
Secrets of the pharaoh. PHARAOH (Pharaoh) - Biography of the rapper, personal life, photo, album Cool photos of the pharaoh

It turns out that the favorite boy-king of Egypt was not so golden. New research has shown that Pharaoh Tutankhamun was actually a weak teenager with a cleft palate and clubfoot.

“He was a sick child,” says Egyptologist Emily Teeter. Based on DNA and CT scans, scientists concluded that Tut had a genetic bone disease and malaria, which, combined with a compound leg fracture, could have caused his death at the age of 19 approximately 3,000 years ago.

The king and his family, despite their status and wealth, were just as mere mortals prone to diseases as ordinary peasants - numerous traces of malaria were found on the bodies of members of the royal family found in the tombs. Moreover, the tradition of blood marriages greatly worsened the health of the pharaohs.

New research has proven that Tutankhamun's father was Pharaoh Akhenaten, and his mother was his father's sister, that is, his aunt. In Egypt, this was not considered incest. The pharaohs were equated with the gods, and therefore it was forbidden to "mix" someone else's blood into one's own kind. (Attention! Some of the photos presented in the selection may seem unpleasant and frightening.)

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18. The mask of the golden coffin of King Tut-anah-Aman, who ruled Egypt around 1350 BC. at the Egyptian Treasure Museum in Cairo. The pure gold mask weighs over 10.5 kg. On the forehead - the personification of the goddesses. (AP Photo)

22. Wooden figure of Tutankhamun at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia. This 3,000-year-old mannequin is part of an extensive collection of over 130 items from Tutankhamun's tomb and other tombs in the Valley of the Pharaohs, which were on display at the institute from February 3rd to September 30th, 2007. (AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma)

28. In this Discovery Channel image, the mummies (starting from the nearest) of Tutankhamun's mother, Tutankhamun's grandmother and Tutankhamun's father can be seen presented to reporters at a press conference by archaeologist Zahi Hawass at the Cairo Museum on February 17, 2010. Two years of DNA analysis and tomography of the mummy of Tutankhamun and 15 other pharaohs helped establish the family tree of the royal family, proving that Tutankhamun's father was Pharaoh Akhenaten, and his mother was his own sister. (AP Photo/Discovery Channel, Shawn Baldwin)

32. One of two mummified embryos found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun in 1922. Egyptian scientists conducted DNA tests to find out if these fetuses were the children of the young pharaoh. (AP Photo/Supreme Council of Antiquities)

37. This photo, published on May 10, 2005, shows a model of the pharaoh Tutankhamen, created by a French team based on facial reconstructions made using computer scans of the pharaoh's mummy. Three teams of artists and scientists from France, the US and Egypt have created models of the young pharaoh's face based on very high resolution scans. All three teams worked separately from each other. (AP Photo/Supreme Council of Antiquities and the National Geographic Society, HO)

Yesterday (18) and her new rapper boyfriend pharaoh(twenty), " Illusion of love" in the movie theaters " Moscow and all secular photographers. In general, the relationship is officially confirmed, and we have collected everything you need to know about the Pharaoh (if you suddenly haven’t heard anything about him).

Brief information

Pharaoh - creative pseudonym Gleba Golubina. The young man is in his fourth year of the full-time department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University.


From the age of 6 to 13, Gleb played football professionally, played for the clubs " Locomotive», « CSKA" And " Dynamo". Having entered the university, Golubin often chased the ball with classmates, and when he suddenly became a famous rapper, he almost stopped appearing at the university. But during the session, when Gleb still comes to take exams, freshmen willingly take pictures with him.

Carier start

The first portion of fame came to Pharaoh in February 2014, when the video for the song "Nothing has changed" was released. In 2015, two more videos appeared on the Web: Black Siemens And Champagne Squirt. The latter, however, was removed from YouTube, but he managed to gain as many as 10 million views! Pharaoh gained wide fame precisely thanks to the Internet and social networks, where his clips instantly scattered. Gleb does not have a producer - he is his own director and part-time leader of a creative association Dead Dynasty, which was created by a rapper from Ufa Boulevard Depo.

Critics of the Pharaoh

According to music critics, Pharaoh is a mixture of (22) and Kurt Cobain. Like, from Bieber - youth and popularity, and from Cobain - audacity and nihilism. In short, Gleb is a new hero of our time among Russian youth.

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Strange "skr skr" sounds he constantly makes in the song Black Siemens. Gleb himself says that he made the same sounds Bruce Lee when he did the tricks.


Most Played Songs pharaoh- this Black Siemens, « Five minutes ago" And Champagne Squirt.


In the summer of 2016, Gleb surprised the guests with street art in Gorky Park and appeared on stage during a break between performances by other musicians. Needless to say, the audience was delighted? And in general, at all his performances there is nowhere for an apple to fall - everyone dances, jumps and sings along.

Personal life

Pharaoh and his ex-girlfriend Katya

Gleb's personal life was stormy (before he met Alesya, of course), but little is known about the singer's ex-girlfriends. One of them was Katya Kishchuk- now she is the lead singer of the group silver.

The pharaohs in Egypt were treated like gods. They were the rulers of one of the first great civilizations, living in absolute luxury and ruling over an empire the likes of which the world had never seen. They ate milk and honey while thousands of people died during the construction of huge statues in their honor. And when their own lives came to an end, the pharaohs were buried so that their bodies were preserved for more than 4,000 years. They had absolute power, they enjoyed life like no one else at that time, but sometimes they clearly went too far.

1Giant Genital Monuments

Giant monuments with the genitals of Sesostris.

Sesostris was one of the greatest military leaders in the history of Egypt. He sent warships and troops to every corner of the known world and expanded his kingdom more than anyone in Egyptian history. And after each battle, he celebrated his success by setting up a large column with the image of the genitals. Sesostris left such pillars at the site of each battle.

Moreover, Sesostris did it quite funny: if the army opposing him fought valiantly, then he ordered to engrave the image of the penis on the column. But if the enemy was defeated without the slightest problem, then an image of the vagina was cut out on the column.

2. Washing with urine

Washing with the urine of Feros.

The son of Sesostris, Feros was blind. It was most likely some kind of congenital disease that he inherited from his father, but the official Egyptian history was that he was cursed by offending the gods. Ten years after Feros went blind, an oracle told him that he could regain his sight. All Feros had to do was rinse her eyes with the urine of a woman who had never slept with anyone other than her husband.

Feros tried to do the same with his wife, but it didn't work. He was still blind, and a number of questions arose for his wife. After that, Feros made all the women in the city take turns urinating into a pot and throwing urine into his eyes. After many dozens of women, a miracle happened - vision returned. As a result, Feros immediately married this woman, and ordered the previous wife to be burned.

3. A city built on broken backs

Akhenaten's city built on broken backs.

Akhenaten completely changed Egypt. Before he came to the throne, the Egyptians had many gods, but Akhenaten forbade belief in all gods except one: Aten, the god of the sun. He also built a whole new city, Amarna, in honor of his god. 20,000 people were involved in the construction of the city.

Based on the bones found at the local city cemetery, scientists determined that more than two-thirds of these workers broke at least one bone during construction, and a third of the people had a spinal fracture. And all this was in vain. As soon as Akhenaten died, everything he did was destroyed, and his name was erased from the history of Egypt.

4. Fake beard

Fake beard of Hatshepsut.

Hatshepsut was one of the few women who ruled Egypt. Hatshepsut became famous for having built some of Egypt's greatest wonders, but it wasn't easy for her. Egypt may have been a little more progressive than other countries around it, but women were still not treated as equals in that country. Therefore, it was very difficult for a woman to rule Egypt. Not surprisingly, Hatshepsut ordered her men to portray her as a man.

In all the paintings, she was painted with prominent muscles and a bushy beard. She called herself "the son of Ra" and (according to some historians) wore a fake beard in real life. As a result, her son ended up doing everything to "erase" the memory of Hapsheesut from history in order to hide that the woman was a pharaoh. He did it so well that no one knew of its existence until 1903.

5. Stinky diplomacy

The stinking diplomacy of Amasis.

Amasis was clearly not the most polite pharaoh who ever sat on the throne of Egypt. He was an alcoholic and kleptomaniac who stole his friends' things, brought them into his house, and then tried to convince his friends that those things had always belonged to him. He got the throne by force. The previous ruler sent Amasis to crush the rebellion, but when he came to the rebels, he realized that they had a pretty good chance of winning. Therefore, instead of crushing the rebellion, he decided to lead it.

Amasis sent the Pharaoh a declaration of war in a very extravagant way, raising his leg, peeing and telling the messenger: "Give Pharaoh everything that is behind me." During his reign, Amasis continued to steal things from those close to him, but now he sent for oracles to tell them whether he was guilty or not. If the oracle said that the pharaoh was innocent, then he was executed as a swindler.

6. City of Noseless Criminals

The city of the noseless criminals of Aktisanes.

Amasis did not stay long on the throne. He was an unnecessarily harsh ruler, and he was soon overthrown. This time the revolution was led by a Nubian named Aktisanes. When he came to power, Actisanes began to fight criminals, and in a very original way. Every person who committed a crime during his reign had his nose cut off.

After that, they were exiled to the city of Rinokolura, whose name literally translated as "the city of cut off noses." It was a very strange city. It was inhabited exclusively by noseless criminals, forced to exist in some of the harshest climatic conditions in the country. The water here was polluted, and people lived in houses that they themselves built from pieces of rubble scattered everywhere.

7. 100 children from nine wives

100 children of Ramses II.

Ramses II lived so long that people began to seriously worry that he would never die. At a time when most rulers were killed during the first few years of their reign, Ramses II lived to be 91 years old. During his lifetime, he built more statues and monuments than any of the Egyptian pharaohs.

Also, naturally, he had more women than anyone. By the time of his death, Ramses II had at least 100 children from 9 wives. When he invaded the Hittite kingdom, he refused to sign a peace treaty unless the eldest daughter of the ruler was given to him as a wife. He also did not "disdain" his daughters, marrying at least three of them.

8. Animal hatred

Cambyses' hatred of animals.

Cambyses was not actually an Egyptian, he was a Persian and the son of Cyrus the Great. After his people conquered Egypt, Cambyses was placed at the head of this country. Almost every story that the Egyptians told about Cambyses involved how he mocked one animal or another. At the very beginning of his reign, he went to Apis, the sacred bull, whom the Egyptians considered a god.

Right in front of the priests of Apis, he pulled out a dagger and began to stab the bull, laughing at them and saying: "Such a god is worthy of the Egyptians!". And this was done not just in order to make fun of the Egyptians, he just loved to watch how animals suffer. In his spare time, he would often fight between cubs and puppies and force his wife to watch them tear each other apart.

9 Pygmy Obsession

Pepi II's obsession with pygmies.

Pepi II was about six years old when he inherited the throne of Egypt. He was just a small child ruling a huge kingdom, so it's no surprise that his interests were about the same as those of an ordinary six-year-old boy. Shortly after Pepi II became pharaoh, an explorer named Harkhuf wrote him a letter informing him that he had met a dancing pygmy. Since then, for Pepi II, this has become an obsession.

Pepi II ordered to immediately drop all business and bring a pygmy to his palace to entertain him with dances. As a result, the whole expedition nevertheless delivered a pygmy to the boy-pharaoh. When he grew up, he was already so depraved that he ordered his slaves to strip naked, smear themselves with honey and go after him. And this was done so that the pharaoh would not be bothered by flies.

10. Refusal to die

Mikerin's refusal to die.

Although the pharaohs were called immortal, they nevertheless died. And, although they built pyramids for the afterlife, every pharaoh actually had doubts about what would happen when he closed his eyes for the last time. When an oracle came to Pharaoh Mikerin, who ruled in the 26th century BC, and said that the ruler had only 6 years left to live, the pharaoh was horrified.

He did his best to avoid this by deciding to deceive the gods. Mikerin considered that it is possible to stop time by making the day endless. After that, he lit so many lamps every night that it seemed that the day continued in his chambers, and he never slept, arranging feasts at night.

Pharaoh (Pharaoh) who is this?

Real name— Gleb Gennadievich Golubin

Native city- Moscow

Nickname- PHARAOH (Pharaoh)

Activity— Rapper

Family status- Not married

Growth — 181

PHARAOH (Gleb Golubin) biography

Gleb Golubin, better known as PHARAOH (Pharaoh), is a Russian rap artist, leader of the Dead Dynasty creative association.

Childhood Pharaoh

On a frosty evening on January 30, 1996, Gleb Gennadievich Golubin was born, whom many fans of the rap stage know under the pseudonym PHARAOH. The future musician was born in the family of a Moscow businessman. Like many boys of those years, Gleb dreamed of becoming a professional football player and spent many hours at the stadium, exhausting himself with hard training. In his free time from sports, Gleb was not much different from other Russian children. He studied diligently, tried to do his homework as best as possible, played the console and explored the wonderful world of music, listening to his favorite compositions for hours.

As the rapper admitted in an interview with Snob magazine, even then he was hooked on the hip-hop stage. Most of all, in those years, he liked the texts of such a famous American team as Kid Cudi. During his school years, which he spent at the Moscow Gymnasium No. 1409, Gleb got acquainted with the work of no less famous musical groups: and.

At the age of 13, Gleb Golubin had to forget about his career as a football player under the strong pressure of the arguments of his parents, who convinced him that if he was seriously injured, he would eventually be left without a livelihood. Moreover, the father of the boy, who once worked as a coach of the yard football team, claimed that his son did not have the characteristics for a successful career as a football player.

Musical career

How many years has the rapper been making music? Having given up sports, the future rapper completely plunged into the world of music. He decides to record his first music track at the age of 16, taking a pseudonym for himself - Leroy Kid, later changing it to Castro The Silent. In the same year, with the support of his parents, the young man moved to the United States, where he studied American musical culture for six months.

Returning to Russia, Golubin entered the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University, while simultaneously participating in the work of such a musical group as Grindhouse. At the end of 2013, he visited the recording studio of his close friends, where he recorded the musical composition "Cadillac" for the Wadget mixtape. All the friends of the young man who were in the studio during the recording were very impressed with how he gave himself to work. The following year, the recorded mixtape was released, and a number of works from it later received their own video sequence in the form of separately filmed clips.

In mid-2014, fans of Russian rap enthusiastically greeted the second mixtape of rapper Pharaoh, called "PHLORA". And in less than half a year, fans were buying up a new six-track album by a rising Russian rap star called "PAYWALL".

The next 2015 was also fruitful for the singer. In the middle of summer, the third mixtape is released, called "DOLOR", which means "Pain" in Latin. Three months after this event, Gleb Golubin presented his fans with the release collaboration "Rage Mode (Rare Action)", which was recorded in collaboration with the i61 team.

Four months later, the new creation of Gleb Golubin saw the light - the album "Plaksheri", which became the product of joint work with the rap artist Boulevard Depo. After the release of this music album, the performer decides to experiment a little by recording a video for the track "Phosphorus", performing a piece of music using the screaming technique. Less than a month later, another experiment was completed: a lyric video was shot for the musical work “Let's Stay at Home”.

The release of the new album, which included experimental musical compositions, took place on July 14, 2016. The recording of the solo album called "PHOSPHOR" also featured such rap artists as Acid Drop King, Jeembo, Scryptonite,

and Techno. In early September of the same year, Pharaoh recorded a joint musical collection, consisting of six pieces, with the team. The new album is called "CAKE FACTORY".

PHARAOH - Wildly for example

In the summer of 2017, the rapper released another studio album called " Pink Phloyd”, which included 15 songs, including the track, which became a meme and gave rise to a huge number of parodies - PHARAOH - Wildly for example. The album was to the taste of all fans of PHARAOH's work


PHARAOH Personal life

Gleb Golubin throughout his musical career did not suffer from a lack of female attention. After a small study, a number of Russian media found out that the young rapper Pharaoh had been dating a girl named Natasha Melnikova for many years. Almost nothing is known about the first passion of a musical artist.

Katya Kishchuk and Pharaoh

In the spring of 2016, the rap artist was caught in a romantic relationship with a member of the Silver pop group.

and Pharaoh

But already at the beginning of 2017, the young performer was first seen with a scandalous fashion model, and part-time daughter of the famous Russian tennis player, Alesya Kafelnikova. The newly held couple became known when journalists photographed young people at the exit from the cinema.
They did not really hide from camera flashes, and, without hesitation, expressed romantic feelings to each other. As the model admitted, she had previously been a fan of the work of her future young man. But already in May, information appeared on the girl’s page on social networks that Ales Kafelnikova and rapper Pharaoh were taking a break in their relationship. Soon, rumors appeared in the youth media that Alesya's famous father, who did not like the image and lifestyle of a musical artist, became an obstacle to relations. There is no information about the name of the rapper's new girlfriend and whether she exists yet.

Gleb Golubin now

In the fall of 2016, rapper Pharaoh wrote on his page on the social network that he was ready to leave the stage, because he had done so much for the development of Russian rap. The musician's fans decided that this was the end of the performer's career, but a month later a new music track "RARRIH" was released to the public.

At the moment Pharaoh is one of the most popular rappers of the Russian rap scene.

Recently, they began to notice him in the company of the leader of the Leningrad group - Gleb also starred in his video "Leningrad - ChPKh"

Wikipedia tells about the life and work of the rapper, and Gleb also maintains accounts on VK, Instagram and Twitter.

Pharaoh in the clip Leningrad - ChPC

In 1907, the 5th Earl of Carnarvon, George Herbert, hired the Egyptologist and archaeologist Howard Carter to observe and excavate in the Valley of the Kings, and 15 years later, the long-awaited moment came - the opening of Tutankhamen's tomb. Photos of those years will tell us how it all happened.

Searches in the valley, which lasted for many years, gave very modest results, which eventually brought the wrath of the employer on Carter. In 1922, Lord Carnarvon told him that from next year he would stop funding the work.

1923 Lord Carnarvon, who financed the excavations, reads on the veranda of Carter's house near the Valley of the Kings.

Carter, desperate for a breakthrough, decided to return to the previously abandoned dig site. On November 4, 1922, his team discovered a step carved into the rock. By the end of the next day, the entire staircase had been cleared. Carter immediately sent a message to Carnarvon, imploring him to come as soon as possible.

On November 26, Carter, along with Carnarvon, opened a small hole in the corner of a door at the end of the stairs. Holding the candle, he looked inside.

"At first I couldn't see anything, hot air rushed out of the room, causing the candle flame to flicker, but soon, as my eyes got used to the light, the details of the room slowly emerged from the mist, strange animals, statues and gold - gold glitter everywhere."
Howard Carter

A team of archaeologists have discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun, a youth king who ruled Egypt from 1332 to around 1323 B.C.

November 1925. Death mask of Tutankhamun.

Despite traces of the tomb having been visited twice by ancient robbers, the contents of the room remained virtually untouched. The tomb was stuffed with thousands of priceless artifacts, including a sarcophagus with the mummified remains of Tutankhamun.

January 4, 1924. Howard Carter, Arthur Callender and an Egyptian worker open the doors for their first look at Tutankhamen's sarcophagus.

Each object in the tomb was carefully described and cataloged before removal. This process took almost eight years.

December 1922. A ceremonial couch in the shape of a Heavenly Cow, surrounded by supplies and other objects in the front room of the tomb.

December 1922. Gilded lion bed and other objects in the hallway. The wall of the burial chamber is guarded by black statues of Ka.

1923 A set of boats in the treasury of the tomb.

December 1922. A gilded lion bed and an inlaid breastplate among other objects in the antechamber.

December 1922 Under the lion bed in the front room are several boxes and chests, as well as an ebony and ivory chair that Tutankhamun used as a child.

1923 The gilded bust of the Heavenly Cow Mehurt and the chests were in the treasury of the tomb.

1923 Chests inside the treasure chest.

December 1922. Decorative alabaster vases in the front room.

January 1924. In a "laboratory" set up in the tomb of Seti II, restorers Arthur Mays and Alfred Lucas are cleaning one of the Ka statues from the front room.

November 29, 1923. Howard Carter, Arthur Callender and an Egyptian worker wrap one of the Ka statues for transport.

December 1923. Arthur Mays and Alfred Lucas work on the golden chariot from Tutankhamen's tomb outside the "laboratory" in the tomb of Seti II.

1923 Statue of Anubis on a funeral stretcher.

December 2, 1923 Carter, Callender and two workers remove the partition between the front room and the burial chamber.

December 1923. Inside the outer ark in the burial chamber, a huge linen veil with golden rosettes, reminiscent of the night sky, covers the smaller ark.

December 30, 1923. Carter, Mace, and an Egyptian worker carefully roll up a linen cover.

December 1923. Carter, Callender and two Egyptian workers are carefully dismantling one of the golden arks in the burial chamber.

October 1925. Carter examines Tutankhamun's sarcophagus.

October 1925. Carter and a worker examine a solid gold sarcophagus.