
Standard of living in monaco. people of monaco people of monaco

The number is one of the demographic indicators. In the general case - the number of people in a certain population (in a region, country, etc.). The number is constantly changing due to birth, death, migration. The population is the initial baseline indicator in the analysis of the socio-economic situation in any country in the world.

25925 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25900 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25921 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO33 33 0 0
25932 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO34 34 0 0
25945 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO34 34 0 0
26055 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO35 35 0 0
25978 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO36 36 0 0
26032 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO36 36 0 0
25976 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO37 37 0 0
26019 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO37 37 0 0
25997 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO38 38 0 0
56215 WHS9_86PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO38 38 0 0
25924 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO18.71 18.71 0 0
25927 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO18.63 18.63 0 0
25907 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO18.56 18.56 0 0
25922 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO18.5 18.5 0 0
25897 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO18.46 18.46 0 0
26031 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO18.43 18.43 0 0
25969 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO18.41 18.41 0 0
26028 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO18.38 18.38 0 0
25964 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO18.35 18.35 0 0
26016 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO18.31 18.31 0 0
25990 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO18.26 18.26 0 0
56216 WHS9_89PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO18.2 18.2 0 0
26038 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2002 EURMCO20.55 20.55 0 0
25935 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2003 EURMCO20.57 20.57 0 0
25892 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2004 EURMCO20.67 20.67 0 0
25901 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2005 EURMCO20.86 20.86 0 0
25938 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2006 EURMCO21.18 21.18 0 0
26029 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2007 EURMCO21.6 21.6 0 0
25971 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2008 EURMCO22.08 22.08 0 0
26056 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2009 EURMCO22.58 22.58 0 0
25952 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2010 EURMCO23.03 23.03 0 0
26009 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2011 EURMCO23.45 23.45 0 0
26015 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2012 EURMCO23.82 23.82 0 0
56217 WHS9_92PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO24.2 24.2 0 0
56226 WHS9_95PUBLISHED2013 EURMCO1.5 1.51 0 0 International data base (IDB). Washington, DC, US Census Bureau, 2014 ( � accessed 15, December 2014)

Actual population - Monaco

Actual population as of 1 July of the year. Demographic data taken from the latest UN Population Division reports.

Statistics: Actual population

Middle Age - Monaco

Average age of the population by years

2010 2012 2014
Unfortunately, no data.

Age structure of the population - Monaco

Statistics: Actual proportion of the population under the age of 15

Proportion of the de facto population aged 0-14 in the country (region) as of July 1 of the indicated years.

Monaco is a small principality in the south of France, which, despite its dwarf size, which is only 2 kilometers squared, and having no physical borders, still has all the pronounced features of statehood.

This country has a constitutional monarchy, and is headed by Prince Albert II, but there is also a parliament. Housing in Monaco is a very expensive pleasure, not even all the rich can afford it.

Principality of Monaco and neighboring states on the map

The Principality of Monaco is one of the smallest and at the same time the richest countries in the world. 37 thousand people live in the country or at least have a residence permit, of which just over 5 thousand have. The indigenous inhabitants are called Monegasques, they make up about 15% of the total population, ethnically they are Italians and French. This country, without exaggeration, can be called the country of the rich, since to live in Monaco, you need to have a bank account with at least 100 thousand euros in the account.

In this mini-state there is no taxation on luxury, citizens do not pay taxes to the state. This makes this country more popular for immigrants with money.

We offer you to watch a video about the lifestyle in Monaco.

The cost of living in Monaco is very high. The country receives most of its income from the production of cars. Also, car competitions are held here annually on special platforms that are installed directly on the water.

It is almost impossible to obtain citizenship in this small principality due to the high cost, it is also difficult.

It can only be obtained by sought-after specialists in various fields. Nevertheless, the average salary in the country is about 5 thousand euros.

This dwarf state even has cities that, due to the size of the country, can be called districts, you can get from one to another in just a few minutes. Monaco is also divided into 3 communes:

  • Commune of Monaco;
  • Commune of Monte Carlo (capital);
  • Commune of La Condamine;
  • reclaimed coastal areas, there are 2 of them.

Medicine in Monaco is at the highest level, but the services are very expensive, only first aid can be free. In the past, agriculture was developed in Monaco, but now it does not exist at all due to the complete absence of a territory free from buildings.

Oddly enough, Monaco even has its own army, which has a little over 80 soldiers at court and another 500 policemen.

Real estate prices and products

Monaco is undoubtedly the most expensive country not only in Europe but also in the world. Real estate prices here are simply stunning, the cheapest square meter here can cost from 20 thousand euros, and closer to the elite areas, prices reach 50 or even 70 thousand. Given that, according to sanitary standards, an apartment in Monaco must be at least 125 square meters.

Renting an apartment in Monaco is the choice of the majority. Depending on the area and proximity to the main area of ​​Monte Carlo, the monthly rental price varies from 3 to 5 thousand euros.

For a comfortable life, you need at least 500 thousand euros a year, so the concept of poverty in this principality is understood in a completely different way. Real estate prices in Monaco are very high, as new properties are practically not being built here, due to the lack of space for this. In the future, the authorities of Monaco are planning the construction of an artificial island, but exclusive and very expensive objects will be built on it.

The mild Mediterranean climate, proximity to the sea and the prestige of life in this country make wealthy people want to buy real estate here. But it is very expensive here, even in the most remote parts of Monaco. The most expensive housing in Monaco is located in the Monte Carlo area or close to the sea.

The most budget options, if you can call them that, are apartments from among those that are not on the coast itself.

Much more expensive property is close to the beach or the residence of the ruling prince. Many of them are located in historical buildings, which have the appropriate interior, typical of the past centuries.

Houses and villas can, depending on the footage, cost from 3 to 7 million euros. Such expensive property is located in the so-called golden square. Buying property in this state is very difficult and expensive. Even property that can be purchased in popular parts of France, like the famous Côte d'Azur, can even seem cheap compared to Monaco.

All this leads to the popularization of the rental business in Monaco. Most businessmen, stars and great figures of art and culture who have a residence permit in the principality prefer to rent housing. Even many of them cannot afford the prices in Monaco. In addition, offers for renting out property are very limited offers. Most of the premises are rented out during the summer season.

Average salary and taxes in Monaco

For skilled workers, the salary in Monaco is usually in the range of 7 thousand euros, recruited mainly from among the citizens of France. During the day they come to work in the principality, and in the evening they return to their country, since it is not easy to rent a house or obtain Monaco citizenship even for the closest neighbors, and you can go to work in Monaco without any problems even on foot.

Moving for investors

But, as always, there are pros and cons. On the one hand, living here is very expensive financially. On the other hand, taxes in Monaco are just a godsend for the rich, besides, this country has been leading the list of countries as the safest for many decades.

The investment climate in Monaco is also very favorable, and the risks are reduced to almost zero. The economy of Monaco does not suffer from the crisis in any way, the only thing in which this was expressed was the temporary refusal of the prince and the ruling chamber from the idea of ​​​​building additional territories on the sea.

In the future, this country will retain its attractiveness for investors, as real estate is constantly growing in price, and demand far exceeds supply.

Economics and law

The country's economy depends on investment. This is the lion's share of all the country's income. Also, a small percentage depends on the gambling business, the construction of vehicles. The industry of Monaco exists and is developing well, especially it is associated with motorsport.

The country has no external debts, and the reserve budget is 2 billion euros. At the end of the 1990s, the annual increase in invested funds is about 20%. Also, a significant share for the development of the economy of Monaco brings value added tax.

Of the weaknesses, one can single out the complete lack of natural resources, which makes the principality completely dependent on imports from the EU countries. Most of all with Italy and France.

Despite the fact that the prince actually has absolute power on the territory of Monaco, the constitution operates here, and the second paragraph states that human rights and freedoms are respected, which makes this dwarf state legal.

To attract investment, the economic legal code guarantees a preferential tax system for individuals. Full citizens of Monaco who have a passport of the Principality are completely exempt from paying taxes, but at the same time, at the legislative level, Monegasques are prohibited from visiting casinos.

Labor law in Monaco corresponds to the international and, in particular, the European level. The working week is 39 hours, salaries in Monaco and pensions are a guaranteed right. Strikes are allowed at the constitutional level, with the exception of civil servants. Criminal law is enshrined in the Criminal Code of Monaco.

- a dwarf state in southern Europe. In the north, east and west it borders on France, in the south it is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea.

The name of the country comes from the ancient Greek "monoikos" - "hermit".

Official name: Principality of Monaco

Capital: Monaco/Monaco-Ville

The area of ​​the land: 1.95 sq. km. of which 0.4 km2 is due to the development of the seashore.

Total population: 35 656 people

Administrative division: Four administrative districts-cities: Monaco, Monte Carlo, La Condamine and Fontvieille.

Form of government: Constitutional monarchy (principality).

Head of State: Prince.

Composition of the population: 16% Monegasque, 47% French, 16% Italian, 4% English, 2% Belgian, 1% Swiss, 14% other.

Official language: French. Residents also speak Monegasque, Italian and English.

Religion: 90% are Catholics.

Internet domain: .mc

Mains voltage: ~230 V, 50 Hz

Phone country code: +377

Country barcode: 300-379


The climate in Monaco is Mediterranean: moderately warm winters (average January temperature + 8 ° С) and dry sunny summers (average July temperature + 24 ° С). The number of sunny days in a year is about 300. Unstable weather and drizzling rains, which usually last no more than 3 days, are brought by a strong east or south wind from the marin sea. A gusty, dry and cold mistral wind blows from the interior of France, bringing the temperature down.

The Alpes-Maritimes protect Monaco from the cold northern winds. In summer, sea breezes have a cooling effect on the coast. Due to mild climatic conditions, Monaco is a popular resort. The average annual rainfall is 1300 mm. They fall out mainly in autumn.

Under the conditions of dry summers and autumn-spring rains, brown soils with hard-leaved xerophytic vegetation, as well as red-colored soils of terra rossa, formed in Monaco. Brown forest soils are found in the mountains.


The Principality of Monaco, one of the smallest countries in the world (area 1.95 sq. km). Located in the south of Europe, on the Mediterranean coast, near the border of France and Italy. It borders the French department of Alpes-Maritimes. Monaco includes the merged city districts of Monaco (old town), Monte Carlo, La Condamine (business center and port) and Fontvieille (industrial area).

The capital of the country, the city of Monaco (3 thousand inhabitants), picturesquely located on a flat rock area, has generally retained its medieval appearance. The main attractions of the city are the princely palace complex, built in the 13th-19th centuries; the famous Oceanographic Museum, which annually receives a large number of visitors; Museum of Primitive Anthropology; Cathedral built at the end of the 19th century. in pseudo-roman style. Most of the country's population lives in La Condamine. Here are the seaport, the national library and the stadium. Monte Carlo is world famous for its casinos.

Flora and fauna

Vegetable world

Kermes and holm oak, pine, black and Alep pine, boxwood, juniper, olive, fig and other typical representatives of the Mediterranean flora are common in the forests. In Monaco, there are also dwarf palm, maritime pine, Atlas cedar and cork, beech, felt-leaved oaks.

Large-fruited strawberry (blooms in late autumn or winter), cistus, myrtle, pistachio, viburnum, red juniper, etc. stand out in the maquis. Shrub kermes oak predominates in the composition of the gariga, to which juniper, gorse, rosemary, hold-tree, thyme are mixed.

One fifth of the territory of Monaco is occupied by gardens and parks. There are plantations of olive, fig, pomegranate, almond, pistachio, persimmon. Grow bananas, oranges, lemons, tangerines. Japanese medlar and camphor laurel from Japan, aloe, cacti, agaves from North and South America, eucalyptus trees from Australia have been introduced.

Animal world

The fauna of Monaco is poor. Of the mammals, there are small rodents, hedgehogs, shrews, bats, including the Mediterranean bat. There are many birds: mountain warblers, spectacled and white-bearded, garden bunting, sea mockingbird, kingfisher, red-necked nightjar, skylark, black-and-white and black-bellied wheatears, thrushes, etc.

Among reptiles, the steppe gecko, chalcid and sand lizards, snakes, Aesculapian snake, etc. stand out, among amphibians - tree frog and green toad. Insects are abundant in Monaco, including butterflies. Dolphins and a small number of commercial fish species (sardine, anchovy, flounder, mackerel, mullet, catfish), lobsters, mussels are found in the coastal zone of the Mediterranean Sea.


Monaco is one of the world's centers of tourism and the best resort on the Cote d'Azur. Consisting of four main regions (Monaco-Ville or Le Rocher, La Condamine, Fontvieille and Monte Carlo), this tiny country connects almost all of its activity with tourism.

Located on a rocky ledge of the spurs of the Alpes-Maritimes, the country is almost completely built up with high-rise buildings at the very edge of the sea, surrounded by villas immersed in greenery. And yet, more than 20% of the territory of Monaco is occupied by gardens and parks, and the coastal strip is framed by entertainment venues, hotel complexes and beaches. And, of course, Monte Carlo - "European Las Vegas" and Europe's largest casino complex.

According to legend, the area got its name from the temple "Heraklos Monoikos" ("Heracles the only") built by the Greeks, although the first settlements on the site of the principality belonged to the Phoenicians (about 900 BC). Such an ancient age of this land could not but leave its mark on the modern appearance of the country, therefore the architecture and life of this tiny state have long been, in fact, one big museum.

Banks and currency

Banks are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 16:00 with a lunch break from 12:00 to 14:00. The bank near the Casino in Monte Carlo is open daily and even on public holidays from 12:00 to 23:00.

The official currency of Monaco is the euro. 1 euro is equal to 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes of 500, 200, 100, 50, 20 and 10 euros and coins of 1 and 2 euros and 50, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cents.

Foreign currency can be changed at hotels or banks. Traveler's checks can also be exchanged at banks, checks in US dollars, euros and pounds sterling are exchanged without commission.

Credit cards are accepted everywhere.

Useful information for tourists

Monaco is famous for the abundance of various exhibitions, competitions and festivals of European and world level.

The country has one of the most powerful and extensive police surveillance systems in the world. Policemen in uniform and in civilian clothes are found almost everywhere, they have the right to inspect suspicious objects and cars “on the spot”, conduct current face control, check telephone bills, hotel rooms and homes, in addition, surveillance cameras are installed almost everywhere. The crime rate in the principality is extremely low.

The sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country is one of the calmest in the world. The tap water is quite drinkable, but it is recommended to use bottled water, as the mineral composition of the local water is somewhat different from the usual standards. Absolutely all food and vegetables of excellent quality.

In hotels and restaurants, 15% service charge is usually included in the bill, otherwise it is customary to tip the waiter up to 10% of the bill, the taxi driver - about 10-15% of the counter, porter, maid or guide 0.5-1 euro. The majority of employees and workers in Monaco are residents of neighboring regions of France and Italy.

The population of Monaco is over 30,000 people.

On the territory of Monaco in ancient times, the Ligures lived - ancient tribes that inhabited South-Eastern Gaul and North-Western Italy. At different times, the ethnic composition of the Mediterranean coast of Gaul, which was part of the current Principality of Monaco, was quite diverse - Phoenicians, Gauls, Greeks, Arabs, Burgundians, and Franks lived here.

Today the national composition of Monaco is represented by:

  • the French;
  • Italians;
  • Monegasques;
  • other nations (English, Swiss, Belgians).

On average, 17,000 people live per 1 sq. km.

The official language is French, but in Monaco they also speak English, Italian and Monegasque.

96% of the inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco are adherents of Catholicism, the remaining 4% - Protestantism, Anglicanism, Judaism.

Major cities: Monte Carlo, Fontvieille, La Condamine, Saint Roman, Moneghetti.


On average, Monaco residents live up to 89 years.

Monaco is called the country of centenarians: this is largely due to the presence of well-equipped medical centers financed by public funds. Medicine in Monaco is the best in Europe, and, accordingly, the cost of medical services here is quite high.

Residents of Monaco practically do not encounter such diseases as high blood pressure and diseases of the cardiovascular system. And all because they adhere to the Mediterranean diet, which reduces the risk of these ailments. People living in Monaco owe their high life expectancy to the special relaxing atmosphere that prevails in the Principality: the cleanest environment helps reduce stress and increase immunity.

Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Monaco

The Monegasques, the indigenous inhabitants of Monaco, still observe traditions related to Christmas: on Christmas Eve, it is customary for families to get together and, before starting the gala dinner, the oldest or youngest member of the family dips an olive branch into a glass of aged wine, reads a prayer in front of the fireplace, after which all household members take one sip from this glass.

In Monaco, local laws are interesting, concerning, for example, the sale of real estate - this can only be done with the permission of the prince, who personally considers each case. This also applies to the opening of their business by foreigners.

Are you going on holiday to Monaco? Keep in mind that everything is expensive here - food, accommodation, entertainment.

In memory of Monaco, you should buy chocolate, clothes, jewelry, perfumes, ceramic items and knitwear.

Geography of Monaco

The Principality of Monaco is one of the smallest states in the world in terms of area, and it is located on the Mediterranean coast, not far from the borders of Italy. The country borders with France.

Monaco is located on the sea coast, which was formed by limestone mountains, which are part of the Alpes-Maritimes in the South of Europe. The highest point of the Principality is Mount Agel, its height is 140 m.

The relief of Monaco is a hilly, heavily indented area with rocks. Cape Monaco is a rocky plateau protruding far into the sea. La Condamine is an open, small sea bay.

The merged city-districts of Monte Carlo, Fontvieille, Monaco and the resort of La Condamine make up the territory of a dwarf state.

State structure of Monaco

The form of government in Monaco is a constitutional monarchy. In the world community, the prince is recognized as the head of state, and the rights to govern the state are inherited in the principality. The head of government is the minister of state, while all legislative power is vested in the monarch and the National Council, which is a unicameral parliament. The Communal Council functions as the lower house.

Weather in Monaco

The climate in the state of Monaco is Mediterranean: a rather warm winter, the average temperature in January does not fall below + 8 ° С.

Summer in the Principality is sunny, without rain, and the average temperature is +24°C. There are a lot of sunny, clear days in Monaco - about 300, there is little precipitation, mostly in late autumn, their average amount is 1300 mm, and the Alpes-Maritimes protect the Principality from cold winds blowing from the north with their rocks. Sea breezes have their cooling effect on the coast in summer. Due to its human-friendly climatic conditions, Monaco is considered a popular resort all over the world.

Language of Monaco

The official language in Monaco is French. But, since the country is home to many people of different nationalities, the inhabitants of Monaco speak different languages, English, Italian and Monegasque are well-spread in the country.


90% of the population of Monaco are people of the Catholic faith, and only 6% are Protestants.

Currency in Monaco

The international name of Monaco's currency is EUR.

1 Euro, as you know, is equal to 100 cents. The banknotes that are in circulation in Monaco are monetary units and coins that are in circulation in European countries.

It is possible to exchange money at points intended for the exchange of monetary units, which are located in banks, hotels and railway stations. It is advantageous to carry out currency exchange using ATM machines. Credit cards belonging to the world's leading systems and traveler's checks are freely used in this country.

Customs restrictions

Exported and imported cash means of payment are not limited in their quantity, but securities, as well as cash in excess of 9 thousand euros, are subject to declaration. In the amount of 6-7%, the duty is charged on the cost of exported goods if their amount exceeds 7.5 thousand euros or in another currency equal to this amount. In order to subsequently freely export expensive jewelry owned by the traveler, they must be declared upon entry into the country.

Duty is not imposed on the following goods imported from European countries that are not members of the European Union: items and things intended for personal use, cigarettes up to 200 pcs. (cigars up to 50 pieces; cigarillos up to 100 pieces; tobacco - up to 250 grams), wine - up to 2 liters; alcoholic beverages containing more than 30% alcohol - up to 1 liter; perfumes up to 50 gr. and toilet water up to 0.25 liters.

It is forbidden to import into and export from the country objects of historical value, animals and plants listed in the Red Book, as well as drugs, weapons and ammunition of various classifications.

If a tourist has a prescription certified by the signature and seal of a doctor, then medicines intended for personal consumption do not require permission to transport medicines. Products of plant and animal origin, plants of any kind and animals must be presented for inspection by quarantine service employees.

Importation of animals

To import animals, their owner must have a certificate of vaccinations made to the animal and a medical certificate issued no later than five days ago on the condition of the animal in French.

Russian representations of Monaco:

The Consular Section is located in the city of Monte Carlo.

The Consulate General is located in France, in the city of Marseille. Telephone:


In restaurants and hotels, 15% is included in the bill for service, but if the service charge was not included in the provided bill, then in this case it is customary for the waiter to leave 10% of the total bill, it is enough for the guide or maid to leave 50 cents or 1 EUR. The taxi driver is usually tipped 10-15% of the amount shown on the meter.

Office Hours

From Monday to Friday, banks are open to the public from 9.00 am and banks close at 16.30 pm. The lunch break in public institutions of Monaco starts at 12.00 and lasts until 14.00.


The opening hours of shops in Monaco are usually as follows: opening at 9.00, closing at 19.00. Break from 12.00 to 15.00.

18.6% is VAT (VAT), but for medical equipment, medicines, soft drinks and foodstuffs, the country has a lower tax rate than the standard figures. The amount of tax, of course, is included in the market value of goods. Foreigners have the opportunity to receive a cash tax refund when buying goods in one store for an amount exceeding 185 euros - the money is returned to buyers at customs, if the goods and a check for it are presented to the customs service. In some cases, the check is sent to the address specified by the buyer and cashed in the bank.