English language

Major arcana tarot death. In combination with other arcana. ✚ On desire

In the center of the Death card in the tarot is a white horse, its rider is a skeleton in armor. The movement is slow and even. In his hand, the rider holds a black banner embroidered with a mystical rose - this is a symbol of vital energy and life in general. Looking at the horizon, you can see the shining sun - a symbol of immortality and new life. The environment is very bright and colorful.

The rider rides without a weapon, but everyone kneels in fear before the depicted image. Only the priest stands with great calmness and awareness, obeying the circumstances. Peace and humility reign in the image of a priest. Only he meets the rider as an equal. In the background, a river is depicted as a symbol that separates the world of the living from the kingdom of the dead.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the Arcana Death has a symbolic number 13, to which all negative components are attributed. But do not regard death literally as fate or a terrible omen. Just pay attention to what is happening in your life and maybe it's time to deal with it all. Reconsider your views, reevaluate your ideals and change your plan of action. Yes, a proven path is always good, but you need to move on, and to conquer new horizons, a new, improved strategy is needed.

Remember, life and death are inseparable. One is always a continuation of the other, and death is not always the end of something - it can be the beginning.

More arcana:

Direct Position Meaning

Keys: inevitable event, change and transformation. Destruction, ending, parting, forgiveness. Irrelevance of circumstances. Renewal, creativity, revival. Life changes. The beginning of a new period. The end of one stage is the beginning of another. Transition state. Development. Changes, both internal and external. Change for the better. Transition from the lowest level to the highest. New cycle. Abrupt changes. Apathy, depression. Transitional period, intermediate state.

The lasso Death in the tarot can be regarded as a warning received - changes await you. These changes can be as small as they are, or they can take place at the deepest levels of your life. Be prepared that you may be required to leave behind the line much that previously attracted you and was considered important.

In the future, you may be separated from something: a hobby, activity, housing, environment or team.

Changes will affect not only your everyday life, the sphere of spirituality will also undergo changes. From yourself you create a new personality, more developed and prepared for later life. Your past experience and acquired knowledge will help you with this. As a result, you have new goals, new ideals, and new tactics to achieve what you want.

Changes are inevitable, but do not be afraid of them, they will bring you good and a new better period of life. After that, you will feel renewed and free from the tormenting past.

Interpretation of an inverted card

Keys: depressive moods, passivity. Stagnation in all areas of life. Resistance and rejection of the situation. Loss, change for the worse. The collapse of plans and hopes. Inertia. Oblivion. Dream. Stunned. Self-deception. Weakening, restraint, fetters. Restrictions. Fear. immobility. Inertia. Moral exhaustion. Resources are exhausted.

Rapid change in the situation. You are not ready to accept what is happening, you are resisting the ongoing changes. All forces are going to resist, instead of going with the flow and adapting to new living conditions.

Remember that your zeal and negative detachment and rejection of change will only make life harder for you. Now you can't stop change. If you continue to resist, you will get a negative result and tragic situations, as well as serious consequences, from which you will have to look for a way out for a very long time.

Disappointment, loss, crisis and the departure of old relationships in the past. To mitigate negative consequences, stop being stubborn and resisting, accept your life as it is now. Don't cling to the past. Evaluate what's going on. Step forward boldly towards your new life.

Meet your new life with dignity and your head held high, and then you will overcome all the hardships and omens of the inverted Arcana. Get ready to enter a new period of your life.

Tip: be patient and avoid spontaneous actions.

Death in health card

Dystrophy, changes associated with age. Flabbiness. Problems with joints and skeletal structure. Immobility of muscles and limbs.

Direct position. Crisis or turning point in the course of the disease. Exacerbation after illness.

Reversed position. Perhaps there is a need for surgical intervention. Stab or cut injuries. Risky state of affairs. Deterioration can come at any moment.

Advice. Watch your health. Remember that the disease is easier to predict and neutralize in the early stages. Don't be lazy to get tested.

Arcane death - meaning in a relationship

Direct position. Emotional and psychological intensity in relationships. Natural rejection of relationships. Relationships have become obsolete and nothing more can be given to partners. Attempts to revive will lead to a temporary truce or the crisis will pass. The most important thing is to find strength in yourself and make a decision: to fight on or leave everything as it is.

Reversed position. Fear of losing an existing relationship. The withering away of feelings, the departure of a spark from a relationship. Partners cease to be interested in each other.

In whatever position the Arcana Death falls, for a relationship it is always a crisis or a decision to end the relationship. For a clearer understanding of the situation, it is worth looking at the surrounding cards and the position in which Arkan fell.

Death card at work

Professions for Arcana Death: crematorium or mortuary worker. Funeral agency. Hospital attendant, chemist, biologist. Medic, hotel worker. Specialist in expertise. Pathologist. Working with medical equipment. Work aimed at cleaning something. Digger, archaeologist. Janitor or lawn mower.

Direct position. Good value for completing any business and for summing up the results of activities. The way out, albeit a slow one, from difficult situations, the crisis has passed.

When the Death card appears, three components of the case can be noted:

  1. stable position.
  2. controlled situation.
  3. controlled position.

As for the prospects or development, there is nothing to hope for. The case may not go further or bring losses. There are ideas that are not destined to be realized, or containing a flaw, lifeless plans and poorly calculated strategies - Arkan Death foresees such ideas and does not recommend even starting to consider for implementation.

It is necessary to take stock, complete the work begun, and only after that take on new projects.

Reversed position. Company closure or company renaming. You can also think about moving the organization to another place where there is nothing of the kind.

An unstable position that is difficult to control, but possible if you make some effort. Work through force, coercion, unloved work. Slow progress, uncomfortable position, delayed decision.

Advice: search for favorable conditions, saving money, reasonable spending, miscalculation of steps for the future.

In work, you should not hope to achieve a quick result, even summing up the results takes time. Be patient and attentive to details, do not miss the opportunity to double-check everything.

Death in tarot about the current situation

Direct position. Completion of the passed stages of life, summing up. The birth of something new. Time to clear the way for something more meaningful.

Advice: let go, do not forcefully hold, let the end come. Clear not only your life, but also the place of residence from excess garbage.

Proven schemes, established principles, and current ideals are fading away. It's time to act in a new way and explore new ways to develop situations.

Reversed position. It's time to get rid of false hopes and expectations. You do not want to let go of your past, although the time is right for this.

Perhaps something similar happened to you recently. Changes were made in your life, but they didn't work out properly and you didn't work out the opportunities given to you. In any case, do not rush things, even if you are sure of the result, let fate itself make adjustments and changes will occur when there is time for this.

Warning. You may fall into a trap. It is inappropriate to insist on lifeless decisions and defend the original failed case.

The lasso shows that the completion of your business may soon come, but either you have not finalized something, or you are deliberately preventing the completion of the case.

Look around, maybe this delay saved you from something more destructive. Take a look at what you are going to get rid of.

Tip: you need to think about what it's time to part with. It is necessary to give an objective assessment of what is happening. It is necessary to use the provided opportunities. Don't be afraid of change.

Warning. You should not take steps that do not have development and prospects for the future. Be careful, do not stumble, look under your feet and do not lose heart.

Ideas for understanding the Arcana Death:

  • It's not the result that matters, but the quality.
  • It's time to say goodbye to the past.
  • If something dies, then something is born.
  • Thrills are not always pleasant.

Questions for analysis when the Arcana Death appears:

  • What is your attitude towards change?
  • What kind of change do you expect?
  • What scares you about change?
  • Which of the things that should be a thing of the past are you trying to leave behind?
  • Have you thought about the future? Do you have a desire to develop?
  • What makes you bored?
  • Habits, habits - what are you giving up? For what?
  • Do you think it's time for a new phase?

The meaning of the tarot card Death in combination with the Major Arcana

With a joke Contrasting environment and situation.

With a magician You are not doing the right thing. The solution to the current situation.

With the high priestess. Lack of trust. Dream.

With the empress. Everything changes, one thing follows another.

with the emperor. You are waiting for changes in any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

with the hierophant. Family changes.

With lovers. Relationship changes.

With a chariot. It's time to reconsider your views on life and priorities.

With strength. Pull yourself together and overcome difficulties.

With a hermit. Loneliness.

With the wheel of fortune. Change is driven by fate.

With justice. Drawing up a will.

From the hanged man. Punishment for contradicting ongoing changes.

With moderation. Get used to what's going on.

With the devil Necromancy.

With a tower of lightning. Natural actions intervene in the situation.

With a star Everything that happens, happens for good.

With the moon Destructive forces. Deception, lies.

With the sun Recovery.

With court. Fulfillment of karmic destiny.

Peace. Derivation of the result.

Interpretation of the Arcana Death in combination with the suit of wands

With an ace. Idea transformation.

With a deuce. Don't cling to the past.

With a trio. Changes must be accepted.

With four. Restructuring within the family.

With five. Way out of a difficult situation.

With six. Change your course of action to resolve the situation. It might be worth changing the characters.

With seven. You should not interfere in someone else's life and try to put a spoke in someone's wheels.

With eight. Progress.

With nine. You are afraid of coming life changes.

With ten. Crucial moment.

With a page. You may lose the incentive to move.

With a knight You lost the rhythm with which you moved forward.

With the queen. You have to adapt to your surroundings.

With the king. A change in status is expected.

Death and cups

With an ace. Changes on the love front.

With a deuce. Relationship changes.

With a trio. Changes in society, changes in collective groups.

With four. Lost chances.

With five. Irreparable loss.

With six. Shut off what's left behind.

With seven. Expand your fantasies. Look at what is really happening.

With eight. You were forced to take this step.

With nine. Destruction of intentions.

With ten. Gap.

With a page. Indicates death at the initial stage.

With a knight Unfortunately, words are worthless.

With the queen. Separation from a woman.

With the king. Leaving a relationship with a man.

Card Death and suit of swords

With an ace. Something obsolete and obsolete leaves, another period comes.

With a deuce. Not accepting the situation. Not wanting to be in this world.

With a trio. Completion of the stage, changes are possible.

With four. Waiting for the completion of something, time to let go of past situations.

With five. You lost.

With six. Adapting to life changes.

With seven. You ignore the signs of the Universe, do not want to see the consequences of your actions.

With eight. Limited perception. You don't want to see all the chances a new position can give.

With nine. Cry, tears.

With ten. Unfavorable ending.

With a page. negative trends in the future.

With a knight problems in the situation. This cannot be avoided.

With the queen. There is a possibility of losing your husband.

With the king. Care of a woman.

Meaning of the Death card in combination with the suit of pentacles

With an ace. The emergence of the newest in life.

With a deuce. Difficulties.

With a trio. The foundation of something that you didn't have before.

With four. You are trying to hold on to something that should disappear from your space.

With five. Helpless position.

With six. You will not have what you intended.

With seven. Disappointment, sadness.

With eight. Loss of ability.

With nine. Tools that cannot be used.

With ten. Family loss.

With a page. Bad news.

With a knight Failure.

With the queen. Loss of finance, bankruptcy.

With the king. Loss of position.

The threatening image of Death is not to the liking of most people, and that's okay. But it is worth noting that in the layouts of the Tarot, the lasso of the same name (thirteenth in a row) symbolizes the completion of something. It can be a job done, a break in a relationship, the end of a life stage.

Other names for the Major Arcana Death:

  • Spit.
  • Transformation.
  • Angel of Death.
  • Valkyrie.
  • Child of Great Change.
  • Lord of the Brotherhood of Death.

The card depicts a Skeleton dressed in armor. The ruler sits on a white horse and holds a black banner in his left hand. The canvas is decorated with a floral print. In front stands an old man in golden robes. Next to him are a young woman and a child. Behind the animal lies a dead man.

The unattractive Tarot card Death has a favorable meaning if it falls into a layout in a direct position. It can be taken as a sign that it is time to move to a new level. The current life stage is over and everything bad remains in it. Major changes are coming that can't be stopped. But fortunately they are favorable. The questioner must plunge into the whirlwind of new events and move towards a happy future.

A person cannot influence everything that happens. He will feel anxiety and a host of other negative emotions. In order not to quarrel with others, the Questioner must release anger alone. After a while, the situation will clear up and the fortuneteller will understand what exactly prevented him from changing his life for the better.

The Child of Great Change offers to get rid of the heavy burden of the past years and confidently take a big step towards a tempting future. For the sake of this, it is worth taking risks and doing those things that previously seemed unrealistic.

Interpretation upside down

Many arcana in an inverted position predict trouble for the Questioner, but Death does not always have a negative description. She prophesies a waiting period. That is, if something does not work out, you need to discard anxiety and just wait, spending your free time for self-development.

In some cases, the inverted Scythe falls into the alignment as a sign of a person’s unpreparedness for positive changes. He fails to break with the past and accept the present as it is. The Significator is tormented by doubts, but it is he who determines the outcome of the situation. Clinging to the past does not achieve success. But if the fortuneteller breaks out of the fetters of the old life, he will only benefit from this. By casting aside fears, doubts, and worries and starting to solve problems meaningfully, a person gradually lets change into his life.

In combination with positive arcana, Transformation gives hope for a favorable resolution of an important issue. If the Questioner has true friends, and he can always count on their support, success will not be long in coming.

The negative value of the Death card is manifested by damage or the evil eye. This is an external magical influence of otherworldly forces. It will take a long time to get rid of the negative.

The inner meaning of the Death card

The segment of the life path is nearing the end, and then the Questioner will be renewed as a person. He will look at the world with a fresher look and make new friends. Only the soul, that is, the creative force undergoing transformation, is not subject to change.

Often 13 lasso falls to people aged 14, 36, 24, 48, 62 years. At this time, the personality is reborn and requires further growth. Changes do not need to be delayed, because they are very beneficial for a person.

Reversed Death is interpreted as a recent transformation, or past changes. Sometimes the card says that things should not be rushed. Everything will happen at the right time. Whether future events are good or bad, they cannot be avoided. Unexpected and abrupt changes will turn the significator's life upside down.

The meaning of the lasso in relationships and love

In relationships, Death has a negative meaning. Parting with a loved one is brewing. The break is inevitable. The soul can perceive it painlessly. But even if this is not the case, it is important to end the relationship quickly and permanently.

Paired with Justice, the Transformation card prophesies an attempt by a partner to restore relations. He would definitely get a chance if he could refresh them. Another 13 lasso indicates that the romantic period is coming to an end and it is time to think about maintaining relationships.

Favorable for love and relationships, the meaning of the Death Tarot card is manifested by the opportunity to get to know your soulmate better. The couple learns to compromise. The union is maturing. However, the Scythe can also portend very bad things. It is possible that the partner is passionate about communication on the side.

The value of the card in money layouts

Nothing good in the financial layouts Death does not bode well. Valkyrie means the futility of the old ways of making money, a decrease in income, loss of work. The best interpretation of divination is the end of a difficult period. Neighboring cards will help the tarot reader to navigate in deciphering the fortune-telling.

Health status

The Angel of Death is an unfavorable card when divining for health. But, despite its name, it rarely symbolizes the physical death of the human body.

The health of the lasso Death describes the following characteristics:

  1. Removal of teeth.
  2. Depression.
  3. Heart attacks.
  4. Coma.
  5. Incurable disease.
  6. clinical death.
  7. Excision of tumors.
  8. Menopause.
  9. Atrophy.
  10. All sorts of dysfunctions.

Lord of the Brotherhood of Death shows the weak areas of the body. These are the cardiovascular and nervous systems. In special cases, the lasso diagnoses damage and the evil eye. The inverted position of the lasso promises a speedy recovery. The crisis is over.

Significance in career and work

If a request is made for a career and work, Death in the Tarot reading symbolizes the end of the usual activity. The direct position of the 13th lasso says: it's time to say goodbye to the old job and start preparing for a new position. You should not rush, because first you need to take stock and check whether everything is completed to the end.

The reverse position of the Valkyrie broadcasts the absence of change. Everything stays in place. There is no need to leave work at this time, no matter how events unfold.

Divination by personality and situation

Personality Tarot Death describes one that easily parted with the past. Man is on the threshold of great change. This is an interpretation for the direct position of the card. In the reverse position, the lasso indicates a seriously ill person or a depressive state of the Questioner.

If Death is the card of the day, expect something to be completed. Perhaps this will please you or, on the contrary, sadden you if the past was significant. However, you still have to say goodbye to the past. It is useful to let him go, if only because the experience blocks the feeling of relief and inner freedom.

As a card of the year, the Child of Great Change prophesies a loss of meaning, the end of something, or the transformation of the usual state of affairs. No effort will be able to contain the wind of change. It will be rational to get rid of everything useless and easily part with the past. This is the only way to gracefully enter the future.

What forecasts for the year does the Death card give:

  • Sphere of work and finance. Farewell to the familiar place.
  • Health. Illness for the healthy, recovery from illness, elimination of depression and rethinking of oneself.
  • Personal life. The collapse of a relationship, the inevitable parting with a loved one.

Tip 13 of the lasso Death for a year - give up the old life for the sake of a new perfect future.

Death combined with other cards

With the major arcana, Kosu is interpreted as follows:

Worldsummarize and set new goals
Courtretribution for past sins
Suncheer up, warm up heartily from the hope of a better future
poor health
Starhope for a normal resolution of the problem
Towercollapse of great plans and hopes
Devilbecome a participant in scams and machinations
adapt to new circumstances
Hangedsee how your environment gets what it deserves
Justiceyou need a strong teacher who will show the path of Truth
Wheel of Fortunechanges are coming
loneliness will be long, but useful
Strengthcontrol emotions and rely on reason in everything
reconsider the values, they are outdated
loversa crisis is brewing in a relationship with a loved one. But the situation can turn out to be the opposite - the relationship will become even stronger.
new boss at work, establishing contacts with him
radical changes in the professional sphere
empressyour life resembles the colors of a zebra, and your moods are the same changeable (sometimes white, sometimes black, sometimes joy, sometimes sadness)
High Priestessdevelop your gift of clairvoyance
Mageyour situation will improve soon, be patient
Jesterconflicting relationships with loved ones

Interpretation of the Tarot card Death with some minor arcana:

  • Five of Swords - update.
  • The Eight of Wands is the acceleration of transformation.
  • (reverse position) - overstrain, cardiovascular pathology.
  • Four of Swords - you will be forced to go to the hospital.
  • Seven of Pentacles - find the treasure.
  • Five and Eight of Cups - with Death accelerate the proximity of the finale; the value of the loss is amplified.

Basic values

  • Positive: transformation.
  • Negative: limitation.
  • Key words: threshold, sudden or unexpected change, radical change, irreversibility.
  • Number: Depending on the traditions, the number "13" is considered lucky or unlucky.
  • 13 is the number of complete lunar cycles. The thirteenth hour is also the first hour.
  • Arcane description: A skeleton in black armor sits on a horse and holds a flag. In front of him: a priest, two boys on their knees and a king lying on the ground. In the distance, the sun rises between two towers.


  • Rose with five petals: symbolizes the formation and development of man through spirituality.
  • Skeleton: personifies the inevitable death that conquers everything in the world.
  • Sun: It rises and indicates that death is part of successive cycles of life, just as sunset follows sunrise.
  • Priest: symbolizes the spiritual growth that can be achieved by accepting death.
  • White horse: a means of transportation, personifies the transition to the highest level of consciousness.
  • The king lying on the ground: expresses the idea of ​​the frailty of human existence.

The general meaning of the lasso Death

Death rides triumphantly on a white horse: it is the end and the beginning of all things. In the Universal Tarot, this Arcana represents symbolic death, the transition necessary to reach a higher level of consciousness. Running water, children with floral wreaths and the rising sun symbolize a new beginning and show how closely interconnected life and death are. Every time this Arkan falls, we are confused, but it has no negative meaning: it symbolizes the need for rebirth and indicates that a radical transformation can be achieved by breaking away from the past. Moreover, death indicates
to an unexpected transformation that radically changes the situation. It has both an end and a beginning. In its traditional meaning, Death symbolizes that nothing lasts forever, and even the rich and powerful will come to an end. In a more modern sense, Death suggests that everything changes, and it is impossible to stop time and the course of events. Most of the modern images of this Arcana balance the former, which have a more negative connotation. Thus, the negative meaning of some elements, such as the skeleton, is softened by intuitive symbols, such as the rising sun.

Iconography of Arcana Tarot 13 - Death

Extended meanings

Personal life

  • Love. Before being able to love again, you need to be able to put an end to past relationships.
  • Job. Unforeseen changes lead in unexpected directions that need to be explored.
  • Money. Savings will flow away, but do not despair, because soon things will go uphill again.


  • Result. It is impossible to avoid a sudden and drastic change, which was the result of some accident or confluence of circumstances.
  • Recommendation. To meet the end with the light soul of a man who knows that a new beginning will come.
  • Implementation time. It is necessary to be ready all the time, because the unexpected can happen at any moment.

Soul and psyche

  • Self-esteem. The most difficult periods teach the most important lessons. You just need to get back on the road.
  • Meditation. What is the meaning of life without death? What is the meaning of all things if they have no end?
  • Spirituality. Live the present moment with joy, but listen to those who are suffering and help them. You don't have to be afraid of pain.

Esoteric meaning

  • Kabbalah. The letter "mem", associated with water, is called "silent" and is the second "mother letter".
  • Alchemy. "Work in black" - the stage at which the consciousness of the Adept dies and decays before being reborn.
  • Astrology. Scorpion. Expresses changes and sudden transformations in strategies, ideas or thoughts.

Divination by Tarot cards has existed for more than one hundred years, thanks to them you can get an answer from higher powers and decide how to act in a given situation.

But deciphering the result is not an easy task; intuition, developed imagination and good contact with the cards are very important here. You can install it if you treat them with respect, do not give your deck to anyone and examine the images before starting fortune-telling.

It is also important that no one distracts you from the process, that there are no unnecessary thoughts in your head, and that the state is close to meditative. If in the scenario you fell out Arcana Death, do not be afraid - it rarely means physical death. Familiarize yourself with the meaning and description of the card and think about what higher powers wanted to tell you through the Tarot deck.

Map Description

In a classic deck Death is depicted like a gloomy skeleton with a scythe that walks across the field with heads and body parts sticking out of the ground. The reaper mows them down with a scythe. In some cases, he is depicted in armor and on a horse; images of children, women, men, a priest, a poor man and a rich man can be found on the map. This symbolizes that in the face of death all are equal.

The Death card is the 13th Arcana, it belongs to the Major Arcana. Other names:

  • Angel of Death;
  • Valkyrie;
  • Child of Great Change;
  • Parting.

The map corresponds to the sign Scorpion, her catchphrase is "When you die, be reborn." It means transformation and transition from one state to another, moreover, usually it is not physical death, but moral changes, great changes. The card says that the situation has come to its natural end, you should not hold it, it is worth starting something new.

The meaning of this card is more positive, it means serious changes in the life of the questioner, the beginning or continuation of movement, the eternal cycle, the absence of stagnation. Arkan speaks of getting rid of something obsolete, unnecessary, and even if now you are experiencing the pain of breaking old ties, you will soon realize that everything was for the better.

Death symbolizes the time of change, but it is not yet known when the transition period will end and something new will begin. The changes heralded by Death are global, nothing can stop them, everything will collapse to be rebuilt.

Death carries with it the rejection of something, changes in the old way of life, the disruption of existing plans. She says that the projects that you are now counting on will be forgotten by you, will sink into oblivion, will become uninteresting to you. But a new round will begin, life will cross the threshold of something unknown.

Other cards in the layout may indicate what the new life will be like after the renunciation of the old and obsolete. And only in rare cases, this card can indicate the real grief and death of someone, especially if the layout was made for a sick person.

She symbolizes loss and mourning, says that nothing can be done, all processes are natural, and for this person a new period will begin, but already beyond what is available to us.

Sometimes it is difficult to say goodbye to something familiar, but if you don’t let go of anything and live only with what is already there, development will disappear, and this is real death. Life in the death of the old and the birth of the new. Life and death are inextricably linked, and there is no one without the other.

Death is never pleasant, but entering a new age is exciting and beautiful. This card has a positive meaning, especially when a person is not afraid of change and wants to change the situation himself. The lasso can also symbolize victory over oneself.

Perhaps at getting rid of the old the questioner will not be sad, he will experience only relief and joy that something that has long interfered has disappeared. But even if there is pain from the loss, you have to let it go and accept it.

Humility will relieve you of severe pain, and it will remove the bitterness of understanding that something completely different lies ahead, something that will give you the necessary experience, what the Universe has prepared especially for you.

Death removes only that which would not bring more benefit, only obsolete relationships, situations or things. If they remained in your life, they would drag you down and interfere with development.

There is nothing more natural than death, she is simple, but strict, she gives advice to calmly give her what she does not need and exclaim: “Finally it is gone!” She says to get rid of the old without regret, and wait for the new with admiration. Death can't make a mistake, it only takes what's real bothers you even if you don't realize it.

Basic meaning

The main interpretation of the card is the proximity of the end of the situation that is taking place at the moment. The final farewell to the past, the end of an existing life and the beginning of a new one. A turning point that can concern any area of ​​\u200b\u200blife - depending on what fortune-telling was done on.

Maybe it's a job change, maybe separation from partner to allow a new, more suitable relationship to happen, or is it a complete change of world view, changing the existing lifestyle. It is important to interpret the map in accordance with the question asked.

In the upright position, the card speaks of the end and death of the old, the beginning of the new. Something dies, something is born. The card may advise you to complete some process of your own free will, until it is completed forcibly.

Other cards will indicate what exactly to expect changes, for example, if there is Chariot, this means that it's time for you to change priorities, and if the Jester, then completely unexpected and serious changes await you.

In an inverted position, the Death card says that you are afraid to live and breathe deeply, do not want to let go of what bothers you, have unnecessary and stupid hopes for something that you do not need.

The lasso can symbolize the weakening of faith or the loss of meaning, apathy. He says that this attitude only causes problems that would not exist if you changed your approach.

If there is a card in the layout Priestess, this means that you do not understand the changes that are coming, and are terribly afraid of them, and the card adjacent to Death Emperor symbolizes the unwillingness to accept the new, discomfort from the ongoing changes.

But you still won't be able to hold on to what has died, and you'd better embrace the changes and be glad that you can now start life from scratch and not repeat past mistakes.

Meaning in relationships

In the upright position, this card can mean a change in relationship with some person. Perhaps this is the end of a relationship and the beginning of a new one.

Do not rush things, do not hold on to old acquaintances who have already become not the same people that they were before. You need to let go of obsolete ties without regret and, raising your head, look to the future, free space for new acquaintances.

But it is worth maintaining normal, comradely relations with those with whom a stronger connection has been broken. This may be your best friend with whom you have lost common interests - you should not quarrel noisily, but it is useless to try to revive the former trust.

In an inverted position, Arkan speaks of vain hopes that you will have a relationship with a specific person. It can also symbolize the inability to revive old ties or the fear of loss.

An inverted card indicates that you are not ready to act correctly in order to start a new one and get rid of the old one, do not take any action and behave amorphously.

If the Hermit Arkan fell out with the card, this warns that if you do not take any action, you can come to loneliness and longing. There is no need to cling to the old, hold on to some connections by force, you need to accept the loss easily, as a liberation, and wait for the new and beautiful.

In love relationships

The Death card cannot be ignored if the alignment concerned love relationships, it clearly manifests itself in this situation. Often she says that it's time to part with this partner, your relationship has become obsolete, with this you will only make room for something new.

The lasso symbolizes the natural end of communication, without quarrels and misunderstandings, most likely, everything has been going to this for a long time. You have a good chance of remaining friends, unless other cards in the spread say otherwise. The card may indicate an upcoming divorce, to provide freedom to both parties.

If in the current period of life you have been in apathy and despair, Death is a great card for you, it will end the current period, put suffering behind. If you wanted a divorce or separation, but could not find a reason, then the card says that now everything will work itself out.

death can symbolize fear losing a partner, fear of parting. Relationships are still important for the questioner if there are many cards of Chalices in the layout.

If the card describes a partner, this indicates a clear intention to break the connection, to gain freedom. Rarely talk about Shakespearean love, about feelings that are associated with death, but the rest of the Arcana should indicate this.

In work

The Death card often warns of job loss, that existing sources of income will dry up, and it makes no sense to hope that one day it will be possible to draw from them again. The financial situation will change dramatically, that is, if you are now rich, get ready for difficulties, and if you are very bad with money, then the situation will improve dramatically. Old ways of earning are irrelevant, you need to look for something new.

The card has a positive meaning when the deal is done to get out of the crisis, change the current negative situation. Then it means that the torment will end, a new period will come.

But if you asked about a new business, project ideas, then it’s better not to even start business - the project will collapse, never showing up. Death accurately defines unpromising ideas.

Even if you still keep the business afloat, but you got the Death card, it’s better to end it and start a new one. His current existence is similar to the existence of a patient in a coma, who is fed through a tube and breathes thanks to artificial respiration machines.

In this case, the patient will definitely not recover. Death speaks of completing some projects, and how painful or simple it will be, the rest of the Arcana will show.

If you are in doubt about whether to change jobs, the Death card makes it very clear that yes. She portends dismissal, separation business connections, change of position or company, sometimes even a change of profession. You need to prepare and mentally prepare for change, so it will be easier for you to get through difficult times. It is very likely that what will replace it will be much better than the previous one.

The symbolic patron of this card is Saturn, which is in the VIII House. This is a planet that means the final Limit, farewell and separation, as well as death and further rebirth.

A less global meaning simply indicates that everything somehow ends and circumstances also recede into the past.

Any transformation is the death of something old in order to give way to something unknown. The mood that prevails in this card is the recognition of the expediency of what is happening and parting with something. In this case, the card shows any of the many types of “little death,” which is any change, even just parting with our old habits, or moving to another city where we have no one. The lasso shows that the most important changes will need to be made and the hour has already struck, you just need to wait for it.

Here you need to throw away all the junk and you don’t need to lament about it, because further growth will be needed. There is a need for hard work in order to clear the attic of your life in order for some new sprout to break through. The card is strongly associated with Scorpions, drawing from him his renewal, immortality and rebirth, the expansion of the mind or his causticity.

Death is upside down.

In an inverted form, this lasso in the Tarot shows the gift to see the truth both in oneself and in other people. But it also indicates stagnation, a particular inertia, and the misunderstandings associated with it. In the Tarot, this lasso indicates the stability of the state of affairs, what is good, what is bad.

The inverted position indicates that things are moving on, as before, and the one who was looking for a job will not be able to find it further, but if he has already found and works, then he will be there. The routine is big, but you can endure. In health, the inverted Arcana Death shows that the person has recovered, recovered from a crisis, or escaped danger.

In love, shows complete stability and boredom from each other. In response to direct questions, indicates a clear “Yes” as confirmation to the main answer - in the sense that yes, the answer was received accurately, it should not be specified. Everything is unchanged.

Death in a straight line.

This card, contrary to the formidable name, does not at all mean the end of the earthly path, but indicates that the current situation is ending, that very profound changes are taking place in a person’s worldview. There is a chance to find yourself in a situation that was previously unknown and incomprehensible.

About what kind of changes can be expected, you need to examine the cards lying nearby. The general meaning of a direct card is the end of life in the old way and the losses that are inevitably associated with this - the loss of income, love, friendship and everything else. But now a new era is opening up before man.

Sometimes what's new that comes may be small, or may only seem insignificant. In general, this is a map of everyday life, the usual everyday bustle and the underlying desire to gain new experiences. These are small problems and a big fatigue from everything that happens.

The Arcana Death, for example, speaks of acquaintances, which may or may not be useful. In business, this card does not show any failure, or even ruin, but it can give a lot of fuss in finding a job, clients, when there can be many choices, but it is impossible to decide on anything. It may indicate a constant change of work or the arrival of a session for students.

The health value of Death only becomes truly negative when surrounded by a very large amount of negative connotation of the cards. In the case of fortune-telling for a young man, the chances of this are even less. Rather, it shows an unstable state that changes frequently.

About the same in the sphere of emotions - oppressive states, destabilization, nervousness, the feeling that something is always interfering. The meaning of Death is a very strong desire for something new, but a person who has the nature of this card may have some tendency to kleptomania and suicidal tendencies, as an attempt to get away from problems in this way. In general, the map does not give an answer to a direct question at all.

The fact is that there is no certainty in the circumstances, and the situation can turn anywhere. Here you need to look not at the situation, but only at the options for solving it. Also an important clarification: the card may indicate that the answer here is simple and should not be known to the questioner.

Card advice.

Keep doing what you are doing now. However, he points to a great many meetings, deeds and worries, moreover, to the point of complete exhaustion. Some of these cases will be significant and very important, but it is impossible to understand which one. You should be conservative and deal with your old debts first.