
Fish Oil vs Fish Oil: Difference, Which is Healthier? How to take fish oil capsules for children and adults

Each person relates to fish oil in their own way. Someone believes in its properties, some believe that it is useless. Nowadays, everyone around is talking about its enormous benefits for disease prevention and health promotion. If you decide to take Omega-3, you should be responsible to the choice of a manufacturer who cares about the quality of the product, its reputation and people's health.

Popular fish oil preparations

Some of the best known fish oil supplements include:

  • Cod Liver Oil (Carlson Labs).
  • Omega-3 Fish Oil (Solgar).

Cod Liver Oil

The tool is a package of 100 gelatin capsules.

The drug is produced from Norwegian cod, which has a pleasant taste and is environmentally friendly, because the cold currents off the coast of Norway protect against biological pollution, industrial emissions are minimized in this place. All this allows the manufacturer to reduce the cost of cleaning fish and preserve the maximum of useful substances in it.

Advantages of this product: it is of high quality, produced according to international standards and requirements.

Cons: its price. One package of funds costs from 440 to 550 rubles. Daily intake will not have the best effect on the family budget, but you can afford in order to prevent.

Omega-3 Fish Oil

The package contains 60 capsules. Its manufacturer produces only premium products. The raw material used is Alaskan salmon, which lives in cold waters, where the fish stores a lot of fat, which is enough for the rest of the carcass to be utilized, and not re-wrung out for a few extra drops. Solgar products pass molecular distillation, in which arsenic, mercury and other consequences of pollution of the world's oceans are removed from fish raw materials.

Many parents have heard that vitamins for children produced in Finland are of high quality, great benefits and effective effects on the children's body.

Scientists confirm that the northern peoples, due to the constant consumption of fatty fish, are less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, less cancer and live longer.

The range of Finnish fish oil for children is very wide. Supplements are produced under the following brands: Moller, Lysi, Multi-Tabs, Bion, DeviSol, Sana-sol, etc.

Russian preparations Omega-3

There are many types of this drug on the domestic market:

  • RusCaps is sold at a price of 75 rubles for 30 capsules. In 1 capsule about 175 mg of omega-3 acids.
  • Capsules Vital Plus from Vivasan with salmon oil - the key to strong immunity. The product contains salmon oil concentrate 500 mg and a minimum of 30% Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • A natural drug from OJSC Tver Pharmaceutical Factory is an affordable option for everyone. Sold at a price of 50 rubles per 50 ml. It should be remembered that an open bottle should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.
  • Realcaps. Reviews about "Kusalochka" (its trade name) are very positive. Presented in tutti frutti flavored chewable capsules. Growing bodies need calcium and vitamin D. Chewable candy-flavored fish capsules with omega-3s and vitamins will help keep your child healthy and active. They are effective in the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The price is affordable. The only negative is the presence of artificial flavoring. But if you take into account the fact that otherwise the child will not want to consume Omega-3 because of the smell, then the disadvantage ceases to seem so significant.

The difference between fish oil and fish oil

Few know what difference between fish oil and fish oil. And this difference is significant. Fish is obtained from the extract of the liver of cod fish. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and organic acids (stearic, acetic, butyric), acids that are part of the Omega-6 complex, oleic acid (Omega-9). But it is poor in omega-3 fatty acids. In this product, you can also find such chemical elements as zinc, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, iron and others. This remedy is often taken to prevent rickets.

Fish is obtained from fish meat, which is adjacent to the muscle tissue of salmon species. It does not contain such an amount of vitamins A and D, but a lot of Omega-3 acids (their amount varies from 20% to 35%), which helps rid the body of free radicals, strengthens the immune system and helps cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol. An example of such a preparation is fish oil Biocontour 20% Omega-3 (OOO Polaris).

The difference between fish oil and fish oil lies in the product from which it is derived. When buying a product containing Omega-3 in a pharmacy, you should carefully study the label and instructions. You need to look at the abbreviations EPA (EPA) and DHA (DHA). The higher these values, the better. If such information is not provided, then the product may be of dubious quality, and it is better not to buy it.

The brown color of the fat indicates that the product is intended for technical purpose(as a lubricant for leather treatment) and has an unpleasant and pungent odor. It should never be used for food purposes.

Pay attention to what product the fat is made from - liver or muscle (the indications "ichthyene" or "fish" refer to fish oil). You can consult a pharmacist who will give detailed information about the drug.

Feedback on the use of the product

My daughter was very sick when she was little. It was impossible to force her to drink any medicine. The pediatrician advised me to try the Biter. I poured it into an empty candy jar and give it to my daughter every day. She is delighted with these “sweets”, and I am happy that now we very rarely get sick.

Fish oil is a natural product with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins. Doctors prescribe it to strengthen immunity in children and prevent cardiovascular pathologies in adults. It would seem that when buying, there should not be any particular difficulties - it is enough to present a prescription from a doctor to a pharmacist at a pharmacy. But the range of dietary supplements is so wide that the patient begins to doubt his choice. To answer the question of which manufacturer of fish oil in capsules is better, a careful study of the composition of dietary supplements used in the production of technologies and raw materials will help.

How to make the right choice

Even if a gastroenterologist or cardiologist has recommended a certain brand of dietary supplement, the person at the pharmacy counter begins to have doubts. Why give away several thousand when next to the right package is fish oil worth 50-60 rubles? This issue is especially relevant in the absence of extra amounts in the family budget. It's no secret that a high price can be made up of advertising costs, often it is directly dependent on the "hype" of the brand. The pharmacist at the pharmacy will tell you in detail:

  • about the advantages of a particular manufacturer;
  • about the merits of a dietary supplement recommended by a doctor.

The low cost of a dietary supplement does not mean that it is not of high quality. Like the exorbitant price does not guarantee instant resolution of health problems. Therefore, before visiting a pharmacy, you should familiarize yourself with the criteria for choosing the right fish oil. Much depends on the purpose of the use of dietary supplements:

  • it is not necessary to buy expensive fish oil if its purchase is not agreed with the doctor, but simply becomes the result of another advertising campaign;
  • it is worth spending money when a person is diagnosed with a pathology or a predisposition to it, and the use of a dietary supplement will significantly speed up recovery.

A few decades ago, fish oil was classified as a pharmacological preparation. This means that its qualitative and quantitative composition was strictly regulated. High or low content of active ingredients was not allowed, and such drugs were rejected by the controlling services. Now fish oil is included in the dietary supplements group, so the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids in it can vary significantly depending on the country or manufacturer.

This is interesting: A useful dietary supplement is made only from fish caught in cold ocean waters. Cod and salmon grown in artificial hatcheries do not accumulate the necessary polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in the liver.

Production features

Since fish oil is a dietary supplement, its quality is not strictly checked. To establish the production of dietary supplements in our country, it is not necessary to present a huge number of clinical trial results, as is the case with pharmacological preparations. Therefore, when choosing capsules, you should focus on the country of manufacture. For example, Norwegian fish oil in the vast majority of cases is the standard of quality. It was in this country that the production of this most valuable product for human health began. Suppliers of Norwegian and Finnish fish oils guarantee that dietary supplements are made using the most modern technologies. But the quality of the product depends not only on these criteria. Other things to consider when choosing fish oil:

  • Mining. Expensive fish oil, saturated with useful substances, is produced from the liver of salmon fish. And the low cost is provided by the processing of non-gutted cheap fish, for example, herring;
  • Cleaning. Several purification steps are used to obtain the highest quality fish oil. Even in ocean waters, fish accumulate toxic compounds of lead, mercury and other heavy metals. Budget-priced dietary supplements may well contain toxic substances that can be deposited in the human body;
  • quantitative composition. The high quality of fish oil depends on the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. If the annotation indicates that the capsules contain about 50-60% Omega acids, then this product meets all known standards. From the acquisition of fish oil, which includes 15-20% PZHK, it is better to refuse.

The concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids has a direct impact on the number of capsules taken daily, and sometimes on the frequency of their use. The fewer active ingredients in fish oil, the more clear pills you need to drink. Only after buying a cheap dietary supplement does a person find out that he will have to take 15 capsules 3-4 times a day.

Warning: Polyunsaturated fatty acids are not produced in the human body, but enter it only with food. Eating fish daily will replenish the reserves of nutrients, but will also lead to weight gain. The safest way to avoid PFA deficiency is to regularly consume fish oil.

Manufacturers of fish oil for children

That's who you should not save on, so it's on small children and breastfeeding women. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins A, E, D are the "building blocks" necessary for the growth and division of cells of bone, muscle, soft tissues of the baby's body. Their deficiency will cause developmental delays, frequent recurrences of respiratory and intestinal infections, problems with concentration and attention. Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce encapsulated fish oil for children in two dosage forms:

  • amber gelatin capsules with liquid content, which are used for the treatment and prevention of pathologies from the age of 7;
  • chewable capsules for babies from 2-3 years old with a pleasant fruity taste and aroma. This category also includes chewing marmalade in the form of funny figurines of fish and animals.

When deciding at the pharmacy which fish oil to choose for children, parents must be sure that the child will be able to eat it. Some manufacturers produce rather large gelatin pills that make it difficult for babies to swallow. In this case, it is better to purchase chewable capsules or gummies.


This dietary supplement from the domestic manufacturer RealCaps JSC is presented in chewable capsules with a fruity flavor. The composition of dietary supplements includes fat-soluble vitamins and edible gelatin. Pediatricians prescribe "Kusalochka" for the following purposes:

  • strengthening the spinal column and tooth enamel;
  • prevention of viral and bacterial infections;
  • prevention of rapid fatigue;
  • decreased motor activity;
  • normalization of metabolism.

In the production of "Kusalochka" fish oil goes through several stages of purification. The dietary supplement does not contain foreign impurities that can provoke an allergic reaction in a child. The annotation attached to the package recommends taking 2 capsules 2 times a day for children under seven years of age.

Norwegian Fish Oil

Dietary supplements from Norwegian fish Oil are very expensive. Fish oil is produced from valuable species of salmon fish, and in the manufacture of dietary supplements, not only the liver, but also muscle mass is used. This technological process allows to achieve the maximum concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and vitamins. Pediatricians recommend taking Norwegian fish Oil for children when diagnosing such pathological conditions:

  • frequent relapses of tonsillitis, influenza, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, tracheitis;
  • psycho-emotional instability, increased irritability, problems with falling asleep;
  • hyperactivity;
  • dry skin, poor growth of nails and hair;
  • decreased visual acuity, including twilight.

Norwegian fish oil for children is available both in pure form and with additives. Manufacturers have enriched the composition of the capsules with micro- and microelements, vitamins, extracts of medicinal plants and berries - blueberries, cranberries. If there are no special prescriptions from a doctor, then it is enough to take 1 capsule during the day at the same time.


In Finland, soft chewable capsules are available for the whole family, containing highly purified fish oil. It is enough for kids to take one gummies a day so that there is no deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins in the body. Manufacturers have enriched the composition of the dietary supplement LYSI MOOMIN Omega-3 with ergocalciferol. The absorption of calcium, a trace element necessary for the formation of the skeleton and teeth of the child, depends on the content of this vitamin. Pediatricians also prescribe Finnish fish oil for children for the following purposes:

  • strengthening the protective forces of babies;
  • elimination of avitaminosis;
  • increased functional activity of the central nervous system;
  • suppression of inflammatory processes;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes.
Finnish manufacturers have added a small amount of sweetener that is harmless to tooth enamel to fish oil capsules. Such a dietary supplement is eaten with pleasure even by small fussy eaters.

This is interesting: Despite the fact that Finland is the producer country of LYSI MOOMIN Omega-3, valuable varieties of fish for its production are caught near the coast of Norway. Its reservoirs are considered the most environmentally friendly, which serves as a guarantee of the quality of the dietary supplement.

Manufacturers of dietary supplements with fish oil for adults

Manufacturers often produce fish oil for adults with various additives. On the shelves of pharmacies, you can see dietary supplements for lactating women, people who are actively involved in sports, and even with garlic extract for those who often get respiratory infections. Polyunsaturated fatty acids speed up metabolism, so special dietary supplements are produced for adults who want to improve their health and at the same time get rid of excess weight. Before choosing fish oil capsules, you should consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of using products with additional ingredients.

If expensive fish oil can often be bought only by prior order, then domestic biologically active additives in a wide range are presented on the shelves of pharmacies. The most popular dietary supplements are:

  • Mirrolla. Fish oil contains a high concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids and is positioned by manufacturers as a means to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in blood vessels;
  • Biafishenol. The composition of this fish oil includes fat-soluble vitamins that can quickly increase the body's resistance to viral and bacterial infectious agents. You can buy dietary supplements from this manufacturer with linseed or sea buckthorn oil, vitamins A and E, wheat germ oil.

Fish oil from the Israeli manufacturer Teva contains the highest possible concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This provides the antioxidant activity of dietary supplements, which allows it to be used to prevent the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

Tip: If pharmacies do not have the necessary dietary supplement, then you can order it to the pharmacist, leaving a small prepayment. It is better to purchase fish oil in a medical institution, and not in Internet pharmacies, as this guarantees the quality of dietary supplements.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

For the normal functioning of internal organs and systems, the good condition of the skin, nails and hair, a person needs polyunsaturated fatty acids, for example, 6 and 9, which are rich in fish oil. This product is a very valuable biologically active dietary supplement, it can be taken in courses or constantly. But before buying a product, you need to find out in advance which fish oil is better, because not all drugs available in pharmacies are of the same quality and useful, some of them are made on the basis of cheap raw materials with a low concentration of essential acids.

What is the best fish oil to take?

Adherents of all natural will presumably answer that exclusively liquid is real. However, this opinion is erroneous.

According to numerous studies, the described drugs, produced in capsules, retain more nutrients and polyunsaturated fatty acids, the active ingredient in them stays fresh longer due to the protective shell. In addition, capsules are much more convenient and pleasant to take.

Which fish oil is better to drink, each person decides individually, based on personal preferences and tastes, financial capabilities and recommendations of the attending physician.

Which fish oil capsules are better to choose?

If a product in a gelatin shell is preferred, it is important to study its composition, paying attention to the concentration of Omega-3 and other polyunsaturated fatty acids in the 1st capsule. The best representatives of such dietary supplements are the following brands of fish oil:

  • Schonen Smart Omega Q10 Coenzyme;
  • Doppel Herz Aktiv Omega-3;
  • Teva "Fish Oil";
  • Carlson Labs Cod Liver Oil;
  • MIC "Fortified Fish Oil";
  • Futura Omega 3;
  • Norwegian Fish Oil Omega-3;
  • Harmony "Salmon fish oil";
  • Reytoil "Omega-3 (fish oil) + wheat germ oil";
  • Unique Omega-3;
  • BioKontur "Fish oil";
  • Möller's Forte Fish Oil;
  • Happiness "Shenlung fish oil";
  • Ekko Plus "Amber Drop";
  • Bagheera "Fish";
  • PolarPharm "Biocontour"$
  • Lysi Tupla + Omega-3.

In addition to the percentage of Omega-3 in each capsule of the drug (at least 15%, not more than 30%), you need to find out from which part of the fish the fat is extracted. Liver or whole whole carcasses are considered low grade. It has the smallest amount of pure polyunsaturated fatty acids, it is worse absorbed by the human body.

It is good if fish oil is extracted from butchered carcasses (muscles) without bones and offal, and the manufacturer indicates the exact type of fish grown for its manufacture. Such a product is the most useful and valuable, so it has a high cost.

What is the best liquid fish oil?

When purchasing a solution, the first thing you should pay attention to is the packaging. Fish oil can only be stored in containers made of thick and dark glass. If it is sold in any other container, it is better to prefer the drug in the form of capsules.

Fish oil is useful for taking not only adults, but also children. Many biologically active additives (BAA) are made on its basis. But not everyone knows how to choose them. The article presents high-quality, according to buyers, preparations with fish oil in capsules and liquid form, as well as the rules for their selection and the rating of the best manufacturers of dietary supplements.

How to choose a quality supplement

Many pharmaceutical companies are involved in the production of fish oil supplements. But not all of their dietary supplements are of high quality and safety. Below are the advice of doctors on how to choose fish oil, composition and dosage form.

Release form

Table 1 - Differences in the forms of fish oil

  • lack of fishy smell and taste;
  • minimum side effects;
  • long shelf life;
  • the shell protects the omega-3 from destruction by gastric juice.
Many capsules are large and difficult to swallow.
liquid solution
  • convenient to apply;
  • you can change the dosage;
  • the oil solution is produced with various fruit and berry flavors.
  • useful components are quickly oxidized upon contact with air;
  • flavorings do not interrupt the real "flavor" of fish oil;
  • solutions often cause belching with an unpleasant odor.
Chewable tabletsThey have a pleasant taste, small size and interesting shape of tablets (figurines of animals). These drugs are convenient to give to children.
  • a large amount of sugar in lozenges;
  • many chewable tablets contain a low concentration of polyunsaturated acids (PUFAs).

Raw material

No. 9 RealCaps JSC, Russia

This Russian company complies with international quality standards and uses cold-water varieties of fish for the production of drugs. Her line includes capsules and liquid supplements, dietary supplements for children (Kusalochka, etc.). The disadvantage of JSC "RealCaps" products is the low content of omega-3 in a serving.

№8 Biopharma, Norway

A manufacturer from Norway has become famous for its quality fish oil in the form of a syrup for children. But the company also produces supplements for adults. In her dietary supplements there are only useful substances.

The company obtains raw materials from cod liver and undergoes molecular processing. The quality of the products is confirmed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health.

No. 7 Möller, Finland

Möller produces natural fish oils with omega-3s and vitamins. Many supplements are based on triglycerides. Cod liver is used as a source of fish oil.

Moller products were certified in Russia in 2018. Therefore, its supplements based on fish oil can be found in domestic pharmacies and stores.

No. 6 Now Foods, USA

Now Foods products are of high quality and safety. All Omega 3 Fish oil preparations undergo multi-stage purification, do not contain toxins and mercury.

Fish oil supplements from America are considered the most beneficial and also have a high concentration of fat-soluble vitamins. The disadvantage of the Now Foods product line is the presence of fatty acids in the form of ethyl ester.

№5 Nordic Naturals, Norway

Norwegian company Nordic Naturals supplies premium fish oil supplements to the international pharmaceutical market. Each batch is tested for the presence of toxic substances.

The preparations of this company are distinguished by a high concentration of omega-3. In her line there are dietary supplements not only for adults, but also for children.

#4 Nature's Answer, USA

Another manufacturer of fish oil in the ranking from the USA. Despite the fact that the company uses fish from the waters of the North Atlantic as raw materials and uses molecular distillation purification, it offers finished products at affordable prices. The downside of Nature’s Answer is the presence of PUFA ethyl esters in supplements.

No. 3 Solgar, USA

The company produces premium medical fish oil. Solgar uses wild Alaskan salmon as raw material. This kind is easy to digest. Salmon fish oil first undergoes molecular distillation, is purified from toxins and only then is used to make dietary supplements.

№2 Carlson Labs, USA/Norway

The Carlson Labs plant is located in Norway. It produces premium products with fish oil in the form of oils and capsules and has become known in Russia since 1982.

#1 California Gold Nutrition, USA

This is the best manufacturer of fish oil capsules. His dietary supplements contain omega acids in the form of triglycerides.

For the manufacture of medicines, California Gold Nutrition uses concentrated fish oil purified using the German KD-Pur technology. The capsule shell is made of fish gelatin.

Other manufacturers

The rating does not include drugs from the manufacturers Mirrolla LLC, Biokontur, Biopharm LLC, TEVA, etc. These companies sell dietary supplements at low prices, but do not care about the quality of raw materials, and produce products of insufficient purification.

Attention! Well-known network marketing firms represent fish oil either very expensive, but of high quality, or budget, but with a meager composition. Both options are not optimal. Therefore, the products of these companies were not included in our rating.

TOP 5 Encapsulated Supplements

The following is a ranking of quality fish oil capsules.

No. 5 JSC "RealCaps" - Purified fish oil

The cost of 1 serving is 14 rubles.

  • Country of origin - Russia;
  • packing volume - 30 pcs.;
  • concentration - 1400 mg.

The Russian company uses cold-water fish with a short life cycle to make fish oil. Cleaning of raw materials "RealCaps" carries out a modern high-tech method.

The drug contains a low concentration of omega-3. One capsule contains only 35% fish oil.


  • Dietary supplement improves brain function;
  • maintains visual acuity;
  • eliminates manifestations of depression;
  • normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism.


  • the presence of an artificial flavor;
  • low content of DHA and EPA;
  • Packing lasts only 10-15 days.

№4 Möller – Omega-3 Tupla

The price of 1 serving is 16 rubles. 82 kop.

  • Country - Finland;
  • package volume - 100 capsules;
  • concentration - 650 mg.

The supplement contains omega-3 and additional beneficial substances: retinol, vitamin D, alpha-tocopherol. Moller's fish oil can be ordered online or purchased from drug stores.


  • BAA strengthens the musculoskeletal system;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • improves twilight vision;
  • stimulates the cognitive capabilities of the brain;
  • cleanses the skin of rashes.


  • you will have to drink several capsules per day (2-3 pcs.);
  • low concentration of PUFAs.

#3 Now Foods – Ultra Omega-3

The cost of 1 serving is 7 rubles. 18 kop.

  • Country of origin - USA;
  • packaging volume - 180 capsules;
  • concentration - 1000 mg.

The drug is cheap, but contains a purified fish oil concentrate, which contains 75% PUFA. Now Foods has the right balance of omega-3s, 500mg DHA and 250mg EPA, and comes in softgels. It is recommended to take it to stimulate the brain.


  • the additive complies with GMP standards;
  • lowers cholesterol;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • improves skin condition.


  • low digestibility due to the presence of PUFA ethyl esters.

#2 Solgar - Triple Strength

The price of 1 serving is 20 rubles. 24 kop.

  • Country: USA;
  • package volume - 100 capsules;
  • concentration - 950 mg.

Fish oil capsules are made from cold water salmon fish. To remove mercury and other toxins, the manufacturer uses molecular distillation technology.

The supplement contains omega-3s, EPA, docosahexaenoic acid and alpha-tocopherol. The capsule shell is made from gelatin and vegetable glycerin. One serving contains 504 mg DHA and 378 mg EPA.


  • the drug supports the contractile function of the heart;
  • improves brain activity;
  • helps to lose weight;
  • strengthens the nail plate, accelerates hair growth.


  • sometimes causes subcutaneous acne;
  • PUFA in ether form.

#1 California Gold Nutrition - Omega 800 Fish Oil

The cost of 1 serving is 13 rubles. 73 kop.

  • Country of origin - USA;
  • package volume - 90 capsules;
  • concentration - 1000 mg.

The best fish oil in capsules, where omega PUFAs are represented by triglycerides. For the production of food additives, a concentrate processed according to German technology is used. The quality is confirmed - dietary supplements have the iTested logo. The shell of the drug with fish oil in capsules is made on the basis of fish gelatin gel.


  • the supplement improves the appearance of skin and hair in women;
  • strengthens the heart muscle;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes metabolic processes.


  • may cause heartburn.

TOP-5 liquid preparations

The list contains high-quality oil solutions with optimal concentrations of PUFAs.