
What should be eaten to gain weight for a man and a woman? Gotta get up. Protein diet for gaining muscle mass: menus and reviews Diet for building muscle mass menu

Proper nutrition for gaining muscle mass for men is especially important. Unfortunately, in the process, many make gross mistakes. Building big muscles is hard work and requires proper sports nutrition. Avoiding common mistakes will allow you to develop the right nutrition plan and achieve good results.

Principles of nutrition for gaining muscle mass

Diet and hunger is major mistake when building muscles. In fact, the body will look for sources of energy if calories are limited. In this case, muscle tissue is considered by the body as fuel and will provide energy from muscle protein. When nutrition is insufficient, it is impossible to build muscle mass. In addition, hunger will increase fat stores.

Protein- This is a macronutrient necessary for growth and. Without consuming enough protein, you can not count on the muscles of your dreams.

Carbohydrates are important macronutrients and major sources of energy. Carbohydrates provide the necessary energy for, as well as replenish muscle glycogen (energy storage). Lack of carbohydrates in the diet will reduce athletic performance.

healthy fats help boost metabolism and regulate hormone function. Exclusion of fats from the diet will not lead to weight gain and loss of subcutaneous fat.

The athlete's body needs healthy nutrition to function effectively. Physical activity will require even more calories.

To get beautiful muscles, in the diet for gaining muscle mass, you need to add proteins, slow carbohydrates, good fats and during the day.

Rule #1

Eat protein to maintain muscle mass. Protein is made up of amino acids that help repair muscles. A decrease in protein will mean the breakdown of muscle tissue. It is recommended to consume protein from 10 to 35% of daily calories.

Rule #2

Eat carbohydrates to keep your blood sugar levels up throughout the day. Consumption of quality carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and grains is essential for muscle growth and fat reduction. Healthy carbohydrates provide fuel for hard workouts. Their function is also to restore muscle glycogen after exhausting workouts.

Rule #3

Eat healthy fats to help hormonal function, especially testosterone production, which is essential for muscle building. The essential fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are obtained by eating healthy fats. Fat also has the function of protecting vital organs. An athlete's body simply doesn't work effectively without enough fat. Like carbohydrates, fat intake is essential for energy during intense workouts. Eating healthy fat in the right proportion does not lead to the accumulation of extra pounds, and is an important macronutrient that is necessary for muscle leanness.

How to build a diet for muscle growth for men

Eating plenty of nutrients from proteins, carbohydrates and fats is effective for optimal muscle growth. Foods that are high quality protein sources that are beneficial for muscle recovery are:

  • Lean meat;
  • Fish and bird;
  • Eggs and dairy products.

The following list contains foods that are rich in leucine, which is essential for new fiber growth.

  • Beef;
  • Soya beans;
  • Tofu cheese;
  • Hard cheese;
  • Chicken and pork;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Beans;
  • Nuts and seeds.

Menu for gaining muscle mass for men for a week

Day 1 (training)

  1. Breakfast - Oatmeal, nuts, raisins, honey.
  2. Lunch - Chicken breast, rice, vegetables.
  3. Snack - Fruit with yogurt.
  4. Before training- cottage cheese, banana.
  5. After training- steam fish, stewed vegetables.

Day 2 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - scrambled eggs, cottage cheese with fruit.
  2. Lunch - Brown rice, steamed chicken cutlets.
  3. Snack - tofu, bread, yogurt.
  4. Dinner - Vegetable salad, beef steak.

Day 3 (training)

  1. Breakfast - Cottage cheese casserole with fruits, milk.
  2. Lunch - Buckwheat, chicken liver.
  3. Snack - fruit salad with low-fat sour cream.
  4. Before training- banana, kefir with bran.
  5. After training- turkey fillet, lentils.

Day 4 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - bread, hard cheese, scrambled eggs.
  2. Lunch - pork chop, boiled potatoes.
  3. Snack - milk with berries and honey.
  4. Dinner - noodles with seafood.

Day 5 (training)

  1. Breakfast is chicken pie with vegetables.
  2. Lunch - rice with vegetables.
  3. Snack - yogurt, cheese with bread.
  4. Before training- cottage cheese with raisins and bananas.
  5. After training- fish cakes, vegetables, beans.

Day 6 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - yogurt, fruits, nuts with honey.
  2. Lunch - tuna, coleslaw, beans.
  3. Snack - omelet with cottage cheese.
  4. Dinner - pork with mushrooms and hard cheese.

Day 7 (rest)

  1. Breakfast - muesli with milk and honey.
  2. Lunch - baked chicken with dried fruits, apples, sweet potatoes.
  3. Snack - freshly squeezed fruit juice.
  4. Dinner - salad with squid, egg, herbs.


Food is important not only because of its energy value, that is, calorie content, but also the content of macro and microelements responsible for the formation of new cells. Consuming calories from baked goods, fatty foods, confectionery, muscle mass cannot be gained due to a lack of amino acids and slow carbohydrates. A high content of simple carbohydrates, which eventually break down into sucrose, will lead to the accumulation of excess fat in the body. And this is not the best option for gaining mass.

For a high-quality set of the most lean muscle mass, a balance of BJU in the diet is needed.

Eat animal proteins in sufficient quantities, proper fats and slow carbohydrates. Also important is when and at what time you eat, especially on training days. Eat 1.5-2 hours before training, and replenish lost nutrients immediately after training, do not starve after exercise- This is another huge mistake when recruiting muscles.

About nutrition on mass in video format

Don't know what to eat for breakfast? Dinner? Dinner? Or all of the above? Now you will definitely master such knowledge. In one of the previous articles entitled "" we examined the most important aspects and components proper nutrition to gain muscle mass, without which, unfortunately, it is simply impossible to succeed in the metamorphoses of your body.

Today we will answer the question of how to eat right to gain muscle mass and discuss nutrition strategies. The menu is universal and, by adjusting portions and replacing some of the components (for example, porridge not with water, but with milk and vice versa), it will suit almost any athlete.

So, what is the perfect "recipe" for muscle building nutrition? The answer is frighteningly simple, at least in general view:

  1. Firstly, need to eat the right amount of food at certain times of the day
  2. Secondly, eat the right kinds of food

Doing one or the other is NOT ENOUGH! An example would be the ectomorph, who is insanely pedantic when it comes to choosing foods to gain muscle mass, but does not eat enough in one sitting. Or the athlete who goes beyond all limits in his mass-gaining quest, devouring absolutely everything in his path until the stomach becomes his largest part of the body.

In contrast to the examples above, there should be an ideal muscle-building diet that will allow you to grow, gain muscle and mass without becoming an “ugly ogre”. Such a plan requires a more methodical approach. This is what we will consider in the next 9 rules. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or a man who reads it - this applies to anyone, the only difference is in the portions of the dishes. Try them for yourself, noting the effect of each of them. As a result, you will be able to create your own ideal diet and, in combination with a good one, you will definitely succeed with your goals.

Eat more often to gain muscle mass

You will not be able to maximize your growth and gain muscle mass if your meals are divided into three or four meals a day. Instead, you need to stick to 6 and even 7 meals a day. The benefits are unimaginably multifaceted: smaller amounts are absorbed much more easily, which means you will get much more amino acids, vitamins and minerals than if you were eating large amounts, but only a few times a day.

More frequent use will help increase testosterone and insulin levels, which promote growth, while reducing levels of cortisol, a growth-inhibiting hormone that is produced during exercise. Keep this in mind when compiling a nutrition menu for gaining muscle mass.

Keep Your Proteins Right

Protein consists of amino acids - the main components of muscle tissue and the most important thing in nutrition for gaining muscle mass for an ectomorph. You need a lot of amino acids for your body to build muscle. You need to consume AT LEAST 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. If your weight is 90 kg, you need to include at least 180 grams of protein in your daily plan.

This 26-30 gr in one sitting, which is equivalent to about 150 gr chicken breast or 170 grams of cottage cheese. This is simple mathematics, but many people neglect it and their goals become unattainable.

Manipulate protein intake at key points

Follow the rule "2 grams of protein per kg of body weight" within three or four weeks. If you don't see significant results over time, adjust your protein intake at two critical times: post-workout and before bed. After workouts, increase your intake to 40-60g, preferably with a fast-acting whey protein. Before bedtime, 30-40 grams of casein protein will help keep you in an anabolic state while you sleep.. Otherwise, it will be too long and destructive fasting for the body, and your muscle gain nutrition and mass training program will be ineffective.

Increase Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates work together with protein to create hormonally favorable conditions for growth. They help the process of transporting amino acids from food to the muscles, which will be made into new muscle tissue or used to repair damaged tissue during exercise. Well, the fact that carbohydrates are a powerful source of energy, I think everyone already knows. Start with 4 gr char. per kilogram of body weight per day. But, unlike protein, divide them between the first five or six meals, removing carbohydrates from the last one or two meals.

Thus, a 90 kg athlete should eat 60-72 grams of carb. in each of their first five or six sittings, with minimal ang. after.

Manage carbs at key moments

Follow the rule "4 g char. per kg of weight" within three or four weeks. If you don't see results, increase your carb intake at two critical times: the first meal of the day and post-workout. Adding even more carbs to breakfast, combined with protein, helps stop the breakdown that occurs during the last two to three hours of a night's sleep and boost your metabolism (contrary to common misconceptions, increased metabolism actually boosts muscle growth):

  • No. of ang. for breakfast and after training should be increased by 50%. For example, if you ate 60 grams for breakfast, increase to 90 grams.
  • By the fifth week of following the muscle mass diet, if you have not yet seen improvement, increase the amount of carbohydrates in your diet to a total of 5 grams per kg of body weight per day.

Don't avoid fat

A common mistake among those who are trying to build muscle is the inability to distinguish between good and bad fats. The truth is that not all fats are the same. Healthy monounsaturated omega 3 and 6 fats can be a huge support for athletes trying to eat right to gain muscle. Emphasize following products foods that are great for gaining muscle mass: avocados, salmon and other oily fish, nuts, healthy oils such as canola and olive.

Say yes to vegetables

Eating a ton of vegetables will not help you get a huge body, but it will be an indispensable aid in the processing of other foods you consume. With the digestive system of hardgainers, during mass-gaining diets, there are often problems with calories in excess of the norm. It is the dietary fiber in our diet that is designed to help with the digestive processes - they provide us with useful trace elements and vitamins.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Not all people are happy with their body: many are worried about being overweight, and some, on the contrary, want to gain muscle mass. A beautiful muscular body is a dream that we can bring to life. For this, it is necessary to intensively engage in special physical exercises and eat according to special rules. Do you want to know how the diet for gaining muscle mass works?

Basic diet rules for gaining muscle mass

During training and other physical activities, a person consumes energy, which he can replenish only from food. If you limit the diet, the body will not receive the substances necessary for building muscles, and under conditions, gaining muscle mass will be problematic. A diet for gaining muscle mass is based on the principle of excess nutrition: the body receives more calories than it was consumed. Only under this condition will muscle building occur. There are other rules, without which it is not easy to gain developed muscles.

  1. Fractional nutrition. It is necessary to replenish energy reserves 5-6 times a day. If you eat less often, but in large portions, the digestive organs will not have time to process food, and you need to feed the muscles with energy in a timely manner. Excess nutrients that enter the digestive organs in large quantities are deposited not in muscle tissue, but in fat folds.
  2. Eating high-calorie foods. Due to the fact that you need to eat a lot, the calorie content of foods is of great importance: if the foods do not contain enough calories, you will have to eat more, and this is fraught with an overload of the digestive organs. The proportion of high-calorie foods in the diet should be 70%.
  3. Limited consumption of fast carbohydrates, fats. If you consume these substances in large quantities, the fat layer will grow at a rapid pace. Unlike slow carbohydrates (potatoes, cereals), fast carbohydrates (some sweet fruits, flour and confectionery products) are absorbed instantly. The body is not able to quickly use "instant" calories for their intended purpose, for muscle development, and leaves them "in reserve", in the form of body fat. The same happens with excess fat coming from animal products rich in fats (lard, sausages).
  4. Compliance with the drinking regime. Rapid muscle building is a stressful situation for the body. During this period, there is a sharp acceleration of metabolism, metabolic processes that require large amounts of water. Moisture deficiency leads to dehydration, which is dangerous not only to stop muscle growth, but also to make you feel worse. To prevent dehydration, you need to consume three liters of fluid daily (including water in foods and meals).
  5. Two-thirds of the diet must be consumed no later than 16-00, after this time, avoid eating foods containing a large amount of fat and fast carbohydrates
  6. sports diet. An enhanced set of muscle mass is possible only with regular sports, and with a sports diet. In order for increased muscle growth to occur, you need to eat two hours before and one hour after training.
  7. Adhere to the principles of the food pyramid. Nutrition must be balanced. The share of carbohydrates in the diet is 55-60%, proteins - 25-30%, fats - 10-20%. The bulk of the carbohydrates consumed are slow (cereals, potatoes, unsweetened fruits). For an accelerated set of muscle mass, it is recommended to start consuming special sports nutrition containing the protein needed by the body in large quantities.

Daily intake of calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates

Without taking into account the daily intake of nutrients, it will not be easy to gain muscle mass. To gain muscle mass, you will also have to take into account the calorie content of food, and follow the basic law of muscle building: you need to consume more than you need to maintain existing muscles. In order to create excess consumption, calculate the average daily caloric intake of the diet. The calorie content of the diet is calculated by the formula: multiply your own weight by 30. To build muscle, add at least 500 more calories to this amount.

For men

  1. Proteins are of great importance for the construction of muscle tissues: at least 30% of the weight of these tissues is pure protein. The male body produces some important amino acids, while others come from foods such as milk, meat, fish, and eggs. The daily protein intake for a man is 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. A man weighing 75 kg needs to consume about 150 grams of pure protein daily.
  2. Fats are vital substances for humans. The daily intake of fat for a man depends on his age: 16-28 years old - 100-160 g, 29-40 years old - 95-150 g, 40 years and older - 70 g.
  3. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. There are few benefits from simple carbohydrates, their consumption should be limited, and some bodybuilders do not take them into account when calculating the daily allowance. The daily norm of complex carbohydrates for men is 0.45-0.5 kg

For women

  1. Squirrels. In the female body, protein must be supplied in the required quantities, especially with heavy loads. With a protein deficiency, the appearance of the skin, hair, and nails worsens. The daily intake for women is 1.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight.
  2. Fats. The daily intake of fat depends on the age of the woman: 16-28 years old - 85-118 g, 29-40 years old - 82-110 g, 40 years and older - 70 g.
  3. The carbohydrates necessary for building muscle are among the so-called. "slow" (complex). Women need to consume 0.4 kg of complex carbohydrates daily.

How much, when and what to eat?

To build muscle, intense physical training is necessary, without this it is difficult to build muscle. Increased energy consumption must be compensated by an increase in the consumption of nutrients - primarily proteins. For the formation of muscles, other substances are also necessary - fats, carbohydrates and vitamins: they cannot be completely excluded from the diet. 70% of products should arrive in the first half of the day, no later than 16-00.

  • Meat. Lean dietary meats are the best source of protein. Bodybuilders, whose photos and videos are found on the Internet, consume at least two servings of meat (150-250 grams) daily.
  • Chicken fillet, turkey fillet contains almost no fat, and is an excellent alternative to lean beef and lamb.
  • Milk. Although milk contains fat, it is relatively low in fat and is well absorbed without being deposited in the fat folds.
  • Yogurt and other dairy products.
  • Eggs. Some bodybuilders eat at least a dozen eggs a day, which contain pure protein (provided that the yolk is not eaten),
  • Cottage cheese contains not only proteins, but also many useful trace elements, such as calcium.
  • Salmon, like other varieties of fish, in addition to proteins contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for the body.
  • Sprouted wheat grains are rich in both proteins and carbohydrates.
  • Whole grain bread is a nutritious product that contains all the substances necessary for gaining muscle mass.
  • Sunflower seeds in any form - raw, fried.
  • Buckwheat grain.
  • Tuna is fresh, not canned.
  • Lentils.

List of carbohydrate products

  • brown rice contains slightly more carbohydrates than regular white rice;
  • fruits, except grapes, pears, bananas;
  • garlic contains almost no fats and proteins;
  • potatoes, other vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • bread;
  • greenery;
  • durum wheat pasta.


  • almond;
  • cashew nuts;
  • Walnut;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • hazelnut;
  • mackerel, other varieties of fish;
  • pastille based on applesauce.

Weekly menu for gaining muscle mass

The calorie content of the diet is 2500-3000 calories. Nutrition should be plentiful - the substances contained in food should be enough to cover all needs, and a certain reserve should also be created for muscle growth. During the diet, try to exclude foods that contain a lot of sugar from the diet. It is necessary to observe the water regime, and consume 2.5-3 liters of water daily.

First day

  1. oatmeal, apple, nuts;
  2. chicken fillet, potatoes, vegetables to choose from;
  3. banana, cottage cheese;
  4. rice, fish, vegetables to choose from;
  5. vegetable salad with tuna.
  6. fruit salad;

Second day

  1. buckwheat porridge with milk and honey, nuts, orange;
  2. baked veal, boiled pasta, vegetables;
  3. kefir, whole wheat bread;
  4. cottage cheese with honey, kiwi.
  5. baked mackerel, vegetable salad;

The third day

  1. oatmeal, banana, nuts, apple;
  2. lean veal, potatoes, vegetables;
  3. scrambled eggs, black bread, apple;
  4. smoothies based on milk and fruits;
  5. rice, turkey fillet, vegetables;
  6. cottage cheese, jam.

Fourth day

  1. rice porridge with milk, apple, nuts;
  2. vegetable soup, veal, vegetables;
  3. kefir, whole grain bread;
  4. fruit salad;
  5. baked potato, turkey fillet,
  6. vegetable salad.

Fifth day

  1. scrambled eggs, chicken fillet, vegetables;
  2. lean veal, potatoes, banana;
  3. cottage cheese with jam, apple;
  4. fruit smoothie;
  5. vegetable stew with chicken fillet, vegetables;
  6. yogurt, strawberries, peanut butter.

Sixth day

  1. oatmeal, banana, nuts;
  2. potatoes, chicken fillet, vegetables;
  3. kefir, whole grain bread;
  4. cottage cheese with honey, kiwi;
  5. buckwheat porridge, baked mackerel, vegetable salad;
  6. fruit salad.

Seventh day

  1. scrambled eggs, chicken fillet, vegetables;
  2. vegetable soup, veal, apple;
  3. cottage cheese with jam, banana;
  4. fruit smoothie;
  5. rice, chicken fillet, vegetables;
  6. vegetable salad.

Features of nutrition for a set of dry muscle mass

  • A diet for gaining muscle mass with a minimal fat layer is even more strict in the use of foods containing sugar. To simultaneously build muscle and “dry out”, you will have to revise the diet, and completely exclude from it foods containing “fast” carbohydrates - sweets, chocolate, sweets, muffins, flour, cakes.
  • It is desirable to increase the number of meals from 5-6 to 8-10. With small portions of food, the digestive system will cope faster, the body will not have time to put aside anything “in reserve”.
  • Increase your intake of vegetable and reduce your use of animal fats.
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    The main tasks of visiting sports clubs are muscle building and body shaping. After the first weeks and even months of training, novice athletes are disappointed - the process is not going as fast as we would like, and the muscles do not gain the desired volumes.

    The reason is simple - muscle mass gain requires a complex integrated approach, and not just regular performance of special exercises.

    The most important part of this complex is an individually selected diet for gaining muscle mass. It is this type of nutrition that will be discussed in our article.

    Calorie calculation

    Any muscle-building diet is based on the principle of "getting more than you spend." It's about calorie intake.

    The daily rate of kilocalories needed by a person is calculated by the formula: weight (kg) × 30 = kcal

    The result obtained by this calculation method is approximate. For a more accurate calculation, use the calculation according to the Harris-Benedict formula. The calculations are carried out in several stages.

    To begin with, the metabolic rate is calculated (hereinafter abbreviated as UM):

    • Men: MP = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight / kg) + (4.799 x height / cm) - (5.677 x full years);
    • Women: MP = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight/kg) + (3.098 x height/cm) - (4.330 x hollow years).

    The next step is to determine the coefficient according to the level physical activity and calculation of the daily calorie intake:

    If you do not go beyond the result obtained, the body mass index will remain approximately at the same level. But we are interested proper diet for gaining muscle mass. This means that additional building material and energy are needed. We add 500-1000 Kcal to the total calorie content of the daily diet, depending on.

    Daily rate and ratio in the diet of proteins, fats, carbohydrates

    A muscle-building diet should stimulate first and only as a supplement -. To create a menu, determine the proportions of BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), select products and divide them into several doses.

    Advice! There are many handy apps for PC and smartphone that help athletes determine the level of activity, calculate the calorie content of the diet, and much more.

    BJU indicators for those who want to increase muscle:

    An example of calculating the protein in the diet necessary for building muscle mass for a girl (60 kg, 170 cm, 27 years old) who visits the gym 3 times a week.

    According to Harris-Benedict, we determine the daily amount of Kcal + 500 (for muscle growth).

    447.593 + (9.247 x 60) + (3.098 x 170) - (4.330 x 27) × 1.375 (factor for the specified level of physical activity) = 1941.72 + 500 Kcal, total - 2440 kcal / day.

    30% of protein from 2440 kcal is 732 kcal / 4 kcal = 120 g of protein per day (2 g / kg).

    We do the same with carbohydrates and fats. Based on the figures obtained, it is not difficult to compile a trial diet from the selected products.

    Basic principles of dietary nutrition

    Fractional nutrition according to the regimen

    The combination of diet with sports nutrition

    Athletes can use any of the described diets either alone or in combination with anabolic steroids or

    Diet menu

    A good diet doesn't have to be restrictive, much less a muscle-building diet. We bring to your attention an example of a diet for gaining muscle mass.

    R mode/day of the week

    9.00 – breakfast11.30 - snack14.00 - lunch16.00 - snack17.00 - training18.15 - snack19.00 - dinner21.00 - snackMonday+ meat + vegetables + hard cheese TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
    Oatmeal with milk + bananaRice + vegetablesEggs + vegetables ChocolateRice + eggs + vegetablesCottage cheese + fruits
    Omelet + vegetable salad + cheese sandwichMuesli + Yogurt or kefirPotatoes + mushrooms + meat + vegetablesStewed with FruitsRice + fish + vegetablesOatmeal + milk + toast
    pasta + meat + vegetableshandful of nutsMillet porridge + eggs + greensSeafood + vegetables MilkshakeCottage cheese + fruits
    Barley porridge + meat + fruitsA cheese sandwichRice + meat + vegetablesOmelet + vegetable salad + fish A handful ofPotato + mushrooms + fish + vegetables
    Buckwheat porridge + vegetables + milkeggs + fruitspasta + meat + vegetablesDried apricots + nuts energy barBuckwheat porridge + meat + vegetablesYogurt or kefir
    Oatmeal + cheese + bananaMuesli + FruitBaked potato + fish + vegetable saladMuesli + dried fruits + Cheese Sandwich Whey protein with milkpasta + meat + vegetablesCottage cheese + fruits
    Rice + fish + vegetableshandful of dried fruitRice + meat + vegetables + cheese sandwichSeafood + vegetables handful of nutsBarley porridge + meat + fruitsMuesli + dried fruits

    This is not a guide to action, but just a guide. Use the table as a basis, changing foods and dishes as you wish.

    Keep in mind that servings are calculated individually according to the weight of the athlete.

It is impossible to gain a powerful and inflated body without a decent muscle mass, for the set of which you need a properly and competently composed diet. Muscle-building workouts are also important, but they are useless if there is no “material” for work.

Those who want to have good muscle mass should always start by building a carefully calibrated menu, which should fully coincide with the tasks and goals. This can be done with a clear understanding of the basics of building nutrition for mass gain and what kind of products should be included in such a diet.

Based on four main principles. They give a clear idea of ​​​​what the menu of an athlete who wants to gain muscle should be.

Meal frequency

In order for muscle mass to grow, a person needs to eat. Together with products, a person receives energy and substances, thanks to which all vital metabolic processes are carried out, tissues receive material for development and increase.

A set of muscle mass occurs only when the three most important nutrients are present in the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. If they do not come with food at a certain time, the muscles simply stop growing, which, of course, is a serious problem for the athlete.

For an ordinary person who does not strive to become bigger, it is enough to eat three times a day. This routine is not suitable for a bodybuilder, since long pauses between meals create a nutrient deficiency. He needs to eat with breaks of no more than 3 hours, that is, adhere to five or six meals a day.

This mode allows the body not only to digest food more easily, but also to receive all the necessary nutrients for uninterrupted work on building muscle tissue.

Caloric content of food

The fundamental principle of building good muscle mass is that you must always clearly know how many calories are consumed per day. Otherwise, it will never be possible to achieve the intended goal.

Muscles grow only when the body receives calories. They don't all go to building fabrics. This process takes only a certain part. Therefore, the energy value of incoming food should always exceed the number of calories burned.

Harmony of proteins, fats and carbohydrates

A carefully calibrated ratio of nutrients allows you to accurately build a diet for mass gain:

  • Squirrels. Their number varies from 30 to 35%.
  • Fats. Should make up 10-20% of the diet, and preference should be given to walnuts, sea fish, fish oil, fatty polyunsaturated acids.
  • Carbohydrates. They make up the bulk of the menu, ranging from 50 to 60%.

The presence of a "window" of 5-10% implies that the exact ratio of BJU should be determined and adjusted individually, depending on the characteristics of the organism and goals.

Water and its quantity

Gaining good muscle mass is impossible for those who do not pay attention to water - the presence of a sufficient amount of moisture in the body. The disadvantage is fraught with a lack of progress in the task assigned to the athlete. Optimal daily rate for those who build muscle, it is considered from two to four liters. The exact amount is determined by the weight of the athlete.

You should not drink while eating. This creates an obstacle to the natural process of digestion and absorption of nutrients, does not allow the digestive system to work one hundred percent. Water is best consumed in between meals.

Before the start of training

It is better not to eat before class, but at least two hours before it. Preference should be given to products that contain complex carbohydrates. They allow you to get a large boost of energy to ensure an efficient and effective workout.

You can eat a portion of pasta, cereals, as well as vegetables with fruits. A protein-carbohydrate mixture will not bring any harm. You can drink it about half an hour before your workout.

After completing training

You can not neglect eating after class. This time is most favorable for the assimilation of all the nutrients necessary for building muscle mass, while in the largest amount.

Immediately after class, it is permissible to either consume a portion of the gainer, or eat two bananas. A full meal should be in 40 minutes and consist mainly of proteins and slow carbohydrates.

What foods should be included in the menu for muscle growth?

Nutrition should consist not only of well-absorbed by the body, but also useful products containing essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are rich in cereals such as semolina, buckwheat, rice, as well as oatmeal and potatoes. A lot of fat contains mackerel, herring, tuna, salmon.

There is a clear gradation of products according to the high content of a particular nutrient:

Foods rich in carbohydrates

  • bread (black);
  • flakes;
  • noodles;
  • muesli;
  • cereals (oatmeal, rice, buckwheat, wheat, millet, corn);
  • pasta;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • peanut;
  • potato;
  • apricot seeds.

Products containing protein

  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • walnuts;
  • beans;
  • boiled fish;
  • fat cottage cheese;
  • yogurt;
  • poultry meat;
  • Fried fish;
  • kefir;
  • milk;
  • caviar;
  • semolina;
  • mutton;
  • sausages;
  • boiled sausage;
  • beans;
  • beef meat.

Foods high in fat

  • sardines;
  • anchovies;
  • salmon;
  • red meat;
  • melted butter;
  • butter;
  • sour cream;
  • chips;
  • cream;
  • salo;
  • walnuts;
  • crackers;
  • cake;
  • chocolate;
  • mayonnaise;
  • sausage;
  • bakery products;

Based on this information, making a diet is not difficult. The main thing is to keep the ratio of nutrients.

Building muscle mass: the main stages

In order for muscles to increase in mass, it is necessary to understand that this process takes place in a certain sequence. If you follow each step exactly, the result will not be long in coming:

  1. Starting to train, you must immediately take vitamins, amino acids, trace elements.
  2. Further, they introduce a variety of specialized food supplements into their usual diet, and supplement the main dishes with protein.
  3. Then start drinking gainers. This must be done gradually. First, use a mixture with a small concentration of protein, and then increase it.
  4. After three months, gainers are replaced with carbohydrates and proteins.
  5. Having achieved that muscle mass has increased significantly, you should start using fat burners. They are accepted within a few weeks.

Tips from experienced bodybuilders to build muscle

Bodybuilders with experience, have vast experience in how to build muscle. If we analyze what recommendations they give, then success in achieving the goal set for the athlete to gain good muscle mass is as follows:

  1. Good appetite. You need to eat a lot, but not everything. A correctly and well-designed strategy for increasing muscle is that you need to eat much more than an athlete can spend during the day, including taking into account the fact that a certain amount of calories is spent on normal metabolism.
  2. The best exercises. For training, it is recommended to choose only those that have proven themselves with positive side and bring real results - deadlift, squat, bench press, as well as bending with a barbell in hand.
  3. Progress. It is not recommended to stay at the same weight for a long time, if it needs to be increased. You should always strive for the desired mass, training a lot and hard, eating right.
  4. Be careful with lifting weights. In order not to get injured and not harm the body, you need to take only the weight that is really possible. Otherwise, you can fail for several months.
  5. Full and good rest. Lack of recovery slows down the process of mass gain. The body should always be given a good rest, sleep is especially useful.
  6. Do not chill, but work in training. You shouldn't give yourself a break. In the gym you need to work hard and hard. Breaks between individual approaches should never exceed three minutes. This is quite enough to gain strength for the next set. Turning to training, you must be prepared for a fruitful and productive lesson.


So, to build muscle mass, you should remember the following important points:

  • training only partly determines success;
  • a balanced diet is required;
  • you can not neglect your own health in pursuit of a goal;
  • recovery and rest are an integral part of the muscle building process;
  • never be lazy in training.

If these points are observed, then the result is guaranteed.