
Cultivation and rearing of turkeys. Breeds of turkeys

Breeds of turkeys

There are many breeds of turkeys. The main breeds of turkeys are white broad-breasted turkeys, bronze broad-breasted, white Moscow, black Tikhoretsky and some others.

White broad-breasted turkeys

White broad-breasted turkeys are bred in the USA. They were brought to our country from Great Britain and Holland. They have white plumage, deep and wide chest. These turkeys have excellent meat qualities, good early maturity and high viability. Three types are distinguished in the breed: light, medium and heavy. Light-type turkey poults are grown up to 7–8 weeks of age, live weight at slaughter is 2.3–2.5 kg. Feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain are 2.0–2.2 kg. Middle-type turkeys are grown up to 15–16 weeks of age, live weight at slaughter is 8–9 kg, feed costs per 1 kg of growth are 2.5–2.7 kg. Heavy-type turkey poults are grown up to 18–20 weeks of age, live weight at slaughter is 12–15 kg, feed costs per 1 kg of growth are 2.7–2.9 kg.

Turkeys of this breed are very demanding on the conditions of keeping and feeding, they are prone to various diseases.

The egg production of light turkeys is 100-110 eggs, medium - 85-90, heavy - 70-80. The output of light turkeys is 80-85%, medium - 60-70%, heavy - 50-55%.

Bronze wide-breasted turkeys

Bronze broad-breasted turkeys are also bred in the USA. They are distinguished by a large live weight and high growth rate. On average, the live weight of adult males is 16–18 kg. Turkey poults at 120 days of age weigh 5.5–6.5 kg, feed costs per 1 kg of growth are 2.3–2.5 kg. The egg production of adult turkeys is from 70 to 90 per year, the hatching of young animals is 65–70%.

White Moscow Turkeys

White Moscow turkeys were bred by scientists of the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev. The live weight of turkey poults at the age of 140–150 days is 5–7 kg, feed costs per 1 kg of gain are 2.8–3.2 kg. Turkeys are distinguished by high vitality and good adaptability to local conditions. The egg production of adult turkeys is 60–70 eggs, the hatching of young animals is 65–70%.

Black Tikhoretsk turkeys

Black Tikhoretsk turkeys were bred in the Krasnodar Territory by long-term selection of local turkeys. The mass of adult turkeys is 9-10 kg, turkeys - 4.0-4.5 kg. Turkey meat of this breed is distinguished by high taste qualities. Turkeys adapt well to local conditions, the safety of turkey poults up to 120 days of age is 90–98%. The bird uses pastures well and is unpretentious. Egg production - 70-80 eggs per year, hatching of young animals - 80%.

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Fattening turkeys The best time for fattening turkeys is August-October. They are fattened for 25-30 days. If possible, during this period, turkeys should be kept on pasture and fed two or three times a day with mash and grain. When fattening without the use of turkey pastures

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Diseases of turkeys and their prevention Pasteurellosis (cholera) of birds is a disease that occurs in acute and chronic forms. Turkeys at the age of 30–60 days are susceptible to pasteurellosis. In the acute course of the disease, well-fed turkeys die first (after 17–48 hours).

At home, the same premises are suitable for keeping turkeys as for chickens. Perches for them are set at a height of 70 - 80 cm without a horizontal slope at the rate of 40 cm per bird.

For 4 - 5 laying hens, one nest is installed. Nests are made bunk and installed in the darkest places. The size of the nest is 50x70 cm, the height is 60 cm. A threshold is built at the entrance to the nest so that it is convenient for the turkeys to enter.

Feeding troughs are most often ordinary wooden troughs, drinking bowls are buckets.

The bird is best kept on a deep non-replaceable litter. In the summer, the house is regularly ventilated, and in winter it is done on windless warm days.

In summer, you can graze turkeys on paddocks in the morning and evening, when there is no heat.

At the age of 120 - 140 days, turkeys are selected for breeding. And the time of laying the first egg comes at the age of 180 - 200 days.

To obtain fertilized eggs, in a herd of 8 - 10 turkeys, one male is left.

The start of egg-laying stimulates the duration of daylight hours: when it reaches 12 - 13 hours, the turkeys begin to lay. After laying 10 - 12 eggs, the turkeys begin to bubbling. Turkeys can be planted for incubation in March-April.

Of all types of poultry, turkeys are the most assiduous. Under them, you can bring out not only turkey poults, but also young animals of all other species.

Mother turkeys often forget to eat and drink. In the early days, they should be carefully removed from the nest and planted in a feeder and drinker.

Turkey poults are hatched on the 27th - 28th day.

An adult flock of turkeys is kept for one year, and the population is replaced annually with newly grown birds.

In the autumn-winter period, the bird is fed three times a day, in the spring-summer period - 4-5 times.

In the morning and at night they are fed grain. Part of the morning grain dacha is given germinated, during the day they are fed with a wet mash, in which, along with mealy feed, a lot of green and succulent feed is added in the summer, and crushed hay and grass flour are added in the autumn-winter period.

If it is not possible to use the pasture, turkeys are given plenty of fresh green fodder, which is hung in bundles on nails or distributed among nursery feeders. In autumn, turkeys are fed juicy food instead of greens.

In poultry feeding, silage is valuable, especially combined, which includes from two to five components.

When using only dry feed mixtures, the daily rate for females should be 250 - 270 g, for males - 350 g per head.

Approximate daily ration for turkeys, g per head

How to feed turkeys and turkey poults at home

1 Introductory word

Delicious dietary meat, omnivorousness and rapid weight gain are the main advantages of turkeys. thanks to which the breeding of large poultry is becoming increasingly popular. However, this does not mean that you can not think about how to feed turkeys at all.

Feeds useful for turkeys:

Green foods, foods rich in animal protein, germinated grains and yeast are a source of vitamins A, B, E, H. It is very important to ensure that turkeys do not develop a prolonged deficiency of these vitamins, otherwise egg production and egg quality will decrease in adult turkeys, and young growth will grow poorly.

Video about feeding and features of turkeys

Fattening turkeys

Fattening of turkeys must be done in order for the bird to maximize its weight by the time of slaughter, and also to acquire the maximum nutritional value of meat.

You can start fattening turkeys for slaughter at different ages. Usually, an adult bird is allowed to be slaughtered, the maintenance of which becomes unprofitable. Also, turkeys are raised for meat from an early age. The approach in the two cases is very different, and we will talk about them by dividing the article into two parts.

Fattening adult turkeys for meat at home

Adult turkeys are fattened for 20-30 days. The most suitable time for fattening a turkey is from August to October. In the first period of fattening, the turkey should be kept on free grazing. In this case, the bird is fed 3-4 times a day with wet mash and grain feed. In the absence of walking, turkeys should be fed 1 time more. The flour mixture should predominate in the mash, as well as chopped greens and protein feed, milk, cottage cheese, and egg waste should be added to the mash. The grain can be anything.

The last period before slaughter, turkeys are constantly kept indoors and are not allowed to walk at all. At this time, they are fed with compound feed and various protein feeds. They should also be fed flour mash once or twice a day. One bird should eat at least 800 grams of feed per day.

To obtain maximum efficiency from fattening, many practice forced fattening of turkeys, while remembering that it is impossible to overfill the goiter. After feeding, be sure to give green fodder.

Fattening turkeys

Turkey poults can be fattened as early as 4 months of age. As a rule, an intensive fattening method is used for turkey poults. .

Turkey poults during the fattening period are kept in cages or indoors, without access to walking. With the intensity of fattening, a forced method is used. Turkey poults are force-fed bread pellets and various dumplings. Dumplings are prepared as follows: 20% corn flour, 15% oatmeal, 25% wheat bran, 25% barley flour, add 1% salt and about 2-3% ordinary baker's yeast. This mixture is poured with water or milk and mixed thoroughly.

Next, make long, but narrow spools. Feeding should be as follows: with one hand open the beak, and with the other, introduce food directly into the esophagus. Feed in this way should be twice a day, while the amount of food should be increased gradually. Forced fattening should increase the daily food intake of turkey poults by 15-25%.

In addition to forced fattening, it is necessary to feed the bird in a natural way.

The fattening period is 15-25 days. However, turkeys can be slaughtered already on the 10th day of fattening. The average daily gain in live weight is 100 grams.

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Feeding and fattening turkeys in the homestead

The productive period of turkeys is seasonal. Therefore, their feeding is divided into productive and unproductive periods. During the unproductive period, the bird is fed three times a day: in the morning and afternoon - wet mash, and in the evening - grain.

During the breeding period, they are fed 4 times a day: in the morning and in the evening - with grain, and in the afternoon - twice with wet mash, to which they add chopped greens, reverse, and in the winter-spring period they use vitamin feed and silage.

Turkeys are very sensitive to vitamins. Therefore, to increase the productivity of laying hens and improve the incubation qualities of eggs, vitamins A, Dz, E, B2 and others are introduced into the diet. For breeding turkeys, the norm of energy and protein is the same as for turkeys, but it is necessary to increase the norm of animal feed by 2-3% and reduce the amount of calcium by 1 - 1.5%, phosphorus - to 0.8 - 1%. The amount of sperm is increased by introducing skim milk and vitamins A, B, E into the diet of turkeys.

Turkey poults are fed the same diet as chickens, but they require more protein and vitamins. On the first day, turkeys are fed with a hard-boiled egg, passed through a meat grinder, fresh cheese, and millet. When feeding turkeys, it should be borne in mind that they do not see well for up to five days, so the feeders should be lined with paper. On the 7th day, the paper bedding from the feeders is removed. In the future, the number of eggs, cheese is reduced and young turkeys are transferred to full-ration balanced mash.

In home gardens, meat, meat-greasy and greasy types of poultry fattening are used. For greasy fattening, an old, rejected bird is used. A healthy bird of any age and species is suitable for fattening.

Turkeys are fattened in three ways:

Self-cleaning, when they themselves eat food from the feeders.

Foraging - using grazing, the bird in the fields collects grain after harvest.

Fatten turkeys and machine method. Consequently, the best quality carcasses are obtained, mainly of the first category.

Combined fattening is also introduced, i.e. after feeding the turkeys with self-peeling, use the machine method. Fattened birds are kept indoors on the floor or in cages, in detachments in the yard, or graze on the stubble of cereals and in meadows.

Turkey farming

Turkey farming is an important source of increasing the production of high quality poultry meat. Years of experience shows that commercial turkey farming is an efficient industry. With intensive rearing of young animals, repeated acquisition of the parent herd from one average annual turkey, you can get up to 200 eggs and more than 600 kg of meat when fattening offspring.

Turkey breeding

One of the profitable lines of business is the cultivation and sale of reared young turkeys. The analysis shows that the most effective is the implementation of young animals at the age of 3-6 weeks. The optimal combination of low feed consumption, although expensive, and the high selling price of 1 head in this period is a highly profitable direction. The level of profitability is up to 50-70%, and in household plots up to 100%.

Economic facilities with production facilities can fatten turkey poults for meat.

The main cost items in fattening young turkeys for meat is the cost of daily young and feed: their share in the total cost structure reaches up to 80%. When using birds of the FSUE PPZ "SK ZOSP" selection, the optimal period for fattening females is considered to be the age of 154 days; males - 182 days. Live weight at fattening will be 5.8 kg and 11.4 kg, respectively. With these fattening terms, such economically useful signs of poultry as the average daily gain in live weight of 1 head and feed costs per 1 kg of gain are in the optimal ratio, there is a high gain in live weight and low feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain. During these terms of slaughter, the carcass of turkeys reaches its marketable condition. With further fattening periods, feed costs per unit of production increase sharply. In the presence of cheap feed, the fattening period can be increased.

In addition, female turkeys of the Universal cross can be fattened in poultry houses with cage equipment, which significantly reduces the cost of live weight gain.

To determine the optimal costs, the following main costs for fattening poultry can be reported.

The name of indicators


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Turkey farming is an important source of increasing the production of high quality poultry meat. Years of experience shows that commercial turkey farming is an efficient industry. With intensive rearing of young animals, repeated acquisition of the parent herd from one average annual turkey, you can get up to 200 eggs and more than 600 kg of meat when fattening offspring.

The main cost items in fattening young turkeys for meat is the cost of daily young stock and feed: their share in the total cost structure reaches up to 80%. When using birds of the selection of FSUE PPZ "SK ZOSP" of the Russian Agricultural Academy "the optimal term for fattening females is considered to be the age of 154 days (or 20-22 weeks); males - 182 days (26 weeks). The live weight at fattening will be 5.8 kg and 11.4 kg, respectively. With these fattening terms, such economically useful signs of poultry as the average daily gain in live weight of 1 head and feed costs per 1 kg of gain are in the optimal ratio, there is a high gain in live weight and low feed costs per 1 kg of live weight gain. During these terms of slaughter, the carcass of turkeys reaches its marketable condition. With further fattening periods, feed costs per unit of production increase sharply. In the presence of cheap feed, the fattening period can be increased.

In addition, it is possible to fatten female turkeys in poultry houses with cage equipment, which significantly reduces the cost of live weight gain.

To determine the optimal costs, you can report the following main costs (in kind and value terms) when fattening poultry:

The name of indicators smtsy females
feeding period, days 182 150-154
feed consumption per head, kg 53,48 22,197
electricity consumption per head, kWh 5,65 4,45
consumption of fuel and lubricants per head, kg 0,27 0,27
gas consumption per 1 head, m 3 2,3 2,3
consumption of veterinary preparations per 1 head, rub 15,58 14,08
water for 1 head, m 3 0,09 0,06
salary for 1 head, rub 78,77 63,27
bedding for 1 head, rub 4,8 3,84
transport costs per head, rub 9,8 7,86
17,04 14,56

* cost indicators are given in 2009 prices

For economic entities that do not have sufficient production facilities, we recommend that in the spring-summer months (March-July) the production of day-old young animals is carried out. This is a profitable line of business. Initial data for calculating the efficiency of the production of daily poults:

name of indicators Regulatory Knowledge Example per 1000 eggs
number of purchased eggs, pieces 1000 1000 1000
normative output of young animals,% 70-75
introduction of daily young animals, heads 700 730 750
cost of hatching eggs, rub 60 60000 60000 60000
electricity costs for incubation of 1 egg, kWh 0,29 684,4 684,4 684,4
other costs per egg, rub 2,38 2380 2380 2380
total cost, rub 63064,4 63064,4 63064,4
cost of 1 head of daily young stock, rub 90,09 86,39 84,09
selling price of 1 day old young stock, rub 120 120 120
profit per head, rub 29,91 33,61 35,91
other expenses for 1 head, rub 33,2 38,9 42,7

* cost indicators are given in 2009 prices

The cost of daily young stock is determined, first of all, by the cost of hatching eggs, transportation costs for their delivery and the results of incubation: the share of raw material costs (hatching eggs) in the total cost structure reaches 85-90%. The cost of daily turkey poults is also determined by the cost of electricity, wages for maintenance personnel, the cost of veterinary drugs, depreciation of the equipment used and other expenses.

Growing young turkeys

At the age of 1-4 weeks, the birds are kept on the floor under brooders or in cage batteries, and then outdoor using walking areas. Litter material: wood shavings, sunflower husks, straw. Females are fattened for meat for 20 weeks, males up to 26 weeks. Temperature regime: 1 week of life - 35-32 "C; 2 weeks - 32-29 ° C; 3 weeks - 29-27 ° C; from 4 to 6 weeks the temperature decreases gradually to 20 ° C; from 7 to the end of fattening from 14-16°C.

Planting density of turkey poults of medium and heavy crosses when grown up to 17 weeks. - 4 head/m2, light - 5 head/m2. Feeding front for turkey poults of medium and heavy crosses 4 cm / head., Light - 3 cm / head., Drinking front for all crosses 2 cm / head.

Bunker feeders and drinkers are installed at the level of the bird's back and raised as the turkeys grow. This reduces the scattering of feed and spillage of water from the drinkers.

Progressive technique - rearing turkey poults from day old to slaughter in cage batteries. Numerous experiments have proven the effectiveness of this technology. With cage cultivation, the working conditions of the attendants are facilitated, the microclimate in the poultry house is improved, feed costs per 1 kg of growth are reduced, live weight is increased, the safety of young animals is increased, and the premises are used more rationally. In cages, it is recommended to grow young light and medium crosses.

Turkey poults are usually reared with one transplant at 8 weeks of age. Up to 8 weeks of age, they are grown in the same way as in the combined system. After 8 weeks, the young are transferred to cage batteries intended for keeping adult birds or to a room for floor keeping.

Stocking density when rearing turkey poults in cages: for medium cross 800 cm2/head, and for light cross 700 cm2/head. cell floor area.

In the southern regions of the country, turkey poults can be successfully raised in colonial houses or even under sheds. Up to 8 weeks they are grown in cell batteries, and then transferred to summer maintenance. This technology can significantly increase the number of products produced and reduce its cost.

Light and temperature conditions for turkey poults:


Turkeys from the first days of life are fed with complete feed mixtures, balanced in all nutrients. The nutritional value of feed mixtures by age is as follows:

Veterinary aspect of rearing

After planting in the room, turkey poults are fed with a solution of glucose and ascorbic acid on the 1st day (for 10 liters of water, 40 g of glucose and 2 g of acid). On the 2nd day of life, one of any antibiotics used is given to prevent bacterial diseases. Doses of giving and the course of application should be viewed according to the instructions for the drug. One of the most common diseases in turkeys is respiratory mycoplasmosis (sinusitis). It is recommended to drink with tilan (0.5 g per 1 liter of water) according to the scheme:
1st time at the age of 9-14 days,
2nd time in 35-40 days,
3rd time in 90-95 days,
then for 5 days once a month.
At 14, 35, 60 and 125 days, birds should be vaccinated against Newcastle disease with a vaccine from the La Sota strain.
From 15 days to 70 days of age, a course of 5 days with an interval of 2 weeks is given amprolium (0.5 gna 1 liter of water).

From 30 days of age until the end of the rearing period, metronidazole (12 g per 10 kg of feed) is given once a month in a course of 10 days to prevent histomanosis.

To prevent the occurrence of diseases, the following conditions must be observed:

Avoid dampness and drafts in the room;
- prevent contamination and moisture of the litter;
- protect feeders and drinkers from droppings into them;
- do not feed poor-quality feed to turkey poults;
- to grow turkey poults separately from the adult herd; avoid bird stress;
- avoid contact with wild birds.

When growing turkeys, it is important to properly compose a diet for them, starting from an early age, because it is then that the taste and nutritional values ​​\u200b\u200bof meat are formed. Turkeys are omnivorous, so feeding them does not cause any difficulties. However, it is worth adhering to certain rules so as not to overfeed the bird and at the same time provide it with a complete vitamin and mineral set. Only in this case it will be possible to get healthy, dietary, tasty meat. In the article, we will consider how to make a diet for birds of different ages, which feeds to choose and how to cook them yourself.

What feed to choose for turkeys

When choosing food, you can go the easy and proven way - choose ready-made combined feeds. They have tangible benefits: they save time on feed preparation, they already calculate the optimal amount of nutrients for birds of different ages, as well as the daily dosage.

For beginner poultry farmers, this option can be very convenient, although financially not the most profitable.

Depending on age, manufacturers produce several series of feed:

The diet of feeding turkeys at home

If the option of ready-made mixtures is financially unacceptable for you, you can prepare the food yourself. It is only important to understand what nutrients the bird needs and what foods are their sources:

  1. The basis of the diet is legumes. They almost completely cover the bird's need for vegetable proteins and are responsible for active growth and weight gain.
  2. The source of amino acids are vegetable meal and cake.
  3. Fish, meat and meat and bone meal is a necessary source of animal protein, calcium and phosphorus. Thanks to these elements, a skeleton is formed in a bird, mass is gained, and egg productivity is maintained.
  4. Fresh juicy greens and root vegetables provide birds with vitamins, fiber and trace elements.
  5. In moderation, turkeys need fats, the sources of which are walnuts, acorns, and vegetable oils. With the introduction of these products into the diet, feathered meat becomes tender and juicy.
  6. In a small amount, the bird needs yeast, germinated grain. These products cover the needs of birds in vitamins A, groups B, E, H.
  7. In the winter months, hay, straw, pine and spruce needles are included in the bird's diet to obtain vitamin C.

Consumption and feed rate for turkeys per day

With age, the frequency of feeding decreases, but the portion size increases. Using the table below, you can find out the average amount of food per bird.


How to make feed for turkeys with your own hands

Let's look at how to prepare balanced feeds for small turkeys, young and adult birds.

For a week old

In the first week of life, chicks require special attention to the diet. Immediately after birth, they have no swallowing reflex, their beaks are weak and unadapted to solid food.

  1. From birth to a day, you need to give food that is traditional for all newborn domestic chicks: a hard-boiled egg, chopped with greens. For kids, it is better to choose such plants: onion feathers, alfalfa, clover, dandelion leaves, plantain and nettle. Be sure to give boiled water with sugar (1 teaspoon per 1 liter). Some poultry farmers add boiled porridge from the first day. The egg remains in the diet up to a week of age. Feeding - every three hours.
  2. For 2-3 days, you can add low-fat chopped cottage cheese, prepare mixtures based on millet, wheat turd and greens. As a dressing, you can use meat or fish broth, whey, yogurt. Separately, you can pour dry crushed barley.
  3. For 4-7 days, you can prepare wet mashes based on fresh milk, add wheat or corn flour, bran. It is recommended to pour curdled milk into a separate container.
Video: do-it-yourself compound feed for ndyush from 1 to 8 weeks Recipe for food from 3 to 7 days:
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • 10 g of corn grist;
  • 10 g chopped greens;
  • 10 g chopped boiled eggs;
  • 8 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 g of crushed shell rock.

For young animals

A week after birth, the babies are already strong and active, they eat with appetite and look forward to the next feeding. The number of meals is reduced by 2, thus, by the first month of life, the bird is fed 5-6 times a day, but the volume of servings increases . At this time, babies are actively gaining weight and developing. For feeding, you can prepare a mixture according to this recipe:

  • 400 g crushed corn;
  • 300 g of soybean and sunflower meal (3:2);
  • 50 g of yeast;
  • 100 g fishmeal;
  • 70 g meat and bone meal;
  • 20 g herbal flour;
  • 50 g of powdered milk;
  • 10 g of vegetable oil;
  • 1 st. l. shell rock.

This mixture of chicks can be fed up to 2 months of age. It is useful to add chopped root crops to the mash: beets, carrots, as well as cabbage and pumpkin. From 2 months of age, you can knead the mixture not with milk, but with ordinary water.

For adults

Adults need 4 meals a day. In the morning and evening they are given dry grain, during the day - wet mash. Recipe for preparing a mixture for an adult bird:

  • 680 g of grain mixture;
  • 130 and (1:1);
  • 40 g;
  • 40 g;
  • 40 g of yeast;
  • 30 g of chalk;
  • 30 g limestone;
  • 10 g salt.

To maintain the productivity of laying hens, it is better to prepare the mixture separately according to this recipe:

  • 150 g of a mixture of corn and wheat grains;
  • 120 g boiled potatoes;
  • 50 g of corn silage;
  • 16 g of chalk;
  • 10 g meat and bone meal;
  • 7 g fishmeal;
  • 10 g yeast:
  • 1 g fat;
  • 0.5 g salt;
  • 2 g premixes.

Common mistakes when feeding turkeys

Out of ignorance, poultry farmers can make several common feeding mistakes.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

1200000 ₽

Minimum starting capital

2-5 years

pays off

98 %


Growing turkeys is an economically profitable livestock industry that has gained popularity due to its high profitability at a low cost. The advantages of this type of business are the short term for obtaining the product and the high consumer demand for dietary meat.

Organization of animal husbandry

Turkey meat contains a large amount of iron and protein, has a low amount of adipose tissue. It is recommended for food both for people engaged in heavy physical labor and for nursing mothers.

In order for turkey breeding to bring maximum profit, it is necessary to properly organize livestock farming: choose suitable breeds of turkey, reasonably approach the creation of a poultry complex, and plan its development for the future. The main costs of opening a turkey farm fall on the purchase of land, the construction of the complex, the installation and adjustment of equipment, the purchase of birds, and the purchase of feed. Production pays off after 2-5 years of successful operation. The profitability of breeding turkeys reaches 98 percent. The amount of investment depends on the climate and the chosen method of growing turkeys, on whether the farm has its own production area.

The indicators of quality turkey breeding that a novice farmer should focus on are a high increase in weekly gain (turkey - 145 g, turkey - 90 g), high resistance to diseases, the ratio of live and slaughter weight of a turkey is 81 percent (broiler 72 percent, cattle 60 percent ), low production cost of one kilogram of turkey meat with a high cost of meat for sale.

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In the future, the profitability of production can be increased by building a slaughterhouse on the territory of the farm, mastering the technology of deep meat processing and offering the consumer a wide range of turkey products: cut meat, carcasses, sausages, schnitzels, sausages, and various semi-finished products.

Types of breeds of turkeys

The right breed of birds directly affects the production growth and profitability of the entire poultry complex. Some breeds allow you to achieve maximum weight gain, others are characterized by rapid growth. Having studied the characteristics of the breeds, you can choose the optimal cross, ideal for farming tasks.

In our country, households mostly grow types of turkeys, which are the result of random crossing of various breeds. They adapt well to local conditions, but are distinguished by low egg production and not the best meat qualities. Adult males weigh about 6-8 kilograms, and females 4-5 kilograms.

For industrial breeding, one of the best breeds is the Bronze Broad-breasted breed. These are very large representatives of their species. Females reach a size of 7-9 kilograms, and males 10-15 kilograms. The breed was bred in America, but it took root well in Russia and is actively used for industrial breeding. The disadvantage of the Bronze Broad-breasted Turkey is its unsuitability for grazing, it was bred only for keeping in cages and poultry houses. Broad-breasted Bronze turkeys can produce up to 120 eggs per year, which is an excellent indicator that distinguishes this breed from others. The average fertility of eggs is 80 percent. The output of turkeys is up to 75 percent. Slaughter can be carried out already at the age of 20-23 weeks. Males at this time weigh 13-15 kilograms, and females 7-8 kilograms.

The North Caucasian bronze turkey is a bird perfectly adapted to grazing. Adult males reach a weight of 14 kilograms, and females - 7 kilograms. Oviposition begins at nine months, lasts up to six months, in one period the female brings about 80 eggs.

White broad-breasted turkey has excellent meat properties, grows quickly, and adapts well to different climates. Egg production begins at 9 months, lasts more than six months. For the period from the female, you can get up to 120 eggs. The white broad-breasted turkey comes in three varieties: heavy, medium and light. Males can weigh up to 25 kilograms, and females up to 10 kilograms.

Cross BIG-6 is distinguished by high meat qualities and fast growth. The breed is heavy. Recommended for breeding for meat. The weight of the male reaches 25 kilograms, and the female - 11 kilograms. BIG-6 has a record net weight yield of 80-85 percent, with this figure no other pet in the world can be compared. The big disadvantage of breeding this breed is the impossibility of natural insemination of females, since the male is so much larger than the female that he cannot climb on her without injuring her. Therefore, for breeding this breed, artificial insemination of the bird is required.

A poultry farm can be engaged in both breeding turkeys and purchasing eggs or chicks for rearing for meat. A hatching turkey egg costs from 100 rubles apiece. The incubation period is 28 days. An incubator for 1000 eggs costs about 25 thousand rubles.

Daily turkey chicks cost from 150 rubles. Overexposure is paid additionally, every day the chicks become more expensive. Poultry farms, as a rule, have a schedule for hatching turkeys and the buyer knows exactly when to come to pick up the chicks. The need for the systematic transportation of chicks, eggs, feed and other goods makes it mandatory to purchase vehicles, for example, a cargo minibus. Own transport is not cheap, from 500 thousand rubles, but successful production will quickly pay off all costs.

Before planning the construction of a poultry farm, the farmer needs to decide on the type of turkey keeping. There are various ways to grow turkeys: extensive, semi-intensive, caged, floor. It is possible to alternate ways of keeping poultry depending on weather conditions, bird age, rearing purposes, bird species. We will consider what methods of growing a turkey exist, what equipment is needed, how much it costs on average in Russia.

The farmer must take into account the main environmental factors that affect the viability and productive qualities of turkeys. The main factors are the duration and intensity of light, the temperature and composition of the air environment, the food supply, the size of the habitat, various diseases, and the genotype of the bird.

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In the southern regions of the country, it is possible to use an extensive turkey breeding system, in which the action of factors of natural origin prevails. Young animals are kept in a heated room only for the first one and a half to two months of life, and then they are brought out to pasture and are free-range until slaughtered for meat. In order for the birds to have the opportunity to hide from the weather and go to spend the night, pens with feeders and drinkers are built on the territory of the pasture, the floor is covered with bedding. A water supply system should be connected to the pens, electric lighting is also desirable. For the temporary keeping of dead birds on the site, it is necessary to provide sealed containers, and for keeping culled birds - insulators.

Turkey poults are raised indoors with a heated floor from the first days of life, and from one and a half to two months of age they are transferred to an open paddock, if weather conditions allow. Birds are grazed in groups of 1-1.5 thousand heads. If necessary, the herd is divided into parts, the area is fenced off so that the turkeys do not mix. The grazing area must be at least 20 square meters per bird. It is desirable to have two grazing sites, as the use of only one site can lead to various diseases of turkeys. At the age of 110-120 days, turkeys begin puberty, and males and females must be separated and then kept separately, as males can harm females.

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To grow a herd of 2000 heads, an area of ​​​​about 8 hectares will be required. The cost of renting a hectare of land with utilities in the south of the country varies greatly, it can range from 5 to 20 thousand rubles a year.

The site is fenced with a fence at least three meters high, as the young are able to fly short distances. The fence must be secure enough to keep wild and stray animals out of the grazing area. The animals will bite or strangle at most a few heads, but they will frighten the entire livestock, and then a large number of birds may die from the stampede.

During the period of keeping in a heated room for feeding, feed mixtures are used, consisting of cereals, legumes, waste from dairy production and slaughter, vegetables, herbs, etc. During the pasture period, it is necessary to feed with grain mixtures and mineral feed in order to increase the calorie content of the diet and provide the birds with minerals necessary for normal growth and development.

When grazing, attendants must be constantly present to protect the livestock from possible dangers, drive the herd under sheds in case of bad weather, maintain the territory: clean the corral, add food, adjust the amount of water, remove spilled food, clean feeders and drinkers. The average salary of a poultry farm worker in Russia is 15,000 rubles.

All employees of the poultry farm must wear overalls and safety shoes on the farm and take them off when leaving the turkey habitat to reduce the incidence of birds.

Features of the walking method of keeping turkeys

The main advantage of the walking method of breeding turkeys is a significant savings on the maintenance of birds. Turkeys are kept indoors only during the cold season and then live in the field, which reduces the cost of electricity and maintenance of the poultry house. In addition, with an extensive rearing system, turkeys are more resistant to various diseases, such as respiratory diseases and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The downside is the impossibility of grazing birds in colder areas. In Russia, the walking system is used mainly in the North Caucasus zone. The territory for a poultry farm requires a much larger area than with cell breeding. Also, under adverse natural phenomena, hypothermia or overheating of birds is possible. With an unbalanced diet - beriberi.

In addition, with an extensive breeding system, production is seasonal, while with cage or floor breeding, seasonality can be avoided.

Cellular maintenance of turkeys

The cage keeping of birds requires the construction of a capital poultry house with a system for maintaining the necessary microclimate (ventilation and heating), but it will allow you to get a larger volume of products per unit of production capacity. This method of raising birds is suitable for light and medium types of turkey breeds, and heavy types of breeds are usually grown on the floor, so adults males reach a weight of 25 kilograms, and it is quite difficult to provide them with cells of sufficient size.

Also, the cell system is good for keeping breeding young and fattening females for meat. The effectiveness of the cell method lies in the fact that the average daily gain in live weight increases by 10-15 percent, and feed costs are reduced by 5-8 percent, and labor productivity is significantly increased. It is recommended to keep laying turkeys in cages and perform artificial insemination of birds. In addition, the solitary keeping of breeding males improves the hygiene of sperm collection.

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As a poultry house, prefabricated frame hangars are used, in which the ventilation system is installed. They are much cheaper than brick buildings and are great for the needs of the poultry industry. The construction of an insulated frame-panel poultry house will cost about $40 per square meter. Thus, the construction of a building for 500 heads will cost about 10 thousand dollars. Equipping the poultry house with lighting and a ventilation and heating system will cost another 80-100 thousand rubles.

It is recommended to keep no more than two birds in one cage. A turkey kept in cages has a high degree of anxiety. Any noise or the appearance of animals in the room can lead to severe panic and wing fractures, bruises, injuries, and so on, as the bird will strive to escape from the cage at any cost.

For the cage keeping of turkeys, cage batteries are used, as a rule, two-tier, domestic and imported. Chicken cages are often taken because they are easier to buy. The cages must be equipped with feed bins, a drinking system and a manure removal system. The cost of a cell battery for 70 heads is about 30 thousand rubles. In the absence of factory equipment, cages can be manufactured independently.

Features of the floor turkey housing system

Now consider the features of the floor system for keeping turkeys. Usually this method is used for meat rearing of poultry, it is recommended for keeping various breeds, including heavy ones.

The room should be heated, well lit, have a forced air ventilation system. The floor covering can be litter, mesh, slatted, slotted, combined. The bedding is made mainly of wood shavings, as it absorbs moisture well, insulates the birds from the cold floor, and acts as a shock absorber in stressful situations. Softwood sawdust is recommended. Straw can be used for turkeys, as they eat sawdust, and this can lead to blockage of the goiter. The bedding should be changed once a month.

Wood shavings are usually purchased at wood processing plants in large quantities at once. The price is negotiable.

The territory of the poultry house for long-term keeping of turkeys is divided by partitions, the birds are kept in groups depending on age, sex, health status. The height of the partitions should reach the ceiling so that the bird cannot fly to another section.

There are certain norms for the density of turkeys in the floor method of growing. Density is determined by the amount of final live weight that is planned to be obtained. When slaughtering birds at the age of 13-14 weeks with a live weight of 6 kilograms, the stocking density should not exceed 5 heads per square meter. With a live weight of 8.5 kilograms - no more than 3.6 heads per square meter, with a weight of 11-12 kilograms - 3.2 heads per square meter. The size of a group of turkeys should not exceed 250 individuals, the size of a group of meat turkeys should not exceed 500 individuals.

Paternal severe forms

Maternal mild forms


Average ♂+♀

Average ♂+♀

Breeding turkey poults with division by sex at day-age

Cultivation of breeding turkey poults without segregation by sex at a day's age

Growing meat turkeys

Numerous trading companies in Russia are engaged in the supply of equipment for poultry houses. Many offer delivery of equipment to the regions. Their contacts are easy to find on the Internet. Prices for feeders and drinkers depend on the size of the product, the material from which it is made, the manufacturer. As a rule, a feeder for 20-25 individuals costs about 400-500 rubles. Drinking bowl - 300-400 rubles.

Also, poultry houses for keeping turkeys are equipped with perches and nests for laying eggs. Perches are wooden beams or poles, which are installed at a height of 90-100 centimeters. Nests for laying eggs should be 60 by 60 centimeters.

Calculation of feed intake of an adult turkey

Compound feed for turkeys is sold at poultry feed factories, usually packaged in 20 kilogram bags and costs about 600 rubles a package.

The feed requirement of one adult turkey for 21 weeks of lay is 42.6 kilograms. The replacement young growth of maternal forms consumes 52 kilograms of feed for 33 weeks of cultivation. Replacement young growth of paternal forms consumes 59 kilograms in 33 weeks of cultivation. Females raised for meat consume 3.8 kilograms of feed in the first 8 weeks, and 11 kilograms of feed from weeks 9 to 16. Males consume 4.2 kilograms of feed in 8 weeks, and 27 kilograms from 9 to 16 weeks.

If we look at the experience of turkeys kept by successful farms, we can say that the best is to grow four age groups with a planting interval of 6 weeks, so that you can always have meat for slaughter.

It is economically feasible not to leave a turkey weighing more than 12 kilograms, but a turkey weighing more than 22 kilograms, since they eat a lot, and there is no more weight gain.

To keep turkeys healthy, it is important to vaccinate chicks. Livestock are usually vaccinated against Newcastle disease, rhinotracheitis, coccidiosis and other diseases. Treatment of turkeys is unprofitable, it is much more profitable to take care of the health of the bird from the very beginning. The cost of vaccination of one individual is about 50 rubles.

Losses on females for the entire growing period are about 2 percent, on males - 6 percent.

The presence of a slaughterhouse at the poultry farm will allow expanding the client base, since not all buyers are ready to expend effort on slaughtering poultry. Most of the turkey farms report no marketing problems and the high profitability of this business, which, as mentioned earlier, is 98 percent.

Merkulova Natalia

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