
How many calories are in a turkey. Calories Turkey, breast, meat. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Dietary properties of turkey

Turkey is most loved in America and Europe, and its popularity is not only due to its delicate taste, but also its nutritional value. In addition, this bird is served on Thanksgiving Day. Poultry meat is classified as dietary, has a glycemic index of "0". In addition, it rarely causes allergic reactions.

Composition and nutritional value

The composition of the turkey has a large amount of protein. At the same time, it is low in cholesterol and fats and completely absent of carbohydrates. Poultry meat is a source of minerals (phosphorus, iron, selenium), vitamins B1-B6, B9, B12, A, E, D, C, PP. The BJU of a whole bird in terms of 100 g of the product is 20.46 / 5.87 / 1.56 g. The indicators differ in different zones.


Legs - 15.7 / 8.9 / 0, g
Boiled - 25.3 / 10.4 / 0.0 g
Breast - 19.2 / 0.7 / 0.0 g
Minced meat - 20.0 / 8.0 / 0.5 g.
Skin - 12.7 / 36.9 / 0.0 g.
Wings - 16.5 / 11.4 / 0.0 g.
Legs - 18.4 / 6.4 / 0.0 g.


Stomachs - 20.0 / 7.0 / 0.0 g.
Liver - 19.5 / 22.0 / 0.0 g.
Heart - 16.0 / 5.1 / 0.4 g

Culinary processing:

Boiled fillet - 25, / 1.0 / 0.0 g
Roasted turkey - 17.4 / 2.6 / 2.3 g.
Stewed with vegetables - 3.3 / 1.1 / 8.7 g.
Fillet in mustard sauce - 13.4 / 3.0 / 2.9 g.
Turkey in the oven with tomatoes - 14.7 / 0.6 / 1.3 g.
Fried - 28.0 / 6.0 / 0.0 g.

How many calories in turkey

The average calorie content of a turkey is 276 kcal per 100 grams of product. But it has the most fatty parts, so their calorie content is different. Let's consider some options.

Separate parts:

Legs -142.0
Boiled - 195.0 kcal
Breast - 84.0
Minced meat - 161.0 kcal.
Leather - 387.0 units
Wings - 168.0 kcal.
Legs - 131.0 units.


Stomachs - 143.0 kcal.
Liver - 276.0 kcal
Heart - 128 units.


Boiled fillet - 130 kcal
Baked bird - 103.0 kcal.
Stewed with vegetables - 57.0 units.
Poultry fillet in mustard sauce - 92.0 kcal.
Poultry in the oven - 69.7 units.
Fried - 165.0 kcal.

Turkey meat has traditionally been used in the cuisine of Western nations. Today, turkey is popular in the cuisines of all peoples of the world. It is a high-quality complete protein, contains a low amount of animal fats. In addition, the low calorie content of turkey allows you to include it in the daily menu of people who monitor their own body weight.

Turkey fillet: calories and useful properties

One hundred grams of turkey meat contains 19.2 g of protein and 0.7 g of fat. In the turkey breast, the calorie content is 84 kcal per 100 g, and in the turkey fillet, the calorie content is 194 kcal per 100 g. This composition allows the use of turkey meat in the diet of people who have had serious illnesses, as well as those who lead an active lifestyle. In addition, the turkey has a balanced composition of vitamins and trace elements. In particular, it is rich in B vitamins and contains the daily amount of vitamin PP in one medium serving.

In terms of the amount of phosphorus, the turkey is comparable to fish, and the iron from its meat is perfectly absorbed. The selenium contained in the turkey is necessary for the human body to maintain youth and prevent cancer, and magnesium is required for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

Diet dishes from turkey. calories

In dietary nutrition, turkey dishes are highly valued due to the absence of cholesterol in them. Turkey diet dishes are indispensable for athletes and those who are losing weight, as they allow you to build muscle mass without adding extra centimeters at the waist.

To reduce the already low calorie content of the turkey, it is necessary to remove the skin from it before cooking, since it is in the subcutaneous layers that fat is located. Among other things, turkey meat contains serotonin, which is necessary in the fight against extra pounds. Turkey meat has a pleasant taste and does not require complex cooking.

For example, to cook turkey fillet with a vegetable side dish, the poultry flesh will need to be cut into small pieces. Carrots, onions, bell peppers and mushrooms cut into cubes, put in a baking dish on top of the turkey pulp, cover with foil and bake in the oven until tender, pre-salt and pepper. Garnish the finished dish generously with chopped herbs. Serve with rice or use on its own if desired.

A wonderful low-calorie turkey dish is roasted thigh with marjoram. The turkey thigh is washed, dried and fried in olive oil in a heated pan on both sides for several minutes.

The fried leg is transferred to a baking dish, poured with oil from the pan and baked in the oven until half cooked. Then, chopped onions, potatoes and apples are added to the turkey. All together seasoned with thyme, salted, sprinkled with a small amount of dry white wine and baked until fully cooked.

Low-calorie turkey is used in Roman stew. The turkey flesh is cut into cubes and fried in olive oil. Then add chopped mushrooms, tomato paste and season with sage. After a few minutes, cream, dry white wine and a little flour are added. Served with pasta.

A tasty and healthy dish is turkey fillet with beans in pots. Pre-soaked red beans are boiled. Turkey fillet is cut into small pieces and fried in olive oil with chopped vegetables: onions, carrots and garlic. Seasoned with marjoram. A little dry white wine is poured into each serving pot, a layer of beans is laid out, and then a layer of meat with vegetables, salted, covered with a “lid” of store-bought puff pastry and baked in the oven until done.

The low-calorie turkey (breast) is also hypoallergenic, therefore it is widely used in children's nutrition.

Poultry white meat is perhaps the most in demand among meat products. This is due not only to its low percentage of fat content, but also to its ease of absorption, low cholesterol levels and a long feeling of satiety. Chicken and turkey are included in dietary medical "tables", in various weight loss methods and express diets, in sports nutrition. They are able to undergo absolutely any cooking method, be part of both hot and cold dishes, combined with fruits and vegetables. Losing weight, of course, is interesting how many calories are in the breast and how quickly it is digested. But besides this, it’s also worth knowing the ways in which even light white meat can be turned into an enemy of the gastrointestinal tract so that you never use them, and tricks to help add the calorie content of boiled or baked breast minus sign to use constantly.

Of all the birds whose meat is generally suitable for consumption, chicken and turkey are most often purchased. But if the first one is often bought as a whole, then disassembled into its component parts for different dishes, then the second one is usually taken chopped because of its volume. The differences between these birds are not too great, although, of course, they are. And it’s worth starting a detailed study with the most popular and accessible to almost every person, regardless of financial capabilities and place of residence.

How many calories in breast

For a non-fried chicken breast, the calorie content will be 113 kcal per hundred grams, which is certainly not much for meat. Of this figure, 84% is occupied by proteins, allowing one to call the chicken as a whole one of their best sources, 15% are fats, which proves the lightness of a separate part of the bird, and only 1% are carbohydrates. This indicates the lightness of the meat as such. Moreover, there are no bones or skin here, and the latter just carries the most cholesterol, providing a heavy load to the liver and being deposited in the wrong places. And if you make a fried breast, the calorie content of which will jump to 197 kcal, you should immediately insure yourself with at least broccoli or sauerkraut. Since one breast, consisting of two equal parts of the fillet, weighs on average about half a kilogram, it is easy to calculate that its energy value will be about 565 kcal. While the daily norm, not only set by someone, but also developed over many years, is two hundred grams. This is the amount that an adult is able to get enough of. Undoubtedly, if he does not eat naked meat, but, for example, with vegetables. As a result, the calorie content of boiled breast per serving will be about 230 kcal. Add fresh vegetables to it, and a light but satisfying lunch or dinner is ready.

And its benefit, of course, lies not only in low "weight" and harmlessness to the figure. First of all, as already mentioned, chicken meat is an excellent source of protein, which is digested completely. It must be present in the diet of athletes and those people who want to lose weight by losing fat, not muscle. The share of cholesterol here is on the same level with it in fish, which makes it harmless for people with problems of the cardiovascular system. In addition, chicken breast perfectly accelerates the metabolism, although it does not compete in this, for example, with broccoli or grapefruit. And it also has a decent content of potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and fluorine.

The turkey breast has a slightly higher calorie content than its “sister”: 157 kcal per hundred grams. But in terms of weight, the two halves of the fillet, of which it consists, are much heavier - as much as 1800 grams. Compared to chicken, in terms of breast calories, turkey is higher in fat at 40% and lower in protein at 56%. The meat itself is undeniably juicier, which allows you to bake it without the use of oil or mayonnaise and not be afraid of dryness when iterating over cooking time, as happens with chicken. As for the cooking method, everything here is practically by analogy with its lighter relative: you can bake, and fry, and stew, and steam, and turn into rolls, sausages and canned food. But, undoubtedly, the best option in terms of preserving useful properties and calorie content is boiled breast. All trace elements and amino acids remain in it, the meat is tender and juicy, and there is no damage to the figure. In addition, it is easier to digest than, say, cooked in a pan with a lot of oil. Moreover, the calorie content of fried turkey breast will show almost 280 kcal per hundred grams, and to neutralize it, you will need to add ginger or citrus fruits to the dish.

In addition to almost completely repeating the effect on the body of chicken, turkey breast is a non-allergic product, which makes it suitable for baby food. In addition, it supports the immune system, tones the blood vessels and the heart, and therefore is indispensable during infectious diseases. Among all the substances that can be found in it, phosphorus, potassium, copper and sodium stand out.

Regarding compatibility with other products, it works best in tandem with mushrooms or sauerkraut, pineapples, cranberries, red currants, chestnuts.

The best dishes using breast

After finding out how many calories are in the breast, it will not be superfluous to figure out how to cook it correctly and what to combine it with in order to have the most beneficial effect on the figure and the body as a whole. And also find out what the chicken is better for, and what the turkey is for. Despite the fact that both of these birds are similar in taste, each of them has its own specific nuances.

The ideal option is boiled breast, the calorie content of which remains almost unchanged, but all the nutrients remain in place. When combined with vegetables, it is a wonderful dinner or lunch that does not harm the figure in any way. But it is impossible to constantly eat only boiled meat, sometimes you even want such harmful things as fried breast, the calorie content of which increases one and a half times. Here it is necessary to ensure that the meat is deprived of the skin, as well as to minimize the amount of meat. And do not combine it with potatoes. It is better to add pumpkin, zucchini or cucumber.

Due to the low calorie content of the turkey breast and the meat that is not dry, like that of a chicken, cutlets are undoubtedly best made from it. This is a great option for those who do not want to load the digestive tract with a mixture of beef and pork, but do not agree to put up with the dryness of the chicken variation. Minced turkey is more tender and slightly fatter, and, consequently, both meatballs and cutlets are more juicy, but easily digestible. You need to mix it with a small piece of butter, salt, pepper, breadcrumbs and finely chopped onion. Due to the low calorie content of turkey breast, such a dish will weigh about 150-170 kcal per hundred grams, which will be approximately 200 kcal per serving. As a side dish, buckwheat or rice, or steamed vegetables, will be the most successful option.

Another great recipe using this bird is barbecue based on it, baked in the oven. Due to various seasonings, it will also become a good fat-burning agent, at the same time it perfectly satisfies hunger. For turkey breast barbecue, the calorie content without any side dish will be about 220 kcal per hundred grams, which makes it possible to use it both for lunch and dinner. For cooking, you will need to cut the fillet into large pieces and marinate it in a mixture of lemon juice, black and red pepper, vegetable oil and a pinch of saffron. After 4-5 hours, the meat is salted, strung on skewers, smeared with the remains of the marinade mixed with honey, and sent to bake. Best served with vegetables or rice.

Chicken sweet and sour variation will appeal to gourmets who are tired of the monotony. And due to some components of the dish, the calorie content of the breast and even the share of mayonnaise will come to naught. You will need a fillet cut into slices, beaten with a wooden mallet and salted, canned or fresh pineapple, diced, a couple of large tomatoes, a little fat-free (ideally homemade) mayonnaise and cheese. On the meat smeared with mayonnaise, tomatoes and pineapples are laid out in layers, sprinkled with cheese, and the baking sheet is sent to the oven. The calorie content of a breast cooked in this way will be only 148 kcal per hundred grams, but not a single kilocalorie will be deposited on the sides and thighs due to pineapple.

4.4 out of 5 (5 Votes)

Turkey meat, a poultry that came to us from the Western Hemisphere, is one of the dietary types of meat.

Poultry meat received such a definition due to its beneficial properties, the presence of a large number of useful substances, as well as the practically absence of fat and harmful cholesterol.

Turkey meat is rich in amino acids necessary for the proper development of the body, and easily digestible protein, meat is prescribed both for therapeutic and weight loss diets.

In the sale of our stores you can find several varieties of turkey meat, divided into parts of the bird's body - fillet (breast), wings, thighs, drumsticks, as well as offal (liver, heart).

If a person needs to eat the least high-calorie, fatty foods to make a diet, then turkey meat will be one of the best options for preparing tasty and healthy dishes.

Naturally, each part of the carcass is slightly, but will differ in calorie content. Therefore, you need to proceed first of all from the recommendations of a doctor or nutritionist.

  1. The lowest calorie part of this poultry is the breast, turkey fillet. calories of this skinless product is only 84 kcal per 100 grams.
  2. The thigh and drumstick will overtake the breast by a few calories - 144 kcal per hundred grams.
  3. Wings - up to 191 kcal.

Lower than all other parts of it - 84 kcal per 100 grams. This part can be given as the first meat dish to small children - no allergies, no harmful substances unnecessary for the growing body.

To avoid inaccurate calorie calculations, it is imperative to remove the skin, and also avoid cooking the dish by frying in vegetable oil.

In food, except for breast and fillet on a diet, you can use turkey thigh calories which is 144 kcal per hundred grams.

Turkey will be an excellent substitute for chicken, pork or veal meat, especially since it practically does not differ in price.

Turkey fillet calories

Naturally, the calorie content of a boiled turkey is less than the same value in a fried form. This is because during heat treatment, a certain amount of protein, as well as fats, enters the water.

In a turkey, the skin is considered the fattest part of the carcass - if you separate it from the meat, then almost all the fat remains with the skin.

Turkey wings, unfortunately, are not peeled, but boiled have slightly fewer calories than fried ones.

So, in boiled form, turkey parts have the following number of calories:

  • breast - 85 kcal;
  • thigh - 145 kcal;
  • wings - 150-190 kcal.

The simplest recipe for a boiled turkey is the preparation of boiled fillets.

  1. Boil the fillet; you need at least one and a half hours, but you should not digest it either, otherwise the meat will become tough.
  2. You can salt before and during the heat treatment, but pepper (if you can spicy) should be a raw product.
  3. After the end of the cooking process, the sirloin is cut into neat pieces, sprinkled with parsley and served to the table.
  4. You can use the dish both hot and cold - the taste in both forms will be excellent.

turkey stew how many calories

To make the stew more tasty, with a rich taste and aroma, you must definitely add a few herbs, onions and, of course, oil.

Whether it is vegetable or olive oil, it is a little, but it will increase the calorie content in any dish.

However, due to the fact that the turkey is already not rich in fats, carbohydrates and cholesterol, there will be no harm from stewing this delicious dietary meat.

To minimize the number of calories, you can take a breast for stewing, add dried parsley, basil, salt a little, coat the turkey with oil, put onions, pour all this with a glass of filtered water and send it to stew over low heat for an hour.

Of all the parts of the turkey on sale, the liver of this bird is the most high-calorie product - 250-270 kcal per 100 grams.

However, no one canceled the usefulness of this offal - the amount of vitamins needed by the body is several times greater than in the same chicken liver.

The whole range of B vitamins, vitamin A, K, E, PP - this is not a complete list of substances found in the liver of a turkey.

It tastes like chicken liver. People suffering from anemia should pay attention to this product - the liver will replenish a large number of blood cells.
Another feature of the turkey liver is quick cooking - it will take you no more than an hour to stew the turkey liver.

  1. Add a carrot
  2. onion,
  3. a tablespoon of oil (sunflower / olive),
  4. salt,
  5. seasonings to taste (dried natural herbs, pepper),
  6. glass of water,
  7. cover with a lid and in an hour you can eat a delicious, insanely flavored dish for the whole family.

Be careful before eating - the liver, unlike other parts of the turkey, can cause allergic reactions.

Therefore, you should first try one or two pieces, and making sure that there are no negative consequences, proceed to the meal.

Have a nice low-calorie appetite for you and your loved ones!

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

The turkey is the largest of the poultry. The mass of an adult turkey can reach 9 kilograms, a turkey - up to 16 kilograms.

Calorie boiled turkey fillet

The calorie content of boiled turkey fillet is 130 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of boiled turkey fillet

Turkey fillet contains vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin, a lot of and. Turkey white meat contains all the essential amino acids.

Useful properties of boiled turkey fillet

Turkey meat is considered a dietary product because it contains a large amount of protein and little fat (calorizator). The proteins in turkey meat are mostly water-soluble, contain practically no collagen and elastin, and therefore are easily digestible by humans.

The most valuable is the white meat of an adult bird, after cooking, which in the broth contains the most extractive substances that cause increased secretion of digestive juices, which contributes to better digestion of food.

Boiled fillet is useful for cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and depression. It is a good antioxidant and hypoallergenic product, it has practically no contraindications, therefore it is used in baby food.

Turkey (boiled fillet) in cooking

In cooking, turkey fillet is used in many recipes. Boiled fillet is served with rice and potatoes, under different sauces, with pepper and vegetables, garlic and herbs (calorie). It serves as an excellent filling of salads, in which it is perfectly combined in taste with pineapples, sweet corn, and vegetables.

Thus, turkey fillet is dietary and healthy; very tasty dishes can be prepared from it.