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Kengo jump workout. A new kind of fitness kangoo jumps for young and active - kangoo jumps video classes. Train with pleasure and benefit

In search of non-banal types of fitness, Yana and Masha went to a Kangoo Jumps lesson and jumped like a kangaroo for an hour
Kangoo Jumps is aerobics in roller skates, which have springs instead of rollers. The most fashionable, as we found out, is the direction of aerobics in Europe. Even Domenico Dolce - or Stefano Gabbana - posted on his Instagram video, where they jump no worse than us.

The history of the origin of Kangoo is lost in the wilds of Wikipedia, and there is no exact answer to the question of when and how they appeared. It is known that initially these boots were used for the rehabilitation of athletes, and in 1994 Denis Neville, the founder of Kangoo Jumps, introduced the first model of KJ-1 kangaroo boots. Later, an aerobics program was developed, which, with some changes, has survived to this day. At the moment, there are four programs on the website of the official distributor, including dance and children's programs. (True, our coach assured us that there were already six programs. Evolution continues.)

What is promised to all Kangoo fans?

First, endorphins.

Secondly, less (compared to aerobics) load on the joints. Due to the fact that you jump not in sneakers, but on springs, it is reduced by 80%. True, there may be different opinions on this matter. Yana's trainer at the Pro Trainer studio, Dima Stepin, who tested Kangoo during a trip to a fitness convention in America, came to the conclusion that people with sore joints are still better not to take risks. As well as people with unprepared-unbalanced muscles. That is, after all, this story is for sports, prepared and healthy, Dima believes.
Well, the most important thing. In an hour, Kangoo Jumps burns up to 20% more kilocalories than with simple aerobics. But if you want to lose a few extra kilos, then you need to walk quite often: four times a week. True, the load should be increased gradually, starting with a couple of sessions a week.

In Moscow, Kangoo lessons are available in one place - Esti Studio Dance School. The owner of the studio, she is also an ideological inspirer, she is also a coach, Anna Estina is not a lazy and inquisitive person. I saw people jumping in Kangoo by chance in the park. And I fell in love at first sight (and they also say that love at first sight does not happen).

All the salt of Kangoo is in boots, very similar to roller skates, on the soles of which arcs and springs are fixed. Putting them on, it is absolutely impossible to stand still. You will immediately want to jump.

By the way, the boots weigh 1.5 kg each.

The worst thing was to put on these boots. It seemed that falling off them was easier than holding on.

The boot is the same as the rollers: a plastic frame, soft inside and buckle fasteners.

But we quickly realized that it was actually impossible to fall. Well, that is, if you really try - yes. But about the same you have to try to fall off your own feet. And if you don't try, you won't fall for anything.

But in general, the sensations are quite unusual. You immediately become 30 cm taller and springy, even standing still. Out of habit, we grabbed the wall, but then we got used to it.

The lesson itself is built according to the scheme of classical aerobics. First - about ten minutes - a warm-up. But it turned out that even banal exercises here are not so easy to perform. Still, you are not standing on the ground, but on springs. And each leg you have a kilo and a half heavier.

At first, it’s quite difficult to correctly distribute the center of gravity - with Masha, it shifted somewhere all the time.

The warm-up smoothly flowed into the main part. Anna showed us exercises - in principle, also very similar to aerobic exercises, only without jumps. They got harder and faster. There were about 10 people in the group. Everyone repeated uncertainly, waving their arms and legs like Tin Woodcutters.

It turned out that boots (more precisely, plastic frames) knock quite loudly on the laminate when jumping. If everyone moved to the beat, it would have turned out to be a step. But no one moved to the beat, so instead of a tap dance, it turned out to be a continuous cacophony. Although the girls involved in our group were clearly more experienced than us. It turned out that some of them have been going to canga for several months.

The most difficult thing turned out to be banal aerobic overlaps - try to raise your leg to the priests if it is one and a half kilos heavier, but you need to resist on the other, which is also not very stable. And then there are those squats. Oh those squats.

They must be performed in the same way as usual: so that the knees do not go forward, the back does not stoop, the pelvis is back, the shoulders are even. Sit down slowly, stand up slowly. And so ten times. Or twenty. Or forty. As your conscience tells you. Everything is the same as if you were doing it in sneakers. But you are not in sneakers, and not even on roller skates, but in kangoo. Because of what, all the muscles tense up in horror.

How to squat - we see on the example of Anna (she is on the left in red). How not to - on the example of Masha and Yana. Some, as you can see, even hold on to the wall.

The same exercise on the "fifth point". It's hard to keep balance!

Having worked out for an hour, we - Yana and Masha - both felt like conquerors of Everest. But, strange to say, I didn't want to leave the kangoo. Walking, bouncing, turned out to be much more pleasant than usual.

Yana's impressions: this is a wild release of endorphins. I literally felt like a teenager. And - a terrible bumpkin: nothing worked the first time, the second and third did not work either. But my goof, in spite of everything, was happy. The next day, all the muscles reminded me that I have them (and this despite the fact that, in fact, I don’t let them wither :). If the studio was somewhere close to my regular routes, I would probably sign up for a group. But, being a realist, I understand that going to Baumanskaya three times a week is a utopia. I'm thinking - why not just buy kangoo boots and go to the bakery in them? Because I really can't stand going to the bakery. And kangoo would be cool. Well, bread would have appeared at home, yes.

Masha's impressions: Our trainer Anna told us in confidence that these boots are used for training in the US Army. We cannot confirm this fact, but if Dolce and Gabbana in such boots lit up ... In addition, I liked the degree of load: we really worked out very actively for an hour, but at the same time, after class, I had enough strength to cook dinner and chat with family. In comparison, I usually crawl from a workout into the shower, and from there I crawl to the bed, and I don’t care much anymore. In general, I like extreme sports more than banal aerobics. There is less extreme here than, for example, when rock climbing. But much more than with step aerobics. So if you want to diversify your activities, then you will like Kangu.

Other ways of non-banal fitness training on the blog: here Yana talked about and, and here the interns jumped on. And the continuation of the rubric follows!

PS. To the owners of fitness clubs, dance classes and other places that offer interesting workouts. If you want us to write about you, tell us about yourself. Mail - [email protected]

One-time lesson (60 minutes) Kangoo Jumps — 700 rubles.

Subscription for 4 lessons 2700 rubles, for 8 lessons 5000 rubles.

This is a new type of fitness that is rapidly gaining popularity around the world. And no wonder: after all, jumping in kangaroo jumps is not only fun, but also extremely effective for weight loss and general tone.

Kangoo Power Program is a high-intensity program aimed at increasing the strength and endurance of the muscles of the whole body. Contains explosive and fast movements. Suitable for both beginners in aerobics and athletes.
Source: https://www.diets.ru/article/1063289/

Every year, fitness clubs develop new training programs for their clients that would help not only lose weight, but also have fun. This year, the most popular novelty in Moscow sports clubs has become a program for active and energetic people - kangoo jump.This program can help you burnup to 1000 kilocalories per hour of training. It is intended not only for weight loss, but also for strengthening the buttocks, the press, the walls of the heart and blood vessels, and the development of all leg muscles.

During kangoo jump trainingwork both the largest muscles and small muscles , which are responsible for the formation of the circumference of the hips and waist. Calorie consumption is the same as if you were engaged in boxing or other strength sports.

Lessons Kangoo Jump does not require any special training , thus, any person who has never played any sport can safely acquire such a wonderful pair of shoes and do it for his own pleasure.

Shoes for Kangoo Jump can almost completely eliminate the harmful effects of stress on the joints and spine, and, therefore,exclude the possibility of pain at least 80%.

Fitness program Kangoo power It's explosive, interval training. It is designed specifically to increase muscle strength and endurance.

The basic movements are very simple and can be done with increasing difficulty and intensity as you progress to levels 2 and 3. Thus, this program is suitable for a large number of gym users, even those who do not usually do group aerobics.

Kangoo Dance is an aerobic training program using Kangoo Jumps shoes. The basic steps are similar to those done in traditional aerobics, but adapted to the springy KJ shoes.

Participants learn effective jumping technique, which helps them enjoy their aerobics more while being protected from injury caused by biomechanical stress.

Fitness program Kangoo discovery developed by Dr. Marisa Cardoso consists of two programs designed specifically for children of all ages and skill levels.

They develop coordination, endurance, good posture, self-image and team spirit. They help manage childhood obesity and combat the stress children face today.

This season's trend in the fitness world is kangoo jumps. This type of occupation is only for the countries of the post-Soviet space, but in America and Europe it has long been widespread.

The main difference between kangoo jumps and other fitness programs is a ski boot-like shoe with a special system of spring plates attached to the sole. To engage in such boots, a person does not require special training. Wearing them, you will immediately feel comfortable, you can easily walk and even jump.

On the Russian market, kangoo jumps boots cost from 9150 to 15000 rubles . depending on size, design and weight bearing. You can buy them both in specialized sports stores and via the Internet. You can order shoes cheaper on well-known Chinese sites. But you will have to wait 50-60 days for the parcel.

In addition to shoes, the manufacturer offers its customers 6 different fitness programs.

With their help, you can easily maintain, strengthen and improve your physical shape. At the same time, you will not need to visit the Kangoo jumps gym, you can easily work out at home.

If you prefer to work out in a group with a professional trainer, you can sign up for training in well-known sports clubs.

Such training will cost about 700 rubles. in one hour.

Benefits of training kanga jumps - who are they suitable for?

Kangoo jumping is the healthiest sport. Thanks to him, almost all muscles work at the same time. Doctors recommend such training for those who have had problems with the ankle and knee joints, back.

The main benefits of training kengu jumps:

§ Increases endurance and muscle strength. During training, the load on the hip, knee joints and spine is reduced.

§ During exercise, the fat burning process accelerates up to 20%.

§ Improves coordination of movements.

§ Thanks to classes with kangoo jumps, you can form the correct posture, strengthen the muscles of the stabilizers, improve the trophism of the intervertebral discs.

§ Training strengthens the cardiovascular system, activates the lymphatic system, improves speed and strength performance.

§ Classes with kangoo jumps are a guarantee of a great mood, both during training and after it.

Contraindications for kangoo jumps - are there any risks of injury?

Like any other sport, Kangoo jumping has its contraindications:

§ Due to the high intensity of running and jumping, such training is contraindicated for pregnant women.

§ Such activities are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure and diabetes.

§ In any case, if you had any health problems, you should consult a doctor before starting any kind of fitness, including Kangoo jumping.

More about kengo jumps (kangoo jumps).

Today there are a great many areas of fitness. Some contain elements of dance, while others involve the use of heeled shoes for training. But more recently, another direction has appeared - Kangoo jumps.

What it is?

Kangoo jumps translated from English as "kangaroo jumping". In fact, jumping is the essence of training. For the first time, such an unusual direction was known in the middle of the last century in Eastern Europe, but it was finalized quite recently in North America. And now jumping kangaroos conquer the whole world.

The most important feature of this direction of fitness is the use of special shoes. Hemispherical parts are attached to the sole of the shoes, having a jumper in the middle, which provides mobility to the spheres and allows those involved to spring in such shoes. The top is something similar to the base of inline skates, but, of course, instead of wheels, there are springy platforms.

What gives Kangoo jumps?

So, what can Kangoo jumps training give?

Here are their main advantages:

  1. The load on the spine, as well as on the joints of the knees and pelvis is minimal, so, firstly, you will not experience discomfort, and secondly, protect yourself from injury. Surprisingly, when running, the load on the legs is reduced by 80%, while all the muscles work, and fat burns.
  2. Classes will allow you to use and strengthen almost all muscles, even those that usually do not work under standard loads. The muscles of the back, arms, press, hips and buttocks will become more prominent.
  3. Such loads are very useful for the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. You breathe faster than usual, and this allows you to strengthen the respiratory organs and improve their work. The heart is also trained, which begins to work better and more smoothly.
  4. Since breathing quickens, and the work of the heart improves, the blood enriched with oxygen and nutrients enters all organs and thereby significantly improves their work. It turns out that the whole body begins to function smoothly and without interruption.
  5. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance! Even a beginner or an unprepared person will be able to train. This direction of fitness has no age restrictions.
  6. Fitness Kangoo jumps is very useful for weight loss. So, in one half-hour workout, you can burn about 700-1000 calories. It all depends on you and the intensity of your workouts. But in any case, it is much more effective than running or simple aerobics.
  7. It's very interesting and fun! Many people (and not only children) love to jump, so training will be a pleasure and will allow you to get a lot of positive emotions. There will be no trace of apathy and depression.

Is it possible to do everything?

There are practically no contraindications, but still some restrictions exist.

  • If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, then by all means inform the trainer about it and consult your doctor before starting classes. But training is quite possible, just for you, the coach will individually select a program that implies minimal loads.
  • Do not take risks with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Although you can do it without exacerbation, sometimes it is even useful. The load on the joints is minimal, so you will not cause significant harm.
  • With exacerbations of chronic diseases or acute infections, it is also better to refuse training.

As for age, there are no restrictions, so people of almost all ages can practice, even children over 6 years old.

Some types of fitness are contraindicated for people with a significant excess of body weight, but Kangoo jumps can be done by almost everyone.

Special footwear

Classes are impossible without shoes, so it will be required in any case. It can be bought or rented. And here several questions arise.

  • What is the cost of a pair? It should be noted right away that it is quite high and is about 10-15 thousand. If you decide to rent such shoes, then this is also not at all cheap. 30 minutes will cost you 200-300 rubles, so if you plan to practice regularly, then you should spend money once.
  • Are these shoes comfortable to walk in? Is it difficult? The one who puts on these shoes for the first time feels uncomfortable and unusual. Firstly, growth increases by 20-30 centimeters. Secondly, at first it is unusual to walk and even more so to practice. But already on the second lesson, almost everyone gets used to it and feels confident and comfortable.
  • Isn't it dangerous? The safety of training in such shoes has been proven during tests. The platform is quite wide, so it is almost impossible to fall. All fasteners are strong, so nothing will break or fall apart under the influence of your weight.
  • How long do these shoes last? Having bought a pair, you can safely practice, but remember that replacement springs are required. On average, their service life is 60-80 hours. If the springs are not changed, the spring effect will be weakened, which may cause breakage. You can make the replacement yourself by studying the instructions that came with the shoes.
  • Do you need to take care of your shoes? Yes, of course, especially if you work out on the street. Sand and dirt can get into the crevices, increase the friction of the elements and shorten the life of the product. So, after class, you should wash your shoes in a mild soapy solution and dry them well. Periodically disassemble the structure and wash each element separately. If any part fails, replace it.
  • You can work out with a trainer or on your own at home. But at first, it is better to conduct classes under the guidance of an experienced specialist, so that, firstly, he develops an individual training program taking into account your wishes, goals and capabilities, and secondly, he can correct mistakes in time.
  • For beginners, it is better to start with a minimum duration of training. For the first time, 5-7 minutes is enough. Try 10-15 minutes next time. As a result, bring the duration of one workout to 30-40 minutes.
  • The optimal frequency of classes is 3-4 times a week, that is, every other day. So the muscles will have time to rest, but the efficiency will not suffer.
  • At first, you may feel discomfort or even pain in the body. This is normal and will pass soon.
  • Control your health and condition. Avoid dizziness and darkening of the eyes.
  • Choice of exercises Kangoo jumps

    Exercises Kangoo jumps can be very varied. For example, you can use elements of dance, aerobics and other sports. But it is worth remembering that shoes are not designed for constant jumping, so avoid such exercises.

    When choosing programs, consider your goals (weight loss, muscle strengthening), capabilities and preferences. You can engage in one of the ready-made programs, or you can ask the trainer to pick up something especially for you.

    Train with pleasure and profitably!

    Fitness trainers are constantly developing new systems and training programs to help club members keep fit and have a good time. One in the field of fitness is the active training program KANGOO JUMPS.

    "Kangaroo jumping" is gaining momentum in Russia. This is one of the best ways to get rid of excess weight and recharge your energy and good mood.

    Features of classes

    The main difference between "kangaroo jumps" and other fitness programs is the special shoes in which training is carried out. Boots for Kangoo Jumps resemble roller skates, but instead of wheels, an oval spring design is attached to the sole, which allows you to make high

    Despite the fact that astronauts are trained in similar shoes, accustoming them to changing the force of gravity, the boots do not require special training - they are comfortable, you can safely walk, run and jump in them. Boots "Kangoo Jumps" in Russia cost from 9,000 to 15,000 rubles (sold in specialized stores and via the Internet).

    Benefits of Kangaroo Jumping

    • Classes increase endurance and muscle strength, and the load on the spine, hip and knee joints is reduced.
    • You can train both indoors and outdoors, and on almost any surface. The boots can be used on paved road, pavement, woodland, grass, beach and snow.
    • 20% faster
    • Improves coordination.
    • Correct posture is formed.
    • The buttocks and stomach are tightened record-breakingly fast.
    • it is supplemented with a power load - weighting agents in the form of boots that weigh about 2 kg. So a beautiful relief will be provided to the whole body.
    • The boots force the body to stand straight for balance, which prevents slouching.
    • The position of the foot is corrected.
    • You can engage in ages from 6 to 90 years.
    • You will be provided with a great mood during and after training.


    Kangoo Jumps are contraindicated for everyone who cannot jump and run a lot and intensively, namely:

    • suffering from cervical spondylosis;
    • diabetics;
    • hypertensive patients.

    Slimming with Kangoo Jumps

    Such training will be very effective. Dynamic load in special shoes burns 1000 kcal per workout (45-60 minutes). Metabolism accelerates so much that even after exercise, the body continues to burn calories.

    A few weeks of training is excellent, as her muscles are activated when jumping five times more intensively than when running. At the same time, shocks and impacts are softened, and the load on the ligaments, joints and spine is reduced, since the springs of the boots take on the main load when jumping, sparing the joints.

    In kangoo classes, jumping, running and strength exercises are combined with dance. All this causes a feeling of weightlessness and a general feeling of euphoria.

    Kangoo Jumps provide such a wide range of medical
    benefits, which is hard to believe. However, these benefits are supported by a number of specific scientific studies conducted in the last 10 years.
    Weight loss
    Forget crazy diets! While we emphasize the importance of a balanced and
    proper nutrition, in fact, we are more concerned with how to bring more pleasant and stress-free exercises into your life with Kangoo Jumps
    Research clearly show that using Kangoo Jumps you spend much more energy and calories compared to ordinary sports shoes.
    Secret is in the lymphatic system. The lymphatic fluid that circulates between our cells helps to get rid of waste and toxins from our body, keeping it healthy.
    What most of us don't know is that our bodies contain four times the amount of lymph fluid.
    than blood. However, our lymphatic system, which is also our immune system, does not have an engine like the heart to regulate circulation. If we don't move enough, the excess levels of the toxin actually clutter up our lymphatic system. In some places, the lymphatic fluid crystallizes into cellulite, and many of us know how difficult it can be to eliminate. The lymphatic system also controls our metabolism.
    When we use Kangoo Jumps regularly, our metabolic state becomes more efficient resulting in noticeable improvements in our muscle tone and weight management. In fact, we are retraining every cell and activating them, just like we did when we were younger. Once we have restored our metabolism again, we burn more calories at a higher level, thus controlling our weight without dieting. All this becomes possible with the use of Kangoo Jumps.
    Injury prevention
    Physiotherapists and doctors recommend the use of Kangoo Jumps for patients as an important factor
    rehabilitation. Reducing up to 80% of the impact on your ankles, shins, knees, hips, reducing stress on the spine allows athletes to resume training much earlier. The process of muscle recovery, control and balance is faster.
    There are many different types of injury and the corresponding causal factors for each.
    injury. The use of Kangoo Jumps helps limit the risk of aggravation or damage to joints that have been weakened excessively or from reconstructive surgery. Reducing exposure allows you to strengthen these areas, while improving your overall health.
    Kangoo Jumps are also excellent rehabilitation, the patient improves cardiovascular
    system, muscles and skeletal system. At the same time, it helps motivate people who lead a more sedentary lifestyle.
    Joint guard
    Scientific studies on the impact of force have reported that between 27% and 70% of runners
    get damaged in the first year of training. Other sports show
    similar results.
    Kangoo Jumps, with their patented impact protection system, reduces stress on joints by up to
    80%, which is confirmed by various scientific studies.

    Recovery time
    For specialists and athletes who exercise consistently and continuously, maintaining their strength and endurance is of paramount importance. It has been found by practitioners and athletic trainers that Kangoo Jumps patients actually reduced recovery time and strengthened the muscle alignment system and central nervous system.
    Many sports physicians use Kangoo Jumps for patient rehabilitation due to reduced impact on joints and faster physical recovery.
    Recovery time from any workout using Kangoo Jumps is drastically reduced.
    For example, Jodie Luther, an athlete and her personal trainer, says that when she uses Kangoo Jumps during a marathon, she can start her next race the very next day. When she wears regular marathon shoes, she needs 2 days off to recuperate.
    When using Kangoo Jumps for the first time, you will feel the ease of movement and a pleasant awakening of the muscles of your body. After just a few days of use, you will be surprised by the increase in stamina and notice a significant improvement in physical condition.
    This is confirmed by the British University of research conducted by Dr. Jack Taunton,
    Professor of Medicine and Sports Medicine Center Director Allan McGavin: Runners using Kangoo Jups increased their endurance (Max VO2) by 18.3%, while runners using regular shoes showed no significant increase.
    Any kind of activity increases your energy level in the long run, because
    that your body works better and develops more intensively. However, most exercises are
    energetic, so people who do not have professional training the very next day may feel tired. We recommend these classes only for short sessions that do not exceed the degree of comfort, you will enjoy an incredibly high level of energy and
    feel relaxed. It's really guaranteed!
    Imagine a balloon filled with water as it bounces off your bed. Imagine,
    what happens to the balloon?
    Every cell in your body is like a balloon. It is strengthened by being repeatedly stressed as it must withstand the increased force G (when the ball reaches its maximum elongation). Over time, the cell membrane thickens, thereby becoming stronger and gaining elasticity. Your skin is a community of cells. Thus, regular jumping with Kangoo Jumps will strengthen the skin and increase its elasticity.
    General health
    Each cell in your body is like a small ball of fluid called the cytoplasm.
    Classes keep all your cells in good shape, strengthening and activating them. As a result, it makes your cells elastic. In this way, you strengthen sixty cells of your body at the same time, all your organs and all your muscles. The good news is that you don't have to do exhausting workouts to get amazing results. Just a few minutes a day will bring you comfort and make it happen. And you will enjoy Kangoo Jumps because they are so much fun!
    bone mass
    Fight osteochondrosis!
    Training with, Kangoo Jumps stimulates the spine and weight-bone structure of the pelvis and lower extremities. This is necessary to prevent osteochondrosis, especially in women.
    During just two weeks in space, the astronauts lost 15% of their muscle mass due to the lack of gravity. For this reason, N.A.S.A. had to explore the reverse recovery process. As a result, their research showed that "doing the jumps" is the most effective and efficient method ever created by man."
    Strengthen your spine and eliminate back pain! Kangoo Jumps, due to their inherent design
    structures, maintain balance and coordination during aerobic exercise and jumping. When using Kangoo Jumps, your body is balanced, which is very safe and easy to use, as a result, parts of the spinal cord and limbs are stimulated.
    Training with Kangoo Jumps gives a positive result on the health of the spine and intervertebral

    Receiptperfect posture!
    Many physicians report that most of their patients have very poor posture due to many factors, which include: working with a computer, watching TV and similar activities - a sedentary lifestyle. Poor posture negatively affects a person's health. Using Kangoo Jumps ensures perfect posture.
    Many athletes report that when using the Kangoo Jumps they breathe in a way that provides more oxygen to the brain, muscles, etc. The following benefits are also highlighted: more energy appears, reactions increase and they feel more energetic and active.

    Kangoo Jumps will correct your posture:
    You automatically align your body in order to keep your balance.
    A significant portion of the population suffers from chronic back pain, most of the time due to poor posture. Using Kangoo Jumps will help eliminate or at least alleviate the pain.
    and prevent their recurrence.

    Reduce stress and fight depression! It is easy to cause a state of euphoria quickly.
    Watching people jumping in Kangoo Jumps, you can see a big surge of emotions, smiles and expressions of happiness. This is because Kangoo Jumps evokes a feeling of euphoria (which is explained by the rapid release of endorphins - called happiness hormones).
    Kangoo Jumps are a great remedy for depression!

    - Kanggu Jumping. Training takes place in jumping shoes known as Kangoo Jumps. These shoes were invented back in the 20th century to help athletes recover from injuries.

    Later, a certain entrepreneur Denis Navil took advantage of this idea and released the first batch of Kangoo Jumps, intended for mass use. Since then, the design of the shoe has been constantly modified and today Kangoo Jumps is a comfortable shoe for training and entertainment, which is loved by many due to its uniqueness and originality. You can buy jumper boots right now. Our online store offers a wide range of Kangoo Jumps sizes at reasonable prices.

    What is Kangoo Jumps

    The design of the Kangoo Jumps jumper boots was designed to help athletes avoid stress on damaged joints during training. Therefore, the boots are great for and for everyday jogging.

    Weight loss workouts become more effective with Kangoo Jumps. With them you will not feel the load, it will be easier and more pleasant to train. To buy Kangoo Jumps boots, fill out the order form on our website. Do not forget to mark the color and size of shoes you need in the box above the price.

    Kanggu Jumping helps to strengthen all muscle groups, develop agility, and also provides aerobic exercise that is good for the heart. Kangoo Jumps are designed to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, as well as protect the joints from the stress associated with exercise on hard surfaces.

    Jumper boots Kangoo Jumps are the safest and most effective way to improve your health. This is a versatile shoe that is suitable for various sports: running, fitness, martial arts, dancing, aerobics.

    Jumper boots have a design that provides complete freedom of movement during training. They are easy to use. Even a beginner will be able to train at Kangoo Jumps the first time. In our online store you can buy Kangoo Jumps for children and adults. This is a unique shoe that is suitable for everyone: men and women, adults and children aged 6 to 90 years.


  • Fullness: 7.5 - 9.5.
The size 30-32 33-35 36-38 39-41 42-44
Foot length (cm) 18,5 - 20 20,5 - 22,5 23 - 24 24,5 - 26 26,5 - 28,5
Inner diameter (cm) 7,5 8 8,5 9 9,5
The weight 20 - 40 30 - 50 50 - 70 70 - 90 90 - 110