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How to catch ovulation. What is it and how to define it? How to catch ovulation How to catch ovulation by test

This miracle happens every 30 days, and those who dream of motherhood are looking forward to their time. It is called ovulation, when the mature egg is ready for the birth of a new life. In these 36 hours, a woman’s character, manner of dressing, and even the attitude of those around her incredibly change.

Signs of ovulation

To better understand the process of ovulation, let's turn to the imagination. Imagine a sac (follicle) with one seed - an egg selected for fertilization from hundreds of thousands of its kind. The follicle begins to grow in the ovaries in the first days of menstruation. At first, its diameter is less than a millimeter, and two weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, having increased 20 times - to the size of a grape - it already sticks out of the ovary wall. At this time, the body intensively produces the hormone estrogen, and as soon as its level in the body begins to go off scale, the lutein-stimulating hormone (LH) is sharply activated. In women, it is responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the formation of sex hormones, in men it stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.

Approximately 12 days after the onset of menstruation, a sharp rise in LH levels causes the egg to rapidly break through the wall of the ovary into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation - from the Latin ovum - egg. It lasts 36 hours - this is how long an egg cell needs to select exactly half of the chromosomes from its nucleus - 23 carriers of the genetic code. The same amount of sperm will bring with it to create a full-fledged cell with 46 chromosomes. In order for it to happen for sure, it is best to plan sexual intercourse in a three-day interval: the day before the expected ovulation, on day “X” and the next day. Why so few? After leaving the follicle, the egg lives from 24 to 36 hours, and the sperm cell lives only half a day longer.

Ovum in a Taxi

From the surface of the ovary, a fertilized egg, like a lady in a taxi, cilia from the fallopian tube - fibria - are delivered to the tube itself. From there, she herself moves into the uterus. If there are congestions in the fallopian tube or, conversely, loopholes, the woman is at risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Take note: ovulation zones usually alternate - the egg matures in one or the other ovary. But if one of them is removed, the remaining organ takes over the entire process. Do not worry: the ability to fertilize from this is not at all lower. Absolute sterility in our country begins 48 hours after ovulation, continuing until the beginning of the next ovulatory cycle.

Why is there no ovulation?

But what if you are not pregnant, not in the menopause period and are generally alive, but ovulation does not come in any way? It turns out that the ability to conceive depends on the time of year and even on the length of daylight hours. Scientists evolutionarily tracked that the Eskimo women during the polar night stopped the ability to ovulate and they temporarily became infertile. So nature fought against the inferior development of eggs in adverse conditions and the appearance of children with congenital disorders of the body. This phenomenon disappeared from modern women of the Arctic Circle as soon as civilization reached it.

Other causes of ovulation disorders are stress, fear of pregnancy, career infertility of a business lady. The ability to ovulate is affected not only by the psychological mood, but also by the physical condition: if a girl weighs much below the norm, this can cause a failure in ovulation, since the reverse process of turning from a girl into a girl starts. This problem often threatens fashion models or those who are obsessively trying to lose weight. If you eat right, do not strive to look like a concentration camp prisoner, live in comfortable conditions and do not lift sleepers instead of dumbbells, everything should work out with ovulation.

Ovulation time

For those who dream of becoming a mother, 36 hours of ovulation is a time not to be missed. Today, you can determine the date of ovulation at home using a calendar, thermometer or test, as well as in the clinic using ultrasound. Each method is based on the changes that occur during ovulation: cycle length calculations, temperature jump after ovulation, changes in hormone levels.


essence: mathematical calculations.
A plus: cheap and easy
Minus: errors in calculations due to the changing cycle.
You have in your hands not just a square of paper, but a strategic action map on which you need to calculate how many days your cycle lasts and divide this figure by two. This is the approximate day of ovulation. Count cycles from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. Since they may not be the same, you have to analyze at least four or six in a row to come up with an average result. But if you plan to avoid pregnancy by calculating “dangerous days”, be careful: as a result of stress, a change of partner or daily routine, the onset of ovulation can not only shift, but additional ovulation is also possible, when not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle . “You can confirm your suspicions about Day X by observing changes in the body. The peak of abundant mucous secretions, after which there is a period of "dryness", and there is a day of ovulation.
Ours will also help you calculate ovulation. Enter your details and the calendar will show favorable days for conception.

Basal (or basic) temperature

essence: monitoring the difference in internal temperature
A plus: convenient and cost-free
Minus: not suitable for teenage girls during hormonal changes and women taking oral contraceptives - the temperature will not be indicative.
A change in basal temperature is one of the main signs of ovulation. Before ovulation occurs, it is always below 37 degrees. Immediately after the release of the egg, the mercury column of the thermometer begins to rise by 0.2-0.5 degrees to the level of 37.6-38.6 and stays at this level for 3 days in a row. This is the period of the best conception. The temperature is called basal (internal) because it is almost not affected by environmental factors. You can keep the thermometer in your mouth, vagina or rectum - whichever method suits you best, as long as it does not change throughout the cycle. Hold an ordinary thermometer for at least five minutes, and a digital one should ring in a minute. Take measurements in the morning after three hours of sleep in a row, without getting out of bed and preferably at the same time. Observations should be carried out regularly for at least three months from the first day of one menstruation to the next. “At different phases of the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones is not the same, which give different temperatures,” explains Sergey Kidalov. “The elevated temperature is the result of the work of the hormone progesterone, which produces heat.”

Ovulation test

essence: analysis of ovulation hormones in urine or saliva
A plus: result in five minutes
Minus: high price of tests (30-35 dollars) and the need for strict application 2 times a day without gaps
Testing can begin two days before the expected ovulation at any time of the day. As soon as the first positive result is recorded, wait for the release of the egg within a day.

Urine tests

They look like bags with a strip of paper inside. Usually there are five in a set. The strips are jet, which must be substituted under a stream of urine for 5 seconds, and regular strip strips, the same as pregnancy tests. The latter are lowered into the urine container to the limit line with arrows for 30 seconds, and the result is evaluated in a minute. When ovulation occurs, the test line is darker or similar in brightness to the control line on the test. If the result is negative, the test line is lighter than the control line or there is only one control line. If there is no control line at all, testing is considered erroneous. Be sure to store the strip strips in a dry place - due to humidity, the accuracy of the readings may be impaired. This method is the most simple, accurate and therefore popular.

Saliva tests

They come in the form of a mirror, magnifying glass or lipstick with an indicator inside. All this should be spit on. A special indicator will react to the composition of saliva, and after 10-30 minutes you will see the results. About the onset of ovulation, a drawing resembling fern leaves should speak. It can be compared with the photo that is attached to the test. True, each of us has our own ideas about the fern, so there are often difficulties with interpretation. It is for this reason that women rarely practice saliva tests.

Ultrasound Monitoring

essence: medical observations of the growth of follicles on an ultrasound machine
A plus: one of the most accurate methods for determining favorable days for conception, it suits absolutely everyone.
Minus A: takes time: you will have to visit the clinic on the seventh day after the end of your period.
In the clinic, using a vaginal probe on an ultrasound machine, the doctor will determine whether your follicles are maturing and in which of the ovaries. And then every 2-3 days, using the same method, he will continue to observe how the follicles grow, whether there is one among them that is going to ovulate, and predict the timing of the release of the egg.

Ovulation time - hunting time

We are all a bit of a predator, and during ovulation it is visible to the naked eye. Domestic scientists have noticed: these days we like to dress catchy, attracting partners, and not some inferior ones, but macho ones with high-quality genes.

The Americans say: during ovulation, we can cheat on a permanent boyfriend, and, in fact, there is nothing to blame us for: the call of nature!

The Czechs note: strippers earn twice as much during the release of the egg.
The Belgians state: on the days that are best for conception, we can hardly restrain ourselves from caustic remarks to all other representatives of the weaker sex. They annoy us by the very fact of their presence - why should a woman compete in finding a partner!
So we, ladies, signal with all our behavior to the slow-witted male community: I'm ovulating, I'm ready for procreation! And in this hunting fervor, we already pay less attention to side ovulatory symptoms: pulling pains in the lower abdomen, clear mucous discharge from the cervix and a suddenly conscious desire to eat something exotic. Do you think men don't notice? No matter how: when their “halves” ovulate, the representatives of the stronger sex have a subconscious desire to give them armfuls of flowers and take them to the coolest restaurants. The male intuitively feels that his “prey” can be taken away by another successor of the genus, and is ready to defend his rights with teeth and claws. Psychologists characterize his behavior at this time as "dominant" - the behavior of a man who is able to achieve his own: both in his personal life and in his career. So it is useful to know the day of ovulation for both you and him.
Sergey KIDALOV, gynecologist

“Catching” ovulation can sometimes be very difficult. And especially often, according to the law of meanness, girls and women who desperately want to have a baby face various failures in this regard.

How to "catch" ovulation?

The word "ovulation" refers to the process during which the egg matured from the follicle enters the abdominal cavity from the ovary, preparing for fertilization. Normally, this period falls on a short interval between the follicular and luteal phases, that is, approximately on the thirteenth or fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle.

Women with a regular cycle are quite easy to calculate "favorable" days for conception according to a banal calendar.

But what about everyone else?

Some girls, trying to “catch” the right day, turn to special inkjet tests that are sold in any pharmacy.

These tests are used like normal pregnancy tests - the strip is dipped into fresh morning urine and shows a positive or negative result. But alas, unlike the latter, ovulation tests are not highly accurate and reliable, in addition, they must be used directly in "alleged" days.

Every woman who does not use calendar methods and charts for changes in basal temperature can recognize ovulation by internal sensations, and even vaginal discharge. This is easy to do at home, without resorting to any auxiliary means. The only condition is that you need to listen to your body and carefully monitor all changes in your well-being, which, unfortunately, not every young lady succeeds in. How can you recognize the upcoming ovulation yourself?

Why do you need to know the "symptoms" of ovulation?

Each of you can successfully identify the onset of ovulation. However, not all girls understand why this is necessary. This is especially true for those who are in no hurry with offspring and do not plan to have children yet. However, keeping track of your menstrual cycle is important and beneficial for all women of reproductive age.

Signs of ovulation are diverse, and, for the most part, individual. However, there are a number "universal" manifestations that are typical for almost every mature woman who does not have specific problems in the field of gynecology.

Why you need to determine ovulation:

  • Firstly, this way you can calculate the day that is most favorable and productive for conceiving a baby. This is especially true for those who dream of having a child in the very near future;
  • Secondly, you can, on the contrary, prevent fertilization and the onset of an unwanted pregnancy if you do not plan to have children yet, or do not want to have them at all. However, in this case, you should have a clear and accurate menstrual cycle, without any failures and disorders. It is also worth mentioning that protection through natural family planning is only suitable for very organized, responsible and collected girls who are ready to pre-monitor their "female" body for several months, using conservative contraception. You will have to not only track the change in your feelings, but also build certain schedules, measure the temperature and carry out daily calculations in order to definitely protect yourself from conception;
  • Thirdly, you will be able to plan the gender of the child. Among obstetricians and gynecologists, there is an opinion that on the day of ovulation, fertilization occurs predominantly by boys, and the day before its active phase, by girls. This is due to the fact that the spermatozoa that carry the “girlish” chromosomes are less mobile, and those that contribute to the conception of a boy are energetic and fast, therefore they instantly reach their goal in the presence of a mature egg. At the same time, "female" spermatozoa have increased viability, and their life is preserved in the woman's body for 1-2 days.

Of course, the third point is not extremely serious, but it has quite official medical grounds. However, it is still not necessary to count on it one hundred percent: if you practice sexual intercourse for the purpose of fertilization during the entire period of ovulation, you will not be able to be sure at what specific moment conception will occur and what will be the sex of the child.

Determine the onset and upcoming ovulation

As already mentioned, some women do not feel any changes in their own well-being during this interesting period.

But how can you still recognize ovulation at home?

To begin with, we would still advise you to have a special menstrual cycle calendar, and fill it out every "critical days". So you will know how you can recognize the day of ovulation not only by sensations, but also by a specific schedule.

It is especially useful in this regard to download special applications on a mobile phone.

They will not only make schedules for you, but will regularly notify you of upcoming ovulation, menstruation, and even PMS (premenstrual syndrome). By focusing on specific days, it will be easier for you to track your own feelings and monitor your vaginal discharge.

How can you recognize ovulation by feeling?

For this, each girl has her own symptoms. They can fluctuate sharply from case to case, so you should not rely only on the advice of friends who, for example, have enlarged mammary glands during this period. You must be familiar with the full range of sensations that are present in different women during the ovulatory period in order to track some of them in yourself.

Signs of ovulation can be:

  • Hormonal rashes (quite dense, voluminous and painful acne without purulent contents that appear directly in the middle of the cycle);
  • Increased appetite and cravings for harmful things (even if you practice proper nutrition and adhere to a healthy lifestyle, it is at this time that you may be overtaken by a strong craving for pizza or hamburgers);
  • Short-term pains in the lower abdomen, approximately in the region of the cervix (these sensations, however, are not always mild, and sometimes have a rather pronounced intensity, up to irradiation to the sacrum and lower back);
  • Pain in the ovary (they can be manifested by an unpleasant pulling sensation in the groin on one side);
  • Changes in mood (during the period of ovulation, a woman can behave even worse than in PMS - bursts of unreasonable anger and aggression are periodically replaced by all-embracing love and tenderness);
  • Bloating (also during this period, an exacerbation of flatulence may begin, which often brings women some discomfort);
  • Heightened sexual desire (during the period of ovulation, a woman becomes the most fertile, and nature has provided for probable fertilization not only the launch of internal "fruitful" mechanisms, but also a change in the woman's behavior; even the most impassive person during this period can notice a sharp increase in libido and a desperate desire to do sex).

Some women, especially those who suffer from anovulatory cycles, turn to doctors to track their ovulation period. In particularly difficult cases, patients undergo ultrasound in dynamics to track the current state of the follicle.

I talked in detail about how to "catch" ovulation at the webinar "CATCHING OVULATION":

Today you have the opportunity to WATCH THE FULL WEBINAR in the recording


Briefly about the methods of registering ovulation can be found in this article.

Many women who dream of becoming mothers want to know about the most favorable days for conception. In this regard, they are faced with such a concept as "ovulation". What does this term mean, and why does a future mother need to “catch” her?

Ovulation: how does it happen?

As you know, conception is the result of the union of two germ cells - female (ovum) and male (sperm). Previously, the female germ cell must mature.

This process takes place in the ovaries. An immature germ cell is called a follicle. It has a small size - 2-3 mm. Under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which is produced in the most important regulatory center (pituitary gland), the follicle begins to grow and by the middle of the cycle (12-14 days) reaches 18-20 mm in diameter. It synthesizes the female sex hormones estrogen.

Further, under the influence of peak concentrations of pituitary hormones (luteinizing and follicle-stimulating), the ovarian tissue breaks, and the mature egg enters the abdominal cavity, is picked up by the fimbriae (villi) of the fallopian tubes and goes towards its "prince" - sperm. She can be fertilized within three days. If this does not happen, the egg dies.

The process of release of an egg from the ovary is called ovulation. In its place remains the corpus luteum, which produces a very important hormone - progesterone. It is necessary for the maturation of the endometrium in the uterus and the maintenance of pregnancy.

Can you feel ovulation?

You can find out about the approaching ovulation by the nature of the discharge. In the middle of the cycle, they become plentiful and resemble egg white. These changes occur due to an increase in the concentration of female sex hormones estrogen. This is how the body prepares for conception.

Many women “feel” ovulation, experiencing slight pulling pains in the lower abdomen, as well as slight pressure on the anus, in the middle of the cycle. These sensations are associated with damage to the ovary during ovulation and the release of a small amount of blood into the small pelvis. This condition is called "ovulatory syndrome". If the pain is not expressed, then they do not require treatment. With more severe complaints, antispasmodics can be taken.

Doing a test to "catch" ovulation

More accurate information about the planned ovulation can be obtained by special tests. The principle of their action is based on determining the rapid increase in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) 24-36 hours before ovulation.

Subtract 17 days from your menstrual cycle to determine when to start testing. For example, with a 28-day cycle, testing is carried out from the 11th day, with a 35-day cycle, from the 18th.

To perform the test, it is necessary to collect urine in a clean, dry dish, place a test strip in it for 20 seconds, then remove it and evaluate the result after 3 minutes. If your line is paler than the control line, then the test is considered negative, it must be repeated in the next 4-6 days.

If the result line is as bright as the control line or darker, the test is considered positive. This means that within 24-36 hours you will ovulate. The most favorable for conception are the next 4 days. If sexual contact occurs during this period, your chance of getting pregnant will be maximum.

If you have an irregular menstrual cycle, then you need to choose the shortest cycle in the last six months and use its duration in the calculations.

With rare menstruation (1 time in 2-3 months), the use of tests is not advisable due to their high cost. In this case, it is possible to recommend measuring the basal temperature.

Measuring basal temperature

Basal temperature (BT) reflects fluctuations in body temperature depending on the production of certain hormones, including sex hormones. It is measured in the anus and differs from the temperature that is determined in the armpit.

BBT must be measured starting from the first day of the cycle, every day at approximately the same time. You should prepare a medical thermometer in advance, put it in the immediate vicinity of the bed. In the morning, without getting out of bed, you should lead him into the anus. Measurements are carried out for 5 minutes. Then the thermometer is removed and the indicator is recorded in the table.

Normally, BT has two phases. In the first half of the cycle, it is below 37.0̊, in the second - above this level:

  • from day 1 of the cycle until the end of menstruation, BT consistently decreases from 37.0 to 36.3-36.5̊;
  • before ovulation, BBT may additionally drop by 0.1-0.2̊ within 1-2 days;
  • during ovulation, BBT rises sharply and stays within 37.0-37.4̊ during phase II; the duration of this period should be at least 12-14 days.
  • 2-3 days before the onset of menstruation, BT begins to drop again to 37.0̊.

The difference between the level of BT in the first and second phases should be at least 0.4-0.5̊. The presence of such a rise indicates that ovulation has occurred. If there was no ovulation, the BT schedule will be monotonous.


One of the most accurate methods for determining ovulation and favorable days for conception is ultrasound. The maturing egg is monitored by ultrasound in dynamics. Reaching a certain size (16-20 mm) indicates upcoming ovulation.

The fact that ovulation has occurred is judged by the presence of the following ultrasound signs:

  • the disappearance of a large follicle;
  • identification of the corpus luteum;
  • the presence of free fluid in the pelvis.

If at least one of these signs is detected according to the ultrasound, then ovulation has occurred, and you have 3 most favorable days for conception - hurry up!

Why is there no ovulation?

It should be noted that even an absolutely healthy woman does not always ovulate: 1-2 cycles per year can be anovulatory. You should be on your guard if most of your cycles go without ovulation or not at all. Problems with ovulation often lead to infertility. Therefore, you should contact a gynecologist in a timely manner in order to be examined and eliminate the identified problems.

The main reasons for the lack of ovulation are: dyshormonal diseases (polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperprolactinemia), autoimmune processes (endometriosis, hypothyroidism), sudden weight loss, stress, etc.

With timely treatment, any violations can be identified and eliminated. And you can always "catch" your ovulation!

Preparing future mothers for conception and pregnancy is carried out on a remote online course at the "SCHOOL OF WOMAN'S HEALTH OLGA PANKOVA". The training is carried out by myself.

During the course, we will draw up your individual examination and medical preparation schedule, as well as write down the path of motherhood in the depths of your subconscious. Nothing gets in the way of meeting your baby!

How to determine ovulation

To determine ovulation (release of an egg from the ovary), various methods are used: calculation according to the calendar, measuring basal temperature, monitoring changes in the body and special tests.
Calendar calculation. Ovulation occurs about 2 weeks before the next menstruation, and you can calculate this time by counting back 14 days from the date of the expected menstruation. Since this method is approximate, and ovulation can occur earlier or later by a couple of days, when planning a pregnancy, a 5-day period is allocated that is favorable for conception. This is due to the fact that spermatozoa can remain in a woman's genitals for several days (usually 3-5, rarely up to 6-7) and "wait" for ovulation. This period begins 3 days from the calculated date of ovulation. That is, to determine the beginning of a favorable period, from the date of the expected menstruation, 17 days should be counted back, and from that time, attempts to conceive should be made for 5 days (1 time per day or every other day).
Watch for signs of ovulation. Before ovulation, a transparent, viscous mucus begins to stand out from the cervix. This mucus can be seen on underwear or during urination, but self-examination can be done: insert cleanly washed index and middle fingers into the vagina and capture as much of the contents of the vagina as possible, and then check the mucus for distensibility. Immediately before ovulation, the mucus is absolutely transparent and stretches by more than 5 cm. A day after ovulation, the mucus becomes small, it becomes cloudy and stretches by less than 5 cm. About 20% of women experience ovulatory pain - pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. Pain can be short-lived, but can last 1-3 days, intensify at the time of ovulation, and even be accompanied by a feeling of tearing and outflow of fluid. Sometimes a small amount of blood is released along with the mucus. When planning a pregnancy, attempts at conception should begin as soon as distensible mucus appears, and end when signs indicate that it has already occurred.
basal temperature. Basal temperature is measured in the mouth, vagina or rectum with a regular or special thermometer every morning, without getting out of bed, for 5 minutes. A prerequisite is at least 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep before measuring basal temperature. The measurement starts from the first day of menstruation and is carried out during 2-3 menstrual cycles. On the day of ovulation, the basal temperature decreases slightly, and the next day it rises and remains elevated during the second phase, decreasing again just before menstruation. A sign of ovulation is the difference in the average temperature in the first and second phases: in the second phase it is 0.25-0.5 degrees higher. By finding out on which day of the cycle ovulation occurs, you can try to conceive within 3 days before the expected ovulation, including the day of ovulation itself.
Ovulation test. There are two types of ovulation test: 1) urine test and 2) saliva test. The first determines the presence in the urine of luteinizing hormone (LH) - a substance that is produced in the pituitary gland and causes ovulation (rupture of a mature follicle). From the beginning of the menstrual cycle, LH is produced in a small amount, but as soon as the follicle matures in the ovary, the level of LH increases many times, which is called peak secretion, or "leap". In response to an increase in the concentration of LH, after 12-36 hours, the follicle in the ovary ruptures and the egg is released. An ovulation test determines the “jump” of LH by the concentration of this hormone in the urine and gives a positive result in the form of two strips, and the second strip should correspond in brightness to the first, control one. To calculate the start time of testing, you need to add the usual duration of your menstrual cycle (the period from the beginning of one period to the beginning of another) to the date of the last menstruation and mark this date on the calendar. Then count back 16 days from this date, and you will get the date when you need to start testing. Read the instructions carefully before starting the test. If the instruction suggests collecting urine in a jar and lowering the tablet into it or substituting it under a stream of urine, then this is exactly what you need to do. It is also necessary to carefully count the time of contact of the tablet with urine, according to the instructions. The test can be done at any time of the day. A prerequisite is the observance of the 24-hour interval between tests, i.e. The test must be taken exactly at the same time each day. It is equally important not to use the first morning urine for the test, because. it is usually concentrated, and the test may react to LH, mistaking it for a “jump” when, in fact, there is no “jump” yet. A sign of a "jump" in LH and, accordingly, the upcoming ovulation is the first positive test result after a negative previous one. As soon as you get a positive result, you should stop further testing and immediately start trying to conceive (sexual intercourse once a day) and continue them for 2-3 days.
Ovulation tests that use saliva are different from urine tests. The saliva test is a device that allows you to examine saliva under magnification and observe its change before ovulation. It has been established that before the follicle ruptures, it produces a large amount of the hormone estradiol, which affects the content of sodium ions in saliva and thereby changes its structure. 2-3 days before ovulation, the phenomenon of “crystallization” is observed in saliva, and if it is applied to glass and examined under a microscope after drying, then its pattern resembles fern leaves. The test begins 3 days before the expected ovulation. To do this, 17 days are subtracted from the date of the expected menstruation, and not 16, as in the case of a urine test. The study is carried out every day at the same time, regardless of the time of day. The appearance of "fern leaves" signals the onset of ovulation in the next three days.
Ovulation tests are 98% reliable. A false negative result (ovulation occurs but the test does not indicate it) may be due to excess fluid intake in the case of a urine test, and a false positive result (test indicates ovulation when it is not) may be due to the test with the first morning urine or hormonal disorders.

This miracle happens every 30 days, and those who dream of motherhood are looking forward to their time. It is called ovulation, when the mature egg is ready for the birth of a new life. In these 36 hours, a woman’s character, manner of dressing, and even the attitude of those around her incredibly change.

Signs of ovulation
To better understand the process of ovulation, let's turn to the imagination. Imagine a sac (follicle) with one seed - an egg selected for fertilization from hundreds of thousands of its kind. The follicle begins to grow in the ovaries in the first days of menstruation. At first, its diameter is less than a millimeter, and two weeks after the start of the menstrual cycle, having increased 20 times - to the size of a grape - it already sticks out of the ovary wall. At this time, the body intensively produces the hormone estrogen, and as soon as its level in the body begins to go off scale, the lutein-stimulating hormone (LH) is sharply activated. In women, it is responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the formation of sex hormones, in men it stimulates the synthesis of testosterone.
Approximately 12 days after the onset of menstruation, a sharp rise in LH levels causes the egg to rapidly break through the wall of the ovary into the abdominal cavity. This process is called ovulation - from the Latin ovum - egg. It lasts 36 hours - this is how long an egg cell needs to select exactly half of the chromosomes from its nucleus - 23 carriers of the genetic code. The same amount of sperm will bring with it to create a full-fledged cell with 46 chromosomes. In order for it to happen for sure, it is best to plan sexual intercourse in a three-day interval: the day before the expected ovulation, on day “X” and the next day. Why so few? After leaving the follicle, the egg lives from 24 to 36 hours, and the sperm cell lives only half a day longer.
Ovum in a Taxi
From the surface of the ovary, a fertilized egg, like a lady in a taxi, cilia from the fallopian tube - fibria - are delivered to the tube itself. From there, she herself moves into the uterus. If there are congestions in the fallopian tube or, conversely, loopholes, the woman is at risk of an ectopic pregnancy. Take note: ovulation zones usually alternate - the egg matures in one or the other ovary. But if one of them is removed, the remaining organ takes over the entire process. Do not worry: the ability to fertilize from this is not at all lower. Absolute sterility in our country begins 48 hours after ovulation, continuing until the beginning of the next ovulatory cycle.
Why is there no ovulation?
But what if you are not pregnant, not in the menopause period and are generally alive, but ovulation does not come in any way? It turns out that the ability to conceive depends on the time of year and even on the length of daylight hours. Scientists evolutionarily tracked that the Eskimo women during the polar night stopped the ability to ovulate and they temporarily became infertile. So nature fought against the inferior development of eggs in adverse conditions and the appearance of children with congenital disorders of the body. This phenomenon disappeared from modern women of the Arctic Circle as soon as civilization reached it.
Other causes of ovulation disorders are stress, fear of pregnancy, career infertility of a business lady. The ability to ovulate is affected not only by the psychological mood, but also by the physical condition: if a girl weighs much below the norm, this can cause a failure in ovulation, since the reverse process of turning from a girl into a girl starts. This problem often threatens fashion models or those who are obsessively trying to lose weight. If you eat right, do not strive to look like a concentration camp prisoner, live in comfortable conditions and do not lift sleepers instead of dumbbells, everything should work out with ovulation.
Ovulation time
For those who dream of becoming a mother, 36 hours of ovulation is a time not to be missed. Today, you can determine the date of ovulation at home using a calendar, thermometer or test, as well as in the clinic using ultrasound. Each method is based on the changes that occur during ovulation: cycle length calculations, temperature jump after ovulation, changes in hormone levels.
essence: mathematical calculations.
A plus: cheap and easy
Minus: errors in calculations due to the changing cycle.
You have in your hands not just a square of paper, but a strategic action map on which you need to calculate how many days your cycle lasts and divide this figure by two. This is the approximate day of ovulation. Count cycles from the first day of menstruation to the first day of the next. Since they may not be the same, you have to analyze at least four or six in a row to come up with an average result. But if you plan to avoid pregnancy by calculating “dangerous days”, be careful: as a result of stress, a change of partner or daily routine, the onset of ovulation can not only shift, but additional ovulation is also possible, when not one, but two eggs mature in one menstrual cycle . “You can confirm your suspicions about Day X by observing changes in the body. The peak of abundant mucous secretions, after which there is a period of "dryness", and there is a day of ovulation, ”comments Sergey Kidalov.
Basal (or basic) temperature
essence: monitoring the difference in internal temperature
A plus: convenient and cost-free
Minus: not suitable for teenage girls during hormonal changes and women taking oral contraceptives - the temperature will not be indicative.
A change in basal temperature is one of the main signs of ovulation. Before ovulation occurs, it is always below 37 degrees. Immediately after the release of the egg, the mercury column of the thermometer begins to rise by 0.2-0.5 degrees to the level of 37.6-38.6 and stays at this level for 3 days in a row. This is the period of the best conception. The temperature is called basal (internal) because it is almost not affected by environmental factors. You can keep the thermometer in your mouth, vagina or rectum - whichever method suits you best, as long as it does not change throughout the cycle. Hold an ordinary thermometer for at least five minutes, and a digital one should ring in a minute. Take measurements in the morning after three hours of sleep in a row, without getting out of bed and preferably at the same time. Observations should be carried out regularly for at least three months from the first day of one menstruation to the next. “At different phases of the menstrual cycle, the level of hormones is not the same, which give different temperatures,” explains Sergey Kidalov. “The elevated temperature is the result of the work of the hormone progesterone, which produces heat.”

Ovulation test
essence: analysis of ovulation hormones in urine or saliva
A plus: result in five minutes
Minus: high price of tests (30-35 dollars) and the need for strict application 2 times a day without gaps
Testing can begin two days before the expected ovulation at any time of the day. As soon as the first positive result is recorded, wait for the release of the egg within a day.
Urine tests
They look like bags with a strip of paper inside. Usually there are five in a set. The strips are jet, which must be substituted under a stream of urine for 5 seconds, and regular strip strips, the same as pregnancy tests. The latter are lowered into the urine container to the limit line with arrows for 30 seconds, and the result is evaluated in a minute. When ovulation occurs, the test line is darker or similar in brightness to the control line on the test. If the result is negative, the test line is lighter than the control line or there is only one control line. If there is no control line at all, testing is considered erroneous. Be sure to store the strip strips in a dry place - due to humidity, the accuracy of the readings may be impaired. This method is the most simple, accurate and therefore popular.
Saliva tests
They come in the form of a mirror, magnifying glass or lipstick with an indicator inside. All this should be spit on. A special indicator will react to the composition of saliva, and after 10-30 minutes you will see the results. About the onset of ovulation, a drawing resembling fern leaves should speak. It can be compared with the photo that is attached to the test. True, each of us has our own ideas about the fern, so there are often difficulties with interpretation. It is for this reason that women rarely practice saliva tests.
Ultrasound Monitoring
essence: medical observations of the growth of follicles on an ultrasound machine
A plus: one of the most accurate methods for determining favorable days for conception, it suits absolutely everyone.
Minus A: takes time: you will have to visit the clinic on the seventh day after the end of your period.
In the clinic, using a vaginal probe on an ultrasound machine, the doctor will determine whether your follicles are maturing and in which of the ovaries. And then every 2-3 days, using the same method, he will continue to observe how the follicles grow, whether there is one among them that is going to ovulate, and predict the timing of the release of the egg.
Ovulation time - hunting time
We are all a bit of a predator, and during ovulation it is visible to the naked eye. Domestic scientists have noticed: these days we like to dress catchy, attracting partners, and not some inferior ones, but macho ones with high-quality genes.
The Americans say: during ovulation, we can cheat on a permanent boyfriend, and, in fact, there is nothing to blame us for: the call of nature!
The Czechs note: strippers earn twice as much during the release of the egg.
The Belgians state: on the days that are best for conception, we can hardly restrain ourselves from caustic remarks to all other representatives of the weaker sex. They annoy us by the very fact of their presence - why should a woman compete in finding a partner!
So we, ladies, signal with all our behavior to the slow-witted male community: I'm ovulating, I'm ready for procreation! And in this hunting fervor, we already pay less attention to side ovulatory symptoms: pulling pains in the lower abdomen, clear mucous discharge from the cervix and a suddenly conscious desire to eat something exotic. Do you think men don't notice? No matter how: when their “halves” ovulate, the representatives of the stronger sex have a subconscious desire to give them armfuls of flowers and take them to the coolest restaurants. The male intuitively feels that his “prey” can be taken away by another successor of the genus, and is ready to defend his rights with teeth and claws. Psychologists characterize his behavior at this time as "dominant" - the behavior of a man who is able to achieve his own: both in his personal life and in his career. So it is useful to know the day of ovulation for both you and him.