
Douche with chamomile during pregnancy. Why you can not douche with chamomile during pregnancy. Douching with chamomile during pregnancy

Pregnancy is one of the factors in reducing immunity in women, which means the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as thrush. It causes discomfort and unpleasant painful sensations of the external genital organs and the vagina. The opinions of doctors on the treatment of this fungal disease are ambiguous. Some say that douching is the most effective method of treatment, others argue that in no case should such a procedure be performed during pregnancy. Who is right? Let's try to figure it out.

Proper douching

The appearance of thrush is completely undesirable during pregnancy. It requires drug treatment using synthetic drugs, which can be dangerous for the unborn child. Therefore, many gynecologists prefer a more gentle technique - douching.

Of course, washing the vagina is very effective in getting rid of thrush. But the bottom line is that you need to know the important rules, the observance of which will prevent the risk of infection to the fetus:

  1. The procedure is carried out only after the appointment of a doctor, self-medication is excluded.
  2. For the introduction of solutions, only devices specially adapted for this purpose can be used. This can be a syringe, an Esmarch mug or a syringe without a needle with a volume of 20 ml.
  3. The contents of the syringe should not be released too abruptly and under strong pressure. Treatment is carried out with particular care in the last weeks of pregnancy, since the mucous plug that protects the fetus from external influences begins to slowly move away.
  4. No need to abuse and conduct sessions too often. Otherwise, there is a threat of washing out the natural microflora in the vagina, which contributes to the weakening of the protective functions of the body.
  5. It is very important to take the correct posture when douching. Lying on your back, slightly raise the pelvis, bend your legs at a right angle (it will be more convenient to put them on the sides of the bath).
  6. The duration of such treatment should not exceed 5 days.

If you follow these rules and strictly follow the recipe given by your doctor, you can quickly and without harming your health, and, most importantly, the condition of the child, get rid of thrush during pregnancy.

Douching with chamomile

Experienced gynecologists recommend washing the external and internal genital organs with a slightly warm chamomile solution. This is the most affordable, well-known and effective antiseptic. Chamomile flowers contain saponins - organic substances that have excellent cleansing and soothing properties.

How to prepare a decoction? The following components apply:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoon of chamomile.

Pour boiling water over dry grass, then put on fire, bring to a boil. Cool to +38°C, strain through a sieve with a fine mesh so as not to leave any foreign particles in the liquid. Fill the syringe with a ready-made broth and immediately carry out the procedure, without waiting for it to cool.

But, despite the harmlessness of this phytotherapeutic agent, it can be allergic. To check this, you need to apply a compress soaked in decoction to the elbow bend and observe the condition of the skin for several hours. If after the expiration of this time you do not notice any changes in the skin, then you can safely douche with chamomile during pregnancy.

When buying herbs in a pharmacy, pay attention to the composition of the contents and its packaging. The box should contain only dry chamomile flowers and nothing more.

Douching with soda

Another good remedy for getting rid of thrush during pregnancy is baking soda. It is alkaline, because it has the property of reducing acidity. It is this environment that contributes to the emergence and intensive development of the fungus. Hence the conclusion: you need to neutralize the acid with a soda solution.

Soda is an affordable but unique product that has practically no contraindications and side effects and is often used in medicine. Using it, you need to remember the rules of administration and make the solution according to the doctor's indications so as not to exceed the desired concentration (this can lead to overdrying of the mucosa).

To prepare the product, you need to take 1 liter of boiled water, cooled to room temperature, and completely dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda there. Then fill them with a container and douche according to all the rules. Fluid in the vagina should be at least 25 seconds. After washing, you need to lie down a bit.

When a fungus appears, washing with the same solution is recommended. But the dose of soda in it must be increased to 1 tablespoon. Naturally, this method will not cure the disease, but only relieve symptoms from the external genital organs. However, washing during pregnancy is completely safe and suitable for very suspicious and cautious women.

In an acute illness with severe symptoms, experts allow washing after each visit to the toilet. In this case, the solution neutralizes the urine and prevents irritation.

Do not douche and wash with soda solution immediately before visiting a gynecologist. Otherwise, he will see a distorted picture and will not be able to correctly assess your condition.

As you can see, douching for pregnant women when thrush occurs is not only possible, but necessary. This eliminates the risk of negative effects of chemical medicines, which can have irreversible consequences for the child. Washing with solutions of chamomile or soda is a great alternative to drugs. Take this with special responsibility and douching only when indicated and under the supervision of your doctor.

You can not douche with chamomile during pregnancy. Such procedures are dangerous and ineffective, the harm from them far exceeds the possible benefits.

The main danger of douching is that it liquefies and partially flushes out the contents of the vagina. The normal microflora is restored here within 1-3 days, and if douching is carried out at least once a day, this microflora, in principle, cannot be restored. This increases the risk of developing pathogenic bacteria and fungi, which only exacerbates the disease that the pregnant woman is trying to fight with douching.

Despite the seeming harmlessness, it is the rubber tip of the pear used for douching that injures the epithelium of the vaginal mucosa and leads to the development of serious diseases.

Also, pregnant women should not douche with chamomile due to the fact that a part of the contents of the vagina with pathogenic microflora can be brought into the uterine cavity with a stream of solution and lead here to infection and inflammation of the internal genital organs. Due to the close proximity to the fetus, such inflammatory processes during pregnancy are especially dangerous. Pathogenic bacteria and fungi that enter the jet of a chamomile preparation do not die immediately (many pregnant women rely on the bactericidal effect of such a solution), and therefore the risk of such an infection is very high.

In addition, they increase the risk of developing cervical erosion, endometriosis and precancerous conditions. According to statistics, cervical cancer develops more often in those women who, albeit rarely, douche.

The statistics also show that:

  1. The more often and more regularly the expectant mother douches in the first trimester of pregnancy, the higher the risk of miscarriage;
  2. Women who prefer to douche during pregnancy for certain diseases (it does not matter whether such procedures are performed with chamomile, calendula or a pharmaceutical preparation) are more prone to preterm labor;
  3. Frequent douching is a risk factor for having a low birth weight baby.

As a result, it is impossible to douche with chamomile during pregnancy either in the early stages or in the later ones, since these procedures are more dangerous for the mother's body. Moreover, it is equally harmful to douche by any means, even plain water. Douching with a decoction of chamomile is just as harmful as similar procedures with any other means.

And most importantly: there is no evidence that douching is really effective for any diseases of the genital tract. Studies have not confirmed the idea that douching is useful for restoring the vaginal microflora - it has been shown that during such procedures, on the contrary, dysbacteriosis is delayed and may progress. The anti-inflammatory effect of chamomile, which many women who douche at home rely on, is very weak, and any pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drug will be much more effective and at the same time will not give the same side effects that occur when using chamomile.

Summary: douching with chamomile during pregnancy is harmful and dangerous, and such procedures do not provide a pronounced therapeutic effect. Therefore, it is impossible to douche during pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a period when a woman reduces the use of medicines to a minimum. But since this period lasts as long as 9 months, there come times when you simply cannot do without drugs. To minimize this process, gynecologists prescribe medicinal herbs. Douching with chamomile during pregnancy is a common procedure for getting rid of thrush.

Pros and cons of douching

Douching refers to therapeutic methods. Therefore, it is impossible to independently prescribe and perform it, especially during pregnancy. Before use, the doctor should examine the pregnant woman and understand the need for this procedure. When prescribing, the gynecologist explains to his patient how to perform it correctly so as not to harm his health and the unborn child.

Douching during pregnancy is a method that has its supporters and opponents. Some doctors strongly oppose this procedure during pregnancy. Others use it as an accompaniment to their main treatment. Therefore, when prescribing, the patient herself must decide whether she will use this technique.

Why you can not douche during pregnancy:

  1. in the early stages there is a possibility of miscarriage. In the later stages, premature birth may occur;
  2. if douching is performed under strong pressure, there is a possibility of air entering the uterus;
  3. leaching of beneficial microflora. When douching, not only pathogenic microbes are washed out, but also microflora, which provides protection for the body;
  4. improper performance of the procedure leads to mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa.

Many doctors consider douching to be a safer treatment for thrush during pregnancy than medication. Indeed, in this case, chemicals do not enter the pregnant woman's body, which means they do not harm the embryo. Douching with chamomile is necessary before using vaginal suppositories. The douching procedure acts as an auxiliary tool that significantly enhances the effect of the use of medications.

Reasons for douching:

  • the procedure increases the therapeutic effect before the vaginal use of medications;
  • when performing the procedure, air masses and no liquid can enter the uterine cavity, since the passage is protected by a mucous plug.


Douching with chamomile when planning a pregnancy is allowed. It is often prescribed to women if there are deviations in health. As you know, the plant has anti-inflammatory properties, helps stop bleeding, acts as an antiseptic and as a disinfectant. This is a wonderful procedure that fights diseases of the genitourinary system.

Pregnant women often suffer from thrush. Another name for this pathology is candidiasis. Thrush often develops in women during pregnancy, as there is a restructuring of the hormonal background of the body. Using a decoction of chamomile when douching, the inflammatory process on the skin, as well as the mucous membrane, decreases, which means that itching stops.

After completing no more than 5 douches with a decoction of chamomile, the disease recedes. This is due to the medicinal properties of the plant. It contains saponins. These are organic compounds that have sedative and cleansing properties. The procedure does not cause dryness, irritation and alkaline reaction inside the vagina.

If cervical erosion is detected at the initial stage, douching with a solution of chamomile gives a positive result. But if erosion is in a neglected form, then this procedure will not help in any way. In order not to harm yourself and your unborn baby, you need to correctly perform the procedure.

Correct execution:

  • pick up a syringe with a non-sharp tip;
  • sterilize a medical pear before use;
  • infusion for the procedure is made from boiled water;
  • take a comfortable body position so that the pelvic muscles are relaxed, sit down, raise one leg on the bath or lie on the bottom of the bath;
  • squeeze the syringe a little to let the air out;
  • a pear is introduced in a slightly pressed form, without air;
  • the tip is inserted shallowly and gently;
  • the infusion is squeezed out of the syringe slowly, without pressure;
  • liquid temperature should not exceed 370;
  • the volume of one injection of liquid is not more than 300 ml;
  • the course of application does not exceed 5 days.

If you follow these rules of implementation, then douching will help get rid of diseases, enhancing the effect of drug treatment. This procedure is performed only after the recommendation of the gynecologist, so as not to cause a malfunction in the microflora of the vagina.


People call chamomile the queen of herbal medicine. This name is associated with a large number of beneficial properties that the plant has on the body. Chamomile is an excellent antiseptic. Therefore, it is used in the treatment of gynecological pathologies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and oral cavity.

Uses of chamomile during pregnancy:

  1. decoction. Weakly brewed chamomile, drunk in the morning, fights the manifestations of toxicosis. Thus, it improves the general condition of the expectant mother;
  2. infusion. During pregnancy, women often develop stomatitis in the oral cavity. If, after eating, rinse your mouth with infusion of the plant, then this problem will disappear;
  3. baths. Baths with chamomile during pregnancy perfectly relieve tired legs;
  4. infusion. Washing with chamomile during pregnancy is necessary when inflammatory processes in the genitals are detected.

In addition, chamomile is used to treat joints, constipation, bloating. It contains calcium and magnesium. These two elements are essential for a successful pregnancy. Chamomile has medicinal properties. Therefore, it is often prescribed during pregnancy in the form of tea.

Chamomile tea treats:

  • colds;
  • nervous state;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

During pregnancy, during a cold, tea with chamomile is prescribed. The plant has pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties. Nervous overexcitation is noted in any trimester of pregnancy.

In order not to harm, you need to follow a number of rules:

  • resort to drinking tea only on the recommendation of a gynecologist;
  • drink in a highly diluted form;
  • the course of admission is not more than 5 days;
  • you can not independently increase the time and dose of tea.

Gynecologists do not set strict time limits when washing with chamomile during pregnancy is performed, but when taken orally, all recommendations must be strictly observed. If this is ignored, then an allergic reaction, coughing, nervousness, headache and dizziness are possible.

cooking recipes

According to mothers, chamomile helps to get rid of many diseases during pregnancy. But for everything to go well, you need to know how to properly prepare the solution for the procedure.

Tea preparation. A tablespoon of flowers is placed in a half-liter container with boiling water. Place for languishing for 7 minutes on a slow fire. Leave for 0.5 hours to infuse. Then filter and drink a little during the day.

Solution for douching. For 1 liter of boiling water take 2 tbsp. l. chamomile. Bring the liquid to a boil, reduce the flame and leave the solution for 5 minutes. Then filter well.

A decoction of chamomile. Take 15 g of flowers and pour 0.5 liters. water. Bring the solution to a boil and boil for 5 minutes. Then leave to infuse for a quarter of an hour. Strain. This decoction can gargle, mouth, wash and douche.

Is it possible to douche with chamomile during pregnancy? If a pregnant woman does not have a threat of miscarriage or isthmic-cervical insufficiency, then douching is prescribed by many gynecologists. Whether or not to follow the doctor's recommendations, each woman decides for herself.

Tea normalizes sleep, eliminates nervous overexcitation. During pregnancy, the level of progesterone in the body rises, which causes poor functioning of the intestinal muscles, provokes the appearance of congestion in the gastrointestinal tract. Tea relieves such conditions, eliminates constipation, disperses bile and fights the symptoms of toxicosis. Chamomile tea should be used with caution during pregnancy.

Douching during pregnancy is contraindicated, but some gynecologists may prescribe such a procedure for 4-5 days if thrush is detected. It is worth noting that there is a frivolous opinion among expectant mothers and women, and the douching procedure itself is not considered a medical procedure. Many simply resort to it in order to terminate a pregnancy, get rid of thrush, or cope with some of the problems that have arisen.

Douching is a procedure in which drugs are injected into the vagina to treat or prevent disease. If such an event is carried out during pregnancy as prescribed by a doctor, then most likely the expectant mother has cervical erosion, a manifestation of thrush or other infections. As you know, during pregnancy, it is impossible to use conventional drugs to treat a particular disease, so the doctor recommends douching. After all, this method is much more effective, and sometimes replaces drugs. But is it possible to do this, and how safe are many women asking.

Douching and possible pregnancy

With the help of douching, it is quite easy to change the microflora and the internal environment of the vagina, affecting its acidity. This method can be used if it is necessary to increase the chances of conception, or vice versa, make it impossible. For spermatozoa to survive and reach their goal, they need an alkaline environment. And when in the process of sexual intercourse a woman is strongly aroused, and a sufficient amount of so-called lubrication is secreted in a man, a favorable environment for conception is formed in the vagina. If sexual intercourse occurs without much arousal of a woman, then the chances that she will become a mother are critically low, since the environment will remain acidic.

You can also often hear that women do douching for unwanted pregnancies when solutions that acidify the environment are used. It can be wine vinegar and lemon juice. But you shouldn’t experiment with your health like that, because by incorrectly calculating the proportions of the solution, you can burn the mucous inside, which will lead to problems in the genital area and possibly infertility.

Douching with chamomile during pregnancy

Douching with chamomile during pregnancy can be an excellent option for some diseases of the urogenital area of ​​a woman. Douching in early pregnancy is possible when sexual intercourse takes place. But it is important to pay attention to the composition of the solution so that it does not harm the growing organism. If there are signs of thrush, then this procedure will help relieve the inflammatory process of the mucosa. And it is really possible to cope with this disease, only it is necessary to douche repeatedly. The reason for the effectiveness of this procedure is that the saponins in chamomile perform a sedative and cleansing function, which does not change the internal environment of the vagina and does not irritate the skin. There is an opinion that pregnant women should not douche. There are even some factors that affect the health of the expectant mother and her baby:

Douching as a method of dealing with thrush during pregnancy

Often, symptoms of thrush occur during pregnancy, and cause a lot of inconvenience. And this happens due to the fact that the hormonal background is unstable and immunity at this time is reduced. For the treatment of pregnant women, the same drugs are used as for ordinary women, and, as some doctors recommend, it is better to forget about douching. In general, the opinions of doctors about this procedure are ambiguous. And many tend to treat thrush with proven methods, sparing drugs and not mix folk recipes with traditional medicine.

If your doctor has recommended that you douche as a treatment, then it may well be justified. But if you are not sure that this suits you, then it is advisable to consult one or two more. When you yourself have made a choice in favor of douching during pregnancy, instead of traditional drug treatment, then you need to know and follow all hygiene rules, and be as careful as possible. Fluid can be driven only under minimal pressure. Although the best option would be to consult your gynecologist before starting the course of procedures, having found out all the subtleties and correctness of douching.

To overcome thrush, procedures or medications alone are not enough. To avoid this disease, follow these rules:

  • follow a diet, it is advisable to remove spicy, smoked, yeast and sweet from the diet;
  • with thrush, be sure to add yogurt and kefir to the menu;
  • for the period of exacerbation of the disease, sexual intercourse should be forgotten.

If you have any disease, do not self-medicate, be sure to consult a doctor! Happy pregnancy and good health!

Whatever remedy or whatever method of treatment a pregnant woman is going to use, we always emphasize that she needs to ask her doctor about it first. But with regard to douching during pregnancy, such advice may not always be useful, as it can confuse the expectant mother. While one health worker himself will prescribe such treatment to her, another will assure her that it is absolutely contraindicated during the period of bearing a child.

It is absolutely impossible to answer the question of whether it is possible to douche during pregnancy! But it is absolutely known that in practice many pregnant women resort to this method of treating thrush and other sexual infections. And some of them wonder why douching should not be done during pregnancy.

What is dangerous douching in the early and late periods

It should be noted that douching is a therapeutic method, and therefore resorting to this method of introducing solutions into the vagina unnecessarily is not recommended in principle. Like any other healing method, this one requires responsible and reasonable application. You need to know how to douche correctly, what solutions can be used for this in each individual case, and in what situations it is generally advisable to do this.

Some doctors believe that douching during pregnancy is strictly contraindicated for the following reasons:

  • The risk of miscarriage (in the early stages) and premature birth (in the later stages) increases.
  • There is a possibility of air entering under the pressure of the liquid.
  • The beneficial microflora is also washed out of the vagina, which leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the mucous membranes.
  • There is a high probability of mechanical damage to the mucous membranes during manipulations and the introduction of a bacterial infection into the genital tract.

Many are alarmed by the mere fact that douching is sometimes used for miscarriage in unwanted pregnancies, but this is not entirely true. Only in a small percentage of cases of unprotected intercourse douching with "aggressive" solutions (for example, lemon juice or vinegar) can prevent pregnancy. And even then, provided that the manipulation will be performed immediately after intercourse. The contraceptive effect in this case consists in the introduction into the vagina of solutions that destroy and inhibit the viability of spermatozoa.

Despite the fact that douching can be attributed to a relatively safe treatment method (after all, in this case, the penetration of chemicals into the blood is excluded, as when taking medications inside), many of the women do not accept such procedures at all. They believe that a much more "civilized" and "humane" way to treat thrush and other infections is to use suppositories and tablets. Moreover, modern medicine does not stand still and offers similar medicines for pregnant women.

But there is another point of view: it is almost impossible to cure thrush during pregnancy, no matter how expensive and good the drug is used for this. Therefore, it is better to wash the vagina with herbal and soda solutions in order to somehow make your life easier.

By the way, quite often douching with thrush during pregnancy is prescribed by a doctor as an auxiliary method preceding the subsequent introduction of vaginal suppositories or tablets. The arguments in favor of such a therapeutic regimen are as follows:

  • Douching prepares the vaginal cavity for the introduction of medicinal substances, as a result of which they act more effectively, increasing the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Today it is reliably known that the mucous plug of the cervix very reliably protects the entrance inside, and therefore neither air nor liquid from douching threaten the fetus.

The main thing is not to be zealous and adhere to the precautionary rules.

How to do douching from thrush during pregnancy

There are no particular difficulties in the procedure, but some recommendations, nevertheless, should be observed:

  1. The syringe must be selected with a non-sharp tip and pre-sterilized.
  2. Use boiled water to prepare solutions.
  3. Take a comfortable position in which the pelvic muscles are as relaxed as possible (you can squat or raise one leg on the edge of the bath).
  4. Insert the tip carefully, slowly, not deeply.
  5. First, the air should be released from the syringe and only then (in a slightly compressed state) insert the tip into the vagina so that the fluid immediately enters.
  6. Enter the solution slowly, without strong pressure.
  7. The temperature of the liquid should not exceed body temperature, that is, the solution should never be hot.
  8. Once you can enter no more than 300 ml of solution.
  9. It is not recommended to douche for more than 5 days in a row.

Regarding what is better to douche with thrush during pregnancy, the choice is quite large. It is really better to consult a doctor here. Douching during pregnancy can be carried out by a variety of means:

  • soda: 2 teaspoons per 1 glass of water - eliminates discomfort (itching and burning in the vagina) after the first application;
  • chamomile: 4 tablespoons of dry raw materials should be boiled in a glass of water in a water bath for half an hour, leave for 10 minutes, drain and bring boiled water to the original volume. A very effective anti-inflammatory and soothing agent for mucous membranes;
  • calendula: boil 2 tablespoons of dried flowers for a quarter of an hour in a glass of water in a water bath. Let it brew for 45 minutes, strain and bring to the original volume. Calendula can be replaced with a ready-made pharmacy solution - rotokan, using it according to the instructions;
  • oak bark: a decoction for douching is prepared in a similar way to the previous one - it perfectly eliminates discomfort;
  • celandine: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is prepared by the same steam method in a glass of water for 15 minutes;
  • sage: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and filtered after an hour of infusion;
  • St. John's wort: boil 2 tablespoons of herb in a liter of water for 20 minutes and strain;
  • tea tree oil: the oil is mixed with medical alcohol in equal proportions, and this mixture is used for douching - 10 drops per 1 glass of water;
  • boron uterus: observing the same proportions as in the previous recipe, you need to prepare a decoction for an hour, and then insist it for another 2 hours;
  • alum: dissolve 2 teaspoons of alum in one liter of water, boil and then cool - use for douching or washing;
  • kefir: a very controversial method of douching. It is better to use kefir for thrush in food;
  • iodine: add 10 drops of iodine to a soda-salt solution (boil 2 tablespoons of salt in a liter of water for 3 minutes, cool and add 1 tablespoon of soda) or dilute a teaspoon of iodine and soda in a liter of water. You can also use iodinol for this purpose: 3 tablespoons of the product should be diluted in a glass of boiled water;
  • furacilin: 1-2 powdered tablets are dissolved in a glass of water. Such a solution will not destroy the fungus, but will effectively relieve irritation and reduce discharge from the genital tract;
  • potassium permanganate: a very weak solution is prepared, after which it is necessarily filtered, but it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy;
  • chlorophyllipt: 1 tablespoon of an alcohol solution is diluted in a liter of water and used for washing and douching. This method is considered quite effective in the fight against candidiasis;
  • hydrogen peroxide: 1 tablespoon peroxide per half liter of water;
  • boric acid: 1 teaspoon of powder per 1 glass of water, however, during pregnancy, boric acid cannot be used for this purpose;
  • vagilom: prepare a solution according to the instructions (1 sachet per liter of water, but you can start with a half dose) - perfectly relieves burning and itching;
  • miramistin: this pharmacy solution is more often used to treat the external genitalia (for washing);
  • citealom: the drug is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. The tool is considered quite aggressive, so it is necessary to complete douching with a portion of clean water, and it is even better to refuse such douching or consult a doctor;
  • chlorhexidine: as a rule, it is carried out in the maternity hospital when preparing the birth canal for the upcoming birth (this remedy is considered slightly outdated and does not help with fungal infections in the genital tract), but recently such sanitation has not been used at all.

Do not forget that any of the products can cause an allergic reaction, so be careful.

Is it possible to douche during pregnancy

Is it harmful to douche during pregnancy depends primarily on the health of the future mother and the course of the pregnancy itself. Manipulation is categorically contraindicated in isthmic-cervical insufficiency, the threat of abortion.

If there are no threats and complications, then each expectant mother - alone or together with a doctor she trusts - makes a decision in favor or against such treatment.

It is better to refuse douching if you are not sure of the safety of this method, so that later, God forbid, you will not blame yourself for anything. But if you think that you can manipulate correctly and carefully, and that it is better than taking pills and inserting candles, then this method may be acceptable. At least, many women use it in practice and safely bear their children without any complications and consequences after douching.

Be healthy and happy! Let the thrush not upset the happy days of pregnancy. After all, after giving birth, she is likely to recede. But giving birth to a baby against the background of an exacerbation of the disease is also impossible in order to avoid infection. Therefore, do not ignore candidiasis.

Especially for - Larisa Nezabudkina