
Pink discharge after intercourse, are they dangerous, the causes of the appearance. Discharge after sex in women - should they be scared? Small amount of blood after intercourse

The question of why there is blood after sex is of interest to every woman who has encountered an alarming symptom. The situation can happen once or repeat constantly. The reasons are varied. From banal easily eliminated, to serious, requiring qualified treatment. Bleeding occurs from the vagina, its vestibule, cervix, uterine cavity.

The hymen is torn during the first sexual intercourse. The girl feels discomfort, experiences pain, blood after sex. Normal, understandable phenomenon. The situation may repeat itself several times. Up to one month. Over time, the elasticity of the penis increases, the muscles of the uterus relax, the penis is less injured. The blood disappears by itself. A few drops stand out. If the blood after sex appeared in an increased amount, you need to consult a specialist.

The presence of blood after intercourse can be evidence of the onset of menstruation. The situation is familiar to women with irregular menstrual cycles. Sexual activity brings the uterus into tone, changes the hormonal background, menstruation begins. Also, if it appeared immediately at the end of menstruation, it is also an explicable phenomenon. The remnants of the epidermis are released.

It also happens in women during menopause. Sex provokes a hormonal surge, the body reacts in this way.

Banal causes of blood after intercourse

A common cause of minor bleeding is the use of sex toys. This includes the mismatch in the size of the girl's penis and the dildo. Also poor-quality production of intimate devices. Before using, you should run your hand over the surface to determine the roughness, bumps, bumps, and other flaws. A manufacturing defect can cause bleeding. The same situation with a natural mismatch of the sexual organs of partners.

The cause of blood after sexual intercourse is often an insufficient amount of natural lubrication. This situation occurs if:

The problem is easily solved. You can use a special lubricant for intima. Make more time for foreplay.

Another banal reason for the appearance of blood after intercourse is the excessive activity of the partner, hard sex. The girl has minor injuries, tears, which begin to bleed. You should slow down a bit, restrain the ardor of passion. Injuries on the cervix provoke the formation of erosion. They do not require special treatment, they pass on their own within 10 days with the exclusion of re-injury.

Blood after sex under the influence of contraceptives

Hormonal drugs often cause unplanned bleeding. The presence of blood is possible on any day of the cycle of the first 3 months, after the start of the use of birth control pills. In the future, the situation may arise in the same way. But it already indicates the improper functioning of the female body, a violation of the hormonal background. There is a question about the replacement of contraceptives.

Blood after sex can also occur when using a condom. If the girl's vagina is not sufficiently hydrated or an allergic reaction to the condom material occurs.

The reason for the appearance of blood is the presence of an intrauterine device. The first 3 months after its installation is considered normal. Given that droplets of blood do not turn into significant bleeding. The appearance of a similar situation in the future already speaks of alarming symptoms due to the presence of the IUD:

  • inflammatory process;
  • helix shift;
  • an attempt to reject a foreign object by the girl's body.

The coil will most likely need to be removed. Consider another method of contraception.

Venereal diseases as the cause of the appearance of blood

Many PPP diseases are asymptomatic at first. But in the body of a girl they carry out their pathological transformations. If the blood after sex appeared without pain and other disturbing symptoms, chlamydia is most likely present. If you suspect a sexually transmitted disease, you need to undergo an examination. The doctor will make the final diagnosis. And also prescribe qualified treatment. Both partners must undergo therapy. All this time, refrain from sexual intercourse.

The reason for the appearance of blood is pregnancy

If a woman is aware of her pregnancy, blood after intercourse can greatly frighten her. Active actions of a partner can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages. When bleeding occurs, the chances of saving a child decrease every minute. You need to call an ambulance.

If a girl does not know about her pregnancy, she will perceive bleeding as the beginning of menstruation. In most cases, the uterus clears itself. Sometimes the help of a gynecologist is required when particles of the embryo remain inside the uterus.

Sudden bleeding may indicate. In this case, after the appearance of blood, the girl's health is rapidly deteriorating. If help is not provided, she may lose an ovary or die.

Gynecological diseases

If the blood after sex did not appear for the first time, you should think about the presence of gynecological diseases. A common cause is benign, malignant neoplasms in the cervix.


A benign tumor appears for various reasons. The main one is infection. With a small size, the cyst is treated therapeutically, removed with liquid nitrogen. If the situation is difficult, a surgical method is used to eliminate the cause of the pathology. A cyst can exist for a long time without any special signs. If blood after sex did not appear for the first time, there is a high probability of its presence.

Erosion on the cervix

Often appears in young girls. It gives itself out as insignificant specific secretions, pain in the lower abdomen. During sex, an erosive place can be injured, blood appears. Erosion never bleeds. A few drops after intercourse with a further violation of the menstrual cycle. They are treated with medication, cauterization. The procedure is almost painless and takes about 5 minutes.

Cervical cancer

A benign tumor that eventually becomes malignant, at first develops without any special symptoms. Even a doctor on examination without a special study is unable to identify pathology. If blood appears after sex, there are no other painful symptoms, you need to visit a doctor for a serious examination. With cervical cancer, blood after sexual intercourse is one of the symptoms of the disease, which, unfortunately, women and girls pay little attention to. Especially if all this does not turn into bleeding.

inflamed e nie

In the presence of inflammatory processes in the uterus, the lower abdomen, lower back hurts, the temperature rises, and there are specific discharges. Initially, they are simply plentiful transparent consistency. At a certain time, spotting appears. And this time sometimes coincides with intimacy. After her, the woman notices specific discharge. Other symptoms of the disease develop later.

There are also situations when blood after sex appeared by chance, it just happened. Any gynecological disease can be present in a woman's body: uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometrial polyps, which develops without any special symptoms.

Thus, there may be blood after sex for obvious reasons - disruption of the hymen, active sex, use of sex toys, it is necessary to carry out a washing procedure, use hydrogen peroxide if the wound is visible. It does not hurt to visit a gynecologist. Consultation of a qualified specialist will not be superfluous. You also need to pay attention to your own hygiene. Its absence causes the growth of pathogenic bacteria, which provoke a violation of the microflora of the vagina, reduce immunity, and provoke diseases. After sex, bleeding may occur. You should pay attention to your partner. Possibly blood in the vagina from his penis. In this case, he will have to be examined.

Women's health requires special attention. Launched problems of a gynecological nature can hit the most sick for any woman - the ability to have children. That is why it is worth paying special attention to your health and not neglecting it. Any phenomenon that is not related to the norm should be a mandatory reason for visiting a doctor.

It is not uncommon for women to experience spotting after a hollow act, which is otherwise called postcoital bleeding.

Bloody discharge after sex can have various causes. But, whatever the reason, you should definitely visit a gynecologist, who will determine exactly what caused the bleeding, take all necessary measures to eliminate this problem.

Bleeding after sex: causes of their occurrence

  • One of the reasons for the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina may be mechanical damage. During violent sex, a woman can get injured in the vaginal mucosa or cervix. There are more serious injuries: trauma to the vault or walls of the vagina. If you experience severe pain and heavy bleeding during or after sex, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Severe bleeding can lead to very serious consequences.
  • Another cause of pathological discharge of blood from the vagina after intercourse can be inflammatory processes and diseases of the female genital organs. Such diseases may include vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) or cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix). If there are such diseases, then bloody discharge may not be associated with sexual intercourse in any way, but occur unexpectedly, even when the woman is at rest. Fungal or bacterial infections, as well as non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, can cause an inflammatory process. Certain medications can also cause vaginal bleeding in women. The inflammatory process occurs against the background of a reduced immune system and is treated with antibiotics.
  • Bloody discharge can be caused by diseases and sexually transmitted infections (STDs). Among other things, the discharge may be accompanied by an unpleasant burning sensation and itching.
  • One of the most common culprits of spotting in women are polyps and erosions. If present, spotting may appear after intercourse. Erosion and polyps need timely treatment. Most often, polyps are removed, and erosion is cauterized by various methods.
  • Vaginal bleeding is sometimes the result of endometrial hyperplasia, including after intercourse.

What else can cause vaginal bleeding?

  • Bloody discharge after intercourse may indicate endometriosis. Abundant and spotting blood from the vagina is just a sign of this disease. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, severe bleeding can be observed, closer to menstruation, they are more likely to be spotting, and may appear after sex.
  • Sometimes bleeding can be associated with the ovulation process. Sexual intercourse does not play any role here. Most likely, ovulatory bleeding after sex is just a coincidence. The process of ovulation is natural and usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. It does not require treatment, as it is the norm of physiology. Sometimes, however, a doctor may prescribe herbal preparations to treat such bleeding.
  • The cause of bleeding can also be oral contraceptives. As a result of their intake, the lining of the uterus becomes thinner and may bleed during intercourse. Pseudomenstrual bleeding can also lead to untimely birth control pills or skipping them. Bleeding while taking oral contraceptives can also be a side effect. Here you need to consult a doctor. After all, bleeding while taking OK may indicate that the drug is not suitable for you and it needs to be replaced with another one.
  • Less commonly, vaginal discharge can be caused by uterine tumors and cell changes in the cervix.
  • Do not forget that your partner can also be the cause of bleeding after sex. Blood in semen is quite rare, but still occurring. It can be caused, for example, by diseases of the genitourinary system and urinary tract.

What should be done in case of bleeding?

It must be understood that most spotting and heavy bleeding are easily cured by a doctor. It is for this reason that you should not postpone contacting a doctor who will help identify the cause and eliminate it. If the bleeding is also accompanied by pain or is too strong, then you should consult a doctor immediately.

Rare, but still there are cases of internal bleeding. Not always internal bleeding may be accompanied by signs of external. The main symptom of internal bleeding are sharp pains in the lower abdomen, which are cramping in nature. Such pains can be observed in the perineum, inguinal folds, lower back. Internal bleeding may indicate the presence of the following diseases:

  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • incipient or threatened miscarriage.

As a rule, internal bleeding is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • spotting accompanied by sharp pains;
  • profuse sweating;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • dizziness and weakness;
  • a sharp drop in blood pressure.

If at least a few of these symptoms appear, it is recommended to call an ambulance as soon as possible, because this may indicate internal bleeding.

Other causes of bleeding after intercourse

  • The norm is bloody discharge after the first sexual intercourse. In most cases, as a result of the first sex, the hymen is torn, which leads to vaginal bleeding. Very often, after the first sexual intercourse, there is no blood. This indicates that the hymen is very thin. But if it is thick enough and dense, then in this case, spotting cannot be avoided. They can even be very abundant.
  • One of the causes of bleeding may be pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman can observe weak, sometimes even spotting, blood discharge. You should not be indifferent to such a situation, because any pathological discharge during pregnancy can end sadly for a woman and a child.
  • Bleeding during sex can also cause adenomyosis. Adenomyosis refers to a violation of the functional activity of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity, or endometrium. It is worth saying that the disease can be both congenital and acquired. The cause of adenomyosis can be both inflammatory diseases and surgical interventions.
  • Sometimes bleeding causes irritation of the walls of the vagina. This can happen as a result of using tampons, frequent and rather rough masturbation. As a rule, the discharge as a result of these causes stops soon and does not require treatment. It is only recommended to limit these moments.
  • The cause of uterine bleeding after intercourse during pregnancy can be low or even complete placenta previa: when it is located in the lower part of the uterus. With complete placenta previa, the natural exit from the uterus is completely blocked.
  • The appearance of blood may indicate premature exfoliation of the placenta, which requires emergency medical attention. A pregnant woman is recommended to lie down quietly for half an hour after each sexual intercourse. This is necessary in order for the uterus to finally calm down.

So, as it has already become clear, the causes of bleeding after intercourse can be very different. In no case should we turn a blind eye to this problem. You must understand that any pathological discharge can lead to sad consequences. Timely contacting a doctor will help you determine the cause of the problem and solve it. It may also take a long time to heal. But what could be more important for a woman than the desire and ability to have a child?

Before planning the conception of a child, it is necessary to eliminate all existing problems. Very often, gynecological problems are the cause of miscarriage and the inability to bear a child. Think about it and pay attention to your health. Strengthen your immune system, lead a healthy lifestyle and try to avoid sexual intercourse with different sexual partners. This can cause many gynecological diseases.

Blood after intercourse (PA) can appear due to a variety of factors. In any case, such a symptom should puzzle the woman. It is best to consult a doctor about such bleeding.

The reasons

There are both natural and pathological reasons why women experience brown or bloody discharge from the vagina during or after intimacy.

Natural factors that are not caused by the disease include the following:

  1. Virginity.
  2. Menstruation.
  3. Ovulation.

However, there are a number of deviations in the work of the body, due to which blood flows after PA. The diseases that can cause such a phenomenon include quite serious ailments. They require a full examination and diagnosis based on it by a gynecologist. These include:

  1. Infectious diseases.
  2. Atypical tissue growth.
  3. Cervical erosion.
  4. Oncological neoplasms.
  5. pathology of pregnancy.

Bloody discharge after sex sometimes appears due to spontaneous abortion or internal bleeding. These conditions require immediate hospitalization.

Self-diagnosis is strictly prohibited. Therefore, if light brown, bloody discharge from the vagina appears during sexual intercourse, it is urgent to consult a specialist.

Every representative of the fair sex should know in detail about the provoking factors of such an unpleasant situation.

natural factors

Many completely natural phenomena in the body of women can cause red or light brown ointments from the vagina during PA. They are not caused by a disease, and you should not worry about them.


When a girl has sex for the first time, the rupture of the hymen causes some bleeding. This is known to everyone. But if the bleeding is too long, you should go to the hospital. Perhaps there is a problem with its coagulability - this is a very serious pathology.

It happens that even after intercourse for the second or third time there is also a slight bleeding. So, intimacy was active. The vagina of a virgin is narrow, the mucosa is easily damaged. The first time you need to make love carefully.

Also, some women have individual characteristics of the hymen. Because of this, she is not completely torn during the first intimacy. This is quite normal and should not cause concern.


Bloody discharge after intercourse sometimes accompanies the onset of menstruation. Intimacy sometimes brings menstruation closer. It would be better to make sure that this is not a pathology.

Proximity can have such an impact only when it coincides with the day of the expected regular bleeding or occurred the day before. In this case, brown discharge develops into the usual monthly bleeding. Their color, quantity should be normal.

But if such a phenomenon occurred a week before the expected date of the onset of menstruation, then this is not menstruation or pathology caused them. In this case, avoiding an examination by a gynecologist will not work.

If the menstruation went earlier, a hormonal failure probably occurred or a disease develops in the body. The success of the treatment of the disease depends on the speed of response to such manifestations.


Light brown, mild vaginal discharge in the second phase of the cycle sometimes indicates that ovulation has occurred. During the release of the egg from the follicle, some women experience such a phenomenon.

This indicates the approach of a favorable period for the onset of pregnancy. However, the discharge after intercourse caused by this factor is observed exactly 2 weeks before the expected menstruation.

When pregnancy occurs, brown, spotting may indicate the successful introduction of the fetal egg into the uterine wall. Such light bleeding is observed on the 7-13th day after ovulation.

This state can only be assumed. Only an experienced doctor can determine exactly why a small brown or reddish discharge began during lovemaking. For some women, the causes of this phenomenon are quite serious.


Many diseases can provoke brown or bloody discharge after PA. In order to defeat the main ailment as soon as such manifestations began, you should visit a doctor.


Sexually transmitted infections can cause some bleeding during or after intercourse. The main ones include:

  • Trichomoniasis.
  • Chlamydia.
  • Ureplasmosis.
  • Mycoplasmosis.

These are the most common infections that present with a variety of symptoms. Ignoring them leads to the absence of pregnancy in the future, provokes many serious deviations in the reproductive system.

If the infection has developed into a chronic form, its manifestation may be dim. Bleeding or brown ointments are sometimes their only manifestation.

Atypical tissue growth

Discharge after intercourse can be triggered by changes at the cellular level. The main pathologies of this type include:

  • Endometriosis.
  • Hyperplasia.

In the first case, the symptoms are very diverse. Endometrial tissue grows, settling in uncharacteristic places for it. During sex, pain and slight bleeding are observed. Moreover, this situation occurs after each proximity.

Hyperplasia is characterized by active cell division. Subsequently, this can lead to the development of oncology. Infrequently, but it happens that this disease is manifested by bleeding. This occurs already at a rather late stage in the development of hyperplasia.

Cervical erosion

Rough movements of a partner during sex can disrupt the mucous membrane in the vagina, leading to microtrauma. In some women, even this provokes the appearance of erosion.

The causes of this disease are various, often associated with hormonal imbalance. The very presence of erosion can lead to the appearance of small bloody ointments in women after sex.

This disease must be treated, otherwise it will develop into more serious ailments.


Benign or malignant neoplasms sometimes provoke bleeding, light brown discharge in women during PA. These include:

  • Myoma.
  • cysts.
  • Polyps.
  • Cancer neoplasms.

Such pathologies can be in the uterus, on the neck, tubes, ovaries. These are pretty dangerous conditions. Their detection in the early stages of development guarantees the success of treatment.

Pathology of pregnancy

Bleeding after sex can be a sign of early pregnancy. If a woman had unprotected sexual contact, this reason should not be rejected.

When there is blood or small spotting, this is not normal during pregnancy. It can occur at any time and is always considered an alarming sign. Cause such a manifestation during pregnancy can:

  1. Lack of progesterone. This threatens to terminate the pregnancy.
  2. Detachment of the fetal egg.
  3. ectopic implantation.

Each of these situations requires urgent hospitalization. By seeking help in a timely manner, serious consequences can be prevented.

internal bleeding

If after intimacy there is pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or heavy bleeding, you must urgently go to the hospital - this pathology is life-threatening. It can be caused by rupture of the ovary, fallopian tube, abdominal trauma. The symptoms of this phenomenon are as follows:

  1. Cramping, aching pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back.
  2. Paleness, weakness.
  3. Tachycardia.
  4. Dizziness.
  5. Pressure drop.

If this condition appeared after sex, you should immediately call an ambulance. Paying attention to the signals of your body, taking care of your health and regularly visiting a gynecologist, you can avoid many problems in the future.

Minasyan Margarita

After intercourse, in addition to a good mood with a sense of satisfaction, a woman may notice a specific vaginal secretion. Which discharge after sex should be alarming, and which should not, we will figure it out in this article.

Normal discharge after sex

Of course, discharge can and even should appear after intimacy. This is due to the fact that during arousal, blood circulation increases, increasing the supply of the genital organs. There is a powerful stimulation of the vagina and its glands, as a result of which a mucous secret is actively produced.

Nature is arranged in such a way as to provide a more comfortable intimate process, easy penetration and sliding. In the people, this mucus is called vaginal lubrication. It also performs a barrier function, detaining all foreign microorganisms, then bringing them out. Normally, the female secret is watery, transparent, odorless, not accompanied by discomfort. With an orgasm, it becomes thick and sticky. Find out from the article at the link.

If brownish, bloody, greenish, pinkish, beige, cloudy white discharge is found after sex, a cottage cheese, sour, fishy smell and discomfort appear, then most likely it is a violation.

The presence of white or heavy yellow discharge after sex is possible due to the ejaculation of a man in the vagina. They have a sharp protein flavor and flow out in 10-20 minutes after the end of the PA. Thus, the sperm, mixing with the female cervical fluid, comes out.

The abundance and density of secreted mucus depends on the level of hormones. When there is an imbalance, the amount of secretions, especially at the time of arousal, can increase significantly. This phenomenon is often found during menopause or as a side effect of drugs containing hormones.

An allergic reaction to contraceptives or intimate hygiene can change the nature of the excreted secretion. An excess of artificial sexual lubricant, a lubricant, can affect the intensity of the discharge.

The characteristic of the female secret changes throughout the menstrual cycle. During ovulation, before and more abundant and thicker, they acquire a yellowish tint and a sour smell, which is especially noticeable during intimacy.

Causes of brown and bloody discharge after intercourse


Do not be afraid of secretion mixed with blood after sex, if it is without pain and discomfort. It can be spotting for the same reason of ovulation, as well as on the eve of critical days. Some couples have sex even during their period. There is no need for blood here.

Red discharge as a result of the first sex is explained by the rupture of the hymen of the girl. In this case, a light scarlet daub is sometimes observed, and prolonged bleeding may appear. It all depends on the characteristics of the body, but the next sexual contact usually does not show such a symptom.

Excessively active sexual intercourse can contribute to the appearance of blood-colored discharge. Scarlet secretion in this case will mean mechanical damage to the vessels or tissues of the vagina.

If one of the listed reasons takes place, then there is no reason for excitement. But it is worth mentioning it during the visit of the gynecologist.


The cause of pink or brown discharge after intercourse is often cervical erosion, characterized by a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane. Blood from the deformed area enters the mucus, which is especially noticeable after intimacy.

Secretion is of a sacrificial nature in the presence of polyps. Often they represent benign neoplasms, but, having identified such a pathology, it is necessary to pass an analysis for histology in order to exclude malignant tumors.

The symptoms of endometriosis - the proliferation of cells of the internal tissue of the cervix - also apply. An insidious disease tends to degenerate into cancer. Pathologies of this kind are also accompanied by pain during and after sexual intimacy and delayed menstruation.

Gray and green secretion after intercourse

One of the common ailments in which specific secretions increase after intercourse is bacterial vaginosis. The mucus is off-white, green or greyish in color, and smells like rancid fish with a cheesy character. The cause of the disease is a change in the composition of the vaginal microflora, where opportunistic bacteria prevail over beneficial lactobacilli. Dysbacteriosis is accompanied by itching and burning both in everyday life and during intimacy.

These bacterial microorganisms secrete volatile amines, which give rise to a fishy smell that intensifies after intimacy.

Yellow and white discharge after sex

With a sour-milk smell, they will indicate thrush, which occurs due to the development of a fungus of the Candida family. Candidiasis is transmitted both sexually and progresses against the background of an increase in the number of candida in the microflora due to stress, physical exertion, taking antibiotics or poor hygiene. It differs from ordinary whites by burning and itching after PA.

Yellow, abundant discharge after intercourse indicates infectious diseases such as chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and even gonorrhea. Unpleasant odor, itching, burning during urination are symptoms of these diseases. Ulcers may appear in the genital area.

The secretion of mucus, characteristic of a particular ailment, is more noticeable in women than in men. This is explained by the fact that the microflora of the reproductive organs of the weaker half of humanity is more sensitive.

Discharge after intercourse while carrying a child

During the period of expectation of a child, intimacy is not canceled, but from the middle of the second trimester it is necessary to limit sexual activity in intensity and in some positions. Pressure on the abdomen can harm the baby.

If you find brown discharge, accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, you should immediately consult a doctor. We can talk about the fading of the fetus or ectopic pregnancy. In such cases, it is interrupted to avoid serious consequences for the mother.

Presence at an early stage will tell about the reaction of the uterus to the introduction of a foreign body - a fetal egg. This is acceptable in the first days of conception. Later, this will indicate a problem that threatens miscarriage or premature birth.

Treatment and prevention

If the resulting secret, as a result of sexual relations, causes discomfort, then you should seek medical help. The gynecologist will determine the etymology and prescribe treatment.

If abundant secretion is due to sensitive microflora, then it is worth using vaginal suppositories as prescribed by a doctor. Douching solutions may be used. In this case, folk remedies can help, for example, baths with a decoction of oak bark, chamomile, calendula and succession. You can soak a tampon with them, and insert it into the vagina for a short time. But do not abuse these methods, so as not to overdry the mucous membrane. Read about it in the article at the link.

Suppositories and topical ointments, physiotherapy help relieve inflammation. With advanced infectious diseases, general spectrum medications and even antibiotics are prescribed.

Pathologies are treated depending on their location and severity. Erosions are cauterized, frozen, and tumors can even be surgically removed.

How to prevent the appearance of discharge after intimacy?

To avoid such discomfort, do not forget about preventive measures:

  1. Maintain immunity.
  2. Avoid physical activity and stress.
  3. Choose your intimate hygiene products carefully.
  4. Wash your face often and change your underwear.
  5. Avoid wearing clothes made of synthetic materials.
  6. Protect yourself with barrier contraception (condoms) in the absence of a permanent partner.

Bloody discharge after sex is an alarm sent by the female body. Of course, a one-time manifestation of spotting after intercourse does not pose a serious threat to health. But constant such situations indicate the presence of adverse processes caused by dangerous latent diseases.

Therefore, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist as soon as possible. Timely detection and comprehensive treatment of the disease can quickly restore the reproductive system without affecting the health of the girl.

During intercourse, a girl secretes a special mucus, which is produced by glands located inside the vagina and uterus. During the period of excitation, its quantity is plentiful.

The function of mucus is to protect the vagina from mechanical damage from the act of love. And also it protects the female body from infection.

In appearance, the internal secretions are not too thick, the color of the lubricant is transparent, without a pronounced odor.

Sometimes, the hue of the mucus may fluctuate to a milky white, and the thickness of the lubrication may also increase. All this is the norm, which does not require special attention to itself.

All other secretions should cause concern from their origin. In such cases, you should always seek the advice of a gynecologist.

Etiology of bleeding

There are cases when, after intercourse, a woman found blood from the genital tract. If this is an admixture of blood and such a phenomenon is not systematic, then the reasons may be elementary.

Most often, medical attention is not required.

Bloody discharge after intercourse can occur for various reasons.

  • Quite often, violent sex causes internal microcracks, leading to daubing. In addition, special intimate toys can damage the vaginal walls.
  • Another cause of spotting can be the loss of a girl's innocence. Why is this happening? In this case, bleeding from the rupture of the hymen. but it can only be once in a lifetime. After it bursts, there should be no discharge mixed with blood during sex.

All other options for spotting after an intimate act should make a woman sound the alarm.

  • The most terrible source can be a venereal disease. Quite often, such "surprises" arise from random sex and are sexually transmitted. The infection penetrates inside and settles on the walls of the vagina, mucous membranes of the uterus, fallopian tubes. Among the diseases there are such: chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, etc.
  • Also, neoplasms of various origins on the female genital organs can cause spotting after sex. For example, polyps.
  • Inflammatory processes in the vagina (vaginitis) or cervicitis - inflammation of the cervix. These processes can cause blood not only after an intimate relationship, but also during periods of calm.
  • An ulcerative defect on the cervical mucosa () is one of the most common causes of bleeding after sex. Erosion is dangerous because it can develop into oncology.
  • Hyperplasia of the endometrium - the growth of the endometrium outside the uterus, leads to heavy periods.
  • The cause of bleeding discharge after an act of love can be. In this case, it can be smeared with blood in the middle of the cycle, and menstruation is plentiful.
  • It even happens that it can manifest itself as a discharge with blood. This type is not classified as a pathology, so treatment is not needed. Sex in this case is rather irrelevant to such cases, it is just a coincidence with the day of the ovulatory phase.
  • Sometimes spotting after a night of love can be caused by oral contraceptives. The reason can be different cases: skipping a pill, a side effect of using a remedy, or taking a contraceptive for a long time led to a thinning of the uterine mucosa, which causes pseudomenstruation. Here you can not do without the advice of a specialist. After all, perhaps the drug needs to be changed, since it is not suitable for a woman.
  • Rarely, but it happens that the cause of spotting is a tumor in the uterus or cancer cells in the cervix.
  • The partner is no exception, in which there may be a disease of the urinary tract. In this situation, the blood can be in the semen of a man and after intercourse, a bloody daub remains on the woman's organs (sex without a condom).


You should immediately call an ambulance if the girl found herself with profuse spotting after PA with additional symptoms:

  • Cramping pain in the lower abdomen, lower back and vaginal perineum;
  • Pain in the region of the ovary.

The first thing that should come to mind is: “Why does pain arise?” This is most likely internal bleeding.

These symptoms may indicate the following reasons:

  • ruptured cysts;
  • Rupture of the ovary;

Bloody discharge after sexual intercourse should make a pregnant woman anxious. This may indicate a threat to the life of the baby and the expectant mother.

Not always internal hemorrhage can be expressed in the external environment. Associated symptoms are usually:

  • severe weakness and dizziness;
  • Sharp sweating;
  • tachycardia, rapid heartbeat;
  • low blood pressure;
  • Bloody discharge with pain.

If sex partners have found at least one of the above signs, it is worth urgently calling an ambulance. After all, internal bleeding can lead to death.

And in general, you don’t need to ask yourself “Why does blood smear after sex?” It is better to be examined by a gynecologist and not worry about your health, but to get only pleasure from making love.