
Glisson loop at home for the lower back. Neck stretching exercise. Why traction is contraindicated in osteochondrosis and for its prevention

with oncological diseases;

The following technique involves dry traction of the patient's spine in a horizontal position, while the patient lies on his stomach, and the end of the bed, on which the legs are located, is raised. The patient during the procedure is attached to the end of the bed with loops that are attached to the ankle joints. The duration of one stretch is about half an hour. The course of treatment is 10 - 15 sessions. This method of dry traction traction of the spine is performed in the case of osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine, provided there are no diseases of the cardiovascular system. The method is recommended for people at a young age.

At the present time, any type of traction is performed with a small mass of cargo in case of osteochondrosis of the neck and with an average mass in case of diseases of the spine in the lumbar and sacrum.

Also, dry traction traction of the spine is recommended for professional athletes, drivers who are driving and people who work at a computer for more than 2 hours a day. The procedure is not complete for the rehabilitation of patients who have undergone operations on the musculoskeletal system and the restoration of the performance of joints and muscles after their prolonged immobility.​

in the presence of all kinds of neoplasms;

At the end of the session, traction is completed with a stimulating neck massage. It is important to remember that traction can be painful and even harmful if the doctor does not constantly maintain its direction along the horizontal axis.​

From this starting position, the doctor begins to smoothly tilt his body back until his elbows straighten and his knees straighten. An even greater deviation of the body is possible with the thigh of one leg resting on the couch and bending the knee of the outstretched leg. When the doctor feels the relaxation of the patient's neck muscles and a sufficient degree of stretching, he maintains a 2-3 second pause and, slowly returning to his original position, gradually weakens the force applied to the patient's neck.

Techniques for manual traction of the cervical spine | Training: Medical Massage

Other related materials:

Traction reception of neck extension, performed with two hands in the position of the patient sitting (Fig. 7)

Indications for traction of the cervical spine

It is used as a preparation for manipulations at any level of the cervical spine. As an independent technique, it is used for contraindications to flexion and rotational manipulations. Allows you to develop a significant traction force.​

Starting position

It is used as a preparation for manipulations at any level of the cervical spine. It can be used as an independent treatment when manipulations are not indicated (for example, some forms of vertebrobasilar insufficiency in the elderly and the elderly, a sharp painful muscle spasm, etc.).

You can stretch and stretch your spine with simple exercises. For the exercises to have a positive effect, you need to perform them for at least 10 seconds. When performing, you need to feel a slight tension for 8 seconds, then increase the tension gradually. And do this 3 to 4 times.


A widely used procedure in medicine is traction and stretching of the spine. This procedure is based on long-term or short-term stretching, while muscle spasm is overcome, deformities and displacements of the vertebrae in the spine are eliminated. For those people who suffer from scoliosis, intervertebral hernia, acute pain in the thoracic, cervical, lumbar spine, posture disorders, frequent dizziness, numbness of the limbs and other diseases associated with the spine, it is recommended to do spinal traction.​

in the acute stage of the disease;

Traction reception of traction of the cervical region, performed with one hand in the patient's sitting position (Fig. 8)


A controversial issue is the opinion of experts in this field about whether it is possible to apply the method on its own or a necessary condition for positive dynamics is the addition of other methods of treatment. Most, nevertheless, are for complex therapy.

Starting position

Has a number of techniques. In the case of osteochondrosis of the neck, the traction method of Yumashev and Popelyansky deserved special attention. The procedure is performed using the Glisson loop on a specially designed chair. A stand is attached to its back in a vertical position, having a length of approximately 190 cm. A bar in a horizontal position, having the shape of a rocker arm, is fixed on it (approximate length is 50 cm). In this case, the front part of the rocker should be about 35 cm. Blocks are fixed on the horizontal bar (at both its ends), through which the cable is thrown. The cable, in turn, is connected at one end to the Glisson loop, and at the other end to the load. Tension occurs due to slight flexion of the spine in the neck. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to unbend it.


Often in clinics there is equipment only for performing a dry type of spinal traction. The simulator for a dry traction session is a specially designed chair or chair with specific attachments for the patient. Various cables and straps are attached to the patient's body, which stretch his body in different directions smoothly, without injuring the muscles and joints. The tensile force during the procedure is small, contributing to the relaxation of muscle tension and a slight increase in the space between the vertebrae. The load attached to the cables for their tension has a different mass and its own characteristics in each case. The simulator is adjusted before each session, based on the patient's diagnosis and the doctor's testimony.​

Traction technique of neck extension, performed in the prone position, option 1 (Fig. 9)


in the presence of various skin diseases (dermatitis, fungal diseases);

Starting position

An example of the work of dry traction of the spine

Cervical traction technique

The reception is repeated about 5 times.

The patient sits freely on a chair without a back. The doctor stands close to him and covers his head with his right hand, so that the patient's chin rests comfortably on the elbow (do not put pressure on the trachea!), and with his left hand fixes the back of the head.

Traction technique of traction of the cervical region, performed in the position of the patient lying down, option 2 (Fig. 10)


The patient sits comfortably on a chair without a back, the doctor stands close to him, puts his elbows on his shoulders, and his palms (thenar and hypothenar area) just below the patient's auricles. This position of the hands aims the reception mainly at the upper cervical segments. If you lower your palms a little lower, fixing the transverse processes of the 2nd cervical vertebra with their base, then the traction force will fall mainly on the lower and middle cervical vertebral segments.

Starting position

A simple exercise to stretch the spine.


As a rule, such a procedure is best carried out in medical institutions under the supervision of specialists and with the help of specialized equipment. Studies have confirmed the view that traction of the spine reduces pressure in the intervertebral discs, improving blood circulation, as well as reducing blood stasis. This procedure helps to reduce pain as well as restore sensitivity.​

in violation of the spinal blood flow;

Traction of the cervical spine

Dry way

Dry traction traction of the spine makes it possible to increase space, relieve tension between the vertebrae, but, without traditional medical methods of treatment, it does not bring the final desired result. Undoubtedly, an effective method is to alleviate the patient's condition in case of inflammation of the nerves in the initial stage.

​In order to prevent neck extension, instead of using a loop, it is possible to use a special neck brace made of thick canvas fabric with a jaw loop. Dry traction traction of the spine in the neck area is carried out by gradually increasing the mass of the load. With each subsequent session in the course of therapy, its weight and exposure time increase.

The duration of the entire procedure is no more than one hour. When it is performed, the patient sometimes feels some discomfort, but pain is unacceptable. In most cases, dry traction traction of the spine is performed in a course consisting of several procedures, since a positive effect is unattainable after a single session.​

Underwater way

With diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  • The dry method is horizontal as well as vertical. The horizontal method is as follows: the patient lies on the couch, and his body is fixed in the lumbar region. The head is also fixed. Then, special weights are installed on the fixing element located in the lumbar region, which help the spine to stretch. Usually, the degree of load and the duration of the procedure are set incrementally.​
  • Used as a preparation for manipulation. It can be used as an independent therapeutic technique when flexion and rotation techniques are contraindicated, as well as the final stage after manipulations not only on the cervical, but also on the lumbar and thoracic spine. Gives (with proper, non-aggressive execution) a good sedative effect. It has an antispastic effect on the paravertebral muscles up to the lumbosacral joint.
  • From this starting position, the doctor smoothly begins slow traction of the cervical region along the vertical axis, at the height of the achieved effort makes a short pause, and then the traction force gradually decreases, the doctor slowly releases the patient's head, returning to its original position. It is important to emphasize that the entire torso of the doctor is involved in this technique, starting with the extension of the knees, and only the biceps do not work.

Hardware way

You should not forget to ask the patient to remove the earrings, warn that the hairstyle may be deformed, etc.

I.p. sit on a stool, while keeping your back straight and hold on to the seat with one hand. Tilt your head forward and to the side opposite to the one you want to pull. Then turn your head until you feel a stretch. With the other hand, hold yourself behind your head and pull in the opposite direction from the fixed shoulders. This is an exercise for the trapezius muscles.

Dry traction traction of the spine - a panacea for all pathologies of the vertebrae?

There are two types of spinal traction: dry and underwater. In modern medicine, special equipment is used for dry traction - a traction table of various types and a couch. Dry traction of the spine can be vertical and horizontal. The patient lies on a surface that is slightly inclined, and under the weight of his weight, stretching occurs. With the help of a doctor, additional traction can be performed manually or using weights. Traction lasts from a couple of minutes to several hours, with a force equal to several tens of kilograms. It is advisable to spend from 15 to 18 sessions.​

How is the procedure carried out?

with osteoporosis;

Traction therapy stimulates the circulation of blood in the diseased area of ​​the spine. As a result, tissue regeneration occurs faster, pain sensations decrease, muscle hypertonicity disappears. Thanks to such changes, mobility returns to the spine and the effectiveness of the methods of therapy accompanying traction increases.

The authors of some methods of spinal traction recommend the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with a collar worn around the neck, for example, a quilted collar. It looks like a tight collar with specially designed sockets, into which cotton wool is stuffed for elasticity and rigidity.​

Which traction method to choose - horizontal or vertical?

At the end of the procedure, the patient should spend some time on the bed in a horizontal position. After completion of dry traction in case of diseases of the lumbar spine, it is recommended to wear a special support belt.​

Hardware traction can be attributed to dry horizontal, but it still has its own specifics. These devices can be both stationary (usually clinics and sanatoriums are equipped with such devices), and compact ones that can be used at home. But, despite the fact that the second type of apparatus for spinal traction is quite suitable for home use, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting a course of procedures. The Gravitrin simulator has also become quite widespread, in which the person’s own weight is involved instead of a load.​

Vertical stretch

The vertical method is performed using a Glisson loop. This device consists of two fabric fasteners, one of which is fixed on the back of the head, and the other on the patient's chin. The loop itself is attached to a fixed block, at the other end of which a load is suspended. The weight of the cargo is determined by the doctor.​

The patient lies on the couch in a comfortable position, face up, his shoulders at the level of the edge of the couch. The patient's head rests with the back of the head on the joined hands of the doctor. The patient's legs at the level of the ankles are securely fixed by an assistant or soft belt loops. The doctor performs a soft grip on the head by squeezing it with the inner surfaces of the forearms, which he tries to bring together in the process of traction effort.

It is used as a preparation for manipulations, as an independent treatment in elderly patients, if rotational and flexion manipulations are undesirable.

Horizontal stretch

From this starting position, the doctor begins to slowly bring his elbows closer together, as if trying to close them, at the same time squeezing the patient's head up like a jack. After a short exposure in the reached upper position, a gradual, smooth decrease in effort follows, while the doctor's elbows slowly diverge.

After the traction procedure, it is necessary to immediately give tension to the muscles, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved. And to ensure the lowest risk to health, it is better to perform this procedure in a special facility with trained health workers.​

The effectiveness of dry traction of the spine

Performing spinal traction at home is possible only if there are no acute symptoms of the disease, in the form of prevention. To do this, you need a bed, a hard mattress and sewn straps (length 1.5 m and width 7 cm). Lie on a bed raised (30-40 degrees) without a pillow, put your hands through the straps, which are fixed at the head, and lie like that for three to four hours. Also, traction of the spine can be done on the Swedish wall, the procedure can be repeated a couple of times a day.​

in the presence of inflammatory processes in the body;

Dry traction traction of the spine is prescribed and carried out only by specialists based on the condition and all the characteristics of the patient. This method, in combination with other methods of treatment, will become effective even in the case of severe limitation of vertebral mobility. The doctor can prescribe the procedure only after a complete x-ray examination. Its use is possible only in a hospital.

Horizontal dry traction traction of the spine is performed on a plane with an inclination. One of the methods involves therapy of the patient on a bed or shield, raised at an angle of 15 to 25 ° by the end on which the patient's head is located. The patient is fixed with soft rings threaded into the armpits. The duration of the session is from 20 minutes to one hour, depending on the procedure. The course of treatment consists of 15 - 20 sessions, the duration of each of which increases gradually.

Contraindications for the procedure

Depending on the position in which dry traction of the spine is performed, it is divided into horizontal and vertical. Horizontal traction is performed on an inclined surface or in a hammock position, and vertical traction is performed from top to bottom or from bottom to top.​

  • Summing up, it can be noted that traction of the cervical spine is an excellent method of treating osteochondrosis, but you should not rely only on it, and even more so, self-medicate. Osteochondrosis is a serious disease that can threaten with various complications, therefore its treatment should be comprehensive. And only a highly qualified specialist can prescribe this same treatment.
  • As the name implies, this method differs from the dry method in that the traction is performed in special pools or baths. It is believed that the underwater method is softer, since water helps to relax, besides, water does not have to be exclusively fresh, so underwater traction can be combined with taking, for example, mineral or hydrogen sulfide baths. Underwater traction, like dry traction, can be horizontal and vertical. For the cervical region, a vertical type of procedure is usually used, which is carried out in the pool using a special head holder. But, despite the fact that underwater traction can be called quite gentle, it cannot be performed in the following cases:
  • From this starting position, using the specified grip, the doctor begins traction slowly, progressively, moving his body back. Usually, during this technique, the traction force is increased during inhalation and slowly weakened during the exhalation phase, in rhythm with clearly visible respiratory movements of the ribs. 5-7 tractions are usually enough.​
  • The patient lies freely on the couch, face up. If the reception is performed by a doctor without an assistant, then the patient's legs are bent at the knee joints and the shins hang from the edge of the couch (they later help to fix the patient's body). If there is an assistant, then you should ask him to firmly (but not rudely!) Hold the patient's legs by the ankles so that the body does not move during cervical traction. The doctor is at the head, holding the patient's head with both hands: with one hand - the patient's chin, and with the other - the back of the head. The doctor's knees are slightly bent, the feet are opposed. Make sure that the floor, as well as the doctor's shoes, are not slippery.​
  • The described technique can be strengthened by increasing the amplitude of traction of the cervical region, if the oncoming movement of the doctor's elbows is simultaneously and simultaneously complemented by the extension of his torso.

In acute radicular syndrome, disc deformity and hernia, neurogenic pain, other pathologies of the back and support column, spinal traction is prescribed. The method has both supporters and opponents among doctors, but the benefits of proper traction are confirmed by research results and patient reviews.

What is spinal traction? Harm and benefit of antigravitational influence. Which type of procedure is safer? What are the contraindications for dry and underwater traction of the support post? Answers in the article.

general information

Traction of the spine is an effective method of reducing pressure on the structures of the support column to restore the functionality of an important element of the musculoskeletal system. With deformation of the intervertebral discs, thinning of the shock-absorbing pad, the vertebrae sag, friction of the bone structures occurs. Gradually, the cartilage tissue wears out, cannot fully function, compression provokes damage to the discs, development, and pain.

The stronger the compression of the vertebrae, the higher the risk of neurological disorders and damage to the elements of the support column. Traction of the spine reduces compression, "moves" the bone elements away from each other, stretches the bone tube, which leads to a reduction in pain, elimination of muscle spasm, and stops further destruction of cartilaginous and dense structures.

Spinal traction is a complex procedure. In the conditions of the sanatorium and resort complex and the physical room, doctors use modern equipment for underwater and dry traction of the spine. The use of the technique at home is fraught with risks, only simple varieties are allowed without serious burdening. Self-treatment, the use of untested methods of stretching the support column can lead to dangerous consequences, including disability, spinal cord ruptures, and vertebral fractures.


Spinal traction is suitable for patients with various diseases of bone structures. Correct execution of the procedure, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, has a positive effect on the state of the weakened support column and the affected elements.

Spinal traction is carried out for orthopedic pathologies and various types of neuralgia, pain syndrome,. Conducting underwater traction in diseases of the support column is allowed for elderly patients.

An important advantage of the method is an increase in the distance between adjacent vertebrae. No other procedure gives such an effect. Therapeutic gymnastics increases the flexibility of the spinal column, activates nutrition and blood supply to problem areas, but it is impossible to quickly “push back” the vertebrae to reduce compression with the help of exercises.

The result of treatment with the use of dry and underwater traction of the spine:

  • increasing the distance between the vertebrae, reducing pressure on cartilage structures;
  • elimination of spasms of the back muscles;
  • normalization of local blood circulation, reducing the risk of stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • a decrease in compression of the nerve roots against the background of growth, excessive tension of spasmodic muscle fibers,;
  • stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the paravertebral zone;
  • restoration of optimal values ​​of osmotic pressure in the nucleus pulposus of the elastic cartilage lining between the vertebrae;
  • protrusion of displaced discs and vertebral bodies under tension of the longitudinal posterior ligament of the support column;
  • an increase in the diameter of the intervertebral foramen during traction up to 0.5 mm between adjacent bone structures - by 1-3 mm.

Indications for the procedure

Spinal traction is prescribed for various problems with the supporting column and paravertebral zone:

  • (except for certain varieties);
  • pain syndrome of a neurogenic nature;
  • a crack in the tissue of the fibrous ring;
  • support column deformations;
  • all departments of the support column;
  • deforming;
  • in the intervertebral discs;
  • compression changes in the sections of the support column;
  • initial stage of development;
  • radiculo-ischemic syndrome (subacute stage);
  • compression of the disc capsule;


The procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • the period of exacerbation in any chronic pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe lesions of bone and cartilage elements in old age;
  • pathologies in the stage of decompensation;
  • diseases of the supporting column, in which the density decreases, the structure of the bone tissue is disturbed, for example,;
  • childhood;
  • a malignant tumor process was detected in any part of the body;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • during the period of therapy, a negative dynamics of the patient's condition was manifested;
  • revealed foraminal or;
  • the patient suffers from mental disorders.

Important! Extraction of the spine is carried out after examining the patient, clarifying the diagnosis and stage of pathology. Carrying out the traction of the supporting column in the wrong period of the disease can result in the activation of the inflammatory process, serious damage to the cartilage and ligamentous apparatus. Self-medication is prohibited until the doctor indicates all the nuances for home traction of the spine.

Benefit and harm

Proper traction of the spine is a prerequisite for achieving a therapeutic effect. After a course of procedures, patients feel relief, pain decreases, blood supply to problem areas improves, and the progression of many pathologies stops.

Spinal traction is harmful in case of violation of the therapy process, insufficient examination before the sessions (the doctor missed the manifestations in which it is forbidden to carry out the procedure). Dangerous is traction of the spinal column, carried out by a non-specialist or the use at home of immoderate weights on the arms, waist and legs. When side effects often develop, uncontrolled stretching of the spine is harmful.

Possible complications after spinal traction:

  • injury to cartilage tissue with excessive burdening, violation of the rules of procedure or self-treatment;
  • muscle spasm in pain points and areas of fibrosis.

Negative reactions develop when the restrictions for spinal traction are ignored, the patient violates the doctor's instructions, and the support column is stretched incorrectly. To eliminate side effects, the doctor destroys trigger zones before the session or changes the patient's position during the procedure.

Types of anti-gravity impact

On an individual basis or an orthopedic traumatologist selects a certain type of procedure. The water variety is a “softer” option: the load on the heart and the whole body is lower.

Look at the list, and also learn about the features of their use in cervical osteochondrosis.

The rules for performing exercises to strengthen the back muscles for pain at home are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about the symptoms and effective treatments for a bruised lumbar spine.

Spinal traction happens:

  • Dry. Hanging on the crossbar or the use of special medical simulators. There is horizontal, vertical, inversion traction. Good result with a hernia in the lumbosacral region.
  • Hardware traction. The special device looks like a rack from the Middle Ages, but the stretching of the support post is carried out with minimal stress so as not to harm the patient. The device stretches the vertebrae, the procedure is carried out by experienced specialists in high-level clinics. Dry type of support column hood.
  • . The most efficient and safest method. For the session you need a pool with warm water and special equipment. How is the procedure? Doctors select the weight of the burden, fill the pool with water of the desired temperature, the patient puts the prepared weight on his feet. The warm liquid and slight stretching due to weight account for the good relaxing effect. The trophism of problematic muscles is better than before the procedure, the blood circulates more actively through the vessels. Decompression is pronounced, muscle fibers and ligamentous apparatus are relaxed. Underwater spinal traction is used by doctors in severe intervertebral hernia and in patients aged 50-60 years with moderate stages of pathologies.

Before stretching the spine, you should not eat and drink a large amount of liquid, you need to measure the pressure. There are no other significant rules for preparing for the procedure. All the nuances can be clarified with a physiotherapist who will conduct sessions of underwater or dry traction of the support column.

Before the procedure, the doctor calculates the weight of the burden, the duration of the session. It is important to identify limitations, to first do it in order to clarify the type of intervertebral hernia: with a foraminal variety of pathology of the vertebrae L4 - L5, the procedure is not prescribed.

After the session, to consolidate the effect, prevent complications and displacement of the vertebrae, the patient is taken to the ward on a stretcher. The horizontal position during transportation can be observed only in a medical institution and a sanatorium. Be sure to rest for one to two hours. Doctors fix the stretched spine with an orthosis.

The total number of sessions is from 10 to 20 for one course. The frequency of carrying out depends on the reaction of the body: the lack of positive dynamics is a reason for refusing antigravity therapy. The price in high-level clinics is from 1700 to 2500 rubles.

The neck connects our torso to our main computer, the brain, and performs many vital functions. It contains two large arterial vessels - the vertebral arteries, which pass in a special bone canal along the sides of the vertebrae. This proximity means that any problem in the cervical vertebrae or discs can cause spasm or compression of the vertebral artery.

The science of craning your neck

The neck connects our torso to our main computer, the brain, and performs many vital functions. It contains two large arterial vessels - the vertebral arteries, which pass in a special bone canal along the sides of the vertebrae. This proximity means that any problem in the cervical vertebrae or discs can cause spasm or compression of the vertebral artery.

Our head weighs about three kilograms and its constant pressure reduces the height of the intervertebral discs. In addition, with age, the cartilage of the vertebrae wears out and this also leads to a decrease in the height of the discs.

Many of us experience dizziness, tinnitus, or headaches after a sudden turn of the head or a long tilt of the head back. These are all manifestations of vertebrobasilar insufficiency.that is, a violation of blood circulation in those very compressed vertebral arteries.

An increase in the height of the intervertebral discs has a beneficial effect on the spine. There are techniques for stretching the neck with the help of special collars or devices. However, they have a serious drawback - it is almost impossible to control the degree of stretching. And even a slight overstretching of the vertebrae can cause the opposite effect.

The safest and most effective is self-extension of the neck up. Even a fraction of a millimeter of traction is enough for the pressure inside the cervical discs to decrease and the tone of the blood vessels to normalize. And now the pain in the neck goes away, the headache lets go, the blood flow through the arteries and veins normalizes. And so, how do you stretch your neck yourself?

PhD, spinal neurosurgeon Borshchenko Igor in his book "Neck hurts - what to do?" offers the following neck stretching exercise.

Starting position- standing or sitting on a chair. Place the thumbs of both hands under the corners of the lower jaw, place the remaining four fingers on the back of the head. With both hands, pull the head up along the spine.

Important! When performing the exercise, the head should remain in the same plane with the body.

While stretching, carefully do additional micro-tilts with your head back and forth or from side to side. Avoid strong head tilts!

Imagine that you want to pull a tight cork out of a bottle, and to do this, you pull and loosen it a little. These are the movements that you do during the exercise.

Neck stretching exercise allows you to relax the tissues and normalize the position of the vertebrae relative to each other.

You can perform this exercise in an even more gentle mode - lying down. To do this, lie on your back, on a flat surface, place a small towel roll under your neck to support the cervical vertebrae.

In the same way as described above, slightly stretch the cervical spine in combination with micro-movements of the head. Do the exercise for no more than 10-20 seconds. With good health, you can repeat the exercise 2-3 times. published .

Have questions - ask them

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

Problems of the musculoskeletal system are considered one of the most common, and occupy second place after ischemic heart disease. The skeleton is a kind of basic armature on which the whole organism rests. And the spine is the main link of this design, and any violations in its work will certainly affect the general condition of the body.

In recent years, specialists have been paying more and more attention to problems associated with the spine. The older a person becomes, the more vulnerable a person's spine becomes. Intervertebral discs and the very configuration of the spinal column undergo various changes observed in 30-85% of outpatients and practically healthy people in the age group of 25-55 years, being cause of neurological diseases.

Carrying a huge load, the spinal column wears out and undergoes aging earlier than other vital organs and systems. The spinal cord is located in the spinal canal, through which all the pathways that ensure the vital activity of the body pass. With the help of the spinal cord, the conditions necessary for the self-renewal of internal organs are created. Thus, everything that happens in the vertebral bodies, intervertebral discs, ligamentous-articular system indirectly affects the state of internal organs and vice versa.

Even in the era of Hippocrates, it was suggested that over the years, the pinching of the nerve trunks in the intervertebral spaces progresses, which is the cause of many diseases, premature aging and wilting.


  • Disease and old age have a common beginning;
  • Functional and organic lesions occur due to a violation of the functionality of the musculoskeletal system and the central nervous system;
  • A decrease in human growth, progressing over the years, indicates that the process of destruction of the spinal column has started.

Based on these conclusions, and resorting to modern knowledge, experts declare war on diseases and old age, pushing them to a fantastically long time.

Armed with modern knowledge, and understanding the principle of the modern approach to health and longevity, scientists are developing devices designed to restore the ligamentous-articular system and the spine, considering them as an indirect source of impaired conduction of nerve impulses.

Traction-vibration devices, manual therapy, exercise therapy, the Glisson loop appear in the arsenal of specialists, as the most affordable device, including for home use.

This article will focus on spine problems and how to solve them.

About ten years ago, at one of the presentations, an almost significant story happened.

Moscow, the hall is full of people, and in their introductory part of the presentation, the audience is told about the role of the spine in human life, focusing on its cervical region as the most important. If we take into account that the head is responsible for the mental activity of a person, and it is connected to the body through the neck, then it is difficult to disagree that the most important functions of the whole organism are connected with the cervical spine, besides, all the main vessels of the respiratory system and digestive organs pass through the neck.

And that is not all: all the most common diseases are also rooted in the cervical spine.

Glisson's loop is presented from the stage. It was this device that attracted the close attention of one of the women present in the hall. She was explained in detail how the Glisson loop is applied and the woman took it home for a couple of weeks and tested it in action. In addition, it turned out that the woman had suffered from severe headache, which she tried in vain to remove, taking painkillers pills that give only short-term relief. An accountant by profession, for ten years she spent most of her working time working with documents, sitting at a computer. In addition to the headache, the numbness of the fingertips, which is especially pronounced in the morning, caused concern. It was clear to the specialist that all the signs were present osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

When this woman returned some time later to purchase the Glisson noose for personal use, she was unrecognizable. But first things first.

Realizing that health is a mess, our heroine studied several books on manual therapy, got acquainted with the video instructions for use and began to use the Glisson loop at home.

When the woman appeared a week later with words of gratitude, it turned out that, according to her own assessment, the pains that bothered her in the region of the cervical spine became almost imperceptible, manifesting themselves by only 10-20 percent. For her, it was a certain victory over pain, and this is the main thing.

Thus, a simple Russian accountant got rid of the pain that had tormented her for many years.

By the way, for the first time the idea of ​​​​creating a special loop for stretching the neck was visited by an Englishman, Dr. Glisson back in the 17th century, perpetuating his name in the name of the device. This procedure is very effective.

The cervical vertebrae have their own characteristics. The main vessels that provide blood supply to the brain pass through the cervical region, and this is a serious argument for a mandatory preliminary consultation with a specialist.

There are a number of simple techniques that allow a specialist to assess how acceptable and effective the use of neck traction with a Glisson loop for a particular person.

The specialist puts one palm in front under the patient's chin, leaves the other behind the back of the head and very gently tries to slightly pull the head up. If the patient feels that the condition has improved, then the Glisson's loop is indicated. Otherwise, this method is not acceptable.

If you press down a little on the top of the patient's head, then the person who has felt a deterioration in his condition is a contender for stretching the neck with a Glisson loop.

Traditional, in such situations, pictures are still indispensable.

What is the secret of such a high efficiency of the neck traction procedure?

The answer is simple. Many vital vessels pass through the cervical region. Having put the spine in order in the neck area, the patency of blood vessels is normalized, as a result of which the work of the brain is significantly improved.

It is not a discovery for medical specialists that the primary cause of cardiovascular diseases is associated with disorders in the lower part of the cervical spine, where the innervation of the heart comes from.

People who sit at the computer for a long time, one way or another, will face the problem of numbness of the fingertips, they will have pain in the heart area and blood pressure will jump. Spinal traction and special exercises are the only sure way to solve the problem.

However, there is one more important addition. For the normal state of the cervical spine is very critical body mass. It would seem, what is the connection between excess weight and the neck. It turns out that the most that neither is, direct. If a person is overweight, then, as a rule, it is distributed throughout the body and the stomach is the most vulnerable place. When a person has a huge belly, his center of gravity shifts from the navel forward and the lumbar spine begins to bulge. Since the head must be held straight, the curve of the neck also shifts slightly forward, which causes deterioration in the passage of nerve impulses and the flow of blood through the vessels. In this case, intervertebral discs may sag, and the formation of hernias of the cervical spine.

So huge beer bellies are not only pride, but also a lot of problems!

What is the Glisson loop constructively, and how is the traction process carried out?

There are various modifications of this device, as a rule, involving the use of complex structures and loads, which is unsafe and not very convenient.

The Glisson loop presented on this site is devoid of such shortcomings, is effective, easy to use and suggests the possibility of dosed traction.

A special device is put on the head, which is fixed on the horizontal bar, anchor or other place, as a result, a tension force arises, which, in fact, creates traction. The amount of stretch is controlled by your body.

Traction causes decompression of discs and roots. To reduce muscle spasm, before proceeding with the neck traction procedure, recommended massage of the cervical and collar zone.

When performing the traction procedure, dosing is important. It should be noted that muscle tone after stretching for 1-2 hours is reduced. Therefore, for this period it is desirable to avoid static loads and movement in general.

Symptoms of problems in the cervical region:

  • Periodic aching pains on the back of the neck, aggravated by sneezing, coughing, turning the head;
  • Violation of memory and attention;
  • Pain in the shoulders and / or shoulder blades;
  • Headache;
  • Unstable blood pressure;
  • Pain and numbness in the hands and fingers;
  • Dizziness, sometimes with loss of consciousness;
  • Constant or intermittent noise in the head, aggravated by turning the head;
  • Weakness in the hands;
  • Unsteady gait and impaired coordination;
  • Discomfort in the throat;
  • Fast fatiguability.

Causes of problems in the cervical spine:

Benefits of our Glisson loop:

  • Completely disappear or significantly relieve pain in the lower back, back, neck;
  • Surgery becomes unnecessary.
  • Numbness and other symptoms associated with impaired innervation pass;
  • The blood supply to the brain improves, headaches disappear, pressure normalizes, and mental activity increases.
  • Functional disorders of internal organs, urogenital area caused by intervertebral hernia are eliminated;
  • Increases the mobility of the spine, improves performance, physical activity;
  • The motor activity of the legs and arms is restored;
  • Disability is prevented.

Be careful! The main condition is gradualness and testing the feeling of comfort.

Important nuances of the treatment of the cervical spine

The cervical spine has significant differences in the anatomical structure of the vertebrae themselves, their denser articulation in the spinal column, the absence of a powerful muscular frame and a significantly smaller size of the vertebral bodies, which makes it more vulnerable compared to other parts of the spine.

In the lateral processes of the II-VI cervical vertebrae there are openings through which the vertebral artery passes, feeding the brain. If some degenerative processes occur in the cervical spine, then the stability of the cervical vertebrae is disturbed, they are displaced in the intervertebral discs, which leads to squeezing vertebral artery.

At the stage of the compression syndrome, when it has not yet reached the organic damage to the structures of the brain (persistent ischemia), a person may feel a headache, manifestations caused by disorders of the vestibular apparatus, such as dizziness, swaying of the body, often occur disorders of the organs of vision ( darkening in the eyes, feeling of sand in the eyes).

The headache intensifies, spreading from the back of the head to the frontal part, one has only to slightly change the position of the head and is of a burning, pulsating character.

As a result of a decrease in the height of the intervertebral disc and a decrease in the elasticity of the fibrous ring, a radicular syndrome develops in different segments of the cervical spine, causing motor and sensory disorders.

At C1 lesion nerve root (cranial-vertebral motor segment), the sensitivity in the occipital region is disturbed.
At C2 lesion nerve root (segment CI-II) without an intervertebral disc, the pain spreads in the region of the crown and occiput.
Defeat C3 nerve root (segment CII-III) occurs less often, but pain appears and sensitivity decreases in that half of the neck where the spinal nerve has been infringed. In this case, there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the tongue and paresis of the hyoid muscles due to an anastomosis with the hyoid nerve, which may be accompanied by impaired speech and uncontrolled language skills.
Defeat C4 nerve root (segment CIII-IV) also occurs infrequently and is accompanied by pain and decreased sensitivity in the shoulder girdle and collarbone, it is possible to reduce the tone of the muscles of the head and neck (belt, trapezoid, raising the scapula). The presence of the phrenic nerve in C4 can cause respiratory disorders, hiccups, pain in the heart and right hypochondrium.
Defeat C5 root (segment CIV-V) occurs in rare cases, with pain spreading to the shoulder girdle and the outer surface of the shoulder. Possible weakness and violation of the trophism of the deltoid muscle, as well as a weakening of sensitivity in the outer surface of the shoulder.
Defeat C6 root (segment CV-VI) is the most common pathology. The pain radiates from the neck along the scapula, forearm, outer surface of the shoulder, radial surface of the forearm to the thumb. In the corresponding segment of the skin, sensitivity is disturbed.
Defeat C7 root (segment CVI-VII) is also a common problem, when pain spreads from the neck along the shoulder blade, forearm, back of the shoulder, dorsal surface of the forearm to the back of the fingers II-IV, where there is also a violation of skin sensitivity. Since the innervation of the triceps muscle is affected, there is a violation of the reflex with it.
At C8 defeat root (segment CVII-TI), pain and sensory impairment is transmitted from the neck along the shoulder, elbow to the little finger. Possible hypotrophy of the muscles of the elevation of the little finger.

At treatment of cervical osteochondrosis methods of conservative therapy are used, the purpose of which is to relieve a person of pain and eliminate foci of inflammation.

In addition to medications, the treatment process includes: manual therapy, reflexology, treatment with leeches, therapeutic exercises.

Spinal traction is considered as one of the most important elements of complex treatment, which allows unloading the spine, reducing muscle contracture, reducing intradiscal pressure, eliminating subluxation in the intervertebral joints, and increasing the vertical diameter of the intervertebral foramen. As a result, decompression of the root occurs, and the edema disappears.

By and large, if at the disposal of a person Glisson's loop only, then everyone who seeks to solve problems with the spine can achieve a remarkable result.

A person with an even posture, following the correct posture in a sitting position, sleeping on a high-quality mattress and a comfortable pillow, has every chance of avoiding problems with cervical osteochondrosis.

What does a Glisson's loop look like?

Instructions for use of the Glisson loop


slowly, with a sense of comfort.

Having fixed the Glisson loop on the head, feeling that the device is located comfortably, bend your knees, while you should feel the maximum level of stretching of the neck muscles without taking your feet off the floor.

You can't jump!

After a few seconds, the legs straighten, returning to their original position. In other words, you need to bend and straighten your legs 3-4 times. This removes the traction load from the muscles of the neck. Feelings may not necessarily be pleasant.

With incomplete hanging, the muscles of the cervical spine are involved, for which you fix your body with your hands, for example, holding on to the walls, spreading your arms to the sides to avoid rotation of the body when you turn your head and with a smooth movement slowly turns your head to the left - to the right, then tilting forward - back 2-3 times.

Appearance dizziness when you turn your head - a signal to see a doctor.


Hanging on the Glisson loop is performed slowly with a sense of comfort.

Having fixed the Glisson loop on your head, feeling that the device is comfortably located, you slowly and smoothly bend your knees, while you should feel the maximum level of stretching of the neck muscles with lifting your feet off the floor.

You can't jump!

Listening to your own feelings, the exercise can last from 5-10 seconds to 1 minute up to three times a day.

During the first 7-10 days of doing the exercise, as a result of stretching the muscles of the neck, pain in the jaws and neck area may occur, which disappears as the muscles get used to it.

With excessive pressure and pain in the jaws, it is advisable to use a mouthguard sold in sports stores.

With high blood pressure and headache, an additional consultation of a chiropractor who recommended this method of treatment is required.

Glisson's loop is used as a tool to assist in physiotherapy exercises and traction of the posterior longitudinal ligament, however, it is mandatory to refer to the cause of pain in any part of the spine.

Clinically, with this type of pathology, the following signs can always be detected:

    pain and restriction of movements in the opposite direction from the dislocation;

    vicious installation of the neck and head. Typically, this is a tilt and turn of the head in the direction opposite to the dislocation, this is especially clearly seen from the side of the back of the head. An exception is the situation when there is a concatenated dislocation - with it, the head is turned in the opposite direction, and the inclination is towards the dislocation;

    sharply painful articular processes at the level of dislocation are palpated.

Dislocations of the vertebrae can be treated with bloodless or surgical methods. Bloodless reduction methods include:

    prolonged traction for the bones of the cranial vault with loads necessary for reduction;

    derotational traction with asymmetric or unilateral rotational dislocations;

    forced traction with gradually increasing loads from 6 to 25-30 kg;

    simultaneous manual reduction of dislocations.

Each of these methods has its own indications and contraindications. One of the main contraindications to bloodless reduction of dislocations is the displacement of the disc into the spinal canal, established using contrast diagnostic methods or MRI, which, when the dislocation is reduced, can cause secondary compression of the spinal cord by this disc.

Glisson loop

The most common method is long-term traction behind the head with a Glisson loop or skeletal traction for the bones of the skull; it is believed that it is the safest for any type of injury to the cervical vertebrae. However, a significant number of cases of secondary spinal cord injury are known. In addition to this formidable complication, this type of traction is ineffective for interlocking dislocations, when significant loads are required and the use of various axes and reduction angles is required. When stretching for the Glisson loop, loads of more than 4-5 kg ​​should not be used, otherwise bedsores on the chin develop, and the very use of the Glisson loop should be short in terms of time - a forced position on the back will definitely force the patient to weaken the traction or remove it altogether. Proper traction on the Glisson loop involves the use of weights thrown over the blocks and some elevated position of the head end of the bed.

Indications for the use of the Glisson loop:

    subluxations in any segment of the cervical spine, incl. and in children with rotational subluxation of the atlas;

    fractures of the cervical vertebrae below CII, if there is no need to correct the deformation of the spinal canal with traction;

    the need to keep the vertebrae in the reduced state after single-stage manual reduction techniques.

Such traction should be taken for no more than 2 weeks, and after it, after the pain syndrome subsides, patients should be transferred either to a soft collar (with reduced subluxations) or to a plaster cast.

Traction with small loads for the bones of the cranial vault also refers to a long-term type of traction, but this technique cannot eliminate the interlocking dislocation. This method should be used when:

    derotational traction and forced reduction;

    the need for long-term retention of the patient in skeletal traction with loads up to 4.5 kg after reduction;

    for fixing the head during surgery on the cervical vertebrae;

    with compression and comminuted fractures of the cervical vertebrae, incl. and with displacement, in the absence of indications for surgical treatment.

The points of application of the traction force on the bones of the cranial vault should be chosen taking into account the axes and angles of reduction (Fig. 47).

Rice. 47. Scheme of the location of fixation points on the skull with various methods of skeletal traction: 1 - parietal tubercles, 2 - parasagittal region, 3 - zygomatic arches.

So, with the widespread method of traction for the zygomatic arches, the point of application of the traction force is located far anterior to the axis of the spine, thus this type of traction will necessarily throw back the head and upper spine significantly, which, when the overturning dislocation is reduced, will translate the latter into a sliding one, thereby significantly the spinal canal will narrow, and additional, sometimes fatal, injury to the spinal cord may be caused.

The most favorable points for skeletal traction should be considered the parietal tubercles or the parasagittal region 2-3 cm posterior to the coronal suture. In this case, traction is carried out strictly along the axis of the spine. Sometimes it is necessary to change the angle of reduction, and apply traction with head flexion, while the fixator can be applied posterior to the matching lines of the articular and mastoid process.

About cargo

It is believed that with proper traction through the blocks, where the traction force is not lost due to friction, it takes 4.5 kg to overcome the weight of the head, and then 2.3 kg for each spinal motion segment located above the injury site. Thus, in order to set, for example, dislocation C5, traction with loads of 15.8 kg is required.

Derotational traction

Derotational traction is used for asymmetrical, often unilateral dislocations. Its essence is that on the side of greater dislocation, a heavier load is suspended and the direction of the thrust should be with a posterior deviation of 20-30 °, and on the healthy side, the thrust should deviate outward by 15-20 ° (Fig. 48).

Rice. 48. Scheme of derotational traction.

forced reduction

Forced reduction involves traction with large loads of 25-30 kg. Such a load is not suspended immediately - during the first 20-30 minutes, starting from 6-8 kg, the load is gradually increased to the maximum. In this case, muscle fatigue quickly sets in and the ligamentous apparatus is stretched, which in some cases leads to the reduction of the dislocation.

X-ray control should be carried out every 15-20 minutes, upon reaching a good result, the loads are gradually reduced to 3-4 kg and left for 3 weeks. The entire reduction procedure should not exceed 3-4 hours.

Reduction of dislocations with the Halo system

This method has been known since 1982 (Tator Ch. et al.), with the help of four fixators inserted into the spongy layer of the bones of the cranial vault, and strong rods attached to the shoulder girdle, simultaneous reposition and immobilization are possible with the same terms as wearing a plaster cast. dressings, (see fig. 33).

After the dislocation is reduced in one way or another, in order to avoid secondary displacement when applying external immobilization, for example, a plaster thoraco-cranial or thoraco-cervical bandage, the patient should be kept in traction for quite a long time - from 3 to 6 weeks with periodic radiographic control if the dislocation has recurred, it is not worth re-repositioning, because in these cases, it is quite possible that the re-set dislocation will shift again. There are indications for surgical treatment.

One-step closed manual reduction

There are more than twenty methods of closed manual reduction of dislocations of the cervical vertebrae.

Indications for simultaneous manual reduction of dislocations:

1. Rotational subluxations of the atlas, dislocations and subluxations of the atlas with a fracture of the odontoid process.

2. Complicated and uncomplicated, unilateral and bilateral dislocations of the II-VI cervical vertebrae, if there are no indications for surgical treatment.

3. The failure of attempts to reduce the dislocation with the help of traction in the early stages after the injury.

4. Stale and unstable chronic dislocations while maintaining mobility between the vertebrae.

Contraindications to manual reduction.

1. Lack of accurate diagnosis.

2. Lack of conditions for reduction.

3. Indications for surgical treatment.

Reduction of dislocation by the Riche-Guther method

One of the universal ways to reduce almost any dislocation is the Riche-Guther method. The reduction of the dislocation is performed in the x-ray room with the patient in the supine position. General or local anesthesia is not required, it is important to maintain communication with the patient. The assistant pulls the shoulders by the long straps. A Pschsson loop is put on the patient's head, the straps from which are tied behind the surgeon's back, taking into account the necessary axis of reduction (along the axis of the spine, deviation anteriorly or posteriorly). The surgeon holds the head and neck of the patient with his hands. Before the stages of reduction, after all this preparation, an x-ray is taken.

First stage- traction along the axis (Fig. 49). In fresh cases, this period lasts 5 minutes, in old cases - 10-15 minutes. The doctor recommends the patient to relax the neck, shoulders, breathe deeply. Small swinging movements behind the head are allowed. With significant damage and severe neurological symptoms, reduction can occur already at this stage. Hearing a characteristic click, making sure that the deformity disappears and the cervical lordosis is restored, and the patient reports the disappearance of pain and discomfort in the hands, a control radiograph should be taken to make sure that reduction has not occurred. If so, then the head is unbent and the Shants collar is applied.

Fig.49. The first stage of simultaneous manual reduction according to Riche-Guther: traction along the axis of the spine by deviating the surgeon's torso using the Glisson loop. Counterthrust for the shoulders of the patient.

Second phase- in the absence of reduction, they proceed to stage 2 - deviation of the patient's head to the side opposite to the reduced articular process with the help of pressure from the hands of the surgeon on the head and emphasis on the opposite side of the neck at the level of the dislocated vertebra, without weakening the traction for the loop (Fig. 50). In this case, the articular processes diverge, creating conditions for rotation to a normal position.

Rice. 50. The second stage of simultaneous manual reduction according to Riche-Guter: lateral tilt of the head to the opposite shoulder with continued traction.

Third stage(reducing maneuver) - turning the head towards the vydha. The surgeon moves his hand from the patient's neck to his lower jaw and turns the patient's head towards the reduced dislocation (Fig. 51). With a unilateral dislocation, traction behind the head is stopped. They take pictures. If the dislocation is set, the head is unbent, slowly returned from the turn to the midline, the neck is fixed with the Shants collar or the Glisson loop is left with loads of 4-5 kg. If the dislocation is not reduced, then pain appears during extension and it must be stopped; and again under traction, the repositioning maneuver should be repeated.

Rice. 51. The third stage of simultaneous manual reduction according to Riche-Gueter: turning the head to the right (with right-sided dislocation) while maintaining traction along the axis and tilting the head in the opposite direction.

In case of bilateral dislocations, after the articular process has been set on one side without extension of the head, stage 2 should be taken, but tilting the head to the opposite side, and then stage 3 should be performed - a reduction maneuver on the opposite side. After that, a control radiograph is taken, traction is stopped, the head is unbent and the rotation of the head is eliminated.

Sometimes a click or crunch is heard, but this cannot be the only evidence that the dislocation has been reduced. Reliable signs of successful reduction are a significant reduction or complete disappearance of pain and the appearance of free rotational movements of the head, which should be checked in the head extension position. But the X-ray is the final evidence of the reduction of the dislocation.

If the reduction did not work out, then you can either repeat it immediately, or do it after 1-2 days of constant traction.

When choosing the side from which reduction should be started in case of bilateral dislocations, one should be guided by the fact that:

    It is necessary to start reduction from the side of the broken articular processes;

    From the side of the subluxation, and then go to the side of the concatenated dislocation;

    With bilateral interlocking dislocations, one should start from the side where radicular disorders are more pronounced.

Rotational subluxations of the atlas are also reduced in this way, only the control of reduction is carried out by a radiograph taken through the mouth.

Transdental dislocations and subluxations of the atlas are treated with traction and pressure on the head in the opposite direction to the displacement. careless or incorrect movement of the patient's head can cause damage to the spinal cord.

After a successfully reduced dislocation, external immobilization can be immediately applied, or the patient can be left on long-term skeletal traction with small loads for 3 weeks in order to form a cicatricial adhesion between the damaged segment of the spine, and then transfer the patient to a plaster cast. After applying external immobilization, a picture is required. The total period of treatment of reduced dislocations CII-VI is 2.5 - 3 months. X-ray control should be periodically carried out in a plaster cast, tk. dislocation may recur.