
What kind of utensils. Types of kitchen utensils. Cutlery for weekdays and a festive table

What do you need to cook in so as not to feed your loved ones with harmful metals and elements? What is better, the age-old experience of our great-grandmothers or new technologies?

Healthy eating is not only organic products, the way they are prepared, but also the right utensils. What do you need to cook in so as not to feed your loved ones with harmful metals and elements?

What is better, the age-old experience of our great-grandmothers or new technologies?

Lightweight pots or pans?

Beautiful or healthy? And, finally, convenient or not very.

6 types of dishes: choose wisely


Our ancestors used it thousands of years ago. Clay is a natural material, although there is one problem - the dishes are very fragile. Clay without glaze easily absorbs fats and odors. Lead is used in the production of glaze.

The paints that cover pottery are also not very useful substances - cadmium, zinc. When clay interacts with water, salts of heavy metals are formed. They are very harmful and accumulate in the body.Therefore, it is better to store dry products in ceramics.

copper utensils

"He hit the copper basin..." Many people remember how grandmothers cooked jam in copper basins. It is believed that food cooks faster in copper utensils, less time is exposed to high temperatures, and some useful substances can be preserved in the products.

But, copper oxidizes, and foods cooked in it are deprived of vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Everyone needs food rich in vitamins. Yes, these dishes are very expensive.

Cast iron cookware

Maybe someone keeps pots and pans, as a memory of great-grandmothers, because they are eternal utensils, but these dishes do not really fit into modern cuisine, even if food does not burn in cast iron. But…

  • First, the dishes are heavy.
  • Secondly, it rusts quickly.

You need to look after, wipe with oil, but there is a nuance. The structure of cast iron is porous, the oil penetrates deep into the pores and cannot be removed afterwards.

Lilia Gushchina, head chef of the MitStar cafe, believes that cast iron cannot be classified as harmless. “Reheating the oil leads to the formation of carcinogens. Therefore, we do not fry in the same oil twice. But when using a cast-iron pan, the particles of fat in the pores are heated many times and do not bring health.


Familiar to all colored Soviet pots and ladles. They used them even when chips and scratches appeared on the bottom or walls - and they appeared easily - as soon as the dishes fell or hit. And that's it, the protective enamel coating is broken, the way for acids to the metal is open.

The task of enamel is to protect the metal from oxidation, interaction with products. And this effect persists until the first chip or crack.But the enamel itself, if it is red or brown, is not safe - it contains a lot of magnesium and manganese.

We talked about the harm of magnesium in the section on pottery, and an excess of manganese in the body leads to loss of appetite and drowsiness.

The safest dishes with white, gray, blue enamel.

But enamel does not solve the problem of burning food at all.

aluminum cookware

One of the most common in Soviet catering, and many in the kitchen had such dishes - light, cheap, most importantly - stainless. Yes, aluminum has a natural oxide film on the surface, but it breaks down quickly.

As soon as you start boiling sour cabbage soup in an aluminum pan, the brew will acquire a metallic taste and a grayish color ... It’s completely unappetizing. And unhealthy. Moreover, aluminum causes changes in the brain, immunodeficiency develops, and the female reproductive system suffers.

Stainless cookware

Stainless steel cookware looks stylish, beautiful, expensive to look at. Food does not burn in it. But really safe utensils must be made from a certain alloy. For example, nickel there should be no more than 10%. Otherwise, nickel can cause allergies, oncology, and miscarriage.

Chromium in the alloy should be natural - trivalent, not industrial, ecotoxic, hexavalent. If chromium is wrong - hello gastritis, stomach ulcers, psychoses and neuroses.

Food cannot be stored in stainless dishes - metals can penetrate food.

Do you need it?

But cooking soups and cereals in beautiful pots or frying steaks and scrambled eggs in stainless pans is practical and convenient.

So what? Cooking only in stainless steel?

Not at all. You can cook in any metal utensils, if the metal is protected by a special coating. Now there are a lot of dishes made of aluminum alloys on the market, but a coating is applied on top that improves the properties of the metal - the food in such dishes does not burn.

But how safe is the coating itself?

Anton Aleshin, chemist-technologist of JSC Neva Metal Ware, confirms the safety of coatings for humans. “If the coating is solid, without damage, then it is completely harmless.

That is why when cooking, you need to use plastic, silicone or wooden spatulas and spoons so as not to violate the integrity of the coating.

Modern protective coatings on pans are usually multi-layered, which increases their strength. And some water-based coatings are able to "tighten" minor scratches. Yes, if the pan is very hot, then the coating can be burned, and the food will start to burn - this is a signal that the pan needs to be replaced immediately.

However, modern stoves only heat up to 220 degrees. So you can safely use dishes with a protective coating.

But it is one thing to choose safe dishes, and another thing is to be able to use them correctly.

Try to cook without oil. Just modern coatings allow this. After cooking, let the dishes cool down on their own and only then can they be washed.

There is no perfect cookware. Each has strengths and weaknesses. The main thing is to choose safe dishes and use them correctly. Store food in one and cook in the other. But when cooking, you also need to follow some rules so that the food is tasty and healthy.If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

In the kitchen, you can do without a bread machine or a yogurt maker and, if you really try, without martini glasses. But no kitchen will be left without a frying pan and a couple of pots, regardless of the style, footage and taste preferences of the owners. Not only your comfort and appearance of the kitchen interior, but also the health and taste of cooked dishes depend on the right choice of dishes, which is why the choice of kitchen utensils should be approached as thoughtfully as possible.

When choosing utensils for cooking, the closest attention should be paid to the material from which it is made, as well as to pay attention to the quality of workmanship, the manufacturer and, of course, the appearance, because beautiful modern utensils can not only play a utilitarian role, but also serve as an excellent interior decoration.

Production material

Cast iron cookware has been known to mankind for many hundreds of years, however, it is still considered one of the best. Saucepans, ducklings and pots made of cast iron are great for stews, especially since the food in them practically does not burn.

Cast iron heats up quite slowly, but it gives off heat evenly and is ideal for long-cooked dishes. In addition, it is completely safe in terms of health and will serve your family for many years with proper care. Remember also the ability of cast iron to retain the accumulated heat for a long time: dishes can be allowed to “reach” to full readiness even when the stove is off.
The only disadvantage of cast iron cookware is its considerable weight, which, however, is compensated by the excellent taste of the dishes cooked in it.

Advice: To make cast iron cookware last longer, wipe it thoroughly after washing to avoid rust, and do not leave food in it for long periods of storage.

Cookware made of cast iron coated with a protective enamel is less prone to rust and will last much longer. The thermal regime of such dishes remains the same, however, the enameled surface makes it easier to clean the dishes and makes them look more attractive, the main thing is to be careful with such dishes so as not to inadvertently damage the enamel.

aluminum cookware

Aluminum utensils were quite common in Soviet times, but now they are considered not very useful for cooking, especially spicy and sour dishes, since aluminum is capable of releasing harmful substances.

Oddly enough, aluminum utensils are good for boiling milk, because it does not burn at all in it, so it’s still worth having a small saucepan for dairy dishes on the farm.

Advice: choose aluminum dishes with thick walls, as thin ones can be deformed during operation.

Steel utensils with a cheerful enamel coating are also familiar to most of us since childhood. Steel is a durable, practical and environmentally friendly material, however, nickel, which is part of it, in rare cases can cause an individual allergic reaction.

The enamel coating retains all the properties of steel, adding to them an attractive appearance and ease of maintenance. However, when choosing enamelware, you should be especially careful, giving preference only to reliable manufacturers who can guarantee the quality of enamel application. To ensure the quality of enamelware, pay attention to the fact that its edge is even and carefully painted over, and the inner surface does not contain spots and dots.

Reminder: It is not recommended to use enamelware with a damaged top layer!

Best of all, enamelware is suitable for preparing liquid dishes: a variety of soups, compotes, etc.


In addition to the material of manufacture, the inner coating of the dishes also plays an important role, especially when it comes to a frying pan or stewpan. If you want your favorite omelette or pilaf not to burn, and the pan lasts a long time and does not cause difficulties in care, pay attention to the presence of a special coating on it.

Modern non-stick coatings allow you to cook with minimal oil, and therefore make food much healthier.

There are two main types of non-stick coatings for pans on the market today: classic black based on polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), a polymer that is highly resistant to high temperatures and household chemicals. Such a coating is often called "Teflon", but this name is not entirely accurate, as it indicates the product of only one company.

A novelty is the “ceramic” white non-stick coating, which is more resistant to minor scratches and mechanical damage. This coating, of course, has nothing to do with traditional ceramics and is a complex composition with sand nanoparticles.

The only drawback of all non-stick coatings is their fragility, which is why when handling such utensils, it is imperative to follow simple precautionary rules.

Rules for handling non-stick cookware:

  • do not use metal, only wooden or silicone spatulas;
  • wash only by hand, with a soft sponge;
  • use detergents without abrasives;
  • it is better not to overheat the dishes and not to expose them to sudden changes in temperature;
  • It is best to cook over medium to low heat.

Paying attention to details

In addition to the material, coating and appearance, when choosing cookware, you should pay attention to details that usually escape attention, but are important components of your future culinary comfort.

What to look for when choosing dishes:

  • dishes with a thick bottom and walls, at least 2 mm, will last longer;
  • it is better to give preference to models with solid, welded handles;
  • in dishes with a relief bottom, food will burn less than in a regular one;
  • pay attention to the lid: it is very convenient if it has a small hole for steam to escape;
  • try to pick up a set of pots of different sizes, including, do not forget about a sufficiently capacious capacity;
  • when choosing dishes, remember which stove you will cook on;
  • do not forget about the appearance, which should be combined with the interior style of the entire kitchen.

Beautiful and comfortable utensils are a guarantee that you will cook with pleasure, and the everyday process of cooking will really turn into a culinary art that will delight all family members.

Many people think that switching to proper nutrition is as easy as shelling pears - I bought organic products, cooked them in a gentle mode - and that's it: a healthy dish on a plate. However, experts believe that, in addition to quality products, one of the main components of a healthy diet is the “right” utensils for cooking. So, which cookware is better?


pros. The vitreous enamel covering the base material (cast iron and iron) is absolutely neutral to both metal and food. It perfectly protects metal from corrosion, and food from harmful impurities. Accordingly, in such dishes you can cook and store various dishes. Such pans are ideal for cooking dishes with a lot of liquid: jelly, etc.

Minuses. Enameled pots are not suitable for stewing vegetables, meat, cooking pilaf: these dishes burn instantly. And any, even the most durable, enamel can crack. Carefully inspect your old pan, and if you find cracks or chips on its body, say goodbye to it immediately. Otherwise, salts of heavy metals, which provoke the development of oncological diseases, will freely penetrate into food through islands not covered with enamel. Cracks and chips on the enamel can appear as a result of a sharp change in temperature, accidental impacts, scraping, overheating. Enamel retains its integrity longer on heavy, thick-walled dishes.

Stainless steel cookware

pros. Stainless steel cookware is light and comfortable, easy to clean, it is aesthetic and durable, does not react with food. High-quality dishes that comply with GOSTs and have a thick bottom are safe for health. Dishes in it, in general, do not burn, warm up evenly and stay hot longer.

Minuses. Inexpensive stainless steel cookware tends to have a thin bottom, which can cause food with little liquid in it to burn. When buying cheap Chinese or Indian products, one can only hope for their safety for health. The disadvantage of high-quality thick-bottomed cookware is that it is quite heavy and also quite expensive, although given its durability, it still turns out to be cheaper than quickly failing non-stick cookware.

aluminum cookware

pros. Aluminum is an excellent conductor of heat, liquids boil very quickly in such dishes. In addition, aluminum pots and pans are light and inexpensive, convenient. In aluminum pans, milk practically does not burn (and, accordingly, milk soups and cereals). High-quality aluminum cookware is durable. In frying pans made of this material, food almost never burns, and when used correctly, it does not stick. If food sticks to such a frying pan, it must be well dried, salt is calcined on it, after which the salt is removed, and the pan is thoroughly wiped with a dry, clean cloth and greased.

Recently, aluminum frying pans are most often produced with a special non-stick coating that protects, among other things, food from direct contact with aluminum (see Teflon cookware).

Aluminum cookware is convenient for camping and fishing.

Minuses. If you decide to buy thin-walled aluminum cookware, be prepared for the fact that in a year or two it will not take on a very aesthetic appearance, primarily due to deformation, and in a thin-bottomed frying pan, food will regularly stick, heat unevenly and burn. Therefore, try to give preference to products with thick walls. Aluminum does not get along with all products: it does not tolerate contact with the acidic, salty and alkaline environment of borscht, stews of sour or pickled vegetables, salted fish, fruit compotes, fruit drinks, milk, soups with tomato dressings, tomato sauces and gravy. With such food, this metal enters into a chemical reaction, which means that with each plate of freshly prepared borscht or kharcho soup, you can get from 3 to 5 mg. aluminum. The permissible dose of metal for a person is 30-50 mg per day. And you can’t store cooked food in such dishes at all. In a real dish, the amount of this metal is 30-45 mg, and such doses of it can provoke cystitis, anemia, cause memory disorders and low concentration of attention, and accumulating over time in the body, lead to cancer.

Cast iron cookware

pros. Cast iron cookware has no equal when it comes to dishes that require long cooking - the most delicious, juicy and appetizing, or pilaf will turn out in just such a cookware. The dishes in it warm up very evenly, with proper use they do not stick to the bottom, cast iron cookware has natural non-stick properties. In pans made of this material, they are best baked and meat is perfectly fried. And in order for something to burn in it, you need to try very hard - the heat is so evenly distributed over its thick porous bottom. This happens due to the low thermal conductivity of cast iron, which, by the way, is very reluctant to give it away.

Minuses. One of the disadvantages is the fragility, susceptibility of cast iron to rust, so the dishes after washing should be immediately wiped and lubricated with vegetable oil, you can warm it up. It is undesirable, by the way, to wash dishes from this porous material with detergents - soda is preferable. Do not leave “wet” cereals or stewed vegetables in it: dishes may darken and acquire an unpleasant metallic taste. Do not rush to throw away rusty cast iron cookware - it is easy to restore it. Another disadvantage is the heaviness. Periodically (and at the beginning of use it is necessary) such dishes must be calcined. Despite some shortcomings, I really like this dish. And you?

Glass and ceramic dishes

pros. Refractory glass and ceramic dishes do not react with acidic, salty or spicy foods (it is safe for health), perfectly absorbs and retains heat, and is easy to clean. Such dishes please the eye with their aesthetic appearance. I myself use glass and ceramic baking dishes, and am very satisfied. Subject to the rules of operation, such odds are durable, safe, the dishes in them look very beautiful. When choosing glassware, I recommend that you carefully examine it so that there is no marriage - the glass should not have cracks and chips, and there should not be air bubbles inside it.

Minuses. Fragility. Refractory glassware and ceramics require special treatment. Pots should not be put on fire without a flame divider (unevenly heated bottom cracks). In addition, the liquid should not be allowed to boil away - the pan may burst. Heat-resistant glass does not tolerate temperature changes, that is, cold water cannot be poured into heated dishes, such dishes cannot be placed on a hot oven grate. It is necessary to remove the grate from the oven, preheat the oven, and only then place the grate and dishes made of glass or ceramics there. Hot dishes made of such materials should not be placed on a cold or wet surface, otherwise they may crack.

Teflon cookware

pros. Such dishes are made of steel or aluminum and are coated with a fluorine-containing polymer Teflon, in the case of aluminum, further protecting food from contact with this metal. Teflon is resistant to acids, alkalis, high temperatures; it is very slippery and therefore an excellent non-stick coating for pans and pots. Moreover, the coating is smooth and porous, in which microcells contribute to more uniform heating of the bottom and walls. This cookware is quite light and easy to use.

Minuses. The main disadvantage is fragility, since the Teflon coating is very easy to mechanically damage. A damaged Teflon coating is also toxic. That is why it is highly recommended to stir the contents of such pots and pans with wooden (not metal) spoons or spatulas. For the same reason, Teflon dishes cannot be cleaned with hard washcloths and powders. If the Teflon dishes are nevertheless scratched, it is better to say goodbye to it: firstly, in places of damage, food can stick to the bottom, and secondly, harmful substances can penetrate food from scratches. Teflon also releases toxic substances when overheated. It used to be that temperatures up to 250º were considered safe, currently temperatures up to 200º are considered safe, and according to some reports up to 165º. Particularly harmful are the vapors released when Teflon is overheated.

Silicone molds (silicone utensils)

pros. Silicone is used to make various molds and molds for freezing, mats for rolling and baking dough, etc. The main advantage of silicone molds is their non-stick properties, as well as, importantly, their compactness (they can be folded), ease of use, aesthetics and diversity.

Minuses. fragility. Silicone utensils should not be used on an open flame. You can not get pastries (sweets, ice) out of it with a knife or fork, since it is easy to damage, pierce the form. Low thermal conductivity, baking time is required more than when using metal molds. It is worth pouring batter into a silicone mold only after you have placed it on a baking sheet, otherwise it is easy to spill its contents when transferring the mold. In addition, there are many fakes, and low-quality silicone dishes can, when heated, emit not only an unpleasant smell of rubber, but also harmful substances. It is better not to use such dishes. Personally, I'm still actively considering whether to buy a silicone mold. She has advantages, but it stops the fact that silicone is a product of oil refining, and there are doubts about its harmlessness.

  • To make your stainless steel pot last longer, lubricate the inside with vegetable oil from time to time.
  • Dry the pots after washing, and they will never develop a musty smell and mold.
  • Do not overheat stainless steel cookware or it will lose its luster.
  • If food is burnt in an enameled pan, pour a thick layer of salt on the bottom and leave for several hours. After that, it will be much easier to clean the dishes.
  • If the aluminum pan turns black, pour water into it, add 3-4 tbsp. l. vinegar and boil for 10-15 minutes: it will shine like new.
  • It will be easier to wash a glass pan if you soak it in a solution of vinegar and water for 10-12 hours, and then wash it in salt water with soap and rinse under cold running water.

Everyone loves good food. In order for food to be tasty and healthy when cooking, you need to have good dishes. As the theater begins with a hanger, the kitchen begins with dishes.

Any housewife will tell you how much fun you can get while working in the kitchen with comfortable, pleasant and beautiful dishes.

Let's talk today and talk about what kind of dishes are and which one is better to buy for your kitchen.

Cookware is classified according to the material from which it is made, manufacturing technology, and appearance. When buying dishes for the kitchen, first of all, you need to know what it is made of, what you can cook in it and how it will affect us.

Given the shortcomings of different materials for the manufacture of dishes, many troubles can be avoided.

In a bowl of aluminum It is not recommended to cook spicy and sour dishes. Already with a slight heating, even weak acids and alkalis destroy aluminum, its salts are formed, which are very harmful to the body. However, you cannot cook porridge without aluminum cookware, as dairy products burn in enameled cookware. One piece of advice can be given: cook - cook, but in no case do not store food in it.

Dishes from of stainless steel, most often brand 18/10, where 18% chromium and 10% nickel. This cookware is safe. Stainless steel is resistant to oxidation, beautiful, when cooking in it, the products do not lose their properties, taste and even vitamins, and provides long-term and reliable storage. But the nickel contained in it is still an allergen and can cause dermatosis. Do not use such dishes too often and cook spicy dishes in it.

Well proven enamelled tableware. In such dishes you can cook dinner, store any food, you can safely make pickles and marinades in it. However, one of the main disadvantages of such dishes is their fragility. With careless handling, enamel chips and cracks appear. Moisture penetrates through them to the metal, and the process of corrosion begins. It is better to part with such dishes. Enamelled utensils edged with stainless steel almost do not fight off.

Completely safe and heat resistant glass And ceramic tableware. In clay pots, food has been cooked from time immemorial - this was customary among many peoples. From high temperature, they become even stronger. One thing is bad - ceramics quickly absorb fat, and it is difficult to wash it off. And yet, modern ceramic and glassware is not cheap. You can afford - very good. But before buying, be sure to make sure that it is really heat resistant.

In recent years, dishes with non-stick polymer coating. This cookware is non-toxic, chemically inert, and, most importantly, food does not burn in it. But if you heat the pan to a temperature of 300 degrees (and normal frying occurs at a temperature of 200-220 degrees), then the polymer coating begins to decompose, releasing rather harmful fumes. When working with such pans, you must use only a wooden or plastic spatula.

And, of course, should not be written off cast iron dishes. Although it is heavy, the food in it almost does not burn, it heats up slowly (therefore, it is especially good to stew in it) and slowly cools down.

According to the manufacturing technology, cast dishes are better. It is thicker and heavier, distributes heat well, and - most importantly - the walls and bottom heat up evenly, which means that the food does not burn.

The thickness of the pan or pan also plays a big role. If the thickness is less than 2 mm, then such dishes are not suitable for use already because they are easily deformed. The most common dishes are 2.5 mm thick. It can be used on gas and electric stoves, but is not recommended for glass-ceramic stoves. Universal dishes with a thickness of 4-6 mm.

Some types of cookware have a heat controller, steam holes on the lid, embossed bottom and other features to increase safety and comfort. If the bottom of the pan has a “honeycomb” relief, then in such dishes the surface of contact with food decreases and its non-stick properties increase.

The most prominent part of any pan or pot is of course the handle. Handles are riveted or welded. Welded handles are preferable, as they do not violate the integrity of the coating. And the rivets of the riveted handle can peel off. The handle itself can be of various shapes and designs. Recently, dishes with non-heating handles have appeared, which is very convenient to use.

Well, you will have to determine the required volume of your pans yourself. It all depends on the needs of your family and the tradition of cooking. It is recommended to have several pans of various sizes in the kitchen.

And let only good mood reign in your kitchen. As experienced housewives say: only in a good mood can you cook good food.

Many of us try to lead a healthy lifestyle and carefully monitor what foods we consume. We try to avoid eating foods that are poor in nutrients, and all this is fine. But how often do we think about the dishes in which we cook these healthy and tasty dishes of ours? And how safe is the food that has been heat-treated in such dishes?

The dishes are made from a number of modern materials, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Additional confusion is introduced by a huge range of brands that are on the market, as well as advertising (not always conscientious). Let's figure it out together, and the rating of cooking utensils will help us in this.

Rating of the most popular manufacturers

To begin with, a few words about the most popular manufacturers that are represented on the modern market.


A world-famous company that has achieved popularity thanks to the production of excellent non-stick cookware, as well as household electrical appliances. The products of this company turn the usual process of cooking into a very entertaining and interesting.


The German company is known as a manufacturer of reliable and high-quality cookware, which is used not only by housewives, but also in professional kitchens. The modern developments of this company combine German quality, functionality and modern style.


Fissler products from Germany are well known to both ordinary housewives and culinary professionals. Distinctive qualities of this ware are ease in leaving and operation, convenience, quality assurance and attractive design.

Neva-Metal Ware (NMP)

A well-known domestic manufacturer of kitchen utensils, which combines high quality and affordable prices. This company embodies convenience, ease of use and modern technologies in its products.


Although this company is presented as a European manufacturer of kitchen utensils. To date, factories for the manufacture of its products are located in Turkey and Asia.

Gipfel kitchen utensils are well-deservedly popular among many housewives. The quality of the materials used, affordable price, ease and comfort of use - all this can be said about this cookware.


Vitesse provides users with a huge range of various appliances and products for the kitchen, as well as serving items. The products of this company have earned trust due to their good quality and affordable price.

Teflon coated

The Teflon coating is very resistant to the corrosive effects of salty and acidic products or chemical detergents:

  • As scientists assure, it is safe to cook anything in such dishes. In this case, indeed, you can practically not add oil (as we are told in TV advertising). In addition, today the technology for manufacturing Teflon coatings for dishes has been noticeably improved, and this material has become more reliable and durable. Including in the issue of protection against scratches.
  • But all such Teflon-coated items are short-lived - their service life is no more than 3 years, and they require careful handling.

Important! Such dishes should not be overheated or abrasive powders that scratch its surface, and even more so metal washcloths, should not be used for cleaning - in this case, a violation of the integrity of the coating is very likely. In this case, the pan or pan will have to be thrown away, as it becomes unsafe for health.


Many users call such items the best cooking utensils, but not everything is so clear. Modern types of enamel are resistant and non-toxic, so in such dishes you can cook and store any food or ready-made dishes in the refrigerator, including pickled vegetables and marinades.

Among the advantages can be identified:

  • High safety with gentle handling.
  • Durability (again, with careful handling).
  • Affordability.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Poor quality enamel can release heavy metals when cooked.
  • If chips appear, enamelware should be thrown away immediately, as it becomes hazardous to health. But if you value this particular vessel very much, you can try to restore it. To do this, read all about.


Aluminum cookware is one of the most practical types, it would seem, because it:

  • It burns a little.
  • Light.
  • It tolerates temperature changes well.
  • Washes great in every way.
  • Water boils quickly in such a container.

However, there are also many “buts” regarding it:

  • On the modern market, you can find a lot of poor quality aluminum products - in cheap dishes made of this material, there may well be an increased content of arsenic, lead and other harmful components that will get into food during cooking.
  • Cast aluminum thick-walled cookware is made from secondary aluminum alloys, even exposure to organic acids or table salt is harmful to it.
  • In addition, even in high-quality aluminum kitchen utensils, you cannot cook alkaline, sour and salty foods, as well as compotes, marinades and sour-milk products.
  • It is impossible to wash such items with alkaline detergents, and after scraping with a stiff brush, it is advisable not to cook anything in it for a couple of days. For a complete selection of methods and means for cleaning and restoring such dishes, see our separate article.

stainless steel

In fact, it is universal, since you can cook any products in it:

  • You can scrub and sand by absolutely any means - absolutely nothing will happen to her. Heat up - the same thing as much as you like. However, all this applies only to high-quality steel. To make it easier for you to take care of such dishes and they always look presentable, see the overview of tools and methods,.
  • The best and safest thing in the kitchen is “ordinary” stainless steel - an alloy of 10% nickel and 18% chromium, which is marked on the bottom as 18/10.
  • Steel quality kitchen utensils 18/10, as a rule, cost 2-3 times more than enameled ones.
  • Among the shortcomings can be noted rapid burning (especially in objects with thin walls). And thick-walled products are very heavy and expensive.

Important! Quality steel cookware should have a thick or thin (but not suspiciously thin) bottom. Cheap Chinese-made steel utensils are usually very thin - this should alert you. In any case, steel is an expensive material, so don't be tempted by the cheap price tag. It is better to give preference to dishes from a well-known manufacturer (Italian or German).

Ceramic Coated

This kitchen utensil is good for everyone:

  • Aesthetic.
  • Eco-friendly.
  • Has antibacterial properties.

But it could not do without minuses, like with Teflon: fragility due to the tenderness of the coating. It must not be overheated or dropped on the floor. Although it looks durable, in fact, this is not entirely true: a similar product for the kitchen is not a friend for years, but a consumable, like paper for a printer.

Porcelain, faience

Logically, it’s very good, but in reality, the glaze covering it may contain impurities harmful to health, including lead (which is virtually impossible to verify, of course, if you don’t have a laboratory at hand). Therefore, before buying such dishes, you should think carefully.

Cast iron

Old, "grandmother's". A cast iron skillet is ideal for cooking many dishes:

  • It warms up slowly, but evenly, it is able to keep heat for a long time.
  • Another advantage is that it almost does not burn, so it is convenient to cook pancakes and pancakes in it, fry soy products.

There are also disadvantages:

  • This material is hardly suitable for everyday use, since if the protective film that covers the pan is broken, the dishes begin to treacherously stain the food.
  • It cannot be washed with modern detergents.
  • Such dishes are very heavy and fragile - it is enough to drop it once.

Important! After washing, cast iron cookware must be wiped dry with a towel, otherwise it begins to rust. And it is also periodically desirable to restore non-stick properties.

Heat resistant glass

When choosing the best utensils for cooking, you also cannot ignore heat-resistant glass kitchen utensils, they are good for everyone:

  • Suitable for cooking and storing any food.
  • Can be washed with any detergent.
  • Looks very aesthetic.
  • Absorbs well and retains heat for a long time.
  • Great for baking.

But, as elsewhere, it was not without drawbacks:

  • In practice, it is short-lived.
  • During frying, food can burn, and the saucepan or pan itself strives to burst if you do not use the grid or flame divider in time.
  • With a sharp change in temperature or a fall, it easily bursts.
  • Glass kitchen utensils are among the most expensive.

Important! If you are ready to risk money for the sake of external aesthetics and attractive consumer qualities, then choose such dishes very carefully: it should not have scratches, chips, air bubbles inside - this is a marriage, it will quickly burst.