
What to pray for before the icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. The icon of the exaltation of the cross of the Lord in which prayer helps The exaltation of the cross of the Lord the icon helps people

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The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross describes the finding by Tsar Elena of the Holy Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. After the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord, the instrument of torture of the Savior was lost. Empress Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, managed to find him only in 326 after an exhausting search.

The date of the celebration of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving and Holy Cross

The Feast of the Exaltation of the Life-Giving and Even Cross is a Holy Day for the Orthodox Church, the celebration of which falls on September 27 for believers. On this day, believers are given to remember the miraculous finding of the Cross during the crucifixion of Jesus.

This holiday is considered the twelfth day, which is dedicated to Jesus, therefore it is called the Lord's day.

The Feast of the Exaltation has a deep meaning in Christian destinies throughout the world. Due to the fact that the cross was bestowed before the Feast of Holy Pascha, its feast fell on the second day of Pascha.

This day is a celebration of two events:

  1. Finding the Cross near Mount Golgotha ​​(in Jerusalem) in 326 on the site of the holy crucifixion.
  2. By the return of the Life-Giving Cross from the Persian captivity in the 7th century, the holy banners were returned to Jerusalem by Heraclius, the Greek emperor.

Christians meet the arrival of the holy day with strict fasting - you can’t eat food from meat, fish, eggs or dairy products. As a seasoning for food, it is recommended to use only vegetable oils - olive or sunflower.

The Prayer of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is short and sincere:

“I ask the incomprehensible and invincible Divine Power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross not to leave us sinners.”

The meaning of the image of the Exaltation of the Cross

The most common subject of the Exaltation icon was provided by Russian icon painters to churches in the 15th century. On the holy canvas you can see a large crowd of people against the backdrop of a one-domed temple. on the ambo you can see the Patriarch with the Cross raised above his head. In the foreground of the icon you can see the saints and all the faithful. On the right you can see Queen Helen with Tsar Constantine.

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The icon of the Exaltation of the Holy and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord can be seen in:

  • Alufevsky Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross
  • Moscow Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on Chisty Vrazhek
  • Vatican - in the Church State you can see the Miniature Menology of Emperor Basil II, written in the 11th century.
  • In the Roman monastery complex of Santi Quattro Coronati - in the Chapel of San Silvestro of the 13th century, you can see a canvas that depicts the discovery of the Life-Giving Cross by Queen Elena.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord icon - what helps

The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross is known for its miraculous abilities. After a sincere prayer to the Holy Cross, a seriously ill woman managed to go on a full-fledged path of healing from an ailment.

In 2012, an electrician who arrived from Roslavl had a severe gum disease. Both at night and during the day, the unfortunate man could not find peace and fulfill the work assigned to him. He did not consider himself a church person, and the icon itself was of little interest to him. He was offered to take an inextinguishable lamp, anoint his mouth with oil and ask for healing from the icon.

With deep faith in his cure, the electrician did what was indicated - and the ailment receded. The next morning, on his knees, with tears, he read a prayer in front of the miraculous image.

The icon of the Exaltation helps in sincere prayers, they are pronounced before the image in order to:

  • Deal with infertility.
  • Get rid of incurable diseases.
  • Heal diseased bones and joints.
  • Deal with chronic migraines.
  • Cure toothache.

The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord is a reflection of the discovery of the Holy Cross by Queen Elena. This holy canvas helps the needy to recover even from chronic or incurable diseases.

God bless you!

Despite the fact that the circumstances of the holiday developed later, its history dates back to 313. When the new ruler of the Western Roman Empire, Constantine the Great, approved the Edict of Milan, according to which Christians were granted freedom of faith and an end to persecution.

While still a pagan, the holy emperor was imbued with Christian ideas when he saw a luminous Cross in the night sky, on which was written: "This will conquer." After that, he won three wars, including for the Eastern part of the empire. In gratitude, in addition to the freedom of faith, he announced the construction of churches in the Holy Land. His mother, Queen Helena, arrived in Palestine to manage the construction.

First of all, it was necessary to find the places of the gospel events and evidence that everything happened here. For help in her search, the queen turned to Jerusalem old-timers. One of these, Judas, later the Hieromartyr Cyriacus of Jerusalem, pointed to the place where the temples of Jupiter and Venus were located, built by order of Emperor Hadrian in order to hide Golgotha ​​and everything connected with Jesus Christ.

After the demolition of the temple and excavation of the indicated area, a hill and a whole section of the Garden of Gethsemane with a burial cave - the Holy Sepulcher were discovered. Three identical crosses lay randomly in different places. Later, nails and a board with inscriptions were found. But this did not give an answer on which of the crosses the Savior was crucified.
To make sure which of the instruments of execution was the Cross of Christ, Patriarch Macarius and the rest of the clergy placed each of them on the deceased. The belief that the true Cross would revive the deceased was confirmed by a miracle.

At the request of the people, the patriarch and the clergy raised the Cross with the exclamations "Life-Giving Tree" so that it could be seen by as many people as possible. From that day on, the celebration received its traditional name - the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. This happened in 326. This was followed by the construction of temples in Bethlehem, on Olivet and Tabor. And the holiday itself was established on September 14 according to the old style (according to the modern calendar - 27) 335 years, after the completion of the main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bConstantine the Great - the consecration of the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.

Exaltation is a fast day. Despite the triumph, the Cross is associated with death and torment. The clergy put on red vestments - the colors of blood and royal purple. This is connected with another meaning of the holiday. In 624, the Greek emperor Heraclius defeated the Persians and returned to the Christians the Cross, with which the Jerusalem hierarch Zechariah was in captivity. The emperor could not bring the shrine into the temple of the Resurrection, and only after he removed all the attributes of royal power, he went inside and installed the Life-Giving Tree in the place where it is still located.

Prayers for the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Prayer one

Holy Cross, guardian of soul and body, wake up: casting down demons in your own way, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, both life and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and honest prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos. Amen.

Prayer two

Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His presence; like smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the presence of those who love God, and are marked by the sign of the cross, and say in joy: Rejoice, most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, descended into hell, and who corrected the power of the devil, and gave us to you, his honest Cross, to drive out every adversary. O most honorable and life-giving Cross of the Lord, help me with the Holy Lady of the Virgin Mary, and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Prayer three

Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Of old, you were a shameful instrument of execution, now the sign of our salvation is forever revered and glorified! How worthily I can, unworthy, sing to Thee, and how dare I bow the knee of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and inexpressible philanthropy of the humble Boldness, Spread on you, gives me, let me open my mouth to glorify Thee; for this sake I cry to Ty: rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ's beauty and foundation, the whole universe - affirmation, Christians of all - hope, kings - power, faithful - refuge, Angels - glory and chanting, demons - fear, destruction and driving away, wicked and unfaithful - shame, the righteous - delight, the burdened - weak, overwhelmed - a haven, the lost - a mentor, obsessed with passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, floating - helmsmen, the weak - strength, in battles - victory and overcoming, orphans - true protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, represented by the miracle-working rod of Moses, the life-giving source, soldering those who are thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are a bed, on which the Resurrected Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this sake, and in the morning, and in the evening, and at noon, I glorify Thee, the blessed Tree, and I pray by the will of the One who has blossomed on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of perfect love and all my deeds and paths, mine by Thee it will overshadow, that I will magnify Him who is nailed to Thee, for my sins, for the Lord my Savior. Amen.

Prayer Four

Before the wondrous miraculous power, the Four-pointed and Tripartite Cross of Christ, at your foot into the ashes, I bow to you, the Honest Tree, which drives away from me all demonic shooting and frees me from all troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. You are the Tree of Life. You are the purification of the air, the illumination of the holy temple, the protection of my dwelling, the protection of my bed, the enlightenment of my mind, heart and all my feelings. Your holy sign protects me from the day of my birth, enlightens me from the day of my baptism; it is with me and on me all the days of my life, both on dry land and in waters. It will accompany me to the grave, it will overshadow my ashes. It, the holy sign of the miraculous Cross of the Lord, will announce to the whole universe about the hour of the general resurrection of the dead and the last Terrible and Righteous Judgment of God. About the Most Honorable Cross! In your fall, enlighten, teach and bless me, unworthy, always undoubtedly believing in Your invincible Power, protect me from every adversary and heal all my mental and physical ailments. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, have mercy on me and save me, a sinner, from now and forever and ever. Amen.

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Many of the existing icons are dedicated to important events in the life of Christians. The icon "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" describes the acquisition by Empress Elena of the Holy Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. There is a holiday dedicated to this event.

What does the feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross mean?

The holiday is usually celebrated on September 27, and it is dedicated to the return of the Cross of Christ to believers. It is considered the twelfth day dedicated to Jesus, which is why it is called the Lord's day. In 326, the Cross was found near Mount Calvary. In the 7th century, the return of the Cross from the captivity of the Persians also took place. In honor of the return of the Cross, the emperor gave the order to build on this site. On this day, it is recommended to adhere to a strict fast, thanks to which it will be possible to live happily and successfully. It is forbidden on this day to start something new and make any plans, as they will not be successful. Cleaning the house on this day helps to expel evil spirits. There is a sign that if a person sees birds on this day and makes a wish, then you can count on its implementation.

What does the icon "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" look like?

In the center of the composition is the Cross, which stands on a stepped elevation and is supported by several clergymen. Around the platform are believers who rejoice at the return of the shrine. The temple is in the background. In different images, some of these details may be missing, but only the Cross remains unchanged.

How does the icon "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord" help?

This image has great power, so it works wonders. Praying before the icon is necessary for women who suffer from infertility, as well as people with serious illnesses. The icon helps believers find peace and, in a period of confusion and doubt.

There is a special prayer "Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord":

“Save, Lord, Thy people and bless Thy heritage, giving victory to the Orthodox Christian against the opposition and Thy keeping Thy Cross living.”

The Great Feast of the twelve most important in the annual cycle of the Orthodox Church is the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. On this date, Christians remember the historical event of the 4th century, called the acquisition of the Cross, which ended the earthly career of the Savior. The acquisition was truly miraculous, because almost three hundred years had passed since the Crucifixion.

The icon of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord helps in many human troubles, therefore it is very revered among Christians.

Emperor Constantine, impressed by the appearance of the Holy Cross and, as it were, its blessing, desired to build churches on the land of Palestine, in places consecrated by the presence and pastoral ministry of the Savior, and also to find the instrument of execution of Jesus Christ. In 326, with this honorable goal, the mother of the emperor, the pious Empress Elena, went to the Holy Land.

The search did not lead to success for a long time: after the Resurrection of the Son of God, the Cross disappeared, most likely it was buried by the enemies of Christ in the ground in an unknown place, in order to avoid worshiping him on the part of the confessors of the Christian faith and even to destroy the memories of him.

Someone suggested to Queen Elena that the burial place of the Cross was allegedly known to a decrepit Jew named Judas, who, as a result of long questions and endless persuasion, finally agreed to show this place. It turned out to be not far from Golgotha.

The Holy Tree was thrown into a deep cave and covered with garbage, rubbish, earth, and at the top the pagans erected their temple - with a temple dedicated to Venus and a statue of Jupiter. Pagan rituals took place here, sacrifices were made.

By order of the queen, the sanctuary of the pagans was destroyed, and during the excavations in the cave, three identical crosses were found, as well as a tablet lying separately, on which the original inscription was preserved: “Jesus the Nazarene. King of the Jews". But which of the found crosses is the Saint?

Both Empress Elena and Macarius, then Patriarch of Jerusalem, were convinced that God would help them solve this difficult problem. And so it happened. The patriarch suggested bringing the instruments of execution one by one to the seriously ill woman. The first two crosses had no effect, but when the third was offered, the woman was able to stand up on her own - the illness left her.

The second miracle happened at the same time: on the way they carried the deceased to bury - and from the laying on him of the third cross, the resurrection occurred. Then everyone was convinced that it was the Cross of the Savior, through which He revealed miracles and the power of life-giving.

The rumor about the miraculous find instantly spread throughout Jerusalem, and crowds of people who wanted to bow and venerate him flowed to the Cross. However, there were so many people that it was impossible to do this. Then those present began to ask the patriarch to at least show the found shrine.

Bishop Macarius, rising to the dais, three times raised above him - erected - the Cross of the Lord, so that everyone could easily see him. And the holiday, established in honor of this exceptional event, began to be called - the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.

Queen Elena, having fulfilled her sacred mission, brought to Constantinople a part of the Holy Cross and also the nails with which the Son of God was nailed to him.

Emperor Constantine ordered to erect on the significant site of the Crucifixion of Jesus, His subsequent Resurrection and the acquisition of the Holy Cross, a majestic temple, under the arches of which fit both Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher.

For her service to the glory of Christ, Queen Elena was called equal to the apostles - equal to the apostles. Later, Emperor Constantine also began to be called.

The queen passed away in 327, several years before the completion of the construction of the temple, which was consecrated in the 335th, on September 13 (26th according to New Style), and the next day - 14 (27th) - became the day of the establishment of the celebration in honor of the acquisition of the Honest Tree and the appearance of its people through the erection.

On the same day, the church remembers another fact related to the Cross. In the 7th century Jerusalem was conquered and sacked by the Persians. Among the stolen was the Life-Giving Cross. Only 14 years later, the Christians were able to return the captive shrine to its historical place.

When meeting her, the same picture was observed as when she was found: many people flocked to the celebration to bow to the Cross, and in the same way the supreme hierarch repeatedly erected it so that everyone could see it.

On the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, Christians not only worship the Cross, on which the Lamb of God suffered suffering and torment for the sake of their salvation, they not only associate it with a great historical event. To each of the believers understands that the acquired Cross is a symbol of the victory of good over evil, the destruction of sin, the source of boundless love.

The erected Cross is like a lamp for the whole planet, dispelling the darkness of ignorance on it. From the moment of baptism, Christians wear pectoral crosses on themselves precisely as signs of Christ's victory, protecting them from evil forces. Every good deed begins with prayer and the sign of the cross. They also bless the parish priests, mothers - children. Prayer to the Cross ends every day.

There is another deep meaning of the holiday - it speaks of the time of the second coming of the Savior, when before the coming Last Judgment there will be a new appearance of the Cross of the Lord - his new Exaltation. Therefore, the existence of this holiday sets people up for serious introspection and reflection on the spiritual, increased responsibility for their actions.

During the festive divine service, the priest solemnly brings the Cross to the center of the temple and, having overshadowed all directions of the world, lays it on the lectern.

After this, the rite of veneration of the shrine is performed: all those present three times bow down to the ground before him under the singing of the festive troparion: “We worship your Cross, Vladyka, and we glorify your Holy Resurrection.” The cross remains on the lectern for a week, so that everyone has the opportunity to bow and venerate it on any day.

The holiday is marked by a strict fast: it is not allowed to eat meat, dairy, fish products, egg dishes. Allowed food using vegetable oil - sunflower or olive. This is also an ancient tradition. According to legend, when the Cross was returned from Persian captivity, the Emperor Heraclius carried it to the temple dressed not in royal clothes and barefoot. In remembrance of this, they are commanded to mark the feast with fasting.

The plot of the icon with the name of the holiday of the same name in its current graphics was established in the icon painting of Russia in the 15th-16th centuries. He is also the most common.

The whole scene presented on the canvas is a crowded composition, behind the figures of which a temple with one dome is visible. The center of the composition is the patriarch, standing on the pulpit, raising the Cross above him, decorated with plant branches. The primate is supported by deacons on both sides.

The foreground is filled with images of saints, singers, those who came to bow before the miraculous find. In the canopy of the symbolic altar, on the right, the figures of the saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar Constantine and Empress Helena are usually painted.

There are variants depicting miracles that occurred during the identification of crosses.

Earlier iconographic variants represent images of Sts. Constantine and Elena or holding the Cross in their hands, or standing on both sides of it.

And although throughout the Christian world the icons of the Exaltation differ in composition and plot, for believers their meaning and meaning are unchanged. The cross is often called the Life-Giving Tree, and the icon is dedicated to its acquisition - a joyful event in Christian history. And the Cross itself is perceived not as an instrument of execution and suffering, but as a symbol of redemption.

The icon dedicated to the Exaltation is placed in very many churches and monasteries, and sacred buildings themselves also bear her name. In particular, in our country it can be seen in the temples of the same name:

One of the most powerful prayers is said before the Exaltation image - for protection from all sorts of troubles, misfortunes, dangers and diseases.

The icon has miraculous properties. There are many examples of healings after turning to her with a prayer. Seriously ill people who have lost hope for healing are also healed from ailments.. The Holy Cross carries its life-giving power even in the image. So, it is customary to refer to the icon in the following situations:

  • women who want to have a baby suffering from infertility
  • those with bone disease and joints
  • with the request get rid of chronic migraines
  • cure toothache
  • about getting rid of chronic and incurable diseases

There were cases of healing even people who were not church and did not particularly believe in the miraculous power of icons. In a fit of despair and hopelessness, they sincerely turned to the holy image and received healing.

Honest Cross, guardian of soul and body, wake up: cast down demons in your own way, driving away enemies, exercising passions and giving us reverence, both life and strength, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit and honest prayers of the Most Pure Theotokos. Amen.

O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Of old, you were a shameful instrument of execution, now the sign of our salvation is forever revered and glorified! How worthily I can, unworthy, sing to Thee, and how dare I bow the knee of my heart before my Redeemer, confessing my sins! But the mercy and inexpressible philanthropy of the humble Boldness, Spread on you, gives me, let me open my mouth to glorify Thee; for this reason I cry to Ty: rejoice, Cross, the Church of Christ's beauty and foundation, the whole universe - affirmation, Christians of all - hope, kings - power, faithful - refuge, Angels - glory and chanting, demons - fear, destruction and driving away, wicked and unfaithful - shame, the righteous - delight, the burdened - weak, overwhelmed - a haven, the lost - a mentor, obsessed with passions - repentance, the poor - enrichment, floating - helmsmen, the weak - strength, in battles - victory and overcoming, orphans - true protection, widows - intercessor, virgins - protection of chastity, hopeless - hope, sick - doctor and the dead - resurrection! You, foreshadowed by the miraculous rod of Moses, a life-giving source, soldering those who are thirsty for spiritual life and delighting our sorrows; You are a bed, on which the Resurrected Conqueror of Hell rested royally for three days. For this sake, and in the morning, and in the evening, and at noon, I glorify Thee, the blessed Tree, and I pray, by the will of the One who has blossomed on Thee, may He enlighten and strengthen my mind with Thee, may He open in my heart a source of perfect love and all my deeds and my paths will overshadow Thee May I magnify Him who was nailed to Thee, for my sin's sake, the Lord my Savior. Amen.

A mature version of the iconography of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which is also characteristic of modern Orthodox icons, was developed on Russian images of the 15th-16th centuries.

It is a crowded scene depicted against the backdrop of a single-domed temple. In the center, on a semicircular pulpit, stands the Patriarch with a Cross raised above his head, decorated with plant branches, he is supported under the arms of the deacons. In the foreground are depicted saints, singers in pointed hats and who came to bow to the Holy Tree. On the right under the ciborium, as a rule, the figures of Tsar Constantine and Empress Helena are written. Sometimes the icon of the Exaltation depicts a reminder of the miracle that accompanied this event, in the form of images of the resurrected dead or an old man in a serious illness, healed by touching the Cross.

The earliest versions of this recension are presented on one of the “tablets” (saint icons), originating from the sacristy of the Novgorod St. Sophia Cathedral (end of the 15th century, NGOMZ), as well as on a number of other icons: the three-row “Exaltation. George's miracle about the snake. Selected Saints” from the collection of I. S. Ostroukhov (beginning of the 16th century, State Tretyakov Gallery), “Exaltation”, 2nd half. 16th century (State Tretyakov Gallery), three-row “Exaltation. Cover. Selected Saints” (1565, State Tretyakov Gallery); bilateral “Our Lady of the Incarnation. Exaltation of the Cross "(XVI century., State Historical Museum), etc.

The described iconographic variant of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord was preceded by paired images of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Helena with the Cross in their hands or standing on the sides of the Cross, known from the 10th century. (murals of churches in Cappadocia, 10th century, murals of the katholikon of the Greek monastery of Osios Loukas in Phokis, 30s of the 11th century, the famous fresco of the Martyrievskaya porch of St. Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, 11th century, etc.). A similar version was widely used in the paintings of the XII-XIV centuries. On the icon of 1613 from the Bistrita monastery in Romania, the king and queen are shown on either side of the Patriarch, raising their hands in prayer. In the 17th century such iconography, supplemented by the image of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Tsarina Evdokia and Patriarch Nikon, is becoming popular in Russian art.

Icons of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Exaltation of the Cross, with saints in the margins. Second half of the 17th century. Moscow. In the center, against the backdrop of the temple, on the pulpit stands Patriarch Macarius with a cross raised above his head, on either side of him are deacons. On both sides - the upcoming king Constantine and his mother, Queen Helen. Below are two choirs of singers. On the margins: Alexei the man of God and Mary of Egypt, the Apostle Peter and the martyr George.