
Cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child. Cottage cheese casserole recipe

Dear readers, in this article you had the opportunity to read recipes for casseroles for children. We will also talk about the value of this dish. You will receive recommendations for the cooking process.


  1. Recipe variations. Each time it can be a completely new dish.
  2. Cottage cheese casserole for children is a valuable dish in the diet of a baby, largely due to cottage cheese.
  3. Useful qualities of cottage cheese are preserved, as cooking takes place in a slow cooker, steamed, in the oven.
  4. Ease of preparation: speed and minimal use of ingredients.
  5. The ability to give the baby a disguised cottage cheese in cases where the child does not use it in its pure form.

Use only high quality and fresh ingredients for this dish.

To make a casserole for a child 1 year old tasty, you must follow a number of rules.

  1. It is advisable to use homemade cottage cheese, and only fresh ingredients.
  2. Eggs should be thoroughly beaten until firm foam. This will give the dish airiness.
  3. If semolina is used in the recipe, then it is necessary to allocate time for the process of its swelling. Therefore, after adding this ingredient, it is necessary to leave it to swell for at least 15 minutes.
  4. If you are preparing this dish for the first time for your little one, then you need to use home-made cottage cheese, or at least rustic.
  5. The casserole should contain products that the child was previously familiar with.
  6. It is better to replace chicken eggs with quail eggs or completely exclude them from the cooking process.
  7. It is not recommended to use this dish more than twice a week.
  8. Casserole for children from one to three should not include chocolate or nuts.
  9. Cottage cheese is better to grind, grinding with a sieve.
  10. Some recipes include semolina, and this is unacceptable if your little one has celiac disease.

I cooked a casserole for my son using only three ingredients: cottage cheese, eggs and sugar. The dish was baked in the oven. The child happily devoured the delicacy, and to this day he devours it on both cheeks.


You will need:

  • semolina - two tablespoons;
  • 260 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • two eggs;
  • one hundred ml of milk;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • vanillin.

Fruit casserole without eggs

For cooking you will need:

  • 55 g semolina;
  • 50 ml of baby yogurt;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese (low-fat);
  • 70 grams of banana puree.

This recipe includes semolina, consider this if your child is allergic to gluten.


This dish will become even more useful thanks to carrots rich in carotene and vitamin A.

For cooking we need:

  • three small carrots;
  • a glass of cottage cheese;
  • half a glass of sour cream;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 70 g semolina;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • 45 g raisins.

Recipe without semolina

If your baby has an intolerance to semolina, then you can cook a casserole without it. For this you will need:

  • 500 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 50 grams of raisins;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Raisins in this recipe can be replaced with prunes or dried apricots.

Cooking for a couple

This dish will be healthy, tender and tasty. You will need:

  • about 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • approximately 100 ml of milk with a low percentage of fat content;
  • two tablespoons of semolina;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt.

Dish in the microwave

You will need:

  • a pinch of soda;
  • 50 grams of baby cottage cheese;
  • a tablespoon of semolina;
  • one quail egg;
  • a teaspoon of butter.

Now you know several recipes for making casseroles. Do not forget that the baby must be familiar with all the ingredients and have a good tolerance. If you have any allergies, if possible, exclude the provoking ingredient, cook the dish without it.

If you are already a mother, then you probably know two facts about cottage cheese well. First - it is rich in calcium and is very useful for the child. Secondly, children do not particularly like this product. How to be? After all, cottage cheese should appear in the baby’s diet as a complementary food and gradually become an integral part of the menu. Culinary tricks come to the rescue. For example, a cottage cheese casserole can hide white flakes under a delicious golden brown crust; for a 1-year-old child, this is an excellent option for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

The baby gets acquainted with cottage cheese already at the eighth month of life. Gradually, the amount of the product in the children's diet increases. In addition to calcium, cottage cheese also contains other useful substances: phosphorus, folic acid, vitamins A and B. The fermented milk product helps to strengthen the bones and teeth of the baby, has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems, and normalizes digestion.

Why casserole: 4 benefits of the dish

Cottage cheese must be present in the children's diet, and no matter in what form. If you choose the right culinary recipes, then all the useful substances of the fermented milk product will be preserved. Cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child is the best option to include a healthy product in the children's menu. Why is she? The dish has four benefits.

  1. The benefits of cottage cheese are preserved. A casserole is a dish that allows you to get the maximum of useful substances from a fermented milk product. This is due to the cooking method - steamed, in the oven, in the multicooker bowl.
  2. Ease of preparation. The dish is prepared very simply, requires a minimum set of products. The process takes a little time (an average of half an hour), which is especially important for mothers of little fidgets. If you use a slow cooker / double boiler, then you don’t have to follow the process at all.
  3. Recipe variability. Cottage cheese casserole can be prepared in different ways. Each time the baby will be surprised by a new taste. As the child grows, you can experiment with ingredients, additives, serving.
  4. The kids love the food. If the kids have to be persuaded to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, then rarely anyone refuses a sweet pie. Children who go to kindergarten ask themselves to cook a casserole: they give cottage cheese pie in the kindergarten cafeteria, and, as you know, everything seems to be tastier there than at home.

The casserole can be prepared for all family members: even those households that do not welcome cottage cheese will be delighted. All this thanks to the delicate taste that reminds of childhood. It is served as a dessert for tea. It will become a student's favorite breakfast option.

Steam cottage cheese casserole for a child of 1 year

If you cook a casserole for a couple, then it will turn out tender, tasty, and most importantly - healthy. This option is ideal for the menu of a one-year-old child. But older children will not refuse such an air cake. Below is a simple step-by-step recipe, which will not be difficult to repeat even for those who are “on you” with cooking.

What to cook from:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - half a kilo;
  • milk (nonfat) - 100 ml;
  • semolina - two tablespoons;
  • two eggs;
  • sugar - two tablespoons;
  • salt - on the tip of a knife.


  1. Warm up the milk a little. Pour semolina over them and leave to swell for 15 minutes.
  2. Mix eggs, sugar, cottage cheese. Add mango-milk mixture.
  3. Transfer the mass into a special form.
  4. Cook in a double boiler for 20 to 40 minutes (depending on the features of the kitchen device).
  5. Let the cake cool down a bit before taking it out.

The recipe is also suitable for the oven (bake for 40 minutes at 180 ° C), but the steam casserole is still the most useful. Banana, apples are added to the curd base if desired. Casserole for children 2 years old may contain raisins. When the child is three years old, candied fruits can be added to his favorite cottage cheese.

Method of cooking in a multicooker

If a child asks to cook a kindergarten casserole at home, then a slow cooker will come to the rescue. In this device, the cottage cheese pie turns out to be as similar as possible to the one offered in the kindergarten cafeteria. Naturally, if the recipe is chosen correctly. Cottage cheese casserole for a child 1 year old in a slow cooker is cooked quickly. The advantage is that you don’t need to follow it: you can even turn on the device and go for a walk with the baby - upon arrival, a delicious afternoon snack will be waiting for you.

What to cook from:

  • cottage cheese - half a kilo;
  • milk - 1/3 cup;
  • semolina - 100 g;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • two eggs.


  1. Combine cottage cheese, eggs, melted butter, sugar.
  2. Stir with a mixer or whisk. If you use a blender, the casserole will turn out to be too tight, more like a cheesecake. But here for an amateur.
  3. Add semolina to the mixture. Stir.
  4. Leave the mass to infuse for half an hour. During this time, the semolina will increase in volume (this is due to the "absorption" of the liquid).
  5. Lubricate the multicooker bowl with oil, sprinkle with semolina. Pour out the curd dough.
  6. Cook in the "Baking" mode. Cooking time depends on the features of the kitchen device - from 40 minutes to an hour.
  7. Take it out with the steam nozzle after it has cooled down a bit.

Served cottage cheese casserole for children from 1 to 2 years old with sour cream. Children after three years can be offered jam, chocolate, condensed milk as a “watering”.

Apple and cottage cheese casserole in the microwave

Delicious cottage cheese casserole can be cooked in the microwave. Add apples to the dough - and such a pie is not even ashamed to serve guests. Cottage cheese and apple casserole will appeal to children, because fruits make it especially tender and fragrant.

What to cook from:

  • fat-free cottage cheese - half a kilo;
  • three eggs;
  • sugar - about two tablespoons (can be adjusted depending on the age and taste preferences of the child);
  • semolina - 50 g;
  • apples - two large.


  1. Mix cottage cheese and eggs.
  2. Add sugar and semolina to the mixture.
  3. Beat the mass with a blender: in the end it should be airy and homogeneous.
  4. Leave the mixture for half an hour. This is necessary for the semolina to swell.
  5. Peel the apples, cut into pieces and place in a bowl.
  6. Pour the mixture over the apples.
  7. Microwave for three minutes (900W).
  8. After the signal, let stand for two minutes, then turn it on again for three.

In fact, it will take you eight minutes to cook such a pie. If the power of your microwave oven does not match that specified in the recipe, calculate the cooking time for your appliance. To do this, the prescription power is multiplied by the prescription time and divided by the power of the home microwave.

"Wind" version without semolina

Many mothers cook a cottage cheese casserole for a baby without semolina. There are many recipes for such baking. Below is a classic version for the oven. Following the instructions, you will get an airy dessert that your baby will definitely like.

What to cook from:

  • low-fat cottage cheese - 300 g;
  • fat-free cream - 200 ml;
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons;
  • two eggs;
  • butter - for greasing the mold.


  1. Mix cottage cheese, cream, sugar and egg yolks. Beat the mass with a blender.
  2. Whip egg whites separately.
  3. Do not stop whisking until a stable foam appears.
  4. Pour the proteins into the curd mass, mix.
  5. Put the mixture in a greased form and send it to the oven for a maximum of half an hour (mode - 180 ° C).
  6. Do not overcook, otherwise the cake will turn out to be a bit dry, and ideally its consistency should resemble a soufflé.

So that the cottage cheese casserole in the oven for a one-year-old child does not turn into a pancake during the baking process, use the correct form. It should be small but high.

Delicious cottage cheese casserole is not obtained by all housewives, even if they use the same instruction. Why is this happening? Just not everyone knows the intricacies of preparing such a dish. Remember three helpful tips.

  1. Take the village cottage cheese. The recipe for cottage cheese casserole for children 1 year old involves the use of just such a product. It's much better than the store bought one. And baking from it turns out juicy and tasty. Naturally, all ingredients must be fresh.
  2. Whisk the eggs thoroughly. This will keep the casserole airy. You need to beat the eggs until firm foam.
  3. Leave the semolina to swell. Having added semolina to the ingredients, do not rush to immediately put the casserole in the oven: the semolina should swell. To do this, leave the bowl with the mixture at room temperature for 15-30 minutes; sending it to the refrigerator is not recommended.

Children's cottage cheese casserole should not be too sweet. Too much sugar is bad. Cottage cheese cake needs only to be slightly sweetened, and even then only if the child refuses unsweetened pastries. For these purposes, you can use fruits: for example, a banana does a good job of sweetening. The casserole can be decorated with berries that a one-year-old baby has already met. The older the child becomes, the wider the field for culinary experiments opens up for the mother. If you approach the process of making cottage cheese casserole with imagination, then it will become a favorite children's dessert. And what can please a mother more than a healthy appetite of a child and his love for wholesome food?


The health and full development of the baby directly depends on his nutrition, which should be not only complete, but also balanced. First, the baby receives mother's milk, then complementary foods are introduced. As they grow older, the diet of the little one changes, and new foods appear in it.

Cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child is a very suitable dish.

It is extremely useful, because after processing, almost all important micro and macro elements, vitamins and minerals remain in it. Cottage cheese itself has a very high value in the children's diet, regardless of what is prepared from it or whether it will be consumed raw.

It has many useful properties: it is rich in protein, and protein is easily digestible, which is extremely important for the child's body; cottage cheese will replenish the missing vitamins - A, P, E, B2, B6, B12; and for the skeletal system, cottage cheese is simply vital.

For the most part, children have a good attitude towards sweet curd, so every crumb will like the curd casserole. And if you add berries or dried fruits to the casserole, then no one will refuse such a tasty treat.

Ingredients needed to make the casserole:

  • cottage cheese 200 gr.
  • granulated sugar 3-4 tbsp.
  • semolina 3 tbsp
  • egg 1 pc.
  • butter (for greasing the mold)
  • sour cream 1 tbsp
  • vanillin
  • raisins (or other dried fruits)

Cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child - a recipe in the oven:

First of all, steam the raisins with boiling water.

To the resulting mass, add granulated sugar, semolina and vanillin. We mix everything well.

We wash the raisins under cold water, remove unnecessary ponytails from it and add to the curd mass.

Grease the mold thoroughly with butter.

We spread the mass for the casserole in the form, level it and grease the top with sour cream.

We send it to a hot oven. We cook at a temperature of 180 degrees for half an hour.

We take out the cottage cheese casserole from the oven, sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can decorate a cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child with fresh berries.

Step 1: prepare the curd-semolina mixture.

First of all, about 1 hour before the start of cooking, we lay out all the necessary products on the countertop and give them the opportunity to warm up to room temperature. After a certain time, we take soft, not coarse cottage cheese of medium fat content and immediately wipe it through a sieve with a fine mesh into a deep bowl. We also put softened butter, raw chicken eggs there, pour whole pasteurized milk and pour in two types of sugar: vanilla, as well as ordinary sand. We put the dishes with these products under the blades of a mixer or a blender with a special nozzle and beat them well at the highest speed until light splendor. It is not necessary to be very zealous, we devote about 2-3 minutes to this process.

Then we add the previously sorted semolina to the resulting mass and loosen everything with a tablespoon, or better with a silicone kitchen spatula, until a homogeneous consistency. We tighten the curd-semolina mixture with plastic food wrap and send in the refrigerator for 30–40 minutes so that the cereal swells.

Step 2: form and bake the cottage cheese casserole for children.

After about half an hour, turn on the oven to warm up at 200 degrees Celsius. Then we grease the bottom with the remaining butter, as well as the inner sides of the sides of a heat-resistant or non-stick baking dish and crush the fat with two tablespoons of semolina. After another 10 minutes, we take out the curd-semolina mixture from the refrigerator and let it stand. at room temperature for another 10 minutes. After that, we transfer it to the prepared form and put this dish on the middle rack of the oven, heated to the desired temperature.

Cooking the casserole for 35–40 minutes, for which it is completely baked and covered with a delicate yellowish-beige crust. Then we pull kitchen gloves on our hands, move the hot dishes with a fragrant miracle to a cutting board, previously placed on the countertop, and let the yummy cool down.

Then, with a sharp kitchen knife, we divide the casserole into portions, use a kitchen spatula to arrange them on plates, supplement them with various sweets if desired, and offer the resulting dish to our baby, although it is possible for the whole family.

Step 3: serve the cottage cheese casserole for children.

After cooking, the cottage cheese casserole for children is cooled to the temperature you need, distributed in portions on plates, optionally decorated with powdered sugar or poured with homemade honey, smeared with sour cream, favorite jam or jam and served as a full-fledged second course for breakfast, afternoon snack, and also supper. Such a miracle can be eaten by children aged 1 year and older, of course, if they already have a full mouth of teeth and have begun to learn all the delights of baked, boiled, steam, slightly elastic, but at the same time delicate food. Cook with love and stay healthy!
Enjoy your meal!

Very often, cottage cheese casserole is cooked in a double boiler for 35-45 minutes, after having previously lubricated the whole compartment for cooking cereals with butter and sprinkled with semolina or covered it with a small piece of aluminum food foil;

If desired, you can add a little dried fruit soaked in boiling water and finely chopped dried fruits to the curd mass, they are very vitamin, but you should not put a lot, they can cause allergies;

Sometimes, instead of pure homemade cottage cheese, store-bought cottage cheese is used, it also turns out tasty, but not so healthy, and vanilla sugar is replaced with a pinch of pure vanillin, although if the baby cannot stand the aroma of spices, it is better not to put this ingredient at all;

To lubricate the form, instead of butter, you can take vegetable or a piece of margarine for baking.

Cottage cheese is a product that must be present in the diet of every child. It contains many useful trace elements, so you need to cook various dishes from it in the oven and slow cooker.

Even those children who are not very fond of everything related to milk will be delighted with a tasty and healthy cottage cheese casserole.

Classic recipe

Preparing meals for young children is an eternal problem for many mothers. When a child is only one year old, you need to choose only good, high-quality and natural products.

To prepare a cottage cheese casserole in the oven for a child of 1 year old, you can use not only raisins, but also other dried fruits. If there are no such products in the house, then fresh fruits are cut into the dish, which the child already consumes.

  1. Raisins are washed well and poured with boiling water for 5 minutes;
  2. The cottage cheese is transferred to a deep bowl and rubbed with a fork until its consistency becomes homogeneous;
  3. An egg is driven into the cottage cheese, everything is well stirred, sprinkled with semolina, sugar;
  4. The raisins are moved, the tails are removed from it, then it is washed again under water and transferred to a bowl, everything is kneaded;
  5. The form is lubricated with a small piece of oil, the mass is laid out in it, leveled and lubricated with oil;
  6. Cook for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

A casserole can be made more attractive by sprinkling it with powdered sugar and garnishing with fresh berries.

Cottage cheese casserole for a one-year-old child

When you have a small child in your arms, and there is not enough time for everything, you can always simplify your life with the help of household appliances.

A slow cooker is an indispensable thing in the kitchen, because nothing will burn in it, all the ingredients are simply put inside and in an hour lunch, breakfast or dinner is already ready.


  • 0.2 kilograms of cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of semolina;
  • sugar - 60 grams;
  • sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • butter.

Cooking time: 65 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 183 kcal.

To prepare casseroles for children under one year old, it is best to use cottage cheese with 5% fat and 25% sour cream.

  1. In a deep bowl, cottage cheese, eggs and sugar are combined, everything is rubbed with a fork;
  2. Add sour cream to the mass and, if desired, raisins, but always washed, mix;
  3. Add semolina and knead again;
  4. Lubricate the bowl with oil, transfer the curd mass into it and put in a slow cooker;
  5. Cook for 40 minutes in the "baking" mode.

The casserole turns out to be very tasty and will definitely appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

Light and tasty soup with a minimum of calories and a lot of useful substances.

Salad with red beans - take note of this recipe. A very hearty dish that is easy to prepare.

Salad "Gentle" of cucumbers, ham and cheese is a real one that you should definitely try.

Recipe for cottage cheese and carrot casserole for children from a year

Carrots contain a lot of carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the child's body. The use of this vegetable helps to strengthen the immune system, and also has a beneficial effect on the development and growth of the child.


  • carrots - 3 pieces;
  • 1 glass of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cups of sour cream;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • semolina - 70 grams;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • 50 grams of raisins and dried apricots.

Cooking time: 90 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 145 kcal.

  1. Carrots are peeled, washed, rubbed on a grater, put into a bowl, filled with water, put in a slow cooker for 10 minutes in the “steaming” mode;
  2. Wash dried apricots and raisins, pour boiling water for 10 minutes;
  3. Eggs are beaten into foam with sugar, add semolina;
  4. Cottage cheese is rubbed with sour cream, you need to put beaten eggs, dried fruits, as well as boiled carrots in it, mix;
  5. Lubricate the bowl with oil, put the dough into it and cook for 80 minutes in the "baking" mode.

After cooking the casserole, you need to give it a little time to brew, and then serve warm to the table.

Cottage cheese banana casserole in a slow cooker

Cottage cheese is very useful for a child's body that is growing. If the child does not like this product, it is necessary to fantasize and serve it in the form in which he will not refuse it.


  • 50 grams of sugar;
  • 1 banana;
  • 200 grams of cottage cheese;
  • 30 grams of semolina;
  • a tablespoon of powdered sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • vegetable oil;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking time: 65 minutes.

Calories per 100 grams: 179 kcal.

Banana is the highlight of this casserole for babies from 1 year old. He gives her tenderness, lightness and not a single child can refuse her.

The casserole is tender, moderately sweet, with light fruity notes.

For cooking casseroles, it is best to choose cottage cheese with 5% fat content. Fatter can only be used if the child is not gaining weight well.

To make the pastries fluffy and at the same time not fall off during cooking, it is best to use at least 2 eggs.

If there is no semolina in the house, you do not need to replace it with flour and soda, since the casserole will still not be able to keep its shape, and the taste will be completely different.