
What is role. Video: how the role of actors affects the viewer

Role (French emploi - use, use; position)

specialization of the actor in the performance of roles similar in their type and united by a conventional name. The name A. usually comes either from the main function performed by the character in the play [for example, lover (the roles of young men, young men with beauty, intelligence, nobility, loving or being the subject of love), Travesty (the roles of young men, boys, teenagers performed by women ) etc.], or from the main feature of his character [for example, a hero, a tyrant, a noble father, Ingenue (i.e. a naive girl), a grand coquette (coquette), etc.]. In the history of the theatre, two reciprocal processes contributed to the emergence of the academy: the transition from play to play of homogeneous characters and the establishment of a performing tradition that limits the possibility of an individual interpretation of the role. As a result, the techniques of the game were canonized in relation to the types depicted. Realism, with its complex understanding of the human character, is alien to the specialization of performers according to A. The Moscow Art Academic Theater especially sharply rebelled against specialization. The Soviet theater strives to educate an actor with a wide creative range, and therefore the division into A. is not accepted in it. The same principles are followed by many leading figures in the theater of foreign countries.

T. M. Motherland.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


See what "Role" is in other dictionaries:

    - (French emploi role, position, place, occupation) a certain kind of roles corresponding to the external and internal data of the actor. Contents 1 Ancient Greek theater 2 Elizabethan theater ... Wikipedia

    - (French emploi, from emplyer to use, to give an occupation). The nature of the roles performed by the actor: the role of old people, the role of reasoners. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ROLE role; for example, the role of the resonator, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Role- neskl., cf. emploi m. 1. theater. An actor's specialization in the performance of roles that best correspond to his external stage data, the nature of his talent. ALS 2. For these actors and actresses to play all sorts of roles here, up to their roles. ATD… … Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    ROLE, neskl., cf. (French emploi). The nature of the roles performed by the actor (theatre). The role of the comic old woman. The role of the first lover. Actor in the role of a reasoner. || trans. role, position (in society), circle of occupations. Role of a secretary. Role… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    unchanged; cf. [French] employment]. An actor's specialization in performing roles that are similar in type (usually the most appropriate to external data, vocation, etc.). A. comedian, tragic hero. // A certain range of occupations, duties, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cm … Synonym dictionary

    The nature of the role (actor), occupation. Wed Here she is, Anninka, she can sing like that, this is her genre, this is her role. Saltykov. Mr. Golovlev. Wed Employer (employer, deliver employment, use) occupation, place, role. Wed Implicare (own. to entangle) ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    ROLE, neskl., cf. Actor type. A. reasoner. This is not his. (also trans.: he does not do this, it is not included in his rules, in the circle of his interests). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Wed, neskl., French. the place occupied by an actor, according to the nature of his acting; place, position, rank. He is accepted into the theater for the role (title) of heroes, old people. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (French emploi, literally application), relatively stable types of theatrical roles, corresponding to the age, appearance and style of the actor's play: tragic, comedian, lover hero, soubrette, ingenue, travesty, simpleton, reasoner, etc. In the 20th century. this is… … Modern Encyclopedia

    - (French emploi lit. application), relatively stable types of theatrical roles, corresponding to the age, appearance and style of the actor's play: tragic, comedian, lover hero, soubrette, ingenue, travesty, simpleton, reasoner, etc. In the 20th century. this concept... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Role of a virgin. Brudershaft with a terminator, Polyakova Tatyana Viktorovna, "The role of a virgin" One must know how to fall in love. Anya Likhovitskaya clearly does not possess this skill: she fell in love with a handsome stranger, and as a result - a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​troubles. Stranger… Series: Double Adventure Detective (cover) Publisher: Eksmo-Press,
  • The role of a virgin Brudershaft with a terminator, Polyakova T., "The role of a virgin". You have to know how to fall in love. Anya Likhovitskaya clearly does not possess this skill: she fell in love with a handsome stranger, and as a result - a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​troubles. Stranger…

Cultural interaction with different peoples leaves a mark on the development of the native language. There is an irreversible process of mutual enrichment of vocabulary, and new phrases and terms appear in everyday life. What is the role, and this word came to us from the French language, can be read below.

Foreign words and terms in Russian

The successful use of foreign words in our language allows us to make it modern and dynamic. Reasons for borrowing new terms:

  • Development. When designating new technologies and phenomena, it is problematic or simply impossible to find an equivalent word ( printer, skateboard, fax);
  • culture. The influence of the culture of another people, which, through information channels, they try to idealize. From American films, popular in the early 90s of the last century, words such as shop- score, cop- police officer, teenager- teenager;
  • Brevity. Instead of a cumbersome descriptive phrase, one word is used ( sniper- a person who can shoot accurately, jam- jelly-like sweet mass of berries and fruits);
  • International. Some words are used all over the world unchanged. For example : broker, manager etc.

The use of certain terms in the Russian language, either from illiteracy or from laziness, is considered unfounded. For others, and below we will consider the meaning of the word "role", it is impossible to find an exact equivalent term.

What does role mean: examples

The history of the word role begins at the beginning of the 18th century. Term employment applied to stable types of theatrical characters. In the 20th century, the expression expanded its meaning somewhat:

  • Role as certain image of a person. Examples: everyone is used to the fact that Mikhail Boyarsky wears a black hat with a wide brim, and the author of the television project "The Other Day" Leonid Parfyonov walks with a three-day stubble on his face. Maybe in any other place they change their appearance, but in public they " maintain their role»;
  • Role as habitual way of doing things. A person has been engaged in design practice all his life, and one fine day he decided to become a programmer. In this case, they say - he changed his role»;
  • Role how Lifestyle. One person is silent, the other likes to quarrel. And suddenly the “silent person” begins to lead an active lifestyle: he is cheerful, communicates tirelessly, etc. They say about such he showed himself in a completely different role»;
  • Role as task specialization. Ice hockey is a favorite game for many. Each player on the court has its own meaning - left back, forward, etc. Their specialization is called player role».

As it turned out, the term role can be used in various aspects of life: specification in the profession, the difference in the type of artist, the appearance or character of a person.

What is a role in football

Football is one of the most accessible game for the general population. What you need for classes is a pair of sneakers, a field, a goal and a leather ball. Let's consider what role (role) in the actions of the team is played by individual players:

  • Goalkeeper. Protects the goal from hitting the ball. Within the perimeter of the penalty area, he can play with his hands, in another part of the field his possibilities are similar to field players;
  • Defender. Right, left and center -- focused on the defense of the penalty area. Right and left defenders can join attacks;
  • Midfielder. The role of the midfield is to "deliver" the ball to the attackers. In addition to the left and right midfielders, depending on the coach's strategy, there may be a central midfielder (libero) on the field;
  • Attack. Forward - a threat to the opponent's goal. If a team promotes defensive football, there may not be a forward on the field at all. His role shifts to midfield players.

The role of a separately selected player is determined by the coach. Even at a young age, he observes the actions of the boys, and decides in which position the future football player will act most effectively.

Role in the theater

Thanks to the theatrical stage, and in the Middle Ages each artist performed only one role, the world learned about a new term - role. The special specialization of the actor was associated with the type of master:

  • Lover. The role is played by handsome young people;
  • the villain. Usually this is a middle-aged man, short in stature, who has a low and unpleasant voice.

In the middle of the 18th century, the term role covered the genres of productions:

  • Comedy;
  • Tragedy;
  • Pantomime, etc.

The specialization of the artist was associated with his creative abilities. For example, an actor playing comedic roles was simply not perceived by the audience as a hero with a tragic fate.

What does the phrase "change role" mean?

The habitual image of a person forms a stable role of the personality. Surrounding people get used to the peculiarities of an individual: character, appearance, way of life - everything meets the general expectations of society. But the time comes, and the person decides to change his life (role):

  • appearance. The changes relate to appearance: a man, wearing long hair on his head, began to cut his hair short, and a woman with blond hair dyed it red;
  • Job. Changes associated with professional transformation: a locksmith becomes a driver, and an accountant becomes an economist;
  • Personal. A native bachelor, who promotes a brutal lifestyle, marries and has children. The second example: an ailurophobe gets a cat at home.

In this way, a person radically reorganizes his usual way of life - he changes his role. In most cases, this is due to complexes - dissatisfaction with their appearance, financial or marital status.

The use of new terms makes it possible to avoid cumbersome descriptions. You met one of them today. The definition of "role" can be explained as follows: a certain image of a person, a role and position in a certain public matter. Verbose, you say. And there is. The French word emploi comes to the rescue, and now the term Role one can aptly and clearly generalize the cumbersome categories covering many aspects of modern life.

Video: how the role of actors affects the viewer

In this video, film critic Vladimir Abdulin will tell you how acting roles can influence the viewer's opinion about the film:

Usually the role corresponds to the character of the actor's appearance, the style of his game and his other data.

In the Elizabethan theater - in the heyday of the English drama theater (the end of the 16th - the beginning of the 17th century), associated primarily with the work of William Shakespeare, the roles were played by young men. At the same time, the troupes were usually not numerous, and during the performance one actor could play several very different (sometimes even heterosexual) roles. Therefore, the scope of the acting role was understood extremely broadly.

In the theater of the era, a whole classification of roles was adopted, corresponding to various acting roles.

According to tradition, an actor applying for a particular role had to meet certain requirements, including height, physique, face type, voice timbre, and so on.

An actor of small stature or the owner of a high voice could only qualify for comic roles. The dramatic hero had to be tall, with regular features, with a fairly low timbre of voice.

The classification included the roles of heroines and heroes, lovers and mistresses, kings and tyrants, servants, soubrettes, confidantes and confidants, ingenues, reasoners, fathers, villains, simpletons. It was impossible to move from one role to another. The only exception to this rule is "age" roles. That is, for example, the performer of heroes, having grown old, could become a “noble father”.

Role in modern theater and cinema

Konstantin Stanislavsky and Anton Chekhov believed that the role only limits the development of an actor's individuality and is only a set of clichés.

To date, there are much more options for roles, and their boundaries are much more blurred.

It should be borne in mind that not always an actor performs only within the framework of one specific role. So, for example, some Soviet actors, whom everyone is used to seeing mainly in comic roles - for example, Evgeny Leonov, Yuri Nikulin, Andrei Mironov - also played wonderful dramatic roles. Talented movie actors easily perform in a variety of genres and images.

What is an role? Translated from French, this means role. This term refers to the theatrical classification, which legitimizes and regulates in theatrical practice the correspondence of the psychological and physical data of the actor and the style of his playing a certain role. Also, the term "role" refers to one of the ways of typing in dramaturgy.

Role, in the broad sense of the word, is dramatic or comic. Even in ancient Greece, theater actors were divided according to the designated roles.

English theater in the time of Elizabeth I

The Elizabethan Theater is the heyday of the English drama theater, which occurred at the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th century. He is mainly associated with the work of William Shakespeare. Since there were no women among the actors, the female roles were played by young men. The groups were quite small. During the performance, one actor played completely different roles, even of different sexes.

European system of roles

This system, as a set of rules for acting, arose in the era of classicism. According to this system, an actor who claims a certain role must match it in terms of their external data: physique, height, face type and voice timbre. If an actor was the happy owner of a stately figure, tall, regular features and a low voice, then he could be the main character in a tragedy or drama. If the actor had short stature, an irregular physique and a high voice, then he could only play comic roles.

It was impossible to move from one role to another, with the exception of only one thing - age-related changes: having grown old, the hero from the tragedy became, for example, a noble and wise old man. The role dictated both the line of behavior, and the plastic and declamatory features.

In the XVIII-XIX centuries, the role system continued to exist more in oral practice than in theory. Then, according to this system, a theater troupe was formed. It made it possible to take into account the most common dramatic types and helped to recruit actors for any repertoire.

There were different ways to classify actors by role. For example, Patrice Pavy identified types according to social status (servant, king), costume (role in a corset, role in a mantle), and function in a dramatic action (lover, ingenue, confidant, villain). But in reality, mixed systems of roles were used. What is an role? The system, which, constituting one of the foundations of the theater, is even more mobile and flexible than the system of masks.

Role system in the Russian Empire

"Painting", compiled by the Russian Empress Catherine II in 1766, is the first fixed Russian system of roles. According to her, the imperial theater troupe of St. Petersburg was recruited.

By the end of the 19th century, such roles of actresses and actors appeared in the Russian theater, which were differentiated by age, social and national characteristics. The increase and specification of the list of roles were associated with the growing interest of the theater in the individuality of a person.

Opponents of the role system were M. A. Chekhov and K. S. Stanislavsky, who saw in it outdated stereotypes that only hindered the development of the actor's individuality. The supporters of this system were V. E. Meyerhold, A. R. Kugel and N. N. Evreinov, who realized that it was a theatrical way of classifying human types.

In a brochure published in 1922 by I. A. Aksenov, V. M. Bebutov and V. E. Meyerhold, an answer is given to the question: what is a role - a position occupied by an actor who has certain external data. The authors tried to create a table that included 17 pairs of male and female roles, covering the entire dramatic literature.

The hidden system of roles, according to which the roles are distributed in the theater, still exists today.

Role - a way of typing

What is role in drama? This is a type of typification that is related to the dramatic type-mask and is the opposite of character.

The dramatic type-role is the refusal to show the individuality of a person in order to enhance any of his individual qualities. Such a character is a representative of a certain group.

As the theater develops and improves, new shades of stage images appear in accordance with modern realities.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

The meaning of the word role

Role in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal


cf. unwilling. French the place occupied by an actor, according to the nature of his acting; place, position, rank. He is accepted into the theater for the role (title) of heroes, old people.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


neskl., cf. (French emploi). The nature of the roles performed by the actor (theatre). The role of the comic old woman. The role of the first lover. Actor in the role of a reasoner,

trans. role, position (in society), circle of occupations. Role of a secretary. Role of a housewife. The role of the wit. To be in the role of someone. (play the role of someone).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova.


neskl., cf. Actor type. L. reasoner. This is not his but (also trans.: he does not do this, this is not included in his rules, in the circle of his interests).

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


cf. non-cl.

    An actor's specialization in the performance of roles that best correspond to his external stage data, the nature of his talent.

    trans. Position, role in society, circle of occupations, interests.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


ROLE (French emploi, lit. - application) relatively stable types of theatrical roles, corresponding to the age, appearance and style of the actor's play: tragic, comedian, hero-lover, soubrette, ingenue, travesty, simpleton, reasoner, etc. In the 20th century. this concept is falling into disuse.


(French emploi ≈ use, use; position), the specialization of an actor in the performance of roles that are similar in type and united by a conventional name. The name A. usually comes either from the main function performed by the character in the play [for example, lover (the roles of young men, young men with beauty, intelligence, nobility, loving or being the subject of love), travesty (the roles of young men, boys, adolescents, performed by women ), etc.], or from the main feature of his character [for example, a hero, a tyrant, a noble father, an ingenue (i.e. a naive girl), a grand coquette (coquette), etc.]. In the history of the theatre, two reciprocal processes contributed to the emergence of the academy: the transition from play to play of homogeneous characters and the establishment of a performing tradition that limits the possibility of an individual interpretation of the role. As a result, the techniques of the game were canonized in relation to the types depicted. Realism, with its complex understanding of the human character, is alien to the specialization of performers according to A. The Moscow Art Academic Theater especially sharply rebelled against specialization. The Soviet theater strives to educate an actor with a wide creative range, and therefore the division into A. is not accepted in it. The same principles are followed by many leading figures in the theater of foreign countries.

T. M. Motherland.



Role- a certain kind of roles corresponding to the external and internal data of the actor.

Examples of the use of the word role in the literature.

There are two people in the room - Bezrukov and Lieutenant Colonel Kalinin, who once worked in Moscow in Role husband of Lydia, and now urgently arrived in London to clear up the porridge brewed here.

Those who observed him much later in a completely different Role such different people as A.

The American press also discovered with dismay that the Soviets had a leader capable of challenging Ronald Reagan in an area in which he considered himself a consummate professional: Role public politician.

Demiurge of the new world or leader of the second world superpower in Role the secretary of the regional committee, responsible for everything that happens on the territory under his jurisdiction, from the preparation of fodder to the provision of schoolchildren with textbooks.

Choice Role a professional evolutionary in a country accustomed to anarchist rebels and despots could mean either blatant naivety, which Russian critics never tire of accusing Gorbachev of, or supreme political wisdom, for which Western fans do not get tired of praising him.

Oh, the world where, instead of falls Above us, arches of rainbows, Where the moon shines instead of lamps, Where we are, we play weakly, Oh, how would we at least Not confuse Role, Role, Role, Role, Role, Op-la-la.

Lope de Vega, who created this scenic Role - Role a clever or, conversely, a clumsy servant, often a smart and crafty peasant.

How do you look at that,” he asked, smiling impassively, “to test yourself in Role a TV presenter on a crime news program?

For Role TR-physicist, you seem to me, sorry, too young and too red-haired.

I have been working here for four days and, as you just said, it is in Role TR-physics.

Yesterday I started a new life in an unusual place for myself. Role, in an unfamiliar house, and in order for the debut not to fail, it was simply necessary to strike a balance between my achievements and defeats that marked this life.

As in Chinese classical theater, this Role in the Kabuki theater has a long history and refers to high stage performance.

The female role is an onnagata, perhaps more so than any other Role, requires a special gift of reincarnation from the performer.

Therefore, when in fact the dreams of labor bread were resolved by the fact that she was offered to take an operetta Role on the stage of one of the provincial theaters, then, despite the contrast, she did not hesitate long.

Vigo finds such a mechanism, returning to the grotesque: a mass rampage begins. Buffon is subject to torture, but at the same time does not lose his Role.