
in the same language. Andrei Chernyshov: “We can argue with my wife, but we are talking about the same thing, in the same language. You probably have a lot of positive qualities

Andrey Chernyshev on the set of the series "Girls Don't Give Up"

In a new comedy series about the life of five girlfriends, actor Chernyshov again breaks girls' hearts. And at the same time, he admits that in ordinary life he is far from this.

- Andrey, in the series “Girls Don’t Give Up”, your hero, frankly, has a hard time ...

I personally sympathize with my hero, because he went astray. Having a wife and children, at some point he probably forgot about oaths and promises that need to be kept. So I started looking around a bit. And if at first everything went with impunity for him, then at some point life gave him a blow on the head. In search of another easy meeting, he truly fell in love and faced a very serious choice: there is a family, a responsibility that he cannot refuse, but there are also feelings that are also important to him. This is presented in a comedic way, so I would like the viewer, on the one hand, to laugh at this, and on the other, to think.

- And how close is this behavior to you?

To be honest, such a story is not close to me, I hope that I will not find myself in such a situation, this is not my path in life. I wasn't raised that way.

According to the plot, your hero is a pilot. And you have to admit that the form really suits you. Did you have to learn any flying skills during filming?

There are no scenes in the script where I am driving an airliner, basically all the action takes place in the passenger compartment. So there was no need to acquire any special technical knowledge for this film. Yes, and in childhood, in general, I did not dream of becoming an astronaut or a pilot. Of course, these were respected professions, but from the fourth grade I already wanted to become an artist. My parents are teachers, my mother led a children's theater at school. And, of course, this was my main hobby. True, at that time I did not tell anyone about my desire to become an actor, I was shy. Only in the tenth grade, when it was necessary to announce where I want to go, he said that I was going to the theater.

- Your father was the director of the school where you studied. It must have been difficult for you?

Many, when they found out that dad was the director of the school, and mom was the head, immediately assumed that the “five” was provided. But my parents, on the contrary, believed that I should uphold the honor of the family. If they cannot teach their child, then what to say about the rest! And they asked me the strictest of all, and if there were some pranks at school, then I got it first of all. Subsequently, I realized how right it was, because thanks to this I developed working capacity and self-discipline.

- You probably have a lot of positive qualities?

I have those positive qualities that my parents instilled in me. That is, this is an understanding of some basic life principles and, probably, a desire to follow them. It may not always work out, but I try to move in this direction. I am a true friend, and I think you can rely on me.

- In many films you play fearless people. Do you have fears in your life?

Just like everyone else. But all this can be overcome if you pull yourself together. Fortunately, I don't have phobias.

- So, you found contact with the tigers on the set. Do you have animals at home?

Unfortunately, due to a busy schedule and constant traveling, I can’t get myself a pet, although I love dogs very much. And now there is no such possibility. I don't know what breed I would have. Maybe a mongrel. We would probably choose each other together.

I read on your Instagram that you like to arrange surprises. For example, they surprised everyone at the wedding of actress Maria Kulikova.

To be honest, I wasn't at their wedding at all, and most importantly, I don't have Instagram and I'm not on any social media! I don't know how to deal with fake pages. It turns out that this is impossible. And it turns out that people are being misled. Often, after the performance, someone comes up to me, brings some books, says: “Here, you asked ...” At the same time, they add: “We are friends with you!” And very often they approach me already as a friend, as if I am making acquaintances with someone there. You have to justify and apologize. I don’t know who is there and why they are doing it, but I think they are not very smart people.

Why don't you get Instagram?

Probably, I don’t feel the need yet, I already have enough things to do. Well, maybe I'll be interested someday.

I don't have anything like that. I love to go to the cinema. And what exactly to watch - it does not matter. Just go to the cinema, buy popcorn, cola, sit. The very feeling that you can spend your free time somewhere is important, and if the film is also interesting, then it’s generally great. I like to meet with friends - this also rarely happens, because everyone is busy. And if a free evening is issued and we meet, five hours flies like a second.

- Popcorn and cola somehow do not match with your beautiful shape ...

Of course, you need to take care of yourself, be friends with sports. On the project "King of the Ring" I met Ashot Ivanovich Garakyan, who was my coach there. We struck up a strong friendship with him and in general with the entire boxing team of the Mining Institute, where he trains. Now, if possible, I go there for training.

- Do you follow your diet? Can you cook something?

Yes, I'm a good cook. Suddenly this talent woke up in me, I would even say. I lived alone for a long time, and there was probably some kind of bachelor need to do this. At first I tried to cook simple dishes, then I started adding something - it turned out delicious. I continued to experiment, it became interesting.

- Now what do you spoil the household?

I guess I'm a good pasta cooker. With seafood. My wife likes it, she often asks me to cook, I hope, not out of politeness.

- And how does your spouse feel about your employment?

Masha is engaged in the same profession as me. She understands that separation is forced, so everything is fine with us in this regard.

Photo: frame from the series "Mayakovsky. Two days"

They say that before you get married, you had to correct the tarnished reputation of a womanizer in front of your future wife. Where did she suddenly come from?

A lot of tabloid press came out, all sorts of novels were appropriated to me. My parents live in Kyiv. And, I remember, my mother once called and asked: “Son, are you getting married?” I asked: “How? On whom?" She gave her last name. I, of course, replied: “Mom, well, I would somehow tell you! Do not learn about it from newspapers and magazines! Probably, it all created such an image. In general, in these publications they called me all the time an enviable groom, but I had to object, I never positioned myself like that. What does groom mean? What kind of status is this? The groom is if there is a bride.

- But your future wife probably understood that all this was just talk?

I hope so.

Does the fact that you and your wife are also colleagues help or hinder in life? How about heated acting disputes at home?

We have disputes, of course, but we are talking about the same thing, in the same language, and I think this greatly simplifies everything. Because not all the nuances can be understood by a person of another profession.

- Can you criticize each other?

Well, how! Certainly! Masha - me, I - Masha. But this is not a verdict, but in order to fix something, try to help. We do not always agree with each other, but criticism is constructive.

- And what does she think about the fact that you periodically play a hero-lover with an abundance of romantic scenes?

This question is probably of interest primarily to people who are outside the profession. Kissing on screen or on stage is completely different than kissing in real life, you know? When a bunch of people are standing next to you, the operator and director are above you. What if you have to play murder? If, for example, I kill someone in a movie, it's not real! It's all part of the role.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Each person, regardless of his position, age, worldview, strives for the best in his life. Each person understands this in their own way. And everyone, in order to achieve the best, needs strength. Strength is the ability of a person to solve problems that either he, or others, or society set for him. Without power it is impossible to solve any problem. That is why gaining strength, in one form or another, be it the strength of the mind, education, be it the strength of money, or the strength that relies on connections, acquaintances, or physical strength. And this is the goal for which a person spends most of his life. And there are those who would like to have everything at once: power, money and people's support, and also the power of health. And practically strength and well-being become synonymous.

Very often in the Word of God we find such paradoxical words that cannot but arouse thought if we carefully listen to or read God's Word. These words are sometimes really so out of touch with the experience of our lives that some people cannot accept them and reject them right away. Others try to understand and do not understand their meaning. But no matter how paradoxical the words of God that he addressed to people may seem to us, these are the words of God.

And in the Word of God we meet inhuman wisdom. Supermundane wisdom, not comprehensible by our mind. That is why the word of God for a believer is an indisputable and absolute authority. Depending on how capable he is of understanding or embodying the Word of God.

Such paradoxical words, which plunge many people into bewilderment, include the words that we have just heard. These are several passages, several verses from the Epistle of the Holy Apostle Paul to the Corinthians. I will remind you of these words. “And God chose the foolish to shame the wise. And God has chosen the lowly in the world to shame the mighty. And God has chosen the ignoble of the world, who mean nothing, who are lowly, to destroy what is significant.”

It must have been so difficult for the Corinthian Christians to understand this. They lived in a prosperous city. They had everything: a rich port, large incomes, sciences, arts. The Roman Way suggested that man should imitate the gods of Olympus. To become just as strong and powerful, just as happy in the human sense. And suddenly the words of the apostle, which turn everything upside down in the mind. And the Corinthian Christians responded to these words. They understood what “God chose the weak of the world to shame the wise” means.

And then the whole history of the Church, and the initial centuries with cruel persecutions from the Roman emperors, and subsequent prosperous, but always full of inner tension and struggle years. And finally, the terrible persecution of the 20th century. And again, as it were, a prosperous time. If we carefully look at the entire history of the Church, the greatest truth of the words that we have just heard becomes apparent. The Word of God has never been affirmed by might and power. Moreover, when Christians resorted to human strength and power, the Christian community itself was reborn.

The Church for two thousand years has passed through various and never-before conditions of earthly existence, not because she has power, wealth and nobility. Namely, because God lives and acts in the Church by his spirit. And this is an example of the Church, often humiliated and crucified, pushed to the periphery of public life, because they do not see in it any strength, an example of a community that lives, regardless of any conditions and external circumstances. The clearest example of the truthfulness of those words that the apostle Paul addressed to the ancient Corinthians. But maybe this example has no meaning in our daily life, there is another logic of being outside the temple. Perhaps there must always rely on strength? The Lord did not say that the words about the power of human weakness, which God chooses, refer only to the inner life of the Church. This is a command for everyone.

False wrong conclusions should not be drawn from this mandate: no need to study, no need to get an education, no need to work on yourself, they say God will use my weakness, and I will become strong. Nothing will work. There is one condition when the weak human essence is filled with divine power. This condition is primarily a person's trust in God. Making a commitment to live in accordance with God's Law. Everything is said in this Law. About the need for work and patience, and growth, about the need to build the right relationships with other people. Without this, there can be no healthy public social life, a healthy and strong family. The acceptance of God's law is an indispensable condition so that, despite our weakness, and how much this weakness a modern person has, it is impossible to count, the power of God appears in this weakness. Sinners would become righteous, and the ruined would sparkle with restored or newly created beauty. And nature would rejoice not because a person would treat her carefully and live in harmony with her. Everything is possible, the most daring human plans, the most daring dreams can come true when a person reveals his weakness towards God. And together with him, filled with his divine power, incomparable to any human power, he creates himself and the world around him.

But what happens when people rely only on themselves? They can be successful. But almost never these successes bring happiness. They can bring visible well-being. But they are certainly accompanied by struggle, conflicts, danger, suspicions. Internal anxiety, constant stresses that destroy a person. Our relatively wealthy society, the more it becomes humanly more powerful, the more stress. Doctors do not know what to do with young people and middle-aged people, when people themselves drown out these stresses with alcohol and drugs, unbridled debauchery. The concept of explosive relaxation even appeared in medicine. An explosion of passion will calm stress. But you can't calm the stress either. You can get relief for a moment, only to feel even more miserable later.

Everything we are talking about now is not only the heritage of our time and not only the heritage of our country. At the dawn of human civilization, this disease began, neither yesterday nor today, but in ancient times. We remember the biblical story of the Tower of Babel. People wanted to build something outstanding, unique. To prove to themselves that they are in the center of the world, that no God's power is needed, but their own power is sufficient to assert their power.

And they were put to shame by God. They could not complete the tower, because, as the Lord says in His Word, languages ​​were mixed.

Some people think that the builders of the tower suddenly started talking in foreign languages. Most likely it is not. It's just that people have lost the ability to understand each other by speaking the same language.

Isn't the same thing happening today? When people lose the ability to understand each other, to unite, losing such a quality necessary for a common goal as solidarity. Without which human society really cannot be arranged according to.

The Apostle Paul today reveals God's great truth to us modern people living in this dynamically developing and at the same time restless world. That God chose the weak of this world to shame the wise. And it only remains for us to accept this word, realizing our human weakness and destroying pride in ourselves, to open our hearts and minds towards God, Reinforcing ourselves with prayer, the grace of God, humility. By divine power, which God will undoubtedly give us in response to all this, we can arrange peace in ourselves and transform the life of the world around us. Amen.

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