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Great script for teacher's day. An interesting scenario for a teacher's day at school A skit is performed for you

Teacher's Day

(Working scenario 2016)

Target: Implementation of the creative ministry of students.
1. Contribute to the realization of acting, oratorical, musical talents of students.
2. To develop in children a sense of service to others
3. Continue work to unite the children's team

Purpose: The material, of course, was written by what is called "For Yourself", but some bundles can be borrowed, a script for congratulating sixth graders. A creative person can simply draw inspiration.


Presenter 1:
And again in the gilding of poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Host 2:
Where teachers wait for students
To start a new life.
Presenter 1:
What an amazing school home! Here everything is mixed up: childhood and youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and partings.
Host 2:
Yes, the school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood, where an adult can no longer return.
Presenter 1:
Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, the school is their home, and all the students are their children.
Host 2:
What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously distribute it in pieces from day to day, from year to year!
Presenter 1:
People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me sincerely congratulate you, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.
What should you do on holidays?
Host 2:
Of course, give gifts. And today, our dear teachers, all high school students from young to old have prepared small, but very expensive gifts for you.
Presenter 1:
So, the first gift from our kids - first graders.

Presenter 1:
On this festive October day, dear teachers, accept congratulations from all of us:
Host 2:
Brunettes, blonds and ... Compositae,
Presenter 1:
swirling and combed,
Host 2:
Obedient and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Presenter 1:
Excellent students and, to put it mildly, not very ...
Host 2:
But very, very loving!
Presenter 1:
With a gift on the stage, students of grade 2.
(Dance with umbrellas)

Presenter 1:
Teaching is no easy task
Teaching is a more difficult task.
Host 2:
And the teacher is the real one -
The one who does not save in front of her.
Presenter 1:
You know, today we have guests in the hall. These people know exactly who a teacher is more than us.
Host 2:
Then it is to them that we must give the floor.
(A congratulatory word to the guests of the holiday, the city administration, etc.)
Presenter 1:
Do you think our teachers like to read fairy tales or watch cartoons?
Presenter 1: So everyone loves it. Only teachers with our notebooks don't have time.
Presenter 1: Well, then they'll love the third grader's gift.
Presenter 1: Third-grade high school students are on stage.
(Staging based on Suteev's fairy tale "Fishing")

Presenter 1:
Teachers! They are like a light on the way
What kind of fiery heart do you need
To have in the chest to bring light to people,
So that his trace could never be erased!
Lead 2:
And how to measure their work, you ask
Millions of people's army.
There are many ascetics in Rus',
But there is no wiser and nobler than them!
Presenter 1: With our gift for teachers, we invite the 4th grade to the stage.
(Song "Here Comes Mushroom Rains")

Presenter 1:
Teacher -
Host 2:
three syllables.
Not so much,
Presenter 1:
And how many skills it contains!
Host 2:
Ability to dream!
Presenter 1:
Ability to hold on!
Host 2:
The ability to give yourself to work!
Presenter 1:
Ability to teach!
Host 2:
Ability to create!
Presenter 1:
The ability to love children selflessly!
Host 2:
Teacher -
Presenter 1:
three syllables.
But what a lot!
Host 2:
And this calling is given to you by God!
Presenter 1:
With a congratulatory word to the teachers, the confessor of the gymnasium, Hieromonk Alexander (Congratulations of the confessor)

Presenter 1:
The shoemaker can mend shoes
And the carpenter - a stool and a porch.
Host 2:
But only the teachers in the repair
The mind, heart and face brighten.
Presenter 1: We are invited to the gymnasium stage, we, fifth-graders. Our gift is a musical performance.
(Musical production)

Presenter 1:
Yes, we went to the biology lesson. And it would be interesting to take a look at other lessons at least out of the corner of our eye.
Leading: This means that the 6th grade has come the turn to give their gift

(Staging script)

There is a change in the class. At the desk Sidorkin and Ivanov. Sidorkin collects things in a briefcase.
Ivanov: Where are you?
Sidorkin: I'm out of algebra! They will ask me, but I'm not ready.
Ivanov: Come on! They ask those who have “I’m not ready!” written on their faces.
Sidorkin: Here you see!
Ivanov: So you need to do it as if you are ready! Autotraining!
Sidorkin: What?
Ivanov: Self-hypnosis! Repeat after me: I'm ready for algebra!
Sidorkin: I'm ready for algebra
Ivanov: I completed my homework!
Sidorkin: I did my homework
Sidorkin: All three tasks and five exercises!
During auto-training, they did not notice how the teacher entered the classroom.
Teacher: Sidorkin, what do I hear, are you ready for the lesson?! Go to the board.
Sidorkin confidently goes to the blackboard.
Sidorkin: I'm all set for algebra! I completed my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: Well, write exercise 87 on the board.
Sidorkin: I completed my homework! All three tasks and five exercises!
Teacher: I don't understand anything! Show me your notebook!
Sidorkin carries a notebook. The teacher is watching.
Teacher: Sidorkin, Sidorkin! And how confidently he walked ... Two! Sit down.
Sidorkin and Ivanov leave the school. On Sidorkin's face there is a premonition of trouble.
Sidorkin: Eh, at home they will ask: - “How is it at school?” - And hi.
Ivanov: Need autotraining. Repeat after me: I'm doing great in algebra! And good at physics! The glass broke on its own!

Peter. Vasya, how many books have you read?
Vasya. How many? Yes, I didn't think so!
Peter. And I read twenty-five! And I'll read it before the end of a quarter of ten!
Vasya(with envy). Wow! Happy you, Petya, how much you managed to read!
Peter. And what! I read about the knight! The book about him is long, and the preface is short! I read the preface and everything is clear. The book may or may not be read!
Vasya(disappointed). Yeah?! What knight are you talking about?
Peter. About what ... How about ... I remembered! Donky move!
Vasya. Donky move?!
Peter. Donky! And the “move” is because he rode a donkey, I saw a wonderful picture in a book! I know everything! And what were you yawning?
Vasya. Yes, my sister was sick, every evening I read my favorite books to her.
Peter. Which ones?
Vasya."The Adventures of Gulliver", "Thumbelina", "Son of the Regiment".
Peter. Yes... Lucky for you. "Thumbelina" (with a grin). Well well!
Vasya. Yes, I just read to my sister! And yes, it was interesting...
Peter(mimics). Interesting! You will say too. I can boast - look at what thick books I read! So, a real reader! Understood?
Vasya. I understood… Only you said wrong about the knight…
Peter. How is this wrong?
Vasya. This knight's name was not Donky move, but Don Quixote Lamanchesky. He lived in Spain... And who is the writer? Who wrote this book?
Peter. These writers have very difficult surnames! Why remember them? Well, I'll run to the library, I'll take another book.
Vasya. Wait! Yes, it was not Don Quixote who rode the donkey, but his squire Sancho Panza ...
Peter. Fixed it too! To memorize everything - there is not enough time to read. It will not work, Vasya, you are a real reader!

On the control
The problem is not solved -
even kill!
Think think head
hurry up!
Think, think, head
I'll give you candy
On my birthday I will give
New beret.
Think think -
for ever I ask!
I will wash you with soap!
Comb it!
We are with you
Not strangers to each other.
Help out!
And then how ladies on top!
(M. Boroditskaya)

Presenter 1:
All performances and skits, and so you want to sing. Let the sixth grade sing us a song that everyone knows and can sing along to.
Host 2:
What should the song be about?
Presenter 1: Yes, about anything, even about the clouds ...
Host 2: Sixth grade, we beg you!
(Song "Clouds. White-maned horses")

Presenter 1:
Tell me, do you think teachers get tired?
Host 2:
Presenter 1:
And then what?
Host 2:
Then we must help them.
Presenter 1:
Have the students do their homework.
Host 2:
And fidgets will learn to walk quietly along the school corridors.
Presenter 1:
Everyone will eat soup and drink jelly in the refectory.
Host 2:
So that our teachers do not lose heart when they suddenly get tired, the vocal group of high school students prepared a song for them as a gift
Presenter 1:
"Don't rush to blow the end" (A song sounds, the schoolgirls remain on stage)
Reader (from the group)
The calendar flips the pages in surprise,
Teacher's Day again and again with you.
May you dream of the Firebird today in a dream,
Well, tomorrow your class will give it to you.
The sun will wink at you - a good sign -
(Yes, even if you stand on your left foot) ...
You are a wonderful teacher, remember this,
And you have incomparable students!
(choir group performs the song "Teacher")

Winding, difficult road of knowledge,
But together we will conquer it without difficulty.
It's good to have a teacher nearby
We are always grateful for your work!

Music sounds, teachers are given flowers.

Sections: General pedagogical technologies

Student 1

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Student 2

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Student 3.

Today we are on behalf of every heart ( all three students in chorus)
We say "Thank you!"

Student 1. We have gathered here in a cozy hall to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday! We say “Thank you!” to you! for your work, patience, for the care that you show to each of us.

Student 2. Dear teachers! May joy and luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and loved ones warm you! May all your wishes come true!

Readers read poetry.

Accept our wishes
Health, happiness and kindness,
And let the bad mood
You will never have!

Let a kind, gentle smile
Every day begins for you
Let worries, worldly anxieties
On the way you meet less often.

May there be happiness and health
And let there be enough strength for everything
And so that every day with love
It only brought you joy!

May the sun shine brighter on this day
Flowers fall like a carpet under your feet.
We wish you health, happiness, light,
All that is called good!

Ensemble "Peremenka" on the stage. Sounds a song to the motive "Winged swing"(See Appendix 1)

Student 1. And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations - touching and funny. We hope that they will please you this autumn day and will be remembered by you for a long time! Well, we are passing the floor to our presenters in the studio.

Leading (looks at the clock). Its time to begin!

The TV channel screensaver sounds (hosts from the screen)

Lead 1.

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive

Lead 2. Those who have gray hair at the temples,

Lead 1. For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Lead 2. Those who are considered in the middle years.

Lead 1.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,

Lead 2.

To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Lead 1. Attention! Attention! The school television channel OTV-plus is on the air

Lead 2. Speaks and shows OTV- plus Today in the issue…

Presenter 1. Transfer "School town". Special issue of “ABVGDeyka”

Lead 2. Festive video greetings from 7th grade

The screen saver for the TV program “ABVGDeyaka” sounds.

Lead 1. And again we are in the studio of our school TV channel

Student 1.

Flowers, smiles, congratulations,
And phrases are warm - for you!

And everyday life is long every hour!

Student 2.

Someone to make you happy!
And let this evening
Gives you the will to live

Teach others, always create

Leading out in the hall.

Lead 1.

Let in this hall, at this hour
The fires are burning brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Lead 2.

Our junior classes ringing laughter is the best reward!
The kids will be very happy to congratulate you.

Lead 1. Meet the ensemble "Solnyshki" on the stage. They will perform the songs “Imagine” and “Music Beads” (see Appendix 3)

Lead 2.

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a reliable marina for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Lead 2. And again, it's time to evaluate the creativity of your students. Meet the vocal ensemble "Peremyenka" on the stage. Your applause!!!

A song is performed to the motive "City Flowers". At the end of the performance, children give teachers hand-made birds of happiness (origami) as a keepsake

Lead 1. Dear friends! Today our good friends are visiting us - this is the Center for Culture and Leisure "Lira"! With their congratulations on the stage, the dance group “ArtDance Show” Artistic director Lisitsyna Olga Sergeevna. Modern dance "Contrasts" Meet!!!

Lead 2.

Teacher's Heart... Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy, which has no boundaries?
Or maybe with the Sun bright, what gives people light?
With the abyss of the sea that dormant for hundreds of years?
No, we will not compare! And we say: “Knock!
Teacher's Heart - HOPE, BELIEVE LOVE!”

Lead 1. Today on this festive day on the stage of the Folklore and Theater Studio "Evening" Russian folk song "Quadrille".

Lead 2. There is one magical threshold in life that no one can cross indifferently. This is the threshold of the school. Even if a person is already old, he still crosses the school threshold not without timidity. And, having stepped over, he will immediately remember his sonorous school childhood, about teachers.

Lead 1.

A lot of words have been invented about teachers,
But we want to reiterate:
Teacher for children - the beginning of fate!
The time has come to give you a dance.

On the stage, the dance group “ArtDance Show” dance in the style of “Hip-Hop”

Lead 2.

We don't always notice
How many worries we have
And patient work
The teacher gives.
With barely noticeable gray hair
On a dark blond strand
She stands in front of you
Stacking up notebooks.
And you love like him, like me,
Her - and let's face it:
She is your second mother.
And who is more precious than mom?

Lead 1. And again we give the floor to the hosts in the studio. Attention to the screen!

Presenters from the screen:

Lead 1.

Flowers, smiles, congratulations,
And phrases are warm - for you!
Beautiful holiday moments
And everyday life is long every hour!

Lead 2.

Friends! How little we all need
Someone to make you happy!
And let this evening
Gives you the will to live
Sing, dance, prepare speeches,
Teach others, always create!

Lead 1. Winners of city and international figure skating competitions Kristina Astakhova and Vadim Alekseev perform.

On the screen is a video sequence from the performance of the figure skaters. Leaders in the room.

Lead 1. Teacher! What a close and dear word! A person forgets a lot, a lot is erased over time in his memory. Years pass, memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of beloved teachers is timeless.

Lead 2. Among the many professions, the teacher has always stood and stands in a special place. Everyone deals with him, no matter who they become later.

Lead 1. And there is no person on earth who would not remember his teacher with a kind word, who gave a ticket to a great life.

Lead 2. We always remember them, our teachers, and on this festive day we want to say especially warm words of love and gratitude.

Lead 1. Today you, our dear ones, our loved ones, all the flowers, all the best wishes!

Students of the 6th grade rise to the stage:

There is no more honorable work in the world,
Than teachers work restless.
We will never forget you
And we will be worthy of your love!

Today, on the day of your professional holiday, accept congratulations from the 6th grade.

Children perform a dance composition and a skit.

Lead 1. The profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. However, today our dear teachers have a professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and best wishes addressed to them.

Lead 2. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday, our dear teachers!

Lead 1. And again on our stage, the group "Peremenka" Meet !!!

Musical composition "Your eyes".A song is performed to the motive “Your eyes”. On a slideshow screen, students present student recognition diplomas to their teachers(Appendix 4).

Student 1.

Teaching is not work, but renunciation,
The ability to give everything
Leave for a long feat and torment,
And in this to see the light and grace.

Student 2.

Teaching - when in the eyes of cold
The dawn of understanding will light up,
And you will understand: you tried not fruitlessly
And knowledge scattered not in vain.

Student 3.

Showered with colored rain of bouquets
And illuminated by the brilliance of hundreds of eyes,
Accept, teacher, not a word of hello,
And part of the soul from grateful us!

Lead 1. And again on the stage the dance ensemble "AtrDanceShow" with the composition "Carnival".

Student 1.

Thank you teachers
After all, you are busy with the most important thing.
The earth has been holding on to you since ancient times,
You are raising young citizens for her.

Lead 1. And again, it's time to evaluate the creativity of your students. Meet: Kazakova Larisa 10-“a” class.

Lead 2. Dear viewers, Nina Anatolyevna Vekshina urgently asks for a microphone. Let's listen to her thoughts on the eve of Teacher's Day

Lead 1. We once again congratulate you on your professional holiday!

Lead 2. Our holiday continues, because the school is eternal, like an endless process of learning!

Lead 1. And the profession of a teacher is also eternal, just like the truths of kindness, wisdom and mercy that you bring to all people are eternal!

Lead 2. And today, on this solemn day, we wish you health, love and smiles.

Lead 1. On the stage again, the group "Change", Meet your applause! They perform A. Varlamov's song "Give a smile to the world"

Lead 2. All good things come to an end sooner or later. Our concert has also quietly come to an end.

Leading (chorus). See you soon!

Explanatory note

Over the long years of its existence, our traditional holiday has "accumulated" a lot of poetic and prose congratulations and "leads" to concert numbers. From year to year they "roam" from script to script. And it's hard to come up with something new, original.

In my opinion, a traditional holiday in a particular school is valuable precisely because of its “local” flavor: each educational institution has its own “stars”-talents (readers, vocalists, dancers, etc.), whose performances uniquely color any event.

However, you can prepare several surprise details that will make the traditional event bright and memorable.

I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday with surprises for educators.

Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Surprise 1

Pupils write targeted congratulations to their teachers in advance on sticky notes. Stickers are attached to the stand, which is located at the entrance to the school.

Meeting the teachers at the entrance, the attendants offer the teachers to remove the congratulations addressed to them from the stand.

Holding a holiday

Surprise 2

The hall is decorated with bouquets of "living" (of course, fallen, but not yet dried) autumn maple leaves and rowan branches. They are everywhere: on the walls, in vases on the windowsills, on the stage - yellow, red, crimson. The hall looks bright and festive. Smells like autumn.

Sounds "School waltz"

Ved.1: Hello, school.

Ved.2: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.1: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday!


The path of the teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not a job, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.2: The floor is given to the director of the school ...

(Word of the director, rewarding teachers)

Ved.1: There is no teacher without students. And this means that today is a holiday not only for them, but for everyone who studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers, and even you, our respected teachers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.


Excellent routes of knowledge
We're on the journey of life
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.


And in this ceaseless ascent,
As a conductor, attentive and strict,
Leads through work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.


Congratulations 1st class:

1. Our teacher!
Nothing can be measured
All that you have given to us.

2. You taught us to love and believe,
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you!

3. Who teaches us?

4. Who torments us?

5. Who gives us knowledge?

6. This is our school teacher -

Amazing people.

7. It is clear and light with you,

The heart is always warm.

8. And sorry if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

9. From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

All of our teachers

And we wish you all good health



Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today, every person celebrates it, because no matter who he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all he is someone's former student. The school teaches us all the ABC of life.


We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
when we can read them.


Let's play: name some letters of the alphabet and remember the qualities that school teaches us. For example, A - accuracy ... What is the next letter? What quality of a person can you name with the letter "B"?

Surprise 3

Hall game. The presentation is on the screen. The slides open gradually after the response from the audience.


The background music is "What they teach at school"


You give us your power
Open far and wide!
We could say many words
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.


But today we congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear educators.

The teacher knows everything, everything can,

Though affection from life does not expect.

Children will stop at a gallop,

He will enter the thundering hall.

Poetry composes, draws,

She cooks and knits and sews

Playing on stage, dancing

And even, imagine singing!

This song is for you.

(to the motive of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,

If someone in your group is naughty,

It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.

It's just that we have energy.


So let's get all excited

Let's forget this time.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,

If we forget to learn the rules,

We also get what we deserve,

But we know how to hide grief.


Surprise 4

Festive comic fortune-telling lottery (it is necessary to prepare tickets and predictions for each teacher present)

Ved.1 .:

There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Let's check?


Let's check! And now we offer you a festive lottery with a prediction of your fate. We ask teachers to pull out a ticket! (the presenter walks around the hall, approaching each teacher)

(music background)

№1 - Button- You will be given something beautiful of clothes this month

№2 - Wheel- This month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

№3 - Flower- this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful

№4 - Candy- Sweet, sweet life awaits you this month

№5 - 10 kopecks- You are expecting a salary increase

№6 - Bay leaf- Great success awaits you at work

№7 - Geographic map- travel this month

№8 - pepper- be careful, you can quarrel with a friend

№9 - Dummy- this year you will have an addition to the family

№10 - heart- A romantic adventure awaits you this month

№11- ringlet- this year you will definitely attend the wedding

№12 - Crown- we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!

№13 - Snow (on head)- surprise check

№14 - Pasta - be careful, there are many false promises waiting for you

№15 - Umbrella- only good weather awaits you in your family

№16 - Spoon- wait for guests

№17 - Fur coat- expect a cold winter

№18 - Lips- Alas! Your hopes will not come true

№19 - Shovel- this year you will definitely find a treasure!


In the lesson, the teacher is with us,

And calm down for you and me:

Lots of useful knowledge

Will be given to children.


Without a teacher - we know for sure -

We can't live in this world

And so your work is important

We will appreciate everything from childhood.

A scene is being performed for you.


The music of G.V. Sviridov "Time, forward". A cameraman appears (somewhere off to the side) and a reporter with a microphone.

The reporter: Hello dear friends! Welcome to the TV news program "Vremya". We are reporting from the walls of the boarding school №5. Everyone understands what school means to each of us, what an important place it occupies in the minds of our government. One can feel the daily care of the president, the Duma, the governor about the school and its students...

The reporter: We are talking to the principal of the school. (The parodic role of the director with a somewhat caricature appearance is played by children.)

Meet... What is special about your school?

Director. Mmmm... I need to think about it.

The reporter: Think. Do you have favorite students?
Director:(shrugs). Who will tell you the truth!
The reporter: What about your favorite class?

Director: Well-u-u-u-u, you are my dear ...

The reporter: Thank you very much for an interesting interview. Let's go along the corridors of the school to the classes. (A student runs out with a huge briefcase). Here is the student! Just look how hard it is for him, he bends under the weight of textbooks, notebooks! Poor thing! We will immediately send a request to the deputies of the Duma about the overload of children.

(The director helps the child put the satchel on the table and starts (so that everyone can see it) pull out a huge bottle of Fanta, magazines, a large bag of chips, a player, CDs, headphones ...)
Director: Where are the books and notebooks?

Student: And here! (In the hands of a small notebook.)

Director: Well done! I see that you are ready to go.

The reporter: As you can see, this is a school of joy and a happy childhood! And we say goodbye to you. See you on the air!

Ved.1: Thanks guys for the congratulations. And we continue.

Ved.2: A comic poem “It is possible and impossible” will be read to you by ...


Explain to me friends:

Why can't I do everything?

You can’t sing in physical education,

Jump on literature

I can't eat at work

You can't sleep anywhere.

Lena told me:

- Stupid you, as if from a log!

You can eat and you can sing

Jump, sleep, look out the window,

And you can chat with a friend,

Just be very careful

Imperceptibly, silently…

I exclaimed: “You are a coward!

I'm not stupid, I'm brave!

That's why I can't do anything!"

Elena Duke


Let's remember teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.


You are a Teacher with a very large letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young

Will be full of happiness and health!

Bouquets of flowers are presented to teachers-veterans.



Everyone chooses for himself
woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves
a word for love and for prayer.
Dueling sword, battle sword
everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
The measure of final retribution.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself.
I choose as well as I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Yuri Levitansky


So you once chose the path for yourself. This road led you to school. Some have walked this road for a lifetime, while others have just stepped onto it. We have prepared a slide show for you, which we called "The Road of Life". Let's watch it together...

Surprise 5

Slideshow for teachers about teachers.

Invitation to the stage and congratulations to teachers-"anniversaries" (according to teaching experience)


We meet today at school

Bright holiday of teachers.

You accept, dear ones,

Congratulations from all children!


For affection, kindness, care,

We want to thank everyone.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give you today!

Surprise 6

Gifts are given to all teachers (“Children are the flowers of life” - a hand-made craft)


And at the end of our holiday, a congratulatory video for you.

Surprise 7

Congratulatory video


Thank you all for your attention. Our holiday concert is over.

Scenario teacher's day.

Student 1

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Student 2

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Student 1. We have gathered here in a cozy hall to congratulate dear teachers on their professional holiday! We say “Thank you!” to you! for your work, patience, for the care that you show to each of us.

Student 2. Dear teachers! May joy and luck always accompany you! Let the warmth, care and attention of your family and loved ones warm you! May all your wishes come true!

Student 1. And now we have a television studio in touch, today your students have prepared wonderful congratulations - touching and funny. We hope that they will please you this autumn day and will be remembered by you for a long time! Well, we are passing the floor to our presenters in the studio.

Student 2. ( looks at the clock). Its time to begin!

The screensaver of the TV channel sounds, the presenters come out.

Lead 1.

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive

Lead 2. Those who have gray hair at the temples,

Lead 1. For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,

Lead 2. Those who are considered in the middle years.

Lead 1.

To those who told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,

Lead 2.

To everyone whose proud name is a teacher,
Low bow and warm greetings!

Lead 1. Attention! Attention! On the air school television channel OTV

Lead 2. Speaks and shows the OTV channel.

Presenter 1. Transfer "School town".

Presenter 2. Dear teachers and guests, please accept the first holiday greetings from grade 3(channel screensaver sounds).

Lead 1. And again we are in the studio of our school TV channel

Lead 2.

Let in this hall, at this hour
The fires are burning brighter!
And again we congratulate you, our teachers!

Lead 1.

Our junior classes ringing laughter is the best reward!
The kids will be very happy to congratulate you.

1 class. We invite you to the stage.

The screensaver of the TV channel sounds come out to congratulate Grade 1. (song, poems)

Lead 2.

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school is a reliable marina for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Presenter 1. The school rings with children's voices, its students achieve new successes in learning, creativity, sports - this means that she is young !

We invite you to the stage for congratulations Grade 2.

Presenter 2. And again, it's time to evaluate the creativity of your students. Meet 4th grade. Your applause!!! (Poems, song)

Presenter 1. News from the 8th grade came to our channel, let's see

(video congratulations)

Lead 1. Teacher! What a close and dear word! A person forgets a lot, a lot is erased over time in his memory. Years pass, memories of childhood and youth fade, but the memory of beloved teachers is timeless.

Lead 2. Among the many professions, the teacher has always stood and stands in a special place. Everyone deals with him, no matter who they become later.

Grade 9 students take the stage

Lead 1. There is no person on earth who would not remember his teacher with a kind word, who gave a ticket to a great life.

Lead 2. We always remember them, our teachers, and on this festive day we want to say especially warm words of love and gratitude.

Lead 1. Today you, our dear ones, our loved ones, all the flowers, all the best wishes!

Accept congratulations from the students of the 7th grade.

Presenter 1. The profession of a teacher is very difficult, it requires a lot of patience and understanding from a person. Basically, it consists of difficult, but interesting everyday life. However, today our dear teachers have a professional holiday, and they, of course, deserve the most sincere and warm congratulations and best wishes addressed to them.

Presenter 2. We want to congratulate you and sincerely thank you for giving us the most important thing in life - knowledge. With your hard work, you make us smart people, ready to embark on the path of life. Happy holiday, our dear teachers!

Lead 2. Well, our program "School Town" is coming to an end, in conclusion, the 5th grade performs with a song about teachers .(Slide show with photos of teachers)

So , the program “School Town” has come to an end. Couple say goodbye. Dear teachers, once again we congratulate you on Teacher's Day and wish you creative success.

See you live.