
People came from Mars. Boriska is a man from Mars. Important announcement from NASA

According to the ancient Babylonian tradition, the annual cycle consists of 36 decans, and each decan is patronized by one of the seven planets of the spectrum: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. People born under the influence of a certain planet, although at different times of the year, have a lot in common, much more than representatives of the same zodiac sign. Because it is the dean of birth that has the greatest influence on a person: he gives a detailed decoding of the state of the Sun every 10 days of the year. The ruling planet of the decan leads a person through life, determines his essence, purpose.

So, today I propose to get to know the wards of Mars better.

People of Mars were born on January 1 - 10, March 11 - 21, March 21 - April 1, June 1 - 12, August 13 - 23, October 23 - November 2.

Strengths and weaknesses of iron man

Under the rule of Mars, extroverts are born, people who direct their energy into the outside world. As a rule, they are efficient, active, strong (both physically and psycho-emotionally). It is extremely important for them to find a constructive use of their colossal energy, otherwise it can become destructive, and not only those around them, but also the Martians themselves will feel it. A sports career, work in law enforcement agencies, military service are ideal for all wards of Mars.

Discipline plays a huge role in the life of the people of Mars. They themselves must adhere to strictly defined rules, and control others, and obey higher authorities. They need to show determination, pressure, take on a big load and in no case be lazy: any vigorous activity will benefit them.

People of Mars should not avoid conflicts, difficult situations. Of course, this is not about creating trouble themselves - on the contrary, their calling is to solve complex issues. It is in tense moments that a Martian fully reveals his potential, shows his best qualities. Of course, this applies not only to the security forces: Mars' wards make effective crisis managers, employees of regulatory authorities, and so on.

From the point of view of alchemy, Mars corresponds to iron. The animal symbol of the planet is the wolf - a smart, strong, brave and faithful animal that is able to reliably protect its own and at the same time inspire awe in strangers, in those who are hostile towards him and his relatives.

Such are the majority of the people of Mars. The main thing for them is not to hold back energy, not to direct it inward. If everything is calm and there is no need to save anyone, you need to find another use for your strength. For the people of Mars, the ideal way to get rid of tension, throw out accumulated emotions is sports. And, of course, they must feel the line between pressure and aggression, rigidity and cruelty.

Martians are different...

Born January 1st to 10th when Mars is in Capricorn, should directly interact with money. These people are able to perfectly manage financial flows, control the movement of capital. They are perfect for working in a bank, tax police, collection service. Moreover, it is important to be not just a performer, but, one way or another, to participate in the organization of work. In addition, the people of the first dean of Mars work well in production, manage commodity-money transactions.

Those who were born from March 11 to 21 (Mars in Pisces) have great emotional power. Sometimes they are prone to excessive manifestation of feelings, including negative ones. They need to learn to control emotions, and even better - to direct them in the right direction: then they will be able to achieve a lot. For example, to become successful politicians, top managers, officers: these are excellent managers who can competently manage a large number of people. The field of art is also suitable for them: if they manage to transform their emotions into something creative, they will become talented writers, artists, filmmakers.

People who were born between March 21 and April 1 (when Mars is in Aries), extremely energetic, assertive, sometimes aggressive. It is important for them to demonstrate leadership qualities, to work for authority. Success in their careers is of great importance to them: they are not afraid of responsibility, they want to lead, manage a team, and make decisions on their own. They are interested in working on large projects (no matter in what area), building the future. These are talented strategists who are able to predict events, develop effective business plans and implement almost any ideas.

Those born between June 1st and 12th (Mars in Gemini) it is better to engage in intellectual activity. However, whatever they do, they should rely on their own mind, education, creative abilities. Such Martians are good at leading a research laboratory, conducting scientific work, developing new programs, technical innovations, information products and services, and so on. They are able to defend their positions, promote innovative projects, in a word, step by step make a fairy tale come true. In addition, they are born diplomats: they can not only speak convincingly, but also listen carefully, which allows them to make useful contacts and contact the right people at the right time.

Born August 13 - 23 (when Mars is in Leo) natural leaders. It is extremely important for them to show independence, manage people and processes, and solve difficult situations. And, most importantly, they are great at it. The ideal option for those born during this period is to open their own business and control absolutely everything - from A to Z. Another way of professional implementation is to work in law enforcement agencies, preferably in leadership positions. However, you can start from the bottom - thanks to perseverance, self-discipline, dedication and a huge amount of energy, they quickly storm the career ladder.

Born October 23 - November 2 (when Mars is in Scorpio) discipline is as necessary as air. Moreover, both external (strict rules, life according to a charter or a clear routine), and internal (self-restraint, following one's own rules and principles, control over one's feelings and emotions) - this gives them strength, allows them to achieve goals, manage other people. Another key to success is the desire for self-improvement. Such Martians should not stop there, especially rest on their laurels: this corrupts them, makes them weak and vulnerable, sometimes vicious. Therefore, they need to always strive forward, remember that there is no limit to perfection and clearly understand that the fall is often very painful.

Yes, that's exactly what it is and nothing else. Paradise was on Mars. The latest finds on Mars have proven that life was there and it died. But many, many years ago, Mars was the planet where the Atlanteans lived. All points over I are set. Atlantis is not to be found on Earth, it was on Mars. How did it happen? The extraterrestrial origin of people has been repeatedly expressed, and there is also reliable evidence of the closeness of man and apes. How did it happen?
Mysterious Mars gradually reveals its secrets. Recent studies have proven that there is water on Mars in the form of ice. River beds are visible on the planet, which could only be created by flowing water and nothing more. Reflecting on all this, I came to the conclusion that life in the part in which we see today is brought from the outside, namely from Mars. Once the planet Mars was as green and blooming as the Earth. It was a real paradise. Everything was harmonious on this planet. People more accurately called them then Atlanteans lived in a harmonious society with complete social equality. It is on Mars that people in the future will find traces of the ancient civilization of Atlantis, rumors about which have reached us millions of years later. What happened in those distant distant years?
A highly developed society, developing, uses everything that it can use. Creating benefits for themselves, they do not hesitate to transform everything that nature has created to protect itself from the outside into some kind of consumer toys. How now humanity creates completely obscene things. As an example, the tallest building is the 828-meter Burj Khalifa. A few kilometers from the construction site of the tower, thousands of square kilometers of empty territory, build anything. But the organizers of the construction are only interested in the grandeur of the structure and absolutely not interested in everything else. 60,000 tons of metal are driven into this tower without bothering to calculate what harm it will bring to planet Earth. Exactly so and not otherwise. After all, the Earth is a huge magnet that creates a magnetic field. We know from physics that if an iron billet is placed in a magnetic field, it will heat up. In addition to the released heat, this tower changes the direction of the magnetic lines of the Earth's electromagnetic field, thereby weakening it. A weak magnetic field will hold less atmosphere. I described this in the Amateur Hypothesis on a separate page. Similarly, the Atlanteans lived for their own pleasure without noticing that they were killing the planet. The planet's magnetic field was used as an energy generator for the needs of the Atlanteans. Literally a small installation and energy was obtained simply from the air. The planet could not withstand such a load and released its atmosphere into interstellar space. They were saved for some time by the fact that they did not live all over the planet, but were concentrated in 30 huge cities. The level of science and industry allowed them to quickly build protective domes over the cities under which they retained the remnants of the atmosphere. The foundation pits of these cities are still visible on the planet. Look at pictures of Mars.

Those who identified these craters called them explosive and without delving into it, but already on a simple knurled track said that they were allegedly formed from an asteroid impact. In this place was the city of the Atlanteans under the dome. When the vacuum of space reached the planet, the dome could not stand it and exploded. Everything that was inside was thrown into space like a powerful vacuum cleaner. The remnants of signs of life were destroyed by time.
Atlantes have long paid attention to the Earth. They studied it and found that it was suitable for colonization, but it was inhabited by reptiles that were quite difficult to cope with and they decided to destroy them. Destroy with one blow by redirecting a huge asteroid. They succeeded and the dinosaurs were destroyed, but conditions on Earth were created that were not entirely suitable for the life of the Atlanteans. In the form of experiments, they began to send small interplanetary ships with small mammals to Earth. These experiments made it possible to find out whether it is possible for creatures from the planet Mars to survive on planet Earth. After all, nothing like this had ever lived on Earth before. At the end of the experiment, primates were sent, which must finally prove that life for the Atlanteans on Earth is possible. The development of mammals on Earth has shown that it is possible for the Atlanteans themselves to migrate. But the possibilities of Mars were exhausted. The planet was dying. On a planet without an atmosphere at the poles, under the influence of the bombardment of ice by cosmic rays, a flood began. Water flooded the planet and left only small areas for compact habitation. As I wrote above, there were a little more than thirty such places. With almost no atmosphere, Mars warmed up and water evaporated. A weak magnetic field could not hold such an amount of water vapor and carried it into space. The poles, unprotected by a thick layer of ice and atmosphere, cooled down under the influence of cosmic cold. Water under the action of sunlight in the equatorial part evaporated and evaporated into space. It can be said that the inhabitants of the planet Mars equipped the last interplanetary ship with their last breath. They wanted to leave their civilization for the future. It was decided to send a man and a woman so that they could create a new population of their own kind on a new planet. Yes, dear reader. It's about Adam and Eve. It is they who, as it is written in the scripture, were expelled from paradise. Mars, once a blooming heavenly planet, was dying and its two best representatives went to the unknown in order to be reborn in a new place. And on the planet, the cosmic cold has already froze not only the surface, but also reached the planet's nuclear reactor and simply drowned it out. The atomic reaction has stopped. The magnetic field has disappeared. The remnants of the atmosphere evaporated into boundless space. The domes of cities, unable to withstand the pressure difference, exploded and life on the planet ended. Mars is dead.
Meanwhile, the ship with the Atlanteans Adam and Eve arrived safely on Earth. A primitive planet inhabited only by unreasonable animals, who only knew how to eat and give birth. They didn't build anything and they didn't break anything. They just lived. If there were a lot of herbivores, then the number of predators increased. Predators destroyed herbivores and died of hunger. The system regulated itself. No more. Nothing less. Only as much as the planet can feed.
Adam and Eve, getting used to and looking around, created a small settlement in the likeness and tried to live as they used to live. Did not work out. Crops were trampled by herbivores. Predators tried to eat them. We needed protection. And Adam simply tamed some of the animals. He also attracted primates to his service. But after a while I realized that they are difficult to train. Another solution is needed. Yes, and Eve could not give birth to children, which would be enough for the further restoration, so to speak, of the Atlantean population. Naturally, this was out of the question. Atlantis as a species should probably disappear. And Adam decided to breed a completely new subspecies of the Atlanteans - man. For this experiment, he selected more developed female primates and inseminated them himself. After some time, children from these relationships appeared and these were the first people who looked more like monkeys than Atlanteans.

Adam tried his best. In addition to reproduction, it was necessary to solve the problems of feeding and protecting the new population. But the life of Adam and Eve came to its logical conclusion. Leaving behind a certain number of the first people and several of their children, the Atlanteans, they went to another world. Naturally, while they were raising their children, they tried to pass on as much knowledge to them as possible. Those experimental children that descended from monkeys were shown how to engage in gathering, hunting and farming. He instructed his children in the male line to engage in human selection and continue to improve this line. I must say they coped successfully on Earth, a reasonable person appeared. By this time, the Atlanteans no longer stood out from among the people, because the spouses had to be chosen from among the people. Someone will say that this is nonsense. But scientists still cannot explain the presence of 15% of the human gene. Where did this piece of gene come from? How did it come about? Who was its original carrier. It seems to me that I have given enough explanations to take as a basis for reflection.
Passing down from generation to generation the story that Adam and Eve arrived from Paradise, having descended from heaven, people believed in something almighty up there. They didn't realize that there was nothing there. Mars is dead. But in the subconscious of mankind, the gaze of the Atlanteans, always looking up at the sky, remained. The Atlanteans were sad for the abandoned planet and expressed their sadness in rock art. We see these drawings or drawings of their children on the rocks today. No wonder astronauts are drawn there. And the huge drawings in the Nazca desert? Are they a message to Mars? This drawing, for example, could mean a safe arrival on planet Earth.

You readers be the judge. Scientists still cannot intelligibly explain where mammals came from. And there is always a gap in the chain of human evolution. There is an opinion that someone from outside invaded this evolution. It was at a certain moment that the human branch budded and an incomprehensible 15% appeared in the human genes.

Of course, we can't say that humans are from Mars, but as new research has shown, our most distant ancestors - the simplest organisms - are in fact were Martians, and only then "immigrated" to Earth.

The element, which is the most important element for the origin of life, was found exclusively on the Red Planet. Scientists believe that the "seeds" of life hit our planet with meteorites, which broke off the surface of Mars as a result of volcanic eruptions or collisions with space objects.

Researchers from Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology(Gainesville, Florida, USA) found evidence that the oxidized mineral form of the element molybdenum- a catalyst that allows organic molecules develop into the simplest living organisms.

Moreover, there are suggestions that the conditions that are suitable for the origin of life still exist on Mars. But for this it is necessary that molybdenum has become highly oxidized.

On planet Earth, this form of molybdenum did not exist at the time life appeared here, because 3 billion years ago on the surface of the Earth there was too little oxygen. On Mars, in turn, there was then a sufficient amount of oxygen.

How did life appear on Mars?

All living organisms are made up of organic material, but if you add heat or light to organic molecules and leave them to themselves, life will not arise. Instead, you will get something that looks like tar, oil or asphalt.

Some elements seem to be able to keep organic materials from turning to tar, especially boron and molybdenum, so if the materials contain both of these elements, then life can be born, scientists said.

An analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars, as well as an oxidized form of molybdenum.

On the other hand, it was very difficult for life to originate on our planet, because at that time, it is likely that its surface was completely covered with water. This would prevent the formation of large concentrations of boron, which today can only be found in very dry regions, for example in Death Valley. Water is also harmful to ribonucleic acid, which scientists believe was the first genetic molecule.

Although Mars once had liquid water, it occupied much smaller area than on a young Earth.

Scientists say that in fact, we are all Martians, since our most distant ancestors come from the planet Mars. Fortunately, man still appeared on Earth, since our planet is more suitable for sustaining life than Mars. Assuming that all living things remained on Mars, they would have little chance of surviving.

How Geologically Active Is Mars?

Scientists have discovered that the Martian meteorites that were found on Earth, 4 billion years younger than previously thought, meaning that Mars may still be geologically active.

A team of scientists found that the Martian meteorite from the collection Royal Ontario Museum in Canada has an age about 200 million years and is part of a frozen lava flow. Scientists were able to date such meteorites after the technology was invented using isotope and microstructural analysis.

These rocks left the surface of Mars about 20 million years ago. Before that, it was believed that meteorites were about 4 billion years old. More than 100 meteorites, which are supposed to have flown here from Mars.

Animals on Mars

Someday on Mars life will come again, which will be transferred there from planet Earth, scientists say. However, we will have to create special conditions for living beings.

Japanese scientists discovered animal sperm bank endangered species in the hope that one day they will be able to recreate the lost species on other planets.

Using dry freeze method, they banked the first samples taken from two species of rare primates and a giraffe.

Freezing of sperm of rare species was carried out using a completely new technology: samples were placed in a special liquid. Then, using dry freezing, it was possible to ensure that the samples were stored at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius.

This temperature is much higher than that of conventional freezing methods, however method has many advantages. For example, you do not need to use a huge amount of expensive equipment and check the condition of sperm every 5 years.

Today it seems science fiction movie plot, but it is quite possible that the day will come when we can take the genetic information of Earth's animals with us to other planets. Thus, terrestrial beings will be able to live on Mars.

Of course, we cannot say that man comes from Mars, however, as new research has shown, our most distant ancestors - the simplest organisms - were actually Martians, and only then "immigrated" to Earth.

The element, which is the most important element for the origin of life, was found exclusively on the Red Planet. Scientists believe that the "seeds" of life came to our planet along with meteorites that broke off the surface of Mars as a result of volcanic eruptions or collisions with space objects.

Researchers at the Westheimer Institute of Science and Technology (Gainesville, Florida, USA) have found evidence that the oxidized mineral form of the element molybdenum is the catalyst that allows organic molecules to develop into the simplest living organisms.

Moreover, there are suggestions that the conditions that are suitable for the origin of life still exist on Mars. But for this it is necessary that molybdenum becomes highly oxidized.

On planet Earth, this form of molybdenum did not exist at the time life appeared here, because 3 billion years ago there was too little oxygen on the surface of the Earth. On Mars, in turn, there was then a sufficient amount of oxygen.

How did life appear on Mars?

All living organisms are made of organic material, but if you add heat or light to organic molecules and leave them to themselves, life will not arise. Instead, you will get something that looks like tar, oil or asphalt.

Some elements seem to be able to keep organic materials from turning to tar, especially boron and molybdenum, so if the materials contain both of these elements, then life could well arise, the scientists said.

An analysis of a Martian meteorite recently showed that there was boron on Mars, as well as an oxidized form of molybdenum.

On the other hand, it was very difficult for life to originate on our planet, because at that time, it is likely that its surface was completely covered with water. This would prevent the formation of large concentrations of boron, which today can only be found in very dry areas, such as Death Valley. Water is also detrimental to ribonucleic acid, which scientists believe was the first genetic molecule.

Although Mars once had liquid water, it occupied a much smaller area than on the young Earth.

Scientists say that in fact we are all Martians, since our most distant ancestors come from the planet Mars. Fortunately, man still appeared on Earth, since our planet is more suitable for sustaining life than Mars. Assuming that all living things remained on Mars, they would have little chance of surviving.

How Geologically Active Is Mars?

Scientists have found that Martian meteorites that have been found on Earth are 4 billion years younger than previously thought, meaning that Mars may still be geologically active.

A team of scientists have found that a Martian meteorite from the collection of the Royal Ontario Museum in Canada is about 200 million years old and is part of a solidified lava flow. Scientists were able to date such meteorites after the technology was invented using isotope and microstructural analysis.

These rocks left the surface of Mars about 20 million years ago. Before that, it was believed that meteorites were about 4 billion years old. More than 100 meteorites have already been discovered on the surface of the Earth, which are supposed to have arrived here from Mars.

Animals on Mars

On Mars, life will someday appear again, which will be transferred there from the planet Earth, scientists say. However, we will have to create special conditions for living beings.

Japanese scientists have opened a sperm bank for endangered animals in the hope that one day they will be able to recreate lost species on other planets.

Using the freeze-dry method, they banked the first samples taken from two species of rare primates and a giraffe.

The freezing of sperm of rare species was carried out using a completely new technology: the samples were placed in a special liquid. Then, using dry freezing, it was possible to ensure that the samples were stored at a temperature of only 4 degrees Celsius.

This temperature is much higher than the temperature in conventional freezing methods, but the method offers many advantages. For example, you do not need to use a huge amount of expensive equipment and check the condition of sperm every 5 years.

Today it seems like the plot of a science fiction movie, but it is quite possible that the day will come when we can take the genetic information of Earth's animals with us to other planets. Thus, terrestrial beings will be able to live on Mars.

During his last expedition to Brazil, the German anthropologist Wilhelm Sharike encountered an amazing tribe in the Amazonian jungle. Here is an excerpt from his account of that meeting.

“This tribe is one of the most backward on Earth. But they know more about the Martian Sphinx than all the world's scientists put together. For four centuries they worship this idol and say that it is located on the Red Star. Aborigines wear masks of the Heavenly God-King, completely identical to the Martian sphinx. And the elders of the tribe told me that the aliens from the sky gave their people the Light of Truth and showed the image of the Heavenly God-King.”

So, 400 years of worship of the sculpture, fifty million kilometers distant from the Earth, which is not visible from the Amazonian jungle. And the Martian sphinx was discovered by the civilized world just over three decades ago ...

In modern science, the riddle of the sphinx arose in the 70s, when the American interplanetary probe Viking transmitted the first images of the Red Planet to Earth. Years later, the American interplanetary station Mars Observer transmitted more detailed and high-quality photographs to their home planet, in which the Sphinx was depicted in all its glory.

Of course, NASA immediately classified the pictures. But America would not be America if one of the pictures did not fall into the hands of the famous astrophysicist Clayton Fields (however, another scientist could have been in his place), who handed it over to journalists, having previously studied it in detail. So, according to the scientist, the sculpture, which he saw in the picture, could only be created by man.

Fields did not limit himself to his own conclusions. How he managed to do it - hacked or got information from a reliable person - but he got to the secret NASA report, which contained a summary of the commission, which consisted of various scientists and specialists.

And it said: “It is quite obvious that this is not a natural formation, as we thought until now. The sphinx on the planet is without any doubt man-made.” And further: “In all likelihood, this face of the sphinx was created by sculptors - our ancestors, who lived on the planet Mars until the environment of the planet ceased to be suitable for life. Then people were forced to move to Earth.” Like this.

Clayton Fields said that NASA officials classified this information, as earthlings, in their opinion, are not yet ready to understand and accept their extraterrestrial origin. But Fields himself decided that people should know the truth. That's why he gave an interview to journalists of leading American newspapers. It's clear that he got himself into big trouble, but he doesn't regret it.

The photograph of the Sphinx, he says, answers many questions. “Let,” he says, “every earthling see how much work has been invested in this monument of stone, stretching for many kilometers and having six hundred meters in height. Just imagine it!”

According to estimates, this sphinx with the face of an earthly person was built 200 thousand years ago, when an advanced civilization flourished on Mars. Despite the fact that scientists disagree on many things, they agree on one assumption: the first people on Earth appeared just 100-200 thousand years ago. And it is most likely that they came from Mars.

But assumptions are assumptions, but you need proof. One of them has already been mentioned more than once. This is a sphinx. True, skeptics stubbornly continue to argue that this is just a huge stone monolith subjected to wind erosion. Okay, let's assume it is. But how then to explain the presence on Mars of a huge ring made of stone blocks, painfully reminiscent of the Earth's Stone Henge? He was photographed from orbit by the same Mars Observer. Moreover, he also transmitted a picture of a giant map-scheme “drawn” on the surface of Mars, on which Mars itself, the Earth, a line connecting them are indicated, and on this line a disk-shaped spaceship is clearly visible.

In a word, it all comes down to one thing: Mars was the cradle of terrestrial civilization. So "Aelita" by Alexei Tolstoy should be considered rather than a fantasy, but a scientific conjecture. Fields himself, in an interview with Houston Sky magazine, said:

“We have come to the conclusion that the Martian atmosphere was destroyed by a natural disaster. Gradually, life on the planet became impossible. Then the inhabitants of the Red Planet were forced to colonize another planet that had all the conditions for their life. The Earth became such a planet.