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Likhachev exam, I recently received a letter. Preparing for the exam. Arguments for the composition. Let's give examples of the definition of communication means in a short text

Mistakes in our difficult life ... Is it possible to live life without making mistakes? How to gain life experience and become wiser? The well-known philologist D.S. Likhachev.

Reflecting on this problem, the author cites as an example a letter from a schoolgirl who asks: should one pay attention to the mistakes of great people? Likhachev replies that “no one is free from mistakes” even in everyday life. Indeed, it cannot be denied that everyone has made a mistake at least once. But how can we fix what we have done? Developing this question, Likhachev recalls an episode from his life when a young man had the strength to admit his bad deed. This acquaintance delighted Likhachev and helped him understand that it is important "to break oneself, to find the courage and courage to admit mistakes." Likhachev also notes that it is not too late to correct the mistakes of youth even in adulthood.

D.S. Likhachev believes that the path of admitting mistakes can be long and difficult, but only a person who has repented of his sins is able to preserve honor and dignity.

Often the most serious mistakes a person makes in his youth due to lack of experience. This situation is described in the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F.M. Dostoevsky. Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor student, wishing to test the theory of a strong personality in practice, goes to crime against the law and conscience: he cold-bloodedly kills an old woman-money-lender. But Rodion cannot overstep his human essence, his conscience torments him. Soon he realizes that he made a mistake and comes up with a confession to pay for what he did. In hard labor, the hero gradually takes the path of spiritual and moral development. F.M. Dostoevsky emphasizes that a person who has repented of his mistakes is worthy of forgiveness and needs guidance and compassion.

The difficult path of redemption is shown by Bulgakov in the novel The Master and Margarita. The procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, faces a difficult choice: to execute the philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri, preaching humanism, or to incur the wrath of Caesar, whose authority is "undeniable." Cowardice prevails over Pontius Pilate, and he signs the death warrant to the sage, although he himself is not happy with his decision. The payment for this act was immortality and loneliness for two thousand years. The procurator's mistake was irreparable, but he realized what he had done and sincerely repented that he had punished the innocent. In the finale of the novel, the Master and Pontius Pilate meet in eternal peace, Woland believes that the procurator deserves forgiveness and allows him to be released. Using the example of Pontius Pilate, Bulgakov shows us that we need to follow the call of conscience, only this can save us from tragic mistakes.

Indeed, the whole life of a person is an eternal search for his place in life through trial and error. The main thing is that a person, making mistakes, accepts these mistakes, analyzes them and thereby gains invaluable life experience.

Russian lesson. Preparing for the exam. Task number 25. Argument

The purpose of the lesson: to teach on the basis of someone else's text to create your own, comprehending the author's position and proving your opinion; work with a dictionary; collection of literary material based on read works;

Methods and techniques for developing critical thinking through reading and writing.

Literature: DS Likhachev, text from the cycle "Letters about the good and the beautiful."

During the classes.

    Organizational moment.

    Call. The words from the poem "Honor" by Nikolai Glazkov are written on the blackboard

Life is meaningful if there is
Preserved honor!

We often say the word honor: a matter of honor, honor by honor, take care of honor ...

What is honor?

Is life really meaningless without honor?

Or maybe this concept is outdated in the 21st century?

(Possible answers. Entries in the notebook of their assumptions).

The class is divided into 2 groups. (5 persons)

1 group. Collect information for argumentation in the essay on honor.

Group 2. Collect information for argumentation in an essay on conscience.

Work plan.

    Write definitions from the explanatory dictionary.

    From the history of the emergence of categories of honor and conscience.

    Do you need honor and conscience? What for?

    Find synonyms and antonyms

    Aphorisms, quotes, proverbs about honor (about conscience).

    An example from the literature. Counter-arguments.

    Difference line.

Answer options.

Working with an explanatory dictionary.

Honor is a concept that evaluates such qualities of a person as loyalty, justice, truthfulness, nobility, dignity, independence.

Conscience - a person's ability to exercise moral control and moral self-assessment of his actions, behavior; one of the expressions of the moral self-awareness of the individual; internal self-esteem.

    Genus / species.

Honor and conscience are moral categories that determine personality traits.


In the design of the categories of honor and conscience, a military epic played. Even in ancient times, a warrior claimed a special honor, and the military class held a special position, since soldiers could die in battles (they gave their lives to defend their homeland).

In the Middle Ages, knights became the embodiment of honor, conscience and dignity. Knightly Middle Ages. Hero of M. Cervantes Don Quixote.

Russian bogatyrs.

    Function. Do you need honor and conscience? What for?

Without honor and conscience, the human race would have died out long ago: conscience is the inner voice of a real person, a voice that controls our thoughts, actions, deeds.

    Synonyms, antonyms.

Conscience is shame.

Antonyms: shamelessness, licentiousness, arrogance, godlessness.

Honor is honor, respect, greatness.

Antonyms: dishonor, shame, disrespect, dishonor, shamelessness


A person deprived of both honor and conscience, and thinks only of his own well-being.

(T. Draizer, the novel "The Financier") V. Rasputin, the story "Live and Remember"

7. Testimony (aphorisms, proverbs, verses)

"The most important adornment of a person is a clear conscience" Cicero

"Yes, he is pitiful who has an unclean conscience." A.S. Pushkin

Take care of honor from a young age.

For conscience and honor - even to take off your head.

A bad conscience does not let you sleep.

“What is fame? It is happiness for us to live in peace with our conscience! " G. Derzhavin.


Poems by E. Yevtushenko "The Pangs of Conscience"

Pangs of conscience

Evgeny Evtushenko

We live without preparing to die,
So we forget the shame
But madonna's invisible conscience
Stands at any intersection.

And her children and grandchildren wander
With a vagrant stick and a bag -
The pangs of conscience are strange pangs
On a land shameless to so many.

From the gate again to the gate,
From the threshold again to the threshold
They wander like kaliki
They have God in their bosom.

Are they not with reproach to the immortals
They pounded secretly with a dull fingernail
In the mica windows of the smerds,
And in the mansion of the kings - with a fist?

Aren't they on the driven troika
They rushed Pushkin into the darkness of the blizzard,
Dostoevsky was driven to prison
And they whispered to Tolstoy: "Run!"

The executioners understood perfectly:
“The one who suffers is a troublemaker.
The pangs of conscience are dangerous.
Knock out the conscience so that there is no torment. "

But as if the alarm sounds,
Shaking their roof at night
The pangs of conscience are terrible torments
They penetrated the executioners themselves.

After all, those who are on guard for falsehood,
Who lost their honor long ago
If you don't even have a conscience -
The pangs of conscience seem to be there.

And as long as in the world on white,
Where no one is sinless, no one
Someone hears: "What have I done?"
You can do something with the ground.

I don't believe in flood prophets
To the second or to the thousandth Rome,
I believe in quiet: "What are you doing?"
I believe in bitter things: "What are we doing?"

And kiss your dark hands
Disbelief on a slippery edge
The pangs of conscience are light pangs
For my last faith.


V. Rasputin, "Live and Remember". An example of dishonor.

Andrey Guskov - committed a crime: he deserted during the V, O. war. "In a war, a person is not free to dispose of himself, but he gave orders." His wife, Nastena, comes to the aid of her husband. "How to get him out of this trouble, how to live to help?" She sacrifices herself in the name of the salvation of a loved one, steps over all moral principles: she lies, dodges. Andrei - a man without honor and conscience, drove himself and his loved ones into a dead end. There was something bestial in this hero, who lived in the wild taiga, far from people in eternal fear ... Two fates: dead end and tragedy, two deaths: spiritual and physical. Nastena passed away, covering up his crime and took with her the secret of her husband's crime.

DS Likhachev: “In my opinion, the conscience in every person is his inner compass”.

Leo Tolstoy, the novel "War and Peace", its hero Andrei Bolkonsky is the embodiment of the honor and dignity of a Russian officer.

An example of dishonor is Anatol Kuragin. His dishonorable act towards Natasha.

V. Degtev, story "Immoral order". Captain's act.

Could he have done otherwise?

3. Working with text. Comprehension, understanding. (By groups)

What does it say about conscience?

Text by D.S. Likhachev

1 I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her
girlfriend. 2 a literature teacher asked this friend to write
an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. 3.And in this essay
schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his importance
in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. 4 the teacher
considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. 5. And here's a friend of that
schoolgirls asks me: is it possible to write about mistakes
great people? 6. I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about
mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he is in nothing
was wrong. 7.No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our complex
life. What is important to a person? How to live life? First of all - not
commit any acts that would drop his dignity.
There is not much you can do in life, but if you don’t do anything,
even a petty one, against your conscience, then by this you bring
colossal benefit. Even in our everyday life.
But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when before
a person has a problem of choice - to be dishonored in the eyes
others or in their own. I'm sure it's better to be
dishonored before others than before his own conscience. Man
must be able to sacrifice himself. Of course, such a sacrifice is
heroic deed. But you have to go for it.
When I say that a person should not go against his
conscience, should not make a deal with her, I do not mean at all that
a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) Nobody
free from mistakes in our complex life. However, a person who
stumbled, a grave danger lies in wait: he often comes
in despair. He begins to think that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone is lying
and do bad things. Disappointment comes, and disappointment, loss
belief in people, in decency is the worst thing.
Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." But even if it failed
to preserve honor from a young age, it is necessary and can be returned to oneself in adulthood,
to break yourself, to find the courage and courage to admit mistakes.
I know a person who is now admired by everyone, who is very
appreciate, whom I loved in the last years of his life. Meanwhile
in his youth he did a bad deed, a very bad one. And he told me
then he told about this act. He confessed himself. Later we sailed
with him on the ship, and he said, leaning on the deck rail: “But I thought
that you won't even talk to me. " I didn't even understand what he was talking about:
my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he admitted
in the sins of youth. I myself already understood that he did not realize much from
what was doing ...
The road to repentance can be long and difficult. But how
embellishes the courage to admit one's guilt - embellishes both a person and society.
Anxieties of conscience ... They prompt, teach; they help not
violate ethical norms, maintain dignity - moral dignity
living person.

    Reflection. Creative work.

How to live life? Can you live it without mistakes? Why is it so important to be able to admit your guilt and repent? These and other questions arise after reading the text of D.S. Likhachev.

In his text, Dmitry Sergeevich raises the problem of conscience. To draw attention to the problem, he talks about a letter from a schoolgirl, where she says that her friend was forbidden by the teacher to write "about the mistakes of great people." The author does not agree with this, he believes "that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything." Everyone is mistaken, the main thing, the author believes, is “to find the courage and courage to admit mistakes”.

He talks about a person close to him, who in his youth committed a very bad deed. And now everyone admires and appreciates him. DS Likhachev is convinced that it is never too late to repent. And help in this "anxiety of conscience." "They suggest, teach ...". The problem raised by the author made me think deeply about the importance of conscience in the life of every person.

The position of the author of the text is clear to me. It is revealed in the following sentence: “They (the troubles of conscience) prompt, teach; they help not to violate ethical norms, to preserve the dignity - the dignity of a morally living person. " Conscience gives us the opportunity to realize mistakes, repent and live on, "doing nothing, even small, against our conscience."

I share the author's point of view and am also convinced that it is very difficult to “preserve honor” throughout life, everyone is wrong. It is difficult, but necessary, to admit your mistakes so as not to make them again. Conscience will tell you where we stumbled, where we turned off the right path. And the "worries of conscience" will help a person come to repentance, sometimes a long and difficult path. Writers often put their heroes to the test where they make mistakes. Those of them who go through the "troubles of conscience," repentance have the right to forgiveness and a new life. I'll try to prove it.

The problem of an uneasy conscience is raised by F.M. Dostoevsky in the novel "Crime and Punishment". Raskolnikov went to the murder of the old woman-pawnbroker to test his theory, according to which he divided people into two groups: "trembling creatures" and "having the right", and the latter had the right to step over and through blood. He kills, as he believes, a vile, useless old woman and Lizaveta, an accidental witness to his crime. The hero is sure that he is "entitled to". But a restless conscience made him go through such torments that we truly feel when reading the novel, that he understood: no one has the right to kill. Any theories that give the go-ahead are false. Raskolnikov will go a long painful path before repenting. But at the end of the novel we see another hero, renewed and brought back to life, albeit at the very beginning of a new path. And we, the readers, are very happy for him in our hearts.

In the novel by M.A. Bulgakov's The Master and Margarita by Pontius Pilate is tormented by pangs of conscience. Headache is a symptom of a restless conscience, loss of oneself as a person. The procurator is responsible for hundreds of crimes, but the worst thing is the execution of the innocent philosopher Yeshua Ha-Nozri. He was afraid to save him from death. There is no rest for Pontius Pilate "twelve thousand moons", only at night he has a dream in which there was no execution, and Pontius Pilate did not chicken out, but saved the mad dreamer. But the dream ends, and he is again tormented by the pangs of conscience. The master will free the procurator from long torment, so his novel will end. Forgiven, he walks along the lunar road with Yeshua Ha-Notsri.

In conclusion, I will emphasize once again: conscience is given to a person so that he can evaluate his actions, so that he can admit his mistakes. She shows us the right path in life. Listen to your inner voice, conscience. Try to do things for which you will not be ashamed. Live by your conscience!

Updated: 2018-01-10

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Option 4

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) In 1943, the Hungarian Laszlo Biro, who received an order from the British Royal Air Force to develop a pen capable of writing at high altitudes at low pressure, first proposed the use of a rod consisting of a channel covered with a metal ball. (2) The first ballpoint pens were just terrible: balls fell out, air bubbles blocked the nibbler, ink often began to flow out, and at first people were more familiar and seemed to be easier to write with a regular fountain pen. (3) a ballpoint pen could write with a stronger pressure than a fountain pen, it did not scratch the paper, it made fewer blots, and therefore quickly gained popularity.
1. Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro for the British Air Force, quickly gained popularity despite a number of shortcomings.
2) A ballpoint pen capable of writing at high altitudes with low pressure was developed by the Briton Laszlo Biro: he used a rod consisting of a channel blocked by a metal ball.
3) The first ballpoint pens, invented by order of the British Royal Air Force, were not in demand by the population: people preferred to write with ordinary fountain pens.
4) Despite the fact that the first ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro for the British Air Force, had many disadvantages, they very quickly became popular due to their fundamental advantages over fountain pens.
5) Laszlo Biro went down in history as the inventor of a ballpoint pen that could write at high altitudes with low pressure, did not scratch paper and made fewer blots.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

For example,

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word LOW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.
LOW, th, th; -zok, zko, zko, zko.
1) Small in height, located at a low height from the ground, from some n. level. N. fence.
2) Not reaching the average level, less than the average rate, insignificant. Low prices.
3) Bad, unsatisfactory in terms of quality. N. grade.
4) Vile, dishonorable (contempt.). N. act.
5) Dense by ear. N. bass.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word down.

5. In one of the sentences below, the highlighted word is INCORRECT. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

All elements should form a single HARMONIOUS whole and correspond to your ideological plan.
He took a deep INHALATION and resolutely approached Gerasim.
The water was ICE, teeth ached from it, and it was swallowed with a ringing sound.
In the provinces, the DEFLECTION from jury duty in the early years was negligible.
A TECHNICAL chess player must be able to play on two flanks.
6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

fixed more RELIABLE
Lie on your back
seedlings APPLE
pick up from the NURSERY
7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition
B) violation in the construction of a complex sentence
C) incorrect construction of a sentence with a participial turnover
D) incorrect construction of a sentence with indirect speech
E) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members
1) Antipov annoyed the repair service with complaints about the material shipped to him to renew the railroad track.
2) Standing on the threshold of the house, the parents watched the leaving children for a long time.
3) Upon arrival from Greece, I sat down to write a new book.
4) In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin conveyed much of what he heard from his nanny Arina Rodionovna.
5) To get to Ryabtsev, who occupied an office on the fifth floor, Nastasya had to explain the purpose of her visit to a dozen guards.
6) I was not accepted into the school's basketball team. Because I was short.
7) When creating a project for a new building, the architect said that I want to make this building the most beautiful in the city.
8) Mistakes not only bring pain, but also make us wiser.
9) The war was a difficult test for the entire people, but everyone believed and hoped for victory.

8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable root vowel. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

see ... confuse (with circumstances)
bl .. growing
9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

and ... tries, in ... head (institution)
pr..could, pr..bereg
super..gra, ob..sk
ave..grandfather, ave..peak
(I see) in..real, since..young
10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

peck out
beggar ... nsky
cough ...
11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

you have suffered ... you are
kind .. my
dozing ... you
outlined ...
12. Identify a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

Winter is (NOT) GIVELY angry, its time has passed
His home life, none of those around him (NOT) INTERESTING, went on as usual.
It was a month of (NOT) BLAZED by bad events of happiness.
My new friend was a (NOT) POOR man, but his stinginess discouraged me.
(NOT) WELCOMELY and cordially met Olga Stas, but cold and aloof.
13. Define a sentence in which both selected words are written LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) WHY in separation from her, (ON) BURNING with backbiting, the heart in us is ready to bleed to a drop
(IN) VISIBLY, the very principle from which this truth proceeds obliges you, (IN) THE VIEW of your position in society, to recognize in it only an inner light.
(ON) AMONG the room (B) FOR 20 years there was the same table, covered with the same lace tablecloth.
I, for whatever reason, wanted to meet Sonya, tell her how I missed, how I suffered (IN) ALONE, not daring to confess my feelings to anyone.
The officer stood (ON) the HOOK, and the general, meanwhile, gave the order to the soldiers to line up in columns (ON) TWO.
14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which NN is written.

Immediately I remembered a mirror up to the floor, immediately (1) about reflecting the second istask (2) th and ditch (3) th Ball, antlers in height, countless (4) fur coats and galoshes.
15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In the distance, I heard the sound of a motor or the crunch of a falling tree.
2) Vasily Porfirych handed out to children a microscopic piece of prosphora, got drunk tea and sat down in the study.
3) This was a gentleman, no longer young for years, prim and dignified with a careful and grumpy face.
4) These trees have been related to us for centuries and gave our ancestors creaky sandals and a smokeless torch.
5) Darwin was distinguished for almost his entire life by disordered health, and this did not prevent him from showing the highest level of intensity of mental work.
16. Arrange all punctuation marks: write the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

The swimmer was brave (1) who decided on such a night (2) to set off across the strait at a distance of twenty miles (3) and there must be an important reason (4) that prompted him to do this.
17. Arrange any missing punctuation marks: indicate the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

Talking to you (1) my dear (2) I (3) finally (4) came to one single thought: if we are (5) gentle (6) my friend (7) we cannot breathe without each other (8) however (9) the will of our parents hinders our well-being, can we not do without it?
18. Arrange all punctuation marks: write the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses (1) the population (2) of which (3) would be enough for a whole district town (4), Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lay in bed in the morning in his apartment.
19. Arrange all punctuation marks: write the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be (s) a comma (s).

Yegorushka looked around (1) and did not understand (2) where this strange song came from (3) but (4) when he listened (5) it began to seem to him (6) that it was grass singing, complaining about the heat and drought.
20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by excluding the extra word. Write this word down.

It was useless to hide the true truth, and Serpilin did not even consider himself entitled to do this.

Read the text and complete assignments 21 - 26
(1) I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. (2) The teacher of literature invited this friend to write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. (3) And in this essay, the schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his importance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. (4) The teacher considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. (5) And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? (6) I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. (7) No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our difficult life.
(8) What is important to a person? (9) How to live life? (10) First of all - not to commit any acts that would lower his dignity. (11) You can not do very much in life, but if you do not do anything, even small, against your conscience, then by doing so you bring tremendous benefits. (12) Even in our everyday life. (13) But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when a person is faced with the problem of choosing - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. (14) I am confident that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your conscience. (15) A person should be able to sacrifice himself. (16) Of course, such a sacrifice is a heroic act. (17) But you have to go for it.
(18) When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) No one is free from mistakes in our difficult life. (20) However, a person who has stumbled faces a grave danger: he often comes to despair. (21) It begins to seem to him that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone is lying and doing bad things. (22) Disappointment comes, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency is the worst thing.
(23) Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." (24) But even if it was not possible to preserve honor from a young age, it must and can be returned to oneself at a mature age, to break oneself, to find the courage and courage to admit mistakes.
(25) I know a person who is now admired by everyone, whom they highly value, whom I also loved in the last years of his life. (26) Meanwhile, in his youth, he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. (27) And he later told me about this act. (28) He confessed himself. (29) Later we sailed with him on a motor ship, and he said, leaning on the deck rail: "But I thought that you would not talk to me." (30) I didn't even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. (31) I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...
(32) The road to repentance can be long and difficult. (33) But how does the courage to admit one's guilt decorate - it decorates both a person and society.
(34) Anxieties of conscience ... (35) They prompt, teach; they help not to violate ethical norms, to preserve the dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

(after D.S.Likhachev *)
* Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev (1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) Likhachev writes that a schoolgirl, his student, turned to him with a question.
2) In the text, concepts such as "honor" and "conscience" are very closely related to each other.
3) Sacrificing yourself is a heroic act, and you need to think very well before you go for it.
4) When a person is out of tune with his conscience, it seems to him that everyone around is lying and doing bad things.
5) A friend of the hero-narrator confessed to him the mistakes he made on the ship.

22. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.
Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Propositions 13-14 present the reasoning.
2) Sentence 21 explains, discloses the content of sentence 20.
3) Proposition 24 contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in Proposition 23.
4) Propositions 26-28 contain reasoning.
5) Sentences 34–35 provide a description.

23. From sentences 18-22 write out a phraseological unit with the meaning "to mean someone, something."

24. Among sentences 1–7, find the one (s) that is (s) related to the previous one by means of the creative conjunction, demonstrative pronoun and word forms.

25. "Techniques of expressiveness in the works of D.S. Likhachev play a special role: they clarify the author's idea, concretize the details, and place the necessary logical accents. In the presented text, among such techniques one can single out (A) _______ (sentences 11–12) and (B) ________ (in sentences 23, 29). A feature of D.S. Likhachev is also such a technique as (B) ________ ("in our life" in sentence 7). Among the few tropes, it is worth highlighting (D) _______ ("bitter situations" in sentence 13 ".
List of terms:
1) epithets
2) antonyms
3) parceling
4) colloquial words
5) rows of homogeneous members of the sentence
6) quoting
7) lexical repetition
8) metonymy
9) assonance

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.
Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.
Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in the commentary two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).
Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write, do you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argument your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).
The length of the essay is at least 150 words.
Option 4
1. Answer: 14 | 41.
2. Answer: however.
3. Answer: 2.
4. Answer: bear fruit.
5. Answer: evasion.
6. Answer: Reliable.
7. Answer: 26579
8. Answer: accept
9. Answer: frankly angry
10. Answer: unstick
11. Answer: dozing
12. Answer: not without reason
13. Answer: why in spite of
14. Answer: 124.
15. Answer: 25
16. Answer: 12578
18. Answer: 14.
19. Answer: 2356.
20. Answer: true.
21. Answer: 24
22. Answer: 12.
23. Answer: 3
25. Answer: 3671

1. The problem of mistakes in human life. (Can you live your life without making any mistakes?)
1. In our complex life, no one is free from mistakes. Making mistakes, being aware of them is a natural process

2. The problem of the relationship between the greatness of a person and the mistakes that he made. The problem of publicizing the mistakes of great people. (Can the greatness of a person consist in the fact that he was not mistaken in anything? Is the concept of "greatness" related to the mistakes that a person makes? Can we talk about the mistakes of great people or should it be hidden?)
2. The greatness of man does not lie in the fact that he did not make any mistakes. Therefore, one can and should talk about the mistakes of great people.

3. The problem of the role of conscience in human life. (What is the role of conscience in a person's life? Does life "by conscience" protect against mistakes? Does life "by conscience" bring benefits?)
3. Living "according to conscience" does not protect against mistakes, but conscience is what prompts, teaches, helps not to violate ethical norms, to preserve the dignity of a morally living person. Even if a person did not do much in life, but lived in harmony with his conscience, he has already brought significant benefits.

4. The problem of choosing landmarks on the path of life. (How should a person live his life? What is important for him to focus on first of all?)
4. A person should not commit any actions that would lower his dignity. You don't have to go against your conscience. Therefore, the main guideline should be one's own conscience.

5. The problem of choice: to be dishonored in the eyes of others - or in your own. (Which is better: to be dishonored in the eyes of others or to lose honor and dignity in your own eyes?)
5. It is better to be dishonored before other people than before your conscience. Of course, dishonor in the eyes of others is a great sacrifice, but it must be made ..

6. The problem of honor. (Is it possible, having committed a bad, dishonorable act in youth, to regain honor in adulthood?)
6. If you have not managed to preserve honor from a young age, you can and should regain it in adulthood.

7. The problem of remorse. (Do you need to repent of mistakes you have made?)
7. Despite the fact that the path to repentance can be long and difficult, since it is very difficult to admit your mistakes, it is very useful, it beautifies a person, because repentance is a manifestation of courage

8. The problem of the consequences of mistakes. (What dangers await a person who makes a mistake? What is one of the worst consequences of a mistake?)
8. A person who has made a mistake can become desperate. Then there may be disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency, and this is the worst thing.

* For the formulation of the problem, the examinees may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the table. The problem can also be cited from the source text or indicated by reference to sentence numbers

Once upon a time, a very long time ago, they sent me an important edition of The Lay of Igor's Campaign. For a long time I could not understand: what's the matter? At the institute they signed that the book was received, but the book was not. Finally it turned out that one respectable lady had taken it. I asked the lady: "Did you take the book?" “Yes,” she replies. - I took it. But if you need it so much, I can return it. " And while the lady smiles coquettishly. “But the book was sent to me. If you need it, you should have asked me for it. You put me in an awkward position in front of the person who sent it. I didn't even thank him. "

I repeat; that was a long time ago. And one could forget about this incident. But nevertheless I sometimes remember him - life reminds me.

Indeed, it seems, what a trifle! To "read" the book, "forget" to return it to its owner ... Now it has become, as it were, in the order of things. Many justify themselves by saying that I need this book more than the owner; I cannot do without her, but he will do! A new phenomenon has spread - "intellectual" theft, seemingly quite excusable, justified by enthusiasm, craving for culture. Sometimes they even say that “reading” a book is not theft at all, but a sign of intelligence. Just think: a dishonorable act - and intelligence! Doesn't it seem to you that this is simply color blindness? Moral color blindness: we have forgotten how to distinguish colors, or rather, to distinguish black from white. Theft is theft, theft is theft, a dishonorable deed remains a dishonorable deed, no matter how and how they are justified! And a lie is a lie, and, in the end, I do not believe that a lie can be salvation.
After all, even to ride a "hare" in a tram is the same theft. There is no petty theft, no petty theft - there is just theft and just theft. There is no small deception and big deception - there is simply deception, a lie. It is not without reason that it is said: faithful in little - and faithful in great. Sometime, by chance, fleetingly, you will recall an insignificant episode when you gave up your conscience in the most harmless and insignificant one - and you will feel the reproach of your conscience. And you will understand that if anyone has suffered from your trifling, insignificant act, then first of all you yourself have suffered - your conscience and your dignity.

The new opposes the old, although perhaps not every new is better than the old. As light is opposed to darkness, so reason and wisdom are opposed to ignorance and folly. This is an eternal confrontation. And if we continue the chain of comparisons, or rather, oppositions, then its links should connect love and hatred, cruelty and mercy, enmity and peace, friendship and hostility, and, of course, truth and lies. It will thus turn out that our whole life is in constant struggle, in overcoming some forces by others. This is an eternal law, and, probably, had it not been for such an eternal confrontation, neither life itself nor the world itself would exist. However, when the balance of forces in human souls is disturbed, the confrontation is exacerbated.

They began to get used to living a double life: saying one thing and thinking another. They have forgotten how to tell the truth - the complete truth, and a half-truth is the worst kind of lie: in a half-truth, a lie is counterfeited under the truth, hiding behind a shield of partial truth.

Our conscientiousness began to disappear. I am talking about this, I am obliged to speak, because many times in my life, not for personal matters, but for those that are of great importance for the preservation of our culture, I had to deal with people who lacked a sense of conscience.

Anyone who has been to Leningrad knows the Ruska portico - one of the masterpieces of urban planning in our city. Now it stands out of place, but slightly away from the general order of Nevsky Prospect. How did he get here? The construction of a metro station was planned. The portico "interfered": they were going to remove it. I came to the former chief architect of Leningrad and, as a professional, explained to him that the Ruska portico is very important in this very place, because it is directly connected with the portico of the Russian Museum, which was Ruska's urban planning plan. The chief architect listened to me, did not object, summoned an assistant and said: “So, we need to think over the situation. Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev asks not to destroy the portico of Ruska, and he has reasons. Think about what to do here, how to build a metro station without destroying it. " That is, to what extent a person was lying! Relying on his word, I did not seek help from the press. After a while, the portico of Ruska was destroyed, and to all subsequent perplexities, the chief architect replied: “But we did not destroy it. We dismantled it, and we will restore it. "

And indeed, they have restored ... But there are things that are irreparable, irreproducible, for example, a column. It is like a living body, because it is a little wrong, the narrowing upward at the column does not go in a straight line. The column is a sculpture ... What about the Rusca portico now? Outwardly, it seems to be the same, but still the columns are not the same. In addition, the portico was moved several meters back, and this already changes the perspective: opposition to the Russian Museum has disappeared. The invasion of the existing architectural ensemble caused damage to Nevsky Prospekt.

The usual tactics of our city planners are surprise and pace. When the public raises its voice in defense of antiquities that are slated for demolition, city planners pretend to listen to that voice. They calm down in every possible way in order to lull the vigilance - and strike a sudden blow. A successful, win-win tactic!

According to this tactic, in one night (or one day), the Pirogov Museum was wiped off the face of the earth in Leningrad. In our city, perhaps, there is no building that would intrude so sharply into the landscape with the opening of the Nevsky expanse, like the Leningrad Hotel. It was built on the site of the Pirogov Museum. The museum was built, although very late, at the end of the 19th century, but still in the best architectural traditions of St. Petersburg - Leningrad. The architect who built it understood that a tall building could not be erected in this place - he had built a one-story building, and from behind the long two-story building of the Military Medical Academy stretched along the coast was visible. The space of the Neva seemed to increase due to the fact that the buildings in the distance were low and elongated along the coast. The museum was set up correctly, near the coast. In addition, it was built with public money by subscription. It was not our right to take it down. However, the same story of my negotiations with the chief architect was repeated: the same promise to "take into account" - and the same deception.

It seems that the bitter experience of the lessons should have taught us to take care of the culture of the past, to nature - to take care of the small world and the big world in which we live and which are closely interconnected. And he seemed to have taught us something ... But - did he? Here in Moscow, in the Kolomenskoye nature reserve, Metrostroy is advancing. For a long time, the territory of the reserve has been cut under various pretexts, and now it is planned to build a shallow station. Thus, one of the most important historical and cultural reserves, and with it one of the most beautiful landscapes, is under threat of destruction. Of course, this time too, there was no public opinion.

Is it possible to forget the very recent story that happened in Leningrad with the Delvig's house? It happened because several organizations are responsible for the preservation of historical buildings, and the consent of one organization differs from the disagreement of others. Metrostroy - Metrostroy again! - received consent to demolish Depvig's house on Vladimirskaya Square in GlavAPU. I think that only those who do not know who Delvig is, what the friendship between Delvig and Pushkin is, who have not heard about the Lyceum date - October 19, could give such consent. For it was on October 19 that the demolition of Delvig's house began. Schoolchildren gathered near him, read Delvig's poems, read Pushkin's poems, because Pushkin and Delvig for them are symbols of partnership! The schoolchildren put a candle on each window: it was a memorial service for Delvig's house, it was a real tragedy of youthful feelings, worthy of a film adaptation. Even the metro builders themselves realized what they had done, but they could not help, the house had already been dug - and is being destroyed.

Once upon a time, remember, Dostoevsky's heroes strove to Europe to touch the ancient stones. Isn't it time for us to finally touch our ancient stones, our memory, our culture?

True, very important changes are now taking place in public consciousness: people no longer seek to pretend to be stubborn, consistent, narrow executors of someone else's will, which was previously considered almost a dignity. The attitude to history has changed so much that the defenders of antiquity appeared just from among those who used to destroy antiquity.
And this is a very gratifying phenomenon.

I have the opportunity to compare with other years, and I can say that at times the public consciousness became different: it was very difficult for honest people. Now it has changed and makes it possible for good people to come forward, which means that bad people are forced to hide, disguise themselves, hide their anger, their bad qualities, unseemly deeds. They have to pretend to be good, friendly, well-mannered, etc. Let them pretend: in time they will be replaced by genuinely good ones, because - I believe in this - after the change in public consciousness there will be a turning point in the characters of people. There will be more truly kind and honest people. In a healthy, open society, given our today's demands for publicity and public discussion, it is unlikely that anyone will go to deceive the public, to make some volitional decisions of their own, to anonymous or denunciations. This will get harder.

Lack of conscientiousness among people employed in the economy, in the economy, causes material damage. Lack of conscientiousness among people responsible for culture causes damage that is not expressed materially. But if it is possible to make up for lost time in the economy, then the damage in culture is often irreparable. However, without a change in climate in our culture, the economy will not move a single step.
Honor, decency, conscience are qualities that should be cherished in the same way as we value our health, for without these qualities a person is not a person.

I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. The literature teacher instructed this friend to write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. And in this essay, the schoolgirl, giving credit to both the genius of the writer and his importance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. The teacher considered this inappropriate and scolded her very much. And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our difficult life.

But there is also another side to this issue. Can a student express an opinion that does not correspond to the views of the teacher? It seems to me that a teacher should encourage the independence of thinking of his students. Because if he forces him to adhere only to his own opinion, then imagine what can happen to that student when he leaves school, there will be some strong, but bad person next to him who will inspire him with his opinions. He will not be able to resist them, Yes, he has nothing to oppose, because he has nothing of his own. After all, if a person does not know how to defend his opinion, but only knows how to obey, he can obey a bad person, forgetting about conscience and honor. And after all, it happens that the first students, looking into the mouth of their teacher, then actually sometimes turn out to be bad people, they do not have independence, they do not have the ability to defend their point of view. They are used to listening to others, listening only to what they are told, and repeating only what the teacher tells them. The ability to defend your point of view is very important. And it is extremely important in our state and public life. Only then can we be sure that a person will not fall under bad influence and will live according to his conscience.

Conscience is a very complex concept and, of course, it is difficult to demand conscientiousness from every person. But you can demand honor, because the dishonest act is in plain sight, it is clearly noticed by public opinion. Dishonest acts give rise to different circumstances. Let's say a person is not looking for personal benefits, privileges, he is a good friend, a good director of an institution. It is a great virtue to be a good comrade and a good director of an institution. And in order for the institution to receive additional funds, funds, he comes up with a great job for him, which, in essence, is inadequate to the costs of this great work, inadequate to the states. He protects the states, protects the people. Performs the duty of the leader. But all the same, he violates the law of honor, makes a deal with his conscience, although in the face of his personal conscience, he may be right: he managed to keep the place of Ivan Ivanovich and Marya Ivanovna. But here a most complex discrepancy arises between duty, honor and conscience. I do not like definitions and often am not ready for them. But I can point out the difference between conscience and honor.

Conscience prompts. Honor works. Conscience always comes from the depths of the soul, and by conscience to one degree or another a person is purified. Conscience "gnaws". Conscience is never wrong. It can be muted or too exaggerated (extremely rare). But beliefs about honor can be completely false, and these false beliefs cause colossal damage to society. I mean what is called "the honor of the uniform." We have disappeared such uncharacteristic concepts of our society as, say, noble honor, but the "honor of the uniform" remains. As if the man had died, but the uniform remained, from which the orders were removed and within which the conscientious heart no longer beats. "The honor of the uniform" forces the leaders to defend false or vicious projects, insist on the continuation of obviously unsuccessful construction projects, fight against people protecting monuments ("our construction is more important"), etc.
True honor is always in accordance with conscience. False honor - a mirage in the desert, in the moral desert of the human (or rather, "bureaucratic") soul. And a harmful mirage, creating false goals, leading to waste, and sometimes to the death of genuine values.
Therefore, honor must be in harmony with conscience.

Honor and conscience should be considered not only in terms of personal relationships, but also on a national scale. If a person commits good deeds, as is often the case, not at his own expense, but at the expense of the state, then this is no longer kindness, not selflessness, but bargaining and cunning.

How is inner honor expressed? The fact that a person keeps his word. And as an official, and just as a person. He behaves decently - does not violate ethical norms, observes dignity, does not grovel in front of the authorities, in front of any "beneficent", does not adapt to other people's opinions, does not stubbornly to prove his innocence, does not settle personal scores, does not pay the right people state expense with various indulgences, employment of the right people, and so on. In general, he knows how to distinguish the personal from the state, the subjective from the objective in assessing the environment. Honor is the dignity of a morally living person.

Not so long ago, Literaturnaya Gazeta published a good article about the need to nominate not one, but several candidates for the elections. And it is right. This is very important, because then the person who has been elected to the government will be active; he will value his reputation and his honor, he will know that if he begins to work not for the good of society, but only for the sake of his own privileges and benefits, then next time they will choose another.

And just a leader who tarnished his honor with cunning or deception should be removed from his post. He cannot be a leader, even if he cheated for the sake of the interests of his institution.

In recent years, we have felt especially acutely the lack, the deficit of civic conscience. Not that so many vices and unsightly phenomena have accumulated in our social life; it is not that too many people become involved in fraud, in unseemly actions, and these unseemly actions have remained unpunished for too long. We felt a lack of civic conscience because we were silent. There seemed to be objective reasons for our silence: people who committed bad deeds held key positions. And nevertheless, this does not relieve ourselves of responsibility, nor does it justify our guilt with you. We all saw - and ... were silent. Our conscience was silent.

What were we afraid of? There is no fear in truth. Truth and fear are incompatible. We should be afraid only of our own vicious thoughts, thoughts, disrespectful towards our friends, disrespectful towards any person, towards our Motherland. We must have only one fear: the fear of lying. Then there will be a healthy moral atmosphere in our society.

From the very beginning, as soon as the wind of change blew, some began to say that this would not last long, that perestroika was a temporary phenomenon, that it was supposedly another campaign. So they tried to calm themselves and those around them. And, of course, they expected - and are still waiting - that the wave will subside, decline. Some people preferred to take a closer look at which direction the wind would blow. There was, in a word, both wariness and confusion, and although not obvious, but still quite tangible desire to oppose the upsurge that swept our society. And this is a real rise!

Look what is happening in our literary life, what a revival in it: the atmosphere is changing before our eyes. Publications of the works of writers began to appear that, for one reason or another, had not been published for a long time (I'm not saying that they were consigned to oblivion - they were never forgotten). Readers, at least the overwhelming majority of them, greeted the publication with good will. However, voices also rang out: why do we need this? Some of the "officials from literature" - opponents of renewal - resort to illegal methods: as a kind of argument, the difficulties of the path, the complexity of the biographies of these writers or poets, like, say, Gumilyov, or their least successful works are put to the fore , the vulnerable sides of their creative talents, and on this basis conclusions are drawn about the alleged “harmfulness” of their work, the “harmfulness” of their views for our readers. It is appropriate to recall here how Lenin reacted to the sharpest satire of Averchenko, despite its ill will: he advised to reprint some stories, calling them talented.

And if we publish unpublished works by Andrey Platonov "Chevengur" and "Pit", some still remaining in the archives works of Bulgakov, Akhmatova, Zoshchenko, then it seems to me that it will also be useful for our culture.

I recently happened to read Pasternak's novel Doctor Zhivago. I was asked to write an article about him, and I wrote it. I remember: our esteemed writers expressed their opinion about this novel. But this is what I thought about while reading the novel: many things are now perceived differently, and, apparently, it needs a new assessment, as we did in relation to some other works of our literature.

Remember: twenty years ago Bulgakov entered our life with his sharpest and most cheerful satire, with his novel The Master and Margarita. So what happened? Has anything happened? Yes, it happened: we got a wonderful piece that “works” for us, not against us! We need a satire - sharp, scourging our vices and cheerful. She will help us!

It was high time for us to start "raking" the archival "deposits". Open the doors wide for the literature that we have been silent about for so long. Give it back to the people, our culture. It is both inevitable and necessary. Owing to the fact that journals began to publish works that were "stale" in the archives, favorable conditions are also created for the development of modern literature: the culture grows - the level of requirements for what is written today is increasing. Works that are gray, passable, opportunistic, and demeaning the dignity of literature, cannot withstand the spirit of competition with works of high culture, demanding moral and ethical content. Isn't it a joy that we are opening the doors wide for our richest literature, both past and present ?! Is it not joy in the knowledge that justice triumphs and a tribute is paid to those writers, to whose work we have so long and stubbornly treated with unfair and degrading suspicion!

At the same time, as a scientist, I can agree that such publications are harmful to the atmosphere of excitement, a kind of "boom". They should become commonplace, like any normal, natural work, but the work is consistent and uninterrupted, without any hesitations or pauses. Meanwhile, the healthy idea that one should not create a "boom", excitement, especially for the anniversary year, is sometimes misunderstood: under this flag, other magazines and publishing houses "reshape" plans, throw out works that have been waiting for their time for so long and for which the readers have been waiting and waiting.

Our literature today is unusually rich and varied. However, in the literary horizon, along with noticeable, really noticeable phenomena, there are many false stars: supposedly the largest writers actually turn out to be dummies. I know of a case where no one wanted to subscribe to the collected works of one such writer. A way out was found: the subscription was almost in the order of the order was deployed in all army libraries. But why should these "works" (if only they were on a military theme!) In the army if they are not needed by civil readers!

Twenty years ago, at the Department of Literature and Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, a Ukrainian statistician made a very interesting report about a sharp decline in the reading of classics. They thought that it was to some extent caused by a fall in the level of culture or a fall in the reader's demand for classics. It turned out - nothing of the kind: there is interest and demand, and they have not decreased at all, but simply publishers release books by modern writers at the expense of the classics! And look: how much verbal rubbish is released! This was discussed at the writers' congress, though, unfortunately, in a rather abstract form: no one spoke about why gray works were published. And it must be said: because their authors belong to the category of so-called influential people in the Writers' Union. The publishing house "Soviet Writer" depends on them; they may demand that "Khudozhestvennaya Literatura" also publish their collected works. How many living writers have acquired "collections" in five, this is in ten volumes! Meanwhile, the thirty-volume collection of Dostoevsky's works has been published for fifteen years! Is this acceptable? Certainly unacceptable. And try to freely buy Leskov, Bunin, and even Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov - what is our national pride. Don't buy. A collection of works by the remarkable writer Mikhail Zoshchenko is now being published. But how much effort it took to "break through" it! When the conversation turned to include the story "Before the Sunrise" in the collection, one of the responsible employees of the publishing house told the members of the commission on Zoshchenko's literary heritage: "The story cannot be included, it was mentioned in the resolution, but the resolution has not been canceled." “Read the story! There is no crime in it! " - the members of the commission insisted. “I have no need to read the story. I read the resolution. "
Fortunately, later it was still possible to return the story to the collected works, from which it was thrown out.

For me personally, there is no doubt that we need to learn to admit our own mistakes, because admitting a mistake not only does not diminish the dignity of both a person and society, but, on the contrary, evokes a feeling of trust and respect for both a person and society.
Literature is the conscience of society, its soul. The honor and dignity of a writer is to defend the truth, the right to this truth under the most unfavorable circumstances. Actually, for a writer, even the question is not worth it: to tell the truth or not. For him it means: to write or not to write. As a specialist in ancient Russian literature, I can say with conviction that Russian literature has never been silent. And how can literature be considered literature, and a writer a writer, if they evade the truth, suppress it, or try to imitate it? Literature in which the anxiety of conscience does not beat is already a lie. And a lie in literature, you see, is the worst kind of lie.
Although we have wonderful literature, wonderful writers (I will not name them, you know them very well), nevertheless these are discoveries, in general, twenty or thirty years ago. We have not made major new discoveries in recent years. The spirit of consumerism has prevailed in literature in recent decades. There is a tendency to write “for sale,” something that will pass for sure. More than once I have heard complaints that, they say, they do not print.

Are you not being printed? So what! Yes, you write: they will print it if you write something worthwhile. They will hear your voice, they will hear the voice of your conscience. Patience is the mother of courage, and courage must be learned. He needs to be educated. You need to temper yourself, temper your talent, your gift. Creativity takes courage. Creativity is not fame, not laurels. This is a thorny path that requires complete dedication.

I don't agree that writing is a profession. The writer is destiny. That's life. A writer can receive his fee only as a result of enormous work. In our country, writing is viewed as a kind of "feeding trough": they publish books, elbows their way into the Writers' Union in order not to work anywhere, forgetting that the bread of art is stale and difficult bread.
Why, for example, did the wonderful Bulgarian poet Atanas Dalchev publish only a few poetic works in his entire life? Poetry was not a means of earning money for him. And all the works that he released are first-class. We lost our sense of brevity in the pursuit of a fee. And not only brevity: we have forgotten that literature is teaching and its mission is enlightenment, that which originally constituted its essence. But could Pushkin, when he wrote "The Captain's Daughter," could think about the fee, about the fact that she needed to be dispersed to the size of a huge novel? In the foreground, he put his creativity, his honor - the honor of the literature he served, although, as we know, he also had to take care of the fee.

I will give another example, closer to us, a case from the life of Andrei Platonov, which I was told about. Platonov, as you know, was not spoiled by the attention of publishers. It was printed a little, it is difficult. They scolded more. And in the thirties, having received a more than modest fee, Andrei Platonov met another writer at the publishing house, who in those years was in "honor". His colleague, shaking the bundles of money that barely fit in his handfuls, turned to Platonov: “How to write, Platonov! How to write! " Well, Platonov, as we know, is now known all over the world, but if I had named the name of the writer who “taught” Platonov how to write, then hardly any of the readers would have remembered him.

Bulgakov lived hard, Akhmatova lived hard, Zoshchenko lived hard. But difficulties did not break their will to create. A writer, a true writer, does not compromise his conscience, even if he endures need and hardship.

What is important to a person? How to live life? First of all - not to commit any actions that would lower his dignity. You can not do very much in life, but if you do not do anything, even small, against your conscience, then by doing so you bring tremendous benefits. Even in our everyday life. But in life there can be difficult situations when a person is faced with the problem of choosing - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. I am sure that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your conscience. A person must be able to sacrifice himself. Of course, such a sacrifice is a heroic act. But you have to go for it.

When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. No one is free from mistakes in our complex life. However, a person who has stumbled faces a grave danger: he often comes to despair. He begins to think that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone is lying and doing bad things. Disappointment sets in, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency is the worst thing. Once a colleague of mine said that he does not believe any person, that all people are scoundrels. It turned out that once, when he was in great need, his salary was stolen from his desk. I realized that I can't trust him either: a person convinced only of the power of evil can himself steal money from someone else's table.
Yes, they say: "Take care of your honor from a young age." But even if it was not possible to preserve honor from a young age, it must and can be returned to oneself in adulthood, to break oneself, to find the courage and courage in oneself to admit mistakes.

I know a person who is now admired by everyone, who is very much appreciated, whom I loved in the last years of his life. Meanwhile, in his youth he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. And he told me about this act. He confessed himself. Once we were sailing with him on a motor ship, and he said, leaning on the deck rail: "But I thought that you would not talk to me." I didn't even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...

The road to repentance can be long and difficult. But how does the courage to admit one's guilt decorate - it decorates both a person and society.

Anxieties of conscience ... They prompt, teach; they help not to violate ethical norms, to preserve the dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

D.S. Likhachev, academician