
Someone is eating. Dream Interpretation: why dream of food Why dream of a dream to eat a lot

You dreamed in a dream that you ate. Why is this dreaming?

The dream book will help us find out about this.

Food in a dream personifies not only food in material terms. This applies to the spiritual and intellectual spheres. It reflects all your needs and the state of your affairs. Talks about the accumulation of experience, energy.

Dreams with food consumption can portend fun, hunger, sadness, quarrels, illnesses in the family, troubles. Explanations for different dream books can differ markedly and will depend on the details of the dream.

Interpretations of various dream books

Women's dream book

Eating in a dream is the accumulation of erudition for the benefit of your life.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist A. Meneghetti

  • Eating in a dream - the desire to accumulate enterprise, love temperament. Talks about your intention to become a powerful and influential person. You will achieve what you want with hard work.
  • They enjoyed delicious food. You are satisfied with the current position in society.
  • Consumed a lot of food - a signal that you are not satisfied with the situation at work and in your personal life.

Miller's dream book

  • The woman ate raw meat - in real life there will be many obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • They ate in the desired society - this is for well-being and profit in work.

Symbolic dream book

  • A meal in a dream promises you minor hardships, not all goals you can achieve right away.
  • Sweet and pleasant food is a sign with a positive connotation. Predicts good luck, useful changes in life.

Dream Interpretation of Stuart Robinson

From the variety and type of bread that you ate, there will be an explanation of the dream.

  • White bread is a sign of generosity, recognition.
  • Black bread is a symbol of a real comrade who can help you in trouble.
  • Dried bread - to receive a gift.
  • They ate a crust of bread - to triumph and fun.
  • Eat cold bread - to well-being.
  • They ate a loaf of bread - to a surprise.

Small Velesov dream book

There is in a dream - a messenger of almost some misfortunes in all directions.

The type of product will affect the explanation of sleep:

  • Pancakes - wait for the news.
  • Beans are worries.
  • Rolls - to losses.
  • Mushrooms - problems with digestion.
  • Peas - grief, sadness.
  • Something fried - a sad life.
  • Eat chicken - to improve life.
  • Eating pork predicts illness.
  • Bread - well-being.
  • Eggs are health.
  • Eating sweets promises fun.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov

  • Eating in a dream means minor problems.
  • To feast on bread - income, wealth.

Modern dream book

Dreams about eating in a dream bring you difficulties, problems.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse

  • You didn’t like the food to taste - to illness, disappointment.
  • Eat burnt food - bad news awaits you.

Esoteric dream book

  • In a dream, they ate incomprehensible food with the deceased - to death.
  • Ate in the company of friends - to the disease.

Freud's dream book

  • A lot of food was consumed in a dream - confirms your good sexual potency.
  • There was little food - a meeting with an unsuccessful sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

  • They tried to eat inedible objects - to a sore throat.
  • Eating food in a dream is satisfaction, the fulfillment of a petty desire.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

  • They ate nuts or beans - for pregnancy, for a man - for security.
  • There are tomatoes, watermelons - for pregnancy.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

  • A feast with respected people promises wealth, recognition.
  • Eating honey with someone together portends happiness and benefit.
  • Eating pork - predicts illness, ailment.
  • Eating raw meat is bad luck.
  • Eat cooked meat - to well-being.
  • Eating a goose in a dream is a harbinger of a possible wife's illness.
  • Eating duck or chicken - to prosperity.
  • Eating rotten vegetables signal a possible illness.
  • Eating pears is a sign of deterioration in the financial sector.
  • Eggplant food broadcasts the birth of a son.

Interpretations from other sources

  • Eating soup in a dream and experiencing discomfort at the same time is a messenger of separation from a loved one.
  • A man alone enjoys eating soup. Harbinger of marriage.

What soup did you eat?

  • Wuhu - promises income.
  • Shchi - to pleasant events.
  • Soup with dumplings - to sadness.
  • An incomprehensible liquid dish - your health is on the mend.

Other foods and dishes

  • Vegetable salad - reports empty chores.
  • Meat salad portends trouble.
  • Fruit - promises well-being and addition to the family.
  • Eating pizza in a dream is a symbol with a negative connotation. Brings trouble.
  • Sandwiches are a messenger of happy pastime.


  • The old man ate caviar in a dream. Broadcasts a long and serene life.
  • Enjoy eating red caviar - predicts you good luck in achieving your goal.
  • The caviar was black - a messenger of separation from her lover.

Dream Interpretations talk about the meaning of meat products and dishes from them that you ate in a dream

  • Goulash represents your independence.
  • Dishes cooked in the oven - spiritual communication with relatives.
  • Meat delicacies for the successful completion of business.
  • Sausages - to satisfaction.
  • Sausages are fun.
  • Sausages are a surprise.
  • Cutlets - a prosperous married life.

Other interpretations

There are inedible:

  1. Clay is a nuisance.
  2. The city is fun.
  3. Lead - for the trip.
  4. Putty, amber - a surprise.
  5. Ice, snow - joy.
  6. Copper is sadness.
  7. Humus is an obstacle in your way.
  8. Hemp, rope, ashes - a gift.
  9. Sand or candle - material loss.
  10. Flame is wealth.
  11. Resin, sulfur - wait for the news.
  12. Forage - promises illness.
  13. Glasses - there will be obstacles on the way to the goal.
  14. Tobacco - for the wedding.
  15. Coals - income.
  16. Husk is a nuisance.
  17. Fur - despondency.
  18. Land - to the road.

/ Dream Interpretation is in a dream

Why dream of eating in a dream in a dream

What does it mean to eat in a dream according to the dream book? When interpreting a dream in which they eat, the main attention should be paid to the food itself and its taste. Eating in a dream is a symbol of certain deeds, worries and successes or failures. If you eat in a company, then in real life you will have successful communication and good luck in business. If you are alone at the meal, then soon you will have something to be sad about. There may also be minor losses. Also, a dream symbolizes your strength and love, and can talk about a sense of security. The taste of food is interpreted in a literal sense. For example, if you eat something tasteless, then in reality you will be dissatisfied with something or get sick. If the dishes in your dream are delicious, then the current period in your life is prosperous. Burnt food - bad news.

When in a dream you see someone eating, you will be invited to an event or party. If you eat outdoors, you are in for a period of self-doubt and instability in life. If in your dream someone is very greedy, then in reality, thanks to someone, you will make a profit. If you greedily eat food, the dream warns that you will not be able to save what you have accumulated for long.

A dream in which someone eats the earth promises a trip. Small losses are possible for those who dream that he eats eggs. But there are grapes in a dream - to win both literally and figuratively. Perhaps you will win the heart of a loved one, or maybe you will win the lottery.

Eating food in a dream according to Miller's dream book

When a person dreams that he eats alone, this means that losses await him. Moreover, these losses can be associated not only with money, but also with people. Another thing is to eat in a dream in a pleasant company. Soon you will be successful in business.

Eat in a dream according to Freud's dream book

If there are a lot of dishes on the table, then this means your sexual appetite. When there is little food, this is an unfavorable sign associated with weak potency.

Eat - Loff's dream book

According to Loff's dream book, if in a dream people eat with you, then such a dream indicates that your needs are not satisfied. Gluttony in a dream is associated with prosperity.

The vivid images that we see in a dream can help determine our problems and find the answer to a long-tormented question. To figure out what food is dreaming of, you need to remember what you ate, cooked, bought, what the food looked like, what sensations you experienced. The dream interpretation explains the meaning of this plot in very different ways.

Although food has always been considered the most necessary condition for human life, seeing it in a dream often indicates that positive changes await. For example, the interpretation depends on whether you felt the taste, and whether it was pleasant or not. Tasty food is a desire for self-improvement, and not tasty portends trouble. Let's look at the interpreter and understand all the nuances of the predictions.

An abundance of food

Which means a lot of food on the table, explains Aesop. Aesop's dream book reports that this indicates the rapid excitability and passion of the male dreamer. We must learn to restrain ourselves in our hands and control our passions.

Another option for dreaming of this is the sudden arrival of guests.

Laid table

The popular dream book believes that a table covered with dishes predicts prosperity and a cloudless life.

What is the meaning of a dream in which you are sitting at a large table with food and are busy eating at the same time? In this case, all the worries and worries about some important event will fall on your shoulders. Sometimes what you see predicts illness.

Did you dream that you were sitting at a table and there was a plate of food in front of you? A modern dream book in this case promises pleasant meetings, acquaintances.

A bowl of soup that appeared in a vision portends good news of a financial nature.

It happens that we see a refrigerator full of food in our night dreams. Pulling food out of the refrigerator is the arrival of a person dear to the heart. Putting food in the refrigerator - you will succeed in business, your work will bring dividends.


Fry something - to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The esoteric dream book sees in this plot a harbinger of conflicts, scandals, quarrels with loved ones.

Of particular importance is a dream in which a woman fries food for a man. In this case, the dreamer will have a big squabble with the man for whom she cooked in a dream, or he will become a source of trouble and trouble.

An explanation of why cooking is dreaming is also given by the People's Interpreter. The dream is interpreted as pleasant chores, perhaps the long-awaited guests will arrive. At the same time, you need to pay attention to the mood with which you cooked food in a dream. If something did not work out during the cooking process, then minor adversities and disappointments await in reality.

If the dish seen in a dream was overcooked, burned, then quarrels and scandals are inevitable. If you dream of a strong smell of burning, then the scandal will be major.

A full pan standing on the stove promises the fruitfulness of work, a reward for work.

Salting food in a dream during cooking - to difficulties with work, conflicts with colleagues.

Why dream of oversalting in food, explains Aesop. Aesop's dream book warns that you need to be careful, as intrigues are woven around, and someone is trying to take your place.

Cooking food in night dreams - to achievements in life. The undertaking will have a very good result.

Dead and food

Sometimes dead relatives can be seen. One of the common visions is when the deceased is preparing food. Oddly enough, such a plot is positive, especially if the deceased shares the cooked dish. Such content promises good health, material well-being.

If, on the contrary, the dreamer is preparing to eat the dead, then this has an unfavorable meaning and portends a serious illness, possibly fatal.

To dream of a dead man treating the dreamer with food - to happiness and wealth. Moreover, if the deceased treats with berries, then here the prediction has the opposite meaning. The universal dream book reports that a treat in the form of red berries is the arrival of relatives.

Buying food

If you dreamed that you were choosing food in a store or market, get ready for material difficulties. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers recommends refraining from rash investments of money.

Here you also need to consider what kind of products you bought. For example, why dream of buying ripe fruits? Such a dream portends material losses, but in this case, all losses will be reimbursed.

I dreamed that you were buying something baked to eat: a bun, a pie, bread? Dream Interpretation Grishina is convinced that this means profit or loss. If the pastries bought in a dream were fresh, then additional income will soon appear, if stale, large losses are expected.

Share a meal

Sharing food in a dream, feeding someone with different dishes - to success in enterprises. The universal dream book is sure that the efforts made are not in vain. Everything you put your efforts into now will pay off and give good results.

Also, such a dream characterizes the dreamer as an open person, ready to help.

There is

Plots in which the dreamer eats certain foods are of particular importance.

Miller explains in detail what fish food is dreaming of? If you ate it, then what you see has a positive omen. You will receive good news soon. Miller's dream book interprets the quick eating of fish as a harbinger of minor troubles and anxiety.

Eat meat in a dream - to illness. Feed someone meat - lose your reputation. Fry meat - meetings and noisy companies are expected, where you will show your best side.

Eating canned food in a dream means receiving a win or benefit. Dream Interpretation of Wanderers suggests that someone will be able to provide great help with advice.

If you dreamed that you were eating in the dining room, this portends friendly gatherings, a feast, a warm company.

beg for food

Begging, asking for food in a dream is an unkind sign. A popular dream book promises an early bankruptcy, serious financial difficulties. However, for poor people who find themselves in need, a dream portends outside help and even enrichment.

Wanting to eat and begging passers-by for something to eat means that some opportunities have been missed that could make life better.

If a dead person asks for food in a dream, and you give him food, the predictions are unfavorable. This means a serious illness.

If you dream that a deceased relative asks for food, this may be a warning of impending troubles. In this case, Aesop's dream book recommends visiting the grave of the deceased and ordering a repose service in the church.


Sometimes we do things that are completely out of character for us. For example, we commit a theft. The 21st century dream book interprets such a plot very negatively. Disappointment awaits you, a black streak in life, spiritual exhaustion.

Spoiled foodstuffs

Dreamed foods may have a repulsive appearance, a disgusting smell, or be spoiled. For the most part, such dreams have a negative meaning.

A description of what worms dream about in food is given by Grishina. Grishina points out that among acquaintances there are ill-wishers who all the time stick sticks in your wheels. Take a closer look at your surroundings and try to reduce communication with people who behave hypocritically and duplicitously.

If you dream of worms, this is always a nuisance, ambiguous situations in which you will look in a negative way.

A slightly different meaning if the dreamer sees wormy fruits. Here, the Modern Dream Book warns of conflict, discord in relations with a loved one. You have to make compromises so you don't end up alone.

To notice maggots - to big troubles and betrayal of people whom you considered friends and well-wishers. Do not be too trusting, do not reveal your plans to anyone until you are convinced of the sincerity of the person.

What can it mean if you dreamed of flies in food? If a fly is bogged down in honey or jam - in reality you will witness how a hypocritical, two-faced person will be convicted of a lie. I dreamed that a fly was crawling over food - your perseverance in achieving the goal will not be crowned with success.

You may also dream of hair in food. It reflects your state of mind. The psychological dream book believes that you have entered into a confrontation with the people around you, you are not satisfied with their position in relation to you.

An explanation of what spoiled food means is also given by Shereminskaya. In this case, grief is foreshadowed.

Rotten food stocks can promise illness. To see how you take apart spoiled, rotten dishes, this means in the near future a deterioration in relations with friends, or even their complete cessation.

The cause of unpleasant dreams with edible products can be a hearty dinner before going to bed. In this case, it is not necessary to attach great importance to night dreams in which repulsive images of food appear.

Various interpretations

Miller unexpectedly explains why such a plot is dreamed of. This predictor believes that such a dream warns that careless handling of documentation can cause misfortunes in business or at work.

The folk interpreter, on the contrary, reports that prosperity and prosperity await the dreamer.

If a tray with dishes is dreamed up, then the dreamer's plans will be fulfilled exactly as he wishes and imagines.

If you eat, and the dish seems tasteless, and after you have eaten, you are offered spices, then unjustified hopes, unfulfilled plans are expected.

If you dream that you are distributing food, this characterizes you as a person who is ready to make sacrifices in love or in professional activities.

Treat strangers with food - to waste and loss of money. Also, a similar plot can characterize you as a lazy and lack of initiative person.

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Now let's find out together if your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night.

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing a lot of food in a dream - for men, a dream suggests that in reality your sexual appetite flares up very quickly. Moreover, you only need to look at a beautiful woman, and you can no longer cope with physiological problems. Unfortunately, rapid ejaculation is a problem for many men, but it can be dealt with. A small amount of food that you saw in a dream promises a meeting with a frigid partner (if you are a man) or with a partner who is very weak in potency.

Dreamed of food

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing food in a dream means that you allow a careless attitude to documents, harming the most important business operations. If you dream of your lonely meal, this promises you minor losses. A favorable dream in which you eat in a pleasant society - it means profit, success in business. But if you see that your daughter or the waiter is taking away the meat dish you have not eaten, you will have to endure the insult inflicted by people whom you do not respect.

Why dream of food

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

on the tables - arrangement of affairs, depending on the type and quality of food; others eat - to exaltation; exotic food - an unusual offer; too much - joy; cook food - personal troubles; is - to tears, sadness.

What is the dream of potatoes

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

is - dissatisfaction; dig - thankless work, work; in bags or in a pile - unnecessary acquisitions.

Why dream of beef

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

the loss.

Dreamed of beef

according to Miller's dream book

Raw bloody beef in a dream most often portends a serious illness. Falls, cuts and other injuries are possible. If in a dream you eat well-cooked meat, this means that someone will give you generous support. This dream also speaks of agreement with loved ones, of the good course of your affairs. It is especially important in this case if you see yourself at the table in a pleasant environment and beautiful surroundings. In all other forms of this dream, there is a warning against possible troubles.

Dreamed of cooking

according to Miller's dream book

Cooking a dish in a dream means that a pleasant duty will soon pass to you. In the near future, visits from your dear friends await you. If something doesn’t work out while cooking, then you can expect events that cause anxiety and disappointment.

The meaning of sleep about a delicacy

according to Freud's dream book

To wish or see a delicacy in a dream indicates that in your intimate life you want to try something unusual, unconventional, but you are afraid to offer it to your partner (partner). And why? Do you think that he will not support your idea? If so, you are clearly out of luck. And then, you need to offer in such a way that the other person obviously likes your offer. If in a dream you were treated to a delicacy, it means that in the near future you will have to make love either in an unconventional place or in some unconventional way. And you can't say you won't be disappointed. If only because the novelty of the impressions and sensations received as a result will contribute to this.

Dreamed of ham

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are eating ham is good if you eat in company with someone and at the same time your hands are clean. Stale bacon means that gloomy thoughts and feelings of dissatisfaction will give you a lot of trouble. Seeing you cooking bacon is a bad dream. It is especially bad if you see how you salt it and smell the smoke at the same time.

Seeing food in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Food, like the process of eating it, is a powerful symbol in dreams. It can be either a simple addition to the main plot of the dream, or its central element. Moreover, for the interpretation of sleep, it is important to determine who prepared it. For example, you dream of a plate of potato salad that Aunt Sally loved to cook, and she has been dead for two years now. Then it may well be that the key to understanding the essence of the dream is hidden in the personality of your aunt or her influence on you. The abundance of food symbolizes fertility, abundance or wealth. How did so much food appear in a dream, and how did people react to such an abundance? Perhaps your concept of excess and excess is at odds with the opinions of other people on the same issue. Wealth and prosperity always go hand in hand: probably in a dream you require more food - this means that you have additional responsibilities. You acquired products simply because funds allowed it, then it promises wealth or someone's location, depending on how you disposed of the acquisition. Fresh food - a sign of renewal - can be dreamed of in the following contexts: you would like to dine with someone; compare with the traditional Sunday dinner in the family circle; we are talking directly about the process of eating food that brings a feeling of renewal or harvesting symbolizes unity with nature or pride in the work done. Spoiled food symbolizes waste, excess, greed or inability to manage funds. These dreams usually cause a feeling of dissatisfaction associated with the loss, ordering or appearance of spoiled food. Have you ever struggled with being overweight, overeating, or with an eating disorder such as bulimia or loss of appetite? Have you ever been embarrassed by being forced to eat foods you didn't like and in large quantities? Does the appearance of any food associate you with specific people?

Dreamed of lunch

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are dining alone means that soon life will give you a serious reason for deep reflection on important life issues. In a dream, a young woman dine with her lover - to a quarrel with him or a complete break. But if their joint meal takes place in an unusually pleasant environment, giving them pleasure, then the dream portends the successful development of their relationship. To be one of those invited to dinner in a dream means that you will enjoy the hospitality of people who are well disposed towards you.

Dream about dinner

according to Loff's dream book

Lunch always includes interesting components: it is sensuality, personal communication and simply a vital necessity. The essential attributes of a meal are usually the friendly atmosphere and the way the food is prepared. For the family, the dining table has always been a significant, central element of family leisure. It is at the dinner table that we gather with the whole family to chat. Even in families that do not have frequent communication, the dining table has always been an important gathering place for all family members. In a dream, people who have long died or whom you know only from photographs may appear at the table. Look carefully who is present at the table - maybe someone's presence or absence will seem unusual and strange to you. Pay attention to food. In some families, certain dishes are associated with a particular member of the family or with the image of the family as a whole. It can be food that no one likes, or cooked by a person who is not liked, an exotic dish. The point is that a certain dish becomes a symbol of belonging to family traditions. Of course, in a dream, the appearance of some unimaginable dish or a demonstration of an unusual cooking method is quite possible. This indicates the absence or presence of certain people or the inability to cook a dish that falls out of the traditional family menu. The symbolic connotation that food has, for example, you dream of a liver - remember who in the family died of liver disease or people associated with a certain dish immediately evoke certain associations in your memory. Does lunch take place in a pleasant and friendly atmosphere? Or maybe it's a celebration of some event? What kind of food is on the table - gourmet or casual? Do you use your lunch time just to talk about your daily business?

Dreamed of hunger

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are hungry, this portends fruitless work and a lack of friends for you. If others are starving in a dream, it means that you are threatened by poverty and dissatisfaction with work and your environment. Sometimes this dream portends an illness. A favorable dream is that your enemies are starving - this means that you will be able to get around them in an important matter. For lovers, this dream is a bad omen: their marriage may turn out to be unhappy. Seeing yourself dying of hunger means very deplorable results in some business that promised you good luck and success.

Why dream of eating in a dream? Most often, such dreams are visited by those who are on a diet: they see unusually tasty, but forbidden delicacies. The meaning of such visions is immediately clear. And how to explain the rest of the dreams about food? This will be prompted by popular dream books.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Why dream of eating? Food in dreams symbolizes power, the power of life, fertility. Sleeping and dreaming about food needs more energy, vitality. He craves power, love, worship. If the food is delicious, then the sleeping person is satisfied with himself and feels that he can achieve what he wants. If the food is tasteless, then his self-esteem is low. The dreamer who distributes food to others dreams of exalting himself in the eyes of other people and wants to be appreciated for his help.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

Eating a lot of meat in a dream predicts a period of bad luck, loss. Refuse meat - to success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Watching people eating in a dream speaks of the need to work in a team, and not follow the course of life from the outside. To eat yourself means that you will learn important information or learn something very useful. If you give food to other people, then soon your relatives and friends will need your help.


Chewing something portends small troubles, obstacles in business, misunderstanding, difficulties in getting what you want. But if you enjoy sweets and cream cakes, then life will change for the better, all desires will come true.

Esoteric dream book

He interprets what it means to eat with a dead person and why it is a dream, very harshly. According to the compilers, this is an omen of imminent death. Eating with friends and acquaintances is a disease. But watching other people eat will bring success.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

I dreamed of eating all kinds of delicacies - for a comfortable life, nasty, spoiled dishes - for illness, burnt ones - for unpleasant news. If you were invited to a picnic - to unstable luck.

Small Velesov

Unknown food often dreams of hunger, crop failure, a serious illness. Eating pancakes is usually seen as news, buns - for theft, peas - for tears, fried meat - for problems, diseases and financial losses, boiled poultry - for new opportunities. The best food is bread, eggs and apples. They portend health, happiness and financial well-being.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

If you dreamed of eating something inedible in a dream, then in reality you did not find your calling. Edible food dreams of the fulfillment of small desires.

Noble dream book

To try human meat in a dream prophesies a stormy and all-consuming passion.

Dream Interpretation of Maria Fedorovskaya

He talks about why in a dream he dreams of eating nuts, tomatoes, beans or watermelons. For women, such a dream is for pregnancy, and for men - for prosperity.

Miller's dream book

If you dreamed of eating in splendid isolation, such a dream portends losses. And not necessarily financial. Parting forever with loved ones is also possible. But if you participate in a friendly feast, then fortune will be on your side.

Dream Interpretation of Signs

There is a lot of honey, rice, fatty butter - fortunately, contentment.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing a person eating is a sign of his illness, and the more he eats, the more serious the illness will be. If food is taken away from you, separation from your loved one or betrayal of a friend awaits. Absorb large pieces of food - at a loss due to your own carelessness.

Eating unusual delicacies in a dream means an abundance of unfulfilled desires. To feast on fragrant borscht - to the good news, which will turn out to be deceptive. Eating waffles is a sensual pleasure. Enjoy sweets - to pay off debts. There is a salad or vinaigrette - to the turmoil. A festive dinner is for joyful events, sometimes for a journey.


If you eat up the remnants of someone else's dish, then hard times will come in the near future, you will have to survive on donations.

Old dream book

This interpreter, speaking about what dreams of eating, shares the meanings of dreams depending on the dishes seen. So, bitter dishes and drinks are always profitable, hot - for marriage, salty - for fun. The interpreter also talks about eating inedible foods.

To see that you are feasting on pencil lead - for a journey, tree bark - learn the truth, soap or chalk - fortunately, manure or glass - for delays in business, ashes - for a present, resin - for news, icicle or snow - for pleasant surprises , tobacco - for marriage.


If you had a dream that you want to eat, then soon you will need to seek peace and shelter in your home. For lovers, such a dream means parting. And a dream about how others want to eat indicates disappointment in friends.


To eat dishes from mushrooms and berries - to sensual, erotic pleasures. Sweets - to success with the opposite sex. And potatoes with meat - to malaise.


Sleep, want to eat very much, means to achieve everything you want in life with hard work.