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Medical nutrition after operations on the esophagus and stomach. Diet after stomach resection: nutritional features, recommended foods, menu What can you eat after gastric resection surgery

Resection of the stomach is an operation during which the surgeon removes a significant part of the organ and after that the work of the digestive tract is restored. Unfortunately, sometimes this intervention is the only treatment option on the road to recovery.

Most often, the operation is performed with extensive malignant oncological neoplasms (for example, stomach cancer, multiple polyps, etc.) or stomach ulcers. But despite the breakthrough in medicine, the removal of part of the organ is still difficult for patients to tolerate, while having a minimum of complications. The main stage on the way to health is nutrition after gastric resection. But what and how much you can eat, we will consider in more detail.

What happens to the digestive tract after surgery

After the operation, the stomach is not able to digest food at full strength, so if poorly processed foods enter it, they will go to the intestines in the same form, where it will not be able to absorb all the necessary nutrients from food.

That is why there is an overload in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and the patient begins to experience discomfort in the form of heaviness in the abdomen, flatulence and drowsiness. In addition, as a result of insufficient absorption of vitamins and other nutrients, the patient may develop beriberi, malnutrition and sudden weight loss.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to follow some rules that help to cope with the process of digestion:

  • eat small meals, but often (at least 5-7 times a day). The fact is that a truncated stomach will not be able to digest a large portion of food;
  • it is necessary to chew food slowly, slowly, carefully;
  • exclude from the diet foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates (sugar, muffin, jam, etc.);
  • increase the intake of protein foods (lean meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese);
  • after the first and second courses, compote or something else must be drunk no earlier than 30 minutes after the last meal. This is necessary to unload the stomach.

If the stomach reacted with pain, nausea and vomiting to any food, it is necessary to temporarily stop eating foods that caused unpleasant symptoms.

These rules must be observed for at least 4 months after a part of the stomach has been removed. The need is for the digestive system to be able to fully adapt to new conditions. All food should be rubbed through a sieve, it is advisable to eat steamed foods.

Many patients are afraid to eat something because of fear of pain, but this should not be allowed, as depletion of the body may occur.

What you can and cannot eat after surgery

Nutrition after removal of the stomach must be radically changed. To exclude all sorts of complications, you need to remember what you can and cannot eat.

Allowed foods and dishes Prohibited foods and dishes
Light vegetable broth soups with durum pasta. Fatty meat broths (from fatty pork, lamb, goose, etc.).
Low-fat meat, poultry, fish and various dishes from them in stew, baked, steamed and boiled. Canned food, fast food.
Porridges from corn, millet, pearl barley, barley.
Thermally processed vegetables and fruits (potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, pumpkin, apple) mashed, soufflé or puddings. Fresh fruits and vegetables with rough skins.
Peas, beans and other legumes.
Milk porridges and soups (rice, vermicelli, oatmeal, buckwheat). Fried and smoked food.
Soft-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. Alcoholic products.
Low-fat and mild cheese. Carbonated drinks, strong tea, coffee.
Whole milk and dairy products. Goodies and sweets.
Honey, jam, marshmallows, marshmallows in small portions. White cabbage, radish, radish, sorrel, spinach, onion.
Juices and decoctions from berries and fruits homemade Marinades and pickles.
Weakly brewed tea and weak coffee with milk. Spices, seasonings, mayonnaise, various sauces.
Butter, ghee and vegetable oil in ready meals (not for frying). Fresh bread made less than 24 hours ago.
"Yesterday's" bread, unsweetened cookies, crackers. Mushrooms in any form.

In addition, the diet after the removal of the stomach or part of it implies the refusal to eat too cold or hot foods (for example, ice cream or hot coffee).

Sample menu for the week

After a partial or complete gastrectomy, it is necessary to adhere to dietary table No. 1 for at least the first 3 months. Subject to good health and normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, the doctor is allowed not to grind the food, but simply carefully crush or chew it.

After another 1.5 months, you can add fresh vegetables and fruits to the menu. The diet after gastric resection is canceled and the patient switches to the previous diet no earlier than 6 months, provided that the gastric tract is functioning normally only with the permission of the doctor.

1 day - the patient does not receive food.

Day 2 - weakly brewed tea, fruit jelly with a minimum sugar content (better without it at all).

3 days - soft-boiled egg, weak tea for breakfast. In diluted chicken broth, rice or potato soup. Not earlier than 2 hours after the soup, you can drink a rosehip broth. For dinner, fat-free cottage cheese with milk, before going to bed, half a glass of jelly.

4 days - steamed omelet, unsweetened jelly. For lunch, mashed beef or veal puree with pasta. After 2 hours, unsweetened apple tea. For dinner, milk buckwheat porridge, before going to bed, low-fat kefir.

5 days - for breakfast, mashed oatmeal, weak coffee with milk. Snack a few crackers without raisins and other additives. Lunch soup with chicken or meat broth, boiled potatoes with a piece of lean fish. For an afternoon snack, you can eat 100 grams of cottage cheese. For dinner, pumpkin porridge with rice and milk, at night a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Day 6 - for breakfast, milk buckwheat or vermicelli porridge with the addition of a small piece of butter. Second breakfast glass of natural yogurt. For lunch, beef potato soup, mashed potatoes with a steam cutlet. Baked fruit puree no more than 200 grams per afternoon snack. Dinner stewed vegetables with meat, tea. At night fat-free cottage cheese with jam.

Day 7 - breakfast: steamed omelet, coffee with milk and a roll with butter. For lunch, beetroot, buckwheat porridge with a piece of boiled fish or meat. Snack a glass of milk with biscuit cookies. For dinner, durum pasta with a cutlet or casserole, warm milk with white bread croutons at night.

The doctor decides when and with what it is better for the patient to start eating

Condition after the operation, the first 7 days are the most difficult. The body needs to get used to the new diet. After the introduction of a new product, it is necessary to carefully monitor the state of health and how the digestive tract reacts to it.

Some dangerous diseases lead to resection of the stomach, diet therapy in this situation is an integral component of the patient's rehabilitation, and a specific diet after gastric resection is an integral part of everyday nutrition, in most cases forever.

The postoperative period requires a serious attitude. In the early postoperative period, patients cannot eat naturally. As a rule, parenteral nutrition, including albumins, is prescribed. The need for nutrients is determined based on a blood test.

During this period, the patient is prescribed hunger for 2 days, active aspiration of gastric contents is carried out. From the third day, if the peristalsis of the stomach is restored, they give not strong tea, rosehip broth, slightly sweet compote without berries in small portions - 20-30 ml, 5-6 times a day. For the introduction of protein products from the first days, the use of protein enpit (40 g per glass of water) is recommended. Usually, in the first few days, 30-50 g of such a solution is given through a probe, and later, after removing the probe, in a natural way. Gradually, as the peristalsis is restored, and postoperative healing, the load on the gastrointestinal tract is increased and the amount of protein is increased to sufficient. A specific diet should be recommended by a doctor. The use of enpits allows you to bring the amount of animal protein in the diet to the physiological norm, to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and mineral salts.

From the third, fourth day after the operation, the diet is expanded and mucous soups, meat, fish and cottage cheese purees and soufflés, soft-boiled eggs are prescribed, and on the fifth or sixth day - steam omelettes, pureed cereals and vegetable purees in small quantities (50 g per serving) . From the fifth day, with good tolerance to such nutrition, every meal should already include protein foods. Gradually, the portions of food taken at a time are increased (from 50 ml on the 3rd day to 200-250 ml on the 7th day and up to 300-400 ml on the 10th day). Thus, in the early postoperative period, patients will receive a sufficient amount of high-grade protein in an easily digestible form.

A sparing diet is prescribed 1-2 weeks after the operation for 4 months. In the presence of gastritis of the stomach stump, inflammation of the anastomosis, peptic ulcer, patients should follow the diet for a longer time. The main purpose of the diet is the prevention or reduction of the inflammatory process, the prevention of dumping syndrome. .

This is a physiologically complete diet with a high protein content (meat, fish), a normal content of complex carbohydrates (cereals, cereals, vegetables, unsweetened fruits) and a sharp restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, confectionery, fruit water, canned juices), with normal fat content, limitation of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract, with a maximum limitation of nitrogenous extractives (especially purines), refractory fats (mutton), fat breakdown products resulting from frying (aldehydes, acroleins), with exclusion of strong stimulants of bile secretion and secretion of the pancreas and intestinal glands, foods and dishes that cause dumping syndrome (sweet liquid milk porridges, for example, semolina, sweet milk, sweet tea, hot fatty soup, etc.).

Meat is given in chopped form, and side dishes are not pureed (porridge-smear, mashed potatoes). Salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, brown bread are excluded. All dishes are boiled, mashed or steamed. Third courses at lunch - unsweetened (no sugar) or with the addition of xylitol (10-15 g per serving). The patient is given a strictly limited amount of sugar,

Complex therapy aimed at compensating for impaired functions of various body systems begins after 2 weeks. after surgery and lasts 2-4 months. Diet is an important part of complex treatment during this period. This is a physiologically complete diet with a high protein content (140 g), a normal content of fats (110-115 g) and carbohydrates (380 g) with a restriction of mechanical and chemical irritants of the mucous membrane and the receptor apparatus of the gastrointestinal tract. Refractory fats, extractives, easily digestible carbohydrates, fresh milk are excluded. Patients must comply with the regime of fractional nutrition. It is necessary to strictly limit the intake of easily digestible carbohydrates in order to avoid the development of hypoglycemic and dumping syndrome. At the same time, the appointment of only a protein diet without a sufficient amount of carbohydrates is impractical, because under conditions of carbohydrate restriction, proteins may not be economically consumed to cover energy costs, which leads to an increase in protein deficiency in the body. However, given the loss of the peptic factor in such patients, preference should be given to protein products that are easily "attacked" by trypsin - fish and dairy. The intake of foods with coarse fiber and a large amount of connective tissue should be limited or they are subjected to heat treatment.

Approximate diet menu after gastric resection - wiped version

  • 1st breakfast: soft-boiled egg, buckwheat, rice or oatmeal porridge, coffee with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: baked apple, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: vegetarian potato soup, meat
  • steam cutlets with milk sauce, pureed fresh fruit compote or jelly.
  • Dinner: boiled fish, boiled potatoes.
  • At night: kefir or weak tea with milk.
  • List of recommended dishes and products:
  • soups: on vegetable broth with various cereals, vegetables, pasta, beetroot soups, milk soups with cereals, fruit soups with rice. Low-fat meat soup is allowed 1-2 times a week, subject to good tolerance;
  • meat and fish dishes: from lean meat, poultry, fish - boiled, baked (pre-boiled), stewed (with juice removed);
  • vegetable dishes: from fresh vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots), boiled and stewed (from carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower). Non-acidic sauerkraut, fresh herbs (parsley, dill) are allowed;
  • cereals and pasta: various cereals - rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, millet. You can cook crumbly cereals, cereals, puddings, rice pilaf with fruits; vermicelli, pasta;
  • egg: soft-boiled egg, scrambled eggs;
  • milk and dairy products: whole milk (if well tolerated); milk with tea and as part of various dishes; kefir, curdled milk, acidophilus; sour cream mainly as a condiment; cottage cheese freshly prepared. They also cook cottage cheese, various puddings, soufflés, dumplings;
  • fruit and berry: ripe, raw and baked fruits (apples). Plum, cherry, currant, strawberry, etc.; √ sauces: dairy, sour cream, fruit;
  • snacks: Doctor's sausage, low-fat ham, jellied fish, cheese, boiled tongue, salads from raw and boiled vegetables, soaked herring;
  • sweets: jam, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, jams (in very limited quantities);
  • drinks: tea, weak coffee with and without milk, compotes from fresh fruits, berries and dried fruits (not very sweet);
  • kissels and juices: fruit, berry (not very sweet), vegetable. A decoction of rose hips;
  • fats: butter and vegetable oil (added to ready-made dishes);
  • bread and bread products: wheat, rye, preferably slightly dried, crackers, lean cookies, products made from lean dough.

Baking, pickles, smoked meats, marinades, canned snacks, radishes, rutabagas, hot spices are excluded from the diet.

Diet menu diet after gastric resection - unworn version

  • 1st breakfast: tomato salad or vegetable vinaigrette, boiled meat, loose buckwheat porridge, tea with milk.
  • 2nd breakfast: fresh or baked apple or raw grated carrot.
  • Lunch: salad, vegetarian borsch, boiled fish (cod, hake, ice) with boiled potatoes, sauerkraut, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: fresh fruit.
  • Dinner: scrambled eggs, buckwheat cereal, tea.
  • At night: kefir or curdled milk.

5-6 months after partial or complete removal of the stomach, the attending physician, depending on the state of health, the presence or absence of complications from various organs of the digestive system (liver, gallbladder, pancreas, intestines), may recommend that the patient adhere to a diet like diet table No. 5 or number 15.

In the long term, after consulting the attending physician, if there are no complications and pronounced concomitant diseases, fried foods, more fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and fish broths are introduced into the menu after gastric resection, of course, with good tolerance.

The operation to remove the stomach or part of it is considered a serious intervention in the human body and must be carried out with careful preparation and observance of the postoperative period. Before the resection (removal of part of the stomach) and after it, the patient must eat right and follow a special diet. Before the operation, the patient undergoes general strengthening treatment and takes more tonics, protein foods and fluids.

Features of digestion after resection of the stomach

Oncological diseases are the main indication for gastric resection. A peptic ulcer may be attempted to be treated with gastric vagotomy. In the presence of benign tumors, their size, structure and other factors are taken into account.

Advice: the first two months it is very important to eat according to the rules and take into account all the recommendations of the doctor, because it is during this period that the body and the digestive system adapt to new conditions.

How to make a menu

The patient after surgery should eat properly and adhere to the following menu, which is only a peculiar example, and should be recommended by the attending physician:

  • The first day a starvation diet is observed.
  • On the second day, it is allowed to drink non-carbonated water or fruit jelly every couple of hours in an amount of 30 ml.
  • Three days after surgical treatment, it is allowed to eat a steamed omelette for breakfast, a soft-boiled egg and drink 0.5 cups of tea. For a second breakfast, jelly or juice and mashed rice porridge. Lunch may consist of slimy soup on rice and mashed meats. In the afternoon, drink a rosehip broth. For dinner, meat or cottage cheese soufflé. Before going to bed, it is advisable to drink unsweetened jelly 0.5 cups.
  • On the 5th and 6th day, breakfast should consist of soft-boiled eggs, meat soufflé and tea with milk. The second breakfast consists of grated porridge (buckwheat, rice), and for lunch there is a steamed meat soufflé. In the afternoon, it is recommended to eat unsweetened curd soufflé. For dinner, carrot puree and steamed meat dumplings. Before going to bed, it is allowed to drink fruit jelly without added sugar.
  • On the 7th day after the operation, breakfast should consist of two soft-boiled eggs, chopped or mashed rice porridge (buckwheat porridge). The second breakfast is steamed curd soufflé. At lunch, it is allowed to eat soup with potatoes and rice (mashed), meat patty and mashed potatoes. In the afternoon you can eat steamed fish. Dinner should consist of jelly and calcined cottage cheese, to which white crackers can be added.

A week after surgery, diet No. 1 with carbohydrate restriction is applied.

List of unwanted products: 1) vegetables (zucchini, carrots, beets); 2) jam, marshmallow and honey; 3) lean meat (chicken, rabbit); 4) sour cream and cream; 5) fish (hake, cod); 6) pasta.

Prohibited Products: 1) fatty meat (duck, pork); 2) broths from mushrooms, meat or fish; 3) fried foods; 4) smoked meats, marinade; 5) too salty food; 6) raw vegetables; 7) spicy dishes; 8) seasonings, spices, pepper; 9) muffin.

Pureed food diet

Breakfast includes one soft-boiled egg, coffee with milk and buckwheat porridge (rice porridge). The second breakfast consists of one baked apple and rosehip broth. At lunch, it is allowed to eat potato soup without meat, a steam cutlet in milk sauce and unsweetened compote from fresh fruit.

In the afternoon, milk and unsweetened biscuits. For dinner, steam fish or boiled fish with potatoes is recommended. Before going to bed, you need to drink kefir or tea with milk. After 3 months of such a diet, the patient is allowed to eat unblended food from table No. 1 or No. 5.

Unmashed diet


  • cook beetroot, pasta, vegetable broth soup, milk rice soup and fruits;
  • lean meat that was baked in the oven, stewed or boiled;
  • from vegetables, tomatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower and fresh herbs are recommended;
  • to cook porridge, it is recommended to take cereals: buckwheat, rice, millet, oats;
  • soft-boiled eggs or steamed scrambled eggs.

Six months after the operation, the patient can already eat low-fat ham, Doktorskaya sausage, fruit juice, butter, wheat bread and well-soaked herring.

Despite the fact that the life of a patient who has undergone a stomach resection is changing dramatically in terms of nutrition, it is possible to make the menu tasty and varied without eating prohibited foods.

Attention! The information on the site is presented by specialists, but is for informational purposes only and cannot be used for self-treatment. Be sure to consult a doctor!


Proper nutrition after stomach surgery is important to foresee in advance. On the first day you can not eat, so the patient is given all the nutrients only intravenously. This is a prerequisite, since hunger, aspiration of the contents are prescribed for medicinal purposes. On the 3rd day, you can drink weak fresh tea, rosehip decoctions, unsweetened compote is also appropriate. You can drink up to 6 times a day, the amount is small - up to 30 ml. Further, under the supervision of a doctor, protein products are introduced, first with the help of a probe, then by the usual method. This allows you to make up for the required lack of protein in the body.

If the stomach has been completely removed, then the diet expands slowly, especially if surgery was performed as a result of the discovery of neoplasms. From day 4, the diet can be expanded, it is allowed to eat mashed potatoes, soufflé, soft-boiled eggs. It is allowed to use cottage cheese, as well as fish or meat products. On day 6, you can eat steam omelettes, you can cook vegetable puree or rub vegetables.

All portions for the diet are compiled in such a way that each dose accounts for approximately 50 g.

From the 5th day, the patient can be given protein foods, portions are gradually increased. On the 7th day, each dose can already include 200 ml, on the 10th day, the portion can be close to 350 ml. Products are used only permitted, everything that causes bloating should be avoided.

During operations on the stomach, attention must be paid to which foods can be consumed. This is important for any type of surgery, a properly formulated diet will have a certain better therapeutic effect in conjunction with drugs. You can eat the following set of products:

  1. Bread and flour products. Only the so-called gray bread, unsweetened buns are used, unbuffed cookies are allowed. Good for rye bread.
  2. Soups are prepared vegetarian, you can cook the broth with vegetables. Beetroots are included in the diet (only from fresh cabbage), borscht is not prohibited. Once every 7 days, veal or chicken soup is allowed.
  3. Meat and fish - only low-fat varieties, you can cook it in a baked form or boil it. These are dietary varieties of poultry meat, veal is recommended for patients, it is allowed to use pike, carp, cod from fish.
  4. Protein omelettes once a day, a boiled egg is allowed (only soft-boiled).
  5. Porridge should be made only crumbly, viscous, without sugar and salt. Cereal casseroles, boiled pasta are well suited, you can cook rice, buckwheat porridge, from hercules. Semolina porridge is allowed in limited quantities.
  6. Greens and vegetables are used only in boiled, raw form, sauerkraut - rarely and little. Vegetable vinaigrettes are allowed, zucchini can be stewed, light salads prepared, tomatoes are consumed only with vegetable natural oil.
  7. Berries and fruits are allowed in their natural form, but there are also restrictions here. Grapes are forbidden, juice from it is possible only in small quantities. With the permission of the doctor, you can include honey, jam, and some sweets in the diet.
  8. Sunflower and olive oil (natural) are allowed, do not be too lazy to cook homemade ghee or you can buy it.
  9. Milk is allowed with tea or whole, kefir only 1-1.5%, yogurt, sour cream can only be used with salads. Cottage cheese is better to buy fresh.
  10. The diet can include only sauces on vegetable broths, with the addition of natural butter, sour cream.
  11. Snacks. The diet for the stomach after surgery may include low-fat meat pates, cheese and ham are allowed (but without lard). For a change, dietary sausages, jelly without gelatin additives are added.
  12. Beverages. Very weak tea (preferably with milk), unsweetened juices, vegetable or berry, fruit (except grape), rosehip decoctions, weak coffee, but with milk.

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Nutrition after gastric surgery should be taken seriously, since during the rehabilitation period and after its completion, the gastrointestinal tract system will no longer work as before. Allowed products:

  1. Soups must be included in the diet, they are cooked on cereals, vegetable broths. All soups should be pureed, but millet or white cabbage should not be added to them.
  2. Flour products. You can eat yesterday's bread, lean cookies, crackers, unsweetened buns. You can not eat sweet, fresh bread, butter cookies - all this should be completely excluded from the diet. You can start eating bread only a month after the operation was performed.
  3. Eggs, egg dishes. It is allowed to eat no more soft-boiled eggs per day, a protein omelet is allowed, but no more.
  4. Fish, meat. You can eat dishes from lean beef, veal (without tendons), turkey, chicken. In the menu you can include cod, carp, pike perch, carp, pike - all this in chopped form. You can eat rolls, cutlets, quenelles, soufflés, you must first boil them, steam them, bake them.
  5. Dairy products can be added to the menu after the operation, for example, milk is allowed with tea, if tolerated, regular whole milk is also possible. Sour cream is used only as a seasoning, cottage cheese is non-acidic, mashed.
  6. Greens, vegetables. Such products are allowed only as mashed and boiled cabbage, only cauliflower can be included in the diet, pumpkin or zucchini - stewed. The menu should include mashed potatoes, carrots, beets.
  7. Sweets, berries, fruits only in limited quantities. Candy is excluded.

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Sample menu for 1 day

With food after operations on the stomach, one must be very careful, since not all of it is allowed to be used. A sample menu for 1 day (unmashed food) may include the following set of dishes:

First breakfast:

  • boiled piece of meat;
  • salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and sour cream as a condiment;
  • oatmeal porridge (required without sugar);
  • tea (may be with milk).


  • apple (fresh);
  • 50 g hard cheese.
  • vegetarian borscht (based on vegetable broth);
  • stew (boiled meat, combined vegetables);
  • jelly (not on sugar, but on xylitol).
  • a piece of boiled fish;
  • boiled beets (can be baked).


  • meat soufflé;
  • a small cheesecake (with cottage cheese, but without sugar);
  • a small amount of stewed carrots.

Gastrectomy is a serious surgical intervention in the work of the digestive system of the body, when part of the stomach or the entire organ is removed. The postoperative recovery treatment process is not only medical treatment. Diet after gastric resection is an important part of this process. This operation is carried out according to certain indications:

  • stomach cancer;
  • complication of gastric ulcer in the form of perforation;
  • polyps having a precancerous nature;
  • stenosis of the pylorus of the stomach;
  • obesity.

After resection of the stomach, the recovery period begins, which has a long time and takes months. This is a very important moment in the rehabilitation of the patient, which determines the further quality of his life.

Why do I need a diet after gastrectomy

Removing part or all of the stomach fundamentally changes the process of digestion. In order to restore this process, it takes time and a special strict diet that will spare the sick stomach. The slightest error in eating will immediately give pathological symptoms in the form of abdominal pain, heaviness in the stomach, and belching. Often after the operation, a complication in the form of a dumping syndrome develops.

Due to the decrease in the volume of the stomach, food immediately in large quantities passes from the esophagus into the "small" stomach and small intestine. For successful absorption of nutrients, this area of ​​​​digestion begins to be intensively supplied with blood. The pathological condition develops quickly and is accompanied by headache, dizziness, low blood pressure, tachycardia, which leads to fainting.

To avoid complications and restore the normal function of digestion, the diet in the recovery period plays a paramount role.

Basic principles of nutrition

In order for the rehabilitation of patients after gastric resection to proceed normally, it is necessary to follow certain principles in the diet:

  • food and drinks should be warm, temperature not higher than 24 degrees;
  • fractional meals are required - up to seven times a day;
  • the volume of a single serving of food or liquid should be from 30-50 to 200 grams;
  • cooking products only by steaming, stewing or baking;
  • the use of food products only in crushed form;
  • food should be rich in proteins;
  • it is necessary to chew food thoroughly;
  • observe the daily routine and try to eat at the same time;
  • after eating, rest for half an hour is recommended.

Important! Strict adherence to the basic principles in nutrition after gastric resection is the key to the rapid restoration of the digestive system of the body.

Allowed Products

After the operation, the patient in the hospital immediately begins to receive dietary nutrition. Before discharge, a dietitian must consult with a subsequent recommendation on dieting. Be sure to indicate the products that can be eaten and which are subject to exclusion from consumption.

  • soft-boiled chicken eggs;
  • steamed omelet;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • yesterday's dried white bread;
  • "light" poultry meat, lean beef;
  • crackers, biscuits;
  • semi-liquid cereals from rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • low-fat varieties of fish;
  • vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, potatoes, eggplant, bell pepper;
  • weak black or green tea;
  • compotes with a small amount of sugar from dry fruits.

Prohibited Products

In order for the recovery period after removal of the stomach to proceed calmly, it is necessary to exclude the following foods from the diet:

  • fatty meats;
  • confectionery;
  • smoked and canned foods;
  • salted and pickled vegetables;
  • fresh pastries and soft wheat bread;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee and strong black and green tea;
  • peas, beans.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of food products and strict adherence to the diet during surgery for oncology.

Nutrition during the removal of stomach cancer has its own characteristics. In the first two days after the operation, nutrition is carried out parenterally. The patient should not eat or drink anything by mouth. After 48-72 hours, it is allowed to drink weak meat or vegetable broth in the amount of 20 grams . The menu is gradually expanding. A week later, you can eat soups-puree with mashed vegetables.

After two weeks, the diet expands even more, and dishes are added in the form of slimy chopped cereals boiled in water, mashed boiled vegetables, chopped meat in a blender, steamed, with pasta.

Gradually, the patient gets used to eating certain foods after surgery for oncology. The most difficult period of recovery takes place within two months, when the patient adapts to the "new" life. During this period, the patient, in addition to therapeutic nutrition under the supervision of a nutritionist, undergoes drug treatment recommended by a gastroenterologist.

Correction of the diet is carried out by a nutritionist, taking into account the general condition of the patient, the nature and extent of the surgical intervention. Often, when asked how long it is necessary to follow a diet after surgery, doctors say that for a long time, perhaps more than one year.

sample menu

In order to gain the required number of calories, food must be varied, nutritious and dietary, subjected to certain processing.

An approximate diet shown during the rehabilitation of a patient after a removed stomach:

  • before breakfast on an empty stomach, drinking non-carbonated mineral water with a temperature of 24 degrees;
  • first breakfast - boiled mashed carrots in the amount of 50-100 grams and half a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • second breakfast - freshly squeezed carrot juice, diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 in the amount of 100 grams with the addition of walnut kernel flour;
  • lunch - vegetable puree soup with crackers, boiled chopped chicken meat with mashed potatoes without milk, compote;
  • afternoon snack - biscuits with weak green tea;
  • dinner - a salad of carrots and beets in grated form with steamed fish;
  • unsweetened cracker with mineral water without gas.

The entire diet is fully controlled and adjusted by a nutritionist. The patient will have to eat right, following a diet, for a long time, for a year or more, depending on the general condition. The prognosis for life, subject to all the rules and recommendations, is positive.