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Horoscope for the year zodiac sign Leo

As soon as the Monkey transfers his powers to the Red Fire Rooster, the life of those born under the sign of Leo will become more dynamic, interesting and full of various pleasant events. The patron of 2017 will endow the representatives of this zodiac sign with such qualities as activity, determination, determination and give them good luck. Everything will turn out in the best way, since all the achievements of the Lions, without exception, will occur either because of their perseverance and active life position, or because of luck. In any case, it is not the method of achieving the goal that is important, but the result, which, by the way, will be stunning. Lions this year can make bold and grandiose plans, implement the most brilliant ideas, plans, do great things, because everything they undertake will be crowned with success. In the second half of the year, their ardor will cool down somewhat, and the Lions will no longer achieve their goals with such enthusiasm and assertiveness. They will be quite satisfied with what has already been achieved, and they have neither the desire nor the strength for more. With such a position, representatives of this sign risk losing what they have achieved before, so it is important for them to maintain the pace set by the Rooster until the end of the year.

Love horoscope for 2017 Leo

In 2017, under the auspices of the bright and unique Rooster, the Lions will be constantly surrounded by increased attention to their own person from the representatives of the opposite sex. Their charm, ease of communication, attractiveness cannot go unnoticed. During this period, lonely Lviv expects a lot of pleasant acquaintances, but not everyone will have a continuation. Among new acquaintances, they may meet a person who fully shares their views on life, whose goals coincide with the life goals of representatives of this sign. Lions are bright representatives of true beauty and impressiveness, and thanks to their activity and sociability, they will easily and quickly win the favor of many fans. You will not need to make any effort to attract the attention of the person you like. One look, one word or gesture can make you fall in love. By the way, Lions this year will not only bewitch the opposite sex, but they themselves risk falling head over heels in love. This new, bright and bright feeling will inspire Lviv and give them strength for accomplishments in other areas of their lives.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo (family)

The owner of 2017 is very supportive of family people, so those Lions who are already married to a loved one have nothing to worry about and worry about relationships with their spouse. Even in those families where there were often quarrels, conflicts and scrapes, positive changes will occur. Leos will become more caring, attentive, sensual and sincere. They will no longer fight continuously for the throne in their small family kingdom and will learn to meet their chosen one, which will restore harmony, trust and mutual understanding in the family. Lions will begin to take an active part in the life of their household with great and genuine interest, thereby strengthening their relationship with them. Do not expect that your problems and troubles will disappear in an instant. All changes will occur gradually, day by day. Therefore, the Lions need to be patient, more optimistic and look to the future of their family with hope for the best. This year, the Lions have every chance to improve the well-being of their own homes, create comfortable and cozy conditions in it.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo (business)

2017 will bring with it many perspectives and changes in the field of business and career. But the Lions will have to push themselves a little and try to make these changes positive. Do not rely only on your luck and official position. Rooster loves workaholics. He will give Lviv business acumen and the ability to be in the right place at the right time. If the representatives of this sign manage to properly dispose of these qualities, then by the end of the first half of the year they will have great success. Some of them will be offered a high position, someone will be entrusted with a large-scale project, and someone will be awarded an impressive amount of bonuses. Businessmen this year should concentrate their efforts on finding potential investors and expanding the sales market. In this they will be helped by their ability to quickly get in touch with strangers, build relationships and the ability to convince. In the second half of the year, Leos should think about upgrading their skills or getting a second education, which will significantly expand the horizons for professional growth and achievements.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo (finance)

The first month of 2017 will be quite busy financially. But the Rooster will correct the situation as soon as he takes the reins of government into his own hands. Leos need to become more inventive and creative in order to be able to solve this problem. Starting from February, the financial affairs of Lviv will begin to slowly improve, and by the beginning of summer they will completely reach a new level, where representatives of that sign will gain financial independence and stability. It is possible that when the Lions are overtaken by financial difficulties, they will have to look for another job or one or more sources of additional income. But one should not assume that such tension will last for a long time. Everything is temporary. In addition, in the process of finding additional work, the Lions will receive several tempting offers that can significantly improve their financial situation. And they will also have some rational ideas for creating their own profitable business. But you should not forget that no one will give you money just like that. Everywhere you need to work and put your soul into the business that you are doing. Only in this way can you find stability and well-being.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo (health)

Most representatives of the Leo sign are heat-loving people who love to soak up the sun. But the cold season is more difficult for them to survive. Therefore, try to make sure that your wardrobe is appropriate for the season and weather conditions in order to avoid hypothermia and not catch a cold. It will also be difficult for the Lions to accept and get used to the pace that the active and lively Rooster sets. This can cause nervousness, stress and even fatigue. Therefore, Leos should in 2017 take more care of their mental health than physical. Try to rest more, smile more often and surround yourself only with positive people who are always in a great mood. Avoid conflicts and quarrels that can aggravate the situation. In stressful circumstances, try to control yourself, drink a sedative or green tea with lemon balm. And in general, tea with mint and honey is an excellent way to maintain health in excellent condition. Therefore, if it is present in your daily menu, this is very good. Meet friends, relatives and parents, walk with your children. This will help to distract from all problems and charge with positive energy.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2017 of the red Rooster - describes only the general trends inherent in the owners of the zodiac sign Leo in the new 2017. Due to your uniqueness, the general horoscope for 2017 for the sign of Leo may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by compiling a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2017. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

The exact personal horoscope for 2017 of the Rooster for the sign Leo:

In general, 2017 will not be an easy year for representatives of the Leo sign. The Bully-Rooster, although he is afraid of the formidable king of animals, does not miss the opportunity to peck him, so you can’t count on an easy life.

Famous Lions

  • Selena Gomez
  • Daniel Radcliffe
  • Mick Jagger
  • Bernard Show
  • Stanley Kubrick
  • Jacqueline Kennedy
  • Ivan Aivazovsky
  • Laurence Fishburne
  • Edita Piekha
  • Andy Warhole

Forecast for the zodiac sign Leo for 2017

The highest risks for this zodiac sign are expected in the business and professional field, so carefully read and check any contracts and agreements. The stars warn of possible mistakes that will lead to loss of time and may reduce profits. In winter, the stars do not recommend Leo to agree to risky adventures and succumb to sudden impulses. The risk will be unjustified - in the spring you will greatly regret what you have done.

Relations with family and neighbors will be tense in 2017. Before you say anything, think twice. Do not get into quarrels, even if you are sure that you are right - all the same, the Rooster will not let you prove anything, and the risk of remaining guilty in the end is very high. Peacefulness should become your attitude in life, and calmness should be the main feature. If you learn how to conduct a dialogue, avoiding a raised tone and accusations, then you will be able to take any conflict situation under control.

In 2017, Lions should not go on adventures!

The Year of the Fire Rooster will not bring prospects for the development of relationships with the opposite sex. Even a very promising meeting is likely to end with only a short romance. So the best strategy would be to limit the circle of acquaintances and communicate only with trusted people. For you in 2017, the best will definitely be the enemy of the good. Avoid noisy companies and parties, spend most of the weekend at home doing your favorite hobby, go to the gym or take a walk in the park.

In winter, they may try to drag you into behind-the-scenes games. The straightforward and honest Leo is not strong in intrigue, so you should not participate in such a business. Listen to the voice of reason: the analytical mind and prudence are the trump cards that you should use in the year of the Fire Rooster. Before you start a new business, think critically about what is happening and keep your plans a secret. Your habit of trumpeting to the whole world about grandiose projects planned can put everything in jeopardy.

By the way, career development at the beginning of the year will noticeably slow down. Plan any business trips and business trips for the summer and autumn - during this period the situation will change in your favor. But the trips associated with the rest will be successful and will bring only pleasant impressions. Real estate transactions will be profitable. If you are in the home sales business, then you can prepare not just a wallet, but a large bag to collect money. Also, success awaits Lviv, employed in legal and notarial activities - operations with documents will certainly bring income.

  • Forecast for men. Leo men need to remember that the passion and ardor of nature sometimes needs to be controlled. This warning applies to those who have already started a family. Do not chase chimeras - your wife is still better than any other woman. Single lions can afford several love affairs - in the first half of the year you are promised increased attention from the opposite sex. Novels will be short-lived, but stormy.
  • Forecast for women. Leo women in leadership positions can count on good luck in the second half of the year. But do not forget that you are the weaker sex. Don't get caught up in everything and don't try to embrace the immensity - set aside time in the summer for a visit to a beauty salon and take a course of relaxing spa treatments.

Love horoscope for 2017

In 2017, many Leos will begin to make very high demands on their pets. Do not expect that your soulmate and children will definitely justify them - learn to enjoy any results, even not very significant ones, and also be generous with praise. Your family needs additional motivation, and not just your formidable roar.

Try to be more affectionate and kinder to loved ones

Leo men need to learn how to voice their desires aloud. Don't expect others to read your mind. In winter, excessive secrecy on the part of Leo can lead to quarrels and conflicts in the family. If you are unhappy, then voice it right away. Just do not start with unfounded accusations, but diplomatically express your wishes and suggestions. Forget about your dominant position in the house - let others lead a little. If you focus only on yourself, then resentment is inevitable. Pay attention to the children and give them a little more freedom. If your offspring have already grown up and live separately, then in the summer be sure to visit them or invite them to stay with you.

Stars warn Leo women of the threat of jealousy from a lover. Moreover, a jealous attitude will concern not only other men, but also your work, hobbies and girlfriends. Give your loved one some of your regal attention, turn off your work phone at home and do not answer calls - this will be properly appreciated. The autumn period will be a favorable time for restoring home comfort. You will discover the talent of a designer and there will be an irresistible desire to modernize your home. You can afford this experiment - the result will be excellent.

Health Horoscope for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster will bring the risk of exacerbation of chronic diseases. This is especially true for Lviv with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Do not neglect this warning from the stars and take a preventive course in advance!

In the year of the Rooster, Lions should go in for sports and swimming

Leo men are advised by astrologers to go in for sports. The choice is yours, but it's best to sign up for swimming or yoga. Do not forget about proper nutrition - a well-balanced diet will be the key to your health. Those who decided to lose weight in 2017 should not follow a too strict diet. You can achieve great results if you eat fractionally or use a protein-carbohydrate alternation.

Leo women are at risk of exacerbating stomach problems. Do not overload it during the January holidays, otherwise lay out a tidy sum at the doctor's office at the end of spring. Stars advise in 2017 to do aerobics or dancing, get out into nature more often and take long walks. Teach yourself to get off the transport a couple of stops from home, because you have been moving very little lately.

Money horoscope for 2017

The financial sector in 2017 will delight Leo with stability. The Rooster does not portend you any special expenses. True, he will not give you big profits either. Tighten your belt and forget about the regal manner of showering loved ones with gifts with or without occasion. If you ever feel like updating your wardrobe, first sit down and write down all your purchases on a piece of paper. Moreover, strictly indicate the color and style of clothing, otherwise you will buy a bunch of extra things that will lie in the closet for a long time. The temptation to throw money down the drain will be especially great in the spring and summer.

In the coming season, money needs to be saved, not thrown away!

Leo men, get ready: it's time to pay old bills. If you managed to collect debts over the past year, then, without shelving, start paying them off. And be sure to remember if you forgot about any financial obligations. Lenders will not wait - from the beginning of the year they will begin to besiege your doors. Resist the temptation to take on new loans. Even if the situation seems critical, just wait a while. Be patient - and you will see that the second half of the year will bring you the necessary amounts without having to go into debt.

The heavenly bodies are also not advised to Leo women to take loans. And in no case do not lend money to relatives, otherwise you will not see any more money. Get ready to live within your means all year - there's nothing wrong with going to a party in a dress you've already been seen wearing. Limit your spending on new jewelry. Learn to wear jewelry - gold and precious stones are certainly beautiful, but you cannot afford such expenses in the year of the Rooster.

Career horoscope for 2017

The beginning of the year will be marked by long-awaited career shifts. And no wonder, because all last year you plowed like an ox. Management looks in your direction with favor - you successfully perform the lion's share of duties. Colleagues are also on your side - they remember how you came to their aid in difficult times. However, do not wear a crown, bragging and pride do not suit you - ruin your relationship with others.

Leos can get promoted if they work hard enough

Leo men will show their best side, which will be rewarded in cash. True, this will happen only at the end of the year. Remember that the reward will be proportional to the effort expended. Follow the rule: if you can do well, then do well! Don't expect lightning-fast success, even though you're used to quick results.

The lions will not even notice the change of the year and the ruler, the Monkey did a good job in 2016 and passes the baton to the Fire Cockerel.

He had already decided that he would protect the representatives of the fire element, so everything would go like clockwork. You definitely can’t run away from future success and good luck. At the beginning of the year, you have the opportunity to change positions, your ideas for improving work will help with this.

In the year of the Rooster, think about your inner state. Try to relax more, communicate only with people you like, take care of your nervous system.

  • Lions of the 1st decade (24.07-2.08) Be as active as possible, go in for sports. At least a morning jog, at first, of course, it will be very difficult to wake up, but soon it will become a habit, and you won’t be able to go a single day without it. Even better, if you can completely give up alcohol, well, or reduce its consumption.
  • Lions 2 decades (3.08-13.08) All last year you worked hard, and in the coming year it's time to take a break. Improve your health, eliminate harmful foods from your diet, sleep more. Find something to inspire you, it can be anything. For example, you can start meditation classes, grow flowers, or do needlework. The main thing is that you relax and calm your work.
  • Lions 3 decades (14.08-23.08) Your good health will please the Cockerel, so watch him carefully. Go through the examination, it is better to immediately find out about a problem than to start it. Moreover, it will be calmer for you, and for your relatives, and for Petushka too. In 2017 you need to get rid of bad habits, you will find a bunch of ways to do this.

Children's horoscope for Lviv for 2017

In 2017, little Lion cubs will become very funny, from any word they will have a lot of fun. And from jokes in general, they will start rolling on the floor with laughter.

Lions of the 1st decade (24.07-2.08) In the year of the Rooster, these children will be like sponges. That is, they will remember everything, both good and bad. Therefore, you need to work hard to protect them from bad influences. But you don’t need to forbid them to do something, talk to your child more often, this will help you a lot. Traveling is very much to the liking of kids this year, turn a tram ride into an exciting adventure, it will be very interesting for the Lion Cub.

Lions 2 decades (3.08-13.08) In 2017, Lion cubs will become very inquisitive, their mental abilities will develop very easily. A future genius can give up his hobby for a while, there is no need to force him to read physics textbooks, over time he will again remember his work and return to it. Of course, if only he knew that he would need it.

Lions 3 decades (14.08-23.08) Your Leo cub is very shy and shy, you need to teach him to deal with these qualities, but everything should be in moderation. Very soon he will become the head of a gang of guys in your yard. Your kid will still show his fantasy, get ready to listen to fascinating stories about monsters or aliens. Yes, and he himself does not mind listening to such fantastic tales from you.

Family horoscope for Lviv for 2017

Spend more time with your family, you will always have time to go to work, and your relatives want your attention.

  • Lions of the 1st decade (24.07-2.08) In the year of the Cockerel, it's time to change the situation, look for a new apartment in your city, perhaps more than it is now. Everyone will be very happy with such changes, because everyone wants to have their own corner in the house. In your room, let everyone come up with a design on their own, maybe the household has long dreamed of changes in the interior.
  • Lions 2 decades (3.08-13.08) Do not forget about older relatives, a parent, grandparents are probably waiting for you any day. Visit them more often, bring small gifts, a scarf or glasses, for example. To please everyone, come up with a joint trip to nature. Such a holiday will strengthen relationships in the family.
  • Lions 3 decades (14.08-23.08) Try not to hide your emotions next to the closest people. Your sensuality will be appreciated by all the inhabitants of the house. Be more attentive, be interested in the life of loved ones, and life will be more interesting. Find a common cause for the whole family, go play tennis for the weekend, or organize a walk in the park. All this will please the family and give a great mood.

Love horoscope for Lviv for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster will be full of love adventures, dates will be frequent, it's time to decide with whom you would like to spend your whole life.

  • Lions of the 1st decade (24.07-2.08) Several fans in love with you are already waiting to get to know you. Choose for yourself, you can not check your chosen one and not torment for a long time. If you feel that this person suits you, feel free to run to the registry office. Family life will be harmonious, happy and full of joyful events.
  • Lions 2 decades (3.08-13.08) Do not look for cons in yourself, and stop criticizing yourself. You will soon realize that you have many attractive qualities, because beautiful novels await. Even former fans can reappear in your life, most likely you have already forgotten about them, but they will confirm that you are becoming more beautiful every day. Believe them, they tell the truth, look in the mirror and you will understand everything yourself.
  • Lions 3 decades (14.08-23.08) In the year of the Fiery Red Rooster, try to calm your jealousy. Otherwise, your other half simply will not be able to cope with this, so he may leave. Trust more, give your half freedom, then everything will be perfect. The chosen one will definitely appreciate your work and encourage you for it.

Business horoscope for Lviv for 2017

There will be more than enough profitable deals in 2017, the main thing is to notice the most profitable of them, your inner flair will help you with this.

Lions of the 1st decade (24.07-2.08) Try yourself in the advertising field, ideas have been ripening in your head for a long time that can be put into practice. Many would like to order advertising from you, because you have enough imagination for a long time. Over time, everyone will know about your abilities, annoying agents will be waiting for you at every step to invite you to their place.

Lions 2 decades (3.08-13.08) You better get into the administration, all around the officials are ready to give you their place. The symbol of 2017 has already picked up one seat for you, a new chair is already waiting for you. You just need a little support from acquaintances who will help you get a new solid position.

Lions 3 decades (14.08-23.08) To increase finances, Leos will need their perseverance, do not hesitate to talk and tell influential people about yourself. It is quite possible that they will want to do business with you, and this is already the first step on the road to success. Good luck will accompany you every day, and will tell you with whom it is better to conclude business deals. A little effort and soon you will achieve your goal.

Horoscope by year of birth

Lion Rat

There will be a huge number of deals to offer you, it's time to get a partner, because it will be very difficult to remember all the most profitable offers on your own. Buy a bigger wallet, there will be more income every day. Do not even think to get bored, your significant other will not let this happen. After all, no one will get tired of joy and love, and there will be no problems in this matter.

Lion Bull

Forget about laziness in the year of the Rooster, he has already prepared a bunch of new activities for you, so there will not be much time to be bored and rest. But still there will be a good moment to break away and go to the resort. These few days will not change anything, all the same, you won’t earn all the money, and rest will not hurt anyone. You have more than enough money, so you can afford a good rest.


This combination makes Petushka very happy, so he is ready to fulfill your every desire, feel free to ask for what you have been dreaming of for a long time. And the Cockerel will help with finances, and in his personal life he will improve, the main thing is also to make a little effort. Show your diligence and you can open a bank account.

Lion-Rabbit (Cat)

Go to parties in your town more often, many will be glad to see you. And if someone is lucky enough to meet you personally, then this will be the happiest person. Cats know how to charm a variety of people, this will help them in many matters. Although you will have fun often, do not forget about work. Your control won't hurt.

Lion Dragon

You are very trusting, and this, oddly enough, will help the Lions achieve their goals. No one will deceive such cute Dragons, but on the contrary, they will be happy to make a deal or an agreement. Yes, and charm will also help in love relationships, the chosen one will gladly give you everything you want. But there is no need to be very capricious, everything should be in moderation.


Profit will appear at the very beginning of the reign of Petushka, but in order to get it, you will have to work a little. Try yourself in business, a place for a store is already waiting for you, you just have to figure out what to trade here. Well, this certainly will not be a problem, because there are a lot of options.


You will have more than enough cases in 2017, you are very much missed in business. So come up with a business plan and put it into practice. For beginners, this will be difficult, because there are many deceivers, in order not to get caught by scammers, read more literature and communicate with educated people. Close friends, of course, will not deceive. On the personal front, victory awaits you, so wait.

Lion-Sheep (Goat)

In the year of the Rooster, prepare your horns, as many rivals will be on your way. You can safely start fighting for your place in business, because victory is guaranteed to you. Your talents will definitely help eliminate any opponent. But they will not be in the personal life of the Goats, the fans will always be there, so everything will be fine.

Lion Monkey

From the most awkward and seemingly hopeless situation, the Monkeys will find a way out thanks to their ingenuity and imagination. Do something creative, like using your imagination in advertising. Everything will definitely work out, financial problems are not expected, so everything is in your hands, and it depends only on you.

Lion Rooster

Host 2017 will definitely help you choose the right option in any situation, and will always be somewhere nearby. Many important people in your city will be happy to make a deal with you, your sincerity will make anyone trust you. As for your personal life, try to arrange surprises and romantic evenings more often, so you can win love again. This will greatly surprise your soulmate and delight.


The Dogs will have enough finances, and the Cockerel has prepared several options for a part-time job. They will help you in this regard. Profitable offers and deals are also possible, soon you will begin to understand them very well and choose the most profitable ones. Do not be bored, soon you will notice a couple of fans who will be happy to look after you. You just have to choose who is closer to you.

Lion-Boar (Pig)

You are very fair and ready to defend yourself and those who need it, like a real knight. But some may just use this quality, be careful. And in 2017, easy money awaits you, winning the lottery, for example, just buy a lottery ticket, suddenly you are lucky. Don't be afraid to take risks and go for any trades that seem profitable to you. And friends and relatives will not leave you alone, they are always ready to help you.

Get distracted!

The coming year for representatives of the Leo sign can be called successful, and this will be accompanied by vitality and success in all endeavors. This state of affairs will create some difficulty in understanding whether everything worked out for the best due to personal qualities, such as assertiveness and purposefulness, or due to favorable life circumstances. 2017 for Leo will be effective enough to achieve the goals and fulfill the planned plans. This is especially true for the first half of the year, because it is during this period that Leo will feel an extraordinary surge of energy that will help in the labor sphere.

The horoscope for 2017 for Leo predicts the successful resolution of numerous tasks and issues that have been accumulated over the past few years, as well as the implementation of new global plans, subject to purposeful movement.

In the second half of the year, there may be a decline in activity, but still there will be enough energy to extract as much benefit as possible from the circumstances. However, Leo should not put his ambitions first and forget about his family members and loved ones. Problems in this area may arise in the autumn. In order to avoid interpersonal conflicts, you need to try to devote as much time as possible to the family, rather than to your work activity.

Leo's business relationships may be in jeopardy. The stars are advised to be extremely careful and carefully analyze the official documentation. It is likely that even a thoroughly studied document may contain some annoying mistake that will make you do double work, while wasting extra time and effort.

In the coming year, representatives of this sign need to be on the lookout for relationships with other people. The main rule is to watch your speech and not to say too much. It will be necessary to set yourself up as calmly as possible and not allow any showdown, even with full confidence that you are right, because you can easily be the culprit in this situation. It is best to take a peaceful stance and try to use diplomatic skills to resolve disputes. Only in this way it will be possible to bring the situation in the right direction and not become a participant in the conflict.

In the coming year, all those born under this sign of the Zodiac need to give up spontaneity and in no case allow rash acts, as this is fraught with regret for their own incontinence.

This year, Leo does not expect interesting new acquaintances with the possibility of developing friendships in the future. It will even be effective to reduce the circle of your contacts for a while. This is a good time to be alone with yourself and your thoughts.

Trips in 2017 do not promise to be successful, especially in the field of work. Therefore, if it is possible not to make important trips, then it is best to refrain from them. The same goes for business meetings.

In 2017, there is a possibility that Leo runs the risk of becoming a participant in any intrigues or complicated cases. This must be feared, because otherwise the outcome of these cases can end very badly. Often, people born under this zodiac sign are very poorly versed in the nuances of dubious events, so it is likely that participation in them will lead to a negative result.

In a word, the stars advise Leos to be extremely careful and prudent this year. You do not need to take on faith all the information that comes from the people around you. It must be carefully analyzed and only after that make the right decision. You need to be very careful with people who will try to impose their opinion. Only a sober look at things will save you from getting into a difficult situation.

Real estate matters will be successful. This may be related to the sale and purchase of housing or rent, as well as legal issues relating to real estate. Even if there are no operations related to this process in the plans of the Lions now, this time will be extremely favorable for preparing for any actions.

Horoscope for Leo man

Active and energetic Leo men in the year of the Red Rooster will be set up for the future in a positive way, because it is during this period that they will want drastic changes in their lives. Leo will feel new strength in himself and will be ready for such an important step as a marriage proposal to his beloved. Therefore, it is likely that many representatives of this sign will marry. Married Leos are waiting for career changes associated with great prospects.

Horoscope for Leo woman

Leo women this year will feel the need for self-development and self-education, which will easily make it possible to climb the career ladder. In addition, good luck in everything will accompany the beautiful representatives of this sign. The year will be so eventful and full of all kinds of bright events that they will not even have time to rest. However, even with such employment, a Leo business woman should not forget about her appearance and femininity in order to be able to maintain the interest of her partner.

Love horoscope for Leo

The love horoscope for Leo for 2017 promises all representatives of this fire sign great success with the opposite sex. In order to achieve someone's location, Leo does not have to do anything at all. He will radiate sexuality and charm, which is simply impossible to resist. It is because of this that some difficulties may arise when choosing a candidate for a hand and heart, because there will be plenty of them. In addition, Leo will direct all his energy and strength to the implementation of his plans in the field of career and finance, and since everything will turn out quite easily, he will have excitement, so he will relegate love experiences to the background.

For fire signs who want to cast their lot with a new partner, the period from mid-summer to early fall will be the best time to sort out a choice or take a current relationship to a new level. At this time, Leo must listen very carefully to his inner desires in order to make the most correct decision.

At the end of the year, Leos will be very demanding of their partner. But it is worth being more loyal to other people's mistakes in order to avoid conflicts and showdown.

You should not close yourself in and silently wait until the partner himself comes up with what exactly they want from him, it is better to talk about it directly. It is necessary to be attentive to the interests of close people, because unwillingness to understand and hear the wishes of another can lead to misunderstanding and serious disagreements. This year, the Lions will suffer more than ever from jealousy, including groundless, even if such situations have not arisen before.


The Year of the Rooster will be very important for resolving issues in the monetary and career spheres. Leos are given a great opportunity to take advantage of new perspectives, which will be facilitated by luck, wisdom and energy. In the first half of the year, the stars will guide Leo on the right path, as well as reveal his full potential. In particular, this situation will be observed in the first half of the year. For this favorable period, Lions can plan the most important and necessary things, while you can be absolutely sure that everything planned will come true, whether it is a change of work activity, additional education or opening your own business - the outcome of any business will be successful.

Despite the fact that from mid-summer to early autumn, Leos will be torn between business and love spheres of life, from October they will have new perspectives that will need to be used.


In 2017, people born under the fire sign of Leo will have to be attentive to their health, as there is a high risk of serious colds, pneumonia and other diseases associated with hypothermia. To avoid this, you need to take all measures to strengthen the immune system, as well as dress warmer. Leo in 2017 will have to be very careful about their health. Sports, hardening, as well as rest at sea will be useful.

Eastern horoscope

Rat Lion(1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008)

The stars advise these people to reconsider their views on the world around them, and also to stop treating people arrogantly. If these rules are not followed, they are in trouble.

Bull-lion(1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

These Lions would do well to loosen up in a sense and expand their horizons. If the current work activity does not bring satisfaction, you can think about opening your own business.

tiger lion(1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010)

Representatives of this sign are prone to cunning and using their official position in order to benefit for themselves. If usually such actions do not entail any consequences, then this year you need to be extremely careful.

Lion Rabbit(1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

This year, Leo-Rabbits may experience frequent quarrels with their partner, and this will be due to the struggle for the place of the head of the family. However, Leo will have to give in and learn to compromise.

dragon lion(1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

These people need to set specific goals for themselves, because there is a possibility of climbing the corporate ladder. The main thing at this time is not to spoil friendships.

Snake-lion(1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

These cunning people often try to realize themselves with the help of an outsider and appropriate other people's merits. This year, you need to act carefully to avoid revealing these plans.

Lion Horse(1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

These people are endowed with unusual thinking, and in 2017 a creative approach to business will help them successfully solve financial issues, as well as make the right connections. There is also a chance for promotion through the ranks.

goat lion(1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

In 2017, it would be great for Kozams to work on changing their principles and preferences. If Leo can admit that he is wrong in front of his loved ones, he may be able to fix old conflicts.

monkey lion(1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004)

In the spring, they will want to change their behavior, feeling the need to be more thorough and responsible. Those Lions who plan to conclude a marriage should choose the first half of the year for this event.

Rooster Lion(1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005)

Leos need to avoid nervous strains and constant fears about the love and financial sphere. All this can negatively affect health. It is important to remember this and not forget to rest on time.

Lion Dog(1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006)

These Lions need to stop soaring in the clouds and look around, because the most important person is very close and is ready to take the first step towards them.

Pig Lion(1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007)

2017 will be extremely successful for the Leo-Pig, so you can safely set the highest goals. This year you can open your own business or make a profitable financial deal. There is a chance to improve your material and social status.

Leo's birthdays: 23.07 - 23.08

Ruler planet Leo: The sun.

Leo Element: Fire.

Lion Symbols: lion, swan.

Happy Lion Day: Sunday.

Lion's Bad Day: Saturday.

Metal Lion: gold.

Gemstone Lion: red garnet.

lion plant: oak.

Leo Numerology: number 1.

The most inspiring color of Leo: golden.

Opposite sign of Leo: Aquarius

The horoscope for 2017 has prepared for Lviv a lot of bright emotions and experiences, which will be especially full of the first half of the year. During this period, many "royal persons" will be drawn to everything unusual and new, this applies both to the emergence of new ideas and projects, and meetings with extraordinary people. The thoughts of the representatives of the sign will literally boil with many ideas and plans, some of which will turn out to be quite interesting from the point of view of their perspective.

In the second half of the year, the energy will not be so unbridled, its momentum will gradually begin to weaken. It is likely that after such a turbulent period, Lviv will experience emotional fatigue and apathy. But you can’t get away from this, the time will come to collect stones, the dissatisfaction of the representatives of the zodiac constellation Leo can cause irritability, which will be more directed to home life. It will be possible to try to avoid negative emotions by starting the implementation of plans that have accumulated in sufficient quantities. The stars promise to give the Lions the strength and opportunity to carry out their plans.

In 2017, you should be especially careful about the execution of legal documents, which will need to be checked most scrupulously. Conceals some danger and the relationship of representatives of the sign with relatives, neighbors. Therefore, you will have to watch your words, try not to attempt a loud showdown. Even if the Lions are right, the situation may not unfold in the most favorable way for them. Diplomatic and civilized dialogue is the best way to solve problems, keep communication under control to prevent the development of unpleasant moments.

It is possible that in the coming year, attempts will be made to draw Lviv into difficult situations, intrigues and complicated relationships. At such moments, it is important for representatives of the sign to understand that this will not bring anything good and try by all means to avoid such situations. Lions are usually poorly versed in dubious events and intrigues, and in 2017 participation in such cases can even lead to collapse. By avoiding the potential danger, the position of the victim can be avoided. Only reasonable behavior, balanced actions, a critical look at what is happening will allow you to bypass all sharp corners and not fall into a trap.

Work for Lviv in 2017

The affairs of Lviv in the field of professional activity will develop quite successfully and promisingly. Circumstances will be on the side of the representatives of the sign, so they will be lucky in the service, the management will treat them favorably, speaking flatteringly about the results of their work. Relations with colleagues will also develop well, Lions are provided with help and support. They can get good advice that will help them move up the corporate ladder.

In order to consolidate their own importance at work, Lions should carefully monitor what is happening around, not missing a single chance. Responsibility, efficiency, creative approach to business, professionalism of the representatives of the sign will not remain unnoticed.

The main task that will face the Lions in 2017 is to try to separate worthy plans and ideas from those that are not worth spending money, time and effort on. Also, representatives of the sign should not take on dubious cases, they will need to pay attention to those options in which there are no pitfalls and ambiguities for them. The stars incline Leo to specifics and accuracy, no hints and ghostly promises. If in the year of the Fiery the representatives of the sign can remain collected, do not waste themselves on trifles and direct all their energy in the right direction, then the success of the Lions can be envied.

Financial horoscope for 2017 for Lviv

The beginning of the year will be financially understandable and stable for Lviv, the stars do not promise any major changes. Large expenses are not expected, as well as large receipts or expensive gifts.

In 2017, it is better for representatives of the sign not to get involved in shopping malls so as not to waste money. You should not acquire any unnecessary things, even despite all the temptations and desires to become the owner of this or that thing by all means. If the Lions manage to overcome this feeling, then they will be able to save a lot.

There is a possibility that the representatives of the sign in 2017 will have to distribute old debts, if any, it is better to pay them off this year. These may be long-forgotten financial obligations that will certainly remind you of yourself, so you should be prepared for this in advance.

The stars recommend trying to avoid new loans in 2017, even if it seems that you cannot do without additional funds, it is important to solve the situation without attracting new loans. Soon the situation will change for the better, you just need to be patient.

The main rules of financial success are organization and the ability to negotiate. Things should not be left to chance, and business negotiations will help to open up new horizons for making a breakthrough. Business acumen, composure and organization will help attract new partners, whose support will allow you to get a promotion and a tangible income.

To avoid mistakes in planning financial matters, full awareness and information that the Lions will be able to collect will help. Studying can also become the key to a prosperous future, so representatives of the sign will need to find time for this.

Love horoscope for 2017 for Leo

Representatives of the sign may be surprised that in 2017, opportunities and a lot of temptations will literally fall upon it. This will be especially pronounced in the first half of the year, at which time the Lions will be able to easily make new romantic acquaintances, and even choose the most suitable ones from a variety of proposals. Such an abundance of Leo’s attention can do them a disservice; it will be extremely difficult for many representatives of the sign to make a specific choice in favor of one relationship.

The torment of Lviv will come to an end in the second half of the year, by autumn the activity will gradually come to naught, giving way to calmness and regularity. Finally, there will be time to think in a calm atmosphere about someone who is truly close and dear to him. Feelings will play the main role in the choice, if the lion is confident in his choice, finds his soul mate, then he will go to great lengths to keep her close. If there is no confidence in feelings, then the matter is likely to end in parting.

The stars will do their best to ensure that the Lions do not sit in the trenches in 2017, single representatives of the sign can safely count on the fact that they will find and be able to win their future soul mate. Family Lions will actively make contact with their loved ones, openly discuss all urgent problems, without fear of being misunderstood. Romantic hobbies on the side are not excluded, but it is better not to be led by fleeting desires, and fate will reward loyalty.

Singles will enjoy success with the opposite sex throughout the year, the most likely chance for a happy and stable marriage, the stars will provide in early autumn.

2017 will bring a lot of changes for Leos. To get the most out of them, you should get rid of laziness, be collected, organized and purposeful. With the advent of the Fire Rooster, the hunting season for new perspective opportunities is announced. The stars will provide Leo with support in any business, but they will be disappointed if the representatives of this house of the horoscope deviate from their plans. Persistence and forward movement is the main motto of the new year.