
Classic colors. Classic and unusual color combinations in the interior. Red and beige colors

In each of the historical periods had its own approach to home decoration, and each has techniques that should be adopted: they are part of our history and at the same time, as it were, are out of time, out of fashion. In England, three eras were especially notable in terms of colors: Georgian (1714-1837), Victorian (1837-1901), Edwardian and Art Deco (1901-1939). The "classic white" colors stand out - a palette of shades whose popularity has not faded over the centuries and which have been used both on their own and as an addition to the main colors.

Professional decorators are unanimous in their opinion: time-tested paints look more harmonious, calmer than modern combinations.

They are deeper, although somewhat muffled., because they were made on the basis of natural pigments. Some shades even look dirty, but there is nothing wrong with that. Experts from a company supplying Moroccan tiles to Moscow say that bright oriental ornaments look best in cement tiles: the riot of colors is muted here by the material itself. It was with such a muted, dirty palette that Matisse worked, and it’s not a sin to learn from him!

Nowadays, in order to ensure the authenticity of the composition and coating colors, develop special very dense paints that most fully reveal the richness of saturated shades. There are "classic" paints of almost all types: for walls and ceilings, for wood and metal.

Georgian style (1714−1837)

At the beginning of the Georgian era the greatest influence on art was the work of Andrea Palladio (1508−1580). The Palladian style recreated Roman classicism - with strict symmetry, proportions and order. In the second half of the 18th century, the work of Robert Adam took the classical style to new heights of sophistication and grace. Under the influence of the Renaissance, neoclassicism replaced the massive forms of the Georgian period with something more refined and visually light.

Decorative techniques during the reign of King George are distinguished by elegance and style.

In large aristocratic houses the main goal was to recreate the grandeur of the ancient Roman Empire and the Renaissance - through rich and skillfully executed stucco decoration, doorways decorated with pilasters, massive ceiling cornices and plinths. The ceilings were symmetrically divided around a central motif or stucco rosette and painted with intricate colors. The walls were also visually divided horizontally into three segments to evoke an association with the three elements of a classical column.

The walls in the cottages were paneled from floor to ceiling.- plain, without any embellishments, stucco and paintings. To highlight skirting boards and door portals, paint was sometimes used a tone darker.

Georgian palette includes both rather pale and saturated colors, but both of them look very elegant. The Palladian style tended to use classic shades of stone, marble and alabaster.

For the later works of Robert Adam and others like it are characterized by softer pastel colors and complex and sophisticated color combinations. Or plain surfaces with elements highlighted against their background in shades of white or neutral. By the way, blue and blue tones were often combined with white - this combination was revered as the most “classical”.

When choosing the color of the walls, it was of great importance how the room was oriented to the cardinal points. For example, "Lavender Gray" was considered one of the most suitable for warm rooms facing south, while colors such as "Warm Stone" were chosen for more northerly and cooler rooms.

As for the exterior, dark brown, green and gray tones were in favor: the doors were painted in dark shades, and everything around was painted in one of the shades of white or stone. "Invisible green" has traditionally been used for fences and railings - both indoor and outdoor: the painted surfaces really become "invisible" against the background of the surrounding vegetation.

Victorian style (1837−1901)

In the Victorian era, active importation of goods from numerous colonies and their mass production as a result of the Industrial Revolution led to the fact that the middle class was able to generously decorate their homes. The subjects of Queen Victoria drew inspiration from already gone styles: Gothic, French Rococo, Italian Renaissance. This period in British history is remembered for its luxury, richness of color palette and sophistication of decorative techniques.

In the second half of the Victorian era William Morris's famous Arts & Crafts movement ("arts and crafts") appeared, which opposed machine production and standardization and called for a return to manual labor and high-quality materials.

During this period, everything was finished and decorated. very rich and abundant. "Trios" of colors were popular, which broke the wall apart from the floor to the top of the baseboard, from the baseboard to the picture frame, and from the picture frame to the ceiling.

early victorian walls were painted predominantly in light colors passing into each other. The fashion for the Middle Ages and Gothic made them darker and more saturated and added dark wood paneling.

In a later period under the influence of the Empire color schemes have become more complex, richer and more exotic: large roses on the ceilings, multicolored moldings.

At the time of Arts&Crafts, there was a return to natural forms and colors - in particular, to floral ornaments.

Victorian palette distinguished by special richness and depth. Dramatic color combinations were used in a triple scheme: for example, olive, orange-pink and dark yellow; or "yellow ocher", "sage" and "French grey".

Intense reds and greens, such as "red ocher" and "green chrome", were considered ideal for dining rooms, libraries, art galleries, as they gave them solemnity, splendor, significance. In the drawing rooms, living rooms, bedrooms, lighter and lighter tones were used, such as aquamarine and salmon.

The richness of the palette was also due to the fact that coloring pigments were now brought to England from all over the world. For example, the name of the paint Gamboge (“gummigut”) is a distorted name for Cambodia: a deep yellow emulsion was obtained by mixing the sap of tropical trees with water.

Love for science and the boom of inventions, which the golden age of foggy Albion is so remembered for, have also borne fruit in coloristics - in the form of synthesizing new colors. Such shades as "Deep ultramarine", "Pink madder", greenish-yellow "Color of sulfur" were obtained only in the middle of the 19th century and were proudly displayed at the 1951 World's Fair.

Edwardian and Art Deco (1901−1939)

Several styles influenced the Edwardian era, and within a short period of time. First there was a return to the elegance and simplicity of classicism. Considered the first modern style of this era, Art Nouveau looked to the natural world for inspiration, using plant motifs and organic forms.

"The Last Great Style" Art Deco was born in the period between the two world wars, when the newly invented weapons of mass destruction "mowed down" many Europeans. High society, more than ever, felt the transience of life and the power of industrialization. The streets began to fill with cars, and airplanes appeared in the skies. At the same time, memories of the subtlety and elegance of the Art Nouveau style were still alive. But it seemed already too old-fashioned, the new energy required a new expression.

Art Deco lines are more austere and straightforward, but at the same time relaxed and unashamedly modern. Art Deco cited abstract motifs in an elegant and exotic form, and the nature of these abstractions is very clearly demonstrated by the furniture of Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Wall colors in the Edwardian era were muted, but light, borrowed from nature: shades of yellow, blue, green. Paneling has sunk into oblivion: the maximum that was hung on the walls was paintings, and the walls themselves were painted in universal colors and shaded with wooden skirting boards several tones lighter or darker. The ceilings were painted off-white, with impurities, and had very simple cornices.

Art Deco partially inherited this naturalness, but at the same time experimented with brighter colors: pink, turquoise, blue shades. The guests of most modern grand hotels, whose history dates back to those times, will be able to imagine the palette most fully.

Edwardian floors were made from polished parquet. and covered with carpets. This applies to dining rooms, bedrooms and living rooms. In the kitchens, bathrooms, pantries, the floor was completely different - from multi-colored patterned tiles mixed with white.

During the reign of King Edward the production of paints was just beginning to emerge. Many important discoveries were made in the field of technology, such shades of blue and green as turquoise, dark blue, blue with an admixture of green became unexpectedly available. Many of these dyes were developed by ICI in the early 1930s and were used for printing textile dyeing, as well as art and interior paints.

In the most luxurious hotels of the time combinations of soft pastel colors and shades of a neutral palette were used - in the foyer, bedrooms, corridors. Intense colors went to the bathrooms: Quartz Pink, Salmon Cream, Crystal Grey, and Foyer Green were favorites. They looked mysterious and elegant and went well with the wrought iron elements that were present in abundance on the railings of stairs, elevator gratings, furniture and light sources.

classic white

That during the Edwardian, Gregorian and Victorian eras architectural style and interior design have undergone a noticeable metamorphosis, there is no doubt about it. The evolution of style over two centuries has resulted in significant changes in fashion and tastes, but one thing has remained unchanged: the love of white.

White enriched the palettes of each of the eras: it served as a contrast to brighter colors, added light to dark areas, and emphasized the dignity and features of the architecture of spaces.

So no matter What was in vogue at that particular moment, white and its shades never left the stage. Examples are easily found at every cultural stage: from the white-stone buildings of Palladio to the experiments with the palette of white shades of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, who at the beginning of the 20th century used its strength and age in his own way. The same was true during the second heyday of minimalism in the 1960s.

Today, at the beginning of the 21st century, the neutral palette still looks fresh and unbroken. It still serves as the perfect backdrop for any piece of furniture and accessories – no matter what style or era they belong to.

True, off-white colors were considered white back then.. Often, to create warmer or beige shades, natural pigments were mixed with white: ocher, umber, red oxides. In exterior decoration, the resulting colors allowed the buildings to blend in better with the landscape.

But for old buildings, finishes of window frames and doors used slightly different dyes: clay, ash.

In the interior in such colors, like "York white" and "biscuit beige", the halls and stairs were painted entirely - as if "under the stone". Cooler hues were appropriate for south-facing rooms and bedrooms that needed some light.

If you are looking for what colors go with white, then you can not guess for a long time. This is a universal color that will suit everything. He, like a "sponge", accepts and absorbs any scale, emphasizing it. White is the color of innocence and pristine purity, and therefore no one can spoil it.

Color combination basics

In order to know what colors are combined with white, you need to find out. These rules apply in any field of activity: when creating paintings, interior design or choosing clothes.

The first and most basic rule is that you need to combine no more than three colors at the same time. One of them must prevail. It will create an image. The second will emphasize important points and draw attention to the merits. The third will place the necessary accents. It is auxiliary, which means that there should be little of it in the image.

One pure color is rather boring and poor. Especially if you decide to create a snow-white interior. It's like the lair of the "Snow Queen", from which it will exude coldness and despondency.

If in painting you decide to mix more than 3 colors, then you will get a blurry "swamp" and not a beautiful still life. It's the same with clothing style. The abundance of shades will make people jump from one to the other, which subconsciously causes anxiety.

Color combination types

We have already mentioned that you do not need to think about what colors go with white, since everything will fit in the gamut. But in this matter it is worth understanding that there are various types of combination. This affects the taste and perception of your composition by others.

Artists distinguish three types of combinations:

1. White, black and grey. The range of these shades is called an achromatic combination.

2. Monochrome is a combination of different shades of white, such as cream, marble and ivory, which can be seen on a wedding dress.

3. Complementarity - a combination of pure shades. For example, red, white, blue.

Black and white world

Black and white colors are considered classics of the genre. They can be found both in the interior and in clothing. The combination of black and white has attracted the attention of psychologists more than once, and here is what they say about it.

First of all, it is the unity of opposites. Remember the famous symbol of the Eastern religion "Yin and Yang". oddly enough, this is feminine, a little passive. White personifies a man as an active and persistent creature. When a person prefers only black and white colors in clothes, this indicates serious psychological stress, pressure, or prolonged depression.

Black and white perception of the world is an emotionless state. We talk about this when it comes to maximalism, inevitability and joyless existence. It is the colors that add vitality, so even classical images, positively minded people, try to dilute them with bright shades.

Red and white

A beautiful feminine look is red and white. This is a caring and chaste image, which was not in vain chosen as a symbol for an ambulance. This combination encourages action, self-sacrifice and love for others. White color has no boundaries, it absorbs everything, including the fire of red. as if nourishing it, gives energy and strength.

The combination of red and white is chosen by sensual romantic natures, ready for love exploits and endowed with passion. In the interior, this is a very bold design that needs to be well thought out. The abundance of scarlet causes rapid fatigue, and the predominance of white - boredom. Therefore, only the right accents will help create the perfect image.

As for clothes, everything is much simpler here, because red and white is a classic female look that can be applied both in everyday work life and for special events.

If you are also interested in white, then here you need to pay attention to contrasting cold shades. Do not choose it should be a full saturated color, such as blue, purple, black or brown.

White and blue

In everyday life, oddly enough, this combination is very limited. Perhaps due to the fact that such a duet creates an exemplary clean image, the correctness of which can infuriate. White - the light of sterility, innocence and blue - spirituality, discipline and high intelligence. Directly an image for a melancholic botanist.

The blue and white image is suitable for women - exemplary housewives who want everyone to see them as an ideal, an example to follow. A more complementary type looks much more romantic, for example, with a red addition. The scarlet color will add fire, sparks and vitality to clothes. No wonder red, white, blue symbolize a firm position, perseverance, strength and steadfastness. Please note that such a tricolor is present on the flag of Russia, France and many other countries.

White and green

White and green represent the pristine beauty of nature. This combination can often be found in the spring, when the first leaves break through the snow. The duet of green and white reminds us of strength, revived beauty, and health. In the interior, this is a great option for those rooms in which you need to calm down and tune in to work. Since green is the best option for the eyes, it will help relieve nervous tension and give a little joy. In turn, white visually expands the space, which means that such a room will certainly not be cramped.

Girls who prefer such tones in clothes are wonderful mothers and caring wives. They combine childish spontaneity and seriousness. They will not waste words on the wind, but when you need to be liberated, you will be surprised how romantic and feminine they are.


We looked at what colors go with white. Now you know that the best monochrome compositions are made with black, red, blue and green. But white is a universal color, and it will solemnly look with any shade of pastel colors, emphasize the saturation of warm colors and complement the cold range with sophistication.

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At any time of the year, you want to look beautiful, bright and stylish, but sometimes it can be difficult to find the perfect color combinations in clothes. But the appearance is the key to success. For such a case website prepared for you mini-tips that will help you find the right look and guide you on how to choose the right colors in clothes.


If you wear red, be prepared for increased attention: this is the color for self-confident people. A real classic is the combination of black and red. Choose things so that the colors are represented by large blocks of color. For example, combine a black and white dress with black tights and a red coat.


Feel free to combine pastel shades: this year their time is coming. The world-famous Pantone Institute has named two colors of the year for 2016: Rose Quartz and Pale Lavender. The coming spring will be gentle and sentimental!


White goes well with all other colors. It looks especially advantageous with blue, red and black. To create a casual look, pay attention to the beautiful combination of white with sand or brown. Such discreet colors will look great in a business style.


For a long time, the combination of denim in different colors was banned, but now it is regularly found in street photos from all fashion weeks. Don't be afraid to pair denim. The main rule: the shades should not match. For example, wear a light-colored shirt and dark blue jeans.

Marine theme

Coco Chanel was the first to wear a sailor suit in the 30s of the last century. The navy blue stripe is still considered one of the most stylish prints. The color scheme of the marine theme includes blue, white, black and red. To create a sophisticated look, designers advise adding gold accessories.


Mustard blends perfectly with brown, chocolate, woody, beige, yellow. Also, to create a classic look, it can be combined with basic colors: white and black.


The incredibly beautiful color of Marsala is named after the Sicilian wine. This wine shade is easily combined with many other colors. It is best combined with classic: black, white, gray. Marsala can also be mixed with beige, milk, coffee.

Understanding the modern world of fashion is becoming more and more difficult, collections and fashion trends are changing rapidly, unknown and new names of designers are constantly appearing. It can be extremely difficult for a simple person to navigate in a huge selection of clothes, to choose a really worthwhile thing. Then purely classic things and colors come to the rescue. They were called classics not in vain, because they will always be considered fashionable.

classic colors

These classic colors can be called time-tested. They are present in any collections and are also relevant regardless of time. Timelessly classic colors like white and black will always look easy and beautiful. Beige belongs to neutral shades, it will go well with other colors and is suitable for those who do not like sharp contrasts in clothes.

A lot depends on what outfits we wear and choose. Clothing as well as its color creates our image, which is perceived by others and affects our success in the team, among partners. Therefore, reputable firms have long introduced clothing rules, the so-called dress code.

Psychologists believe that black clothes will add solidity to your image, allowing you to look with dignity. Black color will give you confidence, and your words will be quite convincing. White color is considered to be a symbol of celebration and solemnity, relieves nervous tension, fatigue, cheers up and makes your image fresher. Beige is a soothing color that helps inspire confidence, eliminate aggression and relax.

White and black are in fashion

White and black color is suitable not only for the office, but also looks good on holidays and various events. A classic example is a small, black dress, which was created back in the twenties of the last century. To create an elegant, strict, but at the same time sexy look, you can add a white accessory or jewelry to a black dress.

Women love these colors for a reason. It is believed that thanks to the black color, you can hide the flaws of the figure, and it will look more slender. With black, you can combine any color and accessories. Also, white color will be combined with any shades and is suitable for all women. Thanks to the beige color, your image will turn out to be more feminine and touching.

Many consider gray to be boring. No wonder the epithet "gray" is often used in the meaning of "dull", "gloomy", "nothing outstanding." But in fact, the gray color in clothes is a universal trend that is a classic of fashion.

Gray is an intermediate option between the two monochrome colors black and white. It is for this reason that this color is often chosen by people who are distinguished by a balanced character, stability. They are not prone to eccentricity, they think well about their actions and decisions.

However, excessive addiction to gray, according to psychologists, may indicate moral fatigue, internal burnout.

Color in fashion history

The opinion that gray is boring comes from the depths of centuries. Natural homespun cloths are gray or gray-brown in color. This is the cheapest material from which clothes for poor people were sewn. It was because of this that the expression “gray mass” was born, that is, a lot of people who are no different from each other.

However, over time, the aristocrats also realized what the beauty of gray is. In the era of the late Renaissance, all the nobility dressed up in gray, the most expensive fabrics had this color - velvet, brocade, etc.

Since then, the gray color has firmly become fashionable and has never lost its position. He could temporarily "go into the shadows", but never completely disappeared from the catwalks.

The famous Mademoiselle Chanel also appreciated different shades of gray; gray tweed suits occupied a prominent place in her collections. Bowed before the nobility of gray shades and other famous fashion designers. Christian Dior, Paco Rabanne, André Courrège used this color for their models.

In modern fashion, gray is present in clothes of any style. But it is especially popular in the collections of the autumn-winter season.

Who suits?

Since gray is a mixture of white and black, it is simply impossible to list all the shades of this color. The more black it has, the darker it is. And if white prevails, then gray can be very light. Therefore, this color goes to everyone, without exception, you just need to choose the right shade.

Owners of a “cool” color type (“winter or “summer”) will be more decorated with cold shades of gray - steel, lead, graphite. For those who have warm tones in their appearance, it is recommended to choose softer shades of gray - pewter, silver.

Choosing the right tone of clothes is quite simple: you just need to bring the item to your face. A suitable shade “highlights” the face, and an inappropriate one makes it faded.

Full girls need to carefully choose gray clothes. They should give preference to darker shades of this color, and choose fabrics with vertical stripes. In addition, in the presence of extra pounds, monochrome in clothes is not recommended; ladies in the body should better “dilute” the gray color a little.

We combine

Gray color in clothes can be used as a base or as an addition to another base tone. Combining shades of gray with other tones is easy, they go well with all colors without exception.

The most successful combinations should be recognized as combinations of gray:

  • With white. This is a classic that is always relevant. Regardless of the shades used, the combination will always be harmonious.

  • With black. This is also a classic combination, but it looks gloomy, so stylists advise adding another color to this combination.
  • With blue or blue. An elegant combination, which, depending on the shades used, can be both strict and very bright, festive.

  • With shades of yellow. Togo grays work best with soothing shades of yellow, but when creating a youthful look, sunny shades can also be used.
  • With pink. This is a great combination, you can use different shades of pink for combination, from the lightest to the most saturated.

  • With red. This is a very harmonious combination, as gray "mutes" the festivity of red, and red, on the contrary, enlivens calm gray.
  • with green. This is a harmonious combination, but only if a saturated green is chosen, otherwise the gray will “muffle” it.

  • with purple. When combining gray with purple, it is better to give preference to light shades of both colors. When using dark ones, the image may turn out to be too gloomy.
  • with brown. The combination is ambiguous. On the one hand, brown makes the image more “warm”. On the other hand, the already dull gray becomes even more inconspicuous. To achieve a successful combination, it is worth using colors of different tones. That is, combine dark brown with light gray or vice versa.

  • With beige. The combination of two neutral shades will not look boring if you use bright accessories.

fashion images

Using gray clothes, you can create not only everyday and business images. This color is also suitable for evening dresses.

business image

Gray is often used in office wear, as it is associated with seriousness, efficiency and moderation. But to liven up the image a little, it is worth using a combination of colors. A win-win solution would be a combination of gray with white and black. Interesting sets can be made using things in gray, but in different shades.

A classic office look consists of a gray pencil skirt and a white fitted shirt. You can complement the ensemble with a marengo-colored jacket, black shoes and a watch on a black leather strap.

Pastel colored blouses can be used to create a more casual look.

Another classic combination for creating a business look is gray plus blue. Options are possible here, gray can act as a base color, or as an addition to blue.

Everyday looks

Gray is a practical color, so it is often used to create everyday bows. To revitalize the images, you should use bright accessories. For example, a gray dress can be complemented with a red belt, and a lilac sweater can be matched with a gray skirt.

A gray coat will not seem uninteresting if you pair it with an orange scarf and black gloves. The use of bright accessories will allow you to demonstrate your individuality.

Evening looks

Gray is perfect for evening dresses. A gray evening dress looks noble and sophisticated, especially if you complement it with the right accessories. So, a steel-colored sheath dress will “sound” completely differently if you match it with silver-colored sandals and use vintage-style jewelry.

An interesting evening look can be created by choosing fuchsia-colored accessories for a gray dress. You can do the opposite: pick up an elegant gray jacket or bolero for a pink dress.

A gray evening dress looks luxurious, in which the bodice and sleeves are made of lace, and the freely flowing skirt is made of chiffon. A similar dress was featured in the Elie Saab collection.

Only gray

Interesting images can be created in one color. In order not to look like a “gray mouse”, you need to use different shades of gray and fabrics of different textures. For example, trousers made of gray fabric with a touch of metallic will be complemented with a fluffy short sweater in light gray. Complete the ensemble with taupe sandals and a small bag with a shoulder strap.

When creating monochrome images, you can also use printed fabrics., for example, with a pattern that imitates the skin of reptiles. This outfit looks awesome. For more discreet looks, you can use striped or polka dot fabrics.

Makeup and accessories

Decorations for gray clothes fit a variety of. For a classic outfit, a string of pearls is suitable; when creating a youth look, you can use bright jewelry.

Choice of stars

Gray color is universal, so it is often used for evening dresses. For example, the star of "Game of Thrones" Sophia Turner chose a laconic silver-gray evening dress to walk the red carpet at the Oscars. In combination with the fiery red hair of the actress, the outfit looks very impressive.