
Michael in different languages. What fate predicts the name Michael. Michael and Maria

Name Michael is of Hebrew origin and translates as "like God" or "equal to God." It is characterized by a colossal energy potential, therefore it is believed that the person who wears it has special powers.

Michael - character traits

Mikhail is a kind and sensitive person, hardworking and flexible. He can quickly adapt to unfamiliar surroundings. He likes to interfere in other people's affairs, point out the shortcomings of other people and give advice, however, he reacts painfully to criticism. When Michael gets angry, it is difficult to calm him down, especially if he is sure that he is right. Nevertheless, people, feeling his kindness and generosity, are drawn to him, and he never pushes anyone away, as he does not tolerate loneliness.

Mikhail is capable of taking risks, however, he rarely makes impulsive decisions. Having set a goal for himself, he can deny himself a lot in order to achieve it. As a rule, the owner of this name has a logical mindset and well-developed intuition, which allows him to successfully work in leadership positions in both scientific and industrial fields. Michaels make excellent doctors, teachers, lawyers, military men; they can also achieve great success in trade.

Choosing a life partner for himself, Mikhail is looking for a kind and docile woman, since independence is of great importance to him. He refers to those men who see a woman as a weak being who needs male protection. At the same time, he makes high demands on his wife, can be very jealous and can hardly cope with this feeling. And yet, Michael, as a rule, is a good husband and father, he loves children very much, and there are usually pets in his house, which he loves very much.

Michael - name compatibility

Mikhail can be happy in marriage if his wife's name is Alexandra, Alina, Varvara, Elizabeth, Wanda, Vera, Helena, Diana, Elena, Dina, Eva, Clara, Lydia, Martha, Marina, Nina, Rimma, Raisa, Seraphim, Tamara, Ella and Elvira. Having married Glafira, Elizabeth, Inga, Kira, Oksana, Olga, Sofya, Yana, he is unlikely to be able to build a happy family.

Michael - famous people who bore this name

In the Christian world, this name is primarily associated with the Archangel Michael, as well as with many church and historical figures. For the Jews, it is also considered important, since the book of Enoch indicates that the Archangel Michael is the patron of the Israelite people.

The name Mikhail was and is worn by many famous and talented people who left the brightest mark in many areas: Kutuzov, Lermontov, Bakunin, Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Baryshnikov, Glinka, Bulgakov, Frunze, Zoshchenko, Vrubel, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Shchepkin, Tukhachevsky, Isakovsky, Sholokhov, Svetlov, Prishvin, Mishin, Yanshin, Matusovsky, Zharov, Pugovkin, Rumyantsev (known as the clown Pencil), Romm, Ulyanov, Boyarsky, Gluzsky, Gorbachev, Tanich, Evdokimov, Tal, Zhvanetsky, Zadornov, Kozakov, Kokshenov, Kononov.

Michael - interesting facts about the name

- the zodiac named after Michael - Libra;
- patron planet - Saturn;
- color-talisman - blue, red, aquamarine;
- totem animals - tiger, bear;
- totem plants - linden, elm, strawberry;
- talisman stone - green jasper.


Victoria 15.04.2016

Michaels are great fellows in terms of work. Often, only on them the whole project rests. They approach the work very responsibly, but in other things - they approach everything so well. In personal relationships, it can be difficult with Mikhails, all because of jealousy, sometimes unreasonable.

Yaroslav 15.04.2016

Oh, you won't expect an impulsive decision from Mikhail. First, he will think everything over, up and down, and then already ... But, if he nevertheless decided, that's the point. You can't knock him out of the way! This applies to everything, both work and personal relationships. It is almost impossible to return him if he himself broke off the relationship.

Julia 15.04.2016

As aptly noted, Michaels simply love to tell others what to do and not to do. They consider themselves smarter, more competent. But try to say something like that to Misha - he will be offended deeply and strongly. He will be silent, and even not immediately succumb to your persuasion.

What does the name Michael mean?
This name means similar to God or even equal to God.

Origin of the name Michael:
This is a Hebrew name that comes from a name such as Mikael.

Character transmitted by the name Michael:

Mikhail is definitely an extremely extraordinary and very interesting person. From the very first glance, it may seem that he is a clear choleric, but Mikhail keeps absolutely all his feelings and emotions under very tight control. Also, under a certain image of a purely outwardly prosperous person, a thin, very vulnerable and often lonely nature can be completely hidden. In addition, he is clearly inclined to withdraw into himself for a long time. So the closest people and relatives of Mikhail, from early childhood, should try to constantly distract him from some difficult thoughts, as well as some kind of inner loneliness, because otherwise it could even develop into tyranny in relation to all the people around him. He is always very subjective and at the same time is not at all able to even try to feel himself in the place of some other person.

Mikhail is also often proud, and at the same time he always strives to be the very best, to be the very first, and of course to succeed in absolutely everything. He is often very sensitive to the slightest setbacks or even defeats. At the same time, he always approaches the right choice of close friends very carefully, so he always gives preference to smart, as well as intelligent people, and at the same time, however, in his relationship, he will strive almost all the time, namely to impose his definite opinion and of course to subordinate absolutely all to their own will.
In his work, Mikhail almost always achieves true success, he is extremely disciplined, very smart (it must be admitted that he has a really analytical mindset). He also always has a well-developed intuition and simply an excellent memory, while he never makes hasty conclusions, and of course carefully analyzes absolutely all the details and only then can he make his final verdict. Michael also always remembers all the good deeds that someone did for him, however, along with all this, he also remembers all the troubles, or the negative that was delivered to him.

Mikhail is always a strong and very strong-willed person, he is extremely strict and very attentive, often laconic, and at the same time very receptive to the environment, but he is always able to hide it all very skillfully. Just as courageous and even somewhat brutal Misha, at the same time he absolutely does not know how to communicate correctly with numerous women and very often can sometimes behave simply like a caveman. In addition, he is really very jealous, and in his women, as a rule, he appreciates kindness, absolute gentleness, and quick appeasement.

In simple communication, Mikhail is very easy and pleasant, and with his closest friends he often jokes and has fun, and he can even sing, as a rule, he is, as a rule, “the soul of any company”, and can often even brag. But if at least a little alcohol accidentally enters Mikhail's body, then he can often become unusually sentimental and kind, and so, he may well give away almost everything that he could have in a fit of surging feelings.

Why do people from the most ancient times attach such importance to the sound of the word that they call children? A person believes: by naming your child by one name or another, you can endow the baby with certain qualities and abilities.

Every nation has its heroes, and their names become symbols of power or success. People began to use them in different countries, and it is not so important what roots these words have. For example, the origin of which has not yet been precisely established, can be heard both in Russia and in America, in Europe or Israel.

How it all started

Linguists and historians have substantiated the popularity of the name Michael due to the fact that it was worn by one of the heroes of the Holy Letter - the Archangel Michael. “Arch angel mi ka el” is a phrase where each word has its own meaning:

  • Arch is the chief, eldest of the angels.
  • An angel is a messenger, a messenger, a governor.
  • Mi ka el - is considered one of the names of the Creator.

Naming their children this way, our ancestors hoped for a special destiny of a person in life, that he would have strength and courage, as well as piety. And not without reason, because he was the most important among the seven angels and had special strength and power in the fight against evil.

But the translation of this word from the ancient Jewish language sounds like “similar, equal to God.” In some sources, the word is interpreted as follows: "begged, begged from God."


If you chose the name for the child Michael, then a wonderful baby will grow up in your house, which will become the center of attention. He is smart and quick-witted, drawn to everything new and in a hurry to learn about the world around him. The child is charming in his love for everything beautiful and unusual - this is a small connoisseur of art. As he grows older, he tries to cover all areas of life: numerous circles and sections captivate him with his head. But such an activity can quickly get bored, and then the boy goes in search of a new and exciting one.

It is difficult to call him a born leader, but thanks to his kindness and gentle disposition, other children are drawn to him with pleasure. Mikhail sometimes looks like a little old man who knows and understands everything, he loves to tell what he has heard and is not averse to adding details himself. A cute dreamer easily adapts to kindergarten, immediately finds like-minded people and wins the attention of educators. Soft, sympathetic, sociable and kind - these are the qualities Mikhail is endowed with. The secret of the name of this person lies in his ability not only to become a messenger of God, but also to bring good to everyone around him.


Subtlety, vulnerability, sensitivity - the main characteristics that distinguish the bearer of the origin of this word determine the character of a person from his very youth: he appreciates the beautiful and tries with all his might to convey it to others. He is an esthete and erudite, striving for perfection in everything. Books, paintings, beautiful expensive things attract him and even fascinate him. It is difficult to call him a consumer, he just dreams of having all this in order to admire and enjoy the beautiful. Very often, such dreams lead him to the wrong decisions. And if he gets into bad company, he is easily manipulated. The influence of other people on the young man is very high, so parents need to constantly monitor the life of the child. Such boys know how to set goals and achieve them, in some situations without thinking about the consequences.

Character traits

It may seem to others that Misha is too kind and loyal, but he has an inner core. Restrained and reasonable, he is ready to work and achieve heights both in his career and in his favorite business. He has an analytical mind, which makes it easy to take on important tasks and successfully carry them out. At heart, he is vulnerable and can hardly endure criticism and censure.

The name Michael, whose origin determines the life path of its owner, endows a person with a reverent attitude both to other people and to nature. He loves animals and enjoys gardening. From communication with nature, he receives deep satisfaction and rests his soul.

Misha endures loneliness quite painfully, prefers to devote every minute to friends or family. The nature of the name Michael often makes this person the soul of the company, he is responsive and ready to help anyone who needs it. He will gladly take care of elderly parents, fulfilling all their whims and requirements.

Dark side

The history of the origin of the name Michael hides some secrets. Despite the fact that the Archangel was a valiant warrior of God, it was believed that Satan tempted such heroes. In real life, this legend is reflected in Misha's inner world. He is smart and decisive, but if he cannot realize himself in life, does not find support and due respect, then he will easily go into all serious trouble. Alcohol, gambling and a hectic life drag him down. He often cannot find inner strength to change the situation, he believes that no one understands or loves him.


And assertiveness allows Mikhail to become a lawyer and an engineer, a teacher and a military leader. Despite the fact that he is a conservative at heart, for the good of the common cause, Mikhail is ready to learn new things and bring them into his work. An unfamiliar environment does not frighten such people, they easily adapt to it and do not get lost in the biggest enterprise. Even in the position of a security guard or loader, Misha organizes the whole process in such a way that his opinion is taken into account and he is respected.

The name Michael, whose origin has a divine origin, gives a person a non-mercantile and sublime spiritual organization. Therefore, he perceives his own business not as a job, but as a brainchild, to which he is ready to devote himself without a trace. But the qualities of this person (kindness and gentleness) often let him down in the tough world of competition. He makes concessions, firmly believing in the decency of people, money is not a priority for a person who is the owner of Michael. The meaning of the name, the character of a person allow him to get out of difficult situations with dignity, without letting other people down and not taking advantage of their weakness.

Incorrigible romantic

A jealous gentleman simply cannot stand rivalry and will never forgive betrayal, mistaking it for a personal insult and betrayal. It is unacceptable to humiliate Misha in public, such behavior can cause a sharp reaction on his part and even undisguised aggression.

Family - Michael's fortress

Misha chooses his life partner very carefully. Sometimes he is ready to wait a long time and check the chosen one, and if she does not meet the ideal, he suffers in splendid isolation.

His wife should be gentle and always kind, he simply does not like and does not understand rude girls. Faithful, sympathetic, excellent hostess and caring mother - Misha's dream. Very often, a man idealizes his chosen one and even worships her as a deity. Unfortunately, over time, this attitude passes, but this does not mean that he loses interest in her and the desire to protect the lady of the heart.

Misha is ready to help around the house, fulfilling his duties with joy. Children are a real treasure that Michael will cherish and appreciate. Children understand their father and are drawn to him, hoping for support and love. Even after parting with his wife, a man tries with all his might to help her financially and participate in family life.


The history of the origin of the name Michael is closely connected with ancient Russia. According to some sources, the naming of the babies took place by analogy with the beloved and revered animal - the bear. Despite the fact that this huge bumpkin is often clumsy, he has strength and ingenuity. Mishka can hardly be called a diplomat, his life credo is "either pan or lost." Although he is strong morally, pride can be called a weak spot. It is on this shortcoming that his enemies often play. By temperament, this is a real choleric, but at the same time he knows how to control himself perfectly. He chooses friends carefully, only worthy people who have influence will enter their circle, but the temperament makes Misha suppress his friends and control their actions.

Active, brave, open and kind - this is Michael. If there are people with this name in your environment, then try to take a closer look at them. Perhaps you will see their beautiful inner world and make a true devoted friend.

Moms in our time are guided in the selection of names for their children not only on the church calendar. And in communication, we are more and more accustomed to using ancient knowledge, which was not so widespread before. They say it helps. Let's learn the meaning of the name Misha. This information will be useful for those who are thinking of giving it to their heirs, and those who have friends and colleagues who wear it.

No history anywhere

Indeed, it is impossible to understand some things without looking into the depths of centuries. In any case, the meaning of the name Misha cannot be completely unraveled without this. It is found in ancient Jewish manuscripts. No older evidence has yet been found. The literal translation means "equal to God." The Christians, too, have not gone far from the Jews. Archangel Michael is known to be one of the most revered Saints. And not in vain. The legend says that he was the main messenger of the Lord, called to protect the peoples, having all the strength and power for this. It is clear that the meaning of the name Misha cannot diverge from the lofty goals of the famous namesake. It affects the fate of the individual, imposing on it severity, extraordinary seriousness, sublime spirituality. People also believed that the Archangel Michael was able to cope with any evil spirits, physical or spiritual. He, being the leader of the army of Angels, leads them to an irreconcilable battle with the inhabitants of hell for each person. All this is reflected in the personality of his earthly namesakes.

Energy and connection with nature

Surely everyone who is interested in the meaning of the name Misha tried to feel it. That is, there is a technique that allows you to classify words according to the set of sounds that make them up. This also applies to names. In terms of sound and energy, the investigated is soft, light. But its full form becomes strict, filled with formidable power. It is not in vain that the owner of the taiga is called Mikhail Potapych. The animal is serious, fair, you can’t pamper with such. He was respected by our ancestors, considered the patron of forests, the protector, according to fairy tales, of the weak and infirm. All this is not fiction, rather, the results of thoughtful observation of natural phenomena, their influence on individuals. The features of both the Archangel and the formidable beast can, if you look closely, be found in people bearing consonant names. By the way, there are many variations. The name Mikhail is widespread not only in the Russian-speaking world. Almost all peoples have similar ones, which is proof of the ancient origin of this word. Remember the Spanish Miguel, for example. And in the English-speaking world there is also a variation. The name Michael is common there.

The meaning of the name Misha for a boy

Babies, who were given the patronage of the famous Archangel by their parents, are usually friendly and calm. They are praised by educators and teachers. Misha is not conflict and sociable. Art in any form attracts them from the cradle. Most often, they show musical talents. If they don’t sing, then they definitely learn to play the guitar with pleasure. It is, so to speak, an irresistible desire coming from the subconscious. If mom wants to push the baby to art, then you should often call him affectionately. Mishenka, for example. But leave the strict form of the name to outsiders. The soft energy from the mouth of the mother will initiate the desire for beauty in the soul. Yes, and in love, such boys are happier. This is how it is recommended to use the meaning of the name Misha for a boy. And his fate, and his whole life will then be much more successful, calmer, brighter. In principle, the future of any child is made up of such trifles. Much depends on how mom and dad call a child in infancy. In our case, it is better to use affectionate nicknames made on behalf of. By the way, "Potapych" should also be pronounced when addressing a child. This consolidates his mental connection with the formidable "relative". That is, strength, courage, striving for justice are mentally inspired.

Mikhailov's talents

Creativity in any form is what owns the minds of these people. They are born aesthetes. They love beautiful things, enjoy any flower, sunrise and sunset, rainbow and waves. They perceive the world in their own way. It manifests itself at a very early age and remains until old age. They especially understand the beauty of the human soul. Of course, they will not be able to talk about it as children. However, others should take a closer look at Michaels. They subconsciously seek to isolate themselves from bad people, feeling negative. This is real talent. Over time, it only develops, gaining depth and volume. The meaning of the name Misha for a child cannot be overestimated. But it also has some negatives. Affectionate, kind, sympathetic children have every chance to turn into selfish monsters. Here mom needs to show patience and some rigor. After all, you only have yourself to blame. An affectionate child is loved, therefore, pampered. The result is not difficult to imagine. By the way, Mikhails understand what they take others with, and use their advantages without hesitation.

Michael's fate

I must say that a person creates his own line of life. This fully applies to Michael. He feels the surrounding space, intuitively striving for harmony. This affects both career choice and marriage. This person is very responsible approach to any business. The result must be perfect in his understanding. Hence the annoying colleagues and relatives scrupulousness. They think that Misha is picky and capricious. In fact, it's not like that at all. He wants the ideal. Therefore, repairs are delayed for months, and work does not leave time for communication with the family. Whatever this person undertakes, he will not receive any complaints. Only hasty people will grumble at thoughtfulness, slowness, artistry in the execution of plans. But when they see the result, they clap their hands in delight (or howl with envy). By the way, this man has few enemies. He is very kind and non-confrontational.

Impact on personal life

Let's now see what gives a person in love the meaning of the name Misha. A man's vocation is to take care of his loved ones. With this, Mikhailov is doing great. Complaints can only cause excessive criticality in relation to his wife and children. Although dissatisfaction is expressed, as a rule, it is very correct and polite. It’s just that Misha is trying to captivate his loved ones with his ideals, to give an extraordinary harmony that not everyone understands. Hence the controversy. The woman to whom he gives his heart will be lucky. Michael is single. But it arouses interest among beauties until old age. Everyone wants to interest such a reliable and faithful person. The wife, by the way, has nothing to worry about. Taking responsibility once, he will never let you down.

Feature of communication with Michael

If among your acquaintances there is a person with that name, then try not to let him down. It cannot be said that he will despise mistakes or avenge damage. No. This is a very kind and philosophical personality. Just disappointment remains in his soul for as long as love. And once burned, he will try to no longer trust the cause of his pain. It is clear that Mikhail will minimize communication. You should be even more careful with claims if you want to see him among friends. This person suffers greatly from his own guilt. Can withdraw and silently worry about something that everyone has forgotten about. This feature should be considered by moms and dads. Do not scold the baby, so as not to give rise to complexes in his soul. It will be extremely difficult for Misha to get rid of them.


They say that what a person hears about himself is what happens in his life. Michaels should be approached with genuine kindness. Then they will create such events from which everyone will only feel good. These people are capable of a lot. But the meaning of the name Misha for a girl is very unfavorable. A woman should receive happiness, not build worlds for others. The same name imposes on her fate the seal of a knight, protector, patron. And this is more to the face of a man.

The meaning of the name Michael from the Hebrew language is translated as " like God», « equal to God».

The name has a strong energy and the origin of the name Michael largely determines the character of its owner, however, its influence can be smoothed out to some extent, since the name is quite common. At the same time, firmness and strictness are felt in its rather soft sound, so in Russia this name has long been called a bear? Mikhail Potapych, which can also say something.


Since childhood, Misha has been distinguished by great mobility, activity in children's games. He is interested in the world around him in all its diversity, his range of interests is not limited to schoolwork, he may have more than one hobby and passion, many of which will depend on his environment and upbringing. It should be noted that Misha's activity is not burdensome for parents, she is balanced.

Misha is rarely naughty and does stupid things that can upset his loved ones, he is good-natured. Differs diligence and desire to please his family. But besides this, the name inclines towards touchiness, sometimes Misha can get very upset, insults penetrate deep into his soul, painfully perceive criticism.

With age, Michael becomes more calm and balanced. It is characterized by logical thinking and objectivism. However, his touchiness can stay with him for life and give him a lot of trouble. Michael is endowed with sufficient self-esteem, and resentment can shake his self-confidence, prevent the fulfillment of his goals and the implementation of life plans, in general, become a serious problem for him. After all, touchiness is not compatible with ambitious aspirations, in order to achieve something, you need to be able to sometimes ignore criticism and criticism, you need to be ready to resist those who want to morally suppress you. Michael can be wished to just learn this.


Misha often manages to counter unfriendly critics with a sense of humor and a well-timed witticism. Still, it will be most favorable if Michael simply begins to believe more in his own strength and tries to make his pride less sensitive. And if he succeeds, then there is every reason for his life to be successful.

Mikhail is a sociable person, in an unfamiliar environment he will not be confused and will be able to find his place due to his natural balance. The characterization of the name Michael is positive from any point of view. He will be a diligent and diligent worker, but in the family? good host. He loves animals, almost always in Michael's house there is either a cat or a dog.

In women, Michael is repelled by rudeness and callousness. He himself is jealous, and not always able to control this feeling of his. His chosen one should have kindness and gentleness of character. Scandals in such a family will be minimized, since Mikhail himself is quick-witted and always ready to forgive.

The secret of the name Michael: With all his calmness, in the event of disputes, Mikhail quite successfully ironically and witty parries the opponent's attack. Recognize his point of view for him, it has a place to be, even if he may not always be right. Michaels are rarely vindictive.

Name horoscope

What does the name mean in terms of astrology:
  • Zodiacal name correspondence: Libra.
  • Ruler Planet: Mercury.
  • Characteristic features: activity, curiosity, sensitivity.
  • Name colors: yellow, brown, green, light green.
  • The patron saints of the name: Michael the Archangel, Michael of Bulgaria.
  • Name day: November 21, December 5.
  • Talisman stone: chrysoprase, jasper.