
For Russia with love. About Tatyana Mikushina's channel Let's endure this worthless shooting

In Irkutsk, a new social movement has found itself, which is concerned about the problems of morality on a worldwide scale. Movement "For morality!" held several actions in Irkutsk and Baikal, its members hoisted the flag of the movement in the mountains of Arshan. According to the representative of the movement in Irkutsk, the main task now is to attract as many people as possible, to make the movement massive. Therefore, "moralists" are trying to cooperate with the press. And our editorial office was visited by an Irkutsk representative of the movement with a proposal to get involved in the work and promote the movement. Well, we are always for morality. However, before agreeing, we decided to find out what kind of movement it is and what it breathes. Everything turned out to be not so simple and not so moral. In any case, the organizers and activists seem to be holding back something...

Irkutsk residents could see people with white and blue ribbons on September 21 on Gagarin Boulevard near the monument to the tsar: on the International Day of Peace, “moralists” took to the streets to draw attention to their movement. They handed out flyers with the "Code of the participant in the movement", attached white and blue ribbons to those who wished - a symbol of involvement in "morals".

“Communication was quite lively, and we managed to sign 11 new participants in the movement, including young people - athletes. Many of those who ticked their flyers promised to register on their own,” he reported on the official website of For Morality! head of the Irkutsk representative office.

Activists walked along the Great Baikal Trail. “A total of 33 flyers were handed out and 24 people ticked them off. People were from different cities: from Irkutsk, Angarsk, Kaliningrad and Moscow. And one foreigner asked what kind of flag it was and took a picture of the inscription on a T-shirt with the website address,” the website says.

Representatives of the movement hoisted the flags of the movement on the Baikal mountains and in Arshan. Everything is nice and peaceful.

Our task is to expand the movement, increase the number of participants, - says Mikhail Ustinov, an activist of the Irkutsk “moralists”, a participant in the first congress of the movement, which was held in Moscow at the Cosmos Hotel.

What made us worried? The materials that were presented to us are suspiciously similar to the materials of various religious movements. An open letter to high-ranking officials invites the state authorities to "adopt the ideology of morality" and promote the movement. The brochure "The Doctrine of High Morality" offers an analysis of the causes and ways of society's exit from the state of moral decline. The pamphlet talks about the supermind, reincarnation and offers to teach in kindergartens and schools "the law of rebirth of the immortal part of man."

Therefore, our surprise was quite moderate when we discovered that the spiritual leader of the movement is Tatyana Mikushina, known not only in Russia, but also in Latvia, Moldova, Ukraine, and the USA as a contactee with a higher mind.

She is a resident of Omsk, is the president of the Sirius Center. The ideas of the center can be found on the website, the basis of which, according to Tatyana Mikushina herself, are messages, or dictations, received over a period of 10 years - from 2005 to 2014: “To date, I have received about 450 messages from more than 50 beings of light. These creatures are on the higher planes of being and are called to help humanity in its evolution.”

What Tatyana Mikushina proposes is a hodgepodge of several teachings of the New Age religious trend, which includes currents and movements of an occult, esoteric and syncretic nature.

Near Omsk, Mikushina and her followers built a certain training center with voluntary contributions. Now from the ashram of the "Great White Brotherhood" - this is how Mikushina called her center - worship services are broadcast. The activity of Sirius is quite high - so much so that other organizations of this kind consider Mikushina as a direct commercial competitor.

Sirius has a publishing house of the same name. The publishing house prints, respectively, "messages from a higher mind", which are accepted and recorded, of course, by Tatyana Mikushina. In addition, the publishing house releases CDs with mantras. And also postcards - images of various deities, as well as portraits. For example, a portrait of the murdered Emperor Nicholas II with the caption: "The Ascended Master Nicholas." This means that Mikushina can communicate with Nicholas II.

In Russia (in Chelyabinsk, Omsk and Moscow), in Ukraine, in the Baltic States, five so-called "Sirius Centers" have been opened, where, as part of groups, people join the "teachings of the lords of wisdom" as presented by Mikushina. The centers sell only Sirius books. Other books in the centers are not for sale, as unnecessary vibrations come from them. Tatyana Mikushina strongly recommends purchasing her books as conducive to spiritual uplift. The same books are actively distributed via the Internet and representatives of publishing houses in the regions.

As adherents of the public movement “For Morality!” testify, the idea of ​​​​creating a movement belongs to Mikushina. When we asked the Irkutsk “moralist” Mikhail Ustinov about whether Mikushina is the leader of the “For Morality!” movement, he confirmed this, but with the caveat: “But this is just a spiritual leader.” By the way, according to the information on the Sirius website, Mikhail himself is a representative of the publishing house that prints the fantasies of Tatyana Mikushina.

Members of the movement, including its representatives in Irkutsk, say they are not pursuing commercial or political goals. Although already only what lies on the surface - the publishing project of Tatyana Mikushina - has quite commercial purposes. For example, a three-volume edition of "messages" costs 1,900 rubles according to the publisher's price list. This product has consumers, and, apparently, there are many of them. Presumably, there are other sources of income for Sirius, which we are not yet aware of. This is evidenced at least by the fact that the Moscow "Sirius Center" is open in Gostiny Dvor on Red Square. Yes, and arrange a congress of the newly organized movement "For Morality!" in Moscow at the Cosmos Hotel, where the rent of a congress hall costs 230,000 rubles a day - this also does not look like a rejection of the "values ​​of the consumer society."

On her website, Tatyana Mikushina writes: “The totality of all the Messages contains a coherent Teaching, the basis of which is the Moral Law. The Beings of Light are methodically explaining and proving to us, who are incarnate people, why it is beneficial to adhere to moral principles in our lives.” So after all, it's about profit, and not about morality? ..

Mikushina T.N. - about the author

Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina is the founder of the philosophical and ethical doctrine, which is aimed at reviving the foundations of morality in society. This Teaching was written to her by inspiration from above and represents more than 450 philosophical discourses.

In 2017, Tatyana Mikushina was awarded the Order of the Russian Land for her contribution to the spiritual and moral revival of Russia.

The first book by T. N. Mikushina “Good and Evil. A Private Reading of H. P. Blavatsky's The Secret Doctrine was written in 2004. The book reflected a truly revolutionary at that time view of the "fall" of angels and the "fall" of mankind.

Then from 2005 to 2015 followed by a series of books "Word of Wisdom", which contain spiritual and moral teaching, set forth in the form of messages. The Teaching was given under the guidance of the Lords of Wisdom, to whom the series of books "The Lords of Wisdom" is dedicated.

The Teaching considers the most diverse aspects of human life and society from the standpoint of the Laws operating in nature, and also contains many practical recommendations, thanks to which the reader can become healthier and happier, find harmony in relationships with loved ones, and answer meaningful life questions.

Practical advice is reflected in such books as “On Health, Happiness, Labor and Money”, “On Love and Sexual Energy”, “Treasures of Divine Wisdom”, Secrets of Music” and others. In the series dedicated to Russia, books about the royal family of Nicholas II, as well as about the mission of Russia, were published.

Mikushina T.N. - books for free:

I don't know why God chose me to give the Teaching in the form of Messages from Heaven. The Teaching contained in the Word of Wisdom books is not a new Teaching. This Teaching is as old as the world itself...

But humanity needs a renewed transmission...

I don't know why God chose me to give the Teaching in the form of Messages from Heaven. The Teaching contained in the Word of Wisdom books and published on the Sirius website is not a new Teaching. This Teaching is as old as the world itself...

The book contains the Messages that the Ascended Masters gave through their Messenger Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina from December 27, 2011 to January 2, 2012.

The book "Word of Wisdom - 14" is a continuation of the series of books "Word of Wisdom" containing the Messages that the Ascended Masters give through their Messenger Tatyana Nikolaevna Mickushina. This book contains messages that...

This book contains the Messages that the Ascended Masters gave through their Messenger Tatyana Nikolaevna Mickushina from December 22, 2010 to January 2, 2011, as well as the Message of November 16, 2010, which was not published earlier.

This book contains dictations that the Ascended Masters gave through their Messenger during the summer cycle...

Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina has been working under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, or Masters of Wisdom, as a Messenger since 2004...

This book contains dictations that the Ascended Masters gave through their Messenger during the winter cycle...

Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina has been working under the guidance of the Ascended Masters, or Masters of Wisdom, as a Messenger since 2004...

“In the last times, some will depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and teachings of demons” (1 Epistle to Timothy of the Holy Apostle Paul. 5, 8)

In the month of May, a stand with books by a certain T.N. appeared in the Krasnodar House of Books. Mikushina, presented by the Sirius Publishing House. On the stand - in large letters the heading: " Books by T.N. Mikushina changed the lives of many people. The Law of Karma is the main and fundamental Law of this Universe".

On the table - free brochures with meaningful titles - "Wisdom That Changes Life" "On Love and Sexual Energy", "Treasures of Divine Wisdom", and others. The preface speaks of "a new philosophical and ethical doctrine, which is published in more than 50 volumes in 10 languages ​​of the peoples of the world under the general name "Word of Wisdom". It's a fruit 10 years of hard work Tatyana Mikushina". The books contain "Prophecies in the form of Messages transmitted through the Messenger - Mickushina, by the teachers of mankind - the Lords of Wisdom."« These books - further says, “due to their relevance and the uniqueness of the teachings set forth in them, they are the wings for our souls, the divine nectar for which the soul so yearned. The teaching set forth in the books has already changed the lives of many people around the world, because it is the life-giving source that can heal and save the souls of the thirsty).” "We hope- write the compilers of the brochure - expand the circle of people who vitally need to come to healing source of truth, helping to improve not only the life of each individual, but all life on the planet (? !) Here, the reviews and stories of those “ who applied the Teaching in practice and was able to get rid of bad habits, improve relationships with loved ones, gain health, balance, inspiration, joy and a new meaning of life.

Do you still feel annoyed, dear reader, from the fact that you continue to spend money on medicines and doctors, visits to psychologists, narcologists, instead of getting acquainted with the Teachings of the Masters of Wisdom and getting a "breath of clean and fresh air"?

So, Mikushina Tatyana Nikolaevna, 58 years old. “I was born in the city of Omsk. In her youth, she was fond of basketball. At the age of 15, she was seriously injured and was close to death. After recovering, "realized that God exists." The next years of his life were devoted to the search for God. After long meditation sessions, she developed clairaudience. She received her initiation in the "Great Central Sun - in the high worlds of the Sun"... In 2004, Tatyana Mikushina was granted the Mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood. Previous Messengers were Helena Blavatsky, Helena and Nicholas Roerich and Elisabeth Prophet. As a result, Mikushina got the opportunity to bring the Wisdom of the Great Teachers of mankind to all the people of the Earth. At certain periods of time during 2004 - 2015, using a special meditation technique ( interesting to know which one? A.P. ) Tatyana received messages from the Ascended Masters, who are also called the Masters of Shambhala or the Great White Brotherhood. She received her first message from heaven on March 4, 2005. Since then, she has received over 470 (!) Messages - teachings from more than 50 Beings of Light. These teachers of wisdom have already gone through the earthly school of life and are in an ascended state on the higher planes of Existence. They are called to help humanity in its evolution. Among them are famous Great Names. This is Jesus, Mother Mary, Gautama Buddha, Confucius. And also - Sanat Kumara, Saint Germain, El Morya, Kuthumi and others. Messages are given in the form of conversations. All of them are presented in the Word of Wisdom series of books. Mikushina calls himself a "public figure and philosopher"

Of course, even before Mikushina there were "messengers of the gods." In the early 2000s, this was Lyubov Panova. In one of her books, under the general title "Revelations of Guardian Angels", she says this about her prophecy “How I do it, I don't know. A man sits down in front of me, I mentally ask my Guardian Angels a question about him. Then I take a mirror, move a coin on it and hear an inner voice that gives me an answer. You can ask everything except politics and crime. I just hear inner voices. They call themselves guardian angels. When they ask me a question, I get an answer from them.”

The three main whales on which Mikushina's teachings are based are "The Supreme Moral Law, the Law of Karma and the Law of Reincarnation". “If humanity does not assimilate these Laws, it will not be able to change itself and the world for the better and will degrade”, she warns.

To this it should be added that Mikushina not only receives and publishes messages, but is also engaged in "concrete construction of a new life." Near Omsk, she built the spiritual center “Sirius; Later, centers appeared in other cities: in Chelyabinsk and Moscow, "Sirius - Centers" appeared in which lectures of the "University of Ethics of Life" are held. May 21 this year The Moscow Sirius Center took part in the traditional Summer Bazaar organized by the Embassy of India in Moscow. As noted on the Sirius Center website, “It was a moment of spiritual unity between the two countries. Everything, as the Lords of Wisdom say: there is no other country that has preserved such spiritual purity, admiration for the Highest, veneration of the Deity, like India. There are also foreign centers - in Kyiv, Kaunas.

In these centers, groups of people join the wisdom of the "Great Teachers of mankind." And this wisdom is carried by the Russian citizen Mikushina. " I don't know why God chose me to teach in the form of messages from heaven." she says. (And I, I know, only this is not God! Let's talk about this below - A.P.). “The teaching contained in the Word of Wisdom books is not new teaching,” she continues. " This teaching is as old as the world itself- concludes the messenger of the Gods (that's right!). And another message: « On May 19-22, the XIIKyiv International Book Exhibition. The visitors got acquainted with the best examples of publishing products of foreign publishers. Among them, our stand with the books of Tatyana Nikolaevna Mikushina stood out - it widely presented the products of the Sirius Publishing House. “May 23 this year. in the USA in Mountain View (mountain view) in the state of California, a presentation of books by T.N. Mikushina". (sirius-centers. net.)

In recent years, domestic agents of influence, recruited through bribery by foreign intelligence services, work under the guise of occult and magical centers that are in contact with the "higher mind". They are actively trying to influence our youth and youth through school programs, corrupting them in strict accordance with the Dulles doctrine, while they openly declare that they are pursuing a program to educate a new person with a new mindset: “There must be a place on the globe from where new thinking, a new ideology will begin to spread. And this ideology will be born in Russia, its seeds have already been sown.- confesses Mikushina.

And the seeds have sprouted! “I consider it possible to recommend the books “Word of Wisdom” by T.N. Mikushina for study by high school students, as well as students of institutions of secondary specialized and higher education”- calls on the head of the department of the "Southern Federal University" M.L. Skuratovskaya. Thus, through Mikushina, an important task is implanted in the public consciousness: to prepare people for the thought of the advent of the “New Age”. Ideas for changing consciousness through contact with the "Higher Forces", "Lords of Wisdom", the transformation of a person into a superman with paranormal abilities. Which could well be called a demon (Homo besus or Homo satanicus). In this regard, we can recall the Bulgarian soothsayer and healer Vanga Dimitrova from Petrich, who lost her sight after she was carried away by a tornado and after that she gained the ability to clairvoyance. Her name is still shrouded in many myths and legends. Vanga spoke about the new era in the following words: “The Earth is entering a new period of time, which can be described as the time of virtues. This new state of the planet does not depend on us... The new time requires new thinking, a different consciousness, qualitatively new people, so that harmony in the Universe does not collapse... The time of "miracles" will come, new mysteries will be unraveled"

1. Fight against evil

Let's leaf through the pages of Mikushina's books. Let me remind you that their content is not its intellectual property. “The texts of the Messages came into this world in a miraculous way. And I'm not the author of them." she explains.

“And your main task is to unite. Union of all fireflies not on the principles of struggle against evil (highlighted by me) but on the principles of love, help, mercy and compassion. From book "For Russia with love"

« The world has become like a powder keg, when one spark is enough for the entire planet to be torn to pieces. Under these conditions, the first place comes renunciation of violence in any form. And above all, you must renounce violence in your mind.” From book "About non-violence"

« The book "On Non-Violence" is a worthy continuation of the humanistic traditions laid down by L.N. Tolstoy and developed by M. Gandhi”. “The book will certainly be useful to a wide range of readers, and especially young people, as a reliable guide to moral values ​​in the modern era. It is on the basis of the values ​​of friendliness and cooperation, as well as rejection of forceful solutions to disputable and conflict situations. Thus, the ideas of non-violence and humanism outlined in the book are very relevant and important for modern society.” ( from a review of D.G. Filatov’s book).

Here is a carefully disguised call not to oppose evil. When the Fatherland is attacked by an enemy, all citizens, if they are patriots of their country, must defend their homeland and, if necessary, give their lives to save the country and fellow citizens. In this sense, the thesis of resisting evil by force is understandable to everyone (except for political or religious sectarians).

And Orthodoxy teaches a person to humbly accept the will of the Lord, but it has nothing in common with theories of non-resistance to evil, with fatalism and doom. If on the street they begin to rape my wife, or beat my child, protect them or refuse to use force to resolve the conflict situation that has arisen? Is it then possible to use force to stop evil? Where is the line of acceptable justification for the use of force? This most difficult question was answered long ago by the great Russian philosopher Ivan Ilyin in his book On Resistance to Evil by Force. The book is especially relevant now, in an era when wars have degenerated into total terrorism. And propaganda of murder and criminality pours from the TV screens from time to time. Here is what Ivan Alexandrovich writes : “And it is natural that a doctrine that legitimizes weakness, glorifies egocentrism, indulges lack of will, removes public and civic obligations from the soul, and much more, the tragic burden of the universe, should have been successful among people who are especially stupid, weak-willed, poorly educated and prone to simplification, naively - idyllic worldview. It so happened that the teachings of Count L.N. Tolstoy and his followers attracted weak and simple-hearted people and, giving themselves a false appearance of agreement with the spirit of Christ's teaching, poisoned Russian religious and political culture.

Imagine if Russia did not begin to help Syria in its fight against ISIS - this terrorist organization banned in Russia. After all, then after some time its advanced detachments would have reached our borders. Which was part of the US plans. (Today, ISIS militants are already on the border of Afghanistan with Tajikistan - 3.5 thousand, Uzbekistan - 3.5 thousand, Turkmenistan - 1 thousand people; data as of July 13 this year). Or - " on the basis of the values ​​of friendliness and cooperation, as well as the rejection of forceful solutions to controversial and conflict situations"- what an admirer of Mikushina writes about in his review - D.G. Filatov, would the country's leadership not react to the incident with our Su-24 bomber shot down vilely by the Turks and the pilot who died in the process? And showed a complete lack of any - any reaction. " But it is imperative to react, otherwise they will sit on the neck and drive, this has already happened in our history, in recent history"(Vladimir Putin).

Then all this would mean submission to evil and participation in it. I will quote Ilyin again: “ But precisely for this reason, the complete absence of any resistance, both external and internal, requires that condemnation cease, that censure subside, that the approval of evil prevail. Therefore, one who does not resist evil sooner or later comes to the need to assure himself that evil is not entirely bad and not so unconditionally evil; that there are some positive features in him, that there are many of them, that they may even prevail ... And then the disgust subsides and evil is no longer experienced as evil ... then the soul begins to believe that black is white, adapts and becomes like it, becomes black itself, and now it approves and enjoys ”. This is what Mikushina calls us to: “ And your most important task for the near future is to unite. Union of all fireflies not on the principles of struggle against evil, but on the principles of love"

Just think, reader, what would have happened to Russia if Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (the Quietest) had begun to expect the repentance of Stepan Razin and his gangs and had limited himself to praying for them? What would happen if Peter the Great with archers and Catherine the Great with Pugachev's gangs (which Pushkin quite objectively calls "bastards") did not take it upon themselves to execute the villains on behalf of Russia? After all, they would have turned out to be traitors to their country .... And our regimental priests, who went without weapons, but with a cross to attack with their regiment, blessing for a mortal battle for the Fatherland?

As an officer, I cannot ignore the feat of 25-year-old military intelligence officer Alexander Prokhorenko. On March 17 of this year, he died heroically in Syria in the Palmyra region, causing fire on himself. The strength of the spirit of the hero of our time is evidenced by excerpts from the transcript (radio exchange) of Prokhorenko's last negotiations with the command, when, already knowing that he could not escape from the encirclement, he caused a blow to himself.

“I don’t have much ammo left. They seem to be everywhere, I won't last long, please hurry"

he said these words just a few minutes before his death, when the terrorists had already discovered him and began to surround him.

Prokhorenko : "Commander, I'm surrounded. They are here. I don't want them to take me and take me prisoner. I request an air attack. They will mock me and my uniform. I want to die with dignity, I want all these bastards to die with me. Please grant my last wish - request an air attack. Either way, they'll kill me."

Commander : "Please confirm your request."

Prokhorenko : “They are around. This is the end Comrade Commander, thank you. Tell my family and my country that I love. Tell them that I was brave and fought to the last. Please take care of my family, avenge my death. Comrade Commander, farewell. Tell my family - I love them very much"

He was 25 ... The words of a song from the immortal movie "Officers" come to mind, - Although they are not 25, they had to go through a difficult path... The funeral of the Hero of Russia Art. Lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko, with all military honors, took place in his native village of Gorodki on May 6. He died defending Syria. Syria is a biblical land and is considered the cradle of Christianity. This country is mentioned in the New Testament. Here, in the first century AD, the Apostle Paul received holy baptism in Damascus after his miraculous conversion. In the city of Homs, in an old church, a revered relic was kept for a long time - the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, which the Queen of Heaven miraculously handed over to the Apostle Thomas. Therefore, defending Syria, officer Prokhorenko also defended Christianity. I believe that his soul is already in the Abodes of the Eternals.

Mikushina's books are permeated with satanic pride. This is understandable. After all, the "Gods" themselves, the "Lords of Wisdom" speak to her. And now she has already imagined herself the savior of Russia: “I feel a great responsibility to convey ... to the people the view of the Teachers of humanity on modern Russia and its future,” the book “For Russia with Love” says. “All segments of the population experience an extremely depressed state of consciousness». From what?

“Because there is no national idea that would unite and rally people” she explains.

« For Russia, for Russians, a sense of patriotism is important - love for the Motherland. We don’t have and can’t have any other unifying idea other than patriotism.”(Vladimir Putin, April 7, 2016 - a forum of journalists in St. Petersburg). And Mikushina declares: “ Patriotism, based on ignorance, can lead to the same thing that was in the Soviet Union under Stalin. Remember the victims of repression, dispossession? ... When we look for enemies outside the country, then patriotism can serve as a breeding ground for Nazism and fascism ( here the philosopher confuses patriotism with nationalism - A.P. ) and lead to war.»

(Since love for the motherland incorporates culture, history and faith, then this is not to the liking of the "Lords of Wisdom." But they can't say it directly, of course.)

And Mickushina continues: “Given the impact that the mass media has on the population - the broadcast of crime, violence, murders, it is unlikely that the idea of ​​patriotism will fall on the soil of Love”(From an interview "The Spiritual Mission of Russia" by T.N. Mikushina, a philosopher, public figure, founder of a new philosophical and ethical Teaching, to the writer Maria Sadovnik)

Let me remind you of the words of the French philosopher and thinker Rousseau: "The greatest feats and virtues were accomplished out of love for the fatherland."

Lords of Wisdom in sessions of communication applying cryptogenic tactics, dictate to their repeater the text, sustained in semitones, half hints, half riddles, and understatements: “The night is dark before dawn. Russia with enviable constancy, like an unbroken horse, threw off many important missions of the forces of Light. She chose the hard way. All these years, on the territory of Russia, there was a groan from millions of lifestreams who received karmic retribution for disobedience to the will of God in full. The people suffered, they stopped. No matter how you run around, around the bush, there is no way to hide from God's plan for this country. And the time has come for the implementation of the plan ».

Some of Mikushina's statements make one think about her sanity and consider her a potential candidate for a PND - a neuropsychiatric dispensary: “Those people who took advantage of the idea of ​​the community in order to come to power and take advantage of the fruits of this power did everything to ensure that all branches of public life were permeated with correct, but completely lifeless slogans, because the main thing that should have been the basis of any community was rejected, - connection with God and Divine service. Therefore, we are witnessing a terrible monster that existed throughout the 20th century in Russia. A snake with a lion's face.((Even my laptop was “indignant” when typing this phrase and wrote: “a word with a pronounced expressive negative ironic coloring” - A.P.) And now we are seeing the bestial grin of this monster - Mikushina continues - and hands fall, and there is no understanding in the minds of the most enlightened part of society about the future path. Russia freezes. As if time has stopped. Nothing changes. Yes, they would change, but they don’t know which way to move. And what is happening now is the rampant forces that promote illusion. And in accordance with the Divine plan, these forces have little time left to have power. Here they are, finally pissed off. So they are angry and have lost all shame, and thrown away all morality and morality.

2. ANTICHRIST And the plan of action, it turns out, already exists: “ The divine possibility, the plan of Heaven for Russia is ready to be deposited on the physical plane. Oh, this is an absolutely great idea! And all that is needed now is your help... A certain number of individuals are required who are in embodiment and wholly and completely devoted to the Will of God.” Demonic beings act cautiously, trying to pass off their actions as the actions of Christ himself, which is generally their favorite method, which the fathers of the Church call the "method of substitution." But as can be seen further from the text, this "heavenly plan" has opponents. And although they are not named, it can be confidently said that they include those who believe in the real, one God the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth and in the one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and accept Him with all their hearts. And we are firmly convinced that God exists - exists, takes care of us. However, let's listen to Mickushin: " It is difficult to withstand such a frenzied onslaught from those forces that foresee their end and therefore act openly, not caring at all to cover their godless actions with the slightest cloak of ideology or any other masking of their shamelessness.

To enhance the verbal effect, Mikushina explains: “This is how a wounded beast behaves, which anticipates its imminent death and, in a furious rage from its impotence, is ready to destroy and sweep away everything in its path.” Cool, the reader will say, and who is the beast? “Those forces that are now in power in Russia are like this mortally wounded beast, and it seems that nothing can stop them and reason with them. However, there is a plan of God ( devil! - A.P. .) for this country, and this plan will be carried out " she warns and clarifies that “ a delay of several decades or even a whole century is an insignificant historical period.

For an Orthodox believer, it is clear who and what is being discussed. For atheists who are unfamiliar with the Holy Scriptures, and those who reject any faith in principle, let us explain that we are talking about wicked and the son of perdition, the embodiment of all unrighteousness. This is the Antichrist - the last link in Satan's plan. I will quote one of the holy fathers of our church, St. Ignatius Brianchaninov: “The Antichrist will reveal himself to be meek, merciful, full of love, ... of every virtue, they recognize him as such and submit to him because of his most exalted virtue, those who recognize the fallen human truth as truth and did not renounce it for the truth of the Gospel. The Antichrist will offer mankind the establishment of higher earthly prosperity, he will offer honors, wealth and splendor, carnal comforts and pleasures: the seekers of the earthly will accept the Antichrist, call him their master ... «.

These words of the bishop clearly show that the "son of perdition" will imitate Christ in everything. It is through seduction that he will receive the recognition of people who call themselves Christians, but gravitate towards earthly goods, conveniences and comforts.

“Deceitful spirits, sent out throughout the universe, will arouse in people a general lofty opinion about the Antichrist, a general delight, an irresistible attraction to him ...”, writes Ignaty Brianchaninov. That is, all those things that the propagandist and agitator of these same spirits, public figure and philosopher, Russian citizen Mikushina, speaks and writes about in his little books. As it is said in Holy Scripture, "For everything there is a time and a time for every thing under heaven"(Eccl. 3.1.) The signs of the present time attract the attention of all who reflect on the problems of modern society. And these signs are evident today. The devil does not leave his intrigues, sending his crafty deeds into modern society. Under the guise of educators and mentors, they produce heresies and spread all sorts of delusions in order to remove people from the true faith. Some Fathers of the Church, in their writings, said that in the days of the Antichrist, the extinction and disintegration of European civilization and statehood will occur. You think about it, watching the collapse of the European Union... True, the Antichrist will come when the ground for him is prepared by the spiritual degradation of mankind. When the “normal” state of people becomes enslaved to all kinds of sin, and love grows cold. However, the harbingers of its appearance are already manifesting today. Some states consider it their duty to harm their neighbor, while politicians acting with hypocrisy and deceit see the destruction of statehood and the collapse of other countries as a guarantee of their own well-being. Any concept of truth and justice in relation to Russia on the part of "our partners" is often violated, and the rule - "your death is my life" is becoming the norm of international relations.


“Books by T.N. Mikushina are a direct and long-awaited continuation of the line of transmission of the ancient wisdom of mankind, which was laid down by E.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society, continued by Annie Bezait and subsequently by N.K. and E.I. Roerich"(From the review of Filatov G.P.) “At all times, philosophical ideas and teachings appeared, which later became the basis of the ideology of countries and peoples. If the ideas were progressive, moral, deeply humane, then these countries and peoples flourished. If new ideas had an egoistic orientation, then the society that accepted them would come to degradation and decline. The new philosophical and ethical Teaching came into the world on the threshold of the new millennium and can become a salvation for modern civilization and, above all, for Russia. (Preface to the book "For Russia with Love")

Let's consider what this "teaching" is, as old as the world, and reveal the conditions for its truth - epistemological roots, as philosophers would put it.

A person who lives only by material interests and physical sensations does not think about such issues as the existence of God, the existence of the spiritual world with good and evil spirits, about the afterlife. But suddenly some unexpected shocks shake him up and he begins to feel the need to comprehend his life and the purpose of his existence in it. And when he finally thinks about the spiritual side of life, he comes to the conclusion that he often put insignificant things at the center of his world. If the religious feeling is not completely killed in it, then the person will feel the need to turn to God, begin to pray, attend church and read the Holy Scriptures. A person begins to realize that there is a spiritual world and invisible beings of this world parallel to ours, which influence our life. And besides God, there are good and evil forces in it... Many people, having heard something about the devil, take it for a fairy tale. But no matter what people say or think about the devil, he really exists, and his actions are manifested everywhere in the world. According to one French writer, the greatest victory of the devil was that he was able to inspire people as if he did not exist.

The fact that "extraterrestrial intelligence" next to us is recognized by science. Countless reports of extraordinary phenomena and discouraging contacts with intelligent beings of alien composition and origin, which do not fit into the framework of earthly ideas about the properties of matter, have long forced ufologists and scientists involved in the study of anomalous phenomena to say that all these strange and numerous phenomena do not have nothing to do with space aliens from other galaxies. One of the oldest researchers of anomalous phenomena in the USSR, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Technical Sciences Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha, who worked in the UFO Commission - Soyuzufotsentr since 1975, directed the scientific topic "Hydrospheric Aspect of the UFO Problem" by order of the Navy Intelligence Directorate. In 1990, he headed the first state organization for the study of UFOs - unidentified flying objects - at the USSR Academy of Sciences. As a result of many years of research and analysis of a huge amount of data, he completely changed his point of view on the origin of UFOs.

Like many foreign scientists, V.G. Azhazha initially adhered to the common hypothesis about the extraterrestrial origin of UFOs. However, already in 1990, the scientist stated: “Over the past ten years, there have been several tens of millions of UFO landings on Earth. Only to us at the Ufological Commission, 10-15 messages come a day from all over the country. Moreover, on October 5 of the last (1989) year, about 1000 such objects flew over the city of Kirov, the same number as for the whole year in the Perm zone. It is impossible to study the planet, to probe it in such a dense way. Not enough resources or objects (UFOs). Their frequency of occurrence suggests that they live with us, coexist on the same planet with us " In fact, the scientist came to the conclusion that the existence of a parallel hyperthin world with intelligent beings inhabiting it is different in comparison with people of nature. Other scientists have also come to this conclusion. But the most important conclusion of Russian ufologists is the realization of the ultimate goal. Which is pursued by intelligent beings of a parallel world. This goal in relation to our civilization is the absolute subordination of us to the development program - robotization. Which means the complete subordination of the consciousness and will of a person to another rational being, the slave and instrument of which a person becomes. As the teaching of the Fathers of the Church, based on centuries of observation and personal experience, shows, “ each of the people living on earth is under constant supervision and control of one or more creatures of the parallel world. At the same time, each person is exposed to their constant influence, which, as a rule, people simply do not notice, because they are not aware of many of their actions and thoughts..

Here is what Abbot N * writes about this in his book “UFO, Psychics, Occultists, Magicians” Studies have shown that the creatures of the parallel world(i.e. our enemies are demons, demons, devils, the devil - everything that the Russian people call "unclean power", "evil power" - A.P.) divide us all into three main categories, which are directly dependent on the qualitative characteristics of the people themselves. The SPM employs three specific tactics of influence: a) pseudo-charismatic influence tactics(from the Greek pseudos - a lie, fiction; charisma - a gift)

b) pressing tactics(English press - to crush, flatten; c) cryptogenic tactics (Greek cryptos - hidden, secret; genos - genus, origin).

TO first category include those whom the SPM prepares as their assistants (the so-called agents of influence ). They are exposed to the first tactical method of influence - pseudo-charismatic. This method is characterized by the almost complete preservation of the consciousness of the medium-contactee with very close interaction with SPM, which inform the medium of some previously unknown information, teach him, guide him, show, as it were, through him their abilities to influence people and nature, and also use him for your self-realization. Those who are subjected to pseudo-charismatic influence by SPM experience genuine delight and pride from the consciousness of their originality, chosenness and even power, which is facilitated by the paranormal or creative abilities manifested through them, which actually belong to the beings of a parallel world. With the help of this method, the SPM form in the contactees a special worldview, necessary for the SPM, which agents of influence will later have to spread in human society.

« For your purposes"- writes further Abbot N," beings of the parallel world select such people who, according to their nature, are able to become their agents of influence in human society, ... and are not protected from their influence by Divine grace. It is this category that includes all people through whom the beings of the parallel world manifest their natural abilities such as telepathy, hypnosis, telekinesis, clairvoyance, parahealing and many others, incl. and creative»

"Before agents of influence" - continues ig. N , “regardless of what they are called: magicians, sorcerers, parapsychologists, hypnotists, fortune-tellers, healers, astrologers, mediums, psychics - two main tasks are set: a) propaganda of the power and limitless possibilities that open up for those who decide to make direct contact with SPM and let in their energy. (remember the reader, the end of the 80s of the last century, when Kashpirovsky and Chumaks gathered huge television audiences, demonstrating "their" capabilities - A.P.) b) propaganda and introduction into the public consciousness of such religious and philosophical ideas that would help people forget Christian moral principles”

Further ig. N gives the example of an old Argentinean man named Ventura Maceiris, who at the age of 73 works as a night watchman. At midnight on December 30, 1973, a UFO plate hovered over his guardhouse from which sparks rained, and a luminous ring rotated around the perimeter. Two pilots of a humanoid appearance were visible, but instead of a mouth they had only a dash. A bright beam of light shot at Maceiras and blinded him. The UFO then disappeared, leaving a strong smell of sulfur. A few days later, the unthinkable happened. Maceiras, who used to be a semi-literate man, suddenly began to speak freely on philosophical, theological and astronomical topics.

“Where did the illiterate old man get this knowledge in the sciences, which he had not even heard of before? In psychiatry, this phenomenon is known as the “phenomenon of alternating personality”, or “double consciousness syndrome”. Modern psychiatrists(with the exception of the Orthodox - A.P.), not taking into account the possibility of influencing the consciousness and physiology of a person by beings of a parallel world, they still do not know the causes of the origin of many mental pathologies, incl. and described in this case. In fact, the episode with Maceiras is explained by the initiation that occurred during his meeting with the UFO, i.e. dedication. Or, more precisely, by connecting him to constant contact with another person from a parallel world (the same was done by the priests during the ancient mysteries). As a result of this connection, the new personality (NPS) was able to manifest their knowledge through old Maceiras, to the great amazement of all who knew him before.

There are also many cases when, soon after a brief contact with a UFO or even observing it, people suddenly discovered in themselves the ability to clairvoyance, parahealing, psychokinesis, telepathy, hypnosis, and so on. It is more correct in these cases to say that thanks to the establishment of constant contact through all these people. the creatures of the parallel world began to show their natural abilities (pseudo-charismatic tactics of influence). Subsequently, all of them performed the function of conductors of new ideas put into their minds by the SPM.

Co. second category include people who are not promising for use as agents of influence, but, like the first, to a very large extent deprived of grace-filled Divine protection. This category includes the vast majority of patients in psychiatric hospitals, as well as all maniacs, criminals and suicides. This category is quantitatively more significant than the first. It is to the people of the second category that the creatures of the parallel world apply pressure tactics. This is the most severe method of strong pressure, and not only on consciousness, will and memory, but also on the higher regulatory systems of the brain, as well as on the human nervous system (vegetative and sympathetic). The pressure carried out in this case by the creatures of a parallel world has such power , which leads to the destruction of personal characteristics (disintegration of personality). It is pressure tactics that ... criminal and suicidal actions owe their appearance. (lat. suicide- suicide, we will talk about this in the next chapter).

TO third- to the most numerous category, we must include all of humanity, which has not yet completely lost the grace-filled divine protection that protects people. Nevertheless, people throughout their lives experience a hidden effect of the SPM on their consciousness and physiology, although they simply do not realize it. For this category of people, a third tactic is used, which we called cryptogenic, i.e. hidden, secret. This tactic of subtle and imperceptible for a person to control his thoughts, desires, emotions and will allows the beings of a parallel world to constantly interfere in our lives, influence our decisions, our actions, deeds and even our emotions.

Here, it should be noted that all psychologists, psychiatrists and psychoanalysts are well aware of what terrible, always negative and destructive information the so-called unconscious (subconscious) contains. Based on this, one can be convinced that the SPM never pursued the goals of saving humanity and that such “good” ideas of salvation, inspired by them by mediums as their “agents of influence”, for subsequent introduction into the public consciousness, actually have the goal of hiding the true objectives of the JMP- the author concludes.

« Tatyana Mikushina penetrated the very depths of the Secret Doctrine to bring to light the truth about the age-old question of Good and Evil.... Tatyana masterfully copes with the myths about the fall and the angel Lucifer»- writes the President of the Theosophical Society in England, Eric McGaugh.

« This book is revolutionary in its essence. It destroys the usual view of the Christian creed on the fall of angels and the fall of mankind.. The sin of falling in the interpretation of the author becomes a great sacrifice of the Higher Beings who descended (otherwise - fallen) from the high spheres into the earthly spheres and endowed earthly humanity with a spark of Reason, i.e. who gave man the greatest gift, thanks to which he was able to think, develop, evolve .... People with an unbiased view of the world can give a new impetus to consciousness, a new impetus to thought, as a result of which you come to such unexpected, paradoxical conclusions that inspire and delight the soul . We recommend reading to all thinking people who are looking for grains of Truth". - Elena Ilyina writes her review, modestly calling herself - "writer, Russia."

All these statements are of a pronounced atheistic nature. One of the most inexplicable mysteries of all times and peoples - why does the Almighty God allow the appearance of sin in the world? The answer can be found in the Law of God. It should be remembered that for the first time evil appeared not on earth, but in heaven. Heaven was defiled by sin long before God created our planet. After all, in the beginning, the creature that God created was kind, luminous. (The Latin word "Lucifer" means "light-bearer"). But then this one of the brightest and strongest angels became proud, did not want to love God and do the will of God, but wanted to become like God himself began to oppose God and became his enemy. He drew some of the other angels along with him. Having fallen away from God, Lucifer and the angels became the bearers of evil. And now, the devil and the demons remain so, having gained vast experience in all kinds of actions aimed at harming a person. Today, watching the actions of ISIS terrorist organizations, the TALIBAN comes to the conclusion about the influence of the creatures of a parallel world on them.


Over the past 10-15 years, the number of unmotivated murders has noticeably increased in the country. It would seem that for no apparent reason, for no apparent reason, one person kills another. The husband brutally beats his wife and leaves the apartment "for a walk", she dies from beatings in front of a seven-year-old child. Another spouse, a successful businessman, in a fit of sudden rage, takes the life of his "half", hides the corpse and puts up an announcement on social networks about the loss of his wife and a request for help (!) ... wanted. The wife decided to kill her husband, paid for the order to the performer, but at the last moment the "deal" breaks down due to the intervention of the police. In the city of Ussuriysk, a 29-year-old taxi driver tricks an 8-year-old schoolgirl into a car and takes her away... Some time later, the girl's body was found in a snow-covered ravine. In St. Petersburg, a man entered an apartment and shot a woman with a sawed-off shotgun - as it turned out, his ex-wife and her 11-month-old child. When they tried to detain him, he shot himself. Cause? In unfair, in his opinion, the payment of alimony to the deceased. And the cases when mothers threw their newborn children into garbage containers, buried them in a snowdrift? And when did the children "order" their parents for an apartment or money? And Oleg Belov, who killed his pregnant wife and children, and then his mother?

In general, such fabulous villains as, for example, "Bluebeard" can rest ... But the wild story - which was reported by all Russian media - happened on November 8, 2012 in Moscow, when a 30-year-old lawyer (!) Dmitry Vinogradov came to work with two carbines and started shooting at his colleagues. Cause? Unrequited love for a girl - a pharmacist. As a result of the shooting, six employees of the company died, another one is in intensive care. It turned out that before the crime, the killer posted on social networks on his page a statement - a manifesto, about his hatred of humanity. Here is his text: “I hate human society and I hate to be a part of it! I hate the meaninglessness of human life! I hate this very life! I see only one way to justify it: to destroy as many particles of human compost as possible.

Cases of child suicide have become more frequent. In 2010, 798 cases of child suicide were registered in our country, in 2011 - 896, in 2012 only in the first half of the year - already 532. This terrible disaster did not bypass the Kuban either. Here is what Natalya Galatsan, a correspondent for Krasnodar News, wrote about this a few years ago: “In the Krasnodar Territory in 2010 and 2011, 18 and 26 children voluntarily died, respectively. In early 2012, 18 boys and girls committed suicide. Most often these are teenagers 15-17 years old, most of them are girls. They leave life in various ways: hanging, drug overdose, cutting veins, falling from a height. Often suddenly, without any talk and hints about choosing such a terrible path. In the Novokubansky district, an 11-year-old boy from a complete, middle-income family, whom everyone knew as a good student, athlete and leader in the class, was found one afternoon by his parents hanged. No note, no diary, no hint of why he did it, the child did not leave. Parents, teachers, numerous friends of the boy did not even suspect what could have pushed him to such a terrible step. Further, the author of the article continues - “It is very important for investigators to find out the reason for the suicide of a child in each case, but this is often impossible to do. A criminal case is initiated only when there is reason to believe that the child was brought to this. (Article 110 "Incitement to suicide"). Children who decide to take extreme measures do not leave notes with explanations. Apparently they don’t want the record accidentally discovered by their parents to prevent them from completing their plan, “ the author concludes. (You will involuntarily think: where does this all-consuming desire for suicide come from in children just starting to live ? A.P.). next case. “A boy from a prosperous family, quiet, calm, a good student at school, hung himself on his own belt, throwing it over the headboard. And again, no note, no diary ... The teenager had no friends, his whole world was limited to school and home, no one came to visit him, his parents led a secluded life.

And here is the conclusion of the investigator: "The child did not see the point in a life in which his parents limited him in everything." Well, and one more case cited in the article by N. Galatsan. A 17-year-old girl, a student of one of the local universities, swallowed pills. The goal that she sought - to die - would certainly have been fulfilled if her mother had not come that day an hour earlier and called an ambulance ... Mom explains her daughter's act with "depression". The specialist on juvenile affairs, commenting on this case, explains that “Depression does not happen in a vacuum. Perhaps it was hard for the girl to study, and she ... was afraid not to meet the expectations of her parents. At the end of the article, the psychologist's opinion is also given: - Why do children threaten suicide or silently swallow pills? To draw attention to yourself. “Unfortunately, sometimes they succeed posthumously.”. And he explains that “Whatever the cause of a child’s depression: problems with school, conflict with classmates, or others, parents should always be on his side. If your children understand that they have protectors, they will feel safe and forever discard the thought of suicide, ”- concludes the psychologist. (“Krasnodar News”, N177, November 2012)

“Last year (2014) the Investigative Committee of Russia registered 461 suicides among minors. The Serbian Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology says that 10-14 years old is the most dangerous age for suicide. “A teenager at this time is experiencing an age crisis,” explains Boris Polozhy, head of the Department of Environmental and Social Problems of Mental Health at the Serbsky Center. - From a child hatches an adult. All this is accompanied by introspection, dissatisfaction with oneself and others, the search for answers to the eternal questions “Who am I? What can I do? In addition, most young people romanticize death. For them, it's just a different way of being. And modern parents are busy earning money and have forgotten how to listen to their children, talk to them. Communication is often built either on the principles of authoritarianism according to the boss-subordinate system, or the child is simply not noticed - he grows like a weed. And he has no one to consult about problems. There is a third option, when adults elevate a child to the throne. Whatever a teenager does, everything is fine and wonderful.

On the Wiki page on the Vkontakte social network, there is a status “Suicides are angels who just want to get home.” Here is a photo of a girl wandering in thick fog. Vika is an active participant in the Death of Adolescents forum. “Let me be 15 years old, but I understand a lot, and I am disappointed,” she says about herself. - Around mat, beating, violence, money, lies, betrayal. Love and happiness only in films and books. Parents tell me: “Be still a child”, but how? I can’t believe in Santa Claus if I have already seen some uncle pulling his beard and complaining about his work. I'm afraid to live on, realizing that it will only get worse. I smile but it hurts. Because I don't fit into reality."

Let us now try to sum up the first results and draw some conclusions about the phenomenon about which we are going to speak further. We are talking about an unprecedented quantitative surge in deaths. Among the reasons given by parents, teachers, investigators, doctors are "loss of meaning in life", "depression", "fear of parents", "drawing attention to yourself" etc. and so on. However, they are not able to explain these reasons, as in the case of the "Russian Breivik" - the murderer Vinogradov. And this is understandable. After all, this social phenomenon can be explained only from one point of view - mystical.

In all these cases, we observe complete captivity of the human will.

This is exactly what our enemies want, and this is the main goal of the demons - the creation of a new INHUMAN personality. It was about such a person that Blavatsky, Nietzsche, Hitler dreamed of and were her enthusiasts and propagandists - the ideas of the "superman".

In forensic psychiatry, a term such as "obsession" is used, which is otherwise interpreted as "violent desires." Here is what we read about this in the textbook Forensic Psychiatry ”: “Volitional violations include impulsive states characterized by the emergence of irresistible or difficult to overcome urges to perform certain actions, without prior decision. It is customary to single out several impulsive states: catatonic impulsive actions are most often in the nature of meaningless, unmotivated, aggressive and destructive acts. Patients often experience this as submission to another's will «. (Forensic psychiatry - M., 1967 - p. 164) But if a crime or suicide is committed against one's will, under the irresistible action of something that is obviously extraneous to him, that is, someone else's will, then the question is, whose terrible will is this? Is it not the spirit we call evil?

And here I would like to quote the words of one of the hierarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Vladimir of Tashkent and Central Asia, who in one of his speeches said: “ The state of our society, the environment in which we all live today, can be said to be non-religious, and often hedonistic. (Hedonism is the pleasure A.P.) Questions of spirituality occupy a small part of the life of Russians. The motto of today is: "Take everything from life, do not think about the consequences." A culture alien to him is introduced into the soul of a Russian person, often incompatible with the Orthodox worldview.(like, for example, the Valentine's Day successfully thrown from the West or a truly satanic Halloween - A.P.)

There is a moral eclipse of the whole nation, its cultural impoverishment, which is reinforced by such a monster as television. We hear and see outright propaganda of cruelty and violence. Almost around the clock from TV screens, as well as from the pages of magazines and newspapers, people are bombarded with a stream of corrupting materials that create a cult of profit, permissiveness, and aggression. Advertising vice and violence paralyzes the will of the nation, causes family breakdown, mental illness, suicide. At the same time, it is absolutely ignored that a person, not only a bodily, but also a spiritual being,. Accordingly, the rapid degradation and dehumanization of society began, it was overwhelmed by stunning ignorance, crime, drug addiction, alcoholism, general apathy, the end result of which could be the destruction of the people».

The words uttered by the respected hierarch back in 2006 are topical even now. Isn't it true? Today we see young people in torn trousers and smoking a cigarette on the streets of our cities. This summer, a new dangerous demonic weapon appeared - the Pokemon GO game. It has attracted attention and causes concern in the highest circles of power.

Franz Klintsevich, a spokesman for the Federation Council Committee on Defense, is confident that Western developers can launch an entire information war with the help of a harmless game.

The Russian government is confident that the growing popularity of the game Pokemon GO at some point can destroy the Russian security system. Franz Klintsevich said that after the elections to the State Duma, which, we recall, will be held next fall, the Russian government is obliged to consider whether to ban the game in Russia. In his personal opinion, it is still worth banning it, since Pokemon GO can become the basis for the start of massive destructive processes in Russian society.

“The game, which the West called harmless, can become a serious weapon,” Klintsevich believes. According to him, the seemingly harmless catching of pocket monsters has a direct psychological impact on the human mind, which, in the end, will turn into a disaster for a whole generation. At the same time, Klintsevich bases his beliefs not on conjecture, but on professional knowledge.

Recall that earlier Klintsevich confidently stated that he was ready to personally try the new game "on his own skin" in order to assess its real danger.

Pokemon GO has not yet been officially released in Russia, but gamers and Pokemon fans have already found a way to download the game to their gadget. The novelty itself was the most explosive product of its kind this summer.

So the de-ideologization and de-Russization carried out by the West continues.

In this regard, I recall the doctrine of the largest ideologist of Freemasonry, the then director of the CIA, General Alain Dulles (1893-1969), set forth in his book "Reflections on the implementation of the American post-war doctrine against the USSR" (1945) This is what this general-contactee reflects on the pages of his book: “ We will find our like-minded people, our allies in Russia itself (in the USSR they were dissidents, and now part of the bureaucracy and the liberal opposition - A.P.). Episode after episode, the grandiose tragedy of the death of the most rebellious people on earth, the final, irreversible extinction of its self-consciousness will be played out ... Literature, theaters, cinema - everything will depict and glorify the basest human feelings. We will in every possible way support and raise the so-called creators, who will plant and hammer a cult into the human consciousness. sex, violence, sadism, betrayal- a word of any immorality. In government, we will create chaos and confusion... Rudeness and arrogance, lies and deceit, drunkenness and drug addiction, animal fear of each other, betrayal, nationalism and enmity of peoples, first of all, enmity and hatred towards the Russian people- we will quietly cultivate all this ... We will take on people from childhood, youth, the main We will always bet on youth let us corrupt, corrupt, corrupt it. We will make them cynics, vulgarities, cosmopolitans.”

Everything that the general wrote about in 1945, we observe today in Ukraine. The plans of demonic forces and their agents pursue goals, including the moral corruption of the main carriers of Orthodoxy in the world - the Slavic peoples, and especially the Russian. This is understandable, because “in order to master the world, one must master Russia,” wrote the founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl.

The fact that Russia is terrible not in itself, but only insofar as it still continues to be the stronghold of Orthodoxy in the world, like the Russian Empire once was, was stated back in the mid-1990s by former US Secretary of State Zbigniew Brzezinski: After the destruction of communism, the only enemy of America remained Russian Orthodoxy».

Orthodoxy is not only a religion. This is also the spiritual foundation of the Russian nation. Destroy it and there will be no single state - Russia.

That is why the establishment of puppet and fascist regimes in countries with a predominance of the Orthodox population has become a priority direction of international politics for agents of influence at the international level, aimed not only at seizing power in these countries, but also at fighting Orthodoxy. The Russian citizen Mikushina also fights him in her books: “ It is impossible to build a society that meets the standards of the New World without being based on Faith in God(i.e. in devil!- A.P.). Faith the truth, and not that faith, which was quite naturally swept away during the revolution of 1917. The Russian people have always intuitively suspected that not one official religion with its hierarchy and desire to impose its own dogmas does not meet the needs of the broad Russian soul.”- Mikushina shouts. And here it is more frankly: “Now Russia is conducting a general cleaning. There is a grandiose rethinking of values ​​.... Therefore, the country looks untidy. Therefore, gloomy faces. Spring cleaning is in full swing... Many are trying to return to the tenets of the old faith of great-grandfathers. They return to the newly restored temples. They listen to themselves, sniff the church smells. And there is a premonition that the future of Russia is connected with God, with true faith in God(That's right, citizen Mikushina! Only with the God of the Triune, Trinity Consubstantial and Indivisible! A.P.) However, the soul does not find rest in the old faith, she laments. And working out the task, he explains: The only faith and the only Teaching has existed throughout history on planet Earth. Faiths and currents were named differently... but the same Teaching was always given. The moment has come when all people must rise above those religious dogmas and frameworks in which they have believed for centuries.”(It is a pity that Ramzan Kadyrov, the Chechen president, is not familiar with these lines)


Why does Mikushina's books attract a certain part of the people and find their reader? Partially the answer to this question is contained in one of the reader's reviews. : "In a period when humanity lives in wars, natural disasters, countless catastrophes, in the abyss of its own mistakes, it must be raised to hope for a brighter future". Each generation has its own concept of a “bright future”. In my childhood, it was associated with Khrushchev's slogan - "The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism." We, the then kids, had a strong opinion that under communism everything would be free and ice cream too. In the "Teaching" transmitted by Mikushina from the "High Source", a bright future is contained in the following quotes: " Leave the past. A New Day and a new Divine opportunity awaits you! Get involved in the work of transforming life on planet Earth on the basis of Divine principles and God's guidance!”.

In the texts of all Mikushina's books, dictated to her, the main goal is carefully masked - the blurring and then the destruction of Christian teaching, which is the urgent task of dark demonic forces - creatures of a parallel world. “Changing in our minds attitudes towards the events of a century ago, revising the internal system of values, we will change the course of the historical development of Russia and the whole world, directing it into the Divine channel. We must return to God." That is why M is pushing the general line of beings of the parallel world - a change in human consciousness. “By changing our consciousness, we can change the world around us.” For this, the public figure and philosopher believes, “ both political will and political leaders are needed.”

It goes to the leadership of the country and the people: “ However, those people who are at the head of the state, political leaders correspond to the average level of consciousness of the country's population. If the population degrades, becomes stupid, ... then, along with the degradation of the country's population, the power also degrades“(“The Spiritual Mission of Russia” - an interview with the writer Maria Sadovnik)

At the call of Mikushina, or rather, according to the plan of her diabolical inspirers, the country as a whole, the people as such, must be reformatted for loyalty to their historical vocation and religious service, for the fact that through the centuries, full of unrest, rebellions and wars, he carried and preserved the shrines of the Orthodox morality, love for one's country.

Lucifer Konstantinovich was born in Perm

Employees of the Perm registry office registered a newborn with the name Lucifer Konstantinovich Menshikov. The mother of the child, Natalya Menshikova, published on her social network page a photograph of her son's birth certificate. The child was born on September 11th.

“If you don’t like it, you will change it at the age of 14. With the understanding that it is not known how getting rid of such a patron will affect health, ”the young mother wrote in the comments. At the same time, the woman notes that the child is more like a father.

“My husband and I are Satanists. I wanted to name my son Lucian, and he - Lucifer, but I had a very difficult birth, and I promised that if the baby survived, we would call him Lucifer, ”the Perm portal quotes Menshikova as saying.

The registry office tried to convince young parents to choose a more traditional name for their son, but the couple insisted on their decision. According to the law, a child can change his name until the age of 18 only with the consent of both parents.

RIA Novosti

In one of his books, Mikushina quotes the words of Christ. “Remember what Jesus taught you: “Judge by the fruits.” Truth quotes incorrectly. Right - " You will know them by their fruits.”. (Matthew 7:16) Further, Jesus Christ taught as follows: “Do they gather grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? So every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So, by their fruits you will know them” (Matthew 7:17-20). But here's what's interesting. The words of Christ - “By their fruits you will know them”, are preceded by His words that leave no stone unturned on the entire “Teaching” of Mikushina, for they expose her. Here they are: " Beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves."(Matt. 7. 15


In some of Mikushina's books and her interviews, the theme of the execution of the royal family is touched upon.

“Let's reflect on the situation in Russia, based not on external events, but on internal events that were behind everything that happened in Russia in the last century. The revolution, the execution of the royal family, the civil war, the Great Patriotic War, the new revolution and the power of the elite that has now been established” (“For Russia with Love”).

“One hundred years ago, in 1917, a revolution took place in Russia, and the next year the entire royal family was killed. What did we see next? Civil war, devastation, repressions, the Great Patriotic War, a new revolution... During the 70 years of Soviet power, the main thing that underlay the well-being of society, the connection with God, was rejected. And the events of the past are connected with today, Mikushina believes and explains that the “Law of Karma” is in effect here. “Having made a revolution and shot the royal family, the people gave birth to heavy karma, which fell on the next generations. And the dominant .. including in Russia, the worldview system does not recognize the Law of Karma and the Law of Reincarnation " she mourns. “So it turns out that someone once shot the royal family, and today we have nothing to do with this”.

Here again is a direct attempt to lead the reader away from the truth, to hide who really was behind the events that had a tragic character for Russia. Let us pay attention to the words of Mikushina about the guilt of the people. In fact, those who shot the royal family were only a tool in the hands of demonic forces - the "Lords of Wisdom".

The assassination of the last Russian emperor - Nicholas II - is not just a criminal offense. This is a ritual murder. Secret Kabbalistic Sacrifice. Let's start with the circumstances. The scenario of the murder was determined not at all in Yekaterinburg, but in Moscow. Here is what is said about this in Valery Shambarov's book "The Occult Roots of the October Revolution".

“In early July (1918), Goloshchekin went to the capital - to the Congress of Soviets. As usual, he lived with Sverdlov, talked with him. There he received his final instructions. At the same time, on July 4, the guards at the Ipatiev house were replaced. Under the pretext of abuse, the commandant Avdeev is removed, his assistant Moshkin is arrested, the Red Army soldiers of the Zlokazov factory are sent home. They are replaced by the Latvians of the special forces. Yurovsky becomes the commandant, Nikulin's assistant. The changing of the guard is reported to Moscow". An approximate date of the murder was also established. Valery Shambarov writes that in 1990. Beloborodov’s report to Moscow about the regicide was put up at an auction in Sotheby’s: “ In view of the approach of counter-revolutionary gangs to the red capital of the Urals, Yekaterinburg, and in view of the fact that the crowned executioner will be able to avoid the people's court (a conspiracy of the White Guards to kidnap the former tsar and his family was revealed), the presidium of Ur. Region Owls. Slave, Kr.i Kr. Arm. The deputies of the Urals, fulfilling the will of the revolution, decided to shoot the former Tsar Nikolai Romanov, guilty of countless bloody violence against the Russian people. On the night of July 16-17, this sentence was carried out. The Romanov family, who were detained with him, was evacuated from the city of Yekaterinburg in the interests of public peace.” However, in fact, the whole family was shot! I will quote the book by V.E. Shambarov. “By the night of July 17, they gathered. Ermakov was late, he cooked and gave water to the team to hide the corpses. Goloshchekin and Beloborodov also arrived. There was also an unknown Jew from Moscow (he will be discussed below - A.P.). We drove the car, the noise of the engine was supposed to drown out the shots. At about two o'clock in the morning they began to wake up the prisoners, demanded to go down to the lower, basement floor - they say, the city is restless. 11 people woke up, washed got dressed. Went down. Tsar, Alexandra Feodorovna, Tsarevich Alexei (his father carried him in his arms), princesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria, Anastasia, doctor Botkin, cook Kharitonov, footman Trupp and Tsarina Demidov's room girl.

Yurovsky asked everyone to go to the eastern wall (death was supposed to come from west to east, the direction of the Antichrist). Politely and businesslike arranged, he was also a photographer. And now he regulated - to whom to the right, to the left, to whom in the first row, to whom in the second. Then the assassins entered. Yurovsky read out the verdict. The king tried to ask again: “How, I didn’t understand?”. But Yurovsky shot him. And immediately began a furious firing. The executioners hurriedly unloaded their revolvers and pistols. The room was shrouded in smoke, a crumb of lime flew, bullets ricocheted ... ". The corpses were taken out into the yard and then taken away ...

The day before the ritual, another protagonist of the bloody tragedy appeared. As the investigation established from the interviews of witnesses, “a special train arrived in Yekaterinburg from Central Russia, consisting of a steam locomotive and one passenger car. A face in black clothes, similar to a Jewish rabbi, arrived in it. This person examined the basement of the house. An unknown Jew with a "pitch-black beard" is said to have been an important person who arrived with his own bodyguard of 6 soldiers. Later, papers in Yiddish were found in the fireplace of Ipatiev's house.

Investigator N.A. Sokolov, who was part of the White Army, in 1922 managed to decipher and read the telegraph messages of the Bolshevik leaders. One of Sverdlov's reports, sent to America in the name of Schiff, speaks of the danger of the capture of the Tsar's family by the White Guards or the Germans. From across the ocean followed an order signed by Schiff on the need to "eliminate the entire family." The order was transmitted to Moscow through the American Mission, which was then in Vologda. Sverdlov, in his conversation with Yurovsky, sends him this order over a direct wire for execution. Yurovsky, apparently, does not dare to immediately carry out this order and expresses his opinion about the need to kill only one tsar. The family also offers to evacuate. However, Sverdlov again "categorically confirms the order to kill the WHOLE FAMILY, and the execution of this order places Yurovsky under personal responsibility." Thus, the imperial family was shot even without the knowledge of the Cheka! Unauthorized, at the direction of Sverdlov. Here is the conclusion of the then head of the Central Criminal Investigation Commission of Petrograd V.G. Orlova: “According to the general opinion that has developed in the Cheka, in the Revolutionary Tribunal and in the Kremlin, the decision to kill was taken unilaterally and implemented by Sverdlov’s own power. He carried out the preparations in secret from his comrades and only after the execution put them before a fait accompli.

And when the corpses of the executed were loaded into the back of a car and taken away for destruction, it was not members of the firing squad who entered the room where the murder took place, but other people to perform Kabbalistic rituals. Valery Shambarov in his book cites the opinion of O.A. Platonov, who believes that they were an unknown rabbi, Yurovsky and Goloshchekin: “We don’t know what ritual dances they performed at the site of the atrocity, but after they left, two inscriptions remained on the southern wall of the room where the Royal Family died, explaining the meaning of the ritual performed here.”

These inscriptions were later discovered by the investigator N.A. Sokolov. The first one is in German. Two lines from Heine's poem Belshazzar:

That very night Belshazzar

was killed by his servants

Another inscription is four Kabbalistic signs. Three of them are the letters "l" of different alphabets: Aramaic "lamed", Samaritan "lamed" and Greek lambda. The fourth character is a slash. The second inscription was subsequently deciphered by orientalists, experts in magic.

The final result is: Here, by order of secret forces, the King was sacrificed for the destruction of the state. All nations are informed of this."

Now it becomes clear why the "secret forces", "unknown forces" are trying to keep the secret of the bloody ritual.

Reflecting on the events of the revolutions of 1917. and the Russian Civil War of 1918. (the centenary of which is in the next two years), Mikushina writes - “ Let's think about the situation in Russia, not based on external events (highlighted by me) , but the internal events that were behind everything that happened in Russia in the last century. Revolution, execution of the royal family, civil war...”. And again she is trying to lead us away from the truth, to shift all the blame only on the Russian people - "The heavy karma of the revolution of 1917 and the execution of the royal family fell on the entire people of Russia," hide who really was behind the events that had a tragic character for Russia. Today, based on archival materials, the works of historians can be said quite definitely: the revolutions in Russia - February and October - were not at all caused by its internal economic or social problems. They were deliberately planned and organized by external forces hostile to our country, who managed to purposefully and prudently split the Russian people. Split artificially - in order to pit people against each other. The result of this was the Civil War, which became a truly terrible national tragedy. Father fought son, son fought father, brother fought brother. “The former lieutenant Went to fight On the curse of his father And the silence of his brother He answered“ It’s necessary, But you don’t understand, ”He quietly hugged his wife And added“ It’s necessary! Igor Talkov, "Former Podsaul"

“... the period of the Civil War is a very difficult test for all of our people, for better or worse, but the Bolshevik slogans and posters looked brighter, more concise and certainly acted more efficiently. Among other things, it was still fashionable, because no one wanted to continue the war, they were in favor of ending the war. True, they cheated society. Well, of course, you yourself know: "Land - to the peasants, factories - to the workers, peace - to the people!" They didn’t give peace, so the Civil War began, factories and land were taken away, nationalized, so it’s a complete swindle, one hundred percent ... "... From a speech by Vladimir Putin at a meeting with young scientists and history teachers, November 5, 2014.

Transnational corporations, government, financial circles and intelligence agencies of the Western powers took part in this business. And not so much those powers that were at war with our country - Germany, Austria, but also those states that were considered friends and allies of Russia - the USA and Great Britain, "our partners", speaking in modern terms. For which, the Russian Empire at the beginning of the century became too strong a competitor. But the conductors of these destructive plans for the country and the executors were a number of agents who held high positions in Russia: Witte, Protopopov, Lvov, Tereshchenko, Kerensky, Chernov, Martov, and then in the Soviet leadership: Lenin, Trotsky, Sverdlov, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Bukharin, Larin, Ganetsky, Radek, Kollontai, Krupskaya. The result of their secret operations was the collapse of Russia ... (Details of these events are in my article “This is Lenin dear ...”)

Most of these people continued their activities on the territory of Soviet Russia. And only in the mid-1930s, during the trials of the Trotskyists, information about their connections with the "foreign backstage" began to spread. “Soviet intelligence managed to steal part of Trotsky's archive in Paris. Stalin came into possession of documents that revealed the terrible truth - how the Western powers deliberately and purposefully blew up Russia, supporting and regulating the revolution through their representatives. And it was then that Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin began to rethink reality and drastically change the political course. Translate it from the "international" and "revolutionary" system of coordinates to the restoration of the foundations of Russian sovereignty. (Valery Shambarov. Invasion of strangers. Why enemies come to power.)

. The “teaching” that the false prophet Mikushin “represents” is a mixture of heterogeneous concepts, objects, and all sorts of things. This occult-esoteric vinaigrette has it all: karma, Hinduism, Buddhism, esotericism, and Kabbalah. And to explain the perniciousness of this "teaching" is all the more necessary, because Mikushina is not the first one I meet, not an accidental author of a random book, but one of contactees, agents of influence, working in the field of politics - she calls herself a "public figure and philosopher" and in the spiritual field - having the goal of leading a person seeking the Truth onto a false path, and preparing the spiritual foundation for the power of Antichrist. That is why Mikushina's "teaching" is able to have - and among some segments of the population it already has, in part - distribution and influence. For these are neither her personal views, nor her individual mistakes, but only an expression of evil demonic forces present in our world, especially tinted with moral phraseology ... Supporters of this false teaching are already actively promoting it to the masses: "the author's books can be recommended for reading to senior schoolchildren, students and representatives of the younger generation of Russians" they say.

Thus, it is not an exaggeration to say that Mikushina's activities pose a threat to Russia's national security. However, this is my personal opinion. Maybe I'm wrong...

PS At the beginning of the article, it was said that Tatyana Mikushina is the author of a new "teaching" published in more than 50 volumes ... As is known from the hands of another person who lived and worked in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and also considered himself public figure and philosopher also published more than 50 volumes of complete works. Are they servants of the same master?

At the end of May, our public organization appealed to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory with a demand to remove the stand with books by Tatyana Mikushina from the House of Books. It is currently not available.

Alexander Popov, Krasnodar

In the interior of all religions at all times there were people who stood apart from the official leadership of the church. Elders, yogis, prophets, mystics… The official religion was considered with the authority of some of them, but more often they were persecuted and even killed.

Within each religion there are two approaches: the external path - following certain dogmas and rituals, and the internal path - the search for a direct, personal connection with God.

90 percent of believers follow the first path. Few dare to follow the second path. This is the path of initiations, secret knowledge, personal mystical experience.

At different times on Earth there were secret schools of initiates. We know about the Pythagorean community, the Essenes community, the mystery school in ancient Egypt.
At the end of the 19th century, an attempt was made to give part of the secret knowledge to a wider audience. This was done through E.P. Blavatsky and the Theosophical Society.
In the 20th century, knowledge was given through Helena and Nicholas Roerich.
Then through a number of organizations in America: the Freedom Bridge, the I AM Movement, the Summit Lighthouse.
What's next?
In order to understand the meaning of even the knowledge that was given through these people and these organizations, the constant presence on Earth of people who maintain internal contact with God is necessary. This is very important right now, when a lot of false teachers, psychics have appeared.
Someone has to maintain the true, divine vibration. Someone must keep their consciousness constantly in tune with God. Only from this point of consonance with God can one evaluate much that is happening on Earth now and understand what has already been given before and written on the pages of books.
I hope that the materials posted on the Sirius website ( will help to keep inner guidelines and inner consonance with God within us.

Tatyana Mikushina

Since ancient times, the Lords of Shambhala have been known in the East. In various teachings they are called differently: the Teachers of humanity, the Ascended Masters, the Masters of Wisdom, the Great White Brotherhood.

These Teachers have reached the next stage of evolution and continue their development on more subtle planes. These High Beings consider it their duty to help the humanity of the Earth in the development of its consciousness.

The way in which the Ascended Masters communicate with humanity is the transmission of Messages (Dictations), which are recorded by the Messenger, who owns a special method that ensures the reception of Messages from the higher, ethereal octaves of Light.

Such people were Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, Helena Ivanovna and Nicholas Roerich, Mark and Elizabeth Prophet and others.

In 2004, the Masters gave the mantle of their Messenger to Tatyana Nikolaevna MIKUSHINA. The messages transmitted through Tatyana Nikolaevna are published in the Word of Wisdom series of books. For ten years, she received 20 cycles of Messages containing more than 450 dictations.
“I have done everything in my power to do my best job of receiving the Messages. But in fact, everything was done by God.

I never knew in advance which of the Beings of Light would come to give the Message. I also didn't know what topic the Message would be about. And I still cannot understand how this miracle of transmission of the Messages takes place. The work of receiving Messages lies on the verge of human capabilities, and one can only guess how much effort was made by the Ascended Hosts to make this long-term work successful.” (T.N.Mikushina)

The information contained in the Messages does not belong to any particular belief system or to any particular religion.

The Masters speak about the current historical moment on planet Earth. They talk about energy and vibrations, about the illusion of this world and about the Divine Reality, about the Higher Self of a person and about his lower bodies. They introduce you to the new facets of the Law of Karma (the Law of Cause and Effect) and the Law of Reincarnation. They give specific recommendations on how exactly a person is able to change his own consciousness so as not to be on the sidelines of the evolutionary path.

“...when you are armed with knowledge about the ongoing processes, it is easier for you to navigate and easier to survive the chaos that exists, but which will soon be replaced by a new order.
… the length of the transitional period depends on how confident you are within yourself that much more joyful and brighter times are ahead of you.
You have to change your consciousness, change approaches to everything that surrounds you. Because the new era will be based on completely different principles! And if you cling to fear, to individualism, to limitations, you will be left behind, you will fall behind the train of evolution.
Because the new era will be characterized by collectivism, freedom and those relationships that are based on friendship and love!
Changing consciousness and thinking is what is important to do now in the first place! And the faster you are able to rebuild your consciousness, the fewer cataclysms and difficulties humanity will face in the near future. (Saint Germain)

“We come over and over again not to reveal a new Truth, but so that you remember that Ancient Truth that you knew for a long time, but forgot, because you were too immersed in materiality. And now it's time to remember your Source and return to it...
This is the Truth that you studied in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, in all the Mystery Schools of the past and present that have ever existed on Earth.” (Serapis Bay)