
New Year in Finland: celebration features, traditions and customs. New Year's traditions in Finland How they celebrate the New Year in Finland scenario

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Finland Tervetuloa Suomi

The flag of Finland appeared only in 1917, when the Finnish kingdom gained independence.

Helsinki has been the capital of Finland since 1917 and the largest city in Finland. It is located in the south of the country, on the coast of the Gulf of Finland of the Baltic Sea.

The population of Finland is over 5 million people. Ethnic composition: Finns and Swedes. Finland is officially bilingual. Between 1806 and 1917, Russian was the third official language. The average population density is 17 people. per sq. km. Most Finns belong to the Evangelical Lutheran Church.

Traditional clothing of the peoples of Finland

Christmas and New Year in Finland

The history of the holiday Christmas in Finland began to be celebrated after the adoption of Christianity, but the traditions of its celebration were strongly intertwined with pagan ones. So, there were detours of houses mummers - caroling, only the Star of Bethlehem appeared, singing Christmas carols. The costumed goat, distributing gifts, has become the Finnish Santa Claus - Joulupukki. On Christmas Eve it was customary to finish work early in order to get enough sleep before the Christmas service. It was believed that on the night of Christmas, ghosts and devils walked the Earth. . For the "spirits" they left food and a melted bath, and they scared away evil spirits with a cross painted on the doors. On the same night, it was customary to guess at the betrothed. On Christmas Eve, everyone tried to get up early, as there is a playful custom that the one who woke up first can flog the one who is still dreaming. According to an old tradition, it is on Christmas Eve in Finland that a Christmas sheaf of oat or wheat stalks is hung on a high pole near the house (or on the roof), intended for birds, which are especially difficult at this time. Christmas Eve is also sauna time, which is enjoyed by the whole family.

The modern festive Christmas period lasts four weeks and is called "advent". The first mention of "advent" refers to the year 524. All this time the Christmas fast lasts, accompanied by Lutheran concerts, church ceremonies and Christmas streets, elegantly decorated with garlands. The first such street was decorated in Pietarsaari in 1840. Within a month, the countdown to Christmas is underway. Children do this with the help of special two-layer calendars, behind each numbered tear-off sheet of which you can find a chocolate bar or a picture. Such calendars are an invention of the distant past - it was invented by the German Frau Lang at the end of the 19th century for her son to make the expectation of Christmas more interesting. Gradually, this children's calendar has gained recognition around the world.

The first pre-holiday parties are hosted by women who keep the tradition of getting together and making Christmas decorations to sell at charity fairs. These meetings, which have existed since 1920, are called "Little Christmas" (Fin. Pikkujoulu). Four weeks before Christmas, adults on each Sunday of "Advent" light one candle. The candle is not allowed to burn out to the end, but extinguished - until next Sunday, when two candles are already lit, etc. By the Christmas holiday, all four candles were burning on the windows of Finnish houses.

Festive Schedule On December 13, Lucia's Day Swedish-speaking families in Finland celebrate Lucia's Day. Lucia's Day used to be celebrated on the shortest day of the year, which is why Lucia, the queen of light, became so popular in the north. Finland's nationwide Lucia is elected from among ten young girls by public vote.

Christmas tree On December 23, the main symbol of the holiday appears in Finnish homes - a spruce tree, elegantly decorated with straw geometric figures "himmeli", flags of different countries and other toys. On Christmas Eve, candles are lit on it.

Christmas Eve "Christmas World" On December 24, on Christmas Eve, families try to get together. Exactly at noon in Turku, the “Christmas World” is announced on the old square, everyone congratulates each other, watches the festive ceremony of the beginning of the holiday live or on TV and begins the Christmas meal. At 5 p.m., festive services are held in churches, after which the Finns go to cemeteries and bring candles and fir wreaths to the graves of relatives.

The Christmas dinner on December 25, the feast of Christmas itself, is spent in quiet pious reflection. All public institutions and public transport are closed. The most visited place on this day is the church.

Tapani Day On December 26, fun festivities, dances and feasts begin, continuing the traditions of the medieval Tapani Day or St. Stephen's Day. On this day, caroling takes place in the costumes of goats, "Christmas cranes", and evil spirits.

Finnish Christmas table Traditionally for Christmas in Finland they serve baked pork ham and milk rice porridge, in which one almond grain is hidden (the happy owner is predicted to have a good year and good health). The old belief that whoever takes the first spoonful of porridge will die in the coming year has led to a new tradition of serving porridge on the table with the spoon already stuck in it, which is then set aside. Hot potato, carrot and swede casseroles are indispensable dishes on the Christmas table. Of the cold appetizers, the Finns prefer beetroot salad - an analogue of vinaigrette, freshly salted salmon or whitefish, cold-smoked salmon.

From the sweet, gingerbread cookies or a house of gingerbread cookies are served, as well as puffs with plum jam. A popular Finnish Christmas drink is hot glögi with spices and dried fruits. In Finnish families at Christmas, you can see bread and cookies in the form of a bird or a horse, a cow or a sheep. Quite often there are cookies in the form of a cross. The abundance of treats on the Christmas table was emphasized by the Finnish proverb: “The heavier the head of the owner of the house from food, the better the harvest will be next year.”

Christmas decorations The color of Christmas in Finland is red. It is present both in the decorative decoration of the house (tablecloths, candles, Christmas decorations, flowers, etc.), and in festive clothes. In addition to the Christmas tree, which has entered Finnish life since the 18th century, it is customary to decorate a house in Finland for Christmas with flowers. The hyacinth has been the symbol of Christmas for more than 140 years. Interestingly, blue and white are considered Joulupukki's favorite colors. "Julestian" - a Christmas star - an unusually beautiful plant of red color. It is still a symbol of Christmas in Finland.


Joulupukki - A Christmas grandfather who gives gifts to children at Christmas. Literally translated from Finnish means "Christmas goat". The latter is depicted as a straw goat and accompanies the Christmas holidays. The tradition differs little from that in other Scandinavian countries. Now Joulupukki looks like the usual Santa Claus with a white beard, in a red coat and hat, although he retains some national features. But even in the 19th century, he was depicted in a goat's skin and sometimes even with horns. Joulupukki has a wife - Muori, the "old mistress" - the personification of winter. He has gnomes as his assistants, who sit in the Echo Caverns for a year and listen to how children around the world behave, and before Christmas they sort out Christmas mail, help prepare and pack gifts. Unlike most countries, on New Year's Eve in Finland, Joulupukki personally visits families on Christmas Eve. Most often, his role is played by a dressed-up father. Children dress up as little gnomes: in red tights, a long red hat, a gray cotton suit. Coming, Joulupukki invariably asks the same question: “Are there good children here?”, And the answer is always the same: “Yes!” Usually Joulupukki, on New Year's Eve, brings a large basket of gifts, and the children sing songs to him and dance with him. Then Joulupukki tells them how far he has travelled. He lives on Korvatunturi mountain in eastern Lapland. Children and adults accompany him with a song. It remains for his little helpers to distribute gifts. The earliest reports of Christmas gift-giving among Finnish families date back to the early years of the 19th century. Gifts were often made with their own hands: they gave, for example, clothes or goodies. In the first decades of the 20th century, manufactured goods as gifts gradually spread throughout the country. Recently, for the new year, in Finland, gifts of “home-made” have again begun to be appreciated.

Happy New Year ja Hyvää Joulua ! Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Exactly at 12 noon on Christmas Eve (December 24) in Turku, the former capital of Finland, the Christmas World is announced. Finland is the northernmost country on our planet. Even Norway, traditionally considered the coldest, is actually a warmer country in terms of climate, because it is influenced by the Gulf Stream. Perhaps that is why the main winter holidays - Christmas and New Year - in Finland are especially loved and celebrated on a grand scale.

Waiting for Christmas

As in many other European countries, Christmas in Finland is a more important holiday than New Year's. Preparing for the biggest holiday of the year makes autumn not so dull at times and begins long before its onset.

Christmas is preceded by four Advent - pre-Christmas weekends. During the first Advent, the opening ceremonies of the Christmas streets take place. The city becomes like a Christmas fairy tale: tall fir trees on the streets, sparkling garlands and lanterns, luxurious decorations of shop windows.

Christmas (Joulu in Finnish) is one of the most beloved Finnish holidays. In honor of him, the Finns named December joulukuu, i.e. month of christmas. But until the 18th century, December was just a winter month.

In Finland, the high point of the year is Christmas Eve on December 24th, i.e. the eve, not the following day of Christmas. Families gather to celebrate this holiday, children who have grown up and moved from their home try to come to their parents. Shops are open until noon, providing the last opportunity to buy gifts and goodies.

Unlike many other countries, the most important Christmas holiday in Finland is Christmas Eve - December 24, Christmas Eve.

At twelve o'clock in the afternoon in Turku - the most ancient city and the former capital of Finland - the Christmas world is announced. Television broadcasts live the announcement of the Christmas world not only to Finland, but also to other countries. The announcement of the Christmas world goes back to the 13th century, when all work and trade had to stop after the announcement of the Christmas world. It should be noted that modern Finnish legislation establishes stricter liability for violators of the Christmas peace and peace of the Finns.

The 700-year-old Turku Cathedral's bells ring twelve times and are listened to in most Finnish homes. It is from this moment that the celebration of Christmas begins for many.

Christmas is traditionally a family holiday. Families gather in full force. Children and grandchildren (usually living separately, often even in other cities) come to visit their parents. On Christmas Eve, traditional Christmas dishes are prepared: salmon, caviar, vinaigrette with herring, potato, carrot, rutabaga, liver casseroles, as well as the main dish - Christmas ham. For dessert, whipped cream with plum jam is served. Christmas is also characterized by a variety of delicious pastries.

In the evening, the Finns go with their families to the church cemetery, where a service has been going on since 5 o’clock. They put candles on the graves of loved ones. The Finnish cemetery has an extraordinary view on Christmas Eve. Thousands of candles shining on the snow under a dark blue sky make an unforgettable impression.

Returning home, the whole family is waiting for the appearance of Santa Claus. As a rule, one of the family members or neighbors dresses up as Santa Claus. Santa Claus's outfit is made up of red socks, a long red hat, a gray and red suit.

The main streets of Finnish cities have turned into "Christmas streets", and Santa Claus drove through each of them last Sunday in a sleigh.

The Christmas spirit begins to hover here from mid-October. At this time, traditional gingerbread (piparkakku) appears in huge quantities in stores. In fact, gingerbread cookies can be purchased at any time of the year, but I believe, and not only that only tourists can buy this delicacy outside of Christmas. A pack of these cookies costs an average of 2-3 euros.

Despite the differences in the celebrations themselves, traditionally family Finns celebrate both holidays at home. And it doesn't matter what social strata they belong to. When you come to us, you will see empty streets. The city becomes deserted ... cafes and shops are closed.

So: walking - in every sense of the word - single youth and tourists.

In the - very recent - past, only the Christmas tree was decorated, a Christmas wreath was hung on the door of the house, and more lanterns were placed in the garden than usual, sometimes inside a snowball pyramid.

So, CHRISTMAS (Joulu).

The cleaning of the house before Christmas takes place on December 23rd. The fact that the Finns traditionally do not have dirt in their houses is well known. I will only add that before the holiday it is even cleaner than usual. This is such a mystic...

After cleaning, we go to the sauna, where for two or three hours we soar from the heart with birch brooms prepared in the summer. We run out into the snow, throw snowballs at each other, rub ourselves with snow and - again into the steam room. In the dressing room we drink lingonberry juice and cranberries harvested in September. Yes, in winter everything is in the name of a person, everything is for the good of a person, and the name of this person is a simple Finn. For example, a ski track is laid by a tractor in all towns.

After the sauna - an early candlelight dinner, as it is already getting dark. Actually, it's traditional to put a red tablecloth on the table, but I

I like the light one better.

Now for the usual Christmas dinner...
First we have fish dishes. Red caviar, which my friend supplies me with every year, he salts it himself, yellow burbot caviar, which I make myself .. Salted pike perch, cold and hot smoked; salmon, perch - similarly.

For Christmas, special food is prepared, fish, Christmas pastries - buns, cookies. Glög (grog) is required, also known as glögi - a hot drink made from a mixture of juice, wine, almonds and raisins. I add vodka to it, I love it stronger, what a sin to hide)

... Such a hearty Christmas dinner is ritual in nature: it is believed that a good holiday snack provides a full life for the whole year. Ha, who would have doubted in our time ...

I usually serve a dessert of ice cream, coffee, fruit and cognac in the living room, where we unpack the gifts folded under the Christmas tree at the same time.

Finns used to give each other something they needed: warm socks, hats, mittens, which they usually knitted themselves. They bought (or made) children - sleds, skis, skates. Children drew postcards to their parents. Be sure to give candles: so that the house is light and warm all year round.
Now - different. But ... these homemade gifts are still considered more pleasant to receive. And drawn and glued postcards from children - too. They are even taught this at school in home economics classes.

In Finland, all shops and restaurants were traditionally closed for Christmas. Sales start after Christmas.

Now it's different - some restaurants are open. This innovation is connected not so much with tourists who are thirsty for entertainment (in tourist centers there is a different life), but with the fact that recently there are more and more lonely people who have nowhere to go.

Therefore, many families invite their non-family friends to celebrate Christmas in their families. Someone always joins us, too, especially in the evening, for the second course of dishes and before dessert: it is not considered decent either to stay at a party or to keep a guest who is going home.

In general, the Christmas and New Year's time is the time of visits, when people dress up beautifully, buy red Christmas flowers, sweets or special gift baskets (sometimes they make them themselves in the old fashioned way), and then receive guests or visit friends and relatives. Not on Christmas itself, which, I emphasize once again, is celebrated at home, but before or after it.
These visits do not burden guests or hosts, as they are short in time, and take a total of a maximum of half an hour, during which they drink coffee and eat sweets.

What do people talk about on Christmas Day? About the sweet past, weather and food. After the civil fratricidal war, it is generally not accepted in society to talk about anything political or religious, which can cause tension in relations. And at Christmas they try to avoid this doubly: they talk only on pleasant or neutral topics.
In Finland, starting conversations about politics and religion, only crazy people and foreigners aggravate relations so stupidly: it is not accepted. They talk about politics and religion, but with like-minded people. And how this spiritual closeness is revealed is a Finnish military secret.

Well ... about religion. In the early morning of December 25, religious people go to church (kirkko), and the day before they visit the graves of their loved ones, remove snow from them and put candles in lanterns. I wrote about this above.


Zealots of antiquity grumble that the Finns do not know such a holiday. This is not entirely true: it has long become a habit on this day in the evening to eat sausages with a salad of pickles and potatoes with sour cream or mayonnaise, and drink champagne at midnight.
It has recently become fashionable to arrange fireworks for the New Year.

And from 18:00 on December 31 to 02:00 on January 1, all of Finland literally explodes: shooting is heard everywhere, and over every settlement - just some kind of multi-colored glow.
The rest of the time it is forbidden to launch rockets, for violation of public order - a fine.

Hello Dedushka Moroz!

The real Finnish Santa Claus lives in the very north of Finland, near the Arctic Circle. His name is Joulupukki. "Youlu" means Christmas in Finnish, and "pukki" means goat. According to legend, many years ago, Santa Claus dressed up for a holiday in a goat's skin, and then delivered gifts on a goat. Since then, Santa Claus began to bear the "goat" name. True, now it is perceived as "Christmas Grandfather".

Santa Claus is the main character of the Christmas holiday in Finland. From the capital of Finland to Korvatunturi (in translation - Mountain-Ear), where Santa Claus lives, is almost a thousand kilometers. First you need to get to the city of Kajaani in the north-east of Finland, and from there only by sled or snowmobile. On the way - a stop in a hospitable chum, where all tourists are fed lunch.

You need to knock on the huge gates of Grandfather's house three times, and then they will open (such is the tradition). Outside the gate, tourists are met by a dwarf doorman and a house guide. He escorts guests through the entire Christmas village straight to Santa Claus. The mistress of the house, the Snow Maiden (for the Finns, she is not Grandfather's daughter, but his young wife), distributes gifts to children. Adults at this time watch the gnomes bake gingerbread and prepare gifts for Christmas. Santa Claus' workshop is also located in Lapland, in the town of Napapiiri, not far from the city of Rovaniemi, right on the Arctic Circle.

Before you go to Santa Claus, you should notify him of this by letter. The address is: 96930, Finland, Rovaniemi, Arctic Circle, workshop of Santa Claus (or Santa Claus).

Santa Claus Village consists of three main institutions: Father Frost's office, shopping malls with souvenirs ("Craftsmen's Village") and the Central Post Office, where gnomes rustle, sorting out bags of letters (completely real), and maintain strict computer accounting and control. From here you can send a postcard to your friends, signing it with the personal seal of Grandfather Frost himself.

For some reason, it is generally accepted that the magnificent celebration of the New Year is exclusively the prerogative of the Russians. A little over a hundred years ago, this was the case in Suomi - the Finns celebrated Christmas grandiosely, and the New Year was the most ordinary working day for many. But time passes, everything changes, and today for the inhabitants of Finland the night from December 31 to January 1 is also a real holiday.

The Finns began to celebrate the New Year on January 1 in the 16th century. It would seem, nothing surprising, everything, like everyone else. However, the Finns have one feature in the matter of celebrating, close to the Slavs - they begin to “fire up” long before the official date. Probably, the reason for this is the series of previous Christmas holidays in Finland: Pikkujoulu (Little Christmas) and Catholic Christmas.

How do Finns celebrate the New Year?

New Year in Finland is a kind of repetition of Christmas. The older generation is used to celebrating one of the main holidays of the year with family and friends. Finns prefer not to stand at the stove all evening on December 31 and usually prepare a rather modest, by our standards, treat: homemade sausages, rosolli (brother of Russian vinaigrette) and boiled potato salad with oil, onion and vinegar. Of the drinks on the New Year's table, beer and champagne most often appear. And again the whole family gathers at the table with dishes, the same Christmas tree, the same garlands left over from Christmas.

It is worth noting that celebrating the New Year in Finnish does not mean celebrating it after 12 midnight, as is customary among Russians. Long before midnight, most Finns have traditional holiday gatherings in the sauna, many set off fireworks, congratulate each other, open champagne.

Unlike the older population of the country, young people prefer to spend New Year's Eve with friends in private homes, in various nightclubs and restaurants. These days, drinking establishments present a rich and vibrant program in which every visitor can find something interesting for themselves. It can be theatrical performances, live music, and even all sorts of competitions, for which the winners sometimes receive generous prizes: considerable cash rewards or full payment for the bar.

Tourists who have visited Finland these days note that you will not find such a scale in any other country in the world. In short, the Finns are charged with energy for the whole next year, but from the outside it may seem that for the rest of their lives. Well, something, but our Finnish neighbors know how to walk ...

Despite the wide scope of the celebrations, the Finnish New Year ends early, perhaps because an old belief says that whoever gets up early on the first day of the new year will be cheerful and fresh all year. By the way, the Finns believe that if you do not scold children on January 1, then they will be obedient all year.

Moose Tip: Congratulations in Finnish!

Uusi Vuosi - Uusi Vuosi - New Year

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta - Hyvää Uutta Vuotta! - Happy New Year!

Onnellista Uutta Vuotta - Onnellista Uutta Vuotta! - Happy New Year!

Traditions and signs of the Finnish New Year

The New Year holiday in Finland is full of various beliefs and traditions. Here are some of them:

On New Year's Eve, the Finns try to find out their future with the help of fortune-telling, which is very similar to the Russians. The main divination takes place on tin. A couple of minutes before the New Year, you need to remember the old year with a kind word and think about plans for the future, make yourself happy, love, money, promotion, etc., then melt the tin in a ladle or saucepan and pour it into a bucket with cold water.

The shape of the frozen tin will tell whether the plan will come true or not. You need to interpret the future either by considering the frozen tin figure itself, or its shadow on the wall from the flame of a candle. See a heart - for love, fancy lace and patterns - for money, human outlines - for an imminent wedding, keys - for career growth, a boat - for upcoming travels. But no luck for those whose molten tin breaks into many small pieces - to be sad.

Another favorite divination of Finnish girls on New Year's midnight is divination for a lover. Standing with her back to the door, the girl throws the shoe over her shoulder: if the sock points to the door, then the betrothed will enter it next year, otherwise you will have to wait at least one more year.

Another New Year's tradition is to set fire to huge barrels of tar. In this way, the Finns show that the past year is burning with the tar, and with it all the problems and failures, giving way to new beginnings.

Finns are a nation that respects family values ​​more than anything else. Therefore, another tradition that has its roots in ancient times is the reverence for deceased ancestors. Thousands of funeral candles are lit on New Year's Eve in cemeteries - in this way, relatives express their respect for their loved ones.

Another Finnish New Year's tradition is related to turnips. The Finn planted a turnip, it grew big and big, the Finn pulled the turnip out of the ground, brought it into the house and put it down until better times. According to tradition, he will have to keep this same turnip throughout the year until it is time to harvest a new crop. At the New Year's table, they will thoroughly clean it, wash it and put a small candle inside, and then give it to the kids for fun.

Modern holiday traditions include a ski jumping competition, an annual government address, and a gala concert broadcast from Vienna.

Moreover, the traditional congratulations on New Year's Eve are not from the president of the country, but from the mayor of Helsinki and are broadcast by the national YLE channel.

Advice from an elk for those wishing to tell fortunes: To this day, in the country, for example, in popular Tiimari stores, you can buy tin ingots specially designed for fortune telling. They are usually made in the form of a horseshoe, which in itself is considered a symbol of good luck.

The best gift for the new year - sports equipment and candles

Gifts on New Year's Eve are brought by the so-called "Father of Christmas", whose role is usually played by the disguised head of the family. To receive a long-awaited present, everyone, without exception, needs to sing a song to him, and he will leave the gifts themselves at night, when everyone is already asleep.

At the same time, the Finns do not give large gifts for the New Year, since the main presents were already presented on Christmas Eve. A universal New Year's gift in Finland is a candle, as a symbol of friendship and love next year, and some kind of sports equipment.

New Year's Snow and Ice Festival

One of the most significant events in Finland on New Year's Eve is the Snow and Ice Festival, which has been regularly held for many years and has worldwide popularity. The realism of the figures is sometimes so off scale that it is sometimes very difficult to believe that it is just ice. The most exotic ice objects are apartments and hotels that attract crowds of tourists every year. Even drinks and food in these ice halls are served in special ice glasses and plates. True, staying in such a hotel is not a cheap pleasure, but the impressions from visiting remain for a lifetime.

What is the best way to celebrate the New Year in Finland for tourists?

The best way to feel the atmosphere of the Finnish holiday is outside the hotel. Therefore, just go outside on December 31 at 6-7 pm and look into the first restaurant or pub you like. Prices there will be completely normal, and there will most likely be free places. Here, in addition to immersing yourself in the New Year's festive atmosphere, you can drink a mug or two of beer or a glass of wine and taste non-traditional Scandinavian cuisine from Spain, Germany, Italy, Mexico, China, Vietnam or Japan.

For Finns, New Year and fireworks are almost synonymous.

The night from December 31 to January 1 (from 6 pm to 6 am) is one of the few nights when exploding fireworks on city streets is officially allowed by law. From 6 pm to 6 am, volleys are heard almost continuously from everywhere, and multi-colored flashes bloom in the sky. Therefore, to cheer yourself up, and at the same time join the Finnish New Year tradition, is quite simple: buy crackers and fireworks in the nearest store and enjoy a colorful show.

In whatever city of Suomi you find yourself on the most magical night of the year: be it half a millionth Helsinki, or twenty thousandth Hamina, go to the main square at midnight. Even if the city government does not hold any official celebration there, the atmosphere is still provided for you - when the clock strikes twelve, the Finns open champagne, shoot crackers with serpentine and sweets into the air and congratulate each other.

Moose's advice for firework lovers:

It is worth noting that private individuals can “launch money into the sky” only outside city squares and parks with permission from lifeguards. All fireworks sold in Finland must bear the Tukes (Chemical Safety Agency) or CE marking, and persons under the age of eighteen cannot buy or even use them.

Work of shops and transport on January 1

On December 31, shops are open until 18:00, on January 1 they are closed. Public transport on January 1 operates according to the Sunday schedule, some intercity trains are canceled.

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How is New Year's Eve celebrated in Finland?

Wonderful and unique Finland is truly the most beautiful place to celebrate the New Year. If you have chosen this country for New Year's celebrations, you are not mistaken. You will definitely remember walks along snow-covered forest roads, miniature wooden huts above the Arctic Circle, mass festivities in Helsinki, a meeting with the real Santa Claus - Joulupukki, and many other interesting things.


Large cities such as Helsinki are completely immersed in the festive atmosphere on New Year's Eve. New Year's illumination, crazy discounts at winter sales, a lot of decorations on the streets, shop windows and trees, amazing fireworks and a celebration on Senate Square - this is what you cannot miss when you go to New Year's celebrations in this country.


Families with kids should consider such an option as Lapland, the heart of which is Rovaniemi. The well-known village of Santa Claus is comfortably located there, which will be of interest to both young and adult visitors. There is also an excellent amusement park and the Rauna Arctic Zoo. In addition, dog and deer farms are always open to visitors, where everyone can ride a sled and get a positive charge for a very modest fee.


For those who want to save money, there is a cheaper option - the Levi ski resort, which is located in the west of Lapland. From here you can also get to Santa Claus with the help of excursion routes or car rental. Not far from Levi is the snowy village of Lainio, where you can admire the stunning beauty of the ice sculptures.


Do not forget that Finnish frosts are something that often takes many inexperienced tourists by surprise. Fortunately, in this country on New Year's Eve you can easily "arm yourself" with warm clothes at reduced prices. The weather on the eve of January in this country is very cold, there can be sharp temperature fluctuations ranging from 10 to 20 degrees below zero. But this is not to be feared, as Finland's climate is known for its mildness.

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Finland, which is considered to be the birthplace of Santa Claus, is perhaps the most "New Year's" country. It is often called the land of ice and snow. White snowflakes, cozy evenings by the fireplace, winter entertainment on the streets, excursions to Santa Park, crossing the Arctic Circle, the Arctic Zoo, skiing on the steep slopes of the mountains, reindeer and dog sledding, excursions to the ice palace of Lainio, in which the walls , furniture and dishes are made of ice - that's what variety awaits you for the New Year in Finland!

The main winter holiday in Finland is Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25th. On Christmas night, having overcome a long road from Lapland, Santa Claus comes to the house - Santa Claus with a huge bag of gifts! Santa governs the New Year in Lapland as well as around the World. He settled in a small village in the north of the country in Lapland. On New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1, Santa manages to come to all the children of the world. No one knows for sure how this happens - this is the mystery of the Lapland New Year. However, both children and adults know that the dreams of the New Year will certainly come true.

The Christmas holiday in Finland is usually celebrated in the family circle. The Finns call December "the month of Christmas", which has its own special traditions: it is customary to have parties with a musical program, during which women make Christmas decorations. On December 24, an obligatory “ritual” in Finland is a visit to the bathhouse.

Christmas in Finland is preceded by long, merry and hurried preparations. For the Lutheran Church, Christmas begins at the beginning of the Advent period, i.e. from Sunday about 4 weeks before Christmas. However, long before that, in October, innumerable societies and associations begin to get in the mood for a festive mood.

The women's organizations organizing Christmas markets are the first to get down to business. They are collected according to an old Finnish tradition, most often for the manufacture of Christmas decorations. Such evening meetings can also be considered the first Christmas holidays. They are called “pikkuyolu”, a small Christmas, as an integral part of them is some kind of Christmas program, speeches, musical performances and food of the season.

"Little Christmas" has been a tradition in Finland since the 1920s, and every employer, regardless of the size of the enterprise, arranges such a holiday for their staff. All organizations arrange their own party. Even city councils can put aside political differences and join forces for a fun evening. They can act out a winter story, play or skit for the entertainment of the staff.

The first of the four Sundays before Christmas, or the first Advent (in late November - early December), officially opens the Christmas season, with Vogler's Hosannas resounding in Lutheran churches, attracting many listeners. In the evening, church concerts are held throughout the country. Around the same time, Christmas lights are lit in shops and offices. In urban centers - an abundance of light. The town of Pietarsaari, on the west coast of Finland, has had a Christmas street (Sturgatan) since the 1840s.

Lucia Day - On December 13th Swedish-speaking schools and families in Finland celebrate Lucia's Day. This tradition was adopted from Sweden in the early 1920s. Lucia's Day used to be celebrated on the shortest day of the year, which is why Lucia, the queen of light, became so popular in the north.

Finland's nationwide Lucia is elected from among ten young girls by public vote. In connection with it, they collect money for charitable purposes. The collected money is received by the public health organization “Folkhelsan”, which is the initiator and organizer of numerous health programs.

Christmas tree and sauna on Christmas Eve

Gradually, decorations associated with the pre-Christmas period of Advent appear. Children put up special calendars, and families count down the days until Christmas with candles. On the first Sunday of Advent, the first candle is lit, on the second, the first and second, and so on, until the fourth candle is lit on the fourth Sunday, which forms an inclined row. This decoration came originally from Sweden and Germany and spread to Finland in the 1930s. People send Christmas cards, make or buy decorations, and bake holiday treats ahead of time.

On the last Sunday before Christmas, it's time to start looking for a Christmas tree. It is brought into the house on December 23rd, on the eve of Christmas Eve, set so that the best branches are visible, and decorated. Finns love to hang flags of different countries on the Christmas tree, reminiscent of friendship between peoples. Himmels, hanging geometric straw ornaments, are also popular, and, of course, many other trinkets. Almost everyone puts one or two sheaves of oats outside for the birds. Candles on the Christmas tree are lit for the first time on Christmas Eve.

On Christmas Eve, Finns always take a steam bath, and travelers to the countryside on December 24th will notice how a column of smoke rises from almost every bathhouse.

Christmas Eve

In Finland, the highlight of the year is Christmas Eve on December 24th, which is the eve, not the following day of Christmas. Families gather to celebrate this holiday, children who have grown up and moved from their home try to come to their parents. Shops are open until noon, providing the last opportunity to buy gifts and goodies.

Exactly at 12 noon, "Christmas calm" is announced in Turku, the former capital of Finland, with appeals and congratulations dating back to the Middle Ages. Most Finns listen to this ceremony on the radio or watch on TV, marking the beginning of the holiday. These days, most families sit down at this time for the first Christmas table.

At sunset on Christmas Eve they go to church, where a service is usually held at about 5 pm. Candles are placed on the graves of loved ones, sometimes wreaths or spruce branches are also applied. The Finnish cemetery on Christmas Eve is a breathtaking sight. Thousands of candles burning in the snow create an impression that remains in the memory of foreigners for a lifetime.

Finnish Santa Claus - "Joulupukki"

After returning home, the family with growing impatience and joy awaits the arrival of Santa Claus. The Finnish Santa Claus is the more earthy equivalent of Saint Nicholas. Unlike in most countries, in Finland, Santa Claus does personally come to families on Christmas Eve. Most often, his role is played by a well-dressed father, sometimes a neighbor or relative. Children dress up as little helpers of Santa Claus: in red tights, a long red hat, a gray cotton suit with red decorations. Coming, Santa Claus invariably asks the same question: “Are there good children here?”, And the answer is always equally enthusiastic: “Yes!”

Usually Santa Claus brings a large basket of gifts, and the children sing songs to him or even arrange a round dance with him. Then Santa Claus tells them how far he has traveled, from Lapland itself, which is a long, long road. He lives on Korvatunturi mountain in eastern Lapland. (The Finnish Broadcasting Company settled him there in 1927, and he has been headquartered there ever since.) Santa Claus cannot stay in one place for long. Children and adults see him off with the last song, he takes his stick and walks away in felt boots and a fur coat. It remains for his little helpers to distribute gifts. The earliest reports of Christmas gift-giving among Finnish families date back to the early years of the 19th century. Gifts were often made with their own hands: they gave, for example, clothes or goodies. In the first decades of the 20th century, manufactured goods as gifts gradually spread throughout the country. Recently, “home-made” gifts have again begun to be appreciated.

Only after this most important event of the evening is the big Christmas dinner served. The table is bursting with dishes prepared by the caring hands of the mother.

Christmas day

December 25th, Christmas Day itself, which in many countries is the culmination of the festive period, passes quietly in Finland. Traditionally, this is a quiet day devoted to religion, when the only occupation is participation in the service in the church. Even now the churches are full on Christmas morning, although the service begins in many places at six o'clock. Many people choose to follow the service at home on television, spending the first day of Christmas with family and relatives. December 26, the second day of Christmas, known among the Finns under the name "Tapaninpäivä" (Day of Tapani, or St. Stepan), is also a day off, which used to be dedicated to sleigh rides. But now there are few horses left. Friends gather for fun feasts at someone's house or go to "Stepanov" dances in restaurants.

New Year's Eve

New Year - can be called a continuation, a repetition of Christmas. Usually the whole family gathers at a festive table, richly decorated and covered with many delicious dishes.

On New Year's Eve, the Finns try to find out their future and guess by melting wax and then pouring it into cold water. Melted wax, falling into cold water, takes on bizarre shapes. It is they who have to be unraveled in order to see what the next year will be like.

They also guess by objects hidden under cups, or by tin. It is melted over a fire and thrown into a bucket of cold water. The frozen figure is brought to the illuminated wall and the future is predicted by the shadow. The last day of Christmas time, January 5, is the eve of Epiphany.