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What if the aura does not have a permanent color. What are the colors of the aura, and what do they mean? The meaning of the colors of the aura

A bright and sunny orange hue is associated with a great mood, positive emotions and excellent physical fitness.

An orange aura is a sign of a very sociable person who impresses with his care and kindness, level of empathy and sensitivity, quick recovery from failures. Since the sexual chakra of the personality is also indicated by such a bold color, there is nothing surprising in the attractiveness of the owner of such energy.

Orange color of the aura: meaning

It is believed that such a bright energy refers to the divine power in the hands of man. This aura is a valuable gift that gives individuals strength, passion, the ability to defend their Self and outlook on life. People with such a biofield have high aspirations, independence and pride. Their demeanor is very direct, in connection with which they can become influential leaders or simply team leaders. Shades of red in this color take on noble tones, so there is no usual passionate behavioral reaction, but there is ambition. Because of this, however, “orange” people may lack warmth.

In childhood, carriers of such energy are constantly looking for adventure and challenging the school and other institutions of society. They enjoy the excitement of new discoveries and research, so they are often leaders in disrupting discipline. From a young age, these people must be taught a sense of danger and clear thinking.

Communication is an important part of success for carriers of such energy. In an effort to gain wild popularity, these people can alienate themselves. In overcoming difficulties, subjects of this type show resourcefulness and ingenuity.

A person in an orange ethereal shell always gets what he wants, because this strengthens his own vanity.

Sometimes such people do not have a broad outlook, because they limit themselves to their own confidence in the correctness of interests, vital needs, and the general course.

Among the carriers of orange energy there are many brave adventurers who love adventures at the risk of their lives. Such people love danger, thrills, physical endurance competitions. They actively respond to challenges, overcome different frameworks and boundaries. Oranges also love to plan their travels, especially to the uninhabited corners of the world. They are self-confident, full of vitality and resourceful.

By their temperament, such individuals resemble the synthesis of sanguine and choleric, so they do not care about family life and classical marriage ties. First of all, an individual with an orange aura is looking for a person who shares his passion for adventure, who is also brave and reckless. They can climb mountains together or perform risky stunts together. Interestingly, such emotionality and passion have little effect on the status of these people as parents. They only try to provide a decent standard of living for their children, but they don’t think about close communication.

“Orange” moms and dads perceive procreation as a burdensome function, so they are very rarely with babies.

Such people try to shift the responsibility for children to a partner.

For many, orange is a healing shade that carries the masculine principle. Therefore, its presence in the biofield characterizes a person as a powerful healer who, first of all, tries to improve himself through all his virtues and self-improvement. Since red and yellow tones converged in orange, a person in such an ethereal shell is very lively in communication and at the same time an attentive and thoughtful interlocutor. The main orange color of the aura allows people to enjoy spending time with friends, showing tenderness.

The orange aura of a person has a very creative, joyful, emotional meaning. People of this energy are warm, courageous, compassionate and wise. Sometimes such a biofield arises during the transition to a new type of consciousness associated with the subtle worlds. These individuals know how to devote themselves completely to fun, work, and family affairs, because of this they sometimes seem curious and fussy.

Due to their ambition, individuals with an orange aura can adapt to any situation. If there is a lot of pride in such a person, he will become nervous and irritable in the face of unexpected changes.

An “orange” person is endowed by nature with a good inner voice, practicality in his views, a firm position, and poise.

He is always ready to cooperate. If men with this shade of energy are very sensual and intellectual, passionate and erotic, then ladies are brave, sacrificial, courageous. It should only be remembered that stability in the relationship of these people is burdensome, they die in peace and tranquility. To interest such a person, you will have to be strong emotionally, tough in controlling the behavior of such a quick-tempered partner and at the same time respecting someone else's independence.

The main life mission of the "orange" is the physical experience, overcoming the limits of reality. Such people are constantly faced with raging elements, they survey uncharted territories, meeting with fearlessness every day. All that they require for happiness is the ability to face dangers and dexterity of the physical or mental plane.

Success in the presentation of the owner of the orange aura is an unexpected victory, survival and subsequent story about this in his environment. Against the backdrop of such a busy life, it is not surprising that such individuals perceive even sex only as a pleasant way to naturally relax the body.

In solving life's problems, carriers of bright orange energy try to calculate all the surprises in advance. They make plans for the whole fate and even for death, but they are not exchanged for small things.

They do not take money seriously, using it as a tool for making travel, necessary purchases, etc. Perhaps this perception of the material world is intuitively connected to the "orange" with their daily risk of death. Financial stability is not their forte, they live in joy, for short-term passions.

It also seems too dreary to work for them, freelance professions suit such subjects best of all. But administrative positions are definitely not suitable for them, because they take away freedom of movement in the future. These people can try themselves as rescuers, climbers, racers, acrobats, investigators.

The physical well-being of such individuals is only occasionally overshadowed by minor injuries such as cuts, burns and fractures.

A large amount of this color in the aura, however, sometimes indicates minor problems with the liver. Maintaining health until old age, however, these people rarely succeed, so mindfulness will not hurt them. These individuals must learn to accept the unity of body and spirit, studying their inner world as deeply as the environment. Only then will their way of knowing life expand as much as possible, and they will get a chance to live for a long, long time, up to gaining truly senile experience and reason.

The life of an “orange” person is aimed at creation. These people are very productive, entrepreneurial and creative. The brightest streams of creative energy are concentrated in just such an aura, because the red tint at the base gives dynamics, and yellow gives intelligence and a clear view of the world.

Humanism and respect for society, concern for the happiness of others, ambition, discipline, openness to change and optimism are very noble qualities of the owner of a pure orange biofield. True, an overabundance of such a bright shade makes the individual extremely proud.

Most of the problems that bearers of the orange aura face in life relate to the desire to get what they want here and now, regardless of their own strengths.

Sometimes these people also give too much freedom to their partners, forfeiting intimacy. Such individuals can be easily deceived and fooled. Hence, not only moral, but also material injuries. With strong character accentuations, these individuals show stinginess, jealousy, envy.

In some cases, "orange" people may feel suppressed in their own energy, from which they feel irritable and depressed. In this situation, you should reconsider your main occupation, find yourself in something noble, constructive. You should just accept yourself as you are, while enjoying helping society.

The kinder and more attentive people around are, the more joy you will feel from emotional contacts, the rapprochement of souls. If sensitivity brings discomfort, one must also turn it to the benefit of loved ones in order to become more confident in their abilities. Orange aura holders should understand as quickly as possible that they also have life limitations, and at the same time, the world appreciates not only intelligence, overcoming oneself and logic, but also unconditional love.

What does the orange color of the aura mean by location

Pure and bright orange energy reflects the confidence and strength of the individual, a positive vision of the world, sexuality and creative activity. But all these characteristics are true for carriers of a continuous and uniform aura. No less common is the concentration of orange in one side of the body.

  • Orange aura around the head means the enthusiasm of the individual. Ideas just boil with such a person, he knows how to infect the whole environment with his mood. This individual is absorbed by strong emotions, but at the same time he is clearly aware of what he wants to achieve and what needs to be done for this. If the head is surrounded by a dull or dark shade of orange, the person is confused and unable to gather their creative abilities together. Problems in completing cases bring such a person great anxiety.
  • Bright orange color on the left side of the body shows the energy of life, sexual desire. This person may have a big change in business, in the field of business, so he needs to maintain balance within himself and prudence.
    The pure shade on the left demonstrates the process of saturating the aura with forces, which allows the personality to complete old projects and find new perspectives, fresh solutions.
    If a dull and darkened orange color is observed in this part of the body, emotional exhaustion and an escape from unnecessary responsibility occur in the life of the individual.
  • Orange right speaks of the maximum positive that helps in creativity. With such an aura, an individual finds comfort even in everyday trifles. This is a sign of excitement before adventure, in which you can achieve not only success, but also universal recognition. But if the right side of the body is pale or dark, the person is in a state of anger, stress, frustration. It is difficult for such individuals to communicate and make independent decisions.
  • If the balance of an orange or even a fiery red hue is shifted to the center of the body, a person experiences an incredible desire for a rich life, cheerful social gatherings, memorable experiences. In his behavior, this individual relies on his own emotions and the inner purity of principles.
  • Clear orange glow in the heart area talks about giving energy to other people. The environment of such a person feels joy, warmth, the power of life. This individual seeks to create comfort for loved ones, for which he receives gratitude and recognition. The carrier of such energy is distinguished by sexuality. If a dark orange spot is concentrated in the heart, life is filled with fears, failures and nervous breakdowns. Such a person is irritable and blocks his creative potential.

If you are not sure if the orange background of your aura is your main color, you can turn to your inner voice. Ask yourself how you express yourself in creativity, how attentive you are to your own physical and emotional desires. Ask the question: am I enjoying the pleasures of life? Think about whether you have a desire to control people and situations, whether you are sometimes too persistent or cruel.

Finally, admit if it is difficult for you to balance thoughts with emotions, to manage them. Even if, as a result of such a conversation, it turns out that you still have the temperament of a non-orange person, there is no need to be upset.

Fortunately, the color of the aura can be changed, and in order to increase the orange tint in the biofield, it is enough to pay attention to communicating with people, satisfying one's desires.

Orange aura: the meaning of shades

  1. Brown-orange biofield testifies to the ambition of its owner, but also denotes excessive carelessness, lethargy. In such cases, the individual is depressed by some conditions of life, but most often he just likes to be lazy.
  2. golden hue This bifield speaks of self-control, self-control, human vitality. This person is remembered for a high level of pure spirituality. The higher the intellect of the individual rises, the nobler the gold-orange color becomes, and if the subject begins to be content with something personal and lower, a sharp yellowing of the aura occurs.
  3. Dirty orange color inherent in the aura of those individuals who simply go with the flow, do not burn with strong desires and perceive the world as a boring and tedious phenomenon. Also, dirty shades hint at the vanity of a person, anxiety, vanity.
  4. Orange combined with green shows a high level of human conflict. In the presence of dirty divorces in such an aura, a person will quarrel just like that, considering his whole life only in black and white. Orange-green energy speaks of the callousness and causticity of the individual.
  5. Hazy orange tone energy appears when a person is strongly irritated. This is an indicator of the emotional isolation of the individual, the blocking of the creative principle. This happens with the growth of negative thoughts and bad habits.
  6. Dark orange aura, in turn, reflects self-indulgence and low mental abilities. Sometimes dark orange energy symbolizes the struggle for ideals, decisiveness in action.
  7. Bright orange shades they talk about an optimistic outlook on life, a state of fun, experiencing strong emotions. The light orange color of the aura demonstrates the nobility of human thoughts, self-confidence, diligence in any business.
  8. If in the general background of the aura reflecting orange-yellow spots, probably, the person is very worried at the moment. A dynamic orange cloud with a brown splash expresses the desire for power in the biofield.
  9. red-orange appears with emotional upsurge, arousal. On a permanent basis, this shade is typical for people who strive to impress, and those whose vitality is always in full swing.

There is also a couple of shades of orange that are found most often in the aura of people. It is worth paying special attention to such flowers.

bronze aura color

This variety of orange energy reflects the tendency to self-sacrifice and pure humanism in a person. The owners of this biofield are decisive, but at the same time gentle. They help people with joy and easy ease, while maintaining their emotional independence. Such people look at life very positively, they deserve true happiness, but sometimes they think that they are greatly underestimated.

The carrier of such beautiful energy often relies on someone else's opinion, so he needs to get to know himself better, imbued with self-esteem, pay attention to his own desires. These people are vulnerable and responsive, so that they can be exploited, but this state of affairs does not prevent them from moving towards perfection, their ideals. For their kindness, they will always receive a reward from fate, even if they do not expect it.

The bronze aura, due to its compassionate and caring aspect, is characteristic of conservationists.

Creative talents also contribute to the realization of carriers of such energy in the field of painting, acting, music and literature. And these people also have the gift of healing, clairvoyance, so they become mediums and doctors. In their work, such individuals always help from the bottom of their hearts, without demanding anything in return.

By their nature, “bronze” people are ideological peacemakers. It is very important for them to learn to say “No” so that there is no neglect or exploitation from the environment. Fortunately, such personalities still have their own beliefs, sooner or later. They serve the highest ideals with great dedication, while showing mercy and modesty. Their pure soul constantly requires the development of intellect and the accumulation of wisdom.

orange-yellow aura

The pure combination of these colors speaks of joy. kindness, attractiveness of the individual. Such a person has a penetrating mind that goes well with creative abilities.

Selfless help to people, focus on details, logical and analytical thinking are the traits of the owner of orange-yellow energy.

Such a biofield can sometimes speak of shyness, but more often it is a sign of self-control. A dull and dark orange-yellow glow reflects depression, weak will, emotional isolation.

  • If this shade in its pure form appears at the head, a person conducts powerful mental work. At the same time, he is very scrupulous in his thoughts, always aimed at creating fresh ideas. When the head is surrounded by a dull energy that combines yellow and orange, one should speak of a disorder in the mind of the individual. Perhaps the person has too many projects that require urgent completion.
  • Orange-yellow color on the left side speaks of a surge of creative energy. Working in this state is always a pleasure. If the shade has darkened or turned pale, a person should urgently rest, save resources and resort to intuitive feelings.
  • Pure tone on the right side- a reflection of creativity and the search for the next adventure. In the dark version, orange-yellow in the aura on the right requires attention to feelings. Perhaps a person has been concentrating on thoughts for a long time, so there was a failure in communication with loved ones.
  • Owner orange-yellow energy at the heart point trusted by all, because he exudes incredible power and pleasantness. But if the main muscle is surrounded by a dark and dull shade, the personality is clearly suffering from a tense relationship with the environment.

The orange aura is one of the directions of red and yellow energies at the same time.

Eastern traditions treat this color of the sun with true reverence. The carriers of this energy are truly lucky, because they love all of humanity, easily make friends, and are distinguished by good health. The right shade of orange in the biofield guarantees a happy fate for an emotional, open and respectful person.

blue aura


The owners of the blue aura are the most intuitively gifted people. They can know in advance the course of further events. They are helpers and teachers.

The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is.

They will never do anything that would harm others.

They crave to be loved. To confirm the love of others for them, they can arrange checks.

Blues do not like to hear compliments, do not want to disturb others and make others uncomfortable.

They fall into the past (live with the memory of the past, thinking about the past, they do not see the present) or in a state of guilt more often than others. They blame themselves for things going wrong and prefer to do things alone.

When blues do not have the necessary energy, they fall into martyrdom, defeatism, self-pity. Lacking energy, gays use their ability to give as a means to manipulate others.

To become re-centered, gays need to learn to love themselves.


Priorities for gays are spirituality and relationships. They strive most of all to be in perfect relationship with their chosen ones.

Weak blues most often choose to partner with a person who needs help, or someone who will mock them.

In addition to everything, blues are very devoted, obligatory and monogamous. They are ready to love anyone who is nearby, and are afraid to let him go from themselves.

They think that if they are loyal and loving enough, the union will work.


They measure their success by the number of people who love them and the number of those who managed to help.

The number and loyalty of friends, the depth of affection and devotion to loved ones, participation in their spiritual development - this is what they consider the most important.


Sex is seen by them as impure or evil.

They are ready to sleep next to only the chosen one.

They cry or lament with passion.


They give, and they need to learn how to receive for their work.

They need to understand that their work should be highly appreciated.

Psychological qualities:

Temperament: Melancholic.

When the owners of the blue aura are in harmony, they feel and manifest:

love, wisdom, truth, trust, courtesy, inner harmony, confidence, rest, concentration, nobility, silence, reliability, patience, forgiveness, cooperation, sensitivity, sovereignty, devotion, consciousness and reverence for God.

When the owners of the blue aura are in disharmony, they feel:

isolation, detachment, fear, anxiety, isolation, depression, sadness, passivity, emotional coldness, lack of interest, self-pity.

Blue parents:

They want children and want to be emotionally connected to them.

They consider it their duty to dedicate their lives, goals, ambitions to their children.

The child of such a parent ceases to see his abilities and becomes completely dependent from parents.

Children often feel guilty about leaving their gay parents.

Children need to understand what their parents want just feel their love.

Blue children:

Loving and emotional. They try their best to please their parents so that they love them. They are always obedient and have excellent manners.

They early begin to show interest in the opposite sex. They have a romantic vision of a happy marriage.

Usually they are very loved by their peers.

Can become leaders at school and among peers.

However, they always feel lonely and lack of love.

Problem solving:

Their main task is to trust what is coming.

They must listen to themselves, and this will give them the right answer.

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The structure of each unit of the universe is multidimensional and consists of several planes. The center in this structure is consciousness, which is the reason for maintaining its integrity. The body shell is the material manifestation of consciousness. But in a single structure with a dense and tangible, an energy-informational plan coexists, which mystics and esotericists call an aura.

The human aura is essentially a code on which data about all layers of his psyche are written: emotional background, mental images, character, habits, memory of the bodily and subtle spheres ... Only in this incarnation code, instead of zeros and ones, human perception highlights colors and shades of radiation.

Each shade is a light vibration a certain level, carrying the corresponding qualities. Subtle and high frequencies carry the charge of cosmic levels of reality. In the aural glow, the presence of cold tones: blue, dark blue, violet informs about spiritual development, ideological and intellectual insight.

Rough and low-energy waves gravitate more to dense worlds. Warm gamma - yellow, orange, red correspond to the material world of visible forms. It is the hot shades of the palette that will prevail in the biofield of the mundane and materialistic.

Aura colors

The general structure of the human biofield consists of seven energy levels, each of which corresponds to one of the colors of the radiation spectrum.

  • the physical body is red;
  • ethereal - primordial energy - orange;
  • astral - emotions - yellow;
  • mental - intelligence - green;
  • causal - karmic memory - blue;
  • budhic - the intellect of the soul - blue;
  • atmanic - cosmic plane - violet;

It should be noted that such a system of color interpretation is only one of the existing alternatives, due to the subjectivity of the perception of human consciousness. There is also a well-grounded vision according to which the ethereal layer, being the resultant one, manifests itself in the form of a white glow. In this system, orange will be associated with the astral body, scarlet with the material body, and yellow with the vibrations of will and vitality.

What does an aura look like

The layers of the soul are not static, because in the human psyche there are constant changes in the mental content and emotional and sensory background. Therefore, the aura is rather a multidimensional crystal, which is in constant motion and change, rather than a motionless pattern. However, depending on the temperament, life circumstances, emotional background and the evolution of consciousness, one or another gamut prevails in the aura of each being.

Meaning of Aura Colors:

Red: energy, passion, ardor, power, desire for leadership, emotionality, the spirit of victory, stamina and resistance, immunity, assertiveness, militancy, sexuality;

burgundy: aggression, jealousy, anger, emotional instability, rage, irascibility, uncompromisingness;

Pink: tenderness, unconditional love, romantic mood, inspiration, inspiration, infantilism, gullibility, naivety;

Orange: optimism, love of life, enthusiasm, vitality, confidence, courage, sex appeal, creativity, enthusiasm, fun, optimistic mood;

Yellow: generosity, cordiality, warmth, will, striving for success, cheerfulness, health, friendliness, abundance and prosperity, thirst for knowledge, openness, curiosity, friendliness;

Mustard: envy, acrimony, pride, stagnant processes;

Golden: wisdom, healing effect, ideology, bright individuality, creative charge, splendor, royalty, wealth, beauty;

Silver: purity, dreaminess, isolation from reality, the gift of healing and enlightenment, intuition, rich fantasy, imagination, connection with the subconscious;

Green: harmony, calmness, peacefulness, stability, balance, rational approach, sociability;

Khaki or dirty green: boredom and melancholy, envy, cunning, deceit, lack of emotion, apathy, despondency;

Turquoise: kindness and sociability, the gift of a teacher and leader, speaker skills;

Blue: purity and sublimity, spirituality, faith, sincerity;

Blue: intellectuality, self-absorption, the gift of clairvoyance, concentration and concentration, calmness, coldness, detachment;

Violet: high ideals, spiritual aspirations, integrity, perfection, closeness to the divine;

Purple: religiosity, suggestibility, deep devotion, arrogance, a sense of superiority, ostentatious piety;

White: primordial energy, purity of views, faith, closeness to truth, absolute harmony and unity;

Dark: fear, pain, envy, hatred, resentment, guilt, destruction program.

Soul realms

In most cases, the main color of the aura reveals sufficient information about a person. Although, it happens - in general, a spiritual person, at the moment of emotional excitement, is able to actively produce hot shades, which will be perceived by the clairvoyant as the predominant tone of the fine structure.

On the other hand, there are also negative aspects of each color vibration. For example, blue in a negative manifestation reduces tone, suppresses emotions, lulls, plunges into despondency and melancholy. Therefore, its presence in abundance in a person's aura can reflect not so much the height of thoughts as sadness and detachment.

It follows from the above that the picture of the energy field at this particular moment may be far from being objective. And reading information about the fine structure of the living essence is only half the task for clairvoyants and bioenergetics. The other half is the correct interpretation of the received data.

To this end, for deeper information, practitioners turn to different levels of the energy cocoon, getting a separate picture for each layer: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. And completely different color radiations will be considered normal for each of these spheres. At the same time, the vision of the aura will acquire a more detailed character: in addition to the main color that characterizes the state at the moment, other vibrations will appear before the inner eye, revealing the essence of each individual dimension of the incarnation.

material realm

The presence of red shades of the spectrum in the human energy halo indicates the health and energy fullness of the body shell. In a healthy body, fiery tones are localized in the region of the lower energy center - the root chakra of Muladhara. And the purer the color, the better shape the body is in.

The absence of red in the emitted spectrum of this level or the fading of tones indicates a lack of energy of action, isolation from the earthly world, inability to adapt to the environment and circumstances. Cold blue in the glow of the physical plane indicates energy blocks that literally freeze the active forces of the body.

astral sphere

In the bioenergetic system of the organism, the astral world corresponds with the center of the solar plexus, where, according to the seers, the channel of vital force is located. Therefore, the localization of yellow and orange radiation in this area is considered the norm in the human biofield.

Brown admixtures indicate laziness and passivity, as well as greed and impurity of motives. Another possible cause of such inclusions may be disharmonious work of the liver and kidneys.

mental sphere

The radiation of the mental layer of consciousness is colored in shades of blue. Pale tones speak of the instability of views, of uncertainty and confusion. A rich and even sapphire color is usually found in individuals with extraordinary intellectual abilities, prone to abstract thinking and a philosophical mindset. Dark blue or indigo is radiated by people with the gift of subtle vision, carrying a great mission into the world.

The presence of crimson colors at the level of higher dimensions of the human biofield may indicate inflammatory processes. The low-frequency spectrum in the head area indicates emotional immaturity, a revolutionary attitude, a destructive way of thinking.

spiritual realm

The higher layers of the biological system emit a glow from blue to violet. A pure heavenly tone is found in people in a state of goodness and acceptance. Such people are not necessarily religious, but harmony and peace reign in their souls. Such radiation of the fine structure indicates inner freedom, nobility, sincere faith and purity of thoughts.

More saturated backgrounds - sapphire and violet radiate those who go along the mystical path of searching for deep truths. These are people of high ideals: esotericists, magicians, keepers of metaphysical knowledge and spiritual teachers.

Lilac color, that is, purple with a high fiery content, indicates that you have a mystic with an overestimated sense of self-importance. Such vibrations are radiated by vain, proud, ambitious and arrogant people. Dirty tones speak of a depressed state and possible depression.

A rich shade of the sky, a symbol of peace and happiness - this color reflects a person's propensity for self-expression, creativity, and dreaming.

The blue aura is a concentrate of female energy, inspiration and wisdom, therefore the owners of this biofield are not only spiritual personalities, but also real artists. Intuition is well developed in such people, they are altruists, they know how to harmonize with nature, control themselves, while maintaining confidence, make sacrifices.

Blue aura meaning

The nature of the carriers of such a rich energy is similar to phlegmatic people. They develop their abilities constantly, without experiencing anxiety or fear over trifles, they know how to truly appreciate beauty, they are prone to selflessness. Such individuals are responsible, devoted, sensitive and emotional.

Since the feminine principle prevails in them, sudden mood swings are a common thing for these people. They are also remembered for their high intelligence, caring for loved ones, skills for solving family problems. The owners of the blue aura have a lot of friends, because people themselves are drawn to them.

Sometimes perfectionism grows in such individuals, they begin to find fault with themselves and the environment in search of perfection. Many of the carriers of a saturated biofield are pious, they succeed in religious activities. And these people can work in the scientific field. The most successful professions for them: teacher, physician, psychologist, writer.

The blue color of a person's aura means responsiveness and mercy.

Men of this type are happy to explore the world, use strict calculations in everything and are distinguished by strong convictions, purposefulness in any work. There are many lovers of mysticism and esotericism among them, they can become shamans and psychics. As for the fair sex, they are more passive in life, reserved and modest. In society, they are remembered for their wisdom and spiritual depth.

This shade is typical for calm individuals who remain faithful to their loved ones. At the same time, these people seem to be carriers of the supernatural, initiated into the mysteries of life. Often they have developed telepathy and clairvoyance. But all these skills, as a rule, are used for peaceful purposes, because the carriers of blue energy are noble and humane. However, they should learn to trust society, express feelings more openly so that they can tune in to the same wave with the environment and follow their hearts.

The hue of the blue biofield is always changing. In moments of sadness, it becomes deep, and in bursts of inspiration it seems completely superficial. Sometimes coldness and independence can be hidden behind the external emotionality of a person. Such people should understand that it is not always worth being responsible for the situation, because life requires rest and relaxation. Sometimes, in working on their duties, these individuals forget their needs. And all because the passionate desire to avoid mistakes sometimes leads them to the wrong path of fate, devoid of their own life mission.

The source of ardor, rapture, infinity and dreams is always a blue aura, which in fact means closeness to such a higher chakra as Ajna. The carriers of this energy are close to the transcendent, they are constantly looking for a miracle in heaven, and on earth for the beginning of rationality. In fact, these people are directed towards themselves, i.e. they are introverted.

At the same time, among such individuals there are many patrons, supporters of charity. This is due to a very serious attitude to earthly life, honesty, compassion of such individuals. “Blue” people are prone to constancy in their kindness of feelings, which is why they can so easily sacrifice their own Self.

A pure blue hue tells of a chaste person who is quite content with his life.

It is no coincidence that in European countries this color is identified with fidelity, and in Asia - with a successful marriage and education of a person. Christians associate blue with the Virgin Mary. Therefore, the carriers of the blue aura can be considered divine messengers, guides to the Universe. These people have a very philosophical mindset, while retaining an almost royal dignity. "Blue" personalities always retain clarity of actions, thoughts, sensations, even with their paranormal spiritual experience.

The blue aura of a person has a slightly passive meaning. That is, the individual, with all his sensuality, longs for security and oblivion. Sometimes deceived expectations, depressive thoughts are hidden in such a biofield. In addition, lonely people are also often surrounded by a blue halo of energy.

As for childhood, the bearer of this aura is always independent, has his own views on life and is ready to protest even in front of his parents. If the upbringing in the family is very tough and outdated, a person with such energy will withdraw into himself and will look for friends only on the side.

Already at a young age, these individuals may have a spiritual mentor, a strong guardian angel. Psychic abilities may manifest in childhood, but then they will be related to past lives. It is important for the parents of such people to show understanding, not to treat their children as stupid creatures, otherwise the “blues” will cease to respect them forever.

Teenagers who wear such an aura may be suicidal or, giving an outlet for their destructive energy, join informal groups, indulge in drugs.

The task of their family in this case is to form an attitude towards physical reality, to show real life values, to reflect the world of beauty and kindness in the eyes of children. It is interesting that such kids give useful advice from an early age.

An ideal family life with common goals and spiritual integrity is also predicted by a blue aura. The significance of this energy is such that a person in such an ethereal shell cannot obey his partner, he needs freedom. In such conditions, they can guarantee their loved one both intimacy and devotion.

These people can prove themselves in different areas, but best of all they master those places where you can influence the masses, lead them. The leadership qualities of the bearers of blue energy are at their best. The state of health of these individuals rarely causes concern, but they are very dependent on emotions and the mental shell. Pain from a strong feeling can provoke a real illness in them, and they can only restore their strength in nature.

There is a lot of mutual understanding and support in blue, so such individuals should be trusted unquestioningly.

We can say that the mission of such a person on Earth is to teach others the art of unconditional love, to convey to the world the value of spirituality.

These people really want to make everyone needed and happy, but for this they themselves need to get out of their shell, activate the will to live and start fighting for success. The blue color adds a lot of softness and sentimentality to such subjects, so they themselves can sob for a long time, calming the other person. In this sense, the blue aura is very ambiguous, because it demonstrates such pure thoughts as care in traditions and the desire for self-development, but at the same time endows a person with detachment from the world.

The carriers of such a contradictory energy spend part of their lives in search of a balance between the external and the internal, in order to learn how to defend their sense of beauty and teach it to others.

What does blue aura mean in shades

  • bright blue energy characteristic of reliable individuals with a clear religious feeling. They worry about loved ones and often experience spiritual insights.
  • Blue biofield with a cloudy tint speaks of the presence of negative thoughts, strong disappointment in life.
  • Red-blue in the form of waves on the ethereal shell symbolizes fear and alertness. If blue-red rays pierce the aura, the person is in tense expectation.
  • When various blue clots appear on the main color of the aura with dynamic forms, we are talking about the absent-mindedness of the subject.
  • dark blue aura reflects a depressed state and the consequences of stress. This color develops in situations of struggle for other people's interests, when their own ideas remain in the shadows. A person with such energy is disturbed and his mind is confused. A deep blue aura can also have a different meaning when it refers to a state of grace and spiritual purpose. Such people devote themselves to good activities with full dedication.
    A person in dark blue tones shows constancy in everything, he is reliable, strong and independent. This person is ready to cooperate, she trusts people and knows how to be loyal to them. Carriers of dark blue energy are drawn to new knowledge and can, if desired, share information with the environment.
    The brighter this shade becomes, the greater the altruism in the intentions of a person. With proper work on oneself, this color turns into a bright purple aura.
  • Dirty blue characteristic of envious people. At the same time, a strong irrational principle lives in such people, they are divorced from reality and dream a lot. Sometimes these individuals suffer from excessive anxiety, a frustrated perception of life. With the same degree of probability, the bearer of such an aura can be despotic or timid, melancholic and vulnerable, or sexually promiscuous. Sometimes such a person suffers from psychosis or sclerosis, he is sad and lonely.
  • Light blue energies appear in the subtle body as a sign of purposefulness and perfection, serving high ideals. This shade reflects a developed inner voice, an active imagination.
  • blue blue aura acts as a sign of nobility, the desire to work on oneself, sincerity. These individuals value diversity in life and freedom of action. They like to explore uncharted territories, move and build up a circle of acquaintances. Such people stay young for a long time, they always tell the truth and are honest even with themselves. They have a well-developed intuition, the gift of clairvoyance. Sometimes such energy carriers can pay too much attention to the events of the past. From heavenly shades in this aura there remains a soft perseverance and harmony with nature.
  • Combination of brown and blue hints at the selfishness of a person who even uses religion for his own benefit. Proximity to black indicates possible diseases.
  • If a blue is mixed with a shade of azure, you can talk about a sober outlook on life and the desire to find your place in this world. The addition of such a sign of heaven shows nobility and an inclination towards spiritual type achievements.
  • Sea green aura characteristic of those people whose vocation is a teacher. These individuals are very calm and peaceful, they can be trusted with their children, because the sense of responsibility is literally in their blood. Such a person radiates vibes of kindness and spirituality to the outside world.
  • Blue with green added talks about the need for peace in life. The owner of this mixed energy longs to get rid of quarrels, disagreements, conflicts and, finally, to receive an approving status in society, to attract positive attention.
  • If blue-green weighed down by stains of dirt, such a person is easy to offend, because she worries because of her underestimation, strives for recognition and support. These people are very vulnerable, they feel everything very subtly, they look at the details and sincerely try to solve problems. In case of strong tension, they begin to flee from a hostile reality. In some situations, a blue-green, almost turquoise hue indicates a person's impulsiveness.
  • ultramarine or blue-violet adds love to the individual. This subject helps people to achieve their highest goals, but lacks the aspirations of a pure blue aura, so they are prone to depressive moods.
  • blue aura indigo characteristic of the bearers of strong religious beliefs. These people need to be a little indulgent towards their loved ones, learn to support their bright undertakings. If pink pollen is manifested in such energy, the person is very unpleasant and touchy, he makes a bad leader. The more pink in the blue aura, the less purity and spirituality in a person. The presence of indigo in energy sometimes indicates a heart disease or problems with the work of the stomach.
  • Gray-blue shade of the biofield, in turn, speaks of self-doubt and strong phobias. Often this color is a sign of an energy vampire, lack of energy, religious anxiety. These people hide their problems under the guise of exquisite spirituality.

The blue aura is an essential companion of prayer, contemplation of the cosmos, and inspiration.

People with such lofty values ​​always seem harmonious, because they know about their mission on the planet and serve it sincerely and seriously. Their ability to control themselves, developed intuition and kindness attract individuals who are ready to become true friends for carriers of such a biofield.

The human aura can be viewed from different points of view. From the point of view of esotericism, the aura is a substance flowing from the human body. From the point of view of science, this is our energy field (the aura is also called the bioenergy field, psychokinetic energy). The aura, as it were, envelops a person, something similar is depicted on icons when saints are painted with a halo or a glow around their heads.

Human aura: colors

Different people have auras of different colors, and these colors can change depending on the spiritual and physical state of a person. The brighter the aura, the more different colors are included in its composition, the better, more harmonious the state of a person. By the predominant color, one can determine the character, characteristics, inclinations of a person, his health. The color of the aura can even tell about the thoughts and desires of its owner.

Aura Color: Meaning

So, each color present in the human aura has a certain meaning. The predominant color is the most important, it shows the main thoughts or problems of a person. Severe illnesses are reflected in the colors of our bioenergetic field. Also, serious illnesses lead to the fact that the aura becomes paler, the glow weakens. As a rule, with the death of a person, the aura also disappears, but in some cases this happens even during life, which indicates a completely hopeless state of this person.

Helps you understand what they mean aura colors decoding the meaning of these colors.

red aura

Red is the color of energy and everything that it can give: strength, vivacity, love. The presence of red in large quantities can indicate a person's leadership abilities and ambition. People with the primary red color of the aura radiate are used to taking responsibility and making decisions on their own. Always strive for financial success. They have remarkable energy, temperamental, conscientious and brave.

For men- red is associated with the subconscious, with the state of exposure of the female body, erotic dreams, creativity.

For women- excitement, passion, embarrassment, childbirth, children, creativity, conscience.

People with a red aura, realists, rarely suffer from remorse. They love to live and achieve their desires. These people are explosive and quick-witted. In communication on an emotional, intimate level, they experience difficulties. Sometimes life with the Reds can be compared to a bullfight. They tend to defend their feelings and thoughts. They hate retreats. They are self-possessed, hardworking, honest and can provide for children. These are self-confident people who prefer to work independently.

If different shades are mixed with red, the value of the color also changes:

  • Dark red - unbalanced nervous system, irascibility, desire to dominate.
  • Dirty red - aggression, outbursts of anger. A person with a predominance of dirty shades of red in the aura is unreliable and even insidious.
  • Red-brown - lack of energy. If such a color appears next to some organ, this indicates its illness.
  • Scarlet - excessive selfishness, the highest degree of self-confidence.
  • Pink - love, sociability, spiritual well-being. They like to plan, dream of financial well-being. Purposeful, tenacious. They set the bar high in life. Pink - gentle, caring and always adhere to their beliefs, if necessary, defend their point of view.

purple aura

These people are striving for knowledge and wisdom, they are spiritual, intellectual people.

For men- this color carries the fragrance of the female body, deep suggestibility, power, strength, holiness, self-denial.

For women- hidden anxiety, rejection of the new, sadness, longing, nostalgia, stability.

These people are extraordinary, strive for freedom, independence. Space is very important. Throughout life they experience ups and downs, their life is replete with surprises and zigzags. Outstanding leadership skills. Prefer intellectual and spiritual communication and often lack such communication. They gravitate towards everything mysterious, inexplicable and always try to find a clue to such phenomena. They are highly intelligent but physically weak.

Shades of purple:

  • Amethyst - spiritual insight.
  • The lilac color, which prevails in the aura of a person, speaks of his enthusiasm and desire to benefit other people. Such people are just and often perform heroic deeds. It characterizes in people philanthropy, altruism, healing.
  • Purple with silver is the highest degree of knowledge and experience available to man.
  • Ultramarine-indigo - immobility, mystery, gentle fragrance.
  • Dark purple with dirty stains - fears, vampirism, illness, depression.
  • Purple is the color of spirituality and devotion. People who meditate or have strong religious feelings usually have this color in their aura. But purple is also pride and a passion for show.

orange aura

Orange color is an indicator of vitality, confidence. People who have orange in their energy field respect those around them. However, a large amount of this color may indicate liver problems.

People with an orange primary aura radiate love to spend time with family and close friends. They are caring, gentle, have good intuition, balanced, ready to cooperate, practical, stand firmly on their feet.

For men orange color is associated with intellect, flowering of sensuality, eroticism, love passion.

For women- courage, sensuality, courage. sacrifice, heat, heat.

Orange - daredevils, thrill seekers. They love competitions where there is physical danger, realists. They love to challenge and go beyond any limits. They love to make plans for the next adventure, they boldly go where no human has gone before. Incredibly inventive, energetic and self-confident. Oranges usually do not show interest in family and marriage because they are busy with their adventures. But, if they find another soul mate, then these people also have the courage and courage to share their adventures. Orange succeeds every time they overcome obstacles, reach the top of a mountain, perform another risky stunt, go through fire and stay alive. They are not emotionally connected with children. They only care about a good standard of living for children.

Shades of orange:

  • Bright orange - strong emotions, fun, optimism.
  • Dark orange - indulgence, indicates low intelligence.
  • Dull orange - irritability.
  • Golden - these people are not looking for easy ways. They are ready to sacrifice the comforts of life for the sake of making their dreams come true. Hardworking, patient, focused. They have extraordinary abilities and are very responsible. These are successful people, usually leaders. Their energy is transmitted to others.
  • Golden orange - vitality, good self-control.
  • Orange-greenish - a tendency to conflict, causticity, internal mockery, callousness of character

yellow aura

Yellow is the color of health and well-being. "Yellow" people are friendly, they are not afraid of change and are always ready to learn. They do not care about small problems, they are optimistic about life. As a rule, these are creative people who, moreover, are attractive to the opposite sex.

People of new ideas, like to talk heart to heart, the goal is self-expression. They are creative, intelligent people. They have a sharp mind and love to have fun.

Men- perceive yellow as the clothes of the emperor, orgasm, striptease, the individuality of the male subconscious.

Women- this is fire, warmth, fertility, work, husband, children, loneliness.

These are open people, their lives are replete with bright moments. They are smart, sensitive, and sometimes oversensitive. These people strive for happiness and their perseverance achieve it. Yellows believe that life is meant to be enjoyed. They want to be liked and loved by everyone. Energetic, intuitive. These are creative people who love power, who know how to concentrate strength and will and direct it to where it is most effective.

Shades of yellow:

  • Bright yellow - high intelligence, willpower, cheerfulness. A person with bright yellow in the aura can be trusted completely.
  • Lemon yellow - clear mind.
  • Mustard yellow - deceit and dishonesty.
  • Muddy yellow - lack of clarity of thoughts, confusion in thinking, fears.
  • Dark yellow - greed, sometimes cowardice. If the intellect is content with achievements of a personal nature, phenomena of a lower order, then a dark yellow color appears.
  • Yellow with a red tint - timidity, a feeling of inferiority, an inability to complete the work begun.
  • Yellow-brown - carelessness and laziness, a tendency to go with the flow.

green aura

Green color is a symbol of rationality, positive. People with a predominance of green in the aura will always come to the rescue, sympathize.

People with a green aura strive to defy fate and achieve their goals. They have the gift of healing, noble, sympathetic and reliable.

For men this color is associated with rebirth, friendship, expectation, calmness, endurance.

For women- with nature, flowering, mystical union, self-satisfaction, boredom of restraint.

These people are stubborn and persistent. This is the color of bankers. They are solid, respectable, able to create material stability for themselves. They love peace and nature. Greens are secretive, but have a strong will, able to overcome any difficulties. Greens are very bright people, full of strength and intelligence, good organizers, self-critical. They often experience the fear of failure, although they rarely fail. The greatest problem for them is to find a partner. They can crush any color. Greens are very demanding of themselves and others. They feel like they can do more when they are alone and love to play solo. In conversation, the words "should" are often used.

What can shades of green in the aura mean:

  • Emerald green - versatility of personality, openness and honesty.
  • Muddy green - envy, deceit, jealousy, heartfelt feelings, fears
  • Light green - creative thinking.
  • Light green - the color is a sign of mental development.
  • Green-blue - shows a capable teacher
  • Sea wave - peacefulness and reliability. People with aqua blue auras have all the qualities to be a good teacher.
  • Dirty green - envy, cunning, betrayal.
  • Yellow-green - insecurity, duplicity, the desire to do everything just for the sake of profit.

blue aura

Blue is the embodiment of wisdom, spirituality, harmony, contemplation and prayer. People with a blue radiant aura are caring and enjoy solving family problems. Responsible, responsive, merciful.

For a man- this is the sky, height, blue glasses, strict calculation, purposefulness, supernaturalness, conscious knowledge,
faith, conviction, mysticism, divination, shamanism.

For woman- depth, distance, blue stocking, restraint, modesty, wisdom, passivity.

These are emotional, sensual, spiritual people. Many devote themselves to religion or to the sciences. However, there are frequent mood swings. These people have a pronounced intellect.

Shades of blue:

  • Bright blue - religious feeling, caring for others, responsibility, spiritual insight.
  • Muddy blue - disappointment, depression, negative thoughts.
  • Light blue - purposefulness and perfection.
  • Blue - love freedom and diversity. They like to travel, change their place of residence, social circle. Always stay young at heart. Sincere, honest and usually say what they think. These people are intuitively gifted. They can know in advance the course of further events. The life of gays is a continuous search for knowledge about what GOD is. They crave to be loved and can arrange checks. They do not like compliments, do not want to disturb others and create inconvenience. They often live in the memory of the past without seeing the present. They prefer to do things alone. These are spiritual people, devoted, obligatory and lonely. With children they need an emotional connection, love to read, play, hug and be involved in their lives.
  • Dark blue - spirituality. People with a dark blue aura devote themselves to a good cause and give themselves completely to it.

gray aura

The gray color of the aura means weakened health, vagueness of thoughts, limitations. This is due to a lack of energy in people with a gray aura. They rarely love someone, while being jealous. They cannot express their thoughts clearly. Mixing black with gray means that a person has been disappointed.

Gray shows weakness of character and usually general weakness of health. If a person has gray stripes over vital organs, this indicates that the organ is being destroyed, destroyed or under the threat of destruction, medical attention is needed immediately. In people with constant severe headaches, gray smoke has been observed swirling and passing through the halo, and regardless of the color of the halo itself, gray streaks will pass through it just at the time of headaches.

shades of gray

  • Silver - Builders of grandiose plans, ideological, dreamers. The carriers of the silver background are spiritual people, gifted with intuition and rich creative imagination. They are noble, honest and trusting. Silver - always rely on their intuition and try to see only the good in people.
  • Dark gray is an indicator of health problems.

white aura

The most perfect and purest color is white. If in a person it is he who prevails in his bioenergetic field, then this is a person of wide consciousness, high intuition and spiritually pure. These people have their own beliefs, their own way of looking at things. These people are caring, modest, merciful. The main goal of these people is to serve the "higher" with full dedication. These people are pure in soul, independent and have a constant need to increase their intellectual level and wisdom.

black aura

Opposite to white, black means cruelty and a tendency to destructive activity.

Black - means that the light in the aura is completely absent, which means that a person with a black aura denies and does not accept life. Black aura is a side effect of inferno exposure, when after exposure to a sufficiently powerful inferno, a person or another miraculously remains alive, but his aura is undergoing a painful deformation. People with a black aura often experience unpleasant situations, illnesses, disagreements in the family. The owner of a black aura is malice, anger, often from damage, a strong evil eye. Corruption inflicts energy blows, damage to the nervous system, physically and morally a person is exhausted, eats himself - from which the aura turns black. People with a black aura are in a depressing, irritated state, which adversely affects not only the person himself, but also those around him.

The color or combination of colors of the aura in some people remains constant throughout life, in others it can change repeatedly. Such changes most often depend on the living conditions in which a person falls.

How to see a person's aura

There are different opinions about why only some people see the aura. According to one of them, only those who are endowed with supernatural abilities can see the aura. In another way, all people from birth are able to see it, but over time this ability disappears. It is preserved only by enlightened natures who are constantly striving for purification.

There are methods that suggest how to learn to see the aura person. It is usually suggested to perform some exercises that help develop this ability.

You can try to start with three simple exercises.

  1. Lighting in the room should be subdued, neither too bright nor too dim. Stretch your arms in front of you, raise your hands up so that you can see them. Relax. Close your eyes. Concentrate your mental gaze on the hands. After a while, you will be able to see a slight glow around them.
  2. Ask someone to help you: let him stand at a distance of 3 meters from you on some light background. Relax and calmly look at the person. Perhaps over time you will be able to see the aura in the form of a glow around him.
  3. Stand in front of a mirror, half a meter away from it or further away if possible. Make sure that a white or neutral background is visible in the mirror behind you. Relax, breathe deeply and sway slightly from side to side. Focus your eyes on the surface texture of the wall behind you. Looking past the outline of your head and shoulders, you will see a sheath of light around your body that will move with you as you sway lightly. Remember to watch your breath as you are now the observer and the object at the same time.

Why see the aura? It is believed that every moment of life, achievements, problems of a person and his illness are captured on it. That is, by the bioenergetic field, you can learn a lot about a person, diagnose him. There is an opinion that the study of the aura will become the basis for the future development of medicine.

Location of aura colors

Center (primary aura color)

The color in the center of the aura represents the main color of the person's aura. Most people have one dominant color for a long time. This color represents an individual color type. It shows who a person really is, and what are his inner feelings, goals and desires. It is by this color that an individual color type is revealed.

Left-hand side

The left side of the body represents the passive, introverted pole. You receive and absorb these energies. These colors represent the frequency of the energy field that provides a link to the person's future or change that is about to take place. Perhaps, intuitively, a person feels what the color values ​​\u200b\u200bin a given area can be associated with.

Right side

The right side of the body is responsible for the active, extroverted pole. The colors here represent the qualities in which the person being photographed is described by other people. In this guise, the outside world feels you.

Heart region (feelings and emotions)

The colors in the heart area show a person's ability to give and receive love. By their meanings, one can understand how a person expresses and experiences deep feelings.

Around the head (thoughts and beliefs)

The colors around the head give information about the mind and mental activity. By color, you can judge how a person thinks, what foundations he supports, as well as his life goals.

Aura Strengthening

To strengthen the aura, breathing exercises, fresh air and sunlight are very useful. But there are situations when additional protection is required. One way is to surround yourself with bright white light through meditation. White light will let positive energy in and repel negative energy. White is the color of protection. And so - to strengthen the aura, you can use the sounds of music. Good music calms, restores strength, improves mood.

The aura of a healthy person cannot be confused with anything. In a healthy person, the aura shines, there are no inclusions, the aura, as it were, declares that the person is mentally, physically and spiritually healthy. Any disease, with the exception of accidents, is the result of many years of negative thinking. In this case, the first signs appear long before the disease appears on the physical level. There are changes in the size, color, structure of the aura. People suffering from chronic diseases have a greyish-brown aura. Dirty colors, they take out the main ones and you can understand which part of the body is affected. If a migraine develops, an unhealthy color of the aura appears around the head. Damage to muscle tissue is seen as holes that disappear after repair. Health problems appear in the form of spots appearing in the etheric body. If the symptoms are disturbing, dark areas occupy a large area, this indicates that there has been a loss of energy balance.