
The jester card in the tarot constantly drops out. Jester Tarot Card: Meaning in Relationships. Jester: Meaning in love and relationships

The Jester (Fool) is the zeroth Major Arcana in the Tarot. Jester is an amazing card. Some tarologists consider it the twenty-second lasso, and they are partly right, since zero is the absence of any number and order at all. Zero is the void from which everything comes. The jester symbolizes both the beginning and the end of the Path.

  • The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    On the map we see a young man dressed in the clothes of a jester (buffoon). In his right hand there is only a bundle with the most necessary things for the Path, in his left hand there is a beautiful flower, symbolizing the purity of Intention. He goes towards the abyss (into the unknown), against the backdrop of a brightly shining sun (direct perception) and beautiful mountains. A dog (Mind or Mind) runs next to him, which tries to prevent him from falling into the abyss.

    The jester means freedom, the beginning of a new Path from a “clean slate”. Freedom primarily lies in the choice of where and how to go. We do not know whether this choice will be the right one and whether it will lead to success, we are only talking about the fact that something new has appeared on the horizon in front of you and requires an important decision.

    The jester has high potential, but without a development vector. He does not understand where he is moving, preferring to go on a whim. The person who falls for this lasso characterizes him as carefree and bold (free from the dictates of social conventions), eccentric and unpredictable, up to inadequacy (recklessness). He is not afraid of anything.

    His gaze is clear and unclouded. He is able to see everything as it is because of his openness and receptivity to everything new. If you look at children, you will see that up to a certain age they conduct the frequencies of this lasso into the World. They are his guides.

    The jester, due to the fact that he is a fool, is a wise man, because wisdom is always outside the mind. Wisdom is silent knowledge.

    The meaning of the lasso in the upright position

    The card speaks of new opportunities and undertakings, you have a new period in life. The fool almost always appears at a crossroads. The questioner may feel that this road is not easy, there may wait and lie in wait for various kinds of problems, but there is inner confidence - everything will be decided.

    If this situation brings any discord into your daily life (although there is nothing to worry about in this lasso, if other lassoes in the layout do not indicate this), then by approaching the matter with the mind (or without the mind), you will get out of it winner. The difficulties themselves can be associated with various kinds of risk.

    And even if the outcome of the situation is not known in advance, the Jester holds the key to how to get out of it as a winner. Fools always get lucky, remember? You need to live and act unconditionally. The system is broken, the old paths (that you always walked) and the actions that you always did no longer work.

    Being in a state of trust in the Higher, with a certain amount of curiosity, sincere interest in what is happening, going beyond the current perception, you will learn to live and act in the absence of any rules and restrictions. Life itself will force you to do it. This is the only way to overcome the state of uncertainty.

    The appearance of a jester in the layout is a very interesting and strong sign, because the questioner himself does not fully understand what he is doing and where everything will lead to. It is possible that all events will take an unpredictable turn. Anything can happen! These are always unexpected and unplanned circumstances that will turn everything upside down.

    The fool blesses on the way. You have a chance to take advantage of. And although the goal is still far away and not visible, the path promises to be interesting, so do not miss the opportunity! The unknown is not as scary as the familiar and understandable swamp.

    Even if you fall into the abyss, there is a huge chance that the fall will not be down, but up. Do not worry about your fate, do not take seriously what happens to you. Laugh at the circumstances, but first, at yourself. Come to the realization that life is essentially just a game. Therefore, it doesn’t matter how it ends, the main thing is how you play your role.

    Do not be afraid to trust the Higher Powers, and if you do not believe in anything, then listen to the voice of intuition, where does it call you? Trust the flow and follow them. Don't over complicate, be simple. No need to constantly think and reflect on the situation. Everything will be fine.

    The state of consciousness and a lesson for self-development

    The jester is non-duality. Object and subject, mind and stupidity, up and down, emptiness and fullness are all one and the same. The lasso also symbolizes controlled stupidity and the state of stopping the internal dialogue. It is this state that will allow you to walk the Path from beginning to end. You already have the energy, vitality and happiness for adventure.

    You do not need a plan, since the Path is not linear, it cannot be calculated due to the huge number of variables. The jester answers the question: “what is the best way to live this life, being in what state?”. Be open to new experiences, easily accept what life gives you. Develop your acceptance.

    Career, work, finance

    The card says that you need to start a business from scratch. If you are starting a new business or embarking on a financial adventure, then the Jester is more of a negative card than a positive one. In the layout, she says that you will either come to something new, or return to where you started. Think about whether there are any alternatives to what you are doing? Maybe another thing (or a different approach) will lead you to serious success?

    Abstract from the current situation, do not look for quick results. Accept the possibility of failure and take action. The combination of the Jester with other arcana is very important, which would give more information about whether success or failure awaits you. In any case, do not be afraid of negative experiences. The card, although it can talk about mistakes, extra steps and actions, but in the end, this experience will enrich you, make you wiser and stronger.

    And maybe you are good enough? Why does a bird need money? With a sweetheart and paradise in a hut! In relation to finances, this lasso displays a certain degree of naivety, frivolity, up to wastefulness. The fool is not connected with the material world at all. His task is to distract you from him, shifting your focus to the Spirit.

    In love and relationships

    The jester in relationships and love can manifest itself in two ways. Very often it is sincerity, without any ulterior motives. If he tells you that he loves. So it is! The jester is often considered a harbinger of romance, indicating the beginning of a new stage in life, although it does not imply any serious intentions.

    On the other hand, there are no restrictions for him, and he can tell others that he loves them. The jester is capable of flirting, as feelings are given away thoughtlessly, just ask. There is no seriousness in his intentions yet. He does not belong to anyone and in which case he can quickly collect his belongings and leave his familiar place. An inverted lasso only enhances negative qualities, leading to betrayal.

    If you had a question about whether you will soon have children, then the lasso unambiguously answers yes. And most likely, with the advent of the child, your relationship will be radically updated.

    Characteristics in a straight position

    1. Freedom of choice.
    2. Openness to everything new.
    3. Acceptance of the World.
    4. Pure perception.
    5. Interest and curiosity.
    6. Ease and carelessness.
    7. Cheerfulness and enthusiasm.
    8. "Clean page" in life.
    9. New business and beginning.
    10. Non-duality of perception.
    11. Controlled stupidity.
    12. Wisdom and vision.
    13. The state of "no-mind".
    14. Inner calm.
    15. Awareness of the illusory nature of the World.
    16. Silent knowledge and connection with the Supreme.
    17. Uncertainty.
    18. Simplicity.
    19. Birth of a child.

    Reversed card interpretation

    Reversed, Fool most often means a fool. And if in a straight line, this fool is conscious, who keeps his stupidity under control, then this fool is simply stupid. With a high degree of probability, this stupidity will lead him to big problems. Chaos around him. He may experience apathy and laziness to the outside world. He absolutely does not care where to go, what and why to do.

    A person is clearly not friends with his head and therefore you can expect anything from him. His decisions are rash and impulsive. He does not want and cannot take responsibility for his actions. Such a person is optional and not trustworthy. His stupidity leads to mistakes and making the wrong decision. The card also warns that the person is on the verge of making such a decision.

    Another lasso can report a high degree of naivety and excessive gullibility of a person towards everyone and everyone. His behavior is irrational and defies any logic.

    Do not trust a responsible task to such a person, since with a high degree of probability he will not be able to cope with it. It is not worth the risk, because in this case this risk is not justified. Moreover, a person can play his game, trying to deceive you. On the other hand, the jester cannot look far into the future and foresee the consequences of his actions, as he lives "here and now."

    You are confused, and the inverted jester tells you that you need to face the truth and start acting wisely with all the utmost caution. Do not commit rash acts, think over your every step.

    Characteristics in an inverted position

    1. Stupidity and thoughtlessness.
    2. Irresponsibility and running away from problems.
    3. Excessive gullibility and naivete.
    4. Danger due to reckless actions.
    5. Extravagance bordering on insanity.
    6. Unjustified risk.

    If the position in the layout indicates a place, then the Jester is most likely not tied to any particular place, the lasso symbolizes travel, constant transitions, up to without a fixed place of residence, since the jester is a card of the homeless.

    Professions and field of activity

    Actor. Poet. Musician. Painter. Mystic. Traveler. Bum. Sage. seer. Stalker. Extreme. Player.


    If, when adding the numbers in the layout, it turns out 22, then the Jester will be the Quintessence. TAROT advice is as follows: until a stable structure arises, there will be only chaos around the whole situation.

    In contact with

    Divination by Tarot cards helps to determine what this or that situation carries, get answers to questions, decide how to act and prepare for what to expect. There are many layouts for almost every area of ​​life.

    Across Tarot higher powers get in touch with us and advise how to proceed. To get a truthful answer, you need to treat this magical instrument with all respect, and before divination, tune in to the energy of the cards, enter a state of meditation. Do not get too hung up on the question or situation of interest - this will only prevent the cards from giving you the information you need.

    if you fell out in the schedule Jester card, get acquainted in detail with its meaning and how it behaves in combination with other Arcana, and then draw conclusions.

    Map Description

    Other card names:

    • Madman;
    • Fool;
    • Fool;
    • Blissful.

    This Major Arcana, its occult meaning is redemption. This card looks about the same everywhere, in all decks it is made in the same style. It depicts a person who is walking along the edge of the abyss and is not at all afraid of a possible fall or does not understand that he is walking along the edge.

    Sometimes the Jester looks like an ordinary man, sometimes like a court jester, sometimes like a joker. He carries a bundle with his belongings on his back, often a dog, a donkey or a child runs next to him, who want to keep him from the edge and not let him fall. But the Jester does not hear their warnings and proudly strides along the edge, not noticing anything because of his own thoughts.

    This card may represent infantilism, naivety or openness for the unknown. In some cases, it is interpreted as wisdom, simplicity, sincerity, small requests. To determine a more accurate interpretation, other Arcana must be taken into account. In all cases, the Jester warns of chaos.


    The Jester or Fool card says that something new will soon come into your life, it will break in so abruptly and unexpectedly that the whole existing way of things will be turned upside down, everything will plunge into chaos. But this is not dangerous if other cards do not warn about this, a new period of life will bring you development and energy.

    The fool portends new roads, new projects, new ideas. The card says that a person who has set foot on an unknown path knows how dangerous it is, knows that difficulties await him, but inside himself he feels that they will bypass him without much harm, and he will be happy.

    Whenever the Fool appears in the layout, this suggests that life will soon change radically, something very unexpected will happen. Arkan portends surprises, travel, unplanned turns of events. He says that you need to make a decision without delay.

    The map can also show the consequences of the past, that current events are just an echo of previous actions. The lasso carries such a meaning - we are free to choose any path, we are free, and there is no need to be afraid to make a decision! Opportunities like this one are rare, so you should take advantage of them!

    The jester blesses you risky actions, shows that you are starting a new business, and you need to boldly go towards the goal, although it will not be achieved soon. Sometimes this lasso symbolizes a certain person, and then the questioner will immediately understand who.


    In the inverted position, the Jester speaks of rash actions, too impulsive actions, excessive boasting and ostentation. Sometimes it is associated with infantilism, selfishness, as in the case when a teenager dreams of committing suicide so that his parents cry and regret that he was forbidden a lot.

    In some cases, the card may indicate a person who is constantly changing activities and environment, grabbing onto many things at once, but not finishing one.

    This Arkan warns of carelessness, wasting energy and the lack of suitable solutions to the problem. Sometimes he can talk about wrong choices and fatal mistakes.

    The Jester card in an inverted position indicates that the questioner clings too much to the past, is afraid to open up to the new, to gain freedom. Sometimes it symbolizes the lack of freedom of choice, moral bondage.

    In some cases, it warns of an upcoming unpleasant surprise. Indicates reckless behavior, excessive fear, which pushes for rash acts.

    In relationship

    In the relationship layout, the Shu map T speaks of freedom from prejudice and openness, sincerity and the absence of the power of stereotypes. These relationships are easy, carefree, partners in them trust their instincts and flirt right and left. They enjoy experiments in the sexual sphere, they often behave stupidly in public, but they feel good and have fun.

    Sometimes this Arkan can warn of unexpected situations, thanks to which new, completely unexpected relationships will begin. The card predicts a new connection, but does not say what place it will take in life.

    This should be clarified by other cards present in the layout. You, most likely, will not have a chance to put everything on the shelves and evaluate what a new relationship will give you, you will rush into the pool with your head. They will include great sexuality, fantasy.

    Blind instincts, unbridled passion, crazy romances - all this is predicted by this card. The jester can say that even a married person cannot resist a hot romance.

    The jester can predict looking for love, sending her to the ends of the world, like in a fairy tale. For the sake of love, the Jester gets on the road without fear, forgets about social relationships and the opinions of others. The Jester card speaks of the opportunity to go wherever they look, he promises adventure.

    Sometimes, if there are cards indicating this, he can talk about a break, leaving the family with a scandal. And nothing can affect the decision of the outgoing person.

    Zero Arcana symbolizes non-conformity. Jester antisocial, alien to the world of conventions, he loves lonely wanderers and hardly imagines himself in a relationship. If the Jester symbolizes your partner, then it will be a feat for you to maintain a relationship, because he is windy and is always looking for something new.

    You should not dream that in search of a new one, he decides to try marriage, he does not care about conventions and the official legitimization of relations. Jester looking for joy life, he is devoid of responsibility and care, he is ready to surrender to the first impulses. He doesn't care that it might be dangerous. And he has no choice, this is his destiny, he loves life and must go that way.

    But sometimes relationships can be easy if you look at them with an open mind. Then his craving for something new will refresh them, and the Jester himself will not demand anything. In rare cases, Arkan can talk about the refreshment of relationships through a child, symbolize a new stage when reality is being rebuilt.

    In work

    The Jester card speaks of the beginning of a new project, which was started not on the basis of logic, but with the hope of good luck. This undertaking did not involve sober calculations. You will have difficulty taking into account, analyzing, making plans, but there will always be a lot of activity, energy and new ideas.

    The jester speaks of creativity, of the sudden discovery in a person of unexpected abilities for something that he did not suspect. But usually a person cannot manage them, he creates without a plan and order, and this is good until creativity requires a framework. It's like a free poet who undertook to write a verse to order. this can be a real challenge.

    If the questioner lives off creativity, the jester can warn of difficulties- the customer will wait for the result, and the questioner will not be able to get together, but will at that time create something of his own, not profitable. And this cannot be prevented, it will happen by itself.

    The jester can speak about the lack of discipline, restrictions, a person lives by passions and is afraid of responsibility. In some cases, this card indicates that a person works well, despite the lack of knowledge and experience.

    She can talk about a creative and creative worker, completely devoid of discipline. He has many talents, but due to disorganization and unwillingness to learn, they can be buried in the ground. This person takes on a lot of things, promises to fulfill them, but forgets about the deadlines. It's not the most reliable, but sincere partner.

    In bad situations, the card can mean excessive frivolity and infantilism, negligence and irresponsibility. The jester loves to play the fool and do nothing. If the alignment was made for business, the Jester says that now it is better to take a break from business and not solve financial issues.

    This card teaches you not to attach much importance to money matters, to look for joy, it is easier to relate to everything if you do not know how. In other cases, she advises to get rid of from excessive frivolity.

    In combination

    The Jester card takes on special significance in combination with other Arcana. For example, with the Magician she warns of the danger of going crazy, with the Lovers she predicts a new romance, speaks of the appearance of a new lover. If the layout contains the Arcana Justice, the Court, then you may be inadvertently drawn into some kind of proceedings.

    In addition, such a combination can mean rebirth and a new business, a white streak in the life path of the questioner. With the Three of Wands, the Fool also foreshadows a new project, inspiration of ideas.

    If near The Jester and the Hanged Man, this indicates a difficult life situation. It’s better for you to be silent, not to go anywhere and try to slowly get out of this situation without too much noise. The jester in combination with the Devil symbolizes cynicism, crazy deeds that will have terrible consequences. May mean obsession.

    If next to the Jester is adjacent Tower, this warns of impending danger, you need to be more careful and careful, otherwise the matter may be serious.

    If the Jester and the Star fell out to you, this speaks of inner purity and unprecedented sublimity - yours or the person you will encounter. In the neighborhood with the Seven of Cups, the Jester talks about avoiding reality, with Nine of Cups- that you should not be afraid of it.

    The King of Swords, the Five of Wands or Swords, which appeared in the layout, say that your fears are not unfounded, something threatens you. If the Seven of Swords fell out, this symbolizes a cunning person, and if the Five of Pentacles, this speaks of love, which everyone condemns and which can break fate.

    If the Jester fell in the vicinity of good Arcana, then undeserved good awaits you. This card is weakened by Death, the Hierophant, and the Two of Swords.

    On 07/04/2014 at 01:57 AM, master said:

    The naivety of a child, openness to something new, readiness to learn... The jester is a child who, in fact, lives in each of us. And it is precisely by finding this child in ourselves, in something naive, in something else stupid, that we can just begin to cognize the Wisdom of TAROT. In order for the vessel to be filled as a result, initially it must be empty, clean and open to everything new... In a closed vessel - Wisdom will not fall, in a full one - there will be no place for it... Open this child in yourself, and feel free to start learning something new with him!

    0. Jester.

    General meaning:

    obscurity; information that is currently closed to you; theft; recklessness; madness; stupidity; road.


    1. Health: weak, frivolous attitude, mental disorders are possible. The likelihood of conceiving a child.

    When reversed, combined with certain surrounding cards, means death.

    2. Work: stage, circus, something related to entertainment, show business; petty theft, cheating; crime; tourism.

    In business - go with the flow, commit rash acts, act recklessly; job change is possible. Also a map of poverty.

    3. Relationships: holiday romance, flirting, coquetry, fling... in general, nothing serious.

    4. Characteristics: a frivolous adventurer with the luck of a drunk)) He will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, but will fall out of the blue ...)) It also testifies to a person living in his own little world. The desire for attention, extravagance, unusualness, eccentricity.

    5. Card of advice: let fate itself guide you, trust it; change work, environment, just relax and unwind, and certainly not build any grandiose plans.

    6. Warning card: not the exact wording of the question; the situation is unpredictable, there are no exact recommendations.

    7. Answer: there is no exact answer. The reasons may be different: the situation directly depends on the actions of the questioner himself, or some important specific points were not taken into account in the question itself.

    0 Jester (reversed position)

    General meaning:

    the onset of stability, confidence, the hope of clarifying the current situation, the situation.


    1. Health: the birth of a child, his conception; recovery from illness.

    2. Work: changing circumstances for the better (signing a contract, finding money, etc.); job search is successful; promotion; end of internship or probationary period; return from a business trip; obtaining a promising project.

    3. Relationships: familiarity with the continuation of relationships; clarification of relations (what these clarifications will lead to - we check additionally).

    4. Advice card: double-check everything again and look with a sober look; don't let the situation take its course.

    5. Answer: most likely the answer is yes, but conditions are possible.

    In the Tarot deck, this Arcana is not accidentally considered zero, because it is this Arcana that is the personification of the power of karma (fate). Traditionally, this card also has the names "Spirit of Ether", "Jester", "Madman".

    It depicts the figure of a man who is about to fall into the abyss, but does not even notice it. A dog runs after him, angrily tearing at his simple clothes and not allowing him to turn off this path to the side. Often and as a rule, this image is interpreted unambiguously: the blind person personifies that stage in our life when we, without understanding the road, simply wander along the path.

    Behind us is the burden of our mistakes and delusions from the past. Fussy, chaotic and restless thoughts do not give us the opportunity to stop and just think about our path ... "where are we going, why ..." We go, and sometimes we run without a goal, just with the flow of life, like blind kittens, and sometimes we don’t even notice the abyss that is right under our feet ... And at these moments of our life, it all depends on fate, whether we fall into the abyss or go around it, never knowing what fate saved us from.

    If the Arcana "Madman" appeared in your personal layout, then you are in a situation where you will be required to "work out" past sins, and only after that you will have the opportunity to rebuild your life. And no matter how hard you try to understand where this road leads, along which you are hurrying and hurrying so fast, you are unlikely to succeed. But it will also not work to turn off the path, because now everything is in the hands of fate. And until you again feel that you yourself are the master of your life, you will simply have to submit to fate ... Humbly follow that path and rely only on luck and some kind of protection from the Higher powers.

    Similarly, you can interpret those situations that you directly look at during fortune-telling. Accordingly, if you get the Madman Arcana, then you can expect that the end of your case will be, at least on the whole, predictable, but also unexpected. As if in a dark room where everything frightened you - a light suddenly appears, and you will understand that what scared you so much in the dark turned out to be not at all scary, and your previous doubts will turn out to be ridiculous and ridiculous.

    And believe me, no matter what the result is, it will be the best for you!

    Fool (Jester)

    keywords: surprise, faith, beginning, stupidity

    the motto of the map is - your journey is just beginning, and all roads are open!!!

    letter w/w, indigo color, any time, rain.


    This Arcana depicts the figure of a man over an abyss, who is heading to the very edge, and does not look where he is going. He can look up at the sky, he can look back, but he does not even suspect the danger that awaits him already after the next step.

    In some decks, a person is depicted who has the appearance of a court jester, in others - on this Arcana you can see a wanderer. Often the Fool is depicted with a bag over his shoulders and with a staff on which he leans.

    Also, in some decks, near the Fool, a dog is depicted standing on its hind legs, which either simply barks at him, or tries to pull him away from the abyss, grabbing the Fool's clothes with his teeth, in any case trying to warn against impending danger. However, the Fool does not see or hear anything, because he is completely immersed in his thoughts.

    Sometimes, instead of a dog, a crocodile is depicted, which symbolizes the insidiousness of fate. However, our hero does not care about this either. He is free - and this is the main thing for him, but some conventions, everyday trifles - are alien to him, he does not want to set foot on sinful earth ...


    But it must not be underestimated. The Fool may look ridiculous, but the lesson he can teach must be learned! Indeed, considering this card, it is not always clear whether a person is ready to take a step into the abyss because of his stupidity and ignorance of the impending danger, or he is simply fearless in the face of this danger ... Since we must not forget that the Fool's recklessness is intentional.

    The Fool is a wanderer, but he does not use reason or other means (like the Hermit, for example) to light his way, and deliberately does not look at his feet. Absolute recklessness is the symbolism of this card.

    Planet of the Fool - Uranus.

    The Fool encourages you to trust your inner voice, your intuition, as well as unexpected insights. Believe in miracles, create! Even if your behavior is a little shocking and spontaneous, "clown" - do not stop, this is exactly the case when you should completely abandon all routine and stereotypes familiar to you.


    When this card appears in a spread, be careful, use your own head for its intended purpose, stop intentionally being a jester, and watch every step you take. If she personifies the questioner himself, then he faces a very important choice both for him and for his future. If he continues to follow the path he is following, then an inevitable catastrophe will overtake him. However, if he pays attention to the warning signal, then there is a chance that he will be able to avoid this catastrophe.

    Positive qualities: extravagance, recklessness, lack of any discipline, lack of thought, madness, independence, naive but joyful outlook, artistry, enthusiasm, adventurism, desire for adventure.

    Reversed Position

    Cards can mean a crisis period in life due to the invasion of uncontrolled external forces. Often this card symbolizes extravagance, negligence and indifference, impulsive and careless actions, a waste of time, effort and money, which borders on stupidity.

    Negative qualities: apathy, intolerance, carelessness, instability, carelessness, hesitation and fanaticism.


    Zero Arcana in the Tarot has a special meaning, they try to find the highest wisdom in it. However, often in the scenario for a certain situation, the Fool acquires a specific meaning only in combination with other cards.

    It is also worth noting that in a personal scenario, this card indicates the presence of humor, healthy self-criticism in the questioner, provided that it falls next to the positive Minor Arcana. If the Minor Arcana are negative, then taking into account their own meanings - cynicism, lack of a sense of humor, sarcasm, frivolity or carelessness.

    When dealt with the situation, taking into account the nearby Minor Arcana, this card can portend both fun and scandal that has arisen due to inappropriate buffoonery.

    When fortune-telling exclusively with the Senior Arcana, this Arcana does not give any answer at all to a specifically posed question - either the question is simply stupid, or it does not matter to the questioner himself.

    When dealing with a state of mind, the Fool indicates the need to look at oneself from the outside.

    If this card is a description of the situation itself, then the questioner is warned that it is simply stupid to spend one's efforts on resolving this situation.

    If this card is with a person who is being guessed, then either the person himself is stupid, or he simply got involved in some kind of stupid enterprise. And blindly moving towards the unknown. Zero Arcana in this case asks the questioner himself whether he will do the same as the Fool.

    In simple language, the zero Arcana describes a person who decides to go along a certain path, while not paying any attention to the fact that he has gone astray from a known path ... This person goes without even looking at his feet, and ignores the signs warning him. With that attitude, he would inevitably make a really, really stupid mistake.

    If we consider this Arcana from the standpoint of personal development, then the Fool says that you are lost and, refusing to see the truth that is before your eyes, you can bring trouble on yourself.

    Zero Arkan in an inverted position clearly and unequivocally indicates that your own irresponsibility, negligence, excessive carelessness, negligence and indecision can lead to real danger. You must give up selfishness, infantilism, extremism, your absurd goals and the pursuit of two hares. At the moment you have to be very careful and astute!

    Well, in general, the presence of this card in your layout speaks primarily of the unpredictability of events: anything can happen. You have complete freedom of action, but know that in any case, surprises cannot be avoided, do not resist fate! Believe me, life is much wiser than us, and its course will lead you exactly where you need to.



    Zero Arcana is, first of all, choosing your life path, as well as striving for an insanely beautiful goal! This is happiness and the expectation of some adventure! The desire not to miss luck! Several options to choose from, but the main thing is to choose wisely!

    "Jester" can tell you about a meeting with a person who lives in his own irrational world, who does not learn from his own mistakes at all, and essentially confuses the people around him with his strange, and often inadequate judgments and actions.

    straight position:

    madness, inadequacy, extravagance, delirium, intoxication, excitement, recklessness, crazy ideas, stupid thoughts, delusional views, inexperience, gullibility, betrayal, important decision, opportunity.

    upside down:

    stupid, absurd decision, unreasonable choice, reckless act, negligence, carelessness, vanity, insanity, tactlessness; your indecision is a hindrance to you in using a real happy occasion.

    Value as Card of the Day:

    You are ready to receive something new that is pouring into your life. With all this, no biased judgments or assessments, one joyful curiosity. So welcome new beginnings!

    ADVICE - In the near future you will face a very important choice. But you can miss your chance by not taking it seriously. Gather and focus! Pay due attention to the obvious warning signals, reconsider your behavior, and then perhaps you can avoid wrong actions, erroneous judgments and, most importantly, be able to bypass the danger on your way. Only then will you be able to improve your situation and fall under a kind of reliable protection of the Divine forces.

    "Know nothingness! All paths are open to the innocent. Pure madness is the key to initiation. Be neither male nor female, but both. Be silent and you may find the spear and the grail. Go alone and sing! The king's daughter awaits you in the palace." Crowley.

    The direct position of the Jester card:

    The jester symbolizes idealism, a willingness to surprise and be surprised. The card means the beginning of a new cycle of life, you can choose any direction, unexpected events that can turn everything around. It can also mean thoughtlessness, whims, immaturity, defenselessness, remorse after each misconduct, the inevitability of redemption, the inability to calculate the consequences.

    The reverse position of the Jester card:

    An inverted card means: completion of the cycle, achievement of the goal. In addition, this means that rash actions, a waste of energy in vain, the choice is wrong, the decision can be fatal.

    Dragon Tarot deck

    Arcana Description:

    Jester L MATTO: Dragon Hunter.

    Self-confident rider with a variety of weapons and emblems of different times and peoples, on the edge of the gorge. It symbolizes the eternal thirst of the insane and fearless humanity - to find the dragon, the dragon that is time and space, and conquer it. This, perhaps, is one of the characters in Russian folk tales, Nikita Kozhemyaka, who defeated the dragon and saved the princess.

    The direct position of the Jester card:

    Reckless behavior - Originality - Instinct - Destiny

    The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

    Deck of 78 Doors

    The direct position of the Fool card:

    Fool - All established rules are overturned. You have to get a completely new creative experience, often quite chaotic. However, it is not very helpful in finding the correct key.

    The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

    Rider White Tarot Deck

    The direct position of the Jester card:

    Meanings for Divination: stupidity, mania, extravagance, extravagance, intoxication, delirium, madness, frenzy, involuntarily betraying.

    The reverse position of the Jester card:

    Reverse meanings: negligence, absence, distribution distribution, carelessness, apathy, insignificance, vanity vanity.

    The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

    Osho Zen Tarot Deck

    Arcana Description:

    From moment to moment, and with every step, the Fool leaves the past behind. He carries in his hand a white rose, which symbolizes his purity, innocence and gullibility. The ornament of his vest contains the colors of all four elements of taro, showing that he is in harmony with the world around him. His intuition reached the pinnacle. At that moment, he finds support in the universe to make a leap into the unknown. Adventures await him on the river of life.

    The direct position of the Fool card:

    The card shows that if you trust your intuition right now, feel "the right thing to do", you cannot be mistaken. Your actions may seem stupid to others or even to yourself if you try to analyze them from a rational point of view. But the "zero place" occupied by the Fool is a place without a number, where the adviser is not skepticism and past experience, but trust and innocence.

    Meaning of the card:

    A fool is one who always trusts; a fool is one who continues to trust in spite of his experience. You deceive him, and he trusts you; you deceive him again, and he again trusts you; you deceive him again, and he trusts you again. Then you will say that he is a fool, that he does not study. His trust is amazing, his trust is so pure that no one can destroy it. Be a fool in the sense of Tao, in the sense of Zen. Don't try to create a wall of knowledge around you. Whatever experience comes to you, let it happen, and then go on dropping it. Keep constantly clearing your mind, keep dying to the past so that you remain in the present, here-now, as if you were just born, as if you were a baby. At the beginning it is very difficult. People will start to deceive you... let them. They are unhappy. Even if you are fooled, deceived and robbed, let it happen, because no one can steal from you what is really yours, no one can take away from you what is really yours. And every time you don't let the situation take over, that opportunity becomes an internal integration. Your soul will become more crystallized.

    There are arcana in the Tarot deck, the mood of which is quite difficult to understand. They describe the internal state of a person or development trends. These cards include the Major Arcana Fool (Tarot). Its value is so great that it can change the whole alignment. But you need to understand the essence of the lasso, to feel it, as experts say. Let's discuss the meaning of the Fool tarot card in order to delve deeper into the deck's predictions. It should be warned that you will have to strain your imagination, just like that, the lasso will not open to you.

    Direct Fool (Tarot): Meaning and Interpretation

    The world develops from chaos to a certain structure, which again collapses and returns to its original state. This circle is eternal and concerns both the entire universe and the individual. Chaos is characterized by the absence of a rational grain, the recognition of the divinity of the universe. Structure is a reliance on previous experience, logic, established rules and order. But in it there is a denial of the primacy of the divine over what the individual achieves on his own. The Fool (Tarot), whose meaning corresponds to the original chaos, shows the state of complete denial of previous achievements, accumulated experience, acquired knowledge. This is purity and infantile trust, actions under the guidance of intuition, recognition of the Higher leadership. Arkan describes a situation where nothing previously acquired can be applied. It is necessary to listen to intuition, rely on its prompts. When a person knows what the truth is, he cannot be deceived or deceived. He is under the protection of the Guardian Angel, who leads the way necessary to achieve happiness. The Fool card in the Tarot is numbered zero. This is the beginning of everything, the original chaos.

    Fool inverted (Tarot): meaning

    How bright and positive the image of the direct lasso is, how unpredictable and destructive it is in its reverse incarnation. This is a situation popularly described by one phrase: "without a king in my head." In an inverted form, the Fool (Tarot) has the most destructive meaning. In a certain sense, this lasso is worse than the Tower. He talks about the inability to navigate the situation to such an extent that all achievements collapse with their own hands. This lasso portends the leadership of a stupid, self-confident swagger, despising everything around. It is necessary to look at whether it affects the fortuneteller or shows the action of external forces. In any case, it is necessary to freeze, stop all processes, avoid important steps and decisions. The fool says that the situation is developing in the most unfavorable way, there is a cunning, insidious enemy nearby. This person weaves intrigues, the essence of which is difficult for a normal person to understand. He spreads gossip, arranges unwanted meetings, steals documents and the like. It is difficult to resist his activity, since it is not possible to understand his logic. The meaning of the Fool tarot card inverted is the most negative. In the extreme version, it describes a situation where a person is deliberately trying to drive him crazy, building a different reality around him.

    Influence on the love alignment of the direct lasso

    Experts do not really trust the layout for amorous affairs when the Fool (Tarot) falls out in it. The meaning in love of this card is unpredictability. It is difficult to estimate what exactly to prepare for. Our lasso is complete chaos. It can portend both a new acquaintance and the oblivion of an old love, as well as the base trick of the current gentleman. Sometimes the card is interpreted directly - one of the couple is stupid as a cork. And there is nothing you can do about it, you can only accept this fact. lasso gives hope. He suggests that it is necessary to follow the voice of intuition. The guardian angel leads straight to a meeting with fate. But the road will be full of oddities, unpleasant, infuriating events. A powerful, ancient force has entered the life of a fortuneteller, it will make it find itself in (this is indicated by the general meaning of the Fool Tarot card) relationships that the person himself is not able to imagine now. Everything will be turned upside down, including the worldview. Advice of the lasso: submit to the primordial energy, do not resist.

    Deciphering an inverted card in a love layout

    You will encounter or show yourself a childish spontaneity bordering on stupidity. Relationships are going to be very severely tested. There are situations when true love helps to forgive. It is precisely what our lasso portends, not for nothing that its second name is Jester. Fool (Tarot) meaning in this position is not just negative, but destructive. It is especially unfavorable for married couples. Probably, the partner has a hobby on the side. If the three of Swords fell nearby, the outcome of the situation will be a complete gap. This is not necessarily a divorce, but cooling to hatred, the inability to endure each other's company. If fortune-telling is carried out for a person who is only planning a relationship, it means that he fell under the influence of a bad personality, he is carried away by a beautiful shell that hides a narcissistic, dishonorable egoist. At best, the prospective partner will receive disappointment. To judge in more detail what the Fool (Tarot) lasso has in a relationship should be based on its position in the layout. For lonely people, this card portends an affair with a sad end. It will leave, as they say, an unpleasant aftertaste. You will regret that you entered into a relationship without thinking.

    What features of the relationship portends a direct lasso

    You are at the very beginning of a romantic path. The partner beckons, causes a desire to get to know him better. Everything causes delight and interest: appearance, gestures, smile, look. The prospective partner is prone to shocking, extravagance. This is what attracts, there is a certain zest in it. Another option: the acquaintance happened in an unusual place or in a strange way. It intrigued, gave rise to a sense of mystery or "forbidden fruit". Sometimes the lasso shows that the fortuneteller will meet fate far from home, or his chosen one will be a wanderer, an alien, a resident of another country or city. It should be noted that the Fool card in the Tarot has an ambiguous interpretation. Sometimes it means a fan with an unusual hobby or profession.

    The meaning of the lasso for couples with experience

    The partner will be revealed from a different, unfamiliar side. For example, a merry fellow will turn into a gloomy homebody, fiery passion will be replaced by indifference, and the like. This "other side" will not necessarily be unpleasant. But you will have to get used to other "rules of the game", adapt or re-grind. Sometimes the lasso portends simply stupid behavior in some situation, the inability to make mature decisions. In the male scenario, the Fool indicates the subtle intuition of the partner. If it is followed by favorable cards (Peace, Empress, Popess), the fortuneteller should be more attentive to her words. A woman, without realizing it, leads this person through life, pushes him in the direction necessary for his development and success. We can say that this is a sign of special favor of fate to the couple.

    The value of the direct lasso for single people

    You are entering a phase of uncertainty. Loneliness, even very comfortable, is not eternal. Soon there will be an event that can turn life around. Outcome is unpredictable. Usually he is judged by the neighboring arcana. The layout creates a unique picture, which is necessarily associated with the personality of the fortuneteller, this is precisely the advantage and significance of Tarot cards. The Fool in combination, for example, with the Sun portends a big, warm and long love to the lonely. If there is a Mage in the layout, then this connection will seem mystical, unusual. But in combination with the Moon, our lasso speaks of the deceitfulness of the situation. Most likely, love will be ephemeral, and the partner will be an ordinary business trip. He will disappear from the life of a fortuneteller suddenly, as soon as the production necessity of staying in his city ends.

    The meaning of the lasso in the "past" position

    The relationship arose in an unusual way, probably far from home. Partner at first glance seemed strange, a little out of his mind. The whole situation seems to the fortuneteller not real, fantastic, he is not sure about the second half, he is afraid to open up completely. Sometimes this lasso speaks of a big difference in age or social status. In an inverted form, it describes a betrayal that occurred earlier, some kind of sudden strong experience. May indicate shame caused by the behavior of a partner, which worries a person who turned to Tarot cards.

    The meaning of the lasso in the "present" position

    You have come to a point of uncertainty in your relationship. Any turn can happen, both a break and a complete connection of souls. In this situation, it is necessary to rely on feelings, rejecting logic. Whatever happens around, try to listen to your heart. Sometimes the card indicates the sudden departure of a partner. This turn of events will destroy insincere relationships, but will strengthen true love. The separation will be long. However, these changes should not be feared. They will allow you to experience the joy of reunion in a new way, if, of course, both of you pass the test. With negative cards (Tower, Hanged Man) portends a stupid parting, which people will regret for a long time.

    The meaning of the lasso, describing third-party influence

    Lovers constantly communicate with other people, close and not so. Friends and relatives influence their mood, thoughts, actions. If the lasso Fool fell out in such a position, then the couple will face adverse events. Someone from their environment will "fool the heads" of both. This person will try to create doubts that the partner is sincere, open and honest. You know, sometimes older relatives consider it their duty to warn lovers against a "fatal mistake." This, of course, is annoying, annoying, especially if you trust a person. The cards recommend looking for a rational grain in the situation, relying on the voice of intuition. Relations after the test will reach a new level of trust.

    The meaning of the lasso in the position "total"

    This is probably the most ambiguous fortune-telling. If the alignment ends with the lasso Fool, then you need to take the situation under tight control. Life flows smoothly to stormy rapids. And how the two will cross, no one can predict. Almost all couples have such periods. They should be passed hand in hand, not allowing the hearts to lose their constant connection. The situation for a while may seem absurd, uncontrollable. We need to trust each other, to go through the fog, to the touch, but together. Only in this case, the couple will not suffer, it will reach another level. Sometimes, however, only one of the partners gets there. Then for some time he will act as a mentor for another. How the relationship develops further depends on both of them.

    The negative aspect of the arcana

    We have described how to decipher the Fool Tarot card in the upright position. Only a few words can be said about the inverted. Its meaning is negative. If the inverted lasso appears in the layout, you should prepare for the worst. Often he describes the so-called This is the relationship of people, one of which is much wiser than the other. Such a relationship may exist for some, probably a long time. But sooner or later people will be disappointed. Such a moment is already coming, this is indicated by the inverted lasso. There will be a certain event where the stupidity of a partner, a different worldview, will be visible very clearly to both. Further communication will be impossible, people will calmly disperse, realizing with relief that such a decision has been agreed upon.

    This card recommends that the fortuneteller plunge into childhood for a while in order to remember the feeling of delight from knowing the unknown world. This state is useful if you want to pass the upcoming lesson correctly. Fantastic discoveries of knowledge lie ahead. Experience will not help to perceive and realize everything correctly. You are entering a different level of development of either personality or relationships. Everything will be different in it, previously unknown sensations, circumstances, character traits, talents will be revealed. A fool is the chaos of the birth of another world. Trust your intuition, listen to your heart, rely on the love bestowed from above. If the partner is with you not by the will of fate, let him go, wishing true happiness. The Fool's Arcana is the path to the void, which can be turned into hell or filled with the splendor of harmony. It's up to you to decide. Good luck!