
What can be used to glue broken glass. How to glue glass with glass and metal: the choice of glue and gluing steps. Surface preparation for bonding

To protect the screen of your device, you need to know how to stick a protective glass on your phone. It is much stronger, yet flexible.

The film can protect the display only from scratches, and the protective screen also prevents the formation of cracks after the smartphone is dropped.

You should be very careful when buying universal glass, it may be of poor quality.

A few tips for choosing:

  • There are two types of glass: glossy and matte. The first option is cheaper, however, it can only protect the smartphone display from bumps. Before buying, check the strength of the glass, it should not bend too much;
  • Matte glasses are more expensive and can protect your phone from bumps, drops, and even glare. The disadvantage of such glass: the color quality of the smartphone display may deteriorate;
  • Good glass should have an oleophobic coating. It does not allow the coating to get dirty in fat;
  • It is advisable to buy glass options that include special wipes and spare protective glasses;
  • The thicker the glass, the higher its strength and the level of protection of the phone during bumps and drops.

glass bonding process

Follow the instructions to stick an additional protective glass on your smartphone:

  • First of all, clean your workspace. Many glass sticker instructions are silent about this point, however, it is very important to remove all dust from the work surface. It's there even if you can't see it.
  • Get a clean rag and glass cleaner. Wipe the surface and wait for it to dry. Thus, you will remove the maximum number of dust particles and there will be less chance that they will fall under the protective glass;
  • Turn off your smartphone for the duration of the entire procedure so that the screen does not turn on during the gluing process;
  • Take a damp cleaning cloth and carefully wipe the display of your phone with it. You can buy these napkins in the household department of any store. Wipes for cleaning glasses are also suitable.
  • Then wipe the display with a dry cloth to remove streaks and fingerprints;

  • Take the protective screen. Peel off the film on it from the side that will be adjacent to the smartphone display;

  • Now position the glass - without touching , place it over the entire area of ​​the screen. All steps must be done very quickly;

  • Now carefully place the glass so that it perfectly covers the surface of the phone and release it. The protective glass will stick on its own. If you have cleaned the display surface well, there will be no air or dust.

What to do if air gets in? If you still have air bubbles, go over the surface of the protective glass with a napkin, pressing lightly so that they go beyond.

After gluing, turn on the smartphone and check the operation of the sensor.

Important! Many smartphone owners are wondering: is it possible to re-stick the protective glass if it peels off? Perhaps too much dust or air under the screen prevents it from gaining a foothold. Carefully peel it off, wipe the smartphone display and repeat the sticker procedure again. Reinstalling on an already clean surface may solve the problem.

How to remove the protective glass?

Removing the protective glass is much more difficult than the film. If you glued it incorrectly, remove it using the tab located on the outside of the protective screen.

In most cases, the need to remove the protective screen arises after a serious fall. When the screen is broken, the glass must be removed as carefully as possible.

The easiest way is to take a plastic card (for example, a regular bank card) and pry off the edge. Then walk the map under the entire surface of the screen, unpinning it from the device.

Advice! To make the peeling process easier, stick the phone screen in your palms.

Glass and metal are fairly common materials that can be used in everyday life and industry. Often there is a need for gluing such materials, with which quite a lot of difficulties can arise. For this, special substances and adhesive technologies are used.

What substance to use?

First of all, you should decide which substance to use to connect the two materials. How to glue metal to glass - a similar issue is considered solely taking into account the characteristics of the selected adhesive. They may be as follows:

  1. Two component epoxy adhesive. It is characterized by high insulating properties, very high strength, electrical conductivity. In most cases, its consistency is transparent, consists of two components, for application it is enough to mix them together. Today, such adhesives are very widespread, as they are easy to use and allow you to achieve a very high result.
  2. Silicone with high thermal stability. It is often used for gluing glass to oven metal. The main properties are indicated by the manufacturer in the instruction manual, as a rule, the layer after hardening is not afraid of fats, oils and high temperatures. In addition, resistance to low temperatures is distinguished among the main properties, the glued object remains intact even when the indicator drops to -60 ° C.
  3. A product called Moment-Crystal. When using it, the gluing procedure is greatly simplified, the interlayer is elastic and resistant to a variety of influences. After the deforming load has disappeared, the interlayer returns to its original position after some time. Such an adhesive is often considered when looking for an answer to the question of how to glue glass and metal, especially when working with parts that can be subjected to vibration loading.
  4. Automotive adhesive in its main characteristics resembles rubber. It is ideal for bonding metal and glass. It should be borne in mind that when decorating, it is chosen extremely rarely, since it has a black color.

Gluing a metal surface to a glass one or vice versa should be done only taking into account the basic recommendations of the manufacturer.

As a rule, the instruction manual is placed on the back of the package.

How to glue?

The instruction largely depends on which adhesive was chosen. In order to prevent serious mistakes, you must follow all the rules and recommendations. Most attention is also paid to where exactly the resulting product will be used and under what conditions.

  1. Do not neglect the recommendations that relate to the use of a solvent. With high-quality degreasing of the base and removal of all contaminants, a high quality of conjugation can be achieved.
  2. Paint and other coatings must also be removed, as they significantly reduce the degree of bonding of individual elements.
  3. It is recommended to heat the glass before its direct gluing. The heating temperature should be around 30 degrees Celsius. A similar indicator can be achieved only when using a building hair dryer. It should be borne in mind that with a sharp increase or decrease in temperature, the glass may crack. Therefore, the heating process must be carried out with caution.

You can speed up the drying of the glue by placing the product under a press. We must not forget that the applied load must be distributed evenly, otherwise the glass may burst.


Super glue has become quite widespread. It can be used to obtain reliable mates of various types. The two-component version is most often used for bonding glass and metal. Its main advantages are waterproof and fast drying. Among the features of its application, the following points can be noted:

  1. The elements to be connected are prepared accordingly.
  2. The two components are mixed until a homogeneous mass. It should be borne in mind that the paste can be in a plastic state for only a few minutes.
  3. After obtaining a homogeneous mass, it is applied.

At the time of gluing, it is necessary to ensure a snug fit between the two surfaces. This ensures a reliable connection.


Also, to achieve this task, you can use various types of sealants. As a rule, the sealant provides a high degree of sealing of the joint. That is why it is used in the event that it is necessary to achieve not high strength, but water permeability.

The procedure for bonding two elements when applying a sealant is not significantly different. Among the features, we note that the sealant may take longer to dry.

In addition, the resulting pairing is characterized by less reliability.

Moment crystal

Such a substance is characterized by the fact that it forms a soft layer that can withstand a slight displacement of the glued objects relative to each other and then restore its shape. Among the features of the application, the following points can be noted:

  1. It is important to prepare both surfaces well, and then heat the glass and metal. This increases the reliability of the connection of the adhesive composition with the base.
  2. As a rule, the adhesive is supplied in one-component form. It may be in the form of a liquid or a paste. Even distribution allows you to achieve a better result.
  3. Do not forget that a high load should be exerted on the connected elements, but it should be evenly distributed. Otherwise, the glass may break.

The instructions for using the adhesive in question also indicate how long it takes for it to dry completely. It often takes several hours, but 100% strength takes longer.

Automotive adhesive

Transparent automotive adhesive is also commercially available. With its use, you can achieve a high quality connection. A similar adhesive for glass and metal is used as follows:

  1. Surface preparation is carried out, for which dirt and foreign substances are removed. If possible, both mating surfaces should be as smooth as possible.
  2. For degreasing, a substance is used that does not form a film on the surface.
  3. It is checked how tightly both surfaces are mated with each other.
  4. The part is preheated with a building hair dryer to a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius, thereby increasing the efficiency of the connection.
  5. The parts are installed so that the seam is in a horizontal plane as far as possible.
  6. While the surface remains warm, metal and glass are glued. Care must be taken to ensure that the applied layer is uniform. In addition, it is recommended to remove the excess that comes out immediately, since after hardening they can create quite a few difficulties.

You can choose this type of glue to connect a wide variety of products, but most often it is used when gluing a windshield. It should be borne in mind that a lot depends on the quality of the adhesive composition. That is why it is recommended to give preference to products of well-known manufacturers. Poor quality products will lead to an unstable fit of glass to metal, after a while the degree of sealing of the joints decreases.

Using a UV lamp for gluing

To ensure a strong connection, an ultraviolet lamp is often used, with which it is much easier to glue. It is useful when using a special adhesive for glass and metal, such as VERIFIX MV 750 or B 682-0. The first version should be used exclusively for transparent glasses. Recommendations for glue with UV lamp are as follows:

  1. Before starting work, both surfaces are degreased and cleaned. Do not use gasoline or kerosene for this, as such substances can leave a thin film. On sale there are special liquid solvents for glass.
  2. With the help of a hair dryer, the glass is heated, due to which the adhesion index is significantly increased. In this case, it is recommended to reach a temperature of around 60 °C.
  3. The glue is applied in a thin layer, after which the products to be joined are applied to each other.
  4. Using a bonding lamp, the surface is irradiated twice. At the first stage, the degree of connection is 70%, at the second stage, the strength increases to almost 100%.

The duration of irradiation largely depends on which lamp will be used for this. All of them are classified according to the power index. The first stage of irradiation, as a rule, is much shorter than the second.

A material such as glass has a lot of advantages and one significant drawback - products made from it can be easily broken if handled carelessly.

And here the question becomes relevant - with what and how you can glue the glass so that the table, aquarium, window and other things can serve you further.

Many people think that this is a very difficult task. In fact, the gluing process can be carried out even at home, the main thing is to know the methodology, sequence of operations and some features. All this will be discussed below.

When choosing an adhesive, the type of glass must be taken into account. Properly selected adhesive largely determines the reliability and strength of the connection. If a pair of glass-glass or glass-other material is to be bonded, then the most acceptable adhesives are:

  • "Polyvinyl acetate"
  • "BF-2"
  • "Unique"
  • "Moment-1"
  • "Phoenix"
  • "Mars"

The compound obtained with their help will be colorless and waterproof, which in some cases is very important.

1. The composition for gluing can be prepared independently at home. To do this, add a little ash to the bone glue and mix thoroughly. It is necessary to apply this composition on pre-heated glass.

2. A good glue for a pair of glass - glass can be obtained by mixing 10 parts of silicate glue with 1 part of casein glue.

3. If you need to glue glass and wood, then the following recipe is used. Pre-sifted wood ash is added to the wood glue and mixed well until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Small glass parts can be glued with garlic juice. To do this, the surfaces to be glued are smeared with cut cloves of garlic and connected. The layer connecting the parts remains transparent.

5. Sealants are most often used to repair window frames and aquariums. Here is a recipe for making and how to use one of them. 10 g of crushed beeswax, 50 g of chalk (powder), 100 g of rosin and about 60 g of drying oil are poured into the dishes. The mixture must be heated until boiling, after which it should be removed from heat and wait until its temperature drops to 50 ° C. Add 20 g of cement to the still warm mass and mix.

6. You can also make such a composition.

What kind of glass glue to buy - how to wipe reviews

You will need aluminum powder - 50, dibutyl phthalate -10-12, as well as epoxy resin ED-5, ED-6 -100. First, the resin is heated to 60-80°C to make it fluid, then dibutyl phthalate is added, the mixture is well mixed and aluminum powder is added. All adhesive mixture is ready and must be used immediately.

In addition to the listed brands of adhesives and compounds, you can use others, the use of which you can consult a salesperson in a building materials store. It can offer you a special transparent adhesive specifically for joining glass, as well as for reliable bonding of various types of glass products and surfaces at home.

How to prepare the surface for gluing?

The strength and reliability of the adhesive bond depends very much on the quality of the preparation of the surfaces to be bonded. First of all, the surface must be cleaned of grease and other contaminants.

To do this, it is wiped with a swab dipped in one of the following solvents: kerosene, gasoline, alcohol, white spirit, solvent 646. It is believed that the most universal remedy for this purpose is acetone.

In stores and supermarkets selling household or building materials, you can also offer special cleaning products, such as cleaner from Bohle. Conventional detergents, including Mister Muscle, are not suitable for surface preparation.

Please note that cleaning solutions are harmful to health, so the room must be well ventilated or ventilated during cleaning.

The bonding points must be warmed up to remove a layer of condensate that is invisible to the eye. The temperature of the surface on which the adhesive will be applied must be warmed up to a temperature of 30 ° C above room temperature. You can use a hair dryer to heat up. If the surface is problematic, then the Pyrosil technique can be used to warm it up.

How to glue glass?

After preparing the surface, you can proceed to the actual gluing. First you need to check if the parts are tightly combined. If there are many pieces, they are assembled on the table like a puzzle. Assembly can be facilitated by various kinds of clamps: magnetic cubes, stops, corner suction cups, etc. You need to connect the parts immediately after heating. Viscous adhesives are applied to the parts before they are joined.

Glue should be applied in the minimum required amount. A dispenser can be used to apply metered volumes of adhesive. You can do without a dispenser, applying glue to the eye. The main thing is that there is not too much glue.

Recently, compounds have become widespread that acquire maximum strength after irradiation with ultraviolet radiation. They are suitable for bonding glass to glass or glass to metal and provide a very good bond. When using them, surface preparation and adhesive application are carried out as described above. The difference is that after joining the parts, the seam is irradiated with UV lamp light. The dimensions of the lamp should be such that the glue line is irradiated evenly.

Attention! UV lamp light can damage your eyes. When working with it, goggles must be worn and hands protected with gloves.

Depending on the composition and type of parts to be bonded, irradiation can last from 70 seconds to several minutes. During irradiation, the movement of parts relative to each other should be excluded. For fixing, you can use fixtures from Bohle.

After irradiation, the fixing parts are removed and the adhesive residues are removed.

To check the strength of the connection, a force is applied to it, which it must withstand during operation. Of course, you can break any object - excessive zeal is useless here. The tested product is fit for use.

Precautionary measures!

Do not forget that any glass glue is highly toxic, which can cause skin irritation or respiratory irritation. As a result, it is recommended to use special respirators, as well as gloves (protective clothing). If the adhesive does get, for example, on the skin or in the eyes, immediately remove the composition with plenty of cold water and, if necessary, visit a doctor. Keep out of the sun and children!

How to glue glass - we select the composition for a strong connection

How to glue glass with glass and metal: the choice of glue and gluing steps

The process of gluing surfaces is a simple, but rather time-consuming job, especially if we are talking about glass.

In the process of bonding glass to glass

The connection of this material requires special skill, as well as knowledge of some of the features and nuances that you will read about in this article.

Glue for gluing glass to glass: types

The technology of gluing glass surfaces consists of several stages. But before proceeding to determine the algorithm of actions, you need to figure out what types of adhesive compositions are. How to glue glass?

Adhesive Tips:

  • the adhesive must be suitable for a specific type of glass, its composition determines the strength and reliability of fastening;
  • colorless and waterproof bonding can be achieved using Mars, Phoenix, Unicum, etc. glue;
  • silicone compounds are transparent, but can be toxic;
  • adhesive resin based on ultraviolet will help to glue individual pieces of glass that fit snugly together;
  • when choosing an adhesive for working with objects that will be used in contact with food, you need to choose non-toxic compounds.

Certain criteria must be observed when choosing an adhesive for bonding glass to glass and metal.

Bonding steps: technology description

After choosing the right adhesive, you can proceed to the direct connection process.

How to glue glass to glass

  1. The work surface should be thoroughly washed in soapy water.
  2. The glass is then wiped dry with a clean cloth.
  3. Apply glue to the edge of one of the surfaces. A small amount of adhesive will be enough, it is not necessary to lubricate the glass abundantly.
  4. After that, you can apply a small amount of glue to the surface and press the objects together. Bonding takes no more than 1.5-2 minutes.
  5. It is advisable not to touch the product during the day, so that the glue can dry completely. The drying time depends on how you glued the glass. Different types of adhesive composition have a different setting time.
  6. Excess glue can be cut off with a blade. It often happens that the excess mixture is squeezed out around the edges and hardens.
  7. Finally, you need to wipe the glass.

How to glue glass and metal

You already know how to glue glass to glass.

How to glue glass: detailed instructions

However, the technology for joining glass and other materials is somewhat different from that described above.

Bonding glass with other materials has its own sequence of actions

Action algorithm:

  1. Clean the work surface, degrease.
  2. Before gluing glass and metal, you need to heat the material to a temperature of 30 degrees Celsius. You can use a regular hair dryer for this. You can glue no later than 5 minutes. Otherwise, it will be necessary to heat the metal again.
  3. Surfaces should be fixed. You can use special stops, suction cups, etc.
  4. Since it is not easy to glue glass without a seam, it is best to arrange the surfaces horizontally.
  5. After applying the glue, you need to hold the materials, pressing them tightly against each other.
  6. Next, the joints are heated with an ultraviolet lamp.

What is the best way to glue a metal surface to glass? Experts advise using glue B 682-0 or VERIFIX MV 750. These compositions have an average degree of viscosity and are suitable for both ordinary glass and tempered and reinforced glass.

  1. Before buying adhesives, carefully read the product label.
  2. There are types of adhesives that leave no residue after drying. To work with glass, you need just such an adhesive.
  3. It is most convenient to apply glue with a brush, you can pre-squeeze the mixture into a plastic container. From there it will be easier to take the required amount of glue.
  4. When working with glue, you need to wear protective gloves, preferably made of latex.
  5. If you can't clean the glass in soapy water, try using steel wool.
  6. When working with ultraviolet glue, expose the glued glass to the sun's rays.
  7. If the glued surfaces come into contact with water, then it is best to spray them with a sealant that will ensure the moisture resistance of the materials. The sealant should dry for 15-20 minutes.

Following the algorithms described above, you can easily connect glass surfaces to each other. In addition, this article will answer questions about how to glue glass and metal.

Video: an interesting way to glue different materials



Metal tube, 50 ml

"Anles", JSC

The foundation
Synthetic rubbers

a brief description of
Universal waterproof adhesive

Bonds wood, ceramics, glass, concrete, fabric, metal, porcelain, polyvinyl chloride, decorative and finishing plastics, rubber, leather, leather substitutes and other materials in any combination

Directions for use
Apply an even layer of glue on clean surfaces, dry for 10 ... 15 minutes and press firmly. For more reliable fastening, it is recommended to apply the second layer of glue 5…10 minutes after the first one.

How and how to connect glass to glass? Types of glue and their features

The glued product can be used after 12 hours

Precautionary measures
Flammable! Work should be carried out in a ventilated area. Store at -10 to +40°C

Rubbers, solvent, reinforcing filler, resins

Glass has a lot of advantages and one big disadvantage - fragility. The owners of a broken thing have a question - how to glue the glass so that the object does not lose its attractiveness. The process of restoring the integrity of the item is not that difficult, just follow the sequence of operations.

Silicate glass contains silicon, so adhesives with this element are used to firmly connect glass products. During polymerization, silicon molecules in glass and glue interact with each other and form a superstrong molecular bond. Silicon is present in silicate glue, which is ideal for such an operation. There are many modifications of silicate glue, so when buying, study the recommendations for its use. For example, for the manufacture of aquariums, take a product with a special label, which guarantees the absence of elements harmful to fish in the composition of the substance. For the same aquariums, glue is needed, which creates an elastic connection that can absorb shocks. Otherwise, the glass will crack even from a temperature drop.

Before starting work, degrease the surface with gasoline, thinner or other substance. Silicate glue is sold in tubes in small volumes or in large tubes. In the latter case, a special gun is needed to squeeze out the contents.

Carefully cut off the tip of the tube nozzle so that the thickness of the extruded strip is not wider than the surface to be glued. Heat the glass with a hairdryer to a temperature of 50-60 degrees. Carefully apply a thin layer of the substance to the surfaces to be glued, do not squeeze out the excess - after drying, the residues are difficult to remove. Press the parts, check that the substance is evenly dispersed over the surface, air bubbles in the joint are not allowed. Spray the walls of the parts with water - silicate glue hardens under the action of moisture that it absorbs from the air.

Leave the glued parts for a day. After 20 minutes, polymerization will occur, after an hour the product will harden. After 24 hours, the joint will be stronger than whole glass. Remove excess glue with a blade or a cloth soaked in vinegar.

In decorative finishing works, a special high-quality glue for glass is used. It differs from silicone in transparency, light transmission, moisture protection, and heat resistance. These tools include Verylube, RapidFix, Pernabond. After gluing, the junction is practically invisible. This composition can fix glass to metal and wood.

Particularly strong joints are obtained using an adhesive that hardens under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. To work, you need a UV lamp, the exposure time is 3 minutes. The parts connected in this way are able to withstand a significant load.

Universal adhesives are also able to connect glass parts, but they are inferior in reliability to special ones. Of the universal means, "Polyvinyl acetate", "BF-2" are considered the best. "Unicum", "Moment-1". After the operation, colorless joints are obtained that do not allow moisture to pass through.

Glue for glass can be prepared at home. A good mixture is obtained by mixing bone glue and a small part of the ash. The substance is applied to heated glass. To fix glass to wood, wood ash and wood glue are used, which are mixed until a thick homogeneous mass is obtained. You can temporarily connect the fragments with garlic. Cut the garlic cloves and rub the surfaces to be glued, then squeeze them.

For a reliable connection, it is necessary to choose the right adhesive composition. Advice on gluing glass products of various types can be obtained at the building materials store.

Glue is an indispensable substance in everyday life when you need to connect materials of various kinds. To choose a good glue for glass, you need to consider in detail its types and technical characteristics. The composition must take into account the characteristics of the glass surface.

glass adhesive requirements

Glass is a material with reduced adhesion, which makes it difficult to bond. Also, glass is quite fragile, which also complicates the task. What properties should glue have to work with glass comfortably, and the result is reliable and durable? Basic material requirements:

  1. High adhesion is a must, since glass is smooth and repels water, a special adhesive force is needed for gluing household items that are subjected to stress.
  2. The glue must be transparent so that the seam remains invisible. For fastening small parts, this property is more important than strength.
  3. The adhesive must dry quickly during operation.
  4. Quality material has a thick consistency.
  5. The seam must be elastic.
  6. Important characteristics are heat and cold resistance, it is highly desirable that the adhesive withstand high and low temperatures, as well as their differences.
  7. Waterproof if the surface or object will be outdoors or in a damp room.
  8. Safe for the environment, no toxic substances and no odor after curing, and ideally also during operation.

Transparent glass adhesive is the best option for working with different types of colorless materials. This property is important for accurate joining of small and decorative details. When choosing an adhesive, you need to pay attention to the properties of the interlocking surfaces. So, for smooth ones, ordinary compositions are suitable, for corrugated ones - reinforced ones. If you need to glue special glass, for example, for an aquarium, then a sealant is bought without antibacterial additives, that is, it is safe for water and its inhabitants. Adhesive strength is especially important when working with window panes or painted surfaces.

How can you connect glass objects: types of glue

Glue for glasses is divided into several types, designed for different cases:

  • Polymeric. Dries under the influence of ultraviolet rays. When choosing such an adhesive, the color of the glass must be taken into account: at least one of them must be transparent for light to enter. The surfaces to be glued are placed under a special lamp until the seam is completely hardened. The advantages of polymerizing compositions: the adhesive seam is transparent, withstands temperature extremes, humidity, mechanical stress. Showcases, stained-glass windows, jewelry are glued with this composition. This is one of the most durable adhesives, but its minus is a long drying time.
  • made on the basis of silicone and sealant. Its scope is construction. The peculiarity of the glue is the range of colors, which allows you to make the seam invisible or decorative. Therefore, silicate glue is very attractive for needlework. The thicker the layer, the higher the adhesion strength.

  • Cyanoacrylate, or. The advantage of this type is high adhesion and fast drying. The result is durable and strong. Cyanoacrylate adhesives are used on painted surfaces, they can bond glass to other types of materials: wood, plastic. Minus - the composition does not withstand contact with water.
  • Household: the familiar PVA, BF-2 and BF-4 adhesives, as well as Moment glue. PVA is used for fastening small parts. The reliability of such a connection depends on the force of squeezing the materials. BF series adhesives work at high temperatures, which makes them difficult to use for glass, which may not withstand such a load. If "Moment" is taken, then the surfaces are first lubricated and left for 20-30 minutes, and only then they are connected - so the strength will be higher. "Super moment" is the best option for instant bonding when there is no time to wait for drying.

  • Heat-resistant glass glue is used for objects that will subsequently be regularly exposed to high temperatures. These are electric kettles, ovens, stoves, etc. The adhesive seam does not change under the action of heat due to the addition of special amplifiers to the composition.

How to apply

When working with glass glue at home, you need to follow a few rules. First of all, proceed carefully, as stains may remain on the transparent material. Hardened glue drops are very difficult to remove from the front surface. Glass is a fragile material, so it does not need to be subjected to excessive loads. Another important point is the protection of the skin. Wear protective gloves and a mask, especially if the adhesive contains toxic substances.

How right glue glass:

  1. First of all, you need to prepare the surface. The result of gluing depends on its purity. Before starting work, the glass must be degreased: wipe with a solvent, rinse with soapy water and wipe dry. Sometimes the surfaces are polished (for even joints).
  2. How to glue the parts: both parts are covered with a layer of glue, aged if necessary, and then pressed tightly against each other for a while. Sometimes it is enough to lubricate only one part, usually a smaller one.
  3. For complete polymerization, you need to leave the item for a day in a dark place. If a UV adhesive is used, the bonded product is placed under a special lamp.
  4. If excess glue has appeared, they can be cut off with a sharp construction knife or blade.
  5. Before use, the glued product should be wiped with a damp sponge and dried. If the packaging does not indicate that the composition has water-repellent properties, then it is better not to wash the glued object with water.

Advice! The glue is applied neatly and in a thin layer. The excess will be difficult to remove.

The exact drying time varies with different adhesive materials. The manufacturer indicates on the label the procedure for working with glue, the speed of its setting and complete solidification. Working with glue depends on the type of packaging. If the tube is not equipped with a convenient nozzle, it is recommended to use a brush. To glue small decorative elements, they can be held with tweezers and immersed in a drop of glue.

The variety of adhesive products allows you to choose the option that will fully meet its purpose. With the right composition, work with large glass elements and small details like beads will be performed equally reliably.