's pregnant wife, Mirra, is hammered with boots and pierced with a bayonet. Her mutilated corpse is pelted with bricks. The tragedy of war is that it deprives people of humanity, releasing all their hidden vices.
      3. In the work of Arkady Gaidar, Timur and His Team, the heroes are not soldiers, but young pioneers. While a fierce battle lasts on the fronts, they, as best they can, help the fatherland to survive in trouble. The guys do the hard work for widows, orphans and single mothers who even have no one to chop wood. They secretly carry out all these tasks, without waiting for praise and honors. The main thing for them is to make their modest but important contribution to the victory. Their fates are also crumpled by the war. Zhenya, for example, grows up in the care of an older sister, but they see their father every few months. However, this does not prevent children from fulfilling their little civic duty.

      The problem of nobility and baseness in battle

      1. In Boris Vasiliev's novel "Not on the Lists" Mirra is forced to surrender when she discovers that she is pregnant with Nikolai. There is no food or water in their shelter, young people miraculously survive, because they are being hunted. But now a lame Jewish girl gets out of the underground to save the life of her child. Pluzhnikov is watching her vigilantly. However, she failed to blend in with the crowd. So that her husband does not betray himself, does not go to save her, she moves away, and Nikolai does not see how mad invaders beat his wife, how they wound her with a bayonet, how they fill her body with bricks. In this act of her there is so much nobility, so much love and self-sacrifice that it is difficult to perceive it without an inner shudder. The fragile woman turned out to be stronger, more courageous and nobler than the representatives of the "chosen nation" and the stronger sex.
      2. In Nikolai Gogol's story "Taras Bulba", Ostap shows genuine nobility under war conditions, when, even under torture, he does not utter a single cry. He did not give the enemy spectacle and jubilation, having defeated him spiritually. In his dying word, he only turned to his father, whom he did not expect to hear. But I heard. And I realized that their work is alive, which means that he is alive. In this self-denial in the name of an idea, his rich and strong nature was revealed. But the idle crowd surrounding him is a symbol of human baseness, because people gathered to savor the pain of another person. This is terrible, and Gogol emphasizes how terrible the face of this motley audience is, how disgusting is its murmur. He contrasted her cruelty with the virtues of Ostap, and we understand whose side the author is on in this conflict.
      3. The nobility and baseness of a person truly manifest themselves only in emergency situations. For example, in Vasil Bykov's story "Sotnikov", two heroes behaved completely differently, although they lived side by side in the same detachment. The fisherman betrayed the country, his friends, his duty because of the fear of pain and death. He became a policeman and even helped his new associates to hang their former partner. Sotnikov did not think about himself, although he endured torment from torture. He tried to save Demchikha, his former friend, to ward off trouble from the detachment. Therefore, he blamed everything on himself. This noble man did not allow himself to be broken and with dignity gave his life for his homeland.

      The problem of responsibility and negligence of fighters

      1. Leo Tolstoy's Sevastopol Tales describes the irresponsibility of many fighters. They only show themselves in front of each other, and go to work only for the sake of promotion. They do not think at all about the outcome of the battle, they are only interested in rewards. For example, Mikhailov only cares about making friends with a circle of aristocrats and getting some benefits from the service. Having been wounded, he even refuses to bandage it so that everyone will be struck by the sight of blood, because a reward is due for a serious injury. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the finale Tolstoy describes precisely the defeat. With such an attitude to one's duty to the homeland, it is impossible to win.
      2. In The Lay of Igor's Regiment, an unknown author tells about Prince Igor's instructive campaign against the Polovtsi. Striving to gain easy glory, he leads a squad against the nomads, neglecting the concluded truce. Russian troops defeat enemies, but at night the nomads take the sleeping and drunken warriors by surprise, kill many, and take the rest prisoner. The young prince repented of his extravagance, but too late: the squad was killed, his patrimony is without a master, his wife is in grief, like all the people. The antipode of the frivolous ruler is the wise Svyatoslav, who says that the Russian lands need to be unified, and you just should not meddle with the enemies. He is responsible for his mission and condemns Igor's vanity. His "Golden Word" later became the basis of the political system of Russia.
      3. In Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, two types of commanders are opposed to each other: Kutuzov and Alexander the First. One protects his people, puts the well-being of the army above victory, while the other thinks only about the quick success of the business, and he does not care about the sacrifices of the soldiers. Due to the illiterate and short-sighted decisions of the Russian emperor, the army suffered losses, the soldiers were depressed and confused. But the tactics of Kutuzov brought Russia complete deliverance from the enemy with minimal losses. Therefore, it is very important to be a responsible and humane leader during the battle.

A selection of arguments on the topic "War" to the composition of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language. Questions and problems of fearlessness, courage, sympathy, cowardice, mutual support, help to one's own people, mercy, the right choice when participating in military operations. The impact of war on later life, character traits and perception of a warrior for peace. The contribution of children to the victory in the battle. How people are true to their words and do the right thing.

How did the warriors demonstrate courage in military operations?

In the story of M.A. Sholokhov's "The Fate of a Man" demonstrates genuine courage and resilience during hostilities. The main character of the story, Andrei Sokolov, goes into the army, temporarily leaving his household. In the name of peace around his relatives, he underwent a series of tests from the side of life: he starved, defended his homeland, was captured. He managed to escape from the place of imprisonment. The threat of death did not shake his resolve. Even in danger, he has not lost his positive traits. In the war, his entire family dies, but this did not stop Andrei. He showed what he was capable of after the war. The young orphan, who also lost all his relatives and friends, became the adopted son of Andrei. Sokolov is an image of not only an exemplary warrior, but also a real man who will not abandon his comrades in misfortune in trouble.

War as a phenomenon: what is the exact description of its fact?

The star of the program in the novel "The Book Thief" by writer Marcus Zusak Liesel is a teenage girl named Liesel, who lost her family's care just before the war. Her dad worked side by side with the communists. Her mother, fearing that the Nazis will capture the child, takes her daughter to another place for further education, away from the battles that have begun. The girl plunges headlong into a new life: she makes new friends, learns to read and write, and experiences the first skirmish with her peers. But the war still comes to her: blood, dirt, murder, explosions, pain, disappointment and horror. Liesel's stepfather tries to instill in the girl the desire to do good and not be indifferent to the suffering, but this is given to him at the cost of acquiring additional difficulties. Her adoptive parents help her hide one Jew in the basement, whom she looks after. Trying to help the prisoners, she spreads pieces of bread on the road in front of them, marching in formation. One thing becomes clear to her: the war does not spare anyone. Piles of books are burning everywhere, people are dying from shells and bullets, opponents of the current regime go to jail. Liesel will not put up with one thing: where did the joy of life go. Death itself, as it were, tells about what is happening, accompanying any battle and cutting off hundreds, thousands of other people's lives every day in every battle.

WITHcan a person come to terms with the sudden outbreak of hostilities?

Once in the "cauldron" of military operations, a person wonders why people massively kill each other. Pierre Bezukhov from Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" does not take part in battles, but in every way, within the framework of his strength, he solves the problems of his compatriots. The reality associated with military operations does not reach him until he sees the Borodino battle. He is amazed by his intransigence and cruelty, and even after being imprisoned during the battle, Bezukhov is not imbued with the spirit of battles. Almost going crazy from what he saw, Bezukhov meets Platon Karataev, and he brings him one simple truth: the main thing is not the outcome of the battle, but ordinary pleasant moments of human life. After all, even the ancient philosophers believed that happiness is in each of us, in our lifetime search for true answers to painful questions, in life in society. Wars will bring more bad than good.

The key person in G. Baklanov's story "Forever - Nineteen Years" Alexei Tretyakov is persistently looking for an answer to the question of why, after all, wars exist as a phenomenon, what they will give to the belligerent parties. He believes that war is an empty waste, because in battle, the individual life of any of the warriors is not worth a dime, and millions perish in the name of the interests of those in power who are interested in redistributing the world and the planet's resources.

Howdid the war affect children in general?How did they help to defeat the enemy?

When a just cause comes to the fore - the defense of the Fatherland, age is not a hindrance. As soon as a child realized that the only right decision is to stand breastfeeding in the path of the invaders, many conventions are discarded. Lev Kassil and Max Polyanovsky narrate in "Street of the Youngest Son" about a mysterious boy named Volodya Dubinin, who was born in the city of Kerch. In the local history museum, they will find out who this Volodya was. After meeting with his mother and school friends, they learn that Volodya was not much different from his peers until the war began. His dad served as the captain of a battleship and inspired his son that the city takes courage and fortitude. Volodya joined the partisans, was the first to find out about the retreat of the Nazis, but was blown up by a mine while clearing the approaches to the stone crusher. People have not forgotten Dubinin, who lay down on the bones in the name of liberating the Fatherland from the Nazis, who fought behind enemy lines along with his adult comrades.

The reaction of adults to children's contribution to victory over the enemy

Children are hardly useful in war - this is a place of fights between adults. In battles, people lose their relatives and friends, the war makes them forget everything that they were taught in a peaceful life, except for survival skills. No matter what efforts adults make to send children away from the places of battle, this good impulse does not always work for them. The main personage of Kataev's story "The Son of the Regiment" Ivan Solntsev loses all members of his family in the war, wanders through the forests, trying to go to his own. He meets scouts who will take him to the commander. Vanya was fed and sent to bed, and Captain Yenakiev decided to take him to an orphanage, but Vanya fled from there and came back. The captain decides to leave the child in the battery - he seeks to prove that the children will also be good for something, despite their still small age. Having gone on reconnaissance, Vanya draws a map of the surroundings, gets to the Germans, but in an unexpected commotion he takes advantage of the fact that the Nazis left him alone and escapes. Captain Yenakiev sends Vanya away from the battlefield with an important assignment. The first artillery brigade was killed, and in the last letter from the battlefield, the commander parts with everyone and asks to take Vanya under his wing.

Pardoning enemy prisoners of war, showing compassion after fighting

Mercy to the enemy after his capture is demonstrated only by the strong in spirit, for whom to shoot a person is not just a spit. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" clearly shows the manifestations of Russian soldiers to French. One night a company of Russian soldiers was warming up by the fire. Suddenly they heard a rustle, and two French soldiers approached them. One of them turned out to be an officer, his name was Rambal. Both froze, and the officer could not move freely and fell. The Russians fed them, and then the officer was carried to the house where the colonel was housed. The officer was accompanied by his subordinate Morel. Rambal treated the Russian soldiers as comrades, and the soldier sang a French tune while being among the Russian soldiers.

Even in war, human qualities are manifested, it is better not to destroy a weakened opponent, but to give him the opportunity to surrender himself.

Caring for neighbors during military operations

The work of Elena Vereiskaya "Three girls" tells about carefree girlfriends plunged into the war. Natasha, Katya and Lyusya live in a communal apartment in Leningrad, study and have fun together. In difficult times of war, they get closer to each other even closer. Their school, where they studied, was destroyed, instead of studying, now their goal is to survive. Growing up beyond her years makes itself felt: the formerly cheerful and frivolous Lucy acquires a sense of responsibility, Natasha looks more closely at the little things and tends to analyze, and Katya is confident in the decisions she has made. And although it became much more difficult to live with the advent of the war, it made them take care not only of each other, but also of their neighbors. During the war, they became more united, each of them thought and took care not so much of themselves as of others. According to the script, one local doctor shared food with a young boy, giving him most of it. In a hungry war time, people share with each other everything that they managed to gain before the start of the war, even when the threat of starvation hung over many, but such actions give hope of victory over the enemy. Support from neighbors is a relationship as a result of which the Soviet people defeated the Nazis.

How do people unite in the face of war danger?

A significant part of Russian novels and stories touches on the issue of the unity of people of different estates and classes during the period of hostilities. So, all in the same novel by Tolstoy "War and Peace" human qualities come to the fore, and not class-capitalist criteria, after all, there is no other person's misfortune, and sometimes the misfortune is of a universal nature. People who are completely different in outlook and convictions, who nevertheless live together, get involved in a common cause. The Rostovs abandon everything they have gained in Moscow, and the carts are addressed to their compatriots wounded in battles. The entrepreneur Feropontov is ready to distribute all his goods to the Russian soldiers, so that the French, if they win and settle here for a long time, will not get even a little bit. Bezukhov dresses up in a different uniform and is ready to meet Napoleon himself in Moscow in order to take his life. Tushin and Captain Timokhin carry out a combat mission, despite the lack of reinforcements. Nikolai Rostov goes into battle without fear of anyone or anything. According to Tolstoy, the Russian soldier will stop at nothing, he is ready to risk anything, including his own life, just to defeat the enemy, even if he is destined to die the death of the brave. That is why that war is called the Patriotic War - millions of people rallied, erasing before each other all boundaries and conventions, except for the duty to the Motherland, stood firm, swept away the enemy.

Why is the memory of the war needed?

No matter how comprehensively difficult the war may seem, one cannot forget about it. The memory of the war is not only a matter of the generations who have found it, people who have lost their loved ones, but also a universal phenomenon. The great wars, in which all peoples rose up within the framework of one state, in order to defeat others who came to their territory with fire and weapons, in order to capture and enslave, are remembered even after thousands of years. The war is reflected in thousands of works: novels and novellas, poems and poems, songs and music, films - it is this work that tells subsequent generations about that war. Thus, “Poems about Myself” by Olga Berggolts, who lost her husband in Leningrad, urges people not to forget about the hardships of war, about their ancestors who put their own lives on the line of war so that their descendants could live happily. Front-line battles, the life of the townspeople during the siege of Leningrad, clashes with the enemy and shelling - these poems, diaries and stories will not let people forget "how a Leningrader fell on the yellow snow of deserted squares." This cannot be erased from history - no matter how hard they try to rewrite it, thereby spitting in the memory of the 27 million people who gave their lives for the peace and well-being of Russia.

What is the key to victory in a war?

They say that one in the field is not a warrior. War is the lot of not one, but many people. Only equality and unity in the face of universal danger will help the people to withstand. In all the same Tolstoy in his "War and Peace", the unity of people is visible from everywhere. Fighting for a free and peaceful life, people forgot about internal disagreements. The courage and spirit of both the army as a whole and the individual soldier helped to expel the enemies from Russian soil. The purpose and historical significance of the battles at Schöngraben, Austerlitz and Borodino demonstrate the unity of the people, the solidarity of the Russians. Victory in any battle is given at the cost of the lives of soldiers, volunteers, peasants, partisans who work and fight for the good of the Fatherland - and not by the actions of military officials seeking to get stars for epaulettes and more bonuses. The unit commander, Captain Tushin, Tikhon Shcherbaty and Platon Karataev, entrepreneur Ferapontov, still very young Petya Rostov and many others, fought the enemy not by order from above, but for their families, homes, the welfare of the country as a whole, for further peace around them.

What good - and why - can be learned for the future from any outcome of the battle?

In Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, Andrei Bolkonsky went to war in order to make a name for himself and take a worthy position in society and among the military. Having abandoned everything that he had, leaving his family and friends, he chased after fame and recognition, but his ardor was short-lived - finding himself in the cruel reality of hostilities, he realized that the challenge he had thrown to himself was too tough for him. Bolkonsky was hungry. I wanted him to be worshiped by everyone - the reality of the devastating battles soon demonstrated, proved to him the opposite. It dawned on him that any war, except for pain, losses and deaths, would do nothing, there was little good in it. But his personal miscalculation showed that the love and value of family and friends are infinitely more valuable than loud odes to his name and a pedestal of fame. Whether you win or lose the battle - the main thing is to defeat yourself and not chase laurels.

TOWhat feelings will the conqueror have in the conqueror's endurance?

V. Kondratyev's story "Sashka" demonstrates an example of the enemy's resilience. The Russian soldier will capture the German. The company commander could not get any information about the enemy's actions from the German, and Alexander brings the "Fritz" to the division headquarters. On the way, the soldier, with the help of a leaflet, informed the German that he would remain alive and return home, as well as others who had surrendered. But the company commander, whose relative died in this war, gives the order to take the prisoner's life. Sasha cannot take and shoot a soldier like him, puts himself in his place and assures that under similar conditions he would behave no better than a prisoner whose weapon was taken away. The German soldier did not tell anything about his own people, but, having preserved his human dignity, he did not even ask to be spared. Sashka, exposing himself to the danger of a military court, does not follow the order of the battalion commander, and he, seeing how true Alexander is in his righteousness, does not insist on the order to shoot the prisoner.

How does fighting change attitudes and character?

G. Baklanov and his story "Forever - Nineteen Years" tells about the responsibility and memory of people, which unites them. “Through a great catastrophe - a great liberation of the spirit,” said Atrakovsky. - Never before has so much depended on each of us. Therefore, we will win. And this will not be forgotten. The star goes out, but the field of attraction remains. That's how people are. " Fighting is not only a disaster. Breaking, and often depriving people of life, wars spur spiritual self-education, reformat the consciousness of the people, and each survivor in battle acquires true life values. People become tempered, overestimate values ​​- what they doomed themselves to sufferings yesterday is insignificant today, and what they passed by, did not notice at close range, is striking today.

War is an outrage against humanity

I. Shmelev in his "Sun of the Dead" does not hide the fear of war. "The smell of decay", "cackle, stomp and roar" of human beings, herds of "fresh human meat, young meat!" and “one hundred and twenty thousand heads! Human! " In war, sometimes people lose the most precious thing they have - their lives. In a war, an animal is seen in a person, and these negative qualities force everyone there to do things to which he would never agree in peacetime. Material damage, regardless of its magnitude and taxonomy, is not the main thing. No matter what happens - hunger, bad weather, crop failure due to drought, these phenomena are not evil. Evil arises and multiplies through the fault of a person who did not oppose him, such a person lives in one day and does not think about tomorrow, here "everything is nothing!" "And there is no one, and none." Any positive moral qualities, spirituality and soul in a person will forever be at the forefront, and no war should wake up a beast in a person who has trampled everything good and good and took up his dark deeds.

How does war change people's attitudes?

K. Vorobyov in his story “Killed near Moscow” says: battles are a colossus, “made up of thousands and thousands of efforts of different people, moved, moves not someone else's will, but itself, having received its move, and therefore unstoppable”. The elderly owner of the house, where the soldiers, retreating, abandon the wounded, believes that the war will write off everything, because it is “the main one” here. The life of people revolves around the war, which has violated both the peaceful life and the fate of each inhabitant, and his awareness of himself in this world. The strongest win the war. "In war - who is the first to fail." Soviet soldiers do not forget about death, which is the result of hostilities for many who went to fight: “It was during the first months at the front that he was ashamed of himself, he thought he was the only one. Everything is so in these minutes, everyone overcomes them with himself alone: ​​there will be no other life ”. A fighter who is ready to lie down for the Fatherland with bones, to complete any, at first unreal and impracticable, combat mission and to become the standard of courage and heroism for those who take his place - then, having fallen into captivity and, again, not forgetting about death, which can knock on his life at any moment, he slides down to the level of an animal. He doesn't care, all conventions are sent away, he wants to live. War mutilates people not only physically, but also changes them morally beyond recognition: so, having received an injury, a soldier does not assume how he will live when the war is over, whether he will be given a worthy place at home, in his environment, he often thinks what is better the war would not end.

How will a person answer for wartime misdeeds, will they become his mental stigma for the rest of his life

V. Grossman and his story "Abel (August 6th)" are thoughts and conclusions about the futility of wars. The Japanese city of Hiroshima, almost swept to the ground by a nuclear bomb, was an indicator of the damage to the global ecology and an example of the misfortune of Japanese citizens, as well as the internal tragedy of the protagonist. What drove Connor to push the nuclear button on August 6, 1945? Of course, he answered in full for such a crime. For this scorer, this act became an internal duel: here everyone in his place is a trembling creature with his own shortcomings, thinking only about how to survive on its own. But not always, in order to preserve the human element, you stay alive. Human qualities will not manifest themselves without connection with what happened, without answering for their actions and what was their result. When one and the same personality is split in two between the preservation of peace and the soldier's training aimed at fulfilling the entrusted task, the young mind undergoes the same split. The bomber crew are participants, not all of whom are fully responsible for what they have done, many of them talk about lofty tasks. The bombing of Hiroshima is a response from "fascism to fascism." Joe Connor is trying to escape from himself, his obsessive-compulsive hand-washing is like an attempt to brush off the blood of those people whom he killed with a nuclear bomb. In the end, he becomes crazy, realizing that the atrocity he has committed is beyond his capacity, and that he will not be able to live normally with it.

In the text proposed for analysis, Yu. Ya. Yakovlev raises the problem of heroism, heroism and selflessness. It is over her that he ponders.

This problem of a socio-moral nature cannot but worry a modern person.

The writer reveals this problem using the example of a story about a history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but after learning that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their hour of death so that they would not it was so scary and to soften the picture of horror that unfolded in front of them: “He was afraid to be late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could hardly stay on his feet.

He found his class, gathered all his students. And many more children joined this fifth grade, because when the teacher is nearby, it’s not so scary. ”

And also the writer shows the courage, fearlessness and selflessness of the teacher, his love for children, how he inspired them, teaching them his last lesson: “” Children, - said the teacher, - I told you how real people died for their homeland. Now

it's our turn. Come on! Your last history lesson begins. " And the fifth grade followed their teacher. "

The author's position is clear: Yu. Ya. Yakovlev believes that feat can be understood not only to save the lives of other people, but also to help in the hour of death, for example, to become an example to follow and support, especially if you have to sacrifice your life for this.

This problem is reflected in fiction. For example, in the novel by FM Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living on the "yellow ticket" in order to feed her stepmother, sick with consumption, her young children and her drunken father. Sonya helps Raskolnikov overcome herself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor. Throughout the novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is the story of Maxim Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil", in particular, the legend about Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, to prove his love for people, tore open his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of the dark forest. Danko is the embodiment of disinterested, sublime and sacrificial love for people, he accomplished a feat, sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: exploit is understood not only to save the lives of others, but also to help, self-sacrifice.

Other works on this topic:

  1. In the center of our attention is the work of Vladimirovich Bogomolov, a Russian writer, which describes the problem of feat, heroism, dedication, willingness to sacrifice oneself. In the text, the author talks about the feat ...
  2. B. Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man". Alexei Meresiev's fighter plane was shot down. Shell-shocked and wounded, the hero was able to survive and crawl out of the forest to his own. After amputation ...
  3. 1. Danko as the ideal hero. 2. Danko's goal. 3. The opposition of the hero and the crowd. In their work, writers often turn to the theme of heroism. Heroic deeds of people ...
  4. “Recently, I have read and heard more than once that the alleged mass heroism of the Soviet people during the Great Patriotic War was due to ...
  5. Larra and Danko are characters representing two types of romantic characters: antihero and hero. Selfishness and pride of the son of an eagle and an earthly woman do not bring happiness to Larra ...
  6. Is there a place for heroism in peacetime? This serious problem is discussed ——— in this text. The author says that ———. Sometimes in a peaceful life ...
  7. In life ... there is always a place for exploits. M. Gorky The first works of M. Gorky immediately attracted attention with their romantic pathos, depicting proud and courageous people ...
  8. The writer and journalist E.G. Krieger in his story addresses the problem of the heroism of Soviet people who had a chance to restore industry during the war. The author shows the workers ...
  9. The world of romantic works of the early period of creativity M. Gorky. The description of events in the novels and other works of the early M. Gorky, the romantic period, differs from the generally accepted understanding of this ...
  10. The creative activity of Mikhail Sholokhov is closely connected with the fate of the Russian people. The writer himself assessed his work "The Fate of Man" as the first step towards the creation of a whole ...

The problem of feat, heroism and dedication (Arguments of the exam)

In the text proposed for analysis by Yu. Yakovlev raises the problem of heroism, heroism and selflessness. It is over her that he ponders.

This problem of a socio-moral nature cannot but worry a modern person.

The writer reveals this problem using the example of a story about a history teacher who had the opportunity to save his life, but after learning that the inhabitants of Kragujevac were dying, among whom were his students, he decided to be with the children in their hour of death so that they would not it was so scary and to soften the picture of horror that unfolded in front of them: "He was afraid to be late and ran all the way, and when he got to Kragujevac, he could hardly keep his feet. He found his class, gathered all his students. And they joined this fifth grade. there are still many children, because when the teacher is nearby, it is not so scary. "

And also the writer shows the courage, fearlessness and selflessness of the teacher, his love for children, how he inspired them, teaching them his last lesson: “Children, - said the teacher, - I told you how real people died for their homeland.

Now it's our turn. Come on! Your last history lesson begins. "And the fifth grade followed their teacher."

The author's position is clear: Yu. Yakovlev believes that feat can be understood not only to save the lives of other people, but also to help in the hour of death, for example, to become an example to follow and support, especially if you have to sacrifice your life for this.

This problem is reflected in fiction. For example, in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" Sonya Marmeladova sacrifices herself, living on the "yellow ticket" in order to feed her stepmother, sick with consumption, her young children and her drunken father. Sonya helps Raskolnikov overcome herself, shares his fate, following him to hard labor. Throughout the novel, Sonya performs repeated feats, trying to save and saving the lives of people dear and close to her, which characterizes her as a highly moral person, strong in spirit.

Another example is the story of Maxim Gorky "The Old Woman Izergil", in particular, the legend about Danko, which is told by the old woman Izergil. Danko, to prove his love for people, tore open his chest, took out his burning heart and ran forward, holding it like a torch, thereby leading people out of the dark forest. Danko is the embodiment of disinterested, sublime and sacrificial love for people, he accomplished a feat, sacrificing himself for their salvation.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: exploit is understood not only to save the lives of others, but also to help, self-sacrifice.