
Boric acid - application for plants. The use of boric acid for plants How to treat trees with boric acid

Boric acid is one of the weak acids. It has found its application not only in medicine, but also as a poisonous substance.

In the house, for example, dry acid is mixed with egg yolk and acts as a poison against Prussians or ants. As well as other insects that can carry harmful microscopic organisms.

Many people spend years housekeeping, planting a vegetable garden and caring for their garden. An experienced gardener knows what boric acid is for. But many beginners do not have such knowledge. So what is boric acid, and how to use it?

Boric acid is available in solutions and powders. It is sold both in a pharmacy and in stores of garden supplies, seeds, fertilizers and pest control products.

If boric acid is applied to the soil:

  • the amount of the crop will increase;
  • there is an acceleration of shoot growth;
  • ripe fruits become sweeter.

Boric acid improves the process of nitrogen assimilation. Due to this, the yield increases by 25%. Crops become more resistant during frost or drought.

If there is not enough boron in plants:

  • it does not grow (does not develop);
  • the fruits become lethargic, small and tasteless;
  • the root system lacks the necessary trace elements, and the root can easily begin to rot;
  • diseases of various types develop (dry rot, bacteriosis).

Boron is mainly used in forest soil. But it also does not hurt in the black earth. The lack of boron is especially visible in the dry season. Boron in plants does not pass from old leaves to young ones, so from time to time you need to “feed” the cultures.

The need for boron in each plant is different:

  1. They love boron - apple, pear. From vegetables - beets, cauliflower, swede.
  2. The average need for boron is cherry, sweet cherry, apricot, peach. From vegetables - tomato, carrot. Greens - salad.
  3. Peas, beans, strawberries, potatoes need very little boron. But, if there is not enough boron for strawberries and potatoes, this is very evident from the plants themselves. They are very lethargic and small.

The use of boric acid in the garden

Boric acid is used as follows:

  • Boric acid provides 100% seed germination and good shoot growth. For this you need:
    • gauze bag - place the seeds there;
    • prepare a solution - 0.2 gr. boric acid and 1 l. hot water;
    • solution No. 2 - 5 gr. baking soda, 1 gr. potassium permanganate, 0.2 gr. boric acid per 1 liter. hot water;
    • soak the seeds in a bag for 48 hours.
  • Under the root as top dressing. A solution of 0.1-0.2 g is made. acids per 1 liter. water. Before top dressing, water the plant abundantly with plain water so as not to burn the root system. Such top dressing is used in emergency cases of boron shortage. Such top dressing helps flower plants that grow in the soil of their peat and sand very well.

Fertilizer for fruit and vegetable plants

Top dressing of fruit and vegetable plants is carried out in this way:

  1. For strawberries. When buds appeared on the strawberries, the bushes need to be sprayed with a solution: 5 gr. acid per 10 liters. water. You can add manganese to the solution. During the berries, you can “feed” the bushes with a solution: 2 units of boric acid, 2 units of manganese and 1 unit of ash per 1 tbsp. water (for example, 2 g acid, 2 g manganese, 1 g ash).
  2. For tomatoes. In addition to soaking seeds, tomato bushes need to be processed during growth and ripening. You can fertilize the soil with boron-containing solutions, which are sold in stores. In order for the plant to react loyally to fertilizer, it is required to water the soil with ordinary water before the procedure. Before flowering, the tomato is sprayed with a solution: 10 gr. acid per 10 liters. water. Stir well until completely dissolved and spray in the evening or early in the morning, so that there is no direct sunlight.
  3. For cucumbers. Boron helps the plant in the process of ovary and flowering. During flowering, the plant should be sprayed with a solution of 5 gr. boric acid and 10 l. water. A little sugar (honey) can be added to the solution for good pollination. The initial sprouts of the crop are sprayed with the same solution. Just add manganese instead of sugar (to prevent diseases).
  4. For beets. Lack of boron in beets leads to unusable roots, and the leaves become stained. In order to avoid a disease of the fungus, it is necessary to treat the seeds first, and then “feed” with the usual boron-containing solution.

Ants fight

Boric acid has not only beneficial properties for plants, but also has an effect on living organisms. Dry mixtures with boric acid are poisonous. When eating mixtures, the insect accumulates boron in the body and dies after 12 days.

The main thing is not to put more boric acid in the preparation of mixtures, because the ant will die quickly and will not reach the anthill.

Signs of boron deficiency in plants

Boron is mostly deficient in soils with high humidity, as well as acidic soils. In plants, this deficiency is revealed in different ways. Potatoes and corn practically do not experience a lack of boron, but if there is a shortage, then the leaves of the potato turn yellow, the tubers are small, and brown cracks appear.

Some cultivated plants begin to get sick due to a lack of boron:

  • Beets, for example, develop heart rot, a wormhole.
  • Tomatoes begin to turn black at the base, young leaves and branches grow from below, become brittle, the tomato becomes like a bush. Red spots appear on the tomato, and the fruit becomes dry.
  • Strawberry and raspberry leaves change their shape and color.
  • In raspberries, the leaves curl up, and in strawberries, they become wrinkled, and a brown, dry color appears around the edges.

Common signs of boron deficiency:

  • growing points die off;
  • dry kidneys;
  • plant stems become crooked.
  • the leaf of the plant acquires a pale green color, curly;
  • almost no flowering.

Boron overdose

Boric acid belongs to the lowest class of harmful substances. In case of contact with the skin, nothing will happen.

But if there is a lot of boron in the ground, this can significantly damage plants:

  • Burn of the lower leaves. They turn yellow, dry and fall off.
  • The sheet changes its shape. It becomes like a dome, turns inward, turns yellow. Adult leaves suffer the most from this.
  • The root system also suffers. It may burn the horse. Then the small roots die off, and the large ones stop absorbing useful properties and moisture from the ground, which leads to the withering of the plant.
  • The trees show a large amount of boron in the yellowing of the leaf.

A substance such as boron is necessary for plants in order to supply the root system with oxygen as much as possible. Its absence significantly reduces the level of calcium intake to the plant organs.

In order to always have a blooming, beautiful garden, and a generous harvest in the garden, in the arsenal of any gardener and gardener there is one necessary remedy containing boron.

The use of boric acid in the garden and garden

Thanks to top dressing, which includes boric acid, plants become more resistant not only to diseases, but also to adverse weather conditions.

Experts note that thanks to boric acid, the yield increases by an average of 20%, or even 25%.

Especially, such high rates in cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage.
Seeds are treated with boric acid before planting - they are soaked for 12-24 hours (0.2 g of boric acid is diluted in a liter of water).

Boric acid is applied directly to the soil before planting seedlings or seeds (2 g per 10 liters of water).

Leaves are sprayed with boric acid (5 g per 10 liters).
In addition to pure boric acid, ready-made fertilizers such as boron superphosphate are also used: granular or double.
Immediately before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds for a while in a solution with boric acid.

This way you can speed up the germination process of your seeds. Usually the seeds of vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, carrots or beets need to be soaked for a day. But, for example, zucchini, cucumbers, cabbage - as little as possible, twelve hours will be enough for them.

For the main application of microfertilizers to the soil, before planting seedlings or germinated seeds of flowers, fruit or berry crops, dilute two grams of boric acid in ten liters of water and water the earth abundantly with the following calculation: diluted composition per ten square meters.

A very good effect was the use of boric acid for flowers.

It needs to be added to the soil with a lot of peat, because it is too poor in boron content. Flowers such as violets need this.

Boron helps the rapid absorption of calcium and the abundant formation of buds. For foliar top dressing, a 0.1% solution of boric acid (10 g per 10 l) is used. When foliar top dressing with boron, together with other microfertilizers, the concentration of boric acid is reduced by 2 times (0.5 g per 1 liter). The solution is sprayed on plants in the phase of budding and flowering.

Roses. Very good results are obtained by spring spraying with a solution of boric acid in a proportion of 10 g per 10 liters. To prevent fungal diseases, rose cuttings are immersed for 2-3 minutes. in a solution of boric acid (20 g per 10 liters of water).

Gladiolus. A solution of boric acid (2 g per 10 l of water) is used to feed gladioli in the 3-4 leaf phase and during the flowering period to obtain larger corms.

Dahlias. Spraying with boric acid mixed with potassium permanganate (5 g +2 g per 10 l of water) favorably affects the development and flowering of plants. Top dressing is done 2-3 times before mass flowering in the evening with an interval of 15-20 days.

It was also noticed that boric acid had a very good effect on roses, and they increased their resistance to fungal diseases. Boric acid in the garden and in the garden is practically one of the best remedies for today.

Top dressing at the root

Boric acid solution: 0.1-0.2 g of boric acid per 1 liter of water. It is used only in cases of severe starvation or a well-known lack of boron in the soil. Plants are pre-watered with plain water to avoid chemical burns of the roots. Usually used on seedlings of flowering plants growing on soddy-podzolic soils or in a mixture of peat and sand.

Good to know

Boric acid dissolves easily only in hot water! always first dilute the test portion (bag) in 1 liter of hot water, then bring to the desired volume with water at room temperature.

Strawberries: signs of boron deficiency:
curvature of the leaves and necrosis of the edges. Top dressing with boric acid significantly increases the yield and improves the taste of berries. In early spring, plantings are shed with a solution of boric acid with the addition of potassium permanganate (1 g of potassium permanganate, 1 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water), consumption - about 10 liters per 30-40 bushes. It is useful to carry out foliar top dressing with a solution of boric acid (5 g per 10 liters of water).

Before flowering, when the plants put forward buds, carry out foliar top dressing with a solution (2 g of boric acid, 2 g of manganese, 1 cup of sifted ash per 10 liters of water). Make an extract from the ash in advance: pour a glass of ash with a liter of boiling water and insist, stirring occasionally, for a day, then strain through cheesecloth and the infusion is ready.

Tomatoes: Signs of a Boron Deficiency

Blackening and dying off of the stem growth point, rapid growth of new shoots from the root, while the petioles of young leaves become very brittle. On fruits, usually in the region of the apex, brown spots of dead tissue are formed. As a preventive measure, soaking the seeds in a solution of boric acid (0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water) for a day or in a solution of microfertilizers containing boron helps well.

Before planting seedlings, apply boric acid or boron-containing fertilizers to the soil (optional on cultivated soils). Do not forget about foliar top dressing before flowering (10 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water). You can use a foliar application of the same concentration in the green fruit phase to accelerate ripening and the accumulation of sugars in the fruit.


Signs of a lack of boron: the appearance of chlorotic spots between the veins of the leaf blades, which gradually grow, the absence of normal ovaries on the hands (hummocking). A new seedling dies within a year or 1-2 years after planting in a permanent place. Even a single treatment during the budding period, due to the preservation of flowers and less shedding of ovaries, increases the yield by more than 20%. Taking into account the characteristics of grapes, add zinc salts to boric acid (10 l of water, 5 g of boric acid, 5 g of zinc sulfate).

If the fruits of zucchini or zucchini rot, if the tomatoes in the greenhouse are stressed by the heat, if the fruits of pepper and eggplant do not set, if there are few ovaries on cucumbers, make a solution of boric acid and spray the plants.

Boric acid is widely used in garden plots. This trace element is often simply irreplaceable.

What is boric acid?

Boric acid belongs to the weak acids. Its discovery falls on the 18th century. After that, she immediately became very popular. For more than 200 years, it has been effectively used in many industrial sectors, as it has excellent disinfecting properties.

It is a powder that has neither color nor odor. It dissolves well in various liquids. Including, in glycerin, saline, mineral solutions and so on.

Photo of boric acid

In the conditions of the laboratory, it was obtained by V. Gomberg in 1702 from a substance known to many - borax.

Signs of boron deficiency in plants

Boron is one of the most important elements required by almost all plants. It improves metabolism, leads to the production of chlorophyll, assists the root system in breathing. It is especially easy to see the lack of boron in dry weather.

It manifests itself in the following signs:

  • yellow veins on the leaves, spots on the foliage;
  • leaf shredding, curling and falling off;
  • the buds located at the top slow down their growth, and the lateral ones begin to grow faster;
  • weak flowering and formation of ovaries;
  • fruit deformation;
  • the bark on the shoots, the tops begins to die.

In general, the process of suppression of plant growth begins. It is urgent to take measures to eliminate this process, so as not to be left without a crop. Boron should be used in moderation, otherwise, with an excess, the fruits will be stored worse, and burns may form on the leaves.

How to spray with boric acid

Spraying with boric acid is a great way to fertilize plants. However, it is not suitable for all cultures. For example, it is completely unsuitable for zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant. For the rest of the fruit, spraying is enough. This is the most convenient of all existing forms of fertilizer. The active substance is distributed evenly.

The best time to spray is early morning, late evening. It is better that there is neither wind nor rain. Ideal weather: clear and calm. When the plant grows in open ground, you need to make sure that there will be no precipitation in the next day. Spraying should be systematic so that all leaves receive adequate nutrition.

Boric acid from ants - recipes

Boric acid is an excellent remedy for annoying ants.

Below are recipes for boric acid poison from ants that will help eliminate ants in a short time:

  • Rub 1/2 teaspoon of acid and a couple of egg yolks. From the resulting mass, you need to make balls (no larger than a pea) and distribute along the paths that the ants walk.
  • Boil the potatoes without removing the peel, and 3 egg yolks. Add a teaspoon of sugar, boric acid in the amount of 10 grams, then mix well. As in the first case - make balls, place them in places of accumulation of ants.
  • Connect 2 tbsp. spoons of glycerin, a tablespoon of water, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, a third of boric acid and a teaspoon of honey. Make balls.
These 3 recipes are quite enough to eliminate "uninvited guests".

How to make boric acid bait for ants - video

The use of boric acid in the garden and vegetable garden

On the garden plot is used for various crops.

Boric acid for strawberries

The first fertilizer should be applied in the first days of spring. Take 10 liters of water. Thoroughly stir 1 g of boric acid in it. First you need to fill it with hot water. Make 1 g of potassium permanganate. Irrigate the beds on which strawberries grow. The resulting volume of fertilizer is enough for bushes in an amount of 30 to 40 pieces.

The second time fertilizer is applied just before flowering, when the buds begin to move forward.

Spray with the following mixture:

  • take an extract from the ashes of a tree in the amount of 200 gr, pour boiling water in the amount of 1 liter. Stir and insist in this form for 24 hours, after which it must be filtered;
  • 2 grams of boric acid, ash extract, potassium permanganate are added to 10 liters of water.

Top dressing of strawberries during flowering with boric acid is carried out until the fruit is formed. Make a weak solution by adding 2 grams of boric acid per 10 liters.

The use of boric acid for tomatoes

Recipe for foliar top dressing of tomatoes with boric acid. In 10 liters of water, stir 10 grams of boric acid. Tomatoes are fertilized during the formation of ovaries and fruits (still in a green state). This speeds up growth and greatly improves the taste of tomatoes.

The following substances are required:

  • boron - 0.5 g;
  • superphosphate - 10 gr;
  • potassium chloride - 8 gr;
  • water - 10 l.
This amount is enough for 200 bushes.

Vegetable growers with experience are advised to carry out such top dressing of tomatoes with boric acid starting from June 15.

When tomatoes grow in greenhouse conditions, preventive feeding is done every month. To do this, dilute 2 grams of boron in a bucket of water. When the plant already has traces of the disease, a more concentrated solution is used.

Boric acid for cucumbers

Scheme of fertilizing cucumbers like tomatoes. The concentration in this case is less - 5 grams of acid per 10 liters. Boron significantly improves the taste of fruits, promotes the rapid formation of ovaries, the further development of cucumbers. The trace element improves resistance to frost and drought. Leads to the strengthening of the root system.

How to determine what is missing cucumbers

Boric acid for peppers

Peppers feed only a couple of times during their entire life cycle..

First time it is worth treating the peppers with boric acid before flowering itself, at the beginning of the formation of buds. This will increase the number of buds and make them develop faster.

Second time fertilize during active flowering, which will help form the ovaries and flowers to hold firmly on the branches.

Third time fed at the very beginning of the ripening of cucumbers. This will make the fruits more beautiful and improve their taste. In addition, the addition of boron will prevent rotting.

Top dressing is carried out by spraying or foliar method. The solution should only be cooled down.

The use of boric acid in the garden and in the garden - video

Boric acid for beets

When beets have a lack of boron, this is manifested by the formation of gray rot inside, sores appear at the top.

Feed only after 14 days after the first feeding. It is carried out only in the presence of 5 leaves.

Take 1 gram of boric acid in a bucket of water.

To make the sheet plate strong and strong, make a solution of the following ingredients:

  • boric acid - 5 gr;
  • potassium chloride - 15 gr;
  • urea - 1 tbsp.
Each of these elements is diluted in 10 liters. They are applied to the soil or simply sprayed. Sometimes this is enough.

Boric acid for potatoes

With a lack of boron, potatoes begin to get sick with scab, which is manifested in the reddening of the petioles, their fragility. A quick top dressing here has practically no effect. In this regard, the planting material is sprayed with a solution of boric acid.

Tubers for planting are placed in one layer. For 1 m2, 1 liter of solution is used. After the material dries, it is slightly mixed and laid out again in 1 layer. Processing is carried out twice.

Boric acid for apple and pear

With a lack of boron, the leaves of the apple and pear trees get fat, begin to warp, the veins darken. When starvation is in the acute stage, the leaves simply fall off. There is a rosette of leaves, which is formed at the ends of the shoots. When the disease is started, the upper parts of the branches die off.

With a lack of boron in a pear, the flowers dry out quickly.. The fruits begin to lose shape, get damaged. On their surface, you can see areas with damaged tissue.

There are light spots inside the apples. Their diameter is 1 cm. After some time, they acquire a brown tint and resemble a sponge or cork in appearance.

Foliar feeding of fruit trees in the amount of 10 - 20 g of boric acid per 10 liters of water significantly increases fruit ripening. It is done in the evening, carefully spraying only the crown. The first spraying takes place at the initial stage of bud opening, the second - after 5 - 7 days. This reduces the number of falling ovaries and accordingly increases the yield. Trees tolerate adverse conditions better. Fruits can be stored longer.

Top dressing with boric acid of grapes

Boron deficiency is manifested by the formation of spots between the veins. Over time, they get bigger. A new seedling dies already within 1 to 2 years after planting in a permanent place of growth.

Even one treatment is enough to increase the yield by a quarter!

It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the grape culture. Zinc salts are added to boric acid.

The composition of the spray solution in this case consists of: water - 10 liters, boric acid - 5 g, zinc sulfate - 5 g.

Boric acid for flowers

The tool is also used for flowers.

There are rules for using a solution of boric acid for flowers:

  • make top dressing exclusively for healthy flowers;
  • after transplantation, it is worth waiting until the plant takes root;
  • before flowering and during the flowering period, boron is also not added;
  • before applying boric acid, it is imperative to water the plant;
  • avoid getting the solution on the leaves;
  • during the dormant period, watering is suspended.
To get the best result, spray the leaf with a 0.1% solution of the drug.

Processing is planned at the time of bud formation.

Boric acid - reviews on the use of gardeners and gardeners

Many gardeners and gardeners agree that the use of boric acid is justified. The result is very good.

Vyacheslav, 48 years old, Kaliningrad
I have been using boric acid as a top dressing for a relatively long time. I don't think there is a worthy replacement. The signal to use the remedy is the twisting of the leaves. In this case, I use spraying. When the leaves begin to fall off, you need top dressing. Everything is simple. This will strengthen the plant, and lead to the appearance of ovaries. I always get a good harvest, the fruits are tasty and juicy. There is one point: do not overdo it with top dressing, otherwise you will get the opposite result. An excess of boron is also undesirable as its deficiency.

Victoria, 45 years old, St. Petersburg
We recently purchased a garden plot. I planted the vegetables properly. Where without them. Beets, carrots, cabbage. Over time, I noticed sores on the top of the beetroot. I knew right away that we were doing something wrong. I consulted with friends, they are gardeners with experience. Boric acid is recommended. I did just one spray and it was gone. Miracle remedy! And it's quite inexpensive. And among the advantages that can be used for other garden crops.

Leonid, 37 years old, Rostov-on-Don
The whole family loves berries. We grow our own in the garden. The safest, in my opinion, fertilizer is boric acid. She began to feed the culture. The fruits have become tastier, look better, ripen much faster.

Questions from readers

Beginning gardeners and gardeners always have questions.

How to dilute boric acid for processing cucumbers?

To completely dissolve the acid crystals, only hot water is used. Otherwise, the crystals will simply settle on the leaves. A temperature of 50 degrees is enough. The solution is made as follows: a teaspoon of the substance is stirred in 100 g of hot water. When it cools down, add 2 liters of water at a temperature of 22-25 C.

Can you spray strawberries with boric acid?

Yes, sure. Spraying makes the berries tastier, juicier, and contributes to a larger harvest. It can be used in conjunction with potassium permanganate, as well as iodine. Apply during the period of bud formation and fruit set.

Here is one of the effective recipes for such top dressing: water - 1 bucket, potassium permanganate - 2 gr, iodine - Art. spoon, ash - 200 gr.

The tool is used for top dressing outside the roots. Top dressing of strawberries during flowering with boric acid is carried out until the fruit is formed. Make a weak solution by adding 2 grams of boric acid per 10 liters.

Is it possible to water tomatoes with boric acid?

Watering with boric acid is also necessary for tomatoes. Treated with a weak solution during the formation of buds, flowering, fruit formation.

Is boric acid harmful to humans?

Boric acid is absolutely harmless to humans when used to feed horticultural crops.

What is the danger of boric acid?

Boric acid is dangerous only when taken orally or inhaled vapors for a long time.

Boric acid is indispensable in the garden. It allows several times to improve the condition of plants. It is used for faster ripening of fruits, improving their appearance, taste characteristics. It is an excellent prevention against diseases and pests.

For the full development of the plant, a certain amount of micro- and macroelements is necessary. This helps to get a good harvest, increasing it by 2-3 times. Boric acid is one of the substances that all crops need in the garden, in the garden.

The element takes an active part in photosynthesis, which means it promotes growth and the formation of fruits. When buying a product for use, a farmer can be sure that boron is a really useful microelement. Its main properties include an increase in flowering, protection of plants from pests.

The benefits of boric acid: how to determine the lack of a substance

Boric fertilizers will not always be useful, but in most cases. We can say that boron is the main constituent substance that will ensure the active growth and development of crops.

With its help, the presence of oxygen in the stem increases, which smoothly passes into the root system. Simultaneously with such a “journey”, calcium and chlorophyll are replenished. Due to this, the normalization of metabolic processes, substances occurs.

According to experts in growing vegetable crops, boric acid is useful for plants due to its qualities, and for agrarians - economy, efficiency. Can be used as a single agent to enhance growth, fertilizer. But it is also often included in other fertilizers.

Appearance of boric acid:

  • colorless;
  • without smell;
  • crystalline;
  • rapidly soluble substance.

In addition, it does not pose a threat to humans and animals, as it belongs to the 4th hazard class. Possesses low acidic properties.

The importance of using boric acid lies in the fact that boron starvation leads to soil depletion and underdevelopment of plants. You can notice a lack of boron by certain signs. The plant should be inspected in dry weather. The alarms are:

  • deformation of vegetables, berries;
  • the bark dies on the upper parts of the plant, including shoots;
  • a small number of flowers, fruits. The ovaries are practically not observed;
  • inhibition of the development of kidneys, ovaries and fruits;
  • chopping foliage;
  • the appearance of twisted, yellowed leaves;
  • premature fall;
  • the presence of spots on the sheet, the veins acquire a yellowish tint.

The manifestation of boron starvation appears gradually. If you skip the beginning, then bring the matter to the withering away of the root system.

But an aqueous solution of boric acid can be harmful. Therefore, before starting use, you should carefully study the positive and negative points, as well as the instructions for using the purchased substance.

Basic rules of use

The main effect of boric acid is an increase in the percentage of taste due to an increase in sugar content. Boron also increases the keeping quality and the amount of ovary.

Microfertilizer helps to get 30% more fruits at a time. But overfeeding with fertilizer leads to a deterioration in taste. The harm of boric acid is also manifested in the fact that boron causes burns on the green part, trunk, roots. Hence there are restrictions on use in the garden and vegetable garden:

  • it is forbidden to treat plants supersaturated with phosphorus;
  • do not apply by root method more than 2 times per season;
  • comply with the requirements for spraying (dosages of the substance for dilution, the amount of solution per 1 bush).

Foliar top dressing with boric water can be carried out in the absence of direct sunlight. The best option for manipulations: morning or evening. The day is cloudy and warm.

All activities must be carried out from a high-quality atomizer so that the atomizer gives a drizzle in the form of fog. This is to prevent the appearance of burns on the stem, trunk, foliage.

Need to know! Fine spraying gives the appearance of droplets almost imperceptible throughout the green part without excess boron solution. If large drops appear, which is unacceptable, it is recommended to wash the substance off the foliage. New processing cannot be carried out immediately.

root application

Root top dressing is carried out much less frequently. Serves as an ambulance for plants. You can run an event like this:

  • dilute boric acid powder in accordance with the recommendations from the instructions for use;
  • a watering can is used, not a spray;
  • do not allow boric liquid to enter the trunk, foliage;
  • in greenhouses, the method is used extremely rarely so as not to burn the root of the crop.

All types of boron fertilizer application will be useful during the growing season, as the plant is actively growing. Boron will provide cultures with full development.

For seed material

Boric liquid is useful not only for crops planted in the ground. You can always prepare a solution for seed treatment. The method is used for both vegetables and fruit and berry crops.

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The scheme of use is simple: tie the seeds in a bag of cloth, adding a weight. Next, soaking occurs for 10-12 hours (cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage) or for a day (the rest). The working fluid should be no more than 0.02%. Dilute in 10 liters of water (at least 70 degrees) 2 g of boric acid.

Complex substance for seeds

The most effective mixture for seed germination (seedling seedlings) is a liquid complex mixture. It includes not only boron, but also other useful substances. In the fertilizer complex, the proportions of the constituent elements must be observed:

  • copper sulfates (copper sulfate) and zinc 0.5 g each;
  • manganese - 1 g;
  • boric acid in crystals - 0.5 g.

These components are diluted in a liter of water. But in horticulture and horticulture, not everyone wants to use so many ingredients that can damage a plant if the dosage is incorrect. Therefore, a more gentle organic solution is proposed. You can get it by combining:

  • potassium permanganate - 1 g;
  • baking soda - 5 g;
  • boric acid - 0.2 g;
  • infusion obtained from onion peel and extract from wood ash - half a liter each.

Boric acid is also actively used to prepare the soil before sowing. Suitable for lean, acidic and marshy soils.

Plant processing

To obtain a positive result, the gardener should know the exact doses, concentration and time for applying boron. It depends on the name of the culture. The need for boric acid is determined by category or group of fruit and vegetable crops. There are 4 in total:

  • in order for the feeding of cauliflower, beets and fruit trees to go for the future, it should be understood that these species are among the most popular crops in the forest;
  • for potatoes, strawberries, the last degree of need was determined - 4. But with an insufficient amount of boron, the plants quickly wither;
  • the second includes greens, most of the vegetables, stone fruits, shrubs;
  • the third includes herbs, peas, beans.

The main application is recommended during flowering. It is necessary to paint the scheme for the introduction of boric acid. If necessary (they noticed a lack of boron according to the main symptoms), an unscheduled application can be carried out. It is allowed to do for all groups according to demand. The working fluid for this is done in a double dosage.

Soil treatment before sowing is carried out in the spring. After liming of acidified soil has been done. Since several types of crops are usually planted in the country, the schedule for applying boric acid should be different.

At the same time, spraying or root treatment can only take place if there are crops of the same group.

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First group

All types of cabbage, beets and fruit trees are included in the first, most "gluttonous" group. You will need to feed them regularly, regardless of the type of soil:

  • obese - 1 g is diluted in 10 liters of water. Solution 0.01%;
  • medium - 2 g per 10 l;
  • skinny - add at least 5 g per 10 l. Maximum boric acid can be dissolved 10 g per 10 l.

Gluttons love a lot of boron. Therefore, it is allowed to carry out manipulations during fruiting. The solution is calculated per quadrature: 1 liter of the mixture is enough for 1 sq. m. Trees are subjected to basal feeding (poured into the trunk circle).

Second group

Processing of pepper, cucumbers in the open field, as well as other nightshade is not carried out with boron on rich soils. If necessary, top dressing is recommended complex or spraying on the sheet. The solution for this is 0.02%.

For poor and medium soils, boric seedbed preparation is done. Seed material can be soaked. For tomatoes in the greenhouse, as well as greenhouse nightshade, top dressing should be carried out as for the first group.

Third group

Plants of this group are not very demanding on the presence of boron in the soil. Processing is carried out if necessary with a weak solution of boron. It is also desirable to carry out pre-sowing application on poor soils. The period for planning events is the growing season or the presence of boron starvation.

Fourth group

Crops that are included in this group need boron to be saved (if there are signs of a lack of boron). Unscheduled processing of strawberries or raspberries does not increase the fruit, but only keeps the plants in good shape.

If the potato has signs of brittleness, redness, scab, "ambulance" with boron helps in 8 cases out of 10. 0.6% boric liquid is used. Strawberries are processed before planting in the ground.

This will be enough for the plant not to need boron for more than two years. After the expiration of time and the manifestation of a lack of substance, spraying is done with a combined solution.

For flowers

Flowers require no less care than vegetables or fruits. They also need nitrogen and potassium. Therefore, boric water is used as an insecticide and top dressing for roses, dahlias, gladioli during the flowering period, the appearance of buds.

The working liquid for roses is prepared according to the following formula: 10 l + 10 g of boric acid. If you decide to use a complex fertilizer that you prepared yourself, add no more than 5 g of boron.

The best option for spraying is a substance with natural ingredients. Boron top dressing of roses in August is not carried out. Exclusively in the spring. But for gladioli and dahlias, such a solution is not suitable. For this type, a liquid is used with the addition of 2 g of boron per 10 liters of water.

For dahlias, spraying should be carried out with the addition of manganese (2 g). Boric acid is added 5 g. Method of application - foliar top dressing. Application interval: 14 days. But events are planned during flowering.

Preparing the liquid correctly

You can buy boric acid in several forms: powder, liquid or combined fertilizer. The latter option involves the use of the attached instructions for the drug. Such fertilizer mixtures are not bought from the hands.

The liquid form of boric acid remains in demand. It's easier to breed. Solubility is achieved in water from 30 degrees. The first option is a powder, with the right dilution, it will be an excellent help in the hands of even a beginner. It remains to study the rules and sequence.

  1. Water is used not lower than 70 degrees. Otherwise, complete dissolution will not occur. Accordingly, it is not worth waiting for the maximum result.
  2. The powder is slowly poured into the prepared water. Take a small amount. During falling asleep, boron is immediately stirred until completely dissolved.
  3. Without interrupting stirring, the remaining water is added to the resulting liquid.
  4. If a combined agent is being prepared, then additional ingredients are added after the boric acid is completely dissolved.

For the normal development of plants, a number of useful substances and trace elements are necessary. Boron is one of the most important. It promotes the process of synthesis of nitrogenous components and has a positive effect on metabolism, increasing the amount of chlorophyll in the foliage. Experts believe that boric acid can be attributed to the most accessible and simple compounds of this microelement. It is successfully used in complex fertilizers.

The active use of boric acid for a vegetable garden or garden has many beneficial effects.

What is this remedy? These are colorless, odorless crystals that quickly dissolve in the aquatic environment.

Useful qualities

This tool can be used on various soils. Good results after application are given by gray and brown forest, sod-podzolic soils. Gardeners also recommend applying this substance to light soils, to black soil. Mandatory use of boric acid for a vegetable garden or garden on acidic, swampy or dark-colored soils.

This tool perfectly helps to increase the number of ovaries, significantly increases the yield. After the use of boric acid for a vegetable garden or garden, the root system and the stem of the plant are actively developing. The amount of sugar increases, the taste of fruits improves.

Boron is a "fixed" element in plants. He cannot go from old withering leaves to young ones. Therefore, it is necessary for plants during the entire growing season.

Experts know that all horticultural crops need boron in varying amounts. We will conditionally divide all of them into 3 groups of needs:

  • small (strawberries, potatoes, legumes);
  • medium (tomatoes, carrots, stone fruits);
  • high (fruit trees, beets, cabbage, rutabaga).

Although potatoes and strawberries belong to the group with a low need for this trace element, its deficiency can adversely affect these crops.

Signs of boron deficiency in plants

Not only acidic soils, but also soils with high humidity need additional nutrition of boron. The lack of this substance in plants affects in different ways. Corn and potatoes practically do not need additional application. But if this microelement is not enough, then the leaves of the potato begin to turn yellow, tubers do not develop, and cracks appear on their surface.

A lack of boron in plants can also lead to the development of diseases - brown and dry rot, baketriosis, and bulging. The following signs indicate a lack of this microelement in the soil:

  • the kidneys dry up;
  • plant stems become crooked;
  • growing points die off;
  • plant leaves become curly, pale;
  • flowering is absent.

These signs are especially pronounced in dry seasons. Many amateur gardeners, when harvesting a small crop, blame it on the lack of moisture, and not the lack of essential trace elements in the soil.

Ways to use in the garden and in the garden

The benefits of boric acid are invaluable and quite diverse. But you should be careful with this element, because an excess can harm the plant, accumulating in the fruits, like other fertilizers. Therefore, before you get a positive effect from the use of boric acid for a garden or vegetable garden, you should pay attention to the advice of experienced gardeners. The main task is to observe the dosage and apply the drug correctly.

Consider these methods of using boric acid:

  • stimulation of seed germination;
  • soil preparation for planting;
  • foliar planting;
  • top dressing at the root.

Boric acid is actively used to stimulate seed germination. How to breed this remedy correctly? It is necessary to take 0.2 g of powdered agent for 1 liter of water. The crystals dissolve quickly. Seeds are soaked in this solution:

  • onions, carrots, beets - for 24 hours;
  • cucumbers, cabbage, zucchini - for 12 hours.

How to dilute boric acid for sowing or planting? Everything is the same: in proportion to 1 liter of water - 0.2 g of the product. Planting beds should be shed with this solution. Consumption: 10 l per 10 m2. Then the soil should be loosened and then the seeds should be planted. This method is used if there is a suspicion of a lack of this microelement in the soil.

Boric acid is very important. Solution concentration: per 1 liter of water - 0.1 g of boric acid. The first spraying is carried out at the stage of bud formation, the second - at the flowering stage, the third - at the fruiting stage. Sometimes other drugs with boric acid are used together. For spraying in this case, take a smaller dose (5-6 g per 10 liters of water).

Foliar top dressing with boric acid should be carried out in cloudy weather. Experienced gardeners always postpone this procedure until the evening to avoid sunburn. If you need to spray on hot days, you should first water the plant.

Top dressing with boric acid under the root is used quite rarely. In this case, you should make sure that the soil really lacks this element. Most often, this procedure is used for seedlings of flowering plants that grow on a mixture of peat and sand or sod-podzolic soils. The solution is prepared using 0.1-0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. But first, the plant is abundantly watered with plain water to avoid chemical burns.

Remember that boric acid is highly soluble in hot water. First of all, it is necessary to dissolve 1 sachet of the drug in 1 liter of hot water. After that, the solution should be brought to the desired volume by mixing with water at room temperature.

Potato processing

The following factors indicate the lack of boron in potatoes:

  • general developmental delay;
  • fungal scab disease;
  • the point of growth is oppressed;
  • leaves turn yellow;
  • petioles turn red, become brittle.

The need for potatoes in boron directly depends on the soil, or rather, its acidity. Also, this indicator is affected by the temperature and the ratio of minerals contained in the soil. If an amateur summer resident exceeded the norm during the introduction of nitrogen and potassium, then the plant's need for boron increases significantly. If the dose of phosphate fertilizer was increased, the need is reduced.

If the first signs of scab damage appear on the potato, it is necessary to use boric acid at a rate of 6 g per 10 liters of water. To prevent this disease, it is necessary to spray potato tubers at the stage of the appearance of the first shoots.

Beet processing

A lack of boron in beets causes wormholes and core rot. Often the cause of such lesions is a fungal disease - phomosis. At the same time, concentric light brown spots appear on the leaves, in the center of which black dots are placed. After the disease passes to the root crop. At the initial stage, on the cut, the tissues of the root crop have a dark brown color. In the future, the affected parts dry out and become rotten.

Before planting, seeds should be soaked in a solution of boric acid. It must also be applied to the soil to prevent the appearance and development of phomosis.

If the soil and seeds are properly prepared, it is enough to spray the beetroot 1 time with boric acid at the 4-leaf stage to get a good harvest. As practice shows, the result will be excellent.

Processing of tomatoes

Lack of boron in tomatoes also causes various diseases. Young leaves and branches begin to grow only from below, the base turns black and becomes brittle. In other words, the tomato turns into a bush. Brown spots appear on the fruits, the pulp becomes dry. Some summer residents use a solution of boric acid from phytophthora.

For prevention, before planting, the seeds must be soaked in a solution. Before planting, this solution is also introduced into the soil. Care should be taken to carry out foliar feeding before flowering. Boric acid has a positive effect on the tomato ovary.

To accelerate the ripening and accumulation of sugar, you can re-spray with boric acid at the stage of green fruits.

Cucumber processing

Boric acid for cucumbers is also actively used. This element helps the plant in the process of flowering and ovary.

To improve the ovary, prevent rotting of zucchini and zucchini, a solution is also used: 2 g of the product per 10 liters of water. Plants are sprayed with it.

Use the same boric acid solution for peppers and eggplant.

Pear and apple processing

Signs of a lack of boron in pear and apple trees:

  • leaf thickening;
  • darkening and corking of the veins;
  • leaves warp and fall;
  • small leaves at the ends of the shoots are collected in the form of a rosette;
  • the top of the tree dies.

These signs contribute to the rapid drying of flowers, deformation of fruits, on which traces of affected tissues appear.

Light spots appear in the pulp of apples, which gradually turn brown and turn into a sponge.

Foliar top dressing (10-20 g per 10 liters of water) will help restore the lack of boron. Spray evenly throughout the crown. The first time - during the opening of the buds, the second - a week later.

Grape processing

The lack of boron is evidenced by chlorotic spots between the veins on the leaf, the absence of good ovaries. On soils with a minimum amount of this trace element, new seedlings die within 1.5 years.

Strawberry processing

With a lack of this element, strawberry leaves become dry. To improve the quality of the crop in early spring, a solution of boric acid and potassium permanganate should be poured onto the plantings (10 liters of water, 1 g of each drug).

Before flowering, it is also desirable to carry out foliar top dressing with a solution: 2 g of boron, 2 g of manganese and 1 cup of sifted ash per 10 liters of water.

Processing of ornamental plants

This microelement contributes to the rapid absorption of calcium and the abundant formation of buds. Therefore, experienced gardeners actively use this tool to get a beautiful, flowering garden. During the period of bud formation and flowering, foliar treatment is carried out (10 l of water per 10 g of the drug).

Rose cuttings are immersed for several minutes in a boron solution to prevent fungal diseases.

drug overdose

Boric acid belongs to the lowest, 4th, hazard class of harmful substances. In case of contact with the skin, this drug does not harm human health. The danger lies in the fact that this element accumulates in the body, because it is slowly excreted by the kidneys.

Boron can be a panacea, and maybe a poison for plants. After all, an excess of this drug provokes a leaf burn. They dry out, die and fall off. Symptoms of an excess of boron in the soil are yellowing of the leaves, folding their edges. The leaves often take on a round shape.

The high content of this substance in fodder plants provokes the development of serious diseases in animals.

Insect control

Boric acid is not only a useful tool for plants. This drug allows you to fight harmful insects. Often use dry mixes with boric acid from ants in the garden. This element accumulates in the body of insects and negatively affects their vital activity, which subsequently leads to death.

Boron acts on the nervous system of the ant, causing paralysis and further death. When eating the corpses of their fellow ants, other ants also die. Therefore, to get rid of ants in the garden, very little boric acid is needed.

In order to remove these insects completely, it is necessary to use such a mixture within 1 month.

Ant bait recipe

There are many recipes using this drug that help get rid of insects. We will consider the most popular:

  1. Boil 2 eggs for 30 minutes. Take out the yolks and grind them with the addition of 0.5 teaspoon of boric acid powder. Scatter the resulting balls near the anthill or on the path of the ants.
  2. Dissolve 5 g of the above preparation in 100 ml of hot water. Add 10 g honey, 40 g sugar. Mix everything and pour into a jar. Cover with a lid to leave small passages. Put dishes near the anthill.
  3. 1 teaspoon of sugar, 3 egg yolks (boiled), 10 g of dry boric acid, 3 boiled potatoes. All grind and mix. Make small balls and put near the anthill.