
N v gogol biography presentation on reading. Presentation on the literature on the topic "N.V. Gogol". Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

Biography of Gogol

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N.V. Gogol (1809 - 1852). Gogl Born in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district. Gogl was named Nicholas in honor of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas. The Gogols had over 1000 acres of land and about 400 serfs. The writer's ancestors on the part of his father were hereditary priests. The writer's father was Vasily Afanasyevich Gogol-Yanovsky (1777-1825). Gogol's father served at the Little Russian Post Office. In 1805 Vasily married Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya (1791-1868). According to legend, Mother Nicholas was the first beauty in the Poltava region. Maria married Vasily Afanasyevich at the age of fourteen. - Gogol.ppt

Gogol's editions

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Enter Gogol's world. Virtual exhibition of the National Library of BelSU. (to the 200th anniversary of the birth of NV Gogol). In every great literature there is a writer who composes a separate Great Literature ... V.P. Astafiev. The works were published in 12 volumes, in 6 books. Compiled by A.M. Gordon, editor A.M. Dokusov. The library also has antiquarian editions of individual works by N.V. Gogol. Romanticism is characterized by sharp contrasts of good and evil, the unusualness of many situations and characters. Shows transparent cleanliness, clarity of the soul of its heroes. Of interest is the publication "N.V. Gogol. Old world landowners. - Gogol 1.ppt

Gogol's works

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Anniversary Gogol quiz. 200th anniversary of N.V. Dedicated to Gogol. For the anniversary of N.V. Gogol. UNESCO declared 2009 the Year of Gogol. Laughter, drenched in tears. Igor Zolotussky. Is it true that N.V. Gogol was born in MDCCCIX and died in MDCCCLII? N.V. Gogol. Which Russian classic had two noses? Georgy Vitsin. Alov. Alov V.A. - film director. V. Alov is Gogol's pseudonym. Name both. Gogol and Pushkin. About A.S. Pushkin. To whom did Gogol read the first chapters of his book Dead Souls? A.S. Pushkin. Name the author of the painting “A.S. Pushkin at N.V. Gogol ". M. Klodt. ON. Nekrasov. - Gogol 2.ppt

Dead Souls Gogol

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Creativity N.V. Gogol. Poem "Dead Souls". History of creation and ideological originality « Dead souls". Gogol began work on the poem in the fall of 1835. Informs Pushkin in a letter: “I began to write“ Dead Souls ”. Gogol's goal is to show only the dark sides of life. And abroad, the writer proceeds to revise the already made and to write new chapters. The first volume of the poem " Dead Souls"Was published in 1842. Ideological orientation. Showing "triumphant evil", strive towards a wonderful future. The main problematic of the poem. The meaning of the name. Genre originality"Dead Souls". The task of the lyric part? show "at least one side of the whole of Russia." - Gogol 3.ppt

Gogol the writer

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The fantastic in the works of N.V. Gogol. Content. N.V. Gogol. Engraving on steel F.I. Jordan 1857 from the portrait of F.A. Boller 1841 Goals and objectives of the project. short biography... Biography. Parents of the writer. Mother, Maria Ivanovna Kosaryavskaya (1791-1868), from a landowner's family. The family, in addition to Nikolai, had five more children. Parental home... The cultural center of the region was the Kibintsy, the estate of D.P. Troshchinsky. Studies. In 1818-1819. Gogol, together with his brother Ivan, studied at the Poltava district school. Nizhyn Lyceum. Watercolor by O.B. Wiesel. 1830s Places associated with Gogol. The Yanovshchina-Vasilyevka estate of the Mirgorod district. - Gogol 4.ppt

Gogol's life

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Gogol. The writer's mother. M.I. Gogol - Yanovskaya. The father of the writer V.A. Gogol-Yanovsky. House in Vasilyevka. Nizhyn. Gymnasium of Higher Sciences (here N.V. Gogol studied from 1821 to 1828). Nizhyn. 1830 After graduating from high school in 1828, Gogol went to St. Petersburg. Alov "Gogol prints" an idyll in pictures "" Ganz Kuchelgarten ". In September 1831 the first was published, and in March 1832. In" Evenings "the author's" ideal world "was expressed. The life of the Ukrainian people, the real Dikanka are magically transformed by Gogol The romanticism of “Evenings” is vital, peculiarly “objective.” The folklore beginning is palpable in the fantasy of “Evenings.” - Gogol 5.ppt

Russian writer Gogol

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Nikolai Gogol: Portrait of Nikolai Gogol by Fyodor Moller. 1841 Great Russian writer: The Gogolei-Yanovsky estate Vasilyevka: Dikanka: Po family traditions, the marriage of the writer's parents was blessed by the Mother of God. The young people were engaged, a wedding was scheduled a year later. Education: The future writer received his primary education at home, from a “hired seminarian”. Service: First, as a poet. Literary work: "" "" "Second homeland" ". ''Dead Souls''. "Dead Souls". Gogol's failures: In a fit of despair, shortly before his death, Gogol burned the manuscript of the second volume of the poem. Monument to N.V. Gogol in Rome. 2002 - Gogol 6.ppt

N. Gogol

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. (1809 - 1852). Father. In 1805 he retired and married Maria Ivanovna. He had a sense of humor, wrote poetry and comedy. Mother. Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya is from a poor noble family. She was educated at home: she spoke French and German, danced and sang. She played in performances directed by Vasily Afanasyevich. Childhood. Vasilyevka. Years of study. In 1818, Nikolai and his younger brother entered the school. Gymnasium. In the fall of 1820, his parents sent Nicholas to the city of Nizhyn. There Gogol entered the gymnasium of higher sciences. Petersburg. At the end of December 1828, Gogol and Danilevsky settled in St. Petersburg. - N. Gogol.ppt

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809-1852). Completed by a student of grade 8B Zalepukhin Vadim. Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich - was born on March 20 (April 1) 1809. In the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, Poltava province. A family. He came from a middle-class landowner family: the Gogols had about 400 serfs and over 1000 acres of land. Father, Vasily Afanasyevich, served at the Little Russian Post Office. The family, in addition to Nikolai, had five more children. Childhood. The early artistic impressions of the future writer are associated with the Kibintsy, where there was an extensive library and home theater. - Nikolay Gogol.ppt

Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

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Nikolai Gogol. Completed by student 5 in the class Hakobyan Eric. Teacher Natalya Sergeevna Korobko. GOGOL Nikolay Vasilievich - Russian writer. A family. Childhood. Father, Vasily Afanasyevich, served at the Little Russian Post Office. The family, in addition to Nikolai, had five more children. The source of the boy's strong impressions was historical legends and biblical stories... “I started thinking about the future early ...”. Years of study. Moving to St. Petersburg. Return to Russia. The writer makes extensive literary acquaintances, in particular, with V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Pletnev, A. S. Pushkin. - Nikolay Gogol.ppt

"Gogol" grade 7

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Gogol Nikolai Vasilievich (1809-1854). Childhood. The writer's mother, M.I. Gogol-Yankovskaya. I entered the "gymnasium of higher sciences". Enthusiasm. Gogol in St. Petersburg. The first major work of Gogol. Success. Years of living abroad. Last years life. - "Gogol" Grade 7.ppt

"Gogol" grade 9

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: pages of life and work. Gogol is a poet, a poet of real life. N.V. Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the town of Velyki Sorochintsy. Childhood years were spent in the estate of Vasilyevka's parents. The father played a certain role in the upbringing of the future writer. The writer's mother. Guardian of Gogol. Nizhyn. Petersburg. From April 1830 to March 1831 he served in the department of appanages. Literary glory. Study of works on the history of Ukraine. The story. "Inspector". "Dead Souls". Original plot. Dictionary. Features of the genre. Plot. In December 1838, Zhukovsky arrived in Rome. In September 1839, accompanied by Pogodin, Gogol arrived in Moscow. - "Gogol" Grade 9.ppt

Nikolay Gogol writer

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This is my main property, which belongs to me alone, which certainly does not exist in other writers. " Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. Nikolai Gogol was born on April 1, 1809. Nikolai Vasilievich Yanovsky. Birth name: N.V. Gogol. Place of birth: In the village Bolshie, Poltava province, Russian Empire. "There is an abyss of space in every word, every word is immense." V.N. Gogol. House in Vasilyevka. Nizhyn. 1830 Nizhyn. Gymnasium of Higher Sciences (N.V. Gogol studied here from 1821 to 1828). Childhood. From his youthful years, Gogol dreamed of a high civilian career. St. Petersburg In December 1828, Gogol moved to St. Petersburg. - Nikolay Gogol writer.ppt

Writer Nikolai Gogol

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol: pages of life and work. Gogol's childhood. Gogol, Vasily Afanasyevich (1777-1825) - a talented storyteller and writer. The father of the writer. Gogol's mother, Maria Ivanovna, came from the Kosyarovsky landlord family. We were surrounded by kind neighbors. But sometimes gloomy thoughts came over me. I had a presentiment of misfortune, I believed in dreams. " Maria Ivanovna was distinguished by a greatly increased impressionability, religiosity and superstition. The writer's mother. Thinking about his future, he stops at justice, dreaming of "suppressing justice." Nizhyn. It was not possible to get the service, the first literary tests were unsuccessful. - Writer Nikolai Gogol.ppt

Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol March 20 (April 1) 1809 - February 21 (March 4) 1852. House where Gogol was born. Velyki Sorochintsy Mirgorodsky uyezd, Poltava province. Father N.V. Gogol. Mom N.V. Gogol. Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya was known as the first beauty in the Poltava region. Vasilyevka (Yanovschina) The writer's childhood years passed here. In the house - museum in Vasilyevka. Mother's room. Writer's room. Poltava district school. He studied here from 1818 to 1819. Gymnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn. After graduating from high school in 1828, Gogol went to St. Petersburg. N.V. Gogol. Vit. Goryacheva. Vitaly Goryacheva. - Nikolay Gogol.ppt

Writer Gogol Nikolay Vasilievich

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Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (1809-1852). The Janowski family is an old Polish noble family. In the volumes of the "Polish Coats of Arms" the name of the Janowski has been mentioned since 1376. In Gogol's family there were many literary gifted people. Comedies were written between 1822 and 1825. Plots are borrowed from folk tales... The first comedy did not reach us and is known in short retellings... Gogol's mother came from a landowner family. We were surrounded by kind neighbors. But sometimes gloomy thoughts came over me. I had a presentiment of misfortune, I believed in dreams. At first I was worried about my husband's illness. - Writer Nikolai Gogol.ppt

Gogol life and work

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Anniversary of Gogol

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Russia. Dear Readers. Russian novel. Around the anniversary. Gogol. Anniversary threatens Gogol. Anniversary events. Life and creative way... Brief biography. Literature occupied my whole life. Major works. Gogol and world literature... Gogol in art. Gogol in music. Crosswords. Contemporary. A visionary gift. - Anniversary of Gogol.ppt

Illustrations by Gogol

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Gogol and painting. Images breathe with living colors. Architectural landscape. Illustrations by Gogol. Auditor. Title page for the poem. Drawing. The appearance of the Messiah. Fragment of the picture. Karl Pavlovich Bryullov. The last day of Pompeii. Month. Moonlight night on the Dnieper. - Illustrations by Gogol.ppt

Gogol and Ivanov

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Dialogue about man and faith. Gogol. Alexander Andreevich Ivanov. Priam, asking Achilles for the body of Hector. The appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene. Work on sketches for the painting. The Appearance of Christ to the People. Ivanov paired some of the heroes. The appearance of the Messiah. N.V. Gogol among Russian artists in Italy. Gogol and Dante. The Last Judgment. E. Delacroix. Images of landowners in Dead Souls. Dead Souls. - Gogol and Ivanov.ppt

Game about Gogol

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You need to be honest with your word. On the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the birth of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. In the world of N.V. Gogol. Game rules: 2 teams The team is led by the captain. 2-3 minutes are given for discussion. Points are deducted for violation of discipline. Each correct answer is 5 points. First game. "Lucky case". Dictionary N.V. Gogol. (Beekeeper). (Kapelyukha). (Galushki). (Cradle). (Sexton). (Christmas carols). (Bursa). (Scroll). Through the pages of N.V. Gogol. From which work is the description? ("May Night, or the Drowned Woman"). “Do you know the Ukrainian night? Oh, you don't know the Ukrainian night! From the middle of the sky a month looks. ... . ". - Game about Gogol.ppt

Gogol quiz

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Material for extracurricular activities. Blessed is the gentle poet. Additional material. Memories of N.V. Gogol. Petersburg stories. Quiz. Quiz based on the works of N.V. Gogol. Literary magazines. Northern dawn. The work of Gogol. Rudy Panko. Auditor. Action of the play. Lyapkin-Tyapkin. The events of the play. Sculptors. Composition. Work with text. The theme of the story is "The Overcoat". N.V. Gogol. Writer. Version. Reference circuit. Construction of the poem "Dead Souls". Original plot. Portrait Opening Day. Art world"Dead Souls". P.I. Chichikov. Portrait gallery. - Gogol quiz.ppt

Gogol's creativity quiz

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A quiz based on the works of Nikolai Gogol. An enchanted place. Name your hero. The story of N.V. Gogol. Who is he. Hero. Auditor. Ivan Fedorovich Shponka. Items. Than shaving beards. Museum. Ganna. Costumes. Illustrations. Pockets. That blooms without a flower Contemporary satirists. -

Second All-Russian Distance Contest "Cat Scientist" Nomination "Presentation" There is hardly a higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating ... Biography of Gogol Work performed by: pupils 10 In the class of MOU gymnasium No. 1 of the Central District of Volgograd Kharina Alina, Zaitseva Polina, Baranchikova Valeria Supervisor: Kostyukova Tatiana Nikolaevna

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Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol was born on March 20, 1809 in the town of Velyki Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky district, Poltava province, into the family of a poor landowner. In addition to Nikolai, the family had eleven more children. Nikolai Gogol spent his childhood at his parents' estate in Vasilyevka (another name is Yanovshchina).

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Gogol's father, Vasily Afanasyevich Gogol-Yanovsky, died when his son was 15 years old. His father served at the Little Russia post office, in 1805 he resigned with the rank of collegiate assessor and married Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya, who came from a landowner family. She married Vasily Afanasyevich at the age of 14. The family, in addition to Nikolai, had five more children.

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In 1818-1819, the writer studied at the Poltava district school, and in 1820-1821, he took lessons from the Poltava teacher Gabriel Sorochinsky, living with him. In May 1821 Nikolai Gogol entered the gymnasium of higher sciences in Nizhyn. There he learned to play the violin, studied painting, took part in performances, performing comic roles. Thinking about his future, he stops at justice,

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After graduating from high school in June 1828, in December Gogol went to St. Petersburg with the hope of starting a professional career. At the end of 1829 he managed to decide on the civil service, but was disappointed in it. This experience gave him rich material for future works that depicted the life of bureaucrats and the functioning of the state machine.

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In 1830, the journal Otechestvennye zapiski published the first story of Gogol, Basavryuk, which was later reworked into the story The Evening on the Eve of Ivan Kupala. In December, Delvig's anthology "Northern Flowers" published a chapter from the historical novel "Hetman".

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Gogol became close to Delvig, Zhukovsky and Pushkin, friendship with whom was of great importance for the development of public views and literary talent of the young Gogol. Pushkin introduced him to his circle, where Krylov, Vyazemsky, Odessa and the artist Bryullov visited, gave him plots for "The Inspector General" and "Dead Souls". "When I was creating," Gogol testified, "I saw only Pushkin in front of me ... He was dear to me.

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During this period, Evenings on a Farm near Dykanka (1831-1832) were published, combining stories from Ukrainian life, the stories Sorochinskaya Fair, May Night, and others. They caused general admiration. With the support of A.S. Pushkin and V.A. Zhukovsky Nikolai Gogol in 1834 received the position of associate professor at St. Petersburg University, but soon became disillusioned with scientific and pedagogical activities and from 1835 began to study exclusively literature.

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The study of works on the history of Ukraine became the basis for the idea of ​​"Taras Bulba". Collections of stories "Mirgorod" are published, which include "Old World Landowners", "Taras Bulba", "Viy" and others, and "Arabesques" (on the themes of Petersburg life). The story "The Overcoat" has become the most significant work Petersburg cycle. Working on stories, N.V. Gogol I also tried my hand at drama.

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In the fall of 1835, he started writing The Inspector General, the plot of which was suggested by Pushkin; the work progressed so successfully that on January 18, 1836, he reads a comedy at an evening at Zhukovsky's (in the presence of Pushkin, P.A. Vyazemsky and others), and in February-March he was already busy staging it at the Alexandria Theater. The play premiered on 19 April. May 25 - premiere in Moscow, at the Maly Theater. The comedy has caused discontent among various layers.

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Soon after the production of The Inspector General, persecuted by the reactionary press and the "secular rabble," Gogol went abroad, settling first in Switzerland, then in Paris, and continued to work on " Dead souls", begun in Russia. The news of the death of Pushkin was a terrible blow for him. In March 1837 he settled in Rome. During his arrival in Russia in 1839 - 1840 he read to friends chapters from the first volume of" Dead Souls ", which was completed in Rome in 1840 - 1841. Returning to Russia in October 1841, Gogol, with the assistance of Belinsky and others, achieved the publication of the first volume (1842). Belinsky called the poem "a creation deep in thought, social, social and historical."

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In 1847 N.V. Gogol published "Selected Passages from Correspondence with Friends. The release of Selected Passages brought a real critical storm on their author. LV Brant, Senkovsky, EF Rosen and others wrote about Gogol's defeat, about his excessive and unjustified claims. F. Pavlov reproached Gogol for contradictions and false grounds.Many of his friends, first of all S.T.Aksakov, accused Gogol of betrayal of his vocation.P.A. Vyazemsky and A.A. Grigoriev wrote about the need for a more cautious approach to the book. VG Belinsky was sharply criticized "Selected Places".

Literature teacher Kress Irina Aleksandrovna State Institution "Novopokrovskaya high school", Borodulikhinsky district, East Kazakhstan region

N.V. Gogol (1809 - 1852)

Literature, grade 9


Born in the town of Velikie Sorochintsy, Mirgorodsky uyezd, Poltava province, in the family of a landowner. They named it Nicholas in honor of the miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, which was kept in the church of the village of Dikanka.

House of Doctor M.Ya. Trokhimovsky in Sorochintsy, where Gogol was born

About ancestors

The Gogols had over 1000 acres of land

and about 400 serfs. The writer's ancestors from his father's side were hereditary priests, but already his grandfather Afanasy Demyanovich left the spiritual field and entered the hetman's office; it was he who added to his surname Yanovsky another - Gogol, which was supposed to demonstrate the origin of the clan from the famous in Ukrainian history of the 17th century. Colonel Eustathius (Ostap) Gogol (this fact, however, does not find sufficient confirmation).

About family

The writer's father, Vasily Afanasyevich Gogol-Yanovsky (1777-1825), served at the Little Russia post office, in 1805 he retired with the rank of collegiate assessor and married Maria Ivanovna Kosyarovskaya (1791-1868), who came from a landowner family. According to legend, she was the first beauty in the Poltava region. She married Vasily Afanasyevich at the age of fourteen. The family, in addition to Nikolai, had five more children.

Maria Ivanovna and Vasily Afanasevich


Gogol spent his childhood on the estate of his parents in Vasilyevka (another name is Yanovshchina). The cultural center of the region was the Kibintsy, the estate of DP Troshchinsky (1754-1829), a distant relative of Gogol, a former minister elected to the provincial marshals (to the district leaders of the nobility); Gogol's father acted as his secretary. In Kibintsy there was a large library, there was a home theater, for which Father Gogol wrote comedies, being also its actor and conductor.