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Crafts from matches of the scheme in stages. Crafts from matches without glue. Crafts from matches: instructions and diagrams. How to make a house of matches

A simple and affordable material for creativity is ordinary matches. Making man-made works from them develops perseverance, coordination of movements, accuracy and attentiveness. Souvenirs from matches can be made with or without glue, and the design will be kept due to friction and tension inside. In the article we will give interesting examples and a master class on creating match crafts with your own hands for beginners; working without glue is somewhat harder than with it, so if you are not confident in your abilities, as well as to work with children, you can use it.

  1. Choose a place to be creative. A table, chair or floor area - this should be a place where it will be convenient to work, and at the same time you will not interfere with others.
  2. Stock up on matches. Often their required number exceeds the expected.
  3. Sometimes you need to draw up a diagram to work.
  4. For glue, select a small container, cover the work surface with oilcloth; A rag will do to wipe off the excess.
  5. Go through the matches: only smooth and durable ones are used in the work.
  6. If you need to cut off the heads, do it with a clerical knife.

Children's crafts from matches

The easiest option for children to use matches in creativity is to make a picture on cardboard using them.

You will need cardboard, a pencil, glue, matches and any other materials that you see fit.

1. First you need to make a pencil sketch.

2. After that, decide which parts of the pattern can be made from matches, stick them on the base.

3. If necessary, paint the drawing with paints, add elements from other materials.

Matches can also be used to create figurines of anything. It just takes a little ingenuity and imagination. Experiment! And the children's match drawings obtained in this way can also be pasted onto cardboard.

A "fence" of matches can become part of a future large and voluminous craft, a stand for it, or just a fence for the house. When making it, we glue the matches, alternating the heads and "tails".

For example, you can use the previous blank to make a table or a stool. In addition, you will need 5 more matches for the legs, which must be glued as in the photo.

House of matches

From simple to complex. Let's move on to creating crafts without glue. This is what the next master class is about.

So, you will need:

  • 7 boxes of matches (stock up on a lot - matches often have marriage);
  • a couple of coins;
  • disc box.

1. We prepare the base, we have a regular disc box. We put a couple of matches on it in parallel, but at a distance.

2. On these matches we put 8 matches of the foundation perpendicularly. The distance between them must be the same.

3. Lay out another "layer" in this way.

4. After that, lay out the "perimeter" from the matches.

5. Repeating the last two points, we make 7 rows.

6. We lay the 8th row of matches so that the heads look in the opposite direction to the matches of the foundation.

7. We continue to make a house. On 8 matches we lay 6 perpendicularly, and on top - a coin.

8. We insert matches into the holes in the corners. Carefully adhere to the design.

10. Correcting. Matches should stick tightly together.

11. Add matches, completing the walls of the house.

14. Alternate direction, insert matches perpendicularly.

16. From pieces we make a roof, windows of the house, doors and a pipe.

This is how the house turns out.

Video on the topic of the article

Natalia Tashimova

Dear colleagues! After I made the game matchbox I have a lot of boxes matches. It's a pity to throw it away, so I decided to make a layout " Russian village". He is at the very beginning of his birth, but I really wanted to show you what I already have. In the future, a well, a barn, a cart, a few more houses and a fence will be made.

In order to make such a house, glue is not needed, only patience and sleight of hand. You will need a box from the disk (in order to turn the house without fear of falling apart, matches and coins.

We take the first 2 matches and put them parallel to each other at a distance of a couple of centimeters.

On them we make a flooring of eight matches heads are facing the same direction.

From above we make another flooring of 8 matches perpendicular to the first.

On top of the flooring bed 4 matches well, so that the heads in each layer look in different directions.

We will need to lay, thus, seven rows.

We lay the flooring on the well again, like the very first one.

On top of this flooring we lay perpendicular to the second, but already from 6 matches.

In the corners of the resulting "lattice" from the inside, insert 4 matches. In order for the house not to fall apart, put a coin on top and hold it with one finger, it will be more convenient. Matches we lower it to the very bottom, so that they stand exactly in the corners, as well as at the top. When installing corner matches, for convenience, you can use the auxiliary match

Now paste matches all the way down to the bottom. The top and bottom decks will converge and diverge. It's not scary, it will get better later.

The house is still quite fragile, so it needs to be compressed from the sides. After that, you can remove the coin, carefully pick it up and compress it from all sides. We also align matches so that nothing sticks out anywhere. The better we crimp, the stronger it will be in the future.

After the house has been compressed, we put it on a stand so that the former foundation turns out to be a roof. And we strengthen it from the outside with vertical matches around the perimeter.

We continue to strengthen the walls, and we also start up horizontal matches. heads matches should intersect alternately, and not close to each other. After everything is horizontal matches installed in the corners sticking the missing 4 matches.

Raise the vertical layer matches halfway around the perimeter of the house. For this operation, simply push from the underside of the other match needed. We make a roof, as you can see in the photo.

We lay the roof. It's hard to explain in words, but you can see it in the photo.

Well, what is a house without pipes, windows, and doors.

Honestly, I wrote longer than I did this house.

One of the interesting directions in creativity is the manufacture of crafts from improvised materials. This process contributes to the comprehensive development of the child. And for an adult, such a pastime will be an opportunity to relieve stress and distract from work, household chores.

In addition, such works are a chance to create an original souvenir at no extra cost. Therefore, it is worth considering how to make crafts from matches with your own hands.

Looking at the photo of handicrafts from matches, one can note their diversity. But in order to get the result as soon as possible, you should pay attention to a number of recommendations:

  • the surface of the table should be covered before work to avoid getting glue;
  • for the fixing composition, it is necessary to prepare a special saucer;
  • to take the glue from the container, it is worth preparing a pointed match or a toothpick;
  • before work, matches must be sorted, setting aside non-standard ones in thickness and size separately from others;
  • for the front side, it does not hurt to choose a material with the smoothest possible surface;
  • to ensure greater evenness, the match heads can be cut off with a knife.

When offering schemes of work from matches, children should take into account several conditions. Their age should allow them to work safely with small parts.

DIY options for beginners

The simplest match crafts for beginners are applications made on cardboard. To do this work, you first need to draw the outlines of the drawing on the basis. After the blank is completed, it is necessary to fill in the gaps with matches. Alternatively, you can use pasta, cereals or other improvised materials here.

Both an adult and a child can easily and quickly make such crafts from matches. In this case, the masterpiece does not have to be fixed on cardboard. Without the use of glue, the image can be constantly varied and improved.

However, this option does not imply long-term storage. If the application of matches is intended as a gift to a friend or relative, it should be fixed with glue.

Volumetric work from matches

Volumetric figures are often crafts made from matches without glue. To complete this project, including a simple house, accuracy and patience are required. As a result, having mastered the basics, you can create entire castles and other intricate figures.

To make a match house, you will need 7 boxes of matches. To ensure the evenness of the craft, you will need a five-ruble coin and a box from under the disk.

Here is a step by step tutorial:

  • on the base you need to put 2 matches opposite each other;
  • 6 more elements are perpendicularly laid on them;
  • and on top of them there are still the same number of matches according to a similar principle;
  • thus the foundation for the house will be laid;
  • to get walls, you need to alternately lay out matches in pairs, alternating directions;
  • the overlap of the house is formed like a base;
  • the resulting design must be pressed down with a coin;
  • 4 corners of the structure are fixed with matches vertically;
  • additional matches are inserted into the openings between the horizontally lying matches so that they pass through the entire formed cube;
  • you can adjust the position of the elements with a toothpick;
  • now it is necessary to fill the gaps in the walls with matches, fixing them with fixing elements in the corner channels;
  • to form a roof, it is necessary to push out a part of the matches from the main cube from sides parallel to each other;
  • on its basis lay horizontal rows;
  • form a roof;
  • halves of matches are used to make windows, a door and a chimney.

In the process of work, you should be prepared that the result will not work the first time. But this is no reason to give up. This instruction is an example of the simplest volumetric product, on the basis of which more complex designs can be created.

To summarize: making crafts from matches is a simple but very exciting activity, available for children and adults. The key to a fruitful process will be a properly organized workspace, as well as a sufficient amount of material.

It is better to start work with simple and uncomplicated crafts, gradually honing skills and complicating tasks. As a result, you can learn how to create real masterpieces that will decorate your own home, as well as become a pleasant surprise for loved ones.

Photo crafts from matches

Creating crafts from matches with your own hands for beginners without glue will interest fans of designing and making figures from unusual materials.

Mastering this skill is not difficult, although beginners will have to work hard to understand the general principle. As a result, building with matches can become an exciting hobby for children and adults. The simplest crafts are made on paper: you can make pictures and make panels from matches. More difficult work - three-dimensional figures. Most often these are houses, wells, baskets and various items. One craft can take more than one box of matches.

This article will tell you how to make various crafts (from simple to complex).

Getting Started

The simplest crafts are made with glue: matches are glued to paper, cardboard or other surface, forming a complete composition.

The principle of execution is similar to a regular application, however, the difficulty lies in the fact that a full-fledged figure cannot be cut out of matches, individual elements are assembled like a mosaic.

To create an applique craft, you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard;
  • matches;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors;
  • pencil;
  • paints;

First, a sketch is made on a cardboard base. For convenience, it is recommended to use diagrams for future pictures. Also suitable contour drawings as a template.

Matches are laid out along the lines of the picture, they can be cut to the desired size. You can also fill empty spaces in the picture with matches - the composition will turn out to be more interesting and complete. Then the finished match pattern is painted with acrylic paints and varnished. The result is a decorative panel.

Simple applications - children's crafts. Teenagers and adults can try to compose more complex compositions. The dark match heads play the role of the pixels that make up the image.

To assemble such a craft, you need to understand how to make a cube out of matches. It's easy to do, just follow the guide. For crafts you need to prepare:

  • matches;
  • tweezers;
  • stand;
  • some glue.

A reusable stand can be made independently, for example, from a rubber plate using a ruler and a thin drill. The holes should be at an equal distance from each other and form a square with a width equal to the length of the match or slightly less than it.

You can use thick cardboard, for example, from a box, or clay. The stand will greatly facilitate the work, make it neat and even.


  1. Set the matches vertically around the perimeter of the stand, without inserting the matches into the corners (it should turn out like in the photo);

  1. Assemble the bottom: lay the matches between the matches of the two sides;

  1. Repeat step 2 for other sides (you will get a lattice);

  1. Lay two matches parallel to each other on two sides, turn the workpiece and repeat for other sides (lay out about 6 rows like this);

  1. Lay out the last two rows as a bottom (points 2-3);

  1. Tightly holding the entire structure, remove the cube from the stand;

  1. Trim each side with your finger;

  1. Glue (optional) four corner matches for greater reliability.

The cube is ready!

After mastering the cube, you can try to build a simple house, which is done according to the same principle. To do this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • matches (about 7 boxes);
  • coins of large diameter;
  • work surface (board or box from the disk).


  1. Lay two matches parallel to each other on the work surface;

  1. Put 8 matches on top of the matches at an equal distance;

  1. Perpendicularly repeat point 2;

  1. Lay out two matches on opposite sides, and then repeat for other sides;

  1. Repeat step 4 until you get 7 rows, while the match heads should go in a circle;

  1. In the last row, lay out 8 matches so that the match heads look in the opposite direction to the foundation;

  1. Put 6 matches perpendicularly, put a coin on top;

  1. Holding the whole structure with a finger with a coin, insert the matches in the corners (should frame the top 6 matches);

  1. Insert matches into the gaps between 6 matches on all sides (according to the size of the coin);

  1. Correct the entire structure with your fingers and remove the coin;

  1. Complete the walls by sticking matches vertically and horizontally and alternating heads with ends;

  1. Stick the matches with their heads up at the corners of the structure;

  1. Stick matches so that they are on the same level on two opposite sides, and form a triangle on the other two;

  1. Lay between the two "triangles" matches, as shown in the figure, alternating heads with ends;

  1. Lay the matches perpendicularly with their heads up on two sides to form a roof slope.

A simple house is ready!

There are different assembly methods, as well as other models of houses. A master class of another assembly can be viewed in the videos below.

If you add a fence, a table, a bench and a well to the resulting house, you get a whole village or country yard. These figures are easy to assemble with glue.

Video on the topic of the article

You can see more about creating crafts from matches in a selection of videos.

Matches are the most affordable and at the same time fairly simple craft material that opens up unlimited opportunities for leisure and creativity! You can create amazing things out of them.

Crafts from matches are a separate art form that pleases and amazes us no less than, for example, glass crafts and majestic sculptures.

It takes a lot of patience to make anything out of matches.

Just imagine how much work and perseverance is needed to make a house or a well out of matches!

What was not made from matches - starting with small houses and ending with huge structures of architecture (the largest match made of matches, which is listed in the Guinness Book, is a clone of an oil platform, this craft has a mass of almost 1 ton and rises up to 4 meters, and in length - more than 6 meters)!

Moreover, matches are the most useful material for constructing various puzzles. In addition, they develop in children: intelligence, accuracy of movements; attention to individual parts; creative activity and aesthetic taste; striving to achieve your goals!

Imagine how great and fun you can spend time designing crafts from matches. The long process of assembling small parts into a single whole has a positive effect on the human nervous system. During this lesson, all attention is focused on the result, the rest becomes unimportant and fades into the background. That’s what brain relaxation is all about!

Matchbox crafts are a fun and rewarding way to pass the time. By making a variety of crafts, you can glue not only a lot of matches for the house, but also strengthen friendship and mutual understanding between family members!

The manufacture of a wide variety of items from matches is often compared with the construction of sand castles and palaces, this activity can be just as simple and unpretentious. But the process of working with matches has a certain unique specificity.

There are two main ways to design all kinds of crafts from matches: without using glue and using it.

Of course, the use of glue in the process of work greatly simplifies it, and becomes affordable for young children. By bending matches and gluing them, you can design a wide variety of crafts: boxes, figures of animals and people, tables, chairs, beds, houses, cars, and even whole paintings! Matches are a material that sticks well with almost all adhesives, so making crafts will be easy and fun for both children and even adults.

The second way is the construction of various souvenirs, compositions, decorations in which glue is not used. This is a rather complicated technique that requires some experience and skills in working with matches, so it’s better for beginner “matchmakers” to start making crafts with glue.

But it is the manufacture of crafts without the use of glue that makes it possible to design beautiful specimens, such as castles, houses, towers, cubes, mills and figures, from which larger and more complex products can be built.

After all, matches are ideally combined with other materials that are suitable for making fun and original crafts.

For example, matches may be needed if you want to make a variety of unusual and interesting toys, figures of insects or animals (deer, donkeys, horses, beetles, spiders).

For greater effect, when creating three-dimensional compositions and applications, matches can be combined with paper, as well as with fabric and threads when creating wall paintings.

Works from matches with multi-colored sulfur heads look very beautiful, which, if necessary, are independently painted with acrylic paints or varnish.

Recently, unfortunately, it is quite rare to meet people who are seriously interested in "match architecture". For many, working with such a fragile material seems very time consuming and boring, but real fans of the match business get incredible pleasure and are charged with positive energy in the process of creating paintings, various compositions and other crafts from matches.

There are certain tips for starting the process of making crafts:

  • you need to find a place suitable for creativity;
  • cover the table with oilcloth so as not to stain it;
  • if crafts are made with glue, you need a saucer into which you can pour glue;
  • it is better to take glue with a toothpick or a sharpened match;
  • the work requires a clerical cutter;
  • it is necessary to carefully select matches with a flat surface of the fabric;
  • while working, to achieve a better result, cut off the match heads.

From matches you can design real masterpieces! This is not as difficult to do as it seems at first glance. In addition, this lesson will calm the nerves and give the head a rest more effective than any fancy designers. And the tools and materials that are needed for work can be found in every home!