
Seeing a marriage proposal in a dream. Why dream of a marriage proposal. Why dream of a marriage proposal in a dream

Find out from the online dream book what the Marriage Proposal is dreaming of by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Miller's dream book

Why dream of a marriage proposal in a dream?

Marriage proposal - Making or receiving an offer in a dream is a harbinger of the fact that in reality you will please and be hypocritical until you develop high demands for fulfilling your duty.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

To see a marriage proposal in a dream:

An offer to marry - write - your enterprise will fall; receive - new plans.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream of a marriage proposal

The dream has its direct meaning: you will be offered a marriage proposal. In the event that you do not have a fiance, a dream means that an influential man will take you under guardianship. An offer to marry for a married woman means that she is ready to move on to a new stage in her relationship with her spouse.

Big modern dream book

Marriage proposal - why does the dreamer dream?

Marriage proposal - It was as if you were approached with a business proposal - a dream promises a steady growth in your business; your influence will grow accordingly. It’s as if you are making an offer - if in order to achieve your goals you do not disdain servility and hypocrisy, then do not claim great respect in society; in a moment of danger they will not trust you to ring the bell. The girl dreamed that she was made a marriage proposal - from life's hardships and upheavals, this girl will always hide in her love; love will help her survive any trouble.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

To dream that you have been proposed to marry is a quarrel with your beloved.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Many young girls are very interested in knowing why they dream that a guy is proposing. The interpretation of such a dream depends on many nuances: details, other figures in the dream, the mood of the dreamer and her position in real life.

What if you dream about why you dream that a guy is proposing?

First of all, you need to know that the dream in which the young man asks the dreamer to marry him has nothing to do with this triumph in reality. The girl who was proposed in a dream will have to change her attitude to life because of a situation that will put the dreamer before a choice. It is possible that such a dream promises changes in the workplace and the dreamer will have to make a difficult choice that will change her future life.

If in a dream a girl agreed to marry a young man, then in reality she should prepare for the fact that her chosen one will not rush into the wedding and it is quite possible that the dreamer will not wait for a real proposal.

If in her dream the girl answered “no” to her fiancé, then in reality she will be disappointed in her partner. A situation may arise in which the dreamer will need help, but the young man will not lift a finger to help his soul mate.

If the proposal to the girl is made by the person with whom she broke up, then a new acquaintance and love awaits her ahead. This dream promises good and dramatic changes in your personal life.

Freud's dream book interprets a dream about a marriage proposal in a very unusual way. The girl who saw this is very lonely and has not yet found her soul mate. Even if the dreamer meets a young man, the dream indicates that the connection between people is very weak.

Many married women are interested in what the guy who proposes is dreaming of. It turns out that getting a marriage proposal while married is a good change in family relationships. After this dream, the dreamer can count on the increased attention of her husband and the ardor of feelings on his part.

If a girl who does not meet with anyone receives an offer from a stranger in a dream, then she should prepare for a long journey. It is possible that soon the girl will have to go on a trip to resolve her affairs.

If in a dream a stranger holds out a ring of precious metals adorned with sparkling stones, in reality the dreamer should expect a stab in the back from loved ones. It is possible that troubles will arise because of friends who harm the dreamer with rash words or actions.

If a young man in a dream asks a girl to marry him and at the same time gives a luxurious bouquet of flowers, the dream is not very favorable for the dreamer. The girl in reality will shed a lot of tears because of the representative of the stronger sex. We are also talking about a very strong resentment that will not give the girl peace of mind.

What portends?

If a ragamuffin, whose clothes are dirty and torn, proposes to a girl, then the dreamer will have difficult times ahead in reality. We are talking about financial problems because of a stranger. After this daydream, it is better not to lend money to anyone, not to take loans or credit, and take all financial matters seriously. Otherwise, the dreamer will be mired in need and crisis for a long time.

If in a dream a young man proposes to a girl, but at the same time the dreamer sees herself pregnant, it is worth getting ready for troubles and problems that will require an immediate solution. The larger the belly, the more problems will fall on the head of the one who sees such a dream.

If in her dream the dreamer becomes a witness that her young man is proposing to a completely strange girl, you should not be upset and sad. This dream does not carry any negativity in real life. Rather, the opposite. The dreamer will have an influential patron who will protect and protect the girl in every possible way. By the way, the patron is not necessarily a man, it is possible that a woman will take the dreamer under her wing.

If a girl is puzzled by the question: "why is she dreaming that my boyfriend is making me an offer," then you should turn to dream books. A modern dream book interprets such a dream quite simply: in reality, the girl is really looking forward to the proposal and this desire is reflected in her dreams.

Some of the dreams that the dreamer remembers can be prophetic and warn the person about future events. But, as a rule, most dreams are empty and you should not pay attention to them, especially if the dreamer did not really remember all the details and figures involved.

Such a dream predicts the favor of fate, change, a new stage and a turn in life. Especially if you hear it from a loved one. Symbolically, an offer in a dream shows that something will really be offered to you, but this is not always what the girl thinks about.

Not always you will be told exactly about marriage. This is what dreams of a proposal to marry most often.

If you don't have a boyfriend

Young girls often begin to dream about marriage, guess, trying to find out their future in various ways. Often, during such periods, she really sees in a dream how a nice and familiar or unfamiliar guy makes you a marriage proposal and, after a while, this comes true in the same way as in night dreams. But most often the dream book writes that such dreams usually dream like just dreams, which in fact rarely come true.

Therefore, books on the interpretation of dreams are advised not to indulge in vain dreams and hopes, since in reality such pictures turn into big disappointments and troubles. However, if a guy made a marriage proposal to you, at a time when you didn’t even think about it, but the situation resembled reality, then this may be a prophecy about marriage. Especially if in a dream you know exactly how old you are or in what environment, city or village this happens. The dream interpretation writes that such stories come true years later. So it is worth remembering or writing down such prophecies.

If a dream about marriage was dreamed of by a girl who does not even dream of the role of a wife, then dream books can interpret such a marriage proposal as a prophetic vision. However, in reality this vision can lead to career heights and real profits, a new, interesting job or a life-changing offer, which can be both hands and hearts, or just a profitable job, interesting activity or material gain.

By the way, the dream book interprets the proposal to marry for such a girl to the fact that it will come true in reality as well as in a dream. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to it, even if you are not going to go to the registry office in the next 5 years.

However, do not be deceived by girls who dream of getting married. If they made a marriage proposal, this does not mean that it will come true. Especially if you really want to get married. Dream books write that the girl will be alone for a long time. Especially if such proposals are dreamed of in the clouds, beautiful salons and with different plots and variations.

If there is a guy

What is the dream of an offer from a person you like or is dating you? The dream interpretation here interprets the dream in different ways.

If you are just dating and the girl dreamed that the guy made an offer, then this most often means a quarrel or separation, disappointment in this person. Most likely, you will never get married.

Especially if the relationship is fragile and you are not sure about this person. Sometimes the dream book writes that he will still make an offer, but not immediately or inopportunely, when you stop waiting and hoping for something.

If you just like a guy or a wealthy, strong man, but you don’t hope for anything, you just express sympathy, then what does his marriage proposal mean in a dream? It is possible that business communication or friendship will connect you with this person.

In some cases, the dream book writes that if you dreamed that he made an offer, then it would be so, but not immediately. It is possible that in many years you will become husband and wife. Such a dream usually occurs immediately after you met.

If you like the guy, but the relationship with him has not yet been decided, then his dream proposal means that very soon he will be your friend or you will communicate well with him or engage in activities.

If you dreamed that the boss offered to get married, then expect an interesting proposal from him, though not hands and hearts. It is possible that he will offer you an interesting place, as well as a job or position. Intimate communication, which will be bright and romantic, is not excluded. However, if you are married, then expect insults and an unpleasant conversation with a superior person.

Most young and not so young women sleep and see how to get married. This thought occupies their minds, and there is nothing strange in the fact that they dream about what they want.

Dream about a marriage proposal from a boyfriend

Unfortunately, such a vision means exactly the opposite - this is how the dream book interprets. An offer to marry from a guy with whom a girl has a relationship in real life promises a quick spat. And it will be the more serious, the more pompously the engagement in a dream was arranged.

If the girl was dressed in a white dress, then in the morning she would wake up sick. And if there was also a diadem on the head, then health is in serious danger. By the way, this applies not only to the marriage proposal. Always seeing yourself in white means illness. But it is not all that bad.

Marriage proposal from a stranger

If such a statement was made by a stranger or his face was not visible, then this is the appearance of an influential patron - this is what the dream book says. The proposal to marry in this case means all sorts of benefits - both moral and material. Career advancement is also possible. But it has nothing to do with real marriage.

If a girl in a dream refused to get married, then an admirer will appear in reality, and not one. In case of consent - vice versa.

If in a dream a girlfriend or any other girl is preparing for the wedding, then the real marriage will soon take place with the one who dreamed of it.

For a faithful marriage ceremony, a coffin is dreamed of, as the dream book interprets. An offer to marry in reality will arrive as soon as possible. And this is not surprising. Dream and reality are, as it were, reflected in a distorted mirror. What is good in visions is bad in life. And if everything is bad in a dream, then luck will accompany you in reality.

Marriage proposal with ring and flowers

Waking up, you need to try to remember all the details: whether there were flowers, a ring or wine. Their presence and color is interpreted differently by the dream book. An offer to marry means an accidental acquaintance. Again, depending on what color and size it is. sadness, and the larger the stone, the greater the longing. Black and dark shades, on the contrary, fortunately. A diamond dreams of success in business, and a scattering of small diamonds - to tears. Blue, green stones mean stability and respectability, improving the standard of living. Yellow promises minor strife.

If an offer is made in a dream, then gold is interpreted as poverty, provided that consent is received. And a simple (iron, tin, copper) ring - to wealth.

If she was present in a dream and you need to remember what she was like. Red velvet and rounded shapes mean honors and a very pleasant journey. Sharp edges and corners, coupled with white, are trouble.

If the ring was accepted or put on a finger - to loss, if rejected - to unexpected money, as the dream book interprets. The marriage proposal may have been accompanied by flowers. Here the designations are the same as for the stones, with a small exception. White flowers mean sadness, and red - success. If their smell was felt in a dream, this is a good change in life.

Proposal to marry with wine by the sea

Often in dreams of this kind there is champagne. Drinking wine in a dream means being guilty in reality, as the dream book interprets. They made an offer to marry with light champagne - it means that something good will happen, but in the event that they only saw the wine, they did not drink it. Red wine speaks of future rash acts that will be bitterly regretted.

If the marriage proposal was made on the seashore, you need to remember what the water was like. A clean, transparent surface means everything good both in life and in the soul. Turbid water - to gossip, with waves and wind - to obstacles.

How to interpret dreams

A dream often reflects what a person is experiencing on a subconscious level. Therefore, one cannot unconditionally believe in everything that one sees. Perhaps a month ago in some series there was a sentimental scene with a marriage proposal. Or on the way to work, I had to skip the wedding procession, and after some time the brain interpreted and pulled the picture to the surface.

If you really want to unravel such a dream, then you need to remember as many details as possible. It would seem that they are insignificant at first glance, but in fact they are very important. They will tell you exactly what to expect.

proposal in a dream

If a woman received an offer from her beloved man, in reality significant changes await her. Hearing an offer from a stranger - portends an early meeting with your soulmate. If a married woman heard the proposal, then in reality she should be more modest and draw less attention to herself.

proposal in a dream what is it for

You dreamed that you received an offer to marry - this is interpreted as a particularly auspicious symbol. It portends positive changes in all areas of your life. A new person may appear in your world who will truly love you. To make an offer in a dream - you will be able to fulfill all your plans, everything bad will go away, a bright future awaits you. To give a positive answer to the proposal to marry without hesitation - the situation will improve, you will be supported in solving important issues. Hesitate when answering - stagnation in business is possible. If a young girl had a dream about a marriage proposal, then in reality she will earn the respect of others. If a young man had a dream of this kind and he made an offer to his chosen one in a dream, then in reality, she expects certain actions from him, that very turning point has come in your relationship - it all depends on you.

what is the dream of the proposal

Seeing yourself making an offer to someone in a dream indicates that all the sorrows that happen to you happened only through your and only your fault, you don’t need to convince yourself of someone else’s guilt, figure it out for yourself. To see how a marriage proposal is made to you carries the meaning of deception in reality, do not be overly gullible.

proposal in a dream

To receive an offer to join the meal has a positive meaning - you will join forces to do some good deed and will act unanimously. An offer to conclude a truce or make peace in a dream promises peace with the person with whom you made peace in a dream. Someone offers you something in a dream - predicts that soon you will receive news that will please you. You received an offer to work where you really wanted, promises you incredibly good news. To see such a dream for the poor symbolizes deliverance from all needs. Offering someone some kind of treat is a sign that in life you are taking on a responsibility that you do not need.

proposal in a dream

We received an offer to get married in a dream - new relationships will soon be established, changes in life will occur. It may be that you will have an influential patron. Also, such a dream suggests that your current ones will move to another level.

what does it mean if the offer is in a dream

Get an offer - you will have new plans. If you gladly accepted this offer, you will successfully implement your plan. If rejected, the planned will not come true.

proposal in a dream

Proposed by a stranger? Soon you will receive a very advantageous offer from which you will benefit greatly. If you yourself made an offer to someone, in reality you will face minor setbacks that will make you stronger.