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Shuffling diet. Kim Protasov's diet: description by week. Puff "Tomato-Cheese Salad"

Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov in 1999 for the first time published the principles of a revolutionary diet at that time, in which he rejected many generally accepted postulates of all diets in general.

The witty nutritionist provided his publication with a well-aimed comment "A skinny cow is not yet a gazelle" , and with a request - not to make a cult of food, which immediately disposed a large audience to this food system who want to lose weight - but doing it comfortably.

The principles of the Protasov diet and its features

Since the advent of the diet from specialist Kim Protasov, its advantages and numerous advantages have been noted and losing weight themselves, and nutritionists around the world.

Later we will go through in detail all the positive aspects of this power system, and now let's talk about its essence.

  • So, the basis of Kim Protasov's diet is a light and tasty diet. predominantly from vegetables and dairy products.
  • The revolutionary nature of Kim Protasov’s diet is that instead of severe dietary restrictions that almost all diets require from those who want to lose weight, this nutrition system calls for do not deny yourself food. That is, nutritionist Kim Protasov, implementing the principle “What else to eat to lose weight!” Allows you to eat as much as you want, at any time of the day or even night.
  • But the diet of Kim Protasov's diet, of course, regulates list of allowed products.
  • is designed for 5 weeks and contains four main periods, each of which has its own set of specially selected products for compiling a diet for losing weight.
  • If the Protasov diet is followed correctly, then the approximate daily caloric content of the diet will be no more than 1200 - 1500 kcal.
  • By the way, Kim Protasov's diet will be good not only for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but also for those people who advocate healthy eating.

We are modern people, and we do not believe in a fairy tale about what is possible: eat what you like and lose weight. There must be a diet secret that allows you to start the mechanism of losing weight in the body, getting rid of fat.

In the diet of Kim Protasov this mechanism is dietary fiber in combination with complete proteins products that contribute not only to cleansing the intestines, but also normalize the level of sugar in human blood, quench the insatiable appetite during this diet, significantly reduce cravings for sweet, fatty and floury foods.

The body is saturated with amino acids, energy, which has a positive effect on the state of muscle muscles, all organs and systems, and the absorption of fat deposits. Dietary fiber has bulk, and therefore it reduces appetite and gives a feeling of satiety.

In his nutrition system, Kim Protasov strongly recommends stop eating salt - this allows you to eliminate swelling, improves the general condition of a person, gives a feeling of lightness.

What products does the menu consist of?

Products that mainly make up the diet of Kim Protasov's diet:

  • Fresh vegetables - eggplant, carrots, beets, sweet peppers, herbs, cucumbers, zucchini, onions, radishes, garlic, turnips, tomatoes.
  • Fresh juices from vegetables (not canned).
  • Lean meat - chicken, beef, veal.
  • Fish and seafood.
  • Cottage cheese 1-3% fat.
  • Kefir, yogurt, milk, fermented baked milk, cheeses with a low percentage of fat (but not fat-free).
  • Fresh apples (green).
  • Coffee Tea.
  • Non-carbonated drinking water - at least two liters per day.

Menu for weeks in the diet of Kim Protasov:

In any week of the diet, you can eat yogurt (up to 5% fat), hard cheese and raw vegetables every day - as much as you want.

  • 1 week diet - start

During this period you can eat mashed raw vegetables (any), or vegetable sandwiches (without bread) with thin slices of cheese. You can also eat one boiled egg per day. From fruits in the first week you can eat green apples - no more than three per day.

For 1 week of the diet, you need to drink water without gas - up to 2 liters daily, as well as unsweetened tea and coffee in unlimited quantities.

  • 2 week diet - continued

This week meal plan - the same as in the first week . As the body begins to get used to such a diet, you can abandon the daily boiled egg and reduce the number of pieces of cheese on the menu.

You should pay attention to your physical activity - the lightness that has appeared in the body will contribute to sports, and kilograms of excess weight will go away much more actively.

  • Week 3 - meat on the menu

To your old menu, you can add 300 grams of poultry, fish or lean meat daily , boiled or fried without oil. Due to the fact that the protein will now come with meat, you should reduce the amount of yogurt and cheese eaten daily.

  • 4 and 5 weeks of the diet - we fix the result

Meals at 4 and 5 weeks - in the same way as in the third . In this period, it is necessary to diversify the menu due to the most diverse combinations of allowed vegetables, meats, poultry, and fish. Dishes should be prepared in a variety of ways so that the diet is enjoyable and does not feel monotonous.

Menu for 7 days

When compiling the menu, you should use the lists of allowed products.


1st Breakfast. 120 gr. low-fat cottage cheese, 1 apple, a glass of water or unsweetened tea.
2nd Breakfast. Kiwi, 1 boiled egg.
Dinner. Chicken broth soup, cucumber and tomato salad, 1 bell pepper, tea.
Dinner. Baked eggplant with garlic sauce, herbal or green tea.


1st Breakfast. Greek salad, baked apple, herbal tea or coffee.
2nd Breakfast. Yogurt, some curd.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes and hard cheese, 200 ml of freshly squeezed tomato juice.
Dinner. Cottage cheese pancakes, kefir.


1st Breakfast. Hercules porridge without sugar and milk, 1 boiled egg, herbal or green tea.
2nd Breakfast. Kefir cocktail with cucumber or apple.
Dinner. Soup with celery, carrots and herbs, or fish soup. Green tea.
Dinner. Whole-grain bread with stewed eggplant (eggplant, carrot, grated hard cheese).


1st Breakfast. Cucumber and tomato salad.
2nd Breakfast. Cottage cheese pancakes with cinnamon, freshly squeezed apple juice.
Dinner. Okroshka with cauliflower without meat and without potatoes, carrot salad with garlic and sour cream, herbal tea or unsweetened coffee.
Dinner. Boiled chicken, coleslaw with apple, seasoned with kefir, green tea.


1st Breakfast. Cottage cheese casserole, kefir or ryazhenka.
2nd Breakfast. Vegetable salad with apple, dressed with lemon juice.
Dinner. Cold vegetable soup (such as gazpacho), green tea, or freshly squeezed tomato juice.
Dinner. Vegetable salad dressed with cottage cheese, an apple, a glass of water.


1st Breakfast. Tomato and sweet pepper salad, yogurt.
2nd Breakfast. Apple-carrot juice, apple.
Dinner. 200 gr. baked fish fillet, vegetable salad, unsweetened tea or coffee.
Dinner. Zucchini and hard cheese casserole, tomato, green tea or water.


1st Breakfast. Spinach omelette, unsweetened coffee or tea.
2nd Breakfast. Applesauce with cottage cheese.
Dinner. Vegetable salad with shrimps or chopped chicken cutlets, fermented baked milk.
Dinner. Carrot, apple and pumpkin salad, yogurt, unsweetened green or herbal tea.

Benefits and benefits of losing weight

The main advantages of the Protasov diet:

  • The nutrition system of Kim Protasov does not limit the amount of food taken daily, and also does not have a strict time frame for eating - you can eat even at night if you really want to - but only the foods specified in the diet.
  • Kim Protasov's diet is based on products available to everyone and does not have expensive or inaccessible menu items.
  • Protasov's diet is out of season - it can be followed both in summer and in winter.
  • Kim Protasov's diet is able to normalize metabolism. It favorably affects the activity of the pancreas, excretory, digestive, cardiovascular and endocrine systems.
  • Despite the fact that the amount of food is not limited to a diet, it is impossible to overeat on it, due to the “lightness” of dishes, the abundance of fiber and protein.
  • A large amount of protein in the diet menu helps to eliminate excess fat from the body. In combination with physical activity, protein in the diet menu helps to increase muscle tone.
  • The Protasov diet does not prohibit eating fats, it only limits their amount. The predominant milk fat in this diet provides the body with conjugated linoleic acid, which helps to burn other fats and turn them into energy.
  • On the Protasov diet, intestinal work is getting better even in those people who suffer from chronic constipation.
  • The diet of the Protasov diet contains a normal amount of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
  • The results of the diet remain for a long time.

Photo of the results of the Protasov diet:

Disadvantages and harm to the body

Let's analyze the main disadvantages of the Protasov diet:

  • The main disadvantage of Kim Protasov's diet is the diet of the first two weeks, which is based on the use of exclusively raw vegetables and foods without cooking - cheese, yogurt. If it is winter outside, keeping such a diet becomes a little more difficult than in summer - this must be taken into account.
  • Not everywhere you can find cheeses with a fat content of 5%. But you can replace such cheese in the menu with granular or pressed cottage cheese of identical fat content, homemade cheese (but not salted cheese!).
  • Kim Protasov's diet does not include the use of yogurt and cottage cheese with fruits - these products should be consumed in their natural form, without fruits and sugar.
  • On the diet of Kim Protasov, you can’t eat monotonous dishes, the same foods, vegetables. It is necessary to diversify the diet from allowed products as much as possible - today you can find a huge number of recipes for delicious dishes on the diet of Kim Protasov on the Internet.

To whom is Kim Protasov's diet contraindicated?

  • People who are allergic to milk and dairy products, lactose intolerant in dairy products.
  • Allergy sensitive to allowed vegetables and fruits.
  • People with gastritis with high acidity.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • People with hypertension, heart failure, serious kidney disease, vascular pathologies can follow a diet, but after the permission of the attending physician and with a limit on the amount of fluid you drink daily.
  • People with metabolic disorders should not start a diet on their own - you should first consult with your doctor.

We remind you that consulting a doctor before starting this and any other diet will not hurt people who consider themselves completely healthy- change your diet and your health should be treated very reasonably!

Exit from the diet of Kim Protasov should be very slow , thoughtful. You can not immediately pounce on foods rich in carbohydrates and fats - entry into a normal diet should be done gradually.

It is worth noting that most people who have followed the Kim Protasov diet are happy to adhere to the basic principles of nutrition for this system and further, no longer being on a diet.

The authoritative opinion of doctors and nutritionists about the diet of Kim Protasov:

Nutritionist Mark Anatolyevich:

Although the Kim Protasov diet can be equally successfully observed both in the warm and in the cold season, I recommend that my patients adhere to this nutrition system in the summer. The fact is that vegetables make up most of the Protasov diet - and in the summer they contain much more vitamins and minerals, therefore, they are more useful.
If we talk about the Protasov diet in general, it is the most balanced of all popular diets, so I often recommend that my patients adhere to this nutrition system - both for weight loss and simply for healing the body.

Gastroenterologist Vera Sergeevna:

Very often I observe patients who have tried one or more diets for weight loss and, unfortunately, have the sad consequences of a rash approach to them. It must be borne in mind that Kim Protasov's diet menu contains many foods rich in fiber and protein - and this sometimes leads to increased gas formation, flatulence and stool problems. If such a diet is observed for a longer time than the diet recommends, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and stomach may occur.
In order not to experience problems with increased gas formation during the Protasov diet, I recommend eating smaller portions, but much more often. You should also reconsider your diet in favor of foods containing less fiber - these are pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, cauliflower.

Therapist Inna Ignatievna:

It should be borne in mind that fiber, which is very abundant in the diet of Kim Protasov's diet, can interact with certain drugs. If you are forced to take any drugs, you should consult with your doctor before starting this diet.

Nutritionist Maria Valerievna:

Very often I come across such patients who, burning with the desire to lose weight quickly, begin to combine the Kim Protasov diet with other methods - for example, taking any weight loss products, special teas. I absolutely do not recommend doing this!
The thing is that such drugs stimulate the excretion of water from the body, not fat. As a result, a person really loses weight - but not due to the loss of fat mass, as you understand. When the medication is over, these lost liters will easily return again.
The loss of fat mass is a very long and gradual matter. Therefore, you need to be patient and not expect quick results.

The diet lasts 5 weeks. The main weight loss occurs in the last 2 weeks. The exit from the diet lasts 5 weeks.

The amount of food is not limited, you will not feel hungry, you can eat whenever you want and as much as you want.

The essence of the diet is to limit carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index, as a result of which the pancreas normalizes, and cravings for sweets are suppressed.

Protein during the diet is guaranteed by dairy products and eggs.

Fat is organic in the Protasov diet.

In the first two weeks of the diet, it is forbidden to eat meat so that the body cleanses itself as much as possible on raw vegetables and begins an active start to losing weight.

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The basics of the Protasov diet (Bashing)

  • Duration: 5 weeks + 5 weeks for proper exit.
  • The content of a large amount of fiber and proteins in the diet;
  • Reduction of fats and carbohydrates consumed per day.
  • The basis of the diet: raw vegetables, 5% cheese and dairy products, green apples, lean meat and fish (from day 15), tea and coffee without sugar, water.
  • Daily calorie intake of at least 1200-1500 kcal.
  • Efficiency: weight loss from 5 kg.
  • Contraindications: there are no contraindications for healthy people, otherwise, consult a doctor. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor. Children should not go on a diet without doctor's advice.
  • Recommended frequency: no more than 1 time per year.
  • Additional benefits: body cleansing, detoxification, reduced cravings for sugar and sweets, normalization of digestion.

The history of the diet

A description of this diet appeared on the pages of the weekly Israeli newspaper Russian Israelite, which was popular in the late 90s. The article came out with a quote titleOstap Bender“Do not make a cult out of food: a thin cow is not yet a gazelle” , the author of this article, where there was a description of the diet, was indicated - Kim Protasov, who positions himself as a nutritionist. The essence of the method of losing weight described by him was distinguished by ease of use in comparison with other diets. He criticized long and "starvation" diets, which contribute to health problems, and the results of such diets are not durable.

Kim Protasov divided his diet into stages by weeks in such a way that the process of losing weight was 5 weeks and consolidating the result for another 5 weeks. Completely Protasovskaya diet lasts - 10 weeks, during which there is no hunger and other uncomfortable phenomena.

Readers of the publication "Russian Israeli" took Kim Protasov's article as a call to action and began testing a new way to lose weight. For most of them, the process of losing weight proceeded in accordance with the description of the author and ended very successfully. After that, the Protasov diet gained a lot of followers.

Later it turned out that “Kim Protasov” is a pseudonym that was sometimes used by (daughter of the Soviet screenwriter and director Genrikh Oganesyan). She led the culinary column in the Russian Israeli publication. It was she who in 1999 published a diet that became known as the Kim Protasov or Protasovka diet. In 2013, Ganna Slutsky discovered “her own diet” in the ranking in second place after the Dukan diet, after which she shared the creation story on a page on a social network.

Principles and Rules of Brawl

Kim Protasov's diet is one of the simplest weight loss systems. The menu of the first week is very simple, you can make it quite diverse if you think over the recipes in advance.

The first, second week of the Protasov diet

  • Raw vegetables. All vegetables should be eaten raw.
  • Raw milk and fermented milk products up to 5% fat content: cottage cheese, cheese (meaning grained cheese or grained cottage cheese), yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk. It is advisable to choose exactly 5%, and not fat-free foods.
  • Boiled egg - 1 piece per day.
  • Spices, salt.

Third, fourth, fifth weeks

  • Boiled egg - 1 piece per day.
  • Green apple - 3 pieces per day.
  • Vegetables, dairy products 5% fat.
  • 300 grams per day of lean meat (chicken, beef, turkey) or fish (meaning the weight of the raw product). Cooked meat or fish should be without oil: baked in foil, steamed, stewed or boiled.
  • Slightly reduce the amount of cheese and yogurt consumed.

General for the entire course of weight loss

  • The number of products and the time of meals is not limited.
  • Be sure to drink during the day2 liters of water. Tea, coffee can be drunk in any quantity (without sugar), but it is better to give preference to green tea. For a more accurate calculation of the amount of water, use the formula:

0.03 x weight (kg) = liters per day

  • You should not feel hungry, so you need to eat on:

1400 1500 calories per day.

  • Quantity vegetablesshould be70% from your daily diet.
  • The first three days of a diet are always the hardest. You just need to “endure” them, so there are changes in nutrition. Your body gets used to doing without sugar and other favorite foods.

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Approved Products

    • Natural yoghurts without sugar, thickeners and fruit additives.
    • Ryazhenka, curdled milk, katyk, varenets, kefir, sourdough - all 5% fat.
    • Soft, grained or traditional cottage cheese.
    • Unsalted cheese, better homemade.
    • Fermented milk products can be subjected to heat treatment - frozen, boiled, made casseroles, etc.

Meat, poultry and fish.

    • Meat should be lean: turkey, beef, chicken (lean parts and no skin).
    • Seafood.
    • Fish caviar can be included in the menu from the 15th day.
    • Low-fat fish. Any white fish.

Heat treatment of meat or fish is required. You can stew and fry without oil, bake in the oven, on the grill, on coals, boil in water and steam or cook in a slow cooker.

    • Apples greencolors - 3 pieces per day.
    • Raw non-starchy vegetables and herbs - in any quantities and combinations.
    • All kinds of cabbage. Cucumbers, radishes, peppers, asparagus, garlic, zucchini, pumpkin, (petioles), wild garlic.
    • Greens: onions (bulb, leek, chives, trampoline, shallots, green feathers); lettuce and all leafy salads; sorrel; turnip tops and edible tops of other vegetables; leaf beet (chard); parsley; spinach; basil and other table herbs.
    • Horseradish roots, ginger, celery (not pickled!).
    • Raw medium-starchy vegetables are allowed to a limited extent.
    • Carrots, beets, soy sprouts, turnips, eggplants.
    • Frozen vegetables are heat-treated - they should not be consumed!
    • Nori and other seaweeds, sea kale.
    • Allowed raw, fried without oil, dried (natural drying).
    • One egg per day. Heat treatment is required (boiled, fried without oil, poached).
    • Coffee and tea without restrictions, but without sugar, sweeteners, milk, cream, fruits and berries. The exception is lemon or lime juice.
    • Freshly squeezed juices from apples, tomatoes and other vegetables.
    • Juices only homemade! Purchased packaged juices contain sugar - they are prohibited!
    • Lime or lemon juice (but not acid) for dressing vegetables and adding to drinks.
    • Herbal decoctions and infusions.
    • Seasonings.
    • Mustard powder, cinnamon, vanillin (pure powder), natural spices and herbs, dried bell pepper.
    • Multivitamins are needed to maintain the balance of the body during the diet.

Wholly or partially restricted products (prohibited products)

      • Alcohol
      • Any canned food, incl. homemade
      • Dried, salted, pickled products, smoked meats
      • All types of sugar and its substitutes
      • Sausages
      • Crab sticks
      • Any vinegar
      • Store-bought, including Korean salads, which include Korean carrots, asparagus, etc.
      • Vegetable, meat and fish broths
      • Soybeans and all soy products
      • Anything that contains gelatin
      • Packaged juices
      • Milk
      • Dairy products with fruits, sweeteners, muesli and other additives
      • Watermelon, avocado, cereals, beans
      • Gelatin, agar-agar and other gelling agents
      • Cocoa
      • Mushrooms
      • Dietary supplements, except for vitamin complexes

When to start a diet

Women should start the Protasov diet after the end of menstruation. You must be healthy, as a diet is always stressful for the body.

Kim Protasov's diet menu by week

So, consider the menu for 5 weeks.

First step. 1st and 2nd weeks.

The first two weeks of the menu consists of raw vegetables and dairy products 5% fat, 1 boiled egg and 3 apples a day.

Try to eat 4-5 meals a day. This is necessary so that your body does not feel hunger. The number of raw vegetables you eat per day should be at least 1.2 kg and 400-500 grams of fermented milk products up to 5% fat. The ratio of vegetables and sour-milk food per day is 70/30.

Vegetables should be eaten only in raw form (it can be salads or smoothies). Fermented milk products can be cooked hot dishes, such as cheesecakes (without flour) or cottage cheese casserole.

Be sure to consume one chicken egg per day or 5 quail eggs - boiled, fried without oil, and also poached.

Apples will replace your sweets. 3 green apples are allowed. They can be eaten raw or baked in the microwave (oven).

Second phase. 3rd - 5th weeks.

This stage starts from the third week and lasts 21 days. Meat dishes are added to the original menu.

From weeks 3 to 5, lean meat and / or fish in the amount of 300 grams (raw product) is introduced into the daily menu. It is required to choose lean, not fatty meat or fish.

It is allowed to cook steamed dishes from the selected meat product, using cooking and baking without oil, and you can eat them at one time or as an ingredient in other meals.

At this stage, apples and eggs are consumed according to the usual pattern, but the amount of fermented milk products should be reduced by approximately 1/3.

In order to make it easier to start losing weight on the Protasov diet, consider a sample menu by day.

Sample menu for the day

➤ Sample menu for the day of the first week

  • Breakfast options to choose from:
    • Cheesecakes in the oven, a glass of kefir.
    • Cheese with cucumber, baked apple, a cup of coffee.
    • Cottage cheese with cinnamon, a glass of kefir.
    • Boiled egg, cottage cheese, yogurt.
    • Cottage cheese, yogurt, hot drink (tea, coffee)
  • Snack - options to choose from:
      • Apple, herbal tea.
      • Apple, a glass of yogurt.
      • Smoothies from apple and kefir.
      • Baked apple.
  • Lunch options to choose from:
    • Greek salad of cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and curd cheese, 200 ml of tomato juice.
    • Carrot, cabbage and apple salad, 1 boiled egg.
    • Grated beetroot salad with garlic, dressed with sour cream + 250 ml of tomato juice, egg.
    • Soup-puree of grated cucumbers with kefir and herbs.
    • Lithuanian cold borscht (beetroot, cucumber, lemon, dill)
  • Afternoon - options to choose from:
    • Yogurt, apple.
  • Dinner options to choose from:
    • Cottage cheese with grated apple, kefir.

Breakfast- a piece of unsalted cheese with cucumber, a baked apple, a cup of coffee.

Lunch- Beijing cabbage and onion salad seasoned with lemon juice.

Dinner- tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, beans (green beans) cut and mixed into a salad, a slice of yellow cheese, tomato juice.

afternoon tea- homemade cottage cheese with grated apple, any freshly squeezed juice.

Dinner- cold creamy broccoli soup (beat the boiled cabbage in a blender, adding salt and spices, then a spoonful of sour cream).

Protasov's diet recipes

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Natural yogurt.

Homemade yogurt is more convenient to make in a slow cooker or yogurt maker, but you can do without them.


  • milk 3.5% - 1 liter;
  • natural or thermostatic activia yogurt - 1 can or sourdough (can be bought at a pharmacy).

In a multicooker.

It is more convenient to do in glass jars of 200-250g. Pour milk into jars and add a spoonful of activia to each, then mix. Turn on the yogurt mode.
Easy cooking without appliances.

Heat milk to 40ºС (you can boil and then cool). Pour in the starter or activation and mix. Close the pan with a suitable lid, wrap it with a blanket and leave for 8-12 hours. Pour the finished yogurt into jars. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Salad sauce (mayonnaise)


  • natural yogurt up to 5% - 250 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc (or quail up to 5 pcs);
  • garlic;
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • basil or dill to taste;
  • salt/pepper to taste.


Grind the garlic and herbs, mix all the ingredients in a blender and cool in the refrigerator. Use the sauce as a dressing for vegetable salads, as well as for white fish or meat.

If desired, you can replace yogurt with thick kefir, as well as add cottage cheese.

Tomato salad with basil


  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 100 g low-fat cheese;
  • a bunch of basil;
  • Protasovsky mayonnaise (sauce) or yogurt.


Cut the tomatoes into slices. Finely chop the basil. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Mix ingredients. Fill with mayonnaise.



  • cucumber;
  • radish;
  • greens: green onions, dill, parsley;
  • egg;
  • kefir;
  • salt to taste.


Cut everything and season with kefir.

Lithuanian Pratosovsky borscht


  • cucumber;
  • Dill;
  • egg;
  • kefir;
  • beet;
  • lemon;
  • salt to taste.


Grate the beets and squeeze a little lemon juice on it - leave for 15 minutes to marinate. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens, chop the egg, you can grate. Add all the chopped ingredients to the beets and pour kefir.

Getting out of the diet

Kim Protasov's diet is not only a way to lose weight, but also an opportunity to instill healthy eating habits in yourself. Eat more vegetables and fiber. Do not eat often fried, fatty and do not overeat at all, but listen to your body. Try not to rush into “all serious”, let your exit from the diet be slow and thoughtful.

    • At 6 weekspart of the dairy products in the diet must be replaced with the same, but with less fat content or fat-free. In parallel with these changes, salads can already be seasoned with vegetable oils (in the beginning - no more than 3 teaspoons per day).
    • The amount of oil should be further reduced.if you started eating nuts or olives after the Protasov diet. In total, you should receive no more than 35 g of fat daily - you can calculate their amount using special tables:
    • At 7 weeksafter the start of the Protasov diet, from the three green apples that you consumed daily, two can be replaced with other fruits - but not a banana or dates. Unsweetened pears, plums, orange, as well as berries are suitable for replacement.
    • For breakfast, instead of vegetables, you can already eat oatmeal boiled in water. With porridge, you can also eat a few tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese or vegetable salad.
    • At 8 weeksfrom the beginning of the Kim Protasov diet, a small amount of dried fruits can be gradually added to the diet.
    • At 9 weeksadd boiled vegetables to the menu. Part of the dairy products in the daily diet can be replaced with a small amount of lean meat, chicken, fish.
    • From 10 weeksthe menu may already include low-fat broths and other dishes with a low content of carbohydrates and fats.
    • Experts recommend to everyone who followed the diet of Kim Protasov,within one or two months do not eat bread, bakery products, pasta, potatoes.


This diet is only suitable for healthy adults. If you do not have chronic diseases, then you can safely start using it. Be sure to monitor your condition and mood. The first 3-4 days the body will be rebuilt and some people will have a slight irritation. Diet should not affect your health negatively. Just always listen to your body.

For people with diseases, this diet is not suitable. Just contact a nutritionist who will select the food specifically for your case.

For children

Children should NOT use this food system. The diet of the child must be completely balanced, include a certain number of calories and the correct ratio .

During pregnancy and lactation

Dieting is stressful for the body. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also not go on a restrictive diet. Just calculate your KBJU and eat by compiling yourself

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Advantages and disadvantages

Positive points:

  1. There is no hunger.
  2. No need to count calories.
  3. You can eat whenever you want and as much as you want.
  4. In the summer it is easy to find inexpensive vegetables.
  5. After the diet, acquire healthy eating habits.

Negative points

  1. In winter it is difficult to find food. There are no inexpensive fresh vegetables.
  2. Only for healthy and adults.
  • Kim Protasov's diet is good to start in spring or summer, when there are a lot of vegetables.
  • Drink water as you wake up. It is also easier to drink water in the morning.
  • Start the diet when you are completely healthy. For women, it is better to start after the end of menstruation.
  • Make up your daily diet for the first week in advance, buy food and write down what you will cook.

Protasov calculator

How many kilograms can you lose weight on the Protasov diet? You can calculate the possible plumb line for 5 weeks using the formula:

Weight for 5 weeks (kg) = (ROV x QAF - UPC) / 100

ALE- basal metabolic rate [kcal / day], can be calculated using the new Harris-Benedict formula.

  • for women: BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in centimeters) - (4.330 x age in years)
  • for men: BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in centimeters) - (5.677 x age in years)

KAZH- coefficient of life activity, taken equal to:

1.2 - for a sedentary lifestyle;

1.4 - for the average level of activity;

1.5 - for an active lifestyle;

1.75 for extremely active.

UPC- daily caloric intake of food [kcal] that you are going to eat on a diet, for example, 1200 kcal, or 1500, or 1600 - any other number you like that you are able to provide or withstand. This refers to the average value for 35 days of the diet.

In the article we discuss the Protasov diet. You will get acquainted with the basic rules, features of the regimen, find out what foods are allowed to be consumed, how to cook dishes, what contraindications there are for it.

This diet is a special nutrition program for active weight loss, which was developed by Israeli nutritionist Kim Protasov in 1999.

Basic principles

The principles of nutrition according to the Protasov system:

  • nutrition according to a specific scheme, designed for 5 weeks;
  • reducing the consumption of fatty foods (animal and vegetable fats);
  • exclusion from the diet of fast (simple) carbohydrates - sugar, pastries, starch, pasta, etc .;
  • eating a lot of fiber and high-protein foods;
  • the use without restrictions of "allowed" vegetables;
  • mandatory exit lasting 5 weeks;
  • maintaining water-salt balance throughout the entire scheme - unlimited fluid intake throughout the day;
  • refusal of salt, carbonated, alcoholic beverages.


Diet Benefits:

  • getting rid of extra pounds in a short time;
  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • getting rid of toxins and toxins;
  • increased intestinal peristalsis, normalization of stool.

Description by week

The first is the daily consumption of unlimited fresh vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, sour-milk drinks or low-fat cheese, as well as no more than three apples, one boiled chicken egg per day.

Second, the list is saved.

Third, lean red meat, poultry, and fish are added to the daily diet - no more than 250-300 grams per day, and the consumption of sour-milk drinks and cheese is reduced by about a third.

Fourth, fifth - the list of the third week.


Diet features:

  • Drink at least 2 liters of fluid throughout the day. It can be pure drinking water, green or black tea without sugar and artificial sweeteners.
  • Cottage cheese, cheese should be no more than 5% fat.
  • Dairy, sour-milk products - no more than 1.5% fat, but it is better to choose low-fat products.
  • Yogurt should not contain additives in the form of berries, fruits, muesli, starch.
  • Vegetable oil use no more than 15 grams per day.
  • You can eat at any time of the day.
  • If you can’t find low-fat cheese on sale, then you can limit yourself to eating cottage cheese.
  • Eat vegetables mostly raw, you can also steam them or lightly boil them.
  • It is better to start eating according to the system in the harvest season - from mid-summer to early autumn, when you can buy ripe seasonal vegetables.

Approved Products

Below is a list of vegetables, fruits, and other foods that are allowed:

  • Vegetables: cucumbers, tomatoes, zucchini, radishes, white and red cabbage, carrots, bell peppers, eggplants, turnips, pumpkins, beets, celery, asparagus, leafy vegetables, herbs, as well as onions, garlic.
  • Freshly made vegetable juices or smoothies.
  • Of fruits, only green sour apples can be consumed.
  • Lean meats and eggs: chicken, turkey, veal, beef, rabbit, horse meat, chicken or quail eggs.
  • Fish and seafood: cod, river pike, pollock, flounder, tuna, chum salmon, river and sea perch, pike perch, scallop, shrimp, squid.
  • Low-fat dairy, sour-milk products: cottage cheese, cheese, yogurt, sour cream, kefir, fermented baked milk, skimmed milk.


Products that are prohibited:

  • Starchy vegetables - potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, celery root, parsley, etc.
  • Cereals, beans.
  • Dairy, sour-milk products with a fat content of more than 5%.
  • Soft types of cheeses, processed cheese.
  • Fatty meats - pork, lamb.
  • Meat and fish smoked products, sausages.
  • Fast food.
  • Pickles, marinades.
  • Butter, margarine.
  • Sugar, its substitutes.
  • Bakery, bakery, pasta.
  • Yeast.
  • Purchased concentrated vegetable, fruit juices, soft drinks.
  • Nuts, any snacks.
  • Alcoholic drinks.

Menu for every day

Below is a sample daily diet for each week. The ingredients in the dishes from this menu can be changed at your discretion, the main thing is that they comply with the list of allowed foods, the nutrition rules established for each week.

For the first

  • cottage cheese or cheese;
  • cucumber, tomato and radish salad dressed with sour cream;
  • 3 green apples;
  • zucchini and carrot spaghetti;
  • green tea or herbal tea.

For the second

  • yogurt or cottage cheese;
  • salad of raw beets, carrots, leafy vegetables with 1 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 3 green apples;
  • steamed zucchini and asparagus;
  • boiled chicken egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • green tea or herbal tea.

For the third

  • salad of leafy vegetables, celery, grated cheese;
  • yogurt or kefir;
  • boiled chicken or turkey fillet;
  • 3 green apples;
  • baked pumpkin;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fourth

  • cottage cheese;
  • salad of cucumbers, eggs with sour cream, herbs;
  • steamed fish with broccoli;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • 3 green apples;
  • green or herbal tea.

For the fifth

  • boiled egg - 1 pc. or 3 boiled quail eggs;
  • ryazhenka or kefir;
  • boiled beef with Chinese cabbage salad;
  • 3 green apples;
  • carrot or beet cutlets;
  • vegetable smoothies;
  • green or herbal tea.

How to cook fish

When following a dietary regimen, you should not eat foods fried in oil. Give preference to cooking meat, steamed fish. However, if you have a non-stick cookware that can be used for frying without oil, you can cook fish in it. Below is a recipe for frying fish.

You will need:

  1. cod fillet - 400 grams;
  2. onion - 1 pc.;
  3. carrots - 1 pc.;
  4. low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Wash, remove excess moisture from the fish fillet with a paper towel.
  2. Chop carrots, onions into thin rings.
  3. Heat the pan, put the fish on it.
  4. Add about 3 tablespoons of water to the pan, cover the fish with a lid, simmer for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Pour sour cream into the pan.
  6. Put onions and carrots on top of the fish, close the lid.
  7. Stew fish with vegetables until tender.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 71 kcal.

carrot cutlets

Carrot cutlets can be steamed or in a slow cooker. In order for the cutlets not to fall apart during cooking, you can add flaxseed flour to them, which does not contain fast carbohydrates and is rich in fiber.

You will need:

  1. carrots - 700 grams;
  2. skimmed milk - 100 ml;
  3. chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  4. flaxseed flour - 4 tbsp

How to cook:

  1. Wash, peel, grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  2. Add a raw egg, milk, flaxseed flour to the minced carrot, mix.
  3. Form cutlets of the required size with your hands.
  4. Carefully place the cutlets in the steamer bowl on the middle compartment.
  5. Cook cutlets for 15-20 minutes.


Calorie content per 100 grams of product - 59 kcal.


In order not to harm your health, to consolidate the results of weight loss, a gradual, competent exit from the diet is necessary.

Output circuit

  1. In the sixth week, it is necessary to maintain the same diet as in the fifth.
  2. From the beginning of the seventh week, add fruits to the diet. The exceptions are bananas, grapes, exotic fruits, dried fruits.
  3. During the eighth and ninth weeks, gradually add dried fruits to the daily diet, increase the number of meat dishes, and reduce the consumption of dairy products.
  4. From the beginning of the tenth week, eat broths or light vegetable soups, gradually, in small portions, introduce familiar dishes into the diet.


With strict observance of all the rules of nutrition and output, you can reduce weight by an average of 8-10 kilograms. Noticeable results are usually seen from the fourth week. In addition to weight loss, the diet helps to cleanse the body of toxins, tidy up the metabolism, increase intestinal motility and normalize stools.

Minus 10 kg.

For more active weight loss, fixing the result for a long time, you need to lead an active lifestyle - take walks, do morning exercises, do not sit at the computer for a long time. However, when you are following a dietary regimen, you should refrain from strenuous exercise in the fitness room.

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to bring to your attention one of the most effective diets. Its name, as usual, is in honor of the author. Mysterious author. But, the diet gives results, and for many this is the most important thing. And who invented it, how it happened, is another question. Protasov's diet - a detailed description and reviews, that's what we'll talk about today.

No one knows who is the author of the diet that has been worrying minds since the era of the USSR. There is a version that it was created by someone Kim Protasov. He published its principles in 1999 in one of the Russian-language Israeli newspapers. At that time, the article had a revolutionary effect, as it rejected the most important postulates of all known diets. In an ironic form, the author urged not to make a cult out of food. This approach has attracted the attention of many and the diet has gained a lot of followers.

But, no one knew anything about Mr. Protasov. But one day another article appeared. In it, a journalist from Israel said that she took a pseudonym in order to publish culinary recipes for a column in a newspaper. Ganna Hovhannisyan became Kim Protasov and, not knowing what to write about, she told in an article about diet. The source of information was Ganna's friend, who at that time ate exactly according to such a system.

Like every diet, the “shuffle” has its own individual characteristics:

  1. The basis of the diet in this diet is vegetables, as well as dairy products.
  2. The revolutionary thing here is that instead of starvation, the diet suggests not to deny yourself meals. You can eat as much as you want and when you want.
  3. There is a list of allowed products. We will discuss them a little later.
  4. The duration of the diet is five weeks and each week has its own principles. We will also talk about this in more detail.
  5. No salt - this is the recommendation of Kim Protasov. This rule avoids edema and improves the general condition of the body.
  6. The mechanism on which the method is based is that proteins cleanse the intestines and normalize blood sugar levels. This also helps reduce sugar cravings.

It should be noted that within five weeks the body receives amino acids and energy, which positively affects the muscles, all organs and promotes the absorption of fats.

Approved Products

Dairy products should be with a fat content of no more than 5%, but not fat-free. We buy natural sour milk - without sweeteners, dyes and starch.

Water balance- daily not less than two liters every day. This includes:

  • drinking non-carbonated water;
  • coffee and tea without sugar/sweeteners;
  • from freshly squeezed juices Not from fruits, but from vegetables.

Additionally, you can:

  • apples - only fresh and only green;
  • egg - 1 chicken or 4-5 quail per day.

Prohibited Products

Any alcohol is also prohibited.

Kim Protasov's diet - description by week

First week. At this stage, it is allowed to eat raw vegetables in any quantity. You can prepare vegetable puree, salads or smoothies. You can afford cheese and a boiled egg - only one a day. No more than three green apples during the day.

Eat according to the proportion: for every 30 g of sour milk, 70 grams of vegetables are allowed

Daily intake:

1400 g vegetables + 600 g dairy products + 1 egg + 3 fruits + 2 liters of water

Although the diet says that you can not eat thermally processed vegetables, I would recommend adding variety to the diet. With a large amount of raw vegetables, constipation, bloating, or exacerbation of gastritis may begin. Do you need this?

  • Instead of boiled eggs, make a low-milk omelet or steamed soufflé. In this form, eggs are more easily absorbed by the body. I know by myself that I can’t eat more than 1 boiled egg a day. But I love omelet with vegetables 🙂
  • Follow the 50/50 rule. Divide your daily allowance of vegetables. Eat half safely raw, steam the rest or bake in foil.
  • Cheese can be replaced with homemade cheese. She is less fat.
  • You can cook cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes in the oven, make homemade cottage cheese.

Second week. The food of the first week smoothly passes into the second. The body gradually gets used to the products and the regimen. You can give up eggs and reduce cheese consumption. Gradually, you can replace apples with other fruits (except mango, banana and avocado).

In the first 2 weeks, excess water will leave the body. This is about 2-3 kg. And then the weight can rise. And here you need to connect physical exercises. At least a simple walk. By the way, I wrote about that.

Third week. To the usual diet, you can add 300 grams of fish, lean meat and poultry. They can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed or fried, but without oil. You can do this with a non-stick coating.

The consumption rate formula has changed to:

1400 g vegetables + 300 g meat + 300 g sour milk + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water

This week, breakfast can be varied with oatmeal on the water. Pour one or two tablespoons of cereal with the required amount of boiling water. We leave to infuse for 15 minutes. And the oatmeal is ready. You can add healthy fruits.

Fourth week. All foods that could be cooked and eaten in the first, second and third week are transferred to the fourth. For a variety of diet for every day, you should combine different combinations. For example, vegetables and fish or meat and vegetables.

Fifth week. The diet ends with a week, during which you can consume absolutely all products from the allowed list.

Menu for every day

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the sample menu for the week. You can use my suggestions or make your own menu. Focusing on the first week, it will be easier for you to think over your diet for the entire period of the diet.


  • Breakfast: 120 grams of cottage cheese and a green apple.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower puree soup, Greek salad.
  • afternoon tea: One boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Zucchini and tomato casserole with garlic and herbs.


  • Breakfast: Green apple, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Soup with cabbage in chicken broth.
  • afternoon tea: Freshly squeezed carrot juice with celery.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese casserole, ryazhenka.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water, hard cheese.
  • Dinner: Arugula, cherry tomato and carrot salad.
  • afternoon tea: Kefir okroshka with cucumber and herbs.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower and broccoli stew with spices.


  • Breakfast: Cheesecakes, kefir.
  • Dinner: Soup puree from zucchini.
  • afternoon tea: Green apple.
  • Dinner: Salad with carrots and garlic, baked chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: Spinach, cucumber, green apple and water smoothie.
  • Dinner: Steamed fish with radish, cucumber, boiled egg and dill salad.
  • afternoon tea: Cottage cheese, ryazhenka.
  • Dinner: Baked eggplant stuffed with tomatoes, sweet peppers and cheese.


  • Breakfast: Tomato, pepper and cucumber salad.
  • Dinner: Gazpacho.
  • afternoon tea: Vegetable sandwiches (cheese slice, tomato, lettuce, cheese slice).
  • Dinner: Fish soup.


  • Breakfast: Omelet, coffee.
  • Dinner: Chicken cutlets, beet and garlic salad.
  • afternoon tea: Green apple puree.
  • Dinner: Pumpkin puree soup.

Getting out of the diet

The “exit” phase is no less important than the active five weeks of the diet itself. At this stage, the effect is consolidated. Gradually, it is time to return to where diversity and choice reign. Tips for a smooth transition to the usual diet:

  • Add vegetable oil when cooking vegetables. Better olive, linen or saffron. But, no more than three teaspoons in one day.
  • Replace green apples with other fruits of the same size. Just don't start with grapes and bananas. It can be a kiwi or an unsweetened pear.
  • For breakfast, cook cereals, but so far only on the water.
  • It's time for nuts. Don't use them right away. It's best to start with almonds.

All this must stretch for two weeks after five on a diet.

  • Replace dairy products with fish and meat.
  • Cook soups on stronger broths and introduce vegetables not only from the allowed list.
  • If you are not yet accustomed to such a diet and you are drawn to "forbidden" foods, try to wait. Within a month, do not include pasta, pastries, potatoes, and all prepared foods that contain white flour in your new diet.
  • Take snacks with you to work. good for that suitable cocktails for weight loss.

Many diet habits can be left as principles of healthy eating and try to stick to them as much as possible. For example, the rejection of sweet, flour and white flour

Diet Protasova - reviews and results

So that you make the right decision and understand what awaits you, I suggest that you read the reviews of those who have tried the diet on themselves. You will find out what the result is, as well as what the pros and cons are in practice.

Ksyusha: I am on the Protasov diet and so far I am satisfied with the results. They are already there and at what they are, which were not on any other diet. I'm in my second week. There is no desire to “break loose” and it is generally easy to cope when this approach is based. Recomend for everybody.

Jeanne: I made it through my five weeks. Passed easily. Lost almost 12 kg. For some reason, in the first weeks, the weight went away slowly, but in the last two weeks everything went smoothly and the arrows on the scales were very pleasing.

Irishka: I tried the diet twice and dropped 5 kg each. But, the exit from the diet did not go according to the rules. I broke down and the weight quickly returned.

Lera: It took me two days. Such severe hunger tormented me that I decided to quit the diet before I could start. From vegetables there is no feeling of satiety, and I do not like sour-milk products.

Anna: Little hot, which is detrimental to the stomach, especially in the cold period of time. I think you should watch the body's reaction. For some, the diet is suitable, but for some it is definitely not.


From the above, you have to draw your own conclusions. Because each of us is unique and each of us has a different reaction to diets and foods. There are advantages to “shuffling”, especially for lovers of dairy products and vegetables. There are cons, for those who cannot live without fried in oil or who cannot tolerate casein. My advice is to look for your diet, study the information and choose only your own for yourself.

By the way, I recently read that scientists have found out an interesting feature. It turns out that if you lose weight not alone, but with someone, then the result of weight loss is 50% higher. It turns out that the expression “together is easier” works. Therefore, we unite together against extra pounds and give them a fight back 🙂

And I say goodbye, dear readers! Share the article on social networks, take care of yourself and do not forget, before starting any diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. How will the results, write your feedback on the Protasov diet. Let's discuss together. See you soon! And in order not to miss the most important, for updates 🙂

Hello dear readers of my blog! Today I want to bring to your attention one of the most effective diets. Its name, as usual, is in honor of the author. Mysterious author. But, the diet gives results, and for many this is the most important thing. And who invented it, how it happened, is another question. Protasov's diet - a detailed description and reviews, that's what we'll talk about today.

No one knows who is the author of the diet that has been worrying minds since the era of the USSR. There is a version that it was created by someone Kim Protasov. He published its principles in 1999 in one of the Russian-language Israeli newspapers. At that time, the article had a revolutionary effect, as it rejected the most important postulates of all known diets. In an ironic form, the author urged not to make a cult out of food. This approach has attracted the attention of many and the diet has gained a lot of followers.

But, no one knew anything about Mr. Protasov. But one day another article appeared. In it, a journalist from Israel said that she took a pseudonym in order to publish culinary recipes for a column in a newspaper. Ganna Hovhannisyan became Kim Protasov and, not knowing what to write about, she told in an article about diet. The source of information was Ganna's friend, who at that time ate exactly according to such a system.

Like every diet, the “shuffle” has its own individual characteristics:

  1. The basis of the diet in this diet is vegetables, as well as dairy products.
  2. The revolutionary thing here is that instead of starvation, the diet suggests not to deny yourself meals. You can eat as much as you want and when you want.
  3. There is a list of allowed products. We will discuss them a little later.
  4. The duration of the diet is five weeks and each week has its own principles. We will also talk about this in more detail.
  5. No salt - this is the recommendation of Kim Protasov. This rule avoids edema and improves the general condition of the body.
  6. The mechanism on which the method is based is that proteins and fiber cleanse the intestines and normalize blood sugar levels. This reduces appetite and reduces cravings for sweets.

It should be noted that within five weeks the body receives amino acids and energy, which positively affects the muscles, all organs and promotes the absorption of fats.

Approved Products

Dairy products should be with a fat content of no more than 5%, but not fat-free. We buy natural sour milk - without sweeteners, dyes and starch.

Water balance- daily not less than two liters every day. This includes:

  • drinking non-carbonated water;
  • coffee and tea without sugar/sweeteners;
  • from freshly squeezed juices Not from fruits, but from vegetables.

Additionally, you can:

  • apples - only fresh and only green;
  • egg - 1 chicken or 4-5 quail per day.

Prohibited Products

Any alcohol is also prohibited.

Kim Protasov's diet - description by week

First week. At this stage, it is allowed to eat raw vegetables in any quantity. You can prepare vegetable puree, salads or smoothies. You can afford cheese and a boiled egg - only one a day. No more than three green apples during the day.

Eat according to the proportion: for every 30 g of sour milk, 70 grams of vegetables are allowed

Daily intake:

1400 g vegetables + 600 g dairy products + 1 egg + 3 fruits + 2 liters of water

Although the diet says that you can not eat thermally processed vegetables, I would recommend adding variety to the diet. With a large amount of raw vegetables, constipation, bloating, or exacerbation of gastritis may begin. Do you need this?

  • Instead of boiled eggs, make a low-milk omelet or steamed soufflé. In this form, eggs are more easily absorbed by the body. I know by myself that I can’t eat more than 1 boiled egg a day. But I love omelet with vegetables 🙂
  • Follow the 50/50 rule. Divide your daily allowance of vegetables. Eat half safely raw, steam the rest or bake in foil.
  • Cheese can be replaced with homemade cheese. She is less fat.
  • You can cook cottage cheese casseroles, cheesecakes in the oven, make homemade cottage cheese.

Second week. The food of the first week smoothly passes into the second. The body gradually gets used to the products and the regimen. You can give up eggs and reduce cheese consumption. Gradually, you can replace apples with other fruits (except mango, banana and avocado).

In the first 2 weeks, excess water will leave the body. This is about 2-3 kg. And then the weight can rise. And here you need to connect physical exercises. At least a simple walk. By the way, I wrote about how many calories are lost when walking.

Third week. To the usual diet, you can add 300 grams of fish, lean meat and poultry. They can be boiled, stewed, baked in the oven, steamed or fried, but without oil. You can do this in a non-stick grill pan.

The consumption rate formula has changed to:

1400 g vegetables + 300 g meat + 300 g sour milk + 1 egg + 3 apples + 2 liters of water

This week, breakfast can be varied with oatmeal on the water. Pour one or two tablespoons of cereal with the required amount of boiling water. We leave to infuse for 15 minutes. And the oatmeal is ready. You can add healthy fruits.

Fourth week. All foods that could be cooked and eaten in the first, second and third week are transferred to the fourth. For a variety of diet for every day, you should combine different combinations. For example, vegetables and fish or meat and vegetables.

Fifth week. The diet ends with a week, during which you can consume absolutely all products from the allowed list.

Menu for every day

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the sample menu for the week. You can use my suggestions or make your own menu. Focusing on the first week, it will be easier for you to think over your diet for the entire period of the diet.


  • Breakfast: 120 grams of cottage cheese and a green apple.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower puree soup, Greek salad.
  • afternoon tea: One boiled egg.
  • Dinner: Zucchini and tomato casserole with garlic and herbs.


  • Breakfast: Green apple, yogurt.
  • Dinner: Soup with cabbage in chicken broth.
  • afternoon tea: Freshly squeezed carrot juice with celery.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese casserole, ryazhenka.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal on the water, hard cheese.
  • Dinner: Arugula, cherry tomato and carrot salad.
  • afternoon tea: Kefir okroshka with cucumber and herbs.
  • Dinner: Cauliflower and broccoli stew with spices.


  • Breakfast: Cheesecakes, kefir.
  • Dinner: Soup puree from zucchini.
  • afternoon tea: Green apple.
  • Dinner: Salad with carrots and garlic, baked chicken breast.


  • Breakfast: Spinach, cucumber, green apple and water smoothie.
  • Dinner: Steamed fish with radish, cucumber, boiled egg and dill salad.
  • afternoon tea: Cottage cheese, ryazhenka.
  • Dinner: Baked eggplant stuffed with tomatoes, sweet peppers and cheese.


  • Breakfast: Tomato, pepper and cucumber salad.
  • Dinner: Gazpacho.
  • afternoon tea: Vegetable sandwiches (cheese slice, tomato, lettuce, cheese slice).
  • Dinner: Fish soup.


  • Breakfast: Omelet, coffee.
  • Dinner: Chicken cutlets, beet and garlic salad.
  • afternoon tea: Green apple puree.
  • Dinner: Pumpkin puree soup.

Getting out of the diet

The “exit” phase is no less important than the active five weeks of the diet itself. At this stage, the effect is consolidated. Gradually, it is time to return to where diversity and choice reign. Tips for a smooth transition to the usual diet:

  • Add vegetable oil when cooking vegetables. Better olive, linen or saffron. But, no more than three teaspoons in one day.
  • Replace green apples with other fruits of the same size. Just don't start with grapes and bananas. It can be a kiwi or an unsweetened pear.
  • For breakfast, cook cereals, but so far only on the water.
  • It's time for nuts. Don't use them right away. It's best to start with almonds.

All this must stretch for two weeks after five on a diet.

  • Replace dairy products with fish and meat.
  • Cook soups on stronger broths and introduce vegetables not only from the allowed list.
  • If you are not yet accustomed to such a diet and you are drawn to "forbidden" foods, try to wait. Within a month, do not include pasta, pastries, potatoes, and all prepared foods that contain white flour in your new diet.
  • Take snacks with you to work. good for that suitable cocktails for weight loss.

Many diet habits can be left as principles of healthy eating and try to stick to them as much as possible. For example, the rejection of sweet, flour and white flour

Diet Protasova - reviews and results

So that you make the right decision and understand what awaits you, I suggest that you read the reviews of those who have tried the diet on themselves. You will find out what the result is, as well as what the pros and cons are in practice.

Ksyusha: I am on the Protasov diet and so far I am satisfied with the results. They are already there and at what they are, which were not on any other diet. I'm in my second week. There is no desire to “break loose” and it is generally easy to cope when this approach is based. Recomend for everybody.

Jeanne: I made it through my five weeks. Passed easily. Lost almost 12 kg. For some reason, in the first weeks, the weight went away slowly, but in the last two weeks everything went smoothly and the arrows on the scales were very pleasing.

Irishka: I tried the diet twice and dropped 5 kg each. But, the exit from the diet did not go according to the rules. I broke down and the weight quickly returned.

Lera: It took me two days. Such severe hunger tormented me that I decided to quit the diet before I could start. From vegetables there is no feeling of satiety, and I do not like sour-milk products.

Anna: Little hot, which is detrimental to the stomach, especially in the cold period of time. I think you should watch the body's reaction. For some, the diet is suitable, but for some it is definitely not.


From the above, you have to draw your own conclusions. Because each of us is unique and each of us has a different reaction to diets and foods. There are advantages to “shuffling”, especially for lovers of dairy products and vegetables. There are cons, for those who cannot live without fried in oil or who cannot tolerate casein. My advice is to look for your diet, study the information and choose only your own for yourself.

By the way, I recently read that scientists have found out an interesting feature. It turns out that if you lose weight not alone, but with someone, then the result of weight loss is 50% higher. It turns out that the expression “together is easier” works. Therefore, we unite together against extra pounds and give them a fight back 🙂

And I say goodbye, dear readers! Share the article on social networks, take care of yourself and do not forget, before starting any diet, it is better to consult with your doctor. How will the results, write your feedback on the Protasov diet. Let's discuss together. See you soon! And in order not to miss the most important, subscribe to updates 🙂