
Year of birth of Dmitry Dibrov. Dmitry Dibrov: biography, career and personal life. Television career of Dmitry Dibrov

Dmitry Alexandrovich Dibrov. Born November 14, 1959 in Rostov-on-Don. Russian journalist, TV presenter, producer, director, singer, musician and actor.

Father - Alexander Afanasyevich Dibrov, during the war he lost his eye near Stalingrad, dean of the philological faculty of Rostov State University, spoke 12 languages, broadcast in Russian on Rostov television.

Mother - Tatyana Valentinovna Pokidova.

His parents divorced when he was still young. His mother remarried and Dmitry was raised by his stepfather, Nikolai.

He had an older brother, Vladimir Alexandrovich Dibrov (born in 1950 - died on February 13, 2012), who was a Rostov journalist, worked as a correspondent and then host of the Don Day program, in recent years - editor of the Park television company.

Paternal grandfather - Afanasy Dmitrievich Dibrov, drummer.

Great-grandfather - Dmitry Alexandrovich Dibrov, a famous Rostov tailor, sang well, had a beautiful voice (bass octave).

For several years he studied at a music school in the piano class, on other musical instruments - from accordion to piano - Dmitry was taught to play by his father.

As Dmitry said, his uncles were Rostov guild workers. One of them was even sentenced to capital punishment, but then the harsh sentence was commuted to 12 years in prison "for embezzlement on an especially large scale." Thanks to his more than wealthy relatives, Dmitry did not need anything from an early age - he could afford fashionable clothes and a passion for rock music, which also required a lot of money.

According to Dmitry, it was his uncles who made him a Beatleman - they gave him imported discs with recordings of the best foreign performers, including the Beatles.

The beautiful life provided by the teenager's uncle once almost cost him dearly, he recalled: “Once two Georgians took off my leather jacket. Here I am scared! I was about fifteen at the time, walking down the street quite late at night, because we had listened to the latest Santana album, and I had his tune in my head. And suddenly two Georgians separate from the wall, or maybe they were Armenians, or maybe Chechens. They said, "Take off your jacket, you bastard!" I took it off. That's when I was really scared, because I put one knife. Or a long object disguised as a knife.

At school, he participated in amateur performances, played in performances, in particular, he played the role of Eugene Onegin.

Studied well. In 1977 he graduated from school number 80 in Rostov-on-Don.

Then he entered the philological faculty of Rostov University, where his father was the dean. Starting from the third year I went to the construction team. During his studies, he also worked for several months at a tobacco factory, where he made Nasha Marka cigarettes.

In 1981 he graduated from the Department of Journalism of the Philological Faculty of the Rostov State University. While still a student at the Russian State University, he first got on TV - he participated in the filming of the program “Jolly Fellows” - in an issue dedicated to family problems (he flashed several times in the frame and even said a couple of phrases).

After graduating from university, he spent three months in the army.

Then he moved to the capital, in 1981-1982, worked as a correspondent, head of the letters department of the newspaper "Prizyv" (newspaper of the Domodedovo district of the Moscow region).

From 1982 to 1983 he was a correspondent for the city department of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. He managed to get a job there for a short time thanks to the help of Lev Novozhenov.

In addition, during the same period, he performed as a banja player in the then popular folk group Corn. He got there by chance, after the well-known country musician Andrey Shepelev was drafted into the army in 1982 (by the way, he taught Dibrov to play the banjo). As part of "Corn" Dibrov performed in concerts with participation in the concert hall "Sofia", as well as in the program "We speak English", which was on the fourth (training) program of the Central Television.

From 1983 to 1987 - TASS correspondent, then - deputy head of the youth editorial office.

From 1987 to 1991 he was a special correspondent for the Main Editorial Board of Programs for Youth TsT (USSR State Committee on TV and RV). Collaborated with the program "Vzglyad", for which he made problematic stories on a musical theme.

In 1988, together with Andrei Stolyarov, as a co-author, co-director and co-host, he makes the Montage program.

In 1991 he worked at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Special correspondent of the studio "Experiment". Since 1992, he has been a commentator for the New Studio of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Since November 5, 1992 - chief director, and in 1993 - deputy general director of the IV channel of Ostankino TV.

In 1994, together with Sergei Lisovsky, he created the Fresh Wind television company and became its president. Author of the Good Morning program, Channel 5.

From 1995 to 1996 - artistic director of the morning channel ORT "Rise".

In 1996 - artistic director and chief director of the NTV-Plus music channel.

In 1997, being a creative producer of the Directorate of the ORT morning TV channel, he worked on the idea and hosted the morning weekend channel on ORT Good Morning.

On August 28, 1997, the first program of Dmitry Dibrov, Anthropology, which aired until 1998, was broadcast on the Teleexpo channel. Since 1999, Anthropology has been broadcast on the NTV channel.

From October 1, 1999 to January 27, 2001, on the NTV channel, he hosted the TV game “Oh lucky!” (subsequently the program became known as "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and aired on Channel One).

In April 2001, he left NTV, accepting an offer to head the Directorate of the night broadcast of the ORT television channel. The latter was specially created for the team of the Anthropology program. However, in the end, other plans were realized - the ORT night program "Night Shift" (later "Apology"), which went live on November 1, 2001. Dmitry headed the directorate of the channel's night broadcasting from 2001 to 2004.

Since 2001 - Member of the Russian Television Academy.

In 2002, he was the host of the TV game "People Against" on Channel One.

In the fall of 2003, Dibrov decided to close the Apology program due to the fact that it had noticeably lost its position and turned into advertising support for artists and other guests. And in the spring of 2004, he finally left Channel One and switched to the Rossiya TV channel. The project of the night scientific TV magazine "New" for the "First Channel", and then for "Russia", remained unrealized.

During 2005-2006, Dibrov hosted three TV shows on Rossiya: Vesti. Details”, “I’m ready for anything!” and "Prosvet". After their closure, Dibrov disappeared from television screens for some time.

In January 2008, the Top4Top Internet portal was opened together with Lev Novozhenov. But the site became less visited and was closed.

In December 2008 he returned to Channel One. Since December 27, 2008 - the host of the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" on Channel One. He also hosts the Secret Folder program on the Zvezda TV channel.

As a composer, he independently wrote music for the screensavers of some of his programs.

Dmitry Dibrov in the program "Alone with everyone"

The growth of Dmitry Dibrov: 170 centimeters.

Personal life of Dmitry Dibrov:

Was married four times.

First wife - Elvira Dibrova. They were married from 1983 to 1986. In 1985, their son Denis was born.

The second wife is Olga Dibrova. The marriage lasted 7 years. The couple had a daughter, Lada, in 1989 and lives in France.

The third wife is an actress (born 1985), she is 34 years younger than him, originally from Rostov-on-Don. Alexandra is the granddaughter of Dmitry's stepfather, which is why Dibrov had misunderstandings with his relatives. His mother said: “The third wife, Sasha, is the granddaughter of Dima’s stepfather, I found out when the newlyweds showed me passports with registration. Dima said:“ Why did you do this? The girl is young, she doesn’t know life ... ”But I didn’t expect that they run away so fast." The marriage lasted from March 2008 to January 2009.

Dmitry Dibrov and the third wife of Alexander Shevchenko

The fourth wife is (nee Nagradova), she is 30 years younger than him, originally, like Dmitry, from Rostov-on-Don. He began to look after Polina when she was 17 years old, having met at a beauty contest, where Dibrov was a member of the jury.

On March 28, 2009, the couple got married. They had sons Alexander (born February 10, 2010), Fedor (born December 6, 2013) and Ilya (born May 27, 2015).

Filmography of Dmitry Dibrov:

2002 - Provincials - cameo
2003 - Peterbald (short) - Anton Eduardovich
2003 - Moth Games - cameo
2005 - Cultural layer (documentary)
2010 - Last rock and roll (documentary)
2011 - Diary of Dr. Zaitseva - cameo
2013 - Faster than rabbits - cameo

Voiced by Dmitry Dibrov:

2008 - Slumdog Millionaire - Prem Kumar

Discography of Dmitry Dibrov:

2001 - Rum and Pepsi Cola

Television career of Dmitry Dibrov:

Channel 4 Ostankino:

1992-1994 - "Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov"

1998-1999 - "Old TV"
1999 - "Auto-da-fe"
1999-2001 - "Anthropology"
1999-2001 - "Oh, lucky!"

First channel:

1988-1989 - "Look"
"Funny boys"
1997 - Good Morning
2001 - "Stars vs. Pirates"
2001-2002 - "Night shift"
2002 - "People against"
2002-2003 - "Apology"
2002-2003 - "Dibrov-party"
2008 - "Russia, forward!"
2008 - "Who wants to be a millionaire?"
2010-2011 - "Cruel Intentions"
2010 - "Marriage Games"


2005-2006 - “News. Details»
2005 - "I'm ready for anything!"
2005-2006 - "LIGHT"
2015-2016 - "My address is Rostov-on-Don" (Don-TR branch)

Other channels:

1990s - Call (intellectual interactive TV quiz)
1993-1995 - "Morning" (TV company "Fresh Wind")
1997-1998 - Anthropology (Teleexpo TV company)
1999 - "Date" (TV channel "TV Center", author of the project idea)
2008 - Beatlemania (Nostalgia TV channel)
2008 - "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture" (TV channel "Spas")
2008-2015 - “Temporarily available” (TV Center TV channel)
2010-2012 - "XX century with Dmitry Dibrov" (STREAM, TV channel "Retro")
2016 - "Secret Folder" (TV channel "Star")

Dmitry Dibrov was born on November 14, 1959 in Rostov-on-Don. Father - Alexander Afanasyevich Dibrov, dean of the philological faculty of Rostov State University. Mother - Tatyana Valentinovna Pokidova.
Brother - Vladimir Dibrov (died 02/13/2012), journalist. In early childhood, Dmitry's parents divorced and he was raised by his stepfather Nikolai.

Dibrov studied at school number 80 in Rostov-on-Don. In 1981 Dmitry graduated from the journalism department of the philological faculty of Rostov State University.

After graduation, Dibrov worked as a correspondent and head of the letters department of the newspaper "Prizyv" (from 1981 to 1982), a correspondent for the city department of the newspaper "Moskovsky Komsomolets" (from 1982 to 1983).

In 1983, Dmitry met the editorial secretary of the Politizdat publishing house, Elvira. Their marriage lasted from 1983 to 1986. During the marriage, Dmitry and Elvira had a son, Denis (1985).

Dmitry Dibrov: “The first wife appeared when I was 23 years old. By the way, she was 18, and there were times of deep socialism. Watch the movie "What if it's love?" - we had exactly the same thing. Plus a flight. And under socialism, they didn’t give birth except after the registry office! So with the first marriage, bribes are smooth from me. Well, after three years, we realized that we were not very suitable for each other.

From 1983 to 1987, Dibrov was deputy head of the youth editorial office and a correspondent for TASS. There he met his second wife Olga, who worked in the editorial office of information on foreign countries. Their marriage lasted 7 years. In marriage, they had a daughter, Lada (1989).

Dmitry Dibrov: “The second wife was already a more meaningful story. It was a woman of incredible beauty! Yes, however, they were all very beautiful. We got married when I had already moved to Moscow, worked at TASS. And soon he switched to television. I must say, I do not know a single person who would work somewhere, then switched to television and at the same time remained with his former wife.
The quote is taken from the site ""

From 1987 to 1991, Dmitry was a special correspondent for the Main Editorial Board of programs for youth of Central Television. He also collaborated with the Vzglyad program. In 1988, together with Andrey Stolyarov as a co-author, co-director and co-host, Dibrov created the Montage program.

In 1991, Dmitry worked at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company as a special correspondent for the Experiment studio.

In 1992, Dibrov was a commentator on the New Studio of the Ostankino State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and since November he has become its chief director. In 1993, Dmitry was appointed Deputy General Director of Channel IV of Ostankino TV.

From 1992 to 1994, he hosted the program "Sunday with Dmitry Dibrov."

In 1994, Dmitry, together with Sergei Lisovsky, created the Fresh Wind television company and became its president. In the same year, Dibrov hosted the Good Morning program on Channel 5.

From 1995 to 1996, Dibrov worked as the artistic director of the ORT morning channel Rise.

In 1996, Dmitry was appointed artistic director and chief director of the NTV-plus music channel.

In 1997, Dibrov was appointed creative producer of the Directorate of the ORT morning TV channel and host of the Good Morning program.

From August 1997 to February 1998, Dmitry Dibrov's Anthropology program was broadcast on the Teleexpo channel (since 1999 on NTV).

From April 1998 to April 1999, Dibrov worked as the host of the publicistic program "Old TV". In December 1999, Dmitry created the Auto-da-fe music program on the NTV channel.

From 1999 to 2001, Dmitry was the host of the TV show "Oh Lucky". From 2001 to 2004, Dibrov headed the directorate of night broadcasting of the ORT channel.

In the fall of 2003, Dibrov decided to close his author's night program "Apologia" due to the fact that the ratings of the program had dropped noticeably.

In the spring of 2004, the presenter finally left Channel One and switched to the Rossiya TV channel.

In January 2008, Dmitry Dibrov, together with Lev Novozhenov, opened the Top4Top Internet portal. However, since May, traffic began to drop sharply, the site turned out to be costly and little visited. As a result, the project was closed.

On March 28, 2008, Dibrov married actress Alexandra Shevchenko, whom he met on the Internet. Dmitry was familiar with her father while living in Rostov-on-Don. On February 25, 2009, after nine months of living together, the TV presenter broke up with his third wife.

Alexandra Dibrova (Shevchenko): “Unfortunately, as fast as our wedding was, the divorce was just as quick. Although it all started in the most wonderful way. For me, life immediately changed radically. She sped away at the fifth speed! Not on the third or even on the fourth, but immediately on the fifth: full speed ahead! ".
The quote is taken from the magazine "7 Days", No. 09 (19.02.2009)

In 2009, Dibrov was invited to become a jury member at a beauty contest in Moscow. On it, Dmitry met participant Polina Nagradova, who is 30 years younger than him. March 28, 2009 Dmitry and Polina got married. On February 10, 2010, the couple had a son, Alexander, and on December 5, 2013, Fedor.

Dmitry Dibrov: “Well, then, against the background of my melancholy-sadness, I met an extremely bright person - she is also from the Don. This plot played out somehow against my will. And having learned what a breakdown happened in my life, this wonderful person tried to resuscitate me. And when he saw that it was not working out, in order to somehow persuade, he packed his things and left the house. I stopped her five times, I didn’t stop on the sixth.”
The quote is taken from the site ""

In 2010, Dmitry was the host of the Cruel Intentions, Marriage Games programs.

On October 20, 2013, Channel One premiered the documentary film Wedding Planner, in which Dmitry and Polina Dibrov spoke about their family life.

Currently, Dmitry Dibrov is the TV presenter of the programs: “Who wants to become a millionaire?” (Channel One), Temporarily Available (TV Center), Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture (Spas TV channel), Cruel Intentions (Channel One). ”) and “XX century” (STREAM, channel “Retro”).

On May 27, 2015, the third son, Ilya, was born to Dmitry and Polina Dibrovs. The boy was born at 13:40 in the perinatal center in Lapino.

Polina Dibrova: “Our first child is called Alexander, and the second is Fedor. I really wanted the name of the third son to also end in "r". I considered such names as Yegor, Vladimir. But the husband firmly stated that in Cossack families a man should decide how to name the child, and suggested the name Ilya. I also liked Dima's choice"
The quote is taken from the site "site"


▪ Second Montreux World Electronic Film Festival. Main prize - "Golden Astrolabe", in the "Feature Film" section for the film "Moscow Melodies" (co-produced by the Soviet CT and the American company "Captain of America", 1989)
▪ Laureate of the IV Cinemavideo Festival of Independent Film and Television in Karlsruhe (Germany) for the film Rowan on Cognac, or Maybe this is how we should live? (1992)
▪ Grand Prix of the First International Festival of Computer Graphics "Anigraph-93" in the section "TV screen saver" (1993)
▪ Laureate of the National Television Award "TEFI" in the nomination "Television game" - the program "Oh, lucky!" (2000)


First wife - Elmira (marriage from 1983-1986)
The second wife is Olga (they met at TASS, the marriage lasted about 7 years)
Third wife - Alexandra Shevchenko, actress (married in March 2008, divorced on 02/25/2009)
Fourth wife - Polina Nagradova (married 03/28/2009)
Son - Denis (born 1985), from his first marriage
Daughter - Lada, journalist (born 1989), from his second marriage
Son - Alexander (born February 10, 2010), from the fourth marriage
Son - Fedor born. (06.12. 2013), from the fourth marriage
Son - Ilya (born May 27, 2015), from the fourth marriage


Collects guitars. He was fond of banjo and played in the country band "Corn".

The impressive Dmitry Dibrov is known to the viewer as the first host of the show "Oh, lucky!". With its help, people became richer until 2001, when the program was renamed "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?", and they were instructed to ask questions. After 7 years everything is back to normal. Dibrov during this time came up with a number of new television projects and founded the Chimes radio.

Dmitry wanted to put things in order in the "talking box" at the age of 6. Jokingly or seriously, he said that even then he understood how the words sounding from the screen diverge from the way people live.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Alexandrovich Dibrov was born on November 14, 1959 in Rostov-on-Don into an intelligent Soviet family. To questions about nationality, he openly answers that there were Don Cossacks in his family, and his aunt is half Jewish, but he does not attribute himself to any particular nationality. Father Alexander Afanasyevich held the honorary position of dean of the Rostov State University, and his mother Tatyana Valentinovna was responsible for the household and raising children.

When the boy was 4 years old, his parents separated. Soon the mother remarried, and the upbringing of little Dima became the responsibility of Nikolai's stepfather. The elder brother Vladimir, who worked as a correspondent on one of the local channels, had a huge impact on the worldview and the future life of the TV presenter. Dibrov admired him and strove to be like his brother, this explains the further choice of the journalistic profession.

After graduation, the future TV presenter applied to the Rostov State University at the Faculty of Philology, where his own father taught. Dibrov received a diploma in journalism in 1981.

The television

From the very beginning of his working biography, Dmitry understood that if he wants to achieve fame and success, he should go to the capital, where there were more opportunities and room for action. Dibrov's career developed very rapidly: in his youth he changed one editorial office to another, moving to more and more famous and significant print publications like Moskovsky Komsomolets and the Russian news agency TASS.

In 1987, the journalist already worked on television, where he was in charge of programs for young people and made stories on musical topics for the Vzglyad project. A year later, Dmitry made his debut as a presenter and co-author of the program. Together with his colleague and friend Andrei Stolyarov, the artist came up with a comedy project, which was a selection of funny stories in the news format.

The program "Montage" was popular with viewers, and the channel's management decided to extend it for several more episodes. On December 27, 1993, the last episode of the show aired.

Dmitry Dibrov created the program "Anthropology"

In 1998, Dibrov had a real breakthrough in career growth. He invented and created the Anthropology program, which was broadcast on the Teleexpo channel at night live. In many ways, the show was innovative.

A TV viewer or radio listener, since the program sounded in parallel on the Silver Rain wave, could make a phone call or dial a message via a pager directly to the studio. People expressed their pain without fear of censorship, and the presenter managed to maintain an informative conversation with any person. Dmitry created a real exemplary talk show.

Dmitry Dibrov in the show "Oh, lucky!"

After a year of broadcasting, the program switched to the NTV channel, which greatly pleased the presenter. According to him, it is always much more convenient to work on private television, especially since NTV did not pursue popularity and incredible ratings, allowing the talk show not to change the format.

In 1999, Dibrov became the host of the program “Oh, lucky!”, Which brought him all-Russian fame and popularity. To a large extent, the success of the project was influenced by the image of Dmitry, who kept the interest and excitement of the public with his charisma and acting. After the change of leadership of the channel, Dibrov left the program and NTV.

However, the talented and progressive journalist was not left without work. Literally immediately, he and the entire Anthropology team were invited by the general director of Channel One.

Dmitry was appointed head of the night broadcast, and he headed the Night Shift program. Later it was renamed "Apologie". By 2003, the TV presenter was completely disappointed in the show, as it turned into praise and advertising for the guests of the program, which did not suit Dmitry at all. The ratings also left much to be desired, and Dibrov left the project, and soon Channel One.

Dmitry Dibrov on Channel One

In 2003, the TV presenter founded the Chimes radio station, the main feature of which was a wide range of styles - from rock classics to popular hits of the 60s. Dmitry himself took the position of editor-in-chief, his duties included creating the image and unique style of the radio station. A year later, the radio was closed, as the new owners set out to change the concept and repertoire of the station.

For some time, Dibrov worked on the Rossiya TV channel, where he hosted the programs ProSvet, I'm ready for anything! But they were not as successful as previous projects, and one by one they ceased to exist. In 2006, the journalist left the channel and disappeared from television for 2 years.

In 2008, Dibrov returned to the "first button" again, where he became the host of the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?". With the advent of Dmitry, the ratings of the program crept up again.

On the TVC channel, owned by the Moscow government, the journalist broadcast “Temporarily available” for 7 years. Stars of sports, politics, show business, theater were invited to the studio. Topical topics were discussed, often not related to the guest's profession. The program was awarded TEFI in 2014, the TV presenter himself became a “TV academician” back in 2001.

Dmitry Dibrov returned to Channel One

The project "XX century with Dmitry Dibrov" was available to viewers of the "Retro" channel, owned by the "STREAM" company. The interlocutors of the presenter talked about what the past century was remembered for, what they would like to leave in it forever, and what to preserve and pass on to future descendants.

The journalist managed to get on the religious channel Spas, where, in tandem with the poetess Olesya Nikolaeva, he introduced the audience to the basics of Orthodox culture.

In 2016, Dmitry Dibrov launched a new TV show on the Zvezda channel. The show "Secret Folder" is dedicated to amazing and mysterious events and intricate, unsolved cases. Among the topics are the biography and history of the creation of the Buran ship, behind-the-scenes intrigues during the Caribbean crisis and the preparation of an assassination attempt on and other secrets that were previously kept deep in the archives and the memory of eyewitnesses.

Personal life

The personal life of a screen star is a constant source of information for the media. Few public figures talk so openly and in detail about numerous marriages.

Dibrov's first wife was a girl named Elmira. In 1985, their son Denis was born. Dmitry worked hard to support his family, and the young wife, unable to bear the constant absence of her husband, left.

The next chosen one was named Olga, who was much younger than her husband. The journalist in love proposed to the girl, but this marriage broke up after 6 years. In this union, his daughter Lada was born, who, together with her mother, moved to France, where she lives to this day.

After breaking up with Olga, Dibrov often appeared in public, accompanied by attractive ladies. The press immediately started talking about the TV presenter's romance with Alexandra Markvo, known for her work on the youth magazine Molotok. The couple soon broke up, Alexandra got married, and Dmitry found a new companion.

The wedding took place on March 28, 2009. In 2010, the first son Alexander was born in the family, after 3 years - Fedor, and in May 2015 the third Dibrov Jr. - Ilya was born. A father with many children dreams of a daughter, he has already chosen a name - Elizabeth. Polina talks about children and her famous wife from the Instagram page. The account of the head of the family is more strict and restrained, the photo mostly captures working moments, friends and colleagues.

In the summer of 2016, Dibrov and his wife allowed themselves a vacation in Spain. The couple claims that the opportunity to relax together, without children and older relatives, is of great importance for a happy marriage. Polina, according to the TV presenter, is the person with whom he "tidies up the cluttered warehouses that make up the head."

Dmitry's wife gained 23 kg during her third pregnancy, but six months later she already looked like her former beauty. Looking at Polina, the TV presenter took up himself and threw off 20 kg, now, with an increase of 170, the weight of the TV star, presumably, fluctuates at around 72 kg.

Dmitry is to a large extent fond of music. He plays a rare instrument for Russia - the banjo. In 2001, together with the Anthropology group, the journalist released the first and only disc called Rum and Pepsi-Cola, which included 13 songs in the rock and Blues-Rock genre.

In one interview, the TV presenter shared that he had found a new passion:

“Such a guitar that does not even have a Russian name. In English, it is called lap steel guitar. It stands on three legs, it has 8 strings and a large distance between the frets. It turns out some kind of cosmic sound. By the way, on this guitar from the group he played all his grandiose parts.

Dmitry Dibrov now

Dmitry Dibrov is still simultaneously broadcasting on 2 channels at once: on Channel One - the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” that does not reduce ratings, on Zvezda - “Secret Folder”. On the TV channel “Secret Folder” was conceived as a project based on documentary evidence, and not on speculation and unconfirmed publications in the media. It is known that the archives do not always kindly open their doors to journalists, and it is no coincidence that the program is supervised by the Russian Ministry of Defense. The power department has its own, exclusive sources of information.

Dmitry Dibrov also participates in the new Channel One show "The Main Role", along with 11 media people, including,. For the most part, they are far from cinema, but they will have to find acting inclinations in order to convey scenes from popular films on the screen. It is entrusted to evaluate how successful the reincarnation turned out, and. The fourth jury member is non-permanent.

Dmitry Dibrov with his wife in 2019

In 2019, the showman will become a father for the sixth time and a grandfather for the first time. Polina told about her “interesting position”, and daughter Lada shared similar news when Dmitry and his family came to rest in Monaco. In a conversation with reporters, Dibrov lamented that he could not establish contact with his son Denis.

TV projects

  • "Sight"
  • "Installation
  • "Anthropology"
  • "Oh, lucky one!"
  • "Night shift"
  • "Apology"
  • "Who want to be a millionaire?"
  • "Dibrov-party"
  • "Cruel Intentions"
  • "Marriage Games"
  • "My address is Rostov-on-Don"
  • "Secret Folder"
  • "Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture"
  • "XX century with Dmitry Dibrov"

TV shows "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" and "Oh, lucky one!" owe their popularity to their presenter - Dmitry Dibrov. This is a person who is really able to impress, he has no talent. For many viewers, it may turn out to be a discovery that the same Dibrov owns the right of authorship of some more interesting television programs, as well as the Chimes radio. The path to popularity cannot be called easy and fast. Dmitry Dibrov experienced and experienced a lot, whose biography excites many fans.


Dmitry Dibrov came into this world on the 14th of the last autumn month of 1959. The parents, who then lived in Rostov-on-Don, belonged to the environment of the Soviet intelligentsia. Father's name was Alexander Afanasyevich, he worked as a dean at a local university. As soon as little Dima reached the age of four, the family broke up. Not much time has passed since the separation, his mother Tatyana Valentinovna got along with another man. Dima has a new dad Kolya.

The formation of personality, outlook on life occurred mainly under the influence of the older brother. Vladimir then worked as a correspondent, and, as is usually the case, he became a role model for his younger brother. It is difficult to predict how the further fate of Dmitry would have developed if it were not for the authority of his brother! Very often, remembering the family, Dmitry Dibrov talks about him. The biography of the popular TV presenter would not be the same if it were not for the support of his brother.

Having received a high school diploma in his hands, Dmitry becomes a student of the philological faculty of the same university where his father was teaching. Student years flew by almost unnoticed, in 1981 Dibrov was already a newly minted journalist.

Conquering Moscow!

Where, if not in Moscow, you can successfully make a career - there is a chance to become famous. That's where the young journalist went. He was lucky to work in many well-known print publications, including the Russian news agency TASS and the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper. Dmitry Dibrov worked very hard. Biography, personal life were carefully hidden even from friends. Many believed that the second did not exist at all in the life of a TV presenter.

And 1987 was marked by a new level in his career. Dibrov decided to try his hand at television. Initially, these were programs aimed at young people. Having practiced creating musical plots for the Vzglyad program, after a year Dmitry becomes the host and one of the authors (together with Andrei Stolyarov) of the comedy television project Montage. The viewer was introduced to different stories in the news format, but with humorous overtones. "Montage" lasted until the end of December 1993.

In 1998, the Anthropology program appeared on the Teleexpo TV channel and the Silver Rain radio wave, which aired at night. Its peculiarity was that listeners and spectators were given the opportunity to communicate with the presenter by phone or by sending messages from a pager. There was no censorship whatsoever. A year later, Dibrov managed to agree on the broadcast of a talk show on NTV. Dmitry Dibrov confidently moved towards his dream, whose biography was not yet of interest to numerous women in Russia.

Taste of glory

Real popularity with the Russian audience and fame came to Dibrov in 1999 thanks to the program “Oh, lucky!”. Impressed by the originality and wonderful acting. The charisma of the presenter caused excitement and fascinated the viewer. The change in the leadership of the channel was the reason that Dmitry said goodbye to the program and the NTV channel.

The talented presenter was idle for a short time. A helping hand was extended by the general producer of Channel One. Dmitry Dibrov moved to him along with the entire creative team of Anthropology. Dmitry was entrusted with directing the night broadcast. Therefore, the program he led was called "Night Shift". A little later, it became known as the Apologia. As if Dibrov Dmitry drove women crazy. Biography and his wife are topics that the TV presenter does not like to talk about. Moreover, everyone knows that Dima loved often and a lot!

The fact that the show began to overly praise the invitees to the program and thereby advertise them began to annoy Dibrov. In addition, this attitude led to a drop in the rating of the project. Patience came to an end in 2003. First, there was a departure from Apology, and then from the TV channel. In the same year, the Chimes radio station appeared, the editor-in-chief of which was Dibrov. A successful selection of repertoire managed to attract all categories of listeners. Hits of the 60s were performed, and much more. However, the radio lasted only one year - the new owners wanted to reconstruct the project.

Departure and return

After leaving Channel One, the well-known journalist worked with the Rossiya TV channel until 2006. Then there was a two-year lull in creative activity. Rarely appeared on the screens of Dmitry Dibrov. Biography, personal life ceased to excite fans who stopped seeing this attractive man.

Finally, returning to Channel One in 2008, with renewed vigor and plans, he takes on the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, Which turned out to be nothing more than a transformed show “Oh, lucky!”.

Dibrov loves music, mastered the game on a little-known instrument in Russia called the banjo. The first disc "Rum and Pepsi-Cola" was released in 2001. As it turned out later, it turned out to be the only one.

Personal life

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov, like a creative path, is characterized by a frequent change of scenery. He made 4 attempts to start a family. Apparently, the creative nature needs a constant search. From his first wife he has a son, Denis (born in 1985). Then Dmitry Dibrov also builds relationships, whose biography is full of the presence of bright ladies.

The last choice of a life partner fell on Polina Nagradova, who was much younger than her fiancé: during the acquaintance, the beauty barely managed to get the wedding played at the end of March 2009, and the following year, the young wife gave Dmitry a son. Now this is a large family, the happy father has three sons. The wife of Dmitry Dibrov, whose biography is also hidden from prying eyes, strongly influences the work.

To many viewers, Dmitry Dibrov is known only as an imposing TV presenter. However, he is also the founder of several television programs and the Chimes radio, a musician, and an actor. Dima was born into an intelligent Rostov family. The position of the father - Alexander Dibrov served as dean of one of the faculties at the local university - allowed my mother to do housework and raise children.

Journalism as a vocation of the soul

Happiness, however, did not turn out to be too long - when Dima was four years old, his parents divorced. After some time, the boy's mother remarried, and his stepfather took up the upbringing of Dmitry.

Indeed, a larger influence on the future life of the future actor and TV presenter had an older brother Vladimir, who trained as a journalist and worked on Rostov television. Dima admired his brother's success and in many ways tried to be like him.

After graduating from school, the young man took the documents to the philological faculty of Rostov University, where his father worked. Passed first time and in 1981 received a diploma of higher education. Since then, he has been fluent in four languages, although he regrets that he is far from his father - Alexander Dibrov learned fourteen foreign languages.

Even then, Dmitry realized that fame and success can only be achieved in Moscow, where there are much more opportunities to break through. Belokamennaya met another of her conquerors more than severely- At first, I had to eat stale bread and salted Korean kimchi cabbage. But then she changed her anger to mercy.

In the capital, at first, he did not stay anywhere for a long time. in one place, moving from one edition to another, but each time to increase: the author of the newspaper "Prizyv", the correspondent of "Moskovsky Komsomolets", an employee of the TASS news agency, a journalist of the Central Television.

In 1987, Dibrov joined the Vzglyad program. At first, he shot stories on musical themes, and since 1988 he has become a co-host of the popular program. At the same time, together with Andrey Stolyarov, he came up with the humorous program "Montage", which was released until December 1993 in the format of funny news stories.

The Anthropology program brought Dmitry Dibrov to a higher level of popularity, which has become one of the best talk shows on domestic television. Then Dibrov was the host of the popular programs “Oh Lucky Man”, “Night Shift”, “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”

In 2003, Dibrov created the Chimes radio station, which differed from other similar projects in an extensive range of musical compositions. It is worth noting that he Dmitry mastered the technique of playing such a difficult instrument as the banjo, and in 2001, together with the Anthropology group, he recorded the album Rum and Pepsi-Cola.

The love saga of Dmitry Dibrov

The personal life of Dmitry Dibrov is a plot for a serial film. He said “Yes” five times in the registry office and swore allegiance to different women. Five wives of Dmitry:

  • The first wife of Dmitry was a girl named Elmira. In this marriage, the showman's son Denis was born in 1985. The young father at that time worked hard to provide the family with everything necessary, and almost did not appear at home. Elvira could not stand this lifestyle and filed for divorce.
  • The second wife of Dmitry was a girl named Olga who gave Dibrov a daughter, Lada. Six years later, this marriage also broke up - Olga and her daughter left for France, where they still live. After the second divorce, the presenter appeared in public with one or another beauty, until the press started talking about his new romance with journalist Alexandra Markvo. True, Sasha soon married another man, but Dibrov was not left without female affection.
Interesting Notes:
  • The third wife of Dmitry was the actress Daria. Evil tongues said that she used the union with the popular presenter only to achieve promotion in acting circles and travel around the world at someone else's expense. For six years of living together with Dmitry, Dasha graduated from GITIS, visited France, England and Australia, and then waved goodbye to Dibrov.
  • For the fourth time, Dmitry Dibrov became a groom at a wedding in 2008. This time, Alexander Shevchenko, who is almost thirty years younger, became his chosen one. Entering into this marriage, the presenter hoped that he would find a calm family haven, but Sasha had other plans. She dreamed of a career and the role of the wife of a TV star did not suit her. Soon this marriage broke up.
  • The fifth wife of Dibrov was the model Polina Nagradova. Dmitry was not embarrassed by the age difference (his wife is thirty years younger than her husband) and he invited the beauty to become his wife immediately after they met. The girl at first refused, but a year and a half after the first meeting she accepted the offer. Their wedding took place in March 2009. A year later, the first-born Alexander was born in the family, in 2013 - Fedor, and the youngest Dibrov - Ilya - was born in May 2015. The friendly family lives outside the city, and the sign on the facade informs that they live not just in the house, but in "Villa Paulina" named after his wife.

One role actor

As a well-known, popular and recognizable personality Dmitry Dibrov is sometimes invited to feature films. In the role of himself, he starred in the melodrama "Provincials", which tells about a young couple who came to Moscow for career growth. Katya (Ksenia Kuznetsova) dreams of becoming an actress, and Pavel (Anatoly Pashinin) wants to succeed in the ring. But the capital "broke off" and not such ...

In the crime drama Moth Games, Dibrov appears in one of the episodes of the story about the talented singer Kostya (Aleksey Chadov), who, by chance, became the culprit of the murder, and not the winner of the music competition.

"The Diary of Dr. Zaitseva", which also starred Dmitry Dibrov, is a comedy melodrama about the life of doctors and a love triangle, one of the peaks of which is Sasha Zaitseva (Yana Krainova).

In the tragicomedy Faster Than Rabbits, Dibrov takes part in one of the episodes of the memories of three friends who, after a stormy party, cannot understand where they are and what is happening around.

In the short film Peterbald, Dmitry Dibrov has so far played his only major role.

Embodied in the image of the popular actor Anton Eduardovich. This film is a story about the fates of a father and son who have never met before.. What happens when they come face to face?

In 2016, Dibrov came up with the television show Secret Folder for the Zvezda channel., which received high ratings and was renewed for a second season. In 2018, the comedy "" was released, in which Dmitry Dibrov again appears in the role of himself.