
Scenarios for teacher's day. Holiday script for teacher's day with a presentation. A scene is being performed for you

Script development for Teacher's Day

Prepared by:

English teacher

Kostyuchenko Alevtina Alexandrovna

Teacher: This amazing house is a school. Here everything is mixed up: childhood and maturity, science and art, dreams and reality. The school lives its own, special life, and people who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave this house teeming with passions.

There are two central figures in the school: the teacher and the student. And let the guys in this house scream only with joy, and the wrinkles on the teachers' faces will be traces of smiles. To you, dear teachers, this evening is dedicated.

We started the holiday in a very usual way: the teachers congratulate the teachers. And what about our students? After all, we work and live for them and for them. They have a word! (During the holiday a presentation is shown)

(Three presenters exit)

1- Dynamic start!

2- Enchanting!

3- Fabulous!

1- It's because there are three of us!

2- So what?

3- I don't see the connection...

1- Do you remember how it was with Alexander Sergeevich? "Three maidens by the window…"

2- You propose to weave canvases, throw a feast for the whole baptized world and ...

1- No, no! Well, what are you, girls ... I suggest just dreaming ... Now, if you and I were now in a fairy tale ...

2- Why do we need a fairy tale? What is the logic in fairy tales?

1- What?

1.3- Well?

1.3- Ah-ah-ah!

1- It’s a festive day, the teachers are dressed up, they came to relax ... Do you want to offer them a hut on chicken legs?

2- And no hut ... Why just a hut?

3- Are there other options?

2- Yes! For example, the room... And "... the king enters the room, the sovereign of that side."

3- So, now also the king! Why did you drag the king?

2- It's not me. This is Pushkin...

1- Yeah. We Russians have one excuse: Pushkin, like that, right away ...

3- Where can we get it?

2- Whom? Pushkin?

3- King!

2- A…

1- Is the director not suitable?

2- Exactly! Our school. Our fairy tale. What we want, we do!

3- Come on Director!

1- Who is our director today?

(Congratulations from the "director" - a student of the acting director)

If in your class ... ("Harmless Tips for Teacher's Day")

  1. If you hear snoring in your lesson,

It's not worth it to be indignant, it's better for you to lower your voice.

Suddenly, in a dream, like Mendeleev, a student will open the law,

And science will advance decades ahead.

  1. If the student accurately reproduces your painting,

Puts in diaries, in control, on tests, in report cards,

Do not dishonor, do not scold, so as not to fade away by accident

There is talent in this young gift of a restorer.

  1. If there are a lot of very bad kids in your class,

They all scream, fight, don't swear, it's useless.

You'd better take a pen with red and bold paste

Put five on the sheet.

Explain that only you deserve this rating.

  1. If the kids in your class like to text

And notes through the desks, like flocks of birds, fly,

There is no need to stop this very important occupation,

After all, there is a development of speech in constant correspondence,

And, perhaps, they will become Pushkins or Tolstoys.

1- The tie is successful in my opinion.

2- We continue to develop a fabulous plot.

3- Wait, but we need these same fairy-tale characters!

1- What specifically?

3- What… By tradition… positive!

2- Most often, a positive hero in Russian fairy tales is a good fellow or a beautiful girl.

1- I agree.

2- With what?

1- I agree to be a red girl.

3- Oh, right? And why not immediately Vasilisa the Wise?

1- If only because I am Alina the Beautiful!

2- Girls, do not quarrel. Alina, you understand, we are here in a slightly different capacity.

1- In what?

3- And note: they are all exclusively lo-zhi-tel-nye!

1- Kind

2- Fair

3- Selfless! For students and into fire and into water ...

1- And even in copper pipes!

2- And go there, I don’t know where and get something, I don’t know what? It's not a problem for them at all!

3- And beautiful to the point that you can’t retell it in any lesson, you can’t describe it with any ballpoint pen!

1- Therefore, I propose to show them all a beautiful number.

2- At your suggestion, at our command...


3- Okay, but where are we going to look for antipodes?

1- What?

3- I explain in a popular way: in any decent fairy tale, a positive hero is always opposed by evil spirits: Baba Yaga, Goblin, Kikimora, there’s some kind of devil ...

2- Devils? Are they so small, cunning, nimble, constantly screaming and dirtying?

3- Yes...

1- Does this description remind you of anyone?

2- Is it…

1,2,3- Children!!!

1- So we have these devils, i.e. these children are a complete fairy tale, i.e. complete school!

2- Let them show themselves! It is useful for them, and teachers are pleased!

3- There are damn talented kids on stage.

(chastushki grade 3)

In our school I'm not lazy
Practice every day.
For the top five for work
I'll be there on Sunday!

We all love diaries
The students say
But in the classroom, as always,
The student does not have a diary.

I really wanted to go to school
Went to bed very early
So I wouldn't be late
Yes, my alarm went off

Mothers used to read to us
About bunnies and about the fox
And now we read
About love and about the moon.

Please, please explain
Where is the north, where is the south,
And then we'll go to Africa -
There will be a skiff for all of us.

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Shreds, greedy, did not give

Crack the nuts!

I will give it to him

Flash drive with viruses.

Today the technique that is needed,

No need for fairy tales!

On my cell phone now

Sends the entire hint class.

We rush teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone wants
"Five" in the diary to put!

Fashion designers from the 4th grade came to our party. See what they offer us.

And also listen to what your smallest students want to see you:

If I were a teacher ... (children's dreams)

If I were a teacher

I wouldn't be very strict!

Would cancel like a load

Mathematics and Russian!

I would take to lessons

Five minutes is the only time!

And then we would go crazy:

Change - two weeks!

If I were a teacher

That would help so many in life!

I would correct deuces for everyone,

And he put sixes on himself!

I would introduce a lesson in fun

Day of fun, Day of idleness!

And I would give in order

Chocolate for answers!

But perhaps the teacher

It is very difficult to become in life!

They say: dreaming is not harmful!

It is harmful in life not to dream!

1-Yes, that's for sure: dreaming is not harmful.

2-Sometimes harmful. Especially if you dream about school.

1-Why is this?

2-Yes, I know a dreamer here... See for yourself.

Scene for Teacher's Day "General Specialist"

To the sound of the song “School Country”, the Chief in a raincoat appears from behind a screen with a sign “Head of the Education Department” and is about to leave. Suddenly there is a knock.

Boss. Come in!

(A young specialist appears with a suitcase)

Young specialist: Hello!

Boss. Hello! What question are you on?

Young specialist:(worried) I would really like to get a job as a teacher in any of the schools in the countryside, that is, in any school in the Vyselkovsky district ...

Boss. (joyfully) And, so you are after the pedagogical institute, are you a young specialist? I am glad!

Young specialist:Yes, right after the Pedagogical Institute. Here is the diploma. (hands the diploma to the Chief)

Boss. (reads) Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics... And why exactly to us, to the countryside?

Young specialist:Of course, I am an urban person, but I want romance. The village is such a romance, such a romance ...

Boss. How old are you?

Young specialist: 22

Boss. Were you in the army?

Young specialist:What for? I, you know, to the village, to the village ...

Boss. For romance?

Young specialist: Yes!

Boss. This is good. We have a shortage of personnel, especially in very remote villages, in ungraded schools.

Young specialist:(uncertainly) Excuse me, but why in a remote village? Maybe somewhere near the city. A village is a village everywhere...

Boss. No! Romance is so romantic! Previously, we went to explore virgin lands. Also romance! Choose: in an ungraded school or in the army?

Young specialist: Certainly , in the ungraded, to teach mathematics.

Boss. There is already a mathematician with work experience there. And his results are not bad in mathematical olympiads ... But don't be upset. I believe in my youth, I will find you a watch, even a lady's rate, but in the aggregate.

Young specialist: How is that?

Boss. And it's like this: write down: 0.25 - music lessons ...

Young specialist:But I can't play musical instruments!

Boss. Nothing! If necessary, learn! Write further: 0.25 - chemistry, 0.25 - Russian and 0.25 - primary school.

Young specialist:What about elementary grades?

Boss. And this is instead of military service. There you will master all the necessary skills and abilities - from washing floors to holding holidays. All clear?

Young specialist: All.

Boss. Bon Voyage! I wish you success. Yes, unfortunately there is no central heating. In winter, you will have to heat the stove with wood. So I’ll give you 0.25 of the rate of labor lessons, you will prepare firewood with the kids. Combine the lesson of labor and natural history. Still, it's better in nature than in the classroom ... That's probably all. Goodbye! Go to Human Resources.

The boss is walking. The young specialist sighing slowly wanders with a suitcase.

3- How long, how short we walked, but came to the climax.

2- The climax in fairy tales, as a rule, is accompanied by fantastic, mysterious phenomena of a paranormal nature.

1- Can you put it more simply?

2- I can. We need a miracle. A simple, ordinary miracle.

1- I would have said so right away, otherwise “paranormal phenomena” ...

3- Can you make a miracle?

1- Oh, she probably learned the story for tomorrow's lesson, that's all the miracle.

2- Nothing funny. I'll learn history... maybe... But miracles really happen in our school.

3- Yes, well?

1- Something I doubt.

2- How do you doubt?

1- Like a knight at a crossroads! I'll go to the left - I'll get to the lesson. I’ll go to the right - I’ll get to the head teacher. I'll go straight to the director! How not to fidget - all around one pedagogy! And you say - miracles ...

3- And pedagogy is a real miracle science! Well, who else besides teachers can turn Ivan the Fool into Ivan the Tsarevich, and raise Marya the Artificer from Lenivitsa? Also, do teachers have low salaries?

1- Small.

3- Large.

2- They should cry

1- Yeah.

2- And they smile! Isn't this a miracle?

3- And they do it right! After all, when teachers smile, students immediately want to

1- Raise your hand and go to the board?

3- No, they want to sing!

2- Dear teachers, this song is for you!

Song to the tune "Our Neighbor"

  1. Dear teachers, we begin to sing songs,

It’s not always just weekdays, you have to have holidays.

From the sad and dull and in the work of little use,

If you don’t know how to have fun, then you are not a teacher!

  1. Never forget what Makarenko said:

“I would not let gloomy teachers close to children!

What kind of teacher is he, he doesn't know how to sing songs,

Without a smile, without fun, we can all die.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

  1. If you repeat one science to us all the century,

You are a teaching robot, a very boring person.

Yes, and in this training, too, you can suffer,

After all, we can run away from such an automaton.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

  1. This is your lot - you have to live in a new spirit,

If “rap” is in fashion today, you need to learn “rap” for you.

And do not complain about the years, our glorious friends,

You are 18 today, you can't be older.

Chorus: there-there-tara-ra-ra-there-there

Leading: Something good, cheerful and funny is always remembered on a holiday. So we remembered a funny school counting rhyme about 11 verbs - exceptions. Sometimes, repeating it to ourselves, we seem to return to our childhood, to our native class, to our beloved teachers. I would like to wish all of you that in your daily life there will be more such joyful exceptions!

We wish you:

drive away sad thoughts, bad mood and boredom;

Breathe in the new academic year in full breastfeeding;

Hold self-control even in the most extreme situations;

Depend only from their own principles, and not from the opinions of others;

See everything is only in the true light;

Hear only approval from the authorities and gratitude from the students;

Don't offend by word or deed of people close to you, and also

Tolerate adversity, if they fall on you;

twirl fate in the direction you need;

Hate laziness, ignorance and hypocrisy not only in others, but also in oneself and

Look in the mirror with pleasure.

The song "We wish you happiness"

  1. In the school where crazy people run

A round dance is spinning in my head.

And the teacher will enter the class,

to start the lesson.

You work here all day after day,

School is your second home,

You tied your soul with her

Long years knot.

Chorus: We wish you happiness,

Happiness in this big world

Like the sun in the morning

Let it enter the house.

We wish you happiness,

And it should be like this

When you are happy yourself

  1. We want to congratulate you without any fuss

Our dear teachers

And all the best

Wish in life.

At school, you always have no peace.

Here you have a sunset and here you have a dawn.

America every day

Need to open.

What is this? Why such a sad melody?

This is a disconnect.


So after all, this business is not done quickly, but the fairy tale quickly affects!

And we have a good fairy tale, right?

Good. And although a fairy tale is a lie, it must necessarily contain ...

Hint! Good fellows...

- ... yes to the red girls ...

- … lesson!

What is the lesson of our fairy tale?

Simple: our dear, dear teachers! Take all your sorrows, problems, worries and failures

Seal them in a barrel, pitch it and...

And you will live like in a fairy tale ...

Happily ever after!!!

Scenario teacher's day.

Student 1

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Student 2

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Student 1. We have gathered here in a cozy hall to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday! We say “Thank you!” to you! for your work, patience, for the care that you show to each of us.

Student 2. Dear teachers! May joy and luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and loved ones warm you! May all your wishes come true!

Student 1. And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations - touching and funny. We hope that they will please you this autumn day and will be remembered by you for a long time! Well, we are passing the floor to our presenters in the studio.

Student 2. ( looks at the clock). Its time to begin!

The screensaver of the TV channel sounds, the presenters come out.

Lead 1.

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive

Lead 2. Those who have gray hair at the temples,

Lead 1. For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Lead 2. Those who are considered in the middle years.

Lead 1.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,

Lead 2.

To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Lead 1. Attention! Attention! On the air school television channel OTV

Lead 2. Speaks and shows the OTV channel.

Presenter 1. Transfer "School town".

Presenter 2. Dear teachers and guests, please accept the first holiday greetings from grade 3(channel screensaver sounds).

Lead 1. And again we are in the studio of our school TV channel

Lead 2.

Let in this hall, at this hour
The fires are burning brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Lead 1.

Our junior classes ringing laughter is the best reward!
The kids will be very happy to congratulate you.

1 class. We invite you to the stage.

The screensaver of the TV channel sounds come out to congratulate Grade 1. (song, poems)

Lead 2.

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a reliable marina for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Presenter 1. The school rings with children's voices, its students achieve new successes in learning, creativity, sports - this means that she is young !

We invite you to the stage for congratulations Grade 2.

Presenter 2. And again, it's time to evaluate the creativity of your students. Meet 4th grade. Your applause!!! (Poems, song)

Presenter 1. News from the 8th grade came to our channel, let's see

(video congratulations)

Lead 1. Teacher! What a close and dear word! A person forgets a lot, a lot is erased over time in his memory. Years pass, memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of beloved teachers is timeless.

Lead 2. Among the many professions, the teacher has always stood and stands in a special place. Everyone deals with him, no matter who they become later.

Grade 9 students take the stage

Lead 1. There is no person on earth who would not remember his teacher with a kind word, who gave a ticket to a great life.

Lead 2. We always remember them, our teachers, and on this festive day we want to say especially warm words of love and gratitude.

Lead 1. Today you, our dear ones, our loved ones, all the flowers, all the best wishes!

Accept congratulations from the students of the 7th grade.

Presenter 1. The profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. However, today our dear teachers have a professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and best wishes addressed to them.

Presenter 2. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday, our dear teachers!

Lead 2. Well, our program "School Town" is coming to an end, in conclusion, the 5th grade performs with a song about teachers .(Slide show with photos of teachers)

So , the program “School Town” has come to an end. Couple say goodbye. Dear teachers, once again we congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you creative success.

See you live.

Explanatory note

Over the long years of its existence, our traditional holiday has "accumulated" a lot of poetic and prose congratulations and "leads" to concert numbers. From year to year they "roam" from script to script. And it's hard to come up with something new, original.

In my opinion, a traditional holiday in a particular school is valuable precisely because of its “local” flavor: each educational institution has its own “stars”-talents (readers, vocalists, dancers, etc.), whose performances uniquely color any event.

However, you can prepare several surprise details that will make the traditional event bright and memorable.

I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday with surprises for educators.

Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Surprise 1

Pupils write targeted congratulations to their teachers in advance on sticky notes. Stickers are attached to the stand, which is located at the entrance to the school.

Meeting the teachers at the entrance, the attendants offer the teachers to remove the congratulations addressed to them from the stand.

Holding a holiday

Surprise 2

The hall is decorated with bouquets of "living" (of course, fallen, but not yet dried) autumn maple leaves and rowan branches. They are everywhere: on the walls, in vases on the windowsills, on the stage - yellow, red, crimson. The hall looks bright and festive. Smells like autumn.

Sounds "School waltz"

Ved.1: Hello, school.

Ved.2: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.1: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday!


The path of the teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not a job, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.2: The floor is given to the director of the school ...

(Word of the director, rewarding teachers)

Ved.1: There is no teacher without students. And this means that today is a holiday not only for them, but for everyone who studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers, and even you, our respected teachers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.


Excellent routes of knowledge
We're on the journey of life
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.


And in this ceaseless ascent,
As a conductor, attentive and strict,
Leads through work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.


Congratulations 1st class:

1. Our teacher!
Nothing can be measured
All that you have given to us.

2. You taught us to love and believe,
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you!

3. Who teaches us?

4. Who torments us?

5. Who gives us knowledge?

6. This is our school teacher -

Amazing people.

7. It is clear and light with you,

The heart is always warm.

8. And sorry if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

9. From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

All of our teachers

And we wish you all good health



Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today, every person celebrates it, because no matter who he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all he is someone's former student. The school teaches us all the ABC of life.


We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
when we can read them.


Let's play: name some letters of the alphabet and remember the qualities that school teaches us. For example, A - accuracy ... What is the next letter? What quality of a person can you name with the letter "B"?

Surprise 3

Hall game. The presentation is on the screen. The slides open gradually after the response from the audience.


The background music is "What they teach at school"


You give us your power
Open far and wide!
We could say many words
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.


But today we congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear educators.

The teacher knows everything, everything can,

Though affection from life does not expect.

Children will stop at a gallop,

He will enter the thundering hall.

Poetry composes, draws,

She cooks and knits and sews

Playing on stage, dancing

And even, imagine singing!

This song is for you.

(to the motive of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,

If someone in your group is naughty,

It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.

It's just that we have energy.


So let's get all excited

Let's forget this time.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,

If we forget to learn the rules,

We also get what we deserve,

But we know how to hide grief.


Surprise 4

Festive comic fortune-telling lottery (it is necessary to prepare tickets and predictions for each teacher present)

Ved.1 .:

There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Let's check?


Let's check! And now we offer you a festive lottery with a prediction of your fate. We ask teachers to pull out a ticket! (the presenter walks around the hall, approaching each teacher)

(music background)

№1 - Button- You will be given something beautiful of clothes this month

№2 - Wheel- This month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

№3 - Flower- this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful

№4 - Candy- Sweet, sweet life awaits you this month

№5 - 10 kopecks- You are expecting a salary increase

№6 - Bay leaf- Great success awaits you at work

№7 - Geographic map- travel this month

№8 - pepper- be careful, you can quarrel with a friend

№9 - Dummy- this year you will have an addition to the family

№10 - heart- A romantic adventure awaits you this month

№11- ringlet- this year you will definitely attend the wedding

№12 - Crown- we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!

№13 - Snow (on head)- surprise check

№14 - Pasta - be careful, there are many false promises waiting for you

№15 - Umbrella- only good weather awaits you in your family

№16 - Spoon- wait for guests

№17 - Fur coat- expect a cold winter

№18 - Lips- Alas! Your hopes will not come true

№19 - Shovel- this year you will definitely find a treasure!


In the lesson, the teacher is with us,

And calm down for you and me:

Lots of useful knowledge

Will be given to children.


Without a teacher - we know for sure -

We can't live in this world

And so your work is important

We will appreciate everything from childhood.

A scene is being performed for you.


The music of G.V. Sviridov "Time, forward". A cameraman appears (somewhere off to the side) and a reporter with a microphone.

The reporter: Hello dear friends! Welcome to the TV news program "Vremya". We are reporting from the walls of the boarding school №5. Everyone understands what school means to each of us, what an important place it occupies in the minds of our government. One can feel the daily care of the president, the Duma, the governor about the school and its students...

The reporter: We are talking to the principal of the school. (The parodic role of the director with a somewhat caricature appearance is played by children.)

Meet... What is special about your school?

Director. Mmmm... I need to think about it.

The reporter: Think. Do you have favorite students?
Director:(shrugs). Who will tell you the truth!
The reporter: What about your favorite class?

Director: Well-u-u-u-u, you are my dear ...

The reporter: Thank you very much for an interesting interview. Let's go along the corridors of the school to the classes. (A student runs out with a huge briefcase). Here is the student! Just look how hard it is for him, he bends under the weight of textbooks, notebooks! Poor thing! We will immediately send a request to the deputies of the Duma about the overload of children.

(The director helps the child put the satchel on the table and starts (so that everyone can see it) pull out a huge bottle of Fanta, magazines, a large bag of chips, a player, CDs, headphones ...)
Director: Where are the books and notebooks?

Student: And here! (In the hands of a small notebook.)

Director: Well done! I see that you are ready to go.

The reporter: As you can see, this is a school of joy and a happy childhood! And we say goodbye to you. See you on the air!

Ved.1: Thanks guys for the congratulations. And we continue.

Ved.2: A comic poem “It is possible and impossible” will be read to you by ...


Explain to me friends:

Why can't I do everything?

You can’t sing in physical education,

Jump on literature

I can't eat at work

You can't sleep anywhere.

Lena told me:

- Stupid you, as if from a log!

You can eat and you can sing

Jump, sleep, look out the window,

And you can chat with a friend,

Just be very careful

Imperceptibly, silently…

I exclaimed: “You are a coward!

I'm not stupid, I'm brave!

That's why I can't do anything!"

Elena Duke


Let's remember teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.


You are a Teacher with a very large letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young

Will be full of happiness and health!

Bouquets of flowers are presented to teachers-veterans.



Everyone chooses for himself
woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves
a word for love and for prayer.
Dueling sword, battle sword
everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
The measure of final retribution.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself.
I choose as well as I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Yuri Levitansky


So you once chose the path for yourself. This road led you to school. Some have walked this road for a lifetime, while others have just stepped onto it. We have prepared a slide show for you, which we called "The Road of Life". Let's watch it together...

Surprise 5

Slideshow for teachers about teachers.

Invitation to the stage and congratulations to teachers-"anniversaries" (according to teaching experience)


We meet today at school

Bright holiday of teachers.

You accept, dear ones,

Congratulations from all children!


For affection, kindness, care,

We want to thank everyone.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give you today!

Surprise 6

Gifts are given to all teachers (“Children are the flowers of life” - a hand-made craft)


And at the end of our holiday, a congratulatory video for you.

Surprise 7

Congratulatory video


Thank you all for your attention. Our holiday concert is over.

Teacher's Day

1 Ved. Hello!!!
2 Vedas . - Today is an unusual day!
3 Vedas - Today is an amazing day! Today...
All: Holiday!!!

1 Ved . Glad! and long-awaited!

2 Vedas Today is the holiday of those who proudly bear the title of teacher, master, teacher!

3 Vedas Thank you, dear teachers, for what you are, for what you are, and we all love you very much!
ALL: Happy holiday!
1st host:

October, as before, paints with gilding
Edges of heaven, forests and distant fields
To us again through all everyday worries
A bright holiday is coming - Teachers' Day!

2nd host:

Mentors - poems and songs;
The sparkle of inspirational lines,
The wisest of all professions
With the name of the proud Teacher!

3 Ved. Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories -
To everyone who has the proud name of "teacher",
We dedicate a concert.

Song "Happy Teacher's Day"

1 Ved Each person chooses a profession not with the mind, but with the heart. So it or not in our school, we propose to check!

2 Vedas We invite you to answer 9 questions and find out if you are a real teacher or not! Your answer to the question will be your applause!

3 ved . And so, let's get started. You bring everything from home that you might need at work.

1 led. You bring into the house a lot of useless things from the point of view of normal people, your relatives and friends, who watch with fear how the mountain of waste paper inevitably grows in your apartment.

2 led. Your family has been sacrificed for education, they also work with you, although they are not on the staff. They work quietly pitying you. The fate of your child is to wait. At the office, teacher's room, at home, wait patiently and silently.

3 ved . People who are far from being educated don't understand when you talk about your 30 children and 45 parents.

1 ved . There is always more other people's money in your purse than your own (for a tour, for curtains, posters, etc., etc.).

2 ved . Half of the district greets you and the same half evaluates - how are you, where are you and with whom are you?

3 ved . You know how to paint, glue, hammer nails, fix furniture, work until morning, persuade, forgive, go to work sick and enter into someone's position.

1 ved . You don't know how to have a good rest, to say "no" to the administration, to walk past the bookshelves.

3 led. You can’t decide in any way: from September 1 - to accept congratulations or condolences to you.

1. Vedas We thought that real teachers, masters of their craft, work in our school!

2 Vedas Teachers! They are like a light on the way
What a big heart you need
To have in the chest to bring light to people
So that his trace could never be erased!

A group of students (6 students) runs out onto the stage. They line up and in turn begin to speak with inspiration, elation:

1.- Our dear ones!

2.- Favorite!

3. - Dear!

4.- Revered!

5. - Adored!

Enthusiastic (continues). Beloved, unforgettable, wrapped up, muzzled, stuffed...

1. (interrupts, covering the mouth of the Enthusiastic with his hand). What are you carrying? (Strokes him on the head and explains to the audience.) Totally stunned, poor thing. Started talking.

The student group continues:

Our dear teachers!

We love you!

We respect!

Let's honor!

We love it!

Enthusiastic (continues with inspiration). We admire, we admire, we admire, we marvel...

1. (interrupting). Maybe stop being silly?

Enthusiastic (persistently And stubbornly). No-ma-eat!

Group of students (continue in turn):

Yes! We understand how difficult it is for you!

With us, ne'er-do-wells!




Enthusiastic (interrupts and continues alone).

Lazy, noisy, talkative, rabid ...

1. (indignantly). Well, tired! (Clamps the mouth of the Enthusiastic.

1st reader: To those who introduced us to the first class,

2nd reader: Who does everything for us,

3rd reader: Those who give knowledge,

4th reader: Who takes us to the theater

5th reader: To those who give us grades,

6th reader: Who will not leave us in trouble,

For those who don't get lazy

Who will teach us to work

Who brings light to people

All in unison: Hello student!

(A fabulous melody sounds, the curtain slowly opens, two buffoons appear, the projector gives an image of a fairy-tale palace, they sing to the music from the movie “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”)

Buffoon 1. A fairy tale suddenly knocked on the door in silence.

Buffoon 2. The holiday came to school, I believe and I do not believe.

Buffoon 1. The leaf fell, the dawn swam, autumn came.

Buffoon 2. How many days and nights where you were carried.


Suddenly, as in a fairy tale, the door creaked.
Everything is clear to me now.
How many years have I argued with fate
For this meeting with you.

(The phonogram of their m / f “Plasticine Crow” sounds, they continue to sing. Video “School 1970”)

Buffoon 1. One simple story

Buffoon 2. Or maybe not a fairy tale

Buffoon 1. Or maybe we want to tell you a story.

Buffoon 2. One wonderful school

Buffoon 1. Maybe not at school

Buffoon 2. Or maybe still at school?

buffoons (together). What's in Save.

Buffoon 1. We gathered for a holiday

Buffoon 2. Or maybe for a matinee


To congratulate everyone on the holiday,
Everyone, all teachers!!!

(The Storyteller appears in the tower window.)

Storyteller. Believe it or not, but live in this world Galina-Krasa, director of the school-palace. And beautiful girls live in her kingdom, like swans, albeit a little, and how smart, you can’t say in a fairy tale or describe with a pen.

(The tortured teachers-swans “Hymn to the Teacher” come out to the tune “I love you life”.)

    The day is over, you are walking tiredly from school.
    There are so many things ahead, even a day is not enough for this.
    Every hour, every moment in front of you are solid worries.
    You are a teacher and you know that this is not an easy job.

    How many of them, mischievous, naughty, stubborn, funny
    I met him at the lessons, realizing that life is a school ...
    Not sparing his strength, sometimes waiting for a change,
    I walked along the same path that always led to school.

    There are many roads in the world, only your choice was not accidental.
    Feeling kindness and mooring to the native threshold,
    You will understand that our school will always be with you.
    Every life lesson is passed here, becoming your destiny.

Storyteller. There is a rumor about this kingdom that it is the most remarkable kingdom in the Makievsky state. And they had a holiday, and guests from all volosts came in large numbers.


The English ambassador came to us for the morning pickle,
And we have snacks in our house - half a crust and a mosol.

(calling Ivan)

Equip Vanka on the road and get us for the holiday
And artists, and gypsies, oh! Get somebody!
If you can't - who to blame, I will order you to be executed!
State business - you catch the thread!

Vanka .

Something I don’t understand, with my mind
I don’t sip tea with bast shoes, I figure out what’s what.
It turns out on me all the politics in the country
To make everyone happy, I will provide guests!

Storyteller. The word of the queen is harder than crackers. And our Vanya wandered off to look for happiness and mumble grief. Yes, where to go - you need Vanya. Necessary. Ivan walked around the entire southern district, he was tired, there was no urine, and it was towards night. Lie down.

(Under the tree.)

And he has a dream...

1 leader:(catching up) Shh... Hush! There's a teacher's council!!!

Scene "Pedagogical Council". Teacher's. Teachers are sitting, who check notebooks, someone took out a cosmetic bag and corrects makeup, someone leafs through a fashion magazine, etc.

Head teacher: Well, dear colleagues, let's discuss our problems, so to speak.

1 teacher (standing in a shock-resistant helmet):
I love children, friends, always,
But knowing their jokes,
I get defensive sometimes
And I cover my head.
After all, they will come in handy more than once
teachers brains,
And so I enter my class
I, in spite of fear!

2 teacher (standing, hugging a gas mask):
This is my gas mask
Only with him can I go to class!
I have been teaching chemistry for a hundred years,
But still, there is no rest!
They blow up here, they blow up there,
And it won't take five minutes!
I'm sitting in a gas mask
And I lead the children in it!

3 teacher (holds a bag of sweets):
Rastil A good-natured image.
After all, I know Yualways for sure
That kids love chocolate
And I'm in the favorites of the guys
I feed not only knowledge,
Because I love children from the bottom of my heart.
For those who have learned their lesson
I always give candy in my mouth!

4 teacher (holds a soccer ball):
In physical education, without difficulty,
Order will be forever!
Fell, wrung out a hundred times,
Then crawl into your dusty classroom!

5 teacher (holding a class journal):
And my answer is simple
The principal of the school is in front of you!
And if I just want
I'll be expelled from school in an instant,
Children read together
All the books given in school!

Here are my head teachers

They can give you advice...

Head teacher: If you have recently
They gave a class where there is no order,
Don't despair too much!
After all, they pay for it too!
Let, though it is not enough, but it is stable!


Enter the class with confidence
And then smash with a swing
On the table to shake!
And calmly start
in a mournful little voice
Talk about something important
For example, about behavior.


Well, what if it's
Doesn't reach kids
Then think for a moment
Who is the "boss" here?
Tell him: “Why don’t we go out with you
For a heartfelt conversation
In this quiet corridor?


If subtle hints
Have no result
In order to advance
educational process
call dad to school
With or without mom
Ask about health
About success at work
Praise, ask
Influence the evil child.
You can right now!


And when a happy boy
Forget about all the fun
Rubbing the buttock
Yours will leave the office
Don't worry, take it easy:
In the classroom immediately come
Peace, tranquility and grace!

And now there is little left:
Code to remember and understand.
And in my work at school
Never apply!

Principal: Teachers, now is prepared for you

Take an oath and fulfill my commandments

Music teacher- I swear by the piano

And Moonlight Sonata!

labor teacher- I swear by the chisel

And a shovel!

Biology teacher- I swear by root crops

And a microscope!

Physics teacher- I swear by the dynamometer

And a strobe!

Physical education teacher- I swear by the crossbar

And horse!


foreign language- I swear by my thickest


geometry teacher- I swear by the protractor

And a theorem!

Algebra teacher- I swear by the coordinates

And the system!

Teacher of Russian language- I swear by morphology

And punctuation!

Chemistry teacher- I swear by oxidation and stormy


A history teacher- I swear by the history of the ancient


Drawing teacher- I swear more ready, with a stroke

And dotted!

Literature teacher- I swear by verse and novel,

And a fairy tale!

Geography teacher- I swear by the globe

And a pointer!

    “Listen to the director, he knows better how many and to whom to give deuces”,

    “Before putting a deuce, think about who will correct it,”

    “To honor the head teacher: otherwise he will make so many “windows” that you won’t see the light”,

    "Less upset, more rebuild"

    “Do not blame the director for all the sins, there is also the Education Department”,

    "Do not envy young teachers: they are so far from retirement."

Pupil to teachers: We swear, we swear, we swear

Laughed!? And now for the lessons! And work, work...

storyteller: Ivan turned over on the other side and hears ... Dove sings ...


(Ivan wakes up.)


Either the goblin is now zealous, or the air is now drunk,
Is there a defect in my ear,
Whether such a law is announced from the royal windows,
For the birds to speak human language.


Do not create robbery Ivan, but take me with you.
As you take me to the lighthouse, I will become your destiny.
I will sing, dance, play and shine at the holiday
And you play the violin and entertain all the guests.


What kind of parable - I don’t understand, okay - climb into my bag.
We’ll figure out on the spot who goes where and what’s what.

(To the music they pass through the forest.)

I walked all day, and good luck, even a shadow
There are no artists in the area, everything is solid rubbish.


Do not twist and do not whimper, there will be a holiday, there will be a feast.
Come on, stand before me Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich!

(They jump out of the chest.)

T.K. Why are we not buffoons, we can do everything: dance and sing

F.F. And we will show all the successes that you can’t see in a dream

T.K. Do not judge us, Vanya, strictly, we are trying to know how.

F.F. What should you show teachers on this holiday?

Together. Songs, dances - in general, a miracle, it's easy with us.


Storyteller: Ivan put the dove and buffoons in a bag and went on. He walked, he walked - he was tired. He sees that the hut is worth it. I looked in the window, and there ...

Scene from Desdemona.

There is a table on the stage, a chair next to it. Othello paces nervously across the stage. Desdemona approaches.


I hear steps. Finally at home
My wife will cook dinner for me.
I'm hungry as hell, Desdemona!


Othello, I don't have lunch.


I'm really not in the mood for jokes, dear.
Our refrigerator has been empty for a long time!
I'm just dying of hunger...


But I was working, not going to the movies!


What's in your bag? (takes bag, takes out notebooks)
Again notebooks
Did you bring home?
Woe to me!


With your nerves, I see, not everything is in order,
You even screamed more than once in your sleep! (sits down to check notebooks)


Listen, Desdemona, really
It would be nice to eat now!


Othello! We have already eaten today.
And it’s even harmful to eat at such a late hour!


Listen, I have a job too,
But nothing comes to my mind from hunger!


Ah, dear, come up with something, really.
Read the newspaper! And the hunger will disappear.


My hunger is insatiable. Really
How hard is it for you to go to the store?


I thought I'd come by the end of the week.
But you yourself could buy something!
You're bothering me, honey. By the way,
So little time left, dear!
I will be on duty at school until the night:
My class is walking at the disco.


What disco?! What kind of jokes?!
Our family is about to fall apart!


Ah, you know, you can't be a slave to your stomach.
I ran, my class is waiting for me.


How the hell do you run away from the house.
Your job is more important than your family.
Did you pray at night, Desdemona?
Die, unhappy, die, my love!


No, honey, I'll run to work,
You go to the store and buy something, something...
I'll be back tonight and we'll eat together!

Storyteller: Vanya has seen enough, heard enough .... And got hungry. He looked to the left - nothing, looked to the right - there is a store of amazing things, Vanya stood in line.

The curtain opens. There are tables on the stage with objects laid out on them - experimental goods. At the tables with the goods, two sellers ~ active, cheerful, very kind.

1st seller (happily). And here is the first visitor! Please pass!

teacher (timid, nervous, insecure, glasses on the tip of her nose, which she constantly corrects; she shudders from everything, constantly turns around in fright, fiddling with something in her hands, speaks quietly and politely) . Hello. Excuse me, did I go to the store?

2nd salesperson (helpfully). Happy to serve! What do you want?

Teacher. I would like something... in... for... help...

1st seller (broad gesture towards the items). Please! The widest selection.

Teacher (joyfully grabs the first thing that caught her eye - a broom). Maybe this?

2nd salesman (tries to take away the broom, they struggle). Give it back! (disparagingly). This is an old model...

Teacher (pleasantly). What do you recommend? After all, there was no sweetness with the guys.

1st seller (vigorously). Here! Especially for you: neat tweezers (shows) for pulling out chatty tongues.

The teacher recoils.

2nd seller. And here is the kit (shows): hammer and nails for crucifixion on the desks of the most obnoxious...

Teacher (rolls her eyes, screams). No! No!

1st seller (to another). Look, I think she's too impressionable.

2nd seller. There is nothing like that in school...

Teacher (pleasantly). Please... see... something else

1st seller. Well, then - here it is: absolutely harmless and very effective!(puts out toilet paper rolls) Make a gift to a colleague - an English teacher.

TEACHER (with suspicion). Toilet paper? Excuse me, how is it?

2nd seller. Everything is very simple: send the student with this roll to the toilet and let him sit there until he uses everything while studying English. You see, here comes the alphabet first, then the words.(rolling paper) then verb tenses.

Teacher. Great idea! Do you have any other subjects like this?

1st seller. F formulas in mathematics, dates in history, complex topics in the Russian language ... That's all for now, but we continue to work in this direction.

Teacher (joyfully). I take, I take, I take! Oh! (stops) But if everyone will sit on the toilets, with whom will we deal?Can I see something else?

2nd salesperson (helpfully) . Please please!

1st seller. Here, just for you(begins to get out from under the counter). "Robe of restraint"! gags of various modifications, for example, a dummy gag. “Laxative water”, “Healing noose” ...

The teacher can no longer speak, only mumbles and shakes her head.

2nd seller. Well then we don't know. You will not please ... Maybe a set "to help a novice teacher"?

teacher ( With hope). What's in this set?

1st seller (inspired). A gun for shooting the most impudent, a grenade for neutralizing the most obnoxious, a gas spray for self-defense, a fishing rod for catching ...

(on these words Vanya runs out of the store)

Dance about the teacher-martyr

storyteller: Vanka was frightened, ran away where his eyes did not see and found himself in an unknown clearing. Sees an unknown vessel. Glancing around, he approached the vessel with caution and took it in his hands.

A loud sound like an explosion, a genie appears.
What kind of life is that! I just wanted to go online, send a letter to my brother Hottabych on the “soap”, so again someone has problems ... What do you want, dear?
Gosha!!! Stunned ... Jin! Real…
Well, what kind of people, huh?! They don’t believe their eyes… The real me, the REAL-I!!! Make a wish come on!

And what can I do, that's all I want?
Well, straight! Dispersed ... As expected - three wishes and no more!
Vania :
So, why come up with something like that ... Oh! That's because I'm a genius! I always dreamed of changing my math teacher's hair! ... ha ha ha! Exactly my first desire - I WANT Mary Ivanovna to become bald right now! Here will be a joke!
Please! (snaps fingers)
Behind the scenes, a heart-rending scream of a frightened teacher is heard.
Wow! Judging by the cry - it works !!! So, what would such a large-scale come up with! So that all teachers get ... Oh! My second wish is:
So that suddenly the teachers become, like, well, like me!
They expressed themselves just as coolly
having fun and laughing
forgot good speech
and we were taught slang!”
"Be as it will be, as you wish,
Since you're dreaming about it -
Tomorrow all teachers
They will surprise you!"

Jin and the student leave the stage.
Backstage voice:"Tomorrow has come."
On stage under Vchitelka-microdistrict of our resident " teachers come out. To keep the intrigue, teachers may not turn their backs for some time, as they have signs attached to their backs - “chemist”, “physical teacher”, etc. Teachers smoke, laugh out loud. The bell rings. They are shouting "Oh, LATE!", run backstage.
Backstage voice:"Chemistry lesson".
Appears on the stage chemistry teacher, who starts the lesson:
"Hey, gift!
The theme of our lesson is...
"Subject!" heh, that doesn't sound bad...
In general, they took those flasks
And that powder over there
Right now we will arrange for the school
A little cool shock.
Pour, add
And shake it up a little...
The lights go out and there is an explosion.
The lights come on, the teacher is covered in soot, his hair is on end.
Damn, it didn't work again.
Tomorrow we will start again!” (runs off stage)

G voice behind the scenes: "Physical education lesson". Jumps onto the stage on a skipping rope Physical education teacher:
“Stand up! Shorts pulled up!
Wake up already!
And... left, not... right
Ivanov's journal for me.
Leafing through a magazine: "Stones,
Scissors, paper, one, two, three...
Ivanov five to you!
Just kidding, only three!
What did you say? Fell down, backed down!
So, Kobylin to me.
Where did we go last time?
You see, it's in the "ne" magazine.
I'm not joking today
I'm not myself today
In general, everyone changed
And let's go home!" (looks at watch, walks off stage)

Enters the stage literature teacher:
"No, well, what's wrong?
Why are we all sitting?
Opening your books
Let's hang out a little right now!
So, Yesenin, Blok, Turgenev
Mayakovsky and Tolstoy.
What to read today
What a big choice.
What did you say to Pyatrenko?
Rubbish classics, huh?
He went out, followed by Karpenko
What a wild brother!
I remember a wonderful moment
Here I remember, there is no here.
While you are reading The Thunderstorm,
And I went to the teachers' council. (he adjusts his glasses, combs his hair and leaves the stage)

"Well? What the hell are the problems?
Who already got who?
We discuss this topic
And go home, I'm so tired!
I am online today
I found my classmates
Mail, dog, dot Petya
She went headlong into it.
This is what my colleagues say:
Tomorrow is a day off.
No, why take so long
Graduation tomorrow!

All teachers in chorus:
“Yo, cool, we are happy!”
Dancing, having fun. Dancing go backstage. Jin and a student come out.

"Well, how happy are you?
All the way? What else do you want?
You have the right to guess
Another desire, you know?
“I thought, what a mess!
Well, what have I done?
What a stupid fool I am
Found such a thing.
Teacher is not fun
Teacher - he's not for laughing,
Listen Jeanne, I want again
Get your desire back.
I want to go to college
Then who,

How can a teacher help me?!
Who will teach us high
Strive to become smarter, not cooler?!
Give them back their minds, I beg
I value them very much!”
"Well, what's good
Do you want anything else?
"I want to congratulate them
With such a wonderful holiday
Let them forgive me
May their dream come true
One dream - cherished
You give them what they want
Something specific!

Sounds like song "A Million Dollars" ". Teachers enter the stage, lining up in one line. The genie gives them bags of money (“RUBLE”, “EURO”, etc.) Everyone laughs. After a while, the teachers put the bags aside and come to the edge of the stage,Vania says the final words:
Well, seriously...
You can earn money
Giving heart to us
Just to hear from the heart:
Thank you teachers!

Song of the little ones


Whirled, skidded with autumn leaf fall
Our Vanka has long been hammered with a large hail ... (Pause)
The guy sees that it’s not a dream - reality before his eyes
There are so many people in front of him beyond words!

(A gypsy camp appears with a song to the tune “A in a restaurant”.)

We'll put things aside
And let's go through with you
About my favorite teachers
We'll talk properly
Let them teach for a long time
We know that they love us all
Let many years pass anyway
Of course we won't forget about you.


And in our school, and in our school
There are many different items
And what the soul wants to choose
And somewhere here begins paradise.

(They dance a gypsy dance.)

    We thank you all

    Thank you for having us

    After all, without you it would be much sadder

    After all, so speak, as you can only speakers

    After all, look like you can only photo models on the catwalk

    After all, only the closest and beloved people can sympathize and understand how you can.

Together: THANK YOU!


Ah yes, the meeting, so I managed to get you all
That, FAQ in this world cannot be at all.
Than yearning and blues life to spend in vain
Maybe you will dance, sing for the queen without arguing?

(Tit Kuzmich and Frol Fomich run in, interrupting each other...)

T.K. I never opposed useful prospects.

F.F. I'm ready even for the bees in the hive, if only in the team

T.K. Give an order and at least where, at least for the extraction of ore

F.F. I will work hard for nothing without drinking and without water.

T.K. I am good for any business, I enter any door.

F.F. I'll get you whatever you like, even a savvy louse.


We have to be on the way by five o'clock in the afternoon
Because they have been waiting for us in that kingdom already.

(The queen appears with her retinue.)

Storyteller. And the queen with her retinue meet Vanya with the guests

1st student:

Dear teachers!
Our whole army of students
So many words could tell you
That we love you, although sometimes
You are leaving us with a headache.

2nd student:

Let the memory leave only good
Let it bring less trouble
That difficult but beloved student,
Who is not used to learning.

3 student:

Let there be fewer mistakes in notebooks,
Wrinkles will only be from smiles,
May luck smile on you
And may the teacher never cry!

4 student:

Whichever way you are,
Everywhere above us and always
One, but brighter than all shine,
Shine, Teacher's star!

5 student:

Teacher's heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy
Which has no boundaries?
6 student:

Or maybe with the sun bright,
What gives people light?
With the depths of the sea
What has been dormant for hundreds of years?

7 student:

No, we will not compare!
And we say: “Knock,
The teacher's heart
Hope, Believe, Love!”

8 student:

The teacher is rewarded
The light of children's enthusiastic eyes,
Ability to think and listen
nurtured in each of us!

9 student:

Now we can probably answer
What does the word "teacher" mean?
This is Destiny and Calling
Creativity, faith, luck!

End song (boys give flowers to teachers)

A wonderful script for Teacher's Day

As usual, the general plan of the holiday is drawn up first. It would be useful to include a number of questions.
1. Issue of wall newspapers dedicated to Teacher's Day (there may be poems, friendly cartoons, information about teachers, their photographs).
2. Colorful congratulations on Teacher's Day, festive decoration of the school, lyceum.
3. If there is a radio center in the educational institution, select the material and organize the program “From the bottom of my heart”. The program may include conversations with teachers, their favorite pieces of music and poetry.
4. Competition for the best essay, story, poem dedicated to Teacher's Day.
5. Festive concert.

Additional recommendations:
1. The holiday must be made fun, bright, memorable (do not be afraid to fantasize!).
2. It is advisable to keep the preparation of the holiday secret, the surprise of congratulations will bring more joy.
3. Do not leave a single worker-teacher unattended.
4. You can arrange a tea table.

Assembly Hall. In the background of the stage is a colorful congratulation on Teacher's Day. Before the beginning of the evening, the melody of D. Kabalevsky's song "School Years" sounds. The light is slowly going out. If there is such an opportunity, a group of fanfarists and drummers enters the stage. They perform the signal "Listen everyone!". To the sound of the signal, the presenters enter the stage.

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Today we are on behalf of every heart

Leaders (together).
We say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
To those who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is "Teacher",
Our huge warm hello!

Everyone has your name in sight - Teacher,

And your burden in the world is not light.
How do you keep your name in holiness,
How good you do on Earth
How do you celebrate the holiday
How do you love your family?
Everything is entered into your bright book.
Your work cannot be measured by the usual measure,
And all this suffer teachers' nerves.
How the light shines in your house,
When you woke up, what time did you go to bed
And how interesting was your lesson,
How kind are you
You are so strict.
How did you walk home?
Nothing escapes the gaze of people
And this is understandable - you are the conscience of children!
You are the best of the best,
Our glorious teacher
And the demand from you is strict, and the honor is high,
You go through life unbroken path
And your burden in the world is not light.

We know many professions, yet the teacher is the most important of all.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Every person celebrates today, because no matter who he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all he is someone's former student.

Teacher, before your name We bow our heads and knees. All his life the teacher burns with a bright flame, Wishing to light the way for generations.

The burden of a teacher is not easy. Most often, this burden on their fragile shoulders is carried by beautiful women - masters of their craft. These are people who brought up more than one generation.

Many wonderful people are present at our evening, our beloved teachers. "Teacher-mentor", so they say about the director of our school (full name).

During the last words of the presenter, a group of students enters the stage. They sing a song to the tune "If it wasn't for you..."

If I did not have you,
It wouldn't be such a pedagogical team,
And only thanks to you
He's so famous and handsome
Famous and handsome.
You have been in office for many years - a serious period,
To the last days from the basics.
And if you sum up all the cases,
The monument is ready for you!
There are thousands of students!
Your work will remain for centuries,
And everyone who is ready to study here,
In your caring hands
In busy hands.
You are a woman (man) - there is no more beautiful,
Director - better not to find
Such (wow) - go around the whole wide world,
You will not meet on your way.
If I did not have you,
Guess we couldn't wait
Unravel the secret of life
Just to create you
For director...

Students give flowers to the director. The director goes on stage and makes a short congratulatory speech to all the teachers. The director invites those who wish to speak.

The school of knowledge and wisdom is our abode.
And now the story about you will go -
Kind and wise wonderful teacher,
Glory to you and honor!

In a wonderful life, on the road of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
Concurrently, he is a tamer.
We are stubborn, impudent, playful,
We do not learn lessons - it happens sometimes.
Thank you,
Thanks for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

The melody of the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” sounds.

The students are singing.
Oh, viburnum blooms,
Stronger these days, oh
Today the school is celebrating Teacher's Day, oh,
We sincerely wish that for many years
Your smiles bloomed like viburnum,
Teachers' smiles bloomed like poppies.

1st student.
Oh, you (full name of the teacher, for example, Sofyushka Ivanovna),
Good as clear as the sun
Without white - the face is white,
Without blush - scarlet cheeks,
Without antimony - eyebrows are black,
If the braids were not cut,
Would have been below the waist.

The student gives the teacher flowers. The melody of the song "And the battle continues again" sounds.

The students are singing.
Make a review - we are not the first time,
Again we are torn, as if into battle,
And victory is ahead when there is someone to follow.
And the hall is open again.
All views are in first place.
Our creativity
U (full name, deputy director for educational work) is in good hands!

Students present flowers to the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

5th student.
Do you have rheumatism? Sclerosis?
Bad press?
Maybe frail hands?
So get up quickly!
Ease your pain!
There in the gym
The master of sports sciences is waiting for you (full name of the teacher of physical education),
Our fizruk.

The student gives flowers to the teacher. An old graduate of the school enters the stage. He talks about his teachers, about what years of study at the Lyceum gave him.

Once, on Cosmonautics Day, Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was asked whom else, in addition to his colleagues, he would like to congratulate. “The one without whom this holiday would not be possible, those whom we love, remember, honor,” the astronaut answered. And, above all, our teachers. Each person has his own teacher, without whom all further could not have taken place ... "

We love you very much for everything:
For knowledge, for skill, subtle humor,
for strictness and kindness,
For your selfless burning!

Where to find worthy words
Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,
We are grateful to all of you
That we love you very much!

We wish you creative growth,
So that the head does not sit.
So that the face is not noticed
We have appeared wrinkles.
To warm the world with your smile,
And there are thousands of reasons for this.

You will always stay by our side.
Because we always need.
So you'll never grow old
Never! Never! Never!

And now we invite you to take a short trip to the country of television.
Host (looks at his watch).
Its time to begin. 18-00.

On the TV screen, the program "I myself."

A television worker comes out, he loudly slams the film box, says: "Frame 38, take one." Leaves. There are two chairs on the stage, draped with cloth. On one sits a TV presenter, disguised as Yulia Menshova.

TV presenter.
Good evening, dear friends! On our screen is the TV program “I myself”. And I am her host, Yulia Menshova. Today we have an interesting meeting. I want to invite the director of the school to our studio.

The principal of the school does not know anything until the last minute. He enters the stage in complete bewilderment, sits down on the second chair.

TV presenter.
Introduce youreself.

The director introduces himself. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
Everyone has a motto when achieving their goal. Name yours.

TV presenter.
Do you consider yourself a daredevil who decided to take on this difficult burden - the position of director?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
Tell me, please, do you enjoy going to work?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you encourage diligent students?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you deal with delinquent students?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you manage to stay in such great physical shape?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
If a magician appeared now, what cherished desire related to the lyceum would you ask him to fulfill?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
This is the kind of director raised by the staff and students of school No. ... Especially for the Professional channel. See you. Yulia Menshova was with you.

Everyone leaves. Cheerful music sounds. On the stage, the scenery is set for the next program - "First Date". The leader of the festive evening comes out.

Our beloved second mothers, now for you a fragment of TV advertising!

Two teachers enter the stage, they bend under the weight of the bags, from which the students' notebooks look out. And then a teacher in high heels comes out to meet her with a light fluttering gait. She has a small notebook in her hand. Stopping and looking at her colleagues in bewilderment, she asks: “Is it hard? .. Learn to work in a new way! Due to the reduction in funding, the course of study is reduced, and, as a result, the abilities of students are reduced. Documents of the teacher and notebooks of students are placed in one notebook. She turns to the audience and shows the audience a notebook in her outstretched hand. “Three in one: meager salary! Decaying learning process! Defective knowledge of students! Three in one!"

Cheerful music sounds. Everyone leaves the stage. The leader of the holiday again takes the stage.

Host (looks at his watch).
18-30. For lovers of melodrama, the TV show "Regular Date" is on the screen.

Cheerful music sounds. Lead 1 leaves. The TV presenter takes the stage.

TV presenter.
Hello dear ladies and gentlemen! The program “Regular Date”, which you know well, is on the air. Now you have the opportunity to laugh, relax, be happy for people who, even if they meet every day, get to know each other better only here, on our program. Now our participant (full name of teacher) will enter the stage - a naturalist, handsome man and tempter of women's hearts,

The teacher takes the stage - a participant in the program. A piece of cheerful music sounds. Applause. The guest of the program welcomes the hall.

TV presenter.
Three beauties claim the right to own his heart. Meet! Our members!

On the stage, as they are announced, the participants - teachers come out.

TV presenter.
The first participant comes from Moscow. In secret, she admitted that the language of dance is closer and more understandable to her. Her dances captivate everyone.

The participant, dancing to cheerful music, enters the stage. The hall supports her with applause.

TV presenter.
The second participant is from Nizhny Novgorod, funny funny things happen to her all the time. I don't think you'll get bored with her.

Cheerful music sounds. The second participant enters the stage. She stumbles and almost falls. Hall laughs. She smiles shyly and spreads her arms.

TV presenter.
What did I tell you!
TV presenter.
The third member is a sweet woman, she loves sweets. This sweet tooth assures that she is capable of tasting a rather strong cake for the first, a bowl of ice cream for the second, and a bite of dozens of sweets for the third.

Music sounds. The participant enters the stage with a "chupa-chups" in her mouth, behaves and grimaces.

TV presenter (addressing the participant).
You say you are lucky. Yes, it certainly is. Now let's check. Few people manage to choose the best from the best. You have a difficult task ahead of you. And now we turn to questions that will help our participant make the right choice of a lady of the heart.

First, let's say hello. Hello members. Number 1.

1st participant.
Bon jur!

Number 2.

2nd participant.

Number 3.

3rd participant.

The hall supports the participants with applause.

Promising start! You have already intrigued me. In what ways will you try to achieve your goal?

That was great! I even imagined it myself, and I liked it. Thank you.
I love to sleep in the morning and it is almost impossible to wake me up. How will you wake me up?

The participants respond. Applause.

Now I like it, but in the morning I am not responsible for myself! How are you going to surprise me?

The participants respond. Applause.

I am surprised! Do not take it for indiscretion, but try to let me know that you are in love with me.

The participants respond. Applause.

Not bad. What do you think a man should do at home?

The participants respond. Applause.

Well, you were dreaming! Okay, how do you feel about humor? Say something funny. I think that the task number 2 will not be difficult for the participant number 2.

The participants respond. Applause. FOR EXAMPLE:
2nd participant: I was invited to the beach. There was no bathing suit. I went to the market, bought a bathing suit, and, without going home, went to the beach. There, when I first emerged from the sea, all eyes were on me: my swimsuit had lost its color and was completely translucent. So I lay under the towel, hiding from curious and, I hope, admiring eyes.

Thank you!
TV presenter.
The questions are over. And now we move on to the main thing, to the choice. So, your choice!

The task, of course, is not an easy one! .. And yet - number 2!

Hall applause.

TV presenter.
And now you will see who you rejected. Number 1.

Cheerful music sounds. Dancing, participant number 1 comes out. The participant groans, sighs. The hall cheers with applause.

TV presenter.
Number 3!

The contestant exits, grimacing and licking the lollipop. The contestant grabs his heart, showing that separation from the contestant could take his life. The song sounds: “For four seas, for four suns, it turned out you were throwing words into the wind” ... Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
And here is your choice!

The participant number 2 comes out. The participant is satisfied, hugs, kisses his chosen one.

TV presenter.
Goodbye! See you soon! We invite new members of our fun TV show! Who else is looking for his beloved? We are waiting for you!

All participants in the TV show leave the stage. A cheerful song about happy love sounds.
Change of scenery on stage. They take out 2 tables (as many as possible), chairs according to the number of participants in the team (2 or 3), flags with the team emblem are placed on each table. A "television worker" runs out onto the stage. He slams the film box, says, "Frame 138, take 1." The TV presenter of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” appears on the stage. In the background, the scenes are strengthened by posters on which the inscription: "Through the mouth of a baby."

TV presenter.
Good evening! We are glad to welcome you to the festive edition of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby”! Today we are visiting two (three) teams - participants of the program. Meet! The first team... is represented by (full names of teachers): As part of the second team... (full names of teachers).

Teams go on stage, sit down.

TV presenter.
You all know our funny show. Each competition is evaluated on a three-point system. You are given three explanations for each thought word. If you guess after the first clarification, you get 3 points, after the second - already 2 points and after the third - you have 1 point. The team with the most points in the final wins! So, the first psychological puzzles!

Three students take the stage. They have balloons in their hands.

1st participant.
The salary depends on it.

3rd participant.
This is the more the better.

The answer is "discharge". Whoever wins first gets tokens according to the number of points. Hall applause. The TV presenter announces in turn the following puzzles, which are voiced.
Suggested puzzles for the further progress of the transfer.
"Hobby" (hobby)

Many people simply cannot do without it.

This takes a lot of time and money.

But they get a lot of fun.

Hint: It's different for every person.

This is when you can luxuriate in bed for a long time.
This is usually what money is spent on.
It's when you do what you want

Hint: When you don't want it to end.

It's designed to get our attention.
And it happens very often, and nowhere can you get away from it.
There is always something so insistently offered that it is impossible to refuse.

Hint: Often you look and even more often you don’t understand anything, what’s the matter?

Interested people come here.
Some people stay there for a long time.
And many people often take with them what is there.

Hint: Our school has it too.

After that, they raise the salary.
This is when a group of people evaluates one.
This is when you tremble with fear.

Hint: Prepare carefully for this.

"Summer camp"
This is when it's warm, there are a lot of friends around and everyone has fun.
This is when they eat and sleep together at the same time.
This is an expensive pleasure these days.

Hint: This is where they swim and sunbathe together.

It brings a lot of joy.
At the same time, they often scream and jump with happiness.
Many rejoice with you.

Hint: It's waiting for someone here soon.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony. Applause. The TV presenter says goodbye to the team members and the audience, thanks everyone: the participants for their ingenuity; spectators - for active support of the players. Everyone leaves the stage. The leaders of the festival take the stage.

Our holiday is coming to an end.
We congratulate you on your holiday,
Never mourn for anything.
We wish you never get sick.
Always be happy, loved.
Good luck to you all! And in everything!
And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course
And smart and kind students!
May this holiday concert
Everything will tell you for us
That so many years
We love you very much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes
For your kindness
So rare now.


Don't you dare forget the teachers
They care about us and remember
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
Waiting for our return and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings,
And no matter how many years have passed
Teacher's happiness builds up
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
On New Year's Eve, we do not send them congratulations,
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And rejoice every time for those
Who will pass the exam somewhere again
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!
A. Dementiev

Honorable and complex
teacher work,
calling, heart
They are called to the road.
But knowledge is wealth
You give again
And with them, hope
Good and love!
holy patience
And genuine laughter
perseverance, joy
And faith in success.
Live with dignity
Giving us strength
Always tense
So, not in vain!