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Leo career and luck in the year

2017 promises to be very successful for Leo, since the most important components of success - activity and luck in business - will be in his hands.

Because of this, it will sometimes be difficult for Leo to figure out in which cases he has achieved good performance due to his perseverance and determination, and in which success has come due to a favorable combination of circumstances. Actually, this is not so important, because the results of most of the projects that Leo will implement will exceed all his expectations.

This is especially true for the first half of 2017, since Leo's energy will simply be inexhaustible, work will begin to argue, and even several cases at the same time can be resolved without much fuss.

The horoscope predicts that this zodiac sign will solve all the problems that have accumulated over the years, as well as the implementation of several new grandiose projects, if Leo is purposeful and energetic.

Despite the fact that from the second half of the year the stars predict a slight decline in activity for Leo, nevertheless, it will remain enough to complete 2017 for the benefit of themselves and those around them. The only thing worth paying attention to is that you should not neglect the family during the period of realizing your ambitions. This problem is especially acute in the fall. Leo at this time is extremely necessary to reasonably distribute time between work and family, even if it will be a little to the detriment of any business issues.

Love horoscope for 2017 Leo

2017 portends Leo an unprecedented success with the opposite sex. To conquer the hearts, he will not have to make almost any effort: the stars will endow him with erotic appeal and charm, which will be almost impossible to resist. Do not be surprised at the demand for this zodiac sign in the first half of 2017 - in a period of activity and determination. However, there is one drawback in the variety of choices - in the year of the Rooster, it will be very difficult for Leo to figure out his preferences.

In addition, Leo will devote a significant part of his efforts and time in 2017 to the implementation of his grandiose plans. Since everything related to business, finance and career will be achieved without much effort, there will be excitement and the intention to carry out as much as possible. As a result, personal life will automatically go by the wayside, even despite the many romantic prospects.

For those Lions who in 2017 decide to find their life partner, decide on their preferences, improve existing relationships or give them new notes, the most favorable period for this will be from July to September. This time will help Leo to hear his inner voice and make a choice to his liking.

Career 2017 Leo

2017 for Leo can be decisive in matters of career and finances. Taking advantage of the opening prospects will help not only the Lion's energy and abilities, but also luck. Undoubtedly, the successful implementation of any project requires not only business acumen, but also the ability to be there and when necessary. In the first half of the year, the stars will more than provide Leo with both.

Just for this time, rich in pleasant surprises of life, Leo is recommended to plan the implementation of his most necessary and important affairs. Any undertaking of Leo - a change of activity, an increase in education or qualifications, the opening of a business - will be successful, since the first half of the year of the Rooster will provide this sign of the Zodiac with all the opportunities necessary for implementation.

From mid-summer to the end of September, a conflict is possible between the business and personal spheres of Leo's life, until personal life comes to the fore. This situation will not last long - since October, Leo will discover new career prospects that he is unlikely to miss.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Lion

An acute shortage of funds at the very beginning of the year may lead to the fact that Leo decides to change this job to a harder one, but at the same time more highly paid. In addition, this person can find quite a decent alternative source of income. This year will be difficult for Lviv in terms of finances, as they have to pay bills and pay off large debts. It is worth counting on loans and credits, which, however, must be taken with caution, because in the future it will be even more difficult to repay them.

Health in the Year of the Rooster Leo

Representatives of the Leo sign in 2017 should take care of their health and dress warmly in winter. The fact is that there is a risk of seriously catching a cold, which will lead to pinching of the facial nerve with subsequent serious treatment. In the summer, these individuals can get pneumonia. To prevent these diseases, it is important not only to dress warmly, but also to constantly increase your own immunity by taking multivitamins, hardening and running in the morning. Lviv kids in 2017 should be taken to the sea, breathe iodized air.

Horoscope 2017 male Leo

Energetic Leo men with the advent of the year of the Rooster will look to the future with enthusiasm, because this year they plan to drastically change their lives. And indeed, this year Leo will become more responsible, sedate and mature, since by the summer he will propose to his chosen one and become a family man. But the men of this zodiac sign, who have been married for a long time, have every chance to change jobs or open their own business.

Horoscope 2017 woman Leo

For the most part, Leo women will spend this year engaged in self-development, training and career growth. Moreover, everything will be easy and simple for these ladies, and therefore in many areas Lionesses will bypass even men. But in 2017, Leo women will have no time to relax. Moreover, many of them will not even have the opportunity to participate in shopping. The main thing when doing a career is not to forget about your own appearance and always look your best. This will allow you to warm up and maintain a relationship with your beloved man in time.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac-eastern signs:

Lion Rat

At the beginning of the year, these individuals should think about their behavior and attitude towards others. If the Lions continue to look down on everyone and put themselves above others, this time will not bring them anything good.

Lion Bull

It would not hurt for individuals born at this intersection of signs to liberate themselves, start thinking big and think about starting their own business, since the work that these people are doing now does not satisfy them at all.


Clever businessmen, these people will often go to the trick and use their official position to satisfy their needs. However, such actions are fraught with not the most favorable consequences, which this year will show.


Changeable 2017 will be for this sign because Leo will no longer find a common language with his loved one and the struggle for supremacy will begin in the family. Lions have to understand that in some matters it is worth becoming more flexible and accommodating.

Lion Dragon

With the advent of 2017, these individuals should set the highest goals for themselves, leading the team. They have excellent chances to climb the career ladder, but in this race it is important not to lose true friends and associates.


Lions born in the year of the Snake will act by cunning this year. They may try to develop at the expense of other people, use other people's benefits, or appropriate other than their own merits. This must be done carefully, as exposure is possible.


Out-of-the-box thinking, which the Lions will show from the beginning of this period, will allow them to make many effective financial transactions and establish themselves as a person who knows how to manage money. We can hope for improvement in this area.


The year 2017 is good for working on yourself and changing your habits and principles. Lions should recognize that they do not always do the right thing and ask for forgiveness from the people they hurt. Perhaps they will be able to regain the respect of loved ones.

Lion Monkey

With the advent of spring, the personalities of this intersection finally realize that it is time for them to change and become more responsible and sedate. It is better for Lions who are going to get married to do this in the first half of the year, and to have a child in the second.

Lion Rooster

Worrying about insecure personal life or because of developmental problems can lead to serious diseases of the nervous system. Therefore, it is very important not to take troubles to heart and to rest regularly.


It is high time for these Lions to understand that you should not look for your destiny somewhere overseas or on the Internet, since a loved one who has long been in love with you is very close and very soon, in the middle of 2017, will make itself felt.

Lion Pig

These Leos should set themselves the highest goals in 2017, as good luck will follow them everywhere. The year is suitable for opening a business or a financial transaction that will enrich this person and make him famous in certain circles.

According to the horoscope, Leos will be able to show all their temperament and resourcefulness in the new year. In 2018, Leo will enter with renewed vigor and will be able to easily complete the work that has been started for a long time. Your positive attitude will gather around you strong and ambitious people who will help advance your interests.

2018 Year of the Dog will be successful for men and women - Lviv. The stars are advised to engage in self-development, deepening existing knowledge or teaching other people. The main thing - remember that any of your actions must be desirable, otherwise they will not bring the proper result. The stars recommend that Leos in the year of the Dog treat any setbacks as temporary difficulties. And you can deal with them in a short time.

What to expect for men and women

Horoscopes for Leo for 2018 for a woman believe that ladies will be successful in the most unexpected things. Lions are waiting for dozens of new acquaintances, which you need to pay attention to.

Look closely at the people around you, do not push away the person if you have not yet recognized him. It is likely that in this stream of new personalities you will find some real, sincere friends. Hold on to them, as finding a soul mate is not easy in our world.

The horoscope believes that it is not worth planning grandiose moves for a year - for now it is better to stay in your cozy nest and not break away from your familiar place. Unmarried Leo girls this year will be surrounded by the attention of the opposite sex. Perhaps some will even find a “soul mate”.

A man - Leo according to the horoscope in 2018 will notice that any of his undertakings ends effectively. You will have a chance to strengthen your position among colleagues, as well as climb up the career ladder. Leo will have to work long and hard, so get ready to give all your best in order to achieve your goals.

Free men should never forget about their personal lives. You should not devote all your time to work and career - sometimes you can spend time in a pleasant company of friends or a pretty young lady.

Show character, and if you are sure that you are right, insist on your own in important matters. This year promises new beginnings in the labor sphere - a change of professional activity or a promotion is possible.

Heart and family matters

As stated in the love horoscope for 2018, Leo will be able to succeed with almost any person of the opposite sex. This year, take care of your personal life: go on dates more often and have fun. By nature, you are an adventurer who cherishes the feelings of a loved one. Free Leo will meet a potential partner with whom he will start a relationship.

If an inner voice tells you that it's too early for you to start a family, just leave everything as it is. If Leo understands that he has found a "soul mate" and wants to live with her all his life, he should not shelve the formalization of relations. This year is great for festive events near Lviv. Weddings played in 2018 will be magnificent and unforgettable, and marriages of Lviv with the chosen ones will be strong and durable.

Young Leos will strive to start several romantic stories in parallel. The stars warn you against such actions, as in the end it will not lead to the best outcome for you. Try to understand the inner reason why you want to date two people. Perhaps you are afraid to miss something interesting in life and try to grab onto everything at once. Ask for advice from an experienced adult: a parent, friend, or mentor. Explain your situation and listen carefully to the recommendations. After the conversation, the picture will clear up for you.

Family Lions in 2018 will often remember pleasant moments from the past. You will spend many evenings in the comfort of your own home, discussing past travels, events and holidays with your loved ones. This will favorably affect the inner world of Leo. Perhaps one of the relatives will inform Leo about the imminent birth of a child.

Newlyweds-Lviv may have some disagreements on everyday grounds. Love is a long process, it is a path that spouses overcome together. Do not rush to swear with your loved ones over trifles. It is better for Lions to clarify the reason for the partner’s dissatisfaction and try to find a compromise solution. Over time, you will learn to easily resolve the misunderstandings that arise.

The horoscope reports that at the beginning of the year, distant relatives can remind of themselves. Be hospitable and give them shelter for a while. If you are unable to do so, help them find housing. Perhaps the good deeds of the Lions will soon echo in their lives and make them prosperous and happy people. In general, 2018 will be rich in good news in the family circle. Perhaps an addition awaits you, or one of the adult children will announce a desire to marry or get married.

Spend more time with loved ones. The horoscope advises Leo to create traditions, to involve their children in social activities. This will bring you closer and, perhaps, make family relationships trusting, and you will be a role model and a person to whom household members will no doubt tell about any events in their personal lives.

Business horoscope

The financial forecast for Leo from Pavel Globa advises Leo to follow the intended path and not be shy to achieve their goals. The Year of the Dog contributes to the career of Leo, the main thing is not to try to grab everything at once. Those born in the first decade (24.07–02.08) Leos are very strong and do not know what fear and risk are. Be careful when making expensive transactions: if partners do not inspire confidence in you, the stars advise you to enlist the support of people who can insure you.

Born in the second decade (03.08–13.08), Leo is impetuous and persistent. Such a person is not difficult to distinguish by signs and character traits. However, in his desires and lightning-fast decisions, Leo risks missing out on a good option for himself. The horoscope advises to restrain the flow of emotions and look at the situation from the other side - someone nearby is trying to help you. Do not refuse the assistance of a reliable person. This year will be successful for Lviv: career growth will not keep you waiting, and perhaps financial affairs will go uphill.

Lions of the third decade (August 14–August 23) can get carried away with a new activity. Judging by the horoscope, you can not be afraid to be left without earnings. Your skills will never leave you without funds, so take the opportunity to find a job "for the soul." The dog - the patron of 2018 - will save Leo from risky steps, and he will be able to fully devote himself to finding his favorite activity. Remember that you can always go back if you feel that you are not in your area.

The Leo business horoscope in 2018 promises an expansion of the partnership sphere. To do this, attend all social events to which you receive invitations. Even at an informal meeting of classmates, Leo will be able to meet a person who will raise his financial level an order of magnitude higher. Circumstances will contribute to successful transactions for all Leos, the main thing is not to lose your head and carefully approach issues related to risk.

According to the horoscope, in the spring, Leo may have a generous sponsor, the existence of which he may not even know. Be attentive to your colleagues, help those in need. Some Lions in the middle of the year may find themselves in a situation where a friend asks for a loan of a large amount of money. The horoscope in such a situation gives advice - evaluate:

  • Can you help the person.
  • Are you sure of his honesty?
  • Discuss all possible risks and terms of debt repayment.

Leos often do what their intuition tells them and rarely make mistakes. During the year, try to put aside a little money from your income - in winter this can serve you well and help out in a difficult situation.

Health status

The stars advise active and impulsive Lions not to forget about rest this year. It can be active sports or outdoor recreation in the countryside. Lions born in the first decade need to pay special attention to health - it's time to take care of the body. Make a habit of morning exercises or evening exercise in the park. The horoscope claims that fresh air will favorably affect the appearance of Leo, the condition of his skin and help him relax after a tiring day at work.

The lions of the second decade always liked to lie in bed until the last minute. 2018 year of the Dog will require you to turn into a "lark" for a while. You will have no time to think about diseases, so do everything to strengthen the protective properties of the body. The stars advise you to choose comfortable shoes for everyday life: you will spend a lot of time on the move. In winter, try to diversify your leisure time with new sports. For example, learn to skate or ski - after a while you will no longer be able to refuse this activity.

Born in the third decade, Leos, according to horoscope forecasts, have a small risk of catching colds in the autumn. Be attentive to yourself and do not overwork yourself at this time, and ailments will bypass you. Remember to wear a hat on a cold day and take an umbrella when it rains. You will also have to deal with another ailment - laziness. You will be able to overcome it and, perhaps, achieve stunning results in any area where you wish.

In 2018, the horoscope recommends Leo to pay attention not only to physical, but also to spiritual health. The stars advise you to regularly engage in self-development. Perhaps you have long wanted to start attending yoga or personality development courses. With proper planning of your day, you can easily do everything you want.

Brief forecast by months

According to the general horoscope, Leos will have to show flexibility to others and try not to reserve the last word - it's time to learn to compromise. bring good news in the professional field. If you are planning a major project, do your best to close the deal this month, as good results will serve you well in the future.

According to the stars, the Lions will have a short trip on a personal matter. Fate will guide you in the right direction, so don't be afraid of small changes in the route, even if you didn't plan them. According to the horoscope, Leo in April 2018 will be forced to adapt to the surrounding circumstances in the first half of the month, while the second half of the month will allow Leos to act only in their own interests. for Leo, according to the forecast from Tamara Globa, it will be good for romantic meetings and dates. This is the right time to forge strong relationships between people.

In the first month of summer for Lviv, according to the forecast for 2018 from Pavel Globa, they will meet with an important person who will play a significant role in Leo's career in the future. As the horoscope predicts, the Leo woman will be allowed to reveal her inner potential in creativity. Do not force yourself to do something you do not like, and if you feel drawn to the beautiful, let your fantasy break out.

In the 2018 horoscope from Vasilisa Volodina for Leo, he predicts receiving good news from distant relatives. Perhaps Leo will finally be able to see loved ones from another city, the stars have already planned this meeting.

According to the horoscope, 2018 may seem gray and mediocre to Leos. Do not worry, this state will soon leave you. Spend more time with loved ones, communicate with friends, and, perhaps, everyday worries will not seem so burdensome. For October 2018, the horoscope promises Leo insignificant expenses for household needs. To avoid the hassles associated with a lack of funds, set aside some money in advance for unforeseen expenses.

In November, the forecast for Leo is very rosy. Be careful, as there is a chance to make a pleasant find. It can be money on the street or a stash hidden many years ago. In any case, you will be pleasantly surprised by such events. According to the horoscope, December promises Leo the opportunity to prove himself as a fair and honest person. You may find yourself in a situation where you need to make an emergency decision, and your instincts will not let you down.

The lion is the ruler of the feline kingdom and all animals. People born under this sign are powerful, sometimes authoritarian, they always like to be the first and do not tolerate objections. Leos are born from July 23rd to August 23rd.

Born under this sign: Ivan Okhlobystin, Selena Gomez, Daniel Radcliffe, Jennifer Lopez, Matt LeBlanc, Mick Jagger, Bernard Shaw, Stanley Kubrick, Vladimir Basov, Jacqueline Kennedy, Igor Krutoy, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Characteristics of Leo

Leo is generous, proud, striving for self-realization. Being subordinate to the Sun, it seeks to give warmth and light. This power has a beneficial effect on all living things. The sign likes to be in the spotlight, prefers to be admired. The priority is personal independence and home comfort. In the pursuit of creation, both physically and spiritually, he can spend all his savings and knowledge without thinking about the consequences. Leo Leo is one of the most loving signs. By the age of forty, most of its representatives may have more than two unsuccessful marriages behind them. He should approach the issue of building a family with a cold heart and a prudent head. The sign does not like repetition. If he understands what is at stake, and you have not finished yet, be prepared to meet with impatience and stubbornness. Do you want to convey to Leo information that does not correspond to his ideas of right and wrong? Act carefully and tactfully, Leo can only be "stroked" by wool. He wants to make a good impression, he makes every effort to do so. The solar sign has a talent for the art of dramaturgy, prefers to be in the role of a "noble knight" all his life.

Leo has a high opinion of himself. He will do as he sees fit, even if his decision is contrary to public opinion and common sense. The lion is the sign of kings, a symbol of nobility, dignity and strength. The aristocracy of nature is felt in every movement and is well seen from the outside. This is a skilled leader. Having gained power, he will show all his creative powers and become the center of everyone's attention. Leo women in marriage take on the role of leader, head of the family. Taking care of children, they turn into real "lionesses": they can let the offender near themselves, but never near children.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo

The Year of the Fire Rooster portends great things for the Lions. But, before the sign ascends to the top of Olympus, he will have to deal with his own "demons". For example, to push your individualism into the background and imbued with the spirit of teamwork. It is possible that it is friends and work colleagues who will determine the direction of the sign in 2017. Presence of mind and self-confidence are two components that will remove any obstacles to achieving the goals of the Leo in the year of the Fire Rooster. Start listening to your intuition, this year it will become one of your assistants. Fight laziness, "sofa dwellers" this year, luck will pass by. January and February will be turbulent in terms of business, Leo must show emotional balance and calmness. This is the only way to avoid negative consequences. With the advent of spring, the sign will feel a surge of energy and vitality. The most successful month of the year in all respects will be July. All started business will be successful, all ideas will be implemented, and all acquaintances will receive the development you need.

Horoscope for 2017 for Leo man

From the first days of the new year, solar men will be involved in a whirlpool of events. Unfortunately, not all of them will be pleasant. Leo may get the impression that everyone around is hostile. All undertakings will be unsuccessful already at the stage of inception. Confidence should be given by the fact that any black stripe is replaced by a white one. Already in the middle of spring there will be a clear trend towards improvement. The absolute workload at work in the first months of 2017 can bring discord in relations with households. It is recommended to devote most of the free time that has appeared to them. By the end of the year, Leos can become the fathers of a long-awaited baby, or at least get a pet.

Horoscope for 2017 for the Leo woman

For women, the year of the Fire Rooster will be no less eventful than for men. At work and in personal life, you will have to go through many events, both pleasant and not very. Often these two areas will overlap. An office romance is not excluded, which will form the basis for creating a strong family. Those Lionesses who cope with the intricacies of fate will be adequately rewarded both financially and emotionally, and some will even be able to amuse their pride. The stars are advised to schedule a September vacation away from home. Going on a trip to distant countries, do not forget to leave your phone and laptop at home.

Love horoscope for Lviv for 2017

In the first half of 2017, the Fire Rooster portends a lot of pleasant acquaintances to the Lions and a significant expansion of the circle of contacts. If the heart of the sign is still free, you can safely count on a pleasant romantic story, the ending of which depends solely on him. At the end of spring there will be a pleasant acquaintance on a trip. This person will become a part of your life for a long time. In the first half of the year, Leo will face misunderstanding from relatives, possibly parents. Relatives will by all means direct the child that has not justified hopes in the right (in their opinion) direction, which will hurt his pride. Quarrels cannot be avoided. The second half of 2017 is dangerous for couples. All problems and misunderstandings will come to light, strong scandals leading to a temporary separation or divorce are not ruled out. And only a strong, time-tested and adversity relationship will be able to handle a difficult period. By the end of the year, spouses can change their place or country of residence.

Money horoscope for Lviv for 2017

At the beginning of the year, the financial position of the sign can be described as moderately stable. Neither large purchases nor significant cash receipts are foreseen.

Throughout 2017, you should refrain from visiting large supermarkets - you won’t be able to restrain yourself from buying, and the product itself will not meet the expectations placed on it. Leo needs to overcome himself and start saving.

Old unpaid debts will pop up on the horizon, you will have to pay the bills. So that you do not pass for a malicious defaulter, remember everyone to whom you owe money and pay off as quickly as possible.

Stars are strongly discouraged from acquiring new debts. In moments when it seems that there is no other way out, try to cut costs, think about what you can do without during a difficult period.

At the end of the year, an offer for a profitable financial investment will come in, you should refuse it. Even if the person you trust claims that the idea is a win-win, bypass it.

The Fire Rooster will teach a serious lesson to the Lions-squanderers, but those who learn to keep their desires and finances under control, all hardships will be on their shoulders.

Career forecast for 2017 for Leo

The beginning of the year will not please Leo in the professional field, but it will not bring grief either. Conscientious work will be paid according to the salary. During this period, the sign needs to be on the alert, luck will soar next to you: a profitable idea will come to your mind, there will be an investor for a project or a sponsor for organizing a large enterprise. This chance is not to be missed, it will make your year!

In the spring, the unemployed Leos will have a chance to take the expected position, the working ones will get a promotion.

At work, try to focus less on your rapid rise and excellent relations with your superiors - the number of envious and ill-wishers will grow as the lion's self-esteem increases.

Summer will be the heyday of Leo's professional activities in a new field. All cases will have a positive ending.

Health Lviv

Lions with chronic diseases of the venous system should start to take their health more seriously. It is necessary to follow the prescriptions of doctors, do not overload, move moderately.

In 2017, the Lions will be able to pull themselves together and buy a subscription to the gym. It will not be superfluous to visit the pool or yoga courses.

Good physical condition and optimal well-being will help maintain a healthy diet. For those Lions who intend to lose weight, the stars recommend paying more attention to physical activity, adhering to a balanced diet.

At the end of the year, gastrointestinal diseases that have not been treated in January may worsen, consult a doctor as soon as possible, the problem can be dealt with quickly and without much financial loss.

According to materials:

Author's astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for the zodiac sign Leo (for Lviv) consists of two parts. At the beginning of the horoscope, the general influences of transit planets in 2017 on the zodiac sign Leo are described. In the second part of the forecast for 2017 for Leo, the dates of birth of Leo are given, which will be directly affected by the transits of the planets - this astrological forecast for Leo is based on the date of birth. Horoscope for Lviv for 2017 for free, without SMS and without registration, online.

General astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Lviv - planetary transits to the zodiac sign Leo.

In 2017, Uranus is still in a trine aspect to the zodiac sign Leo. This influence of Uranus brings a pleasant excitement into the life of Leo, new opportunities, making the life of Leo more interesting. This influence of Uranus will be felt by Leos born in the last third of their zodiac sign.

Saturn in 2017 will pass to the end of the zodiac sign Sagittarius and, accordingly, will form an aspect of the trine to the zodiac sign Leo. This influence of Saturn invites Leos to take their affairs more seriously and streamline their lives. The aspect of the trine from Saturn to the Sun does not force Leo, but only offers them new opportunities in order to strengthen their position, make it more reliable. But it depends on the Lions themselves whether they will accept the new offer in 2017, whether they want to take on additional responsibilities in order to improve their lives. At the end of 2017 (more precisely on December 20), Saturn will move into the sign of Capricorn and the influence of its trine on the zodiac sign Leo will end.

Jupiter in 2017, until October 10, will be a sextile aspect to the zodiac sign Leo. This influence of Jupiter also provides new opportunities, but unlike Saturn, which always requires an effort, Jupiter is a more good-natured planet, and his proposals are more like good luck in business. In 2017, the main thing for Leos is to notice good opportunities during the time and just take advantage of them.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter will move into the zodiac sign of Scorpio and form a square aspect to the zodiac sign of Leo. During this period of 2017, Lions can overestimate their strengths and abilities, which threatens them with disappointment. And in order to avoid unpleasant situations in 2017, Leos need to be careful, and most importantly, not to “yak” and not to climb into the foreground during the period of the Jupiter square.

The North Node, which, like a compass needle, indicates the main direction of development, will enter the zodiac sign Leo on May 9, 2017. Those. in 2017 the North Node will pass the sign of the zodiac Leo. This suggests that Leos must listen to themselves and follow their inner voice in order to understand their main purpose.

Venus transits the zodiac sign Leo from August 26 to September 20, 2017. During this period of 2017, the charm of Lions, their attractiveness to the opposite sex will increase, there is a possibility of new acquaintances, or profit or gifts, surprises. Also a favorable time for dating and for situations when Leos need to make a good impression, charm and attract attention - there will be periods of movement of Venus in the zodiac sign Aries (from February 3 to April 3 and from April 28 to June 6, 2017) and the zodiac sign Sagittarius (from 1 to 25 December 2017).

Mars, passing fire signs, will add energy and endurance to Leos in 2017. During these periods, Lions can carry out those cases that require determination, will and activity. And in those periods of 2017, when Mars passes signs that are located in the symbolic aspect of the square or opposition to the sign of Leo (Taurus and Scorpio), Leo is better to reduce vigorous activity, or be careful not to overwork and not waste their strength in vain.

The activity of Lviv will increase. In this period of 2017, Lions can take on any vigorous activity. There will be enough strength to bring your ideas to life, but the main thing is not to scatter your energy in many directions at the same time, concentrate on achieving the main goal.

If possible, Leos should avoid being too active during this time. During this period of 2017, Lions may have obstacles in their affairs. Surrounding people can interfere with the Lions, a tense situation can develop around. It is better for Lions to concentrate their energy on things that have already been started, developing them further and try not to be distracted by annoying factors.

For Lviv, a rather favorable general background. Although Leos may experience some tension, it will most likely come from a large burst of energy. It will be easier for Leos to concentrate their energy in one direction, to bring things to completion. You can take on any active activity. In this period of 2017, the endurance, sexuality and charm of Leo will increase. More than usual, Leo women will want to stand out, attract the attention of the opposite sex.

This period of 2017 can be stressful for Leo, their emotionality will increase. Surrounding people can resist the Lions, interfere in their affairs. Leos can become more aggressive and more likely to be drawn into conflict situations. Although the Lions at this time will be ready to fight, defend their rights and be active.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for Lviv for 2017 by date of birth.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Lviv born on August 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 August

In 2017 Uranus will be in exact aspect trine to the Sun in the natal chart of these Lions. Uranus will bring pleasant excitement into the life of Leo, make it more exciting, Leo may have new hobbies, hobbies. Also, for these Lions, one can predict favorable opportunities for self-realization, new proposals, or new promising ideas. Sometimes the life of Lions will be unpredictable, but in the end, the energy of Uranus will help make the Lions a leap in their development, as if transferring them "several levels higher." The intuition of Lviv in 2017 will increase, it will be easier for them to make the right choice. Also, under the influence of Uranus, Lions will want independence and freedom of expression, but these aspirations should not harm others, because. the energy of the trine operates smoothly and harmoniously. For these Lions, the main thing is not to miss good opportunities in 2017, not to be afraid of new offers, to take risks somewhere.

The signs Aquarius and Leo are in opposition to each other, and, accordingly, the planets rulers of these signs (Uranus and the Sun) also do not have a kindred nature, although they can be “friends” - the Sun is “I”, and Uranus is collective interests, a group like-minded people. And Leos should remember that in 2017, in order to satisfy all their personal aspirations, one must also take into account the interests of the surrounding people, the interests of the team. Those. what Leo will do in 2017 should also go for the benefit of other people, then Leo's success will be most likely.

For those Lions who were born on August 12 at the end of the day and August 13 at the beginning of the day, this influence of Uranus will already be slightly noticeable and only at the beginning of 2017 (in January-February).

For those Lions who were born on August 22, this influence of Uranus will be slightly felt in July-August and early September 2017, it will become more relevant in 2018.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Leo, born from August 13 until the end of the zodiac sign Leo

Saturn in 2017 will be in exact aspect trine to the Sun in the natal chart of these Lions. In 2017, Lions will have opportunities to make their position in life more stable and reliable. But for this, the Lions will have to make an effort and show patience. The main thing for Lviv in 2017 is not to miss good opportunities, because the influence of Saturn, along with favorable opportunities, will bring new responsibilities to the Lions. If the Lions are not afraid to take on additional responsibility, then in the future they will be able to achieve positive results.

Also, this influence of Saturn can speak of good opportunities for the father or husband of Leo. For Lviv women in 2017, there is a small chance of marriage, or strengthening the position, increasing the authority of the husband.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Leo, born from August 3 to the end of the zodiac sign Leo

Jupiter in 2017 will be the exact aspect of the sextile with the Sun in the natal chart of these Lions. Sextile influence is the weakest of all aspects, but it can still bring good opportunities. Favorable chances can be expected for Lviv in education, travel, self-realization, and help in legal matters can also be expected. Under the influence of Jupiter, Leo's optimism will increase, their self-confidence will become even greater, and in difficult situations in 2017, support will come to Leo in time.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Leo, born from the beginning of the zodiac sign Leo and up to August 10 inclusive.

In 2017, Jupiter will be in exact aspect of the square to the Sun in the natal chart of these Lions. 2017 will be marked by excessive optimism, most likely unjustified. Lions will tend to overestimate their real capabilities. There is also a chance that in 2017 Leos will want to get something they want faster, without making much effort, and in the end they will experience disappointment. Travel and trips will not live up to the expectations of Lviv, there may be difficulties in studying. Under this influence of Jupiter, Lions can show laziness and selfishness, demand more than give. Also in 2017, unsatisfactory results in legal cases are likely for these Leos. Although Jupiter is a good planet and he most likely will not take anything away from the Lions, he may not give what they hoped for. Lions can be advised not to rely too much on a happy accident and luck.

This influence for these Lions will be relevant from October 10 until the end of 2017. Those. for those Lions who were born closer to the beginning of their sign - this influence will be more noticeable in October 2017, and for those Lions who were born closer to August 10 - at the end of 2017.

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Leo, born from August 8 until the end of the zodiac sign Leo

In 2017, the North Node will be in conjunction with the Sun in the natal chart of these Lions. This influence suggests that success and achievements are likely for Lions in 2017. Lions definitely need to pay attention to what thoughts, ideas they will have, which they really want. You need to listen to yourself and follow your desires in order to realize your life potential, your talents.

This influence of the North Node for Leo will be from May 9 until the end of 2017. Those. for Lions born towards the end of the zodiac sign Leo - this influence will be relevant in the spring of 2017. And for Lions born closer to August 8 - this influence will be relevant at the end of 2017.

This influence of the North Lunar Node will be especially noticeable for Lions born on August 16 and 17, because on their birthday in 2017, the Converged Node will be in conjunction with the Sun of their natal chart. This influence suggests that the coming year, until the next birthday in 2018, could be a life-changing one for these Leos. During this period (from mid-August 2017 to mid-August 2018), some important events may occur in the lives of these Lions that will push the Lions to their destiny - this may be related to both work, self-realization, and personal life of Lviv (the sphere where this influence will manifest itself can be determined only at an individual consultation).

Astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 for Leo, born from the beginning of the zodiac sign Leo and up to August 1 inclusive

On the birthday of these Lions, the Sun will be in conjunction with Mars. This influence suggests that the coming year, until the next Birthday, will be very active for Leos. In astrology, Mars, the planet of war, struggle, physical energy and Leo in the period from August 2017 to August 2018 will be militantly tuned to life, will be full of energy and determination. During this period, they may have to actively defend their rights, fight for something important in their lives. In general, this influence of Mars will make this period of 2017 and 2018 a time of struggle and action. Under this influence of Mars, it is good for Leos to improve their health, increase their stamina and willpower, give up bad habits, i.e. fight with yourself, not with the outside world.

If your birth number is not in the horoscope, then in 2017 you do not have significant transits from the planets to the Sun. But you may have transits to other planets of the natal chart, which can only be calculated on an individual basis -. The sun practically does not change the degree of the zodiac in the same dates of different years, and other planets in the birth chart (Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn) can be anywhere, so I have no way to make a horoscope based on them, based only on the date and month of birth.

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Horoscope for Leo for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

The coming year of the Red Fire Rooster promises to bring change in the lives of those born under the sign of Leo. First of all, the changes will be associated with the forced expansion of the circle of acquaintances. The priority will be the people you work with - useful connections will play a role this year. But apart from this, expanding your social circle is possible if you decide to travel more this year. Whatever you plan, get ready for the fact that on your way you will meet people who will be able to inspire you.

Be also attentive to your health - the most vulnerable months for you are January and February. At this time, it is good to engage in disease prevention, cleanse your body or visit a doctor. The year will bring many interesting ideas, insights, and promises to be memorable.

In the circle of your closest relatives, discord may occur, and you will have to take sides. Try to unite your family, and in no case let yourself be manipulated.

Horoscope for Lviv for 2017 by months

The beginning of the year is traditionally the time when you ask the most questions about relationships. January and February will shift the focus to relationships with a loved one, although conflicts may arise, because everyone is trying to persuade them to their point of view. Be reasonable, and do not force your partner to give up independence.

In March, thoughts about those goals that you set for yourself in the past, but could not achieve, may return to you. This is a good period to reflect and rethink your behavior and, perhaps, return to your old desires. In April, be careful - wrong decisions can lead you to a small financial crisis, a month long. It is not worth investing money at this time or investing it in dubious projects. The beginning of summer will bring you trips that will be related to relatives. Try to relax at this time, because the second half of the year will be more active and will require serious effort.

Summer vacation will be replaced by an autumn burst of energy. Starting in September, you will feel that you are ready to expend energy on achieving professional goals, as well as ready to take on new creative projects. Whatever goals you have matured by this period, it is important to remember that by actively working this year, you can get a good result in the next.

In mid-autumn, from October, for many representatives of the Leo sign, household chores and happy events related to the family will be relevant. This is a good time to improve your home - refurbishment, renovation or relocation.

Leo Man: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Men born under the sign of Leo often feel like the very best in both work and personal life. They like to surround themselves with people who set off and against which their dignity begins to shine even more. However, they cannot be reproached for excessive boasting - as a rule, they work hard and work hard so that their talents really rise.

In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, men born under the sign of Leo will be in a whirlpool of interesting events. They are waiting for acquaintances with the most interesting representatives of their working industry, but these acquaintances will require decisive action and activity, which, however, Lions do not hold. From the point of view of work and profession, things will not always go smoothly, but if you understand that you have reached a dead end from which you cannot get out, feel free to sign up for training and improve your skills, or contact coaches.

Leo Woman: Forecast for 2017 of the Red Fire Rooster

Leo women feel like queens, and this is no accident - among all the signs of the zodiac, it is they who know how to properly present themselves and make sure that an admiring crowd gathers around them. They are generous, although compliments are one of their weak points. The one who strokes the Lioness and tells her about her differences will definitely receive her favor.

The upcoming year of the Red Fire Rooster promises such women even more opportunities to showcase themselves and their talents. This year you will be able to find an army of those who will pay attention to you - including in the romantic sphere. It is worth being wary of conflicts at work, so be careful how you behave with colleagues - if this conflict is not extinguished in time, it can take on larger forms.

Love horoscope for Lviv for 2017

What will the new year bring in love? For those born under the sign of Leo, the coming year promises stability in love and relationships. But even those who have already tied the knot and those who are just waiting for love will be united by similar thoughts - how to find a balance between their desires and the desires of the other half? In the first three months of the coming year, it is recommended to focus on your desires and life goals. Although this does not mean that you need to plunge headlong into selfishness and forget about tenderness and affection. But do not hesitate to ask your partner for understanding, because you want to devote some time only to your own affairs.

The most romantic month in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be the end of August and September. At this time, you will be more attractive to the opposite sex, and this increases the likelihood of dating. The main thing is not to sit at home, take advantage of all the chances that fate gives you.

Finance and career horoscope for 2017

If you are planning to change jobs this year, don't do it in April. This time will be unfavorable for such serious decisions, and you may regret your choice in the future.

Use the opportunities of the upcoming year of the Red Rooster in order to acquire useful connections in your field, and possibly receive the patronage of famous people in the future. But for this you need to demonstrate such character traits as prudence, mercy, kindness and the ability to compromise even in difficult problems and discussions. It is possible that in some situations the desired will not be achievable, and you will have to work hard to get at least some result. Get ready for intensive work and cooperation.

Forecast for Lviv for 2017 according to the Chinese horoscope

Lion-Tiger: There is a replenishment in the ranks of your close friends - very soon a person will appear in your life whom you will begin to trust as yourself, and who will change your views on the world.

Lion-Rabbit: You may be seized by a desire for change, but it is better to deal with them at the end of the year - until April you will be busy with other things that require your attention.

Lion Dragon: A good year to take your personal life seriously and understand what prevents you from being happy.

Leo-Snake: You yourself are the catalyst for favorable change this year. If you really believe in yourself, then everything will work out. Remember to back up your faith with action.

Lion-Horse: The year may bring you new financial achievements. You can easily make money, especially if you have long planned to try yourself in a new field.

Leo-Goat: The coming year will help you navigate your goals, especially if at the moment you do not understand very well where to strive. Find someone in your environment that you can look up to.

Lion-Monkey: The year promises to be stable, although in the summer it will seem to you that the situation in your personal life is becoming more complicated. Try to trust strangers less.

Leo Rooster: This year there may be competition in all spheres of life. But remember that the main thing is to look after yourself, not your competitors. Do your job as well as possible, and then there will be no problems. Lion-Dog: Favorable year for creative work. It will be useful for you to find yourself a new hobby that will help you discover talents and make new friends.

Lion Pig: This year you will often be confident in your abilities, although not always right. You should be more careful in expressing your opinion, otherwise conflicts with the environment are likely.

Lion Rat: The year is suitable for obtaining education or new knowledge. Focus more on knowledge that will be useful to you in the near future, and that will be practical.

Leo Bull: A good year to improve relations with your relatives. Especially if there are long-standing conflicts or grievances with some of them.

See the most complete horoscope for 2017 by zodiac signs.