
The most ancient languages ​​on earth. The most ancient languages: ten surviving ancient languages ​​​​of the world list

Not an article, but a rupture of the brain by the lack of cause-and-effect relationships and everyday sanity.

I will give only a small part. For example:

Let's say

A word, when moving from a language to another, can become shorter, and most often the first syllable falls out.

Quite logical.

dollar - share

hotel (HoTel) – KhaTa

English words are clearly more complicated than their Russian "forerunners". Who came from whom?

the British - English, the French - French, etc. the Russians ... Russian? Fuck it there! Cyrillic! No, well, everything is so logical, cho! And yes, how the ancient priestly word Cyrillic is translated from Russian into Russian, more precisely, the name Kiril (l) itself - this has nothing to do with linguistics at all. And as a whole ancient people, from whose dialect all the languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the world originated, they allowed their alphabet to be named after some black from Byzantium, who by birth is not even Cyril - this question is generally tantamount to a crime against everything Russian, apparently, and nothing less . And therefore, in sue, it is never asked.

N. Levashov is sure that the Sanskrit hieroglyphs are Slavic-Aryan runes, which have undergone some transformation over time.

they are simply wonderful, but personally I don’t see Russians in them.

And charms like

Galaktika - dialectal "fog" GalaGa

I even make some comments. And the Hebrew "halakha" here, of course, does not intersect in any place.

Well, foam

A. Dragunkin deduced three basic rules for learning foreign words.

1. You don’t need to pay attention to vowel sounds in a word at all, the main thing in a word is the backbone of consonant sounds.

generally puts all foreign languages ​​​​in the category of mm ... for the mentally retarded, since consonants, in theory, play secondary roles after vowels, with which, in fact, they are consonants, and should play those very secondary roles, however, in foreign languages, as you can see , all through the exhaust pipe. According to Dragunkin.

Yes, and in Russian, by the way, too, since his words also obey the same rule. At least that's what Letter says. Such a surprise.

The idea that vowel sounds play an insignificant role only in those whose speech apparatus is not adapted for their pronunciation (in all sorts of opheus-snake gods, for example) is unacceptable, of course. Isn't it because Dragunkin is from "dragon", and it is he who is the most opheus-serpent. Coincidence, of course.

No, but everything is very smooth, so neat ...

English words are clearly more complicated than their Russian "forerunners". Who came from whom?

How is it?

And why doesn't Dragunkin like it? Because he is a legal philologist.

Our contemporaries are not the discoverers of the fact that the Russian language is more ancient. Pread at least "Korneslov" by Fyodor Shimkevich, or, there is also "Korneslov" by A. S. Shishkov, which says directly - "I consider our language so ancient that its sources are lost in the darkness of time, our language is a tree that gave birth to branches of other dialects." Almost the same thing is said by TadeuszVolansky in his Letters on Slavic Antiquities.

"5 sensations "Dragunkina is certainly more understandable to contemporaries.

"English words are clearly more complicated than their Russian" forerunners. "Who came from whom?"

How is it?

There, under this statement of mine, there were specific examples from the article. I see that you do not know how to count up to 2 and up to 3 (syllables) in the given examples of words. Or you don't want to. Exactly. Know mo quescens.

Fyodor Shimkevich's father, Deacon Spiridon Ilyich Shimkevich (pedivic). This is more than enough to understand the true activities of comrade. Shimkevich.

As for Comrade. Shishkov, I am not ready to discuss in detail here. However, let me remind you - so, just in case - that the elite of the so-called. The Russian Empire in his time did not speak Russian, well, well, for bad manners. And the whole admiral, I believe, must have some connection with her.

And since, in addition to the nobility, who spoke French and German, and the clergy, who read mostly in Latin, ancient priestly, etc. Old Slavonic, no one else knew the letters, then in fact practically no one owned Russian writing (if there was one at that time at all). This is the question - was there a boy.

Regarding "Slavic antiquities": if for you there is no difference between the words "Russian" and "Slavic", then again, know my quescens.

Regarding written artifacts confirming the antiquity of the Russian language: given their dating, these should be lists (copies), since paper has not lived for so many centuries. However, they are declared exactly as originals. Therefore, this is a new one. Solid state physics, you know...

As for the "Old Russian texts" of the form "one-word lines without spaces, such as a whole sentence", then - I already mentioned - this is a very dubious reading, because pauses in words can make some adjustment for the wind: they have lunch and dinner_give.

PS: And why doesn't Dragunkin like it?

I don't remember saying anything like that...

From the biography of Shishkov as a lover of historical Russian literature:

As a member of the State Council, Shishkov took the most extreme reactionary-monarchist position when discussing issues related to serfdom and all kinds of reforms. ()

And right after that:

Shishkov formulated the main provisions of his theories already in “Discourse on the old and new syllable of the Russian language” (1803): “Anyone who loves Russian literature and although he practiced it a little, without being infected with an incurable and mind-depriving passion for the French language, he , having unfolded most of our current books, he will see with regret what a strange and alien style to our understanding and hearing prevails in them. The ancient Slavic language, the father of many dialects, is the root and beginning of the Russian language ... "

Russian, Karl!!!

And why doesn't Dragunkin like it? I don't remember saying anything like that...

So it is not necessary to speak out, you can understand a lot between the lines. Well, let's leave Dragunkin's personality alone, let's get back to languages. Today it is difficult to determine who is the "chicken" and who is the "egg", since languages ​​have changed a lot, well, you yourself know this. The Turks generally claim that half of the Russian language came from them. Yeah, and the second half is from Greek?

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia says that English belongs to the West Germanic group of Indo-European languages, and originates from the language of the ancient Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and Jutes), who migrated from the continent to Britain in the 5th-6th centuries.

Although some consider English to be largely not only Germanic, but also Romance (well, this is not news, they are still trying to shove Latinization into our language). Alexandra Rimskaya (whose articles are published by Varyag) generally believes that the real Russians are the "Latins", and the Latin language is Russian, and the Slavs are Jewish Christians.

Maybe right?

After all, Paul Wexler, a professor of linguistics at Tel Aviv University, put forward the hypothesis that Yiddish belongs to the group of Slavic, and not Germanic languages. True, his theory did not win support in the scientific community, and is regarded as a curiosity generated by the author's own political views. At the same time, some researchers believe that the role of the Slavic component in Yiddish is perhaps somewhat more significant than previously thought.


So who was Germany populated by? From the same "Great Soviet Encyclopedia" - it was inhabited by the Slavic tribes of the Veneds (Veneti, Vendi), the oldest name of the Slavic tribes, apparently referring to their western branch. This name occurs from the 1st c. n. e. Some of them at the turn of the 7th-8th centuries, apparently, moved to the east and joined the Eastern Slavs, and this ethnonym, most likely, was preserved in the name of the Vyatichi (pronounced "Ventichi"). The names Wenden, Winden were used in the Middle Ages by the Germans to refer to the Slavs, and the Finns still call the Russians venaja. So why not assume that most of the English words have Slavic roots. Moreover, the Angles are a Germanic tribe, England is named after the Angles. And perhaps the "Angles" were "coal" before, because the name is most likely Latin, the Angles, Saxons - according to the Roman historian Tacitus - these are ancient Germanic Scythian tribes, first mentioned in 98 AD. If we compare the English angle "angle" and the Russian angle, then we can see that between the name Angly (English) and Uglichi (Ulichi, Uluchi, Uglichi, Ulutichi, Lyutichi, Lutchi), the difference is only in the pronunciation of the vowel: either nasal (an- ), or with the loss of nasal pronunciation, as among the Slavs (u-).

I see that you do not know how to count up to 2 and up to 3 (syllables) in the given examples of words. Or you don't want to.

These examples can be turned in any direction, which is "drawbar". Please choose, and comparisons can go on and on...

SKY "sky" - HIGH

COUNTRy "country, territory, region" - CONTOUR

LAND "land, country, kingdom" - PEOPLE

SOIL "land, territory" - VILLAGE


PATH "path" - PATH

STREET "street, passage between two rows" - towards the meeting, meeting (similarly in the face > street, street)

POST "after" - AFTER, LATE


OUT "outside" - FROM

HILL "mountain" - HILL

PEAK "peak" - PIK

COMMON "together" - KOM, Lump, KOMOM, crumpled

PAIR "pair" - PAIR

ROW "row" - Smooth

GROUP "group" - GURBA

HEAT "warmth" - HAT, blr. Khatsina

DOMe "dome, vault" - HOUSE

WALL "wall" - SHAFT (serf)

STONe "stone" - WALL

DOOR "door" - HOLE, DOOR

YEAR "year" - YAROVOY "spring", YARA "spring"

WEEK "week" - milestone,

VEKo "CLOCk" time by the clock "- BELL, sea bottle "glass hourglass"

NIGHT "night" - old glory. NOSHTH "night"

YESTERday "yesterday", YESTER "yesterday" - EVENING, YESTERDAY

DREAM "dream" - DREAM

PIZZA "pie" - FOOD

MILK "milk" - MILK

GOOD "useful, good" - GOOD

MESS "porridge" - mash, mash

CORN "grain" - to be buried, ROOT, GRAIN

SEMEN "seed" - SEED, insemination

SOW "sow" - SEV, sow

PAN "pan" - jBAN


MARKet "market" - fair

MONey "money" - CHANGE, MENA, COIN

WARe "goods" - goods


MAN "man, husband" - MAN, senior-glory. MOJ



FATher "father" - BATH

SON "son" - SON


BROther "brother" - BROTHER

SISTER "sister" - SISTER

SIR "sir, sir" - Tsar

LADY "woman" - LADA "dear, beloved"


YOUNG "young", UNder "younger, lower" - YUN (N) th, YUNGA

SWEET "cute" - LIGHT

DIAR "dear, dear" - DEAR

LOVe "love" - ​​LOVE

WIDOW "widow" - WIDOW

GUEST "guest" - GUEST

VISIT "visit" - visit

COME "come, invitation" - TO ME


MY "my" - MY

ME "me", MINE "my" - ME, ME

IS "is" - is

NAMe "name", NUMber "number", AM "to be" - HAVE, NUMBER, NAME, ATTENTION, take out, with IT

IT "it" - THIS

BE "to be" - to be

NO "no" - NO, NOT, NEA

DOLE "share" - SHARE


VERY "very" is obsolete. VELMI "very"

MUST "need" - MAY

POSSIBLle "possible, feasible" - feasible, capable, Ukrainian. especially "especially"

WALLow "to wallow" - to wallow

GAME "game" - GAM (noise and din)

VISion "vision" - I SEE

WIDe "awake, alert, spacious, eyes wide open" - Seer

LOOK "look, look, look" - FACE, FACE, FACE

HAIR "hair" - viHOR

LOCKs "hair" - curls, locks

WOOL "wool" - HAIR

BROW "eyebrow" - EYEBROW

BEARD "beard" - BEARD

NOSe "nose" - NOSE



CHEEK "cheek" - CHEEK

SMILe "smile" - Laughter, grin, LAUGHING

TALK "to speak", TALe "fairy tale" - interpret

WAIL "shout" - WAIL

CHIT "account" - COUNT

WHIST "whistle" - WHISTLE

ORAL "oral, verbal" - OR, yell, Hurray!

CRY "shout" - CRY

WOE "woe" - WOW

WRONG "not true" - LIE

SPINAL "spine" - BACK

SEAT "back, back, seat, chair" - BACK, SEAT, Chair, SIT

obsolete BRACELET "wrist" - BRACELET, obsolete. BRACHA "hand"

ARM "arm, shoulder" is obsolete. RAMO "shoulder"

STEP "step" - STOP

GO "move" - ​​DRIVE, CATCH, HIRE, RACE (also device GA - movement, noGA, cartGA)

STOP "stop, stop, stop!" - STOP, ledge, POST, DEADLOCK, STAPik

STAND "stand", STAY "stop", - STAND


RED "red, red" - obsolete. ORE, RDet "blush", RED

GREEN "green" - GROUND (cf. GROUND "soil", GRASS "grass, earth")

GRAY "gray" - DIRTY

BLACK "black" - faded "devoid of color"

WAter "water" - WATER


AIR "air" - winnow, fan

RIPple "ripple" - RIPPLE

MOSS "moss" - MOSS


GRASS "grass, soil, pasture, earth" - DIRT

TURF "turf" - peat

CHAR "burn, coal" - HEAT

FLAME "flame" - FLAME

LUCID "clear, transparent" - RADIANT

SUN "sun", SUMmer "summer" - SUN (pronounced SUN)


SHINE "shine" - SHINE

DIM "dim, obscure" - SMOKE

CORtex "bark" - KORA

PALe "count" - STICK

BEAR "bear" - Berloga

WOLF "wolf" - WOLF

CHIRR "to chirp" - to chirp

COW "cow" is obsolete. BEEF, BEEF

EWE "sheep" - Sheep, ARIES "ram"

sWINE "pig"

BOAR "male pig" - BORov

GOOSE "goose" - GOOSE

NEST "nest" - CARRY (eggs), PERCH

CAT "cat" - CAT

MOUSE "mouse" - MOUSE

WEB "network, lure" is obsolete. VABit "lure"

BOWL "ball" - Mace

PIKE "peak", sPIKE "point" - PIKE


WAR "war" - swara

SHIELD "shield" - SHIELD


WRACK "ruin, destruction" - ENEMY

BRAVery "courage" - BRAVada, brave soldier

So what if Shimkevich was a priest, now there is no trust, since a priest?

All the troubles in our "kingdom" (which is in the heads, not in the Kremlin) come from the fact that, using the same words, we put different meanings into them. We were taught from childhood: God, love, homeland, well, and other important things - it’s already clear, what is there to explain, right? So we understand who is into what much. And someone, meanwhile, removes the foam from all this. And it would be fine with this foam - it also removes the hell with it, but the highlight is that in this way, in the end, we lose the opportunity to live, receiving only the right to eternal (from century to century, i.e.) survival.

Therefore, let's start in order and from the very beginning, perhaps. There will be many books, but sorry, sorry: scripts (ie, in this case, patches) for operating system system errors are rarely short.

First. Personally, I would very much like the language in which I think (Russian), the sovereignty and history of the land on which I was born and live (Russian Plain) to really be ancient, great, etc. What child doesn't want their parents to be the best, right?

They are the best for me. Anytime and anywhere. Due to my birth. For me. Personally. But so that I can talk about their exclusivity in the face of other children who also have their own (and also the best) parents, there is not enough Wishlist here. Here a more serious foundation is needed.

And this is where the difficulty comes in. And this is exactly what I am writing about: not about the fact that the Russian language is a remake and everything else has gone to hell, but about the fact that there are no grounds for its antiquity. All so-called. artifacts and examples of ancient writings, presented as the forerunners of the modern Russian language, are either not consistent (and I directly point out this, with examples or sane and verifiable counter-arguments) or have nothing to do with the Russian language at all.

We are talking about the connection between Russian and Slavic. These are concepts of DIFFERENT categories. How round and green. Or like Venus (goddess) and Lucifer. It's not clear what I'm talking about? It seems that Venus is also Lucifer, I myself stated this, right? Yes, I did, and, remarkably, I still say that Venus is Lucifer. Morning star, no problem. But this is a special case that Venus and Lucifer are one and the same, but not a common one.

The bottom line: A particular apple can be both round and green, right? So. But this does not mean at all that all other apples are also round and green! So it is with Venus: if she is Lucifer (or rather, she will write with a small letter: Lucifer), then this does not mean that all Lucifers are Venus. Because Lucifer is not the name of a subject, it is an occupation: "carrying light." And that's it!

Here, let's say, Lyuba is a janitor. And Petya? Well, if he guards a barrier or some similar turntable and looks at everyone who enters as a saboteur from the adjacent territory; or carries some other watch - then yes.

And exactly the same fenka with the substitution of the meanings of "Russian" and "Slavic". We have already decided once (there were no objections) that rus can be an ethnic concept and it is, because rus (lat. rasa) is white, clean, bright. And the Rus are just the white humanity of the Earth. And the Slavs are not an ethnic group !! No not like this; like this: NOT ETHNOS!!!

Tslav (Hebrew) - cross, cross. (Check for yourself using the IRIS translator).

Those. Slavs literally are adherents of the cross: Christians or peasants (this, from the point of view of linguistics, apparently is one and the same). That. Slavs are a religious concept (hence Orthodoxy). And among them there are representatives of various ethnic groups, including, alas, the Russians too.

However, where did you get the idea that Slavic writings do not also apply, for example, to the inhabitants of sunny Ethiopia, where Christians (Slavs, moreover, even Orthodox) miraculously live in quantity? If this apple is round, then why do you say that on this basis it is necessarily green? In the presented so-called. there are no Russian artifacts!

If you claim that the very concept of "Rus" arose quite recently (that's why this word is not in rarities), then this is not a topic for further discussion right away, because there is no need to talk about any antiquity of the ethnos now called Russ: if an ethnic group changes its name (image), then it is already a different ethnic group.

Otherwise, have the courage to recognize the Ukrainian ethnic group, for example (which is not such according to any systematized and sane criteria from any field of knowledge). Even the Japanese, strictly speaking, are not an ethnic group, they are just island Chinese. That is why they have been dogging for as long as they can remember: some cannot come to terms with the loss of a part of themselves, while others, well, want something of their own, different from others. By the way, we are kindly pushed into the same hole.

Therefore, when I hear about all sorts of Slavic-Aryan sources of Russian, forgive me generously, I just smile sweetly. How my father once smiled at me when I told him my first anecdote in my life.

However, when the anecdote is completely childish, and even behind the authorship of Tel Aviv professors and large Khazar Soviet encyclopedias, then there is no time for smiles. Here, either spit on everything or do education. Since I remember very well how I myself once blindly retold other people's stories and how sweetly everyone smiled, that's why I am writing these many letters. Although it is much easier to send everything and everyone to the assholes.

Another reason for such a detailed painting - the argument that neither "Slavs" nor "Aryans" are translated from Russian into Russian in any way, but are translated from a completely different language - has no effect for adherents of the Slavic "people". Nonsense, of course, but alas, a sad reality of being.

Second. Again about the dragon Dragunkin.

He puts forward his definite position and cites some arguments and examples in support of it. All honor by honor. But the fact of the matter is that his examples (not all, but some) directly contradict the statements he has just made. He sets clear parameters for the transition of a word from language to language and immediately violates them, giving in fact counterexamples. And that's exactly what I was pointing out.

What does this inconsistency mean? The fact that the uncle weakly fumbles in the subject or blows into the ears intentionally. Are there other options? In any case, all this gives a good reason to doubt his position.

Here I ask you to pay special attention: to doubt the position, i.e. in the conclusions, but not in the method! Against the methods, I did not say a word. Even vice versa. Therefore, I unsubscribed that I can’t say anything bad about Dragunkin. And I didn’t have any secret meanings in that unsubscribe. He cares for his own, for his own. And pralno does - so laid down by nature. But that's why we don't do the same, repeating, without checking, other people's stories - for me there is a great secret.

For comparison, the same example with the Ilyusha vs Nightingale saga: I fully admit that some events (ie, a method in our context) worthy of such a description could take place. But I don’t see the point in “rooting” for any side of this holivar, as the narrators of “Slavic epics” suggest (i.e., accepting the proposed conclusions), because I don’t see the point, because ours, i.e. Russians - there are none!

The cult structure, ordered to rule in the minds of the population, to which, without a doubt, the Autocephalous Church of the Greek Rite (called the ROC since 1943) belongs - is a "community" closed from this very population immeasurably stronger than even special scams (KB) in USSR or craft workshops in the so-called. Middle Ages. And no outsider can go there or from there.

The same applies to the ideology that this community broadcasts to the people: everything is strictly according to the regulations and according to the highest approved scenario. A step left and right is an attempt to escape, a jump in place is an attempt to fly away. For they conduct their activities by default on umm .. adjacent, i.e. not on their territory (whether there for a long time personnel were ordered to us? and in what language were the services held? but will the teaching itself be local?)

Therefore, if something comes out from under their pen to the people, and even replicated by them for centuries (!), then this is entirely consistent with their goals and objectives. Them! But not the people. Because it's about, uh... keeping control of the minds in the adjacent territory.

"Beard" of all time in the subject: The authorities report: "We began to live better!" The people respond: "We are happy for you!"

This does not mean at all that Shimkevichy should definitely flop right away and without talking. No. Moreover, I did not call for this. What for? They also have important and reliable information. And quite a lot, by the way. But! All of it is wrapped in such a package so that the exhaust (conclusions) from it are in the direction the Shimkeviches need. And only so. Therefore, you can use their "data" only when nothing else remains, and you must operate with them with the tenderness of a sapper in a minefield. And in the paragraph about Com. Popovich Shimkevich, I focused on this:

Fyodor Shimkevich's father, Deacon Spiridon Ilyich Shimkevich (pedivic). This is more than enough to understand the true activities of comrade. Shimkevich.

Fortunately for us, in the era of tyrnets, there are plenty of sources closer to reality than the works of a glorious descendant of an Orthodox figure. Isn't that why, according to VTsIOM, "more than half of Russians" (c) are for the abolition of tyrnet, eh? =)

I did not describe all this, believing that such things are present in the worldview as a matter of course. I admit my mistake. And the potential for umm .. mind controllers in the adjacent territory is still significantly high. Unfortunately.

PS: About the parallels between fathers and children: these are exactly the parallels (allegories) and nothing more, because we are all adults and established personalities here. It’s just that with this literary device, I had the intention to show that we all have a pale appearance and an appropriate attitude towards ourselves (and, as a result, perspectives on an ethnic scale, yes, yes), when we thoughtlessly retell other people’s versions of being, while not raising a millimeter from the planet our ass for at least some verification of the stories we retold.

All the variety of verification tools and the need for its use equally applies to the version voiced by me.

ZZY: I looked at my watch - this comment cost me more than 5 hours of my life. I caught myself thinking - why the hell do I need it? ..

For some reason, a few paragraphs stood out in bold - I don’t know. Specifically, I did not highlight them, but only quotes from previous entries. I will not redo it, so as not to pile up the bulk. And so already...

And here is a half-table for finishing grinding:

So what if Shimkevich was a priest, now there is no trust, since a priest?

Trust but verify. And then Belarus will soon move to Tashkent. Although this is certainly a coincidence.

Ahh ... Moscow, Kursk, St. Petersburg, Rostov, Mogilevsky, Berezovsky, Chimkevich Chimkentsky Shimkevich(At the end of the course, he presented a dissertation entitled: "On the enlightenment of the ancient Jews, or on their progress in the fine arts and sciences") You see, how it is all twisted into the plot.

This is what delusions from ignorance lead to!

Yes, the RUSSIAN language is the parent language of all peoples! But, fundamentally wrong interpretations ...

Initially, the words consisted of one, two, or three letters, and were formed, as we say in Koine German.

So, the word MA-T, where MA is the beginning, and T is the creative (organ), with the addition of a soft sign, turns into MA-TH, the beginning - created!

The word dawn was previously like RA-SET! Ra, was not a deity, but means - energy! And Seth is light! That is why RA-SET (modern dawn) is translated as the energy of visible light!

TO-RA is a creation of awareness (conscious) energy! That's why they say - beat the way! Create a passage by spending energy (force)!

Pe-ru-n transmission of news (messages) with chopped signs. Whereas Lit-va is a symbolic vaga (pillar), and Ka-lit-va is a stone sign, S-ka-la is a fragment of the firmament. Ka - (hard, stone) So, the battle on KA-L-KA, literally - a place where stone is on stone!

Ki-ev - a wooden square, ki-tai - a wooden wall (a fortress, a place where they hide), ki-tel - wooden armor for the body, now a military uniform. Ki-sa, wooden animal! But ev-ro-pa is the area of ​​tribal movement. According to Greek legend, Europa is a woman kidnapped by a Greek god! Which corresponds to the essence of what happened - Europe is inhabited by zombie slaves! Former Slavs, captured and enslaved by Macedonian. All this is in history, you just need to be able to see the present, and not what they inspire you!

Ra, was not a deity, but means - energy ... Ka - (solid, stone)

I'm even afraid to imagine what the word RA-KA then means - a box for "relics", as well as C (lovo) RAKA. However, such translators once led me by the nose - VedRo (Vedas of the Roda-Roy) - a quality thing, not loosened.

They also deliver not childishly all sorts of RA-zgroms, RA-zboys, RA-shooters and other KA-Ras for SLABS (about the slave - "God's light", sorry, about "God's energy" even an article here tiddly hung out like - then)

True, here's the problem:

The initial letter in our country is engaged in the description of the world, and nothing less, right? And from itself in a certain sense sobsno, the picture of the world and is, is not it? And if so, can you explain how the already set on edge badge

from which the words Hades (prince of this world) and hamsa (Hebrew robbery, it seems) come from - and so this wonderful icon is located right in the center of this very type of "Russian" Initial letter:

I hope for a quick and exhaustive answer.

PS: And Seth is light!

Set is the ancient Egyptian analogue of Hades, if I'm not confusing anything. So, the light we now have is the prince of this world, right? Clearly understood.

And by the way, do not bother, since for you the hellish soton in the center of your Vedic world is the norm.

Not interested.

For those who overshadow themselves with the right-hand sign of the cross (i.e., literally "Orthodox"), the situation, I remind you, is the same: " not lead us into temptation.."

And if you can't see the difference...

All the best, in general.

Why were Cyril and Methodius invented? After all, the alphabet font for the fascist Peter the Great was invented in Holland!

Civil font(Amsterdam alphabet; civil alphabet or "citizen") - a font introduced in Russia by Peter I in 1708 for printing secular publications as a result of the first reform of the Russian alphabet (changing the composition of the alphabet and simplifying the outline of the letters of the alphabet).

The prerequisite for the creation of a civil font was the fashion for the Latin alphabet, which spread among educated Russian people in the 1680s-1690s. The civil font became a compromise between the supporters of traditions and those who sought to borrow Western culture as completely as possible.

Peter's reform of the Russian typographic type was carried out in 1708-1710."

The purpose of changing fonts was to hide the true origin of languages! Just as the goal of Judeo-Christian fascism is the destruction of the Russian people!

And you confuse with Hades - Hades - Hell, in the religion invented by the Greco-Roman fascists! And Horon (carrier through the Styx to the kingdom of Hades), became the ancestor of the funeral!

Everything you wrote is following the false premise! This is how the supposedly Slavic pantheon of invented deities appeared ... They were invented by another freak, the Roman count - Musin-Pushkin! This is clearly seen from the fact that Yarilo was created in the footsteps of another, the same freak - Dal! It was Dal who came up with the word YAR, turn it into a source of light and associate it with the sun! Dahl and Musin-Pushkin knew each other!

The entire modern history of Russia is distorted and distorted, in order to plant Judeo-fascism, into the minds of Russian people! So, until the 1600s, there were no crosses in Russia. And it was the Romanovs who were the first tsars and emperors in Russia, they also created princes and other abominations ...

They destroyed Russian cemeteries, building foundations for their churches and monasteries from tombstones! Pre-mutilating the inscriptions! Since the Russians buried without names, and even more so with surnames and patronymics, which appeared only among the court sixes, in the 18th century, and among the rest, in the 19-20th century!

This world is slandered, and lives in a lie! Where people were made into zombie slaves, with the help of religion!

Re is another, changed league, unification, community! By the way, the word bible, in fact, BIB is duality, and LIA is a face, an image, consciousness ... So a library is a repository of images created by someone! But the letter, the book, in Russian - LITERA - LITERATURE!

U-RA means - to the energy of God! That's why the Russians cheer! There were no gods before... People didn't pray and didn't worship... And even in the bible there is a warning - Don't make yourself an idol!

Correctly translated, only old words, butt (from the word pop) does not apply to them!))))

Sorry, I didn't answer your main question.

Hades (prince of this world) and hamsa (Hebrew robbery, it seems) - so this is how this wonderful icon is located right in the center of this very type of "Russian" Initial letter:

I hope for a quick and exhaustive answer."

You see - Hebrew is such a unique language .... That its letters and words will be invented for a long time! Especially when you consider that it was invented by a crazy person - to communicate with his own child!)))

“Do you know that for more than 1000 years Hebrew was considered a dead language, and Jews owe its revival to a little boy and his father Eliezer Ben-Yehuda? suddenly realized that all immigrant Jews speak different foreign languages ​​unknown to him, because of which the organization of the circumcision of his newborn son turned out to be extremely problematic. In fact, the Jews already had such a language - Hebrew, but no one spoke it as a native language from about the third century BC It was used only for worship. Yehuda decided to honor his own son, Itamar, and there were some difficulties, because in the Old Testament there were no such words as, for example, "engine". and what happened in the world after the fall of the Roman Empire had to invent a huge number of new words. To communicate with the child, Ben-Yehuda had to come up with many words, without which it is impossible to imagine a child's vocabulary. Thus, words that seem elementary today, such as "booba" (doll), "ofanaim" (bicycle), "glida" (ice cream), etc., were born. In total, Ben-Yehuda invented about 220 new words, and about a quarter of them did not gain a foothold in Hebrew. Ben Yehuda forbade his son to communicate with anyone other than himself. When guests came to the house, Itamar was sent to bed so that he would not accidentally hear a word in a foreign language. Once Ben-Yehuda caught his wife singing a Russian song to a child. He became so enraged that he began to destroy furniture (it's scary to even think how many new words the boy learned during this scene). It got to the point that poor Itamar was forbidden to listen even to the sounds made by animals.

(quote from the book "Revelation of the Prophetic Cat")


At first, attention was drawn to another interesting feature of the Cypro-Minoan syllabary. If you arrange the syllabic meanings of K.M. syllabary separately for each vowel in the order of alternation of letters adopted in modern dictionaries, for example, in Russian, then you can get defining “legends” that characterize the functions of tribes united under one vowel.

"A" - a tribe of priests.


ABAZA/ABYZ “priest” - KALAM “feather” - ANA “mother/maternal” - PARASAT “understanding; intellect” - AYA “heavenly” - KSA 1. “virgin” 2. “bird” /or YA KSA “bird's nest”, by the way, Tajiks derive their origin from “bird's nest”/. "A" - the penitent form of the Turkic language is inherent in Azerbaijanis. In the Slavic languages, this feature is typical for the Bulgarian language. It can be assumed that they lived closely in a certain period of antiquity.

“E” is a tribe of warriors (defenders).


EV / ЁВ “enemy, foe” - LIKE “villain”; EVUZ “worst” - KELEMEN (E) “I will come” - TRANSL / TAKE “give; to give” - SETE/SHET “border, outskirts” - YE “home” - KSE(N) “fetters; shackles”, /possibly also the meaning of YY KESENE/Kipch./ “burial structure (house of the buried)”/.

“I” - a tribe of seamstresses (weavers) - virgins.


IVI/IBA “modesty” - KILIM “carpet” - INI / INE “needle” - PIRI / PERI / tale / “virgin virgin” - CITY / SIDK “fidelity, devotion” / CHIT “chintz” / SHIIT “cotton seeds” ” (cf. the tale “cotton seed maiden”) / CHITA “cheetah” (a symbol of purity and devotion). Images of a cheetah are found on petroglyphs, ceramics, etc. "I" is a Turkic language among the Yakuts, Tatars, Bashkirs. The Slavs - the Ukrainians. Cheetah, leopard - the totem of the population of the ancient Chatal-Hyuyuk, as well as the tribe of glades (boulons). The etymology of the name of the city of Chita is curious.

"U" - a tribe of healers.


UKULU/ YGILU /kaz./ “to grind; to rub"; UKALA(MOK)/uzb./ 1. “massage, massage; mash"; 2. “rub; rub"; 3. “grind, rub. rub" - MUNU / MOYYN "neck" / EMEN "oak" (cf. the name of o.DILMUN). EMEN \u003d EM “healing agent” + EH “best” - PURU / BYR “bud (plant)” / PIR “old man; sage; spiritual mentor” - SUTU/SUT 1. “milk” 2. “milky sap of plants”.
"U" - the penetrating Turkic language has yet to be found (the candidate is Uzbek). The Slavs are the best fit for the Poles. Lech (lyakh) - this is how the Poles are often called, which in many European languages ​​\u200b\u200bmeans "doctor".

“O” - a tribe of hunters (worldly) - mother to all tribes.


Translation from Uzbek -
OB 1. “hunting, catching / hunting” 2. “object of hunting (game; animal)” -
- OZOK / OZUKA / OZIK 1. “food, food, provisions, provisions”.
/Wed. OVOZO/OVOZA “glory, fame” and MARA/MEREI, see “MA”/.
- OLOMON “crowd” (mass of people);
OILA “family, family” - OM “general, universal, concerning all”; OMMA “masses (people)” - SHE “mother/maternal”;
OLAM 1. “universe, world” 2. trans. “light, earth, peace” 3. “peace (certain circles of society)” - SHE “mother / maternal”.
- PORO /STEAM “steam; two”, /cf. SING “one of the paired objects”/; /PORA 1. “piece, part” 2. “splinter”;
/ BOYAR “to know” / cf. “poyarok” - fleece /.
- SOTO/SHODA “bundle (of homogeneous objects)”; SAUAT "letter";
SAUYT “vessel” (PARSAUYT “double vessel” - see “RO”).
"O" - a rounding dialect of Turkic is characteristic of the south of Kazakhstan, Uzbeks and part of the Kyrgyz. In Slavic languages ​​it is found in the north of Russia.

These are the characteristics that differentiate the tribes according to a certain type of activity. But the most important thing is that, as I said at the beginning of the work, these characteristics have been laid down since ancient times, and I can now prove this very simply.

Since the era of the Upper Paleolithic, in many ancient cultures, known as the Willendorf-Kostenkovo ​​block of cultures, statuettes and images of the so-called. matrons (“mother goddesses”).
I think that these images and figurines, for the most part, imply not just the image of an abstract “matron”, but the ONE FOREMOTHER of quite SPECIFIC GREAT-TRIBES (!).
The differentiation of these great tribes occurs according to a similar scheme, already observed in K.M. syllabaria (division according to vowels).
We will select the most indicative statuette in this regard -
Matron from Kostenki [p.266, fig.102, Paleolithic of the USSR, 1984]. Let's pay attention to the plump belly with the navel-nose, breasts-eyes, reproductive organ-mouth and armpits-ears. On the back is a back in the form of a heart and a kind of belt with a spine branching from it (in the form of a tree).

Fig.1. Matron from Kostenki. fig.2. Vowel marks.

Compare consonance:
ISHbelly, IISsmell, IISKESmell.
KOLarm, KOLTYKarmpit, KYLAKukho.
ORSHU breed, ORISvygon, pasture - means the food of the ancestor in the form of a horse. Wed ATcon, ATAded.
YURAKheart - must correspond to ORKAspina (in Uzbek).
And only the pair of "eyes-chest" is represented by the word "ANTA", which implies twinning through the institution of anticy. Two eyes - two circles symbol of the wedding so far!
To the left of the matron is a drawing from I.E. Gelb's book "Experience in the study of writing." It has already been mentioned in the work. The drawing in the book is given under the title: "Writing proper names in the period of Uruk" [p.72, fig.30]. There is also a person sniffing a branch (IISKEU), and a ram, from whose ear sulfur is collected (KYLAK), and a feeding goat (OPIS), and bird droppings in the nest (ANTA), and a domed grave structure with two snakes - a symbol of the Amazons ( UGUR = U-GUR "poison of the grave"). We remind you that in Chatal-Khuyuk, a sacrificial knife, the handle of which was a retinue of two snakes, had two holes in the form of an Argyn tamga.
Now we know that these drawings are not proper names. These are the initial vowels of the most ancient Turkic syllabary. They also fit our K.M. syllabary.
These early Uruk characters are not the only ones of their kind. From ancient times to the Middle Ages, they survived in different cultures and in different styles: in Andronovskaya, in Samusskaya, Krotovskaya, Volosovo, the Babashov burial ground in Central Asia, the Volga Bulgars burial ground ...
There are cultures where the emphasis is on one element, let's say "smell", as in the Ghasul culture. By these features, you can easily find out who lived where in antiquity, for example, Proto-Indus is Belurges, etc.
After all, the most important thing is to have intelligible guidelines, and now they are.
And now I turn, finally, to the holy of holies of minoistics - the far from so mysterious Phaistos Disc.
To enlarge the font, I will use 16 point size, because. the translation of the Phaistos disc should look understandable.
© Izyashchev T.P., 2016
(from the book "Revelation of the Prophetic Cat", ISBN 978-601-06-3798-6
Certificate of state registration of rights to the object of copyright No. 1952 dated 19.09.16)

This post could be called "Slavs in the mirror of the vowel", because the vowel can be used to calculate where a particular Turkic people lived, with the main vowel in pronunciation. But this event will take place much later, according to my calculations in 5508 BC, when the ancestors of the Slavic peoples will create their own languages. Let me remind you that this post is about 25 millennium BC.
© Izyashchev T.P., 2016

Which the oldest language on earth? There are many answers to this question. In this article, we will try to find the right answer to this question with an open mind through extensive research.

Choosing one single language out of thousands and saying that it is the most ancient is not such an easy task. It is necessary to conduct extensive research work and thoroughly study the history of mankind in order to understand how languages ​​​​arose. Human civilization develops in a spiral: once, out of millions of languages, only thousands survived, today, in the age of globalization, we are talking about hundreds of languages. Many languages ​​continue to die out today. But even today there are peoples who speak ancient languages.

All living beings use various means of communication with each other, but only people are able to communicate with each other through speeches and language. The language of animals is primitive and not as skillful and developed as the verbal language of people. We use millions of words every day, but have you ever wondered where all these words came from? The most interesting thing about knowing and learning foreign languages ​​is that they seem to have existed before the advent of human civilization itself.

What is the oldest language on Earth?

The question is tricky, and believe me, it is not so easy to answer it. Historians believe that languages ​​may have appeared c. 3000 - 10000 years ago. But this is only an assumption, since there is no clear evidence for this conjecture. Historians are trying to figure out why, at the dawn of the emergence of mankind, the need for language arose. Some claim that language evolved, for example, individual words developed into languages, which helped people understand each other and adapt to environmental conditions. What to define what is the oldest language on earth, we must first find out what is the most ancient civilization that existed on Earth. Was it an Aryan civilization, European or Dravidian? No one can justly judge in this case, since every people claims that they were the first. According to research, at first man was a solitary creature, and only later people began to form groups (communities) in order to hunt and get their own food together. That is why there was a need for communication. Discussions on the topic: what is the oldest language on earth, are being carried out very actively, since there are many candidate languages ​​for the role of the most ancient. Of the Asian languages, these are Sanskrit, Chinese (Putonghua) and Tamil. Western languages ​​include Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Old Irish, Gothic, and Lithuanian. Ancient writings in Sanskrit and Tamil that are over 5,000 years old have been found, as well as the famous Bible, which was written in Hebrew. This state of affairs greatly complicates our task of determining the most ancient language on Earth. But there is one fact: languages ​​to one degree or another influenced each other. There is no constancy in the language, some changes occur in it every day: new words, expressions appear. Thus, the harsh words and sounds that were once uttered by man at the dawn of his appearance have developed into skillful, wise words that we use daily.

According to the latest data, today in the world approx. 6000 languages, this number also includes the languages ​​of various tribes of numerous islands. Statistics show that there are approx. 200 languages, each of which has up to 1 million speakers, and there are languages ​​with less than 15 speakers. Such languages ​​are on the verge of extinction.
Where to start research?
Will there be enough time (I mean years of life) to consider each language, suddenly, one of them will be the most ancient?

The emergence of the Russian language, like any other, is a process extended over time. How did it happen that the youngest ethnic nation - the Slavs - formed the richest language in the world in a short period of two thousand years? And why is mainstream science so reluctant to recognize a clear fact?

The ancient origin of the Russian language is undeniable

The role of developed speech determines the self-consciousness of a person in society. Not only speech distinguishes man from animals, but a developed speech apparatus is something that no other animal in the world has. Language, speech are the main factors in identifying a person as a representative of a certain linguistic group of the people. People speak, think, write, read in their native dialect - this forms a unique group of bearers of the priceless gift of their ancestors. The richness and diversity of speech forms the intellectual potential of human development, the more complex the speech, the greater the potential that determines the depth of human thinking.

We inherited the priceless gift of multifaceted and polysemantic speech from our ancestors, and we must protect our native dialect from the penetration of foreign words and concepts into it. But something is too persistently saturating our world of communication with slang, replacing native words with incomprehensible English terms or introducing distorted mutant words as a trendy youth jargon.

Formation of the Russian language

Scholars attribute many European languages ​​to the Indo-European language group. In such a group there are common rules, consonant pronunciation, words that sound the same. Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish and Russian have always been considered related. But in fact, everything is much more complicated and wider.
Traces of truth are hidden in .


Modern scientists put ancient Sanskrit first in proximity to the Russian language. This language is described and partially deciphered by archaeologists and philologists studying antiquities. So it was discovered that the inscriptions on burial items in India were made in Sanskrit. However, this dialect has never sounded like a native in India, not a single nationality inhabiting India has ever spoken Sanskrit. Ministers of science believe that this language was practiced in the circles of scientists and priests of ancient India, like Latin among European peoples.
It is proved that Sanskrit was artificially introduced into the life of the Hindus. It is worth considering how he got to India.

Legend of the Seven Teachers

An ancient Indian legend tells that a long time ago seven white teachers came to them from the North, because of the impregnable Himalayan mountains. It was they who brought Sanskrit and the ancient Vedas to the Hindus. Thus was laid the foundation of Brahmanism, which is the most widespread religion in India today. Centuries later, Buddhism emerged from Brahminism and became an independent religion.

The legend of the seven white teachers lives on in India today. It is even studied in the theosophical universities of India. Modern Brahmins are sure that the northern part of Europe is the ancestral home of all mankind. Admirers of Brahmanism today make pilgrimage trips to the Russian North, just as Muslims go to Mecca.

But outside of India, for some reason, such knowledge is prohibited ...

The living language of humanity

60% of Sanskrit words completely coincide in meaning, meaning and pronunciation with Russian words. For the first time, an ethnographer, a specialist in the culture of India, N. Guseva, wrote about this. She has written over 160 books on the culture and ancient religions of the Hindus.

In one of her books, she writes that she was deeply struck by the words of a scientist from India, who refused the services of an interpreter in a conversation with the inhabitants of the northern settlements, and shedding tears, he said that he was glad to hear live Sanskrit. This happened on a journey along the rivers of the Russian North, when N. Guseva accompanied an Indian scientist. It was from this moment that our ethnographer N. Guseva became interested in the phenomenon of the coincidence of the sound of two related languages.

You can just wonder, but you need to think

An amazing thing: beyond the Himalayas, where the peoples of the Negroid race are widely settled, there are educated people who speak a dialect consonant with our native language. Sanskrit, by the definition of linguists, is as close to the dialect of Russian people as Ukrainian. But Sanskrit maximally coincides only with the Russian language, with no other it has so many words that are consonant and close in meaning.

Sanskrit and Russian are undoubtedly relatives, philologists only find out the question - Slavic letters originated from Sanskrit, or vice versa. What is there to find out? An ancient Indian legend says that Sanskrit originated from the language of the Rus. The numbers and dates that archaeologists provide when determining the age of interesting finds of writing do not play any role here. Dates are given to us only to confuse, hide the truth.

Russian language is the oldest on Earth

Philologist A. Dragunkin proved that a language born from another is usually simpler in structure: words are always shorter, verbal forms are simpler. Indeed, Sanskrit is much simpler. It can be called a simplified version of the Rus language, which was frozen in time about 5 thousand years ago. N. Levashov is sure that the Sanskrit hieroglyphs are Slavic-Aryan runes, which have undergone some transformation over time.

The Rus language is the most ancient on Earth. It is closest to the parent language, which served as the basis for a large number of dialects around the world.


Cyrillic and Glagolitic letters. Russian language.

V. Tatishchev, the author of the Russian History, argued that the Slavs created writing long before Cyril and Methodius. Academician N. Levashov writes that the Slavs had several types of writing: a drop cap, runes, slashes, which are often found in many excavations. And the famous Cyril and Methodius only “finalized” the Slavic initial letters, removing nine characters. Their merit in the creation of writing should not be exaggerated: having simplified the Slavonic initial letter, they created the Church Slavonic alphabet based on it for the translation of the Bible.

This theory finds support in studies of Etruscan inscriptions. The Etruscans are a people who once lived on the territory of modern Southern Europe, on the Apennine Peninsula long before the birth of "". To date, archaeologists and historians have received almost 9 thousand inscriptions in the Etruscan alphabet during excavations and research. The inscriptions were located on tombstones, on household earthenware - vases, mirrors; there were inscriptions on jewelry. None of the linguists could decipher the inscriptions, in the circle of archaeologists a saying was born: “etruscum non legitur”, which translates as “Etruscan is not readable”.

Reading Etruscan letters

When Russian scientists began to decipher the inscriptions, the letters began to slowly lift the veil of their secret. First, G. Grinevich deciphered the inscription on the world-famous Phaistos disk; then V. Chudinov proved with his research that the Etruscan inscriptions should not be deciphered, but simply read using the letters of the Russian alphabet. Etruscan letters and words almost completely correspond to the letters and words of our native language. Any person who has studied the modern alphabet will read them, not to mention experts in the Old Russian alphabet.
Why hide such a terrible secret?

At lectures, V. Chudinov demonstrates photographs taken during excavations of an Etruscan tomb. Looking at the pictures of the inscription taken at close range, the lecturers themselves were able to read it. On the stone structure is written: "Here rests five thousand warriors after the great track of the strong and glorious Slavs, we and the titans of Italy."

Surprise is caused not only by the inscription in letters that are indistinguishable from our modern ones, but also by the date of burial. Archaeologists attributed the tomb to the third or fourth millennium BC. The same dates determine the formation of writing among the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Here, a long-standing dispute between connoisseurs of the world is revealed - whose writing appeared earlier.

Argument leading to the wrong path

It is clearly seen that the world scientific community refuses to recognize the superiority of the Rus. It is easier to admit that the European dialects came from the ancient Indian proto-language than to admit that the Russian language served as the basis. This hypothesis is not even given the right to exist, not to mention the opportunity to start actively studying it for refutation or confirmation.

An example is the fact that the scientist D. Mendeleev was never admitted to the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, today's RAS. A scandalous event: an honored scientist is not awarded the title of academician. The scientific world of that time, which made up the majority of the Academy of the Russian Empire, considered that one Russian scientist was enough in the Academy - M. Lomonosov; and D. Mendeleev did not become an academician.

The world community does not like Russian scientists, the world does not need Russian discoveries. Not even like that. Discoveries are needed, but if they are made by Slavic scientists, they are hidden and oppressed by any means until a similar one appears in another country. And more often than not, discoveries are simply stolen or appropriated during the registration process. The authorities of other countries were and are afraid of the competition of Russian scientists. It's easier to close your eyes to the next discovery, if only not to recognize the Russian superiority in anything.

So far, not professionals are engaged in interesting issues of the development of the Russian language in the country: geologist G. Grinevich, philosopher V. Chudinov, satirist M. Zadornov. It remains to be hoped that Russian science will stop turning a blind eye to the facts, and will turn its scientific knowledge to the search for raw information that promises to become another star on the slope of scientific discoveries.

There are a lot of such hidden facts and knowledge. Concealment and destruction of them is carried out constantly and purposefully, and those facts that lie on the surface and it is impossible to hide them are distorted and presented from the “correct” point of view. You just need to look at them from a different point of view, instead of continuing to live in a world of artificially created illusion.

Sumerian language. The first written evidence dates back to 3200 BC. e. Written records in this language have been discovered at the Jemdet Nasr archaeological site in Iraq. Sumerian was the language of the ancient Sumerians, whose appearance dates back to the 4th millennium BC. e.

Sumerian is also considered an isolate language, having no family ties with other languages.

Akkadian language. The first mention of the Akkadian language dates back to 2800 BC. e.

Written evidence of this language has been found in the Shaduppum region of Iraq. This language was spoken in ancient Mesopotamia, but now it is considered dead. The language got its name from the name of the city of Akkad, a major center of the Mesopotamian civilization of that time. The first texts written in Akkadian appeared during the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. e.

So far, thousands of texts have been found in excavations. The Akkadian language served as a means of communication between the two peoples who lived in ancient times in the territory of the modern Middle East. The language began to die out in the 8th century. BC e.

Egyptian language. The indigenous language of Egypt belongs to the Afro-Asiatic language family. The first written records of this language date back to 3400 BC. e.

The first written evidence of the Egyptian language was found in the tomb of Pharaoh Set-Peribsen. Until the end of the 7th century AD. e., this language existed in the form of the Coptic language.

The modern version of the language is known as Egyptian Arabic, which supplanted Coptic after the Muslim conquest of Egypt. Nevertheless, the Coptic language exists to this day as the language of worship of the Coptic Church. written language speech

Eblaite language. The Semitic language, now dead, Eblaite was once dominant from 2400 BC. e.

Thousands of tablets with inscriptions in this language have been found during archaeological excavations of the ruins of the city of Ebla. It was spoken in the 3rd millennium BC. e. in the ancient city of Ebla, between Aleppo and Hama, now in Western Syria. Regarded as the second oldest written Semitic language after Akkadian, the language is now considered dead. Minoan language. This language was widely spoken in the 2nd century BC. e.

It was the language of ancient Crete. Today, the language is considered an isolate, as its relationship with other languages ​​has not been established.

Hittite. The first mention of the Hittite language dates back to 1650. BC e. Today it is a dead language, but it was once spoken by the Hittites, a people in north-central Anatolia. The language fell into disuse after the collapse of the Hittite Empire.

Greek language. Greek is considered one of the oldest written living languages ​​in the world. The first records in Greek date back to 1400 BC. e.

With 34 centuries of written history, this language has the longest written history of any Indo-European language. Greek is the native language of the peoples who inhabited the Balkan Peninsula. Today, approximately 13 million people speak Greek.

Chinese. The first written evidence in Chinese dates back to the 11th century. BC e.

Today Chinese is spoken by more than 1 billion people - it is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the world. The Chinese language consists of a group of dialects where Putonghua (Standard Chinese) ranks first in terms of the number of speakers. The whole group as a whole and other language variants are called Chinese.